Page 1: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort
Page 2: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

1 c l

/\ ~d S' \~ \~.Y WAA o~m"'"' \.. " ( \ ~y' OFFICE OF TH E UNDER SECRETARY .J WA.SHI N G"rON.D.C.

t rr

ty· l \ \ I ~1\ ' J .. \

N II.J \'~,'.,~ Septe.mber 4t h , 194J. .


I understand that airplane production for August was 1 ,854. Tbis is a sharp increase, nearly 400 moro than our July production.

It is the pract ice of O.P.M. to publish mon­thly production of planes io the United Stat es. The Nazis have never released their figures , nor have the Br itish . I understand that Churcbill thinks we would worry the Nazis mor e if we kept thc.111 io ignorance of our output .

I suggest that the figure f or Augus t he pub­lished, it being such a good figure , and that thereafter the publication of monthly figures be discontinued.

~-~ -f. \ l 'II


~. e&tt~:::::~--Acting Secretary of War .

rpp :la

Page 3: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort


l:achitle Guns . JO caliber

Machine Guns .so ce..libcr

)7 W Guns

Hei&ht Finder~


81 tru !.tor tars

Tc.nJ<s - cediw

Carriers - l/'i. tracl

. JO Co.l . Rifles - Garo.nd

SUbcacbine Guns

. 45 Ccl. Piatolo


.JQ cal. ~ition

• ~5 Co.l . Ammurdtion

• 50 cal. kllruni tion

ll.achitle Tools



2 , 191










20, 52)

1 ,900

15, 700,000 lbs.

7 11001000 lbs.

108, 6'JO,OOO rds .

36 ,900,000 rds .

7 , 500, 000 rda •

~5.700 ,000



1 , 854 v

) , 598 v

6 , SJ5 v 327 r



750 v



91 (

746 r , Jl , OC



28, 700,000 lbs.

7 ,000,000 lba.

122 ,000 ,000 rda . -----.__

J5 ,4?0 ,000 rde .

10,700, 000 rda .

$70 10001000

Page 4: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

~TULLY : Gen . . In tson s ays t he se ar e f or

tne l're~ident • s ret~alng ba3ltet .


Page 5: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort




~F (

Septe..ber 6, 1941..


Subjeott Organisation of tho firat ~ contingent tor Iceland.

tou ~ be intereated in tho following detail• inci dent

to the reroval and replaceaent or aeloote .. and Raeerve otticere

wbo were legallJ debarred rroa aorving in the t1rat contingent being

sent t o For tbe entire force, dgbty-two per cent or the

Rosene officers •ol unteered, while on~ twenty-two per cent or the

eel eo teoa did eo.

Tbe lOtb Inrentry reg!Jient , leu one or ita three bet tal-

1ona, {9) otticere a nd 2200 aon) required the replaeoaont or one­

fourth or ita oftioere and oYer one- third of ita enlisted aen, thia

in addi tion to volunteer& obteined rroa the bet telion lett behind.

The Field Artillery Bat telion (JO ofticera and 520 men) roqui .red the

replacement or o~ three ot ita thirt7 officers, but the turnover

of enllated aen ••• in the 11&118 proportion as in the Intantry. To

obtain roplac .. enta for those wbo would not volunteer it waa neoes­

aacy to CCIIb another Infantry r egillent , tbe Medical Battalion and

re aaining Artillery organilationa or the Dh1&1on , and a near-br

General Hoapital.

Tho apeciallsed Services offered an even aore difficult

proble11. One COIII>&IIT or throe ottieera and one hundred and tift7

aon neceas iteted tranators from nineteen different organizations.

£oren ke7 inatructore t..,. special ecboola had t o be dratted i nto

tbe ranke,

.b tbe unite 1n the tirst contingent are in general parte

of larger organisations or tbe 5th Di•iaion, tbe portions or the

l arpr organisa tiona wbicb ware lett be bind were drained or exper­

ieneecl tbree-7oar aan 1 &lao tha7 ha•e had to absorb thoao ••n wbo

declined to •olunteer.

