Page 1: Customer Transfer Cash Instructions

Customer Transfer Cash Instructions

RBC One Quick Reference Guide

October 2021

Page 2: Customer Transfer Cash Instructions

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Customer Transfer Cash Instructions | Quick Reference Guide


This guide describes how to create and submit global custody Customer Transfer cash instructions. Before submitting cash instructions, ensure that

information is entered in the mandatory fields.

Message Types

This guide explains the steps for a Bank to Bank transfer, the definition of this Message Type and the other options are below:

Outbound payments:

Bank to Bank Transfer (MT202): If all parties in the transaction, including remitter and the beneficiary are both financial institutions the Bank to Bank

transfer screen will be used

Customer Transfer (MT103): Customer Transfer are orders for the movement of funds in which at least one party, including the remitter, the beneficiary,

or both, are not financial institutions

Notice to Receive / Cash Entry: Notification to advise RBC Investor & Treasury Services of cash being paid into an RBC account. This may be

mandatory for some account types

Internal Transfer: Used to move cash between two RBC Investor & Treasury Services accounts; the user must have permissions to input instructions for

both accounts

Note Depending on your company’s approval set up, all transactions in RBC One must be approved from the My Transactions page before they can be

submitted to RBC Investor & Treasury Services (RBC I&TS) for processing

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Creating a Customer Transfer Cash Instruction

To create a Customer Transfer cash instruction:

1. From RBC One, select the name of the product for which you wish to create a cash instruction. For example, click Custody | Cash instruction

(Figure 1). The Create Transaction – Cash Instruction – Global Custody page appears (Figure 2).

Figure 1

2. General Information: In the General Information fields, enter the following mandatory details for this cash instruction:

Message Type: Select the message type Customer (MT103) and complete the following steps to enter the required information in these fields

Client Reference: Enter your unique alphanumeric client reference number for this transaction

Step 1

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Figure 2

Step 3

Steps 6-8

Step 2

Step 4

Step 5

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3. Debit Information: Enter the following debit information for this cash instruction.

Figure 3

Account: Select the account on which the transaction is to be created

Trade Date: Enter the transaction value date (YYYY-MM-DD format)

Click the calendar icon to select your date. Use the indicators to increase or decrease the date displayed in this field.

Note: You can enter a future value date

Settlement Date: Enter the transaction value date (YYYY-MM-DD format). Click the calendar icon to select your date. Use the indicators to increase or decrease

the date displayed in this field.

Note: You can enter a future value date

Subaccount: Also known as the IBAN number

Payment Method: Select SWIFT

Details of Charges: Select Sender or Shared (Beneficiary is not used by RBC)

Transaction Purpose: Select the purpose type from the available list

Amount: Enter the transaction amount

Currency: The currency will automatically populate, based on the details from the Subaccount field

Security Details: If required, select from Code type and Security Code

If you know the account number,

you can enter it in this field directly.

To search for an account, click the

search icon next to the Account

field. The Select Transaction

Account page is displayed. Enter

the keyword search criteria and

click the search icon. All of the

accounts in this table matching the

search criteria will be displayed. To

select the account, click on the

Status check box and click Save.

You can enter a full or partial

search for the Account Name,

Nickname and Number fields.

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4. Credit Information: Enter the following credit information for this cash instruction:

Account with Institution: Account with Institution is the final beneficiary

Figure 4

Leave the Type blank

Then enter the name of the beneficiary, for example ABC Ltd.

Enter, or lookup, the two letter code of the country for the beneficiary

In Account, enter the Account number, or IBAN, for this institution

Receivers Correspondent: Fill in the details of the bank where the beneficiary’s account is held. For example ABC Ltd’s account is with UBS so UBS’ BIC,

UBSWGB2L, would be used in the identifier field.

Figure 5

Note: If there is also an Intermediary, in the Account Field, the Intermediary’s account at UBS would be added. For example, if the intermediary is

Deutsche Bank, we would enter Deutsche Bank’s account at UBS FR0000001234567891234.

We’ll go up to the Intermediary Institution section and put in the BIC code for our Intermediary, which in this example is Deutsche Bank DEUTDEFF

Receiver’s Clearing Institution: If required, enter the local codes for the Receiver’s Correspondent in the Receiver’s Clearing Institution section (UK Sort Code,

Fedwire Code, etc.)

Figure 6

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Intermediate Institution: Use only if there are three parties involved to make this payment

Figure 7

Enter the BIC Code, for example Deutsche Bank DEUTDEFF

5. Additional Information can be used for addition details, if required

Figure 8

6. Before submitting this transaction, it can be saved as a draft or a template. For more information, refer to RBC One Quick Reference Guide:

Creating Drafts and Templates.

7. Click Submit to submit this transaction for approval or processing

8. The My Transactions page will now be displayed. Depending on your company’s approval set up, designated approvers will need to approve the

transaction for release to RBC I&TS for processing. Refer to the RBC One Quick Reference Guide: Approving Transactions for more information.

9. Prior to approval, transactions can be modified by any user with permissions to input an instruction. From the My Transactions page, select the

transaction by clicking on the reference hyperlink to view the transaction details. From the View Transaction page, select Modify from the

Transaction Action drop-down menu and select Go. Make the updates required and select Submit. Your company’s approval model will need to be

followed, see Step 8.

To create another transaction,

select Submit + Create New

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For more information

You may also be interested in the following short videos and Quick Reference Guides:

Video: Transaction Approval

Quick Reference Guide: Creating cash instructions – Bank to Bank

Quick Reference Guide: Creating cash instructions - Internal Transfers

Quick Reference Guide: Creating Drafts and Templates

Quick Reference Guide: My Transactions

Quick Reference Guide: Approving Transactions

Quick Reference Guide: Declining Transactions

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© Copyright Royal Bank of Canada 2021. RBC Investor & Treasury Services™ is a global brand name and is part of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC Investor & Treasury Services operates prim arily through the following

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