
Cyrus solar


Why are so many people switching to solar power?

10 reasons why you should go solar 1.Reduce/Eliminate your electricity Bill By up-to100%.2.Reduce/Prevent pollution (Carbon Dioxide, Fossil Fuel) Since 85% of our US power comes from burning fossil fuel, we need to find other renewable ways to produce energy.3.Independece: lock in your rate Immune from utility rate increases.4.Profitable Investment Has a Guaranteed Payback.5.Increase in your home value.


10 reasons why you should go solar 6. Net Metering Sell back the extra energy your system will produce to the utility company for dollar value credits, LIMITED OFFER. 7. Security/ Reliability towards power outage. 8. May receive great incentives from the utility companies such as rebates.9. Fed Tax Credit of 30% which is deductible at the end of the year.10. Last but not least which makes it all great, is the fact that you wont pay anything off your pocket ZERO DOWN.

How does solar work?

How does solar work?THE SUN: Everyday the sun shines more that 3 Trillion watts of energy on the earth If we had solar panels that covers 191,817 sq. miles of land, which is equivalent to the size of Spain, subsequently we could power up the whole world. SOLAR PANELS: Harvest the energy of the sun and convert it into clean electricity to power our homes, businesses & lifestyles. Even on a cloudy day, the panels can still produce electricity, but the more sunlight, the more electricity solar panels can generate.Light from the sun stimulates electrons on a solar panel Which then they create direct current electricity (DC).Solar electricity travels from your roof into a device called an INVERTER, which converts the DC into usable ALTERNATING CURRENT (AC) before sending it to the CIRCUIT BREAKER of your building.Your home uses that electricity to power the electronic devices you use everyday, so it is like having your own power plant on your roof with endless supply of clean energy.


How does solar work?

NET METERING: Any time the panels are producing more energy than you are using(like the sunny days you are on vacation), the excess energy is sent back to the utility company They are required to credit you for that energy at the same rate they would normally charge, so you can use those credits when you need them, for instance in the winter time when there is less sun.

Utility companies sell your excess energy to your local homes/businesses. Why buying electricity from the rotten power plants, when you can take advantage of free abundant energy from the sun?As energy rates continue to go up the system produces clean renewable energy at no cost to you. RATES

Financing VS LEASING/(PPA) your solar system Purchasing your PV SYSTEM is a great way to Maximize your Financial Returns.

LOAN: $0 down Higher monthly savings. Immediate savings w/o any $ out of pocket. Cash flow over length of the agreement.Typically paid off within 7-15 years.

LEASE & PPALEASE: Take advantage of all the solar benefits without owning the system. This is a great option if your tax bill is less than the tax benefit you may receive. Monthly payments for system/ No tax credits or incentives . Free electricity. $0 down Credit score of 700+.Free maintenance Leasing company is responsible for that. PPA:Purchase the electricity/ No tax credits or incentives . Lower prices than you would normally pay the utility companies. $0 down Credit score of 700+.Free maintenance PPA company is responsible for that.


ENERGY EFFICENCY SELF AUDIT: RIGHT SIZE YOUR SYSTEM Energy efficiency measures also help reduce the size of the solar energy system you need, saving you thousands of dollars in up-front installation costs.

Your California Solar Initiative Program Administrator can provide you with an easy online audit form: CSE (for SDG&E customers): PG&E: SCE:

Select the Right Solar Contractor:Having a licensed contractor is the key in getting the most productive solar energy system for your home or business. At Cyrus Solar, we represent you as your solar contractor and will apply for the CSI Incentives on your behalf as well as arranging for your system to be interconnected to your utility companys power grid. We will also apply for local permits. Apply for Incentives:This fund is based on the size and estimated performance of your solar system. As more solar energy systems are purchased and installed by California consumers, the amount of available incentive dollars decreases, as does the incentive level. Once your system has been purchased, installed and is operational, you or your solar contractor will submit the Incentive Claim Form (ICF) along with any supporting documentation, and shortly you will receive your incentives.

Install Your System Once the system is installed, the city or county will inspect the system.After your new system passes inspection, the utility must be notified to interconnect your system to the grid.Now that your system is interconnected, you can begin reaping the benefits of solar power generation and Net Energy Metering (NEM).At Cyrus Solar Inc. we offer the lowest rates and we can provide you with a free second opinion upon request.Have 100% support from our friendly and professional staff who will walk you through the easy process, step by step until you reach your goal in going solar and by that you will join out family and our Mission in building a legacy by using new ways in producing and consuming energy in order to leave a cleaner environment for our generations to come.

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