Tbe organ i sation of addi tional forcea ot this nature will

require the dieruption or approxi.aate~ three regiaenta tor nary

one unt and, nen ao, rltb aaal.l probabll1t7 of aaouring volunteera

of certain apeci aliats aaaential to torcea or tbia tne. I aa

Page 6: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort is made be­tween now and next spring t o bring units destined for Iceland to run strength with three-year aen. The difficulty in thie 11atter is that we are onLy able t o secure a limited nlllllber of volunteer enlistments and the high priority for these1as well as the desire of t he volunteers themselves/is for the Air Corps, and to a lesser extent, the armored force--~either of which are involved in the problem of providing the additional garrison for Iceland.

- 2-

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The Ao t lnv, 5.ns1~ t•nt Chi ef or Staff, ~l 1litF ry Intelli gence Oiv1P1 on {¥.1le~) , to th~ Ch i Pf o~ r.t·ff (M• r qhc ll), (·~~•·,~ton , ] September 11, 19111.

Brivadbr .ien"r" 1. Sher'll"n l'. 1l~R ouot es o. l'n1 ted Pr,.s s tl.1Rpatoh fr om Tokyo M t!'~ Sert . 11, 19111 on th" subJPot of r:>1.1ti,.c1 l'evelO:OmPO t 9 1n JepFn POl' ~\1 P.Rtfl tlo.t>t J<~•n r;ooy f' n" • J:'" 0 0Elfl'l way out of tl p orl rio'

Br.E : Fore 1cn ·~le tt )nP of th" United States , l9ijl , Vo1 , IV , Tl'w F~tr EPs t , raf"ei'll'i"j:1!UIJ .

Co~~y o~ t 1 1 " 1otter tr•n~~1ttPd by thP 'Ar Vpno.~t~Pnt t~ Pres1~ent ~oooov~lt )

Page 8: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

._._ '' .. AHCAH41.., "'AI«AMA ' '

Tho llonorable '!'he Secretary or ia.r

Weah1ngton , o. o.

J.1r , Secretary:




llalbOa naighta . c. z. ' Saptomber 16, 1941.

lierew:l th h a report abow:ID& aaoh balaJices u ailablo in Tbe Pan.,.. Canal

appropriations , t1n8Jieial receipts , expenditures , and c~aaary aalea , tor the

mont It ot .Tuly , 194.1 , as co:n~rod w:1 t h 1uly, 1940 , 8Jid tho monthly a Yare.&• t or the

tiaea1 year 1941:

Appropriation eaab belancaa, end or conth:

l~int~naneo llnd Operation SaJiitat1on CiYil OOYa~nt I'os tal FUnds Repatriation - Aliena Goothole ~morial

Addn'1 rae111tie a (3rd LOcke) trans- Iatbman !:i (lbway


Fay Rolle:



~ 32 , 491 , 709 . 17 1,~9 ,262 .57 1,305, 242. 24

356, 165. 10 93 ,665 . 95

156,!506.56 36, 219 , 702 . 77

July 1940

32 , 297 ,921. 40 1 , 039 ,666 . 66 1 , 244 , 746 .93

191 , 496 . 06 95 ,466 . 20

156 ,506. !56 15, 000 , 000 . 00

325 ,000 . 00 50 p :§50 ,6l!7 o85

J.:onthly Avarn&e l'i ealll You 19U

~intonll!lce 011d Operation 2 , 246 ,066 . 38 1 , 797 ,656 . 90 1 ,966 , 335. 60

Sanitation l57,U0 ,52 124,942. 04 139 ,531. 21

Civil Gonrmmnt 96,864 . 30 76,956 . $ us ,6ee. a l

Postal Service 24 ,319 . 30 16, U 5 , 24 20 ,135. 69

Addn' 1 Facil1t1oa ( 3rd Lookl) -.....,....;1;.;4;;7..a.,!5:;.7;.;9;..:•:;;0.;3--.,.....=..;.,=.....,---.....;1;;;0;;;1;.&'.;;656;;,;.;•:.:7,.;,7,... Totlll 2 , 674,259 .53 2 ,617 ,900 .54 2 , ;165 , 5!56 . 48

P!p!nt a trom Appropriation~ : Paymaeter , Isthmua D1ob~reln& Cl ark,

Waah1Q&ton , o. o, Total

Colloot1one: Collector , Iatbmua

Tolle Postal Ra oe1pte 'r&Da, 7eea , 71nea, etc . i\epe.,.,..nt t o Appropr1at1ona Public \'lorlal , !'ellema

an4 Colon Total

D1abura1n& Clerk, Waah1Q&ton , D. o.


2 , 266, 626 . 66 5,686 ,780.44

1,123 ,9&0 ,62 64, 577 ,lll 6 , 726.18

1 , 621 ,645. 25

2,819 ,109.18

13, 225 . 76

2,070 ,817.13

1 , 736, 05:5 . 26 39 ,6~ .00

7, 680 . 01 1 , 145,356, 7.

2 , 956 , 76 '1 . 01

2 ,966 , 6, :S e49

2, 612 , 069 . 44

1 , 771 , 203. 89

1 ,515 ,664 . 95 56,896. 28 14, 2:!7. 19

1 , 259 ,«8 . 22

7, 694. . 10 2 , eti4, U0.74.

47 ,391.87 2 ,901 ,532. 61

Page 9: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

J'uly J'uly ;.:onthly ll.v&rage 1941 1940 Fiscal Year 1941

u. s. Purebaee Requisitions ~ 2 , 339 ,862. 04 2 , 168 ,5 61.05 2 , 782 ,349 , 97

Canal Zone and !Ji s collaneoua FUnds: Receipts -

r.:oney Orders l ' 072 ,82•1 .. 02 394,506. 78 672 , 554 . 78 Interest 3 , 750 .00 3 , 758. 75 &, 399 . 68 Clubhouao Funds 267,975. 24 157 , 286 , 47 197 , 217 . 74

TOtal 1 , 344 ,~9.26 555, 552. 00. 876, 172 . 20

Oi5burselll9nts-J~oney Orders 749 , 651 .84 36'1 , 934 , 35 497 ,595, 48 Interest 3 ,433 . 16 4 ,963. 49 3 , 315 . 19 Clubhous e FUnds 253 , 947,83 138 , 618. 35 176, 911. 84

TOtal 1 , 007 , 0:32 .8:3 508 ,51 6 . 19 &77 1822. 51

Salo of Co~issary Supplies 2 , :393, 209. 65 1 ,4?6 ,271. :32 1 , 6"6 , 263. 21

Respe otfully,

I n duplicate

Page 10: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

-/ l. ... /.~ i cd , n " . ,

/ 1 C"l ' . . II<.~'[,Qr


P A P r !'S i' A C' E S (, '5(.-1(. ~7

Page 11: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

ROUTIMG SliP (Rl ) ~~~

FIOH: '") /)' Of IE:

Aoprovt l • PrePAre Report Cal l Ho II See Ha Cl rcu1tte / S lontture COIMII nt Suggest lottt l nforNt I on j Ur!Jent Mtctttary Act fon "' Fl lt

IJio{ad Mold Prtca&rt Rul,. Keturn

-,~ (... u,~ It'l l '-9'') _.;/- .,_

~ ...... /11..~ .. ~

Page 12: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

-8EORE'f J


Subject: Ground Forces .

I . Basic Considerations . !!• National Policy.

Def ense of · .. estern Ffemisphere . Preservation of war effor t of f'r itain, Russia

and associated powers . Curb of Jat>anese agr ression . Even tWll defeat of C-armany .

~. qeguire~nts . Cerr.umy cannot be defeated by s upply of munitions to

f riendly pov:ers , end air and naval oper ations a1 one. Lar ge ground forces w1l.l be required .




11estern Hemisohere Secur ity. Proviae minimum garrisons necessary to hold

out l ying bases i n event of sudden collapse of t.Jni ted Kinclom.

Prepare task forces for prompt employment against Atlantic islands and Natal re (:don of !lrazil.

•/estern Pacific Tneater . !tush build- up of air power to Philippines ,

t ogether with small in Cl·eases in modem ground ancy equipment and J)ersonnel to restrain Japan from a dvance into J.:al aysia or Eastern Siberia .

European 1hea ter. Prepare security forces for air end naval bases

i n the Br i t ish Isles and I reland. Preoor e task for ces to secure, when opportunity

· offer s , additional bases encircl inr Germany. Sri tain is reaching limi t of usable man power . \1e mus t supplement her for ces.

Prepare fra~ork for forces eventually to defeat Gemmy. 'l'ilr.e i s required to o r gan.ize , train and equip t hese .

-l­QT7' 0n'"mm

Page 13: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort



2 . Im:nedia te Rllgui"'mente .

I As long as Br itsin stands ond her 1lee t remsins intact . ~· AT!J.NUC AASES ,

[I• (l) Grsen1ans! • Authorized 2, 500; NC1N tilere only construe-' 1 tion troops md local ruards . dase for staging sircra.ft to Britsin and

/ ~ ' patrol base f or North /1tlantic . Secure defense of bases and cryolite

It 1 mines es•ential . Forces must be dispatched ea.rliest n:oaent , ~ (2) Hewfoundl!I!'Jd• Authorized 5, 500; """ Ulore 2, ~00 .

/ " r.aval and air bases !or protec t.ion of Great Circle Route 1 and to ossi st. 1/ Cansdi&ns in defense of Newfoundland . Dispatch of appr oxil::a tely 1 1000

men of tho total force can be deferred, but these must be equipped and avsilable in Uni ted States ,

(J) Bemuda . Authorized 4,000; now there 800, Air and

I,J naval base. Contribute to defense of Atlantic Seaboard, Dispatch of about

I 1,000 nen of tile total force can be deferred , but these forces must be ,- tl b .. L, available in United States ,

• J (4) Jamaica , Author h od 8?6; now there 14 , :asential

~ r 1 _/ n-r

I ,. (



( staging fiel d , Ground forces of .)50 men required for pro tection United States ins tallations . Dispatch of remainder can be deferred , •

( 5) Puerto ltico . Autborized and present garrison 21, 000. Advenced air and naval base , New naval base under development , Covers approaches to Panama Canal , From nili tary point of view 1 l'f'duction in tar rison by denobiliution Of Puerto P.i can llational Guard ill feasible , Demoblliza tion would have adverse poll tical reaction and serious economic repercussions ,

(6) Trinid~d . Autilorized 161000; now Ulere 1 , 800, Naval anchorage . !!.ajor air bass for protection Southecst approaches to Caribbeen , J~~~:~pint; off ooint for prompt r:oveeent into South America. <:round forces required for r rotection end ..,bile reserve for prompt. ~eove­

ment . lli.spatch of about 41000 men of the total. f orce can bo deterred, but thie remainder must be l mmediAtoly available in United States .

(?) British Ouiena , ::>t , Lucia , Antiwa, Authorized and present 350 men each. Essential air and naval bssea and etaei n(' fields .

(8 ) Panama. . Authorized end present 331000. Ground forces essential to protect l ocke and utilities, and for ship guards and small reserve for use in South and Cent ral Amer i ca , Air defense demands continuou.s alert, necessi tatint forces occupying over JOO scattered posi­tions , Ground forces cannot be safely reduced .

Jl.. PACffiC BA.SES, (l) Alaska , Autilorized 24, 000; now tbere 16, 000. Air

and naval bases covering Great Circle Route to Far Eaet. Isol a ted ,

- 2 -

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Poor coo::nmicatiO<'..s . Great distances. Fleet in Pacif1c reduces

throat . Authorized tarrison essential to r easonable security.

(2) I'.Awnil . Authorized and present 41, 000. Naval

installations (Kaneohe Bay) being expanded, requiring additional

defences . Presence of Fleet reduces threat or rojor attack . Rein­

foreecents can be deferred as l~ as Fleet re::ains in Pacific.

Reinforcenents must be available in United States to cive Fleet

freedom of action . (J) ~>hilinpines . Present earrhon or onrouto Jl, 000

{12, 000 nati ve troops~ . Critical situation. JaJ>Illl Yo'llvering. strong

air and navn.l forces on her flank ttay dater her or \rean her !roc

Axis . If Japan moves , forces i .n ·position to assist Associated

Powero . llo reduction possible, on t he coot rary r oinforcerr.cnts of

about 12, 000 troops , i ncluding air co::l))le;;:ent..s, in prospect .

Philippine Arr:s:; in process or organization;- 80,000 by January 1,


c , TASK FORCES, (l } Organized forces !or ovcr5ens expeditions.

Tv1o rcrcos especially t rained Cor l andinE attacks. Complete equip­

ment and ammunition reserves necessary. (a) Eaat Coast Task Farce with amnhibious training.

One ell. vision (reinforced) Z1 , 000 men. Possible use; Azores , capo

Verdes, J,!art.inique . (b) \7est Coast Task Forco vnt h amphibious training.

J \ cno division (reinforced) Z1 , 000 o-.en . For in Pacific or west

--tcoast Sout h or Central .Merica. Available for use in Atlantic. (c) Relief Farces. For Azores, cape Verdes,

ono division (rainforced) 27,006 men . After takin& Azores , Cnpe

Verdes , specially trained amphibious task force should be relieved

and quickly reec:nstituted far additional operations.

A (d) E>roeditionary force . Reinforced Corps (J

_. Ay)'' divisions foot; two divisions armor ed; reinforcing units) - 1.54, 000.

" For use as required; Brasil, Africa, Philippines, Dl,;;land, Middle

r:;aat. Essential to security 1\'estem P.emispbero, for exploiting

(Jlt success of task forces tmd for earr-;(ing out ea:ni tments of ABC-1.

' (e) Iceland Foree . One division (reinforced) .· K 28, 000 men . 5, 000 n011 in Iceland . Remainder to relievo 1:Uines and

• British in spring or 1942 .

~, RE!.:AlllDER OF ARIJY. (1} Ground Forces.

(a) GH Reoerve (4 armored, 2 ca'/Ury divioions , antiaircratt

(b) TWo fiel d armies ( 20 infantry divisions)

-J -_.....,, ... ] ... ,"""""' "r:1,..,

115, 000

465, 000

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(2) Air Farces.

~~~ ~~t!nance (e) Schoob

(J) Additional personnel. (a) Harbor Defenses (b) Administrative overhead (c) Train con not assigned to

m1 t.s and instructor a Total

60, 000 40, 000

150, 000

45,000 125, 000

(4) The around Wld Air C=bat For ces aro escen-

(a) For roinforccroent ot expeditionary torcoo

always unprodictable and to mcot the unCX}leetod . (b) To percit rapid expansion .

(c) For training of new units arn reserves.

(5) Arcored Forces included are difficult to train.

Approxizrately 9 conths required . Large nlltlber of speci&lista .

cannot be readily cr eated by convcroion ot other forces . My op­

erations acal.nst Axis 'N'ill require high percentoee ot armored forces.

Firat two antared division:; about 90:0 equipped, with 95% proposed

by A>ril 1, 1942. Second two diviaions recently organized, about

45% equipJ.8d . Equipt~Cnt tor third two divisi ons 2()% or less . By

sprinil o f 1942, four armored divisions 1<1.11 be 85% or better

equipped and trained. The remaining two cannot be ready for opera­

tious before the lute sum:ner of 1942. tlo r eduction in arnored unite

should be .-.ade.

J . Effect on Defense Aid of r educt!! Ground Farces .

a; Policy of Defense JUd sho be bssed on:

- (1) T~]( forces equipped l OQ%. (2) Overseas forces equipped lOQ%. (J) Remaining Arm:/ Forces equipped 5()%.

b . Task forces require 100,: equipaent for ca:bat. Any

r eduction in s treng th Vlill roduco Tasks which CWl be under tw. on .

c . A reduction of 25:; in t!lo pcrsoMcl ot overseas de-

;>artluents would have no ert~ct on antiaircraft m ter1el and combat

vehicles and only J:linor effect on infantry and o.rtillery mater iel.

Sl!!!llnr reduction in stren(ltb ot Base Farces 'm:luld not :ra terially

increase the a::~ounts of llefense .Ud relooses. Excluding the Philippines,

the anv1ng in ohipping would amount te sC~r..e 32, 000 tens annually .

d . Reduction of equipocnt of Reoa.inin;: t.n:J:J Forces below

5~ ia i.llpOeaible l'l'ithout serioualy l<llfering 1110rale and retarding

devolopnent of new unit s . Additional Defense Aid lrlltoriel f r om t his

source can be obtained only by reduction in n\Ullber of units .

Page 16: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

BEORE'P 11• Su:aarbing, no appr~ciable increase in Defense Aid

iteas desired by the Britiab C8D be realized Oteept by eliainet:ing units ot ReJtdndel:' of Anly,

4, fUTURE REQUIRE!fENTS, By 194), Nazis mo,y dominate Eurol'e tl:'om Urals to Ibel:'i8D

Peninsula and tl:'om Sc8Ddinavia to Nol:'th Atl:'lca, Conoany ' • war aachlne Ill!,}' coapl:'iae 400, Collapse ot Russia, England, offensi ve tactics by Japan and belligel:'ent attitude in Latin A=arica an possibilitieo, lie must prepal:'e to aee t these eventualities,

Our broad concept ot en<~ir<~ling Gcrnany closi ng in on her step by step is the only prncti<~al wo,y or wearing down her wnl:' potential by mdl it, ry and economic pressure. In the final deci&iva phase we must co""' to grips witb and anlhlla te the Coman ailitary machine, Forces deemed necessary at this tise to accoc­;>liah role of groW>d units i n supr eme etf'ol:'t to defeat Genaeey c011prlse f ive field ar-ies of about 215 dlvisions (intantry toot, araor ed, motor hed, eil:'borne, mount!dn and cavalry) , It the United Sta tes l'emains committed to the policy ot defea ting Gemany , making an all-out offol:'t mandatory, then wo must buil d t oward those forces oe rapidly as possible , To seize and hol d tho initiat i ve wo must have forces availabl e for employment • t the time and place of our own choosing, not Hitler ' s , ln;y r eduotlon of our presen t forces may resul t in fatal delo,y, T1ae i s l'equired for the training of forces in the technique of modern war, lie ere alread;r late, lre aust not abandon pre,...nt gains and we should push on with wu-eal.tttng effort, furthenol:'e , sudden basi c changes of policy are seldo• justified in pr olonged effol:'ts , and Dl:'e devastating t o or ganized effort, Tne "l ong view" is essential to our interes ts, In other wol:'ds , to shift our national objectives by the reducti on of OUI:' ~ at tbo pr esent time, mdgbt well be dlsastrous , Certainly t he oaomentery encouragement i t would give the Russian and Britbh govoZ'IIIftents, would be fnl:' outweighed by the positive indloa tiona it would give to the Geraan covormoent, that they need not fear an eventual onslaught ot groUDC! forces ,

S. Conclusionn. No appreciable increase in ite~s of equipment especially

neoded by the British ( AA guns, armorod vehicles and ships ) will result from any !:'eduction of Army ground forces , whioll OI.U'I be justified by the present interna tional s i t uation ,

Chief of,

- 5 --B:El&~

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Ct..PD' .1£4

i'!lC~ Ul:IT-'D STAT:::S o::LI'f~ OF L!GhT TAH.S, 4)

CICTOB.i:R 1, 1941 TO CCt l'Lt.'"TICtl OF CCI .. Trti.CTS

NC/rE: llo English Cont rccts Scheduled

l:CtiThS TOT..!. iiLLOCnTit:iS TO r!!QQ\/.kT~c::s Other !lations United States

(1} {2} (Jl {!!l October 290 183 107

l<ovember JOO 180 120

December 310 l.$0 130

Janw1ry 330 ).(.() "JO Fobruary 3o0 llO 250

l.!erch 400 JOO 100

April 400 300 1£>0

W.y 400 JOO 100

June 400 300 100

Sub total 3190 1953 1237

July 400 JvO 100

Aueust 400 JOO J.JO

September 400 300 101.1

October 130 98 .)2

TOT .US 4520 2951 1569

CQ If If R'T H

Page 18: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

-rt:ib I sl~ed i n :-'c. r 1 , ~~ bo r He~rtnrs

P A R T '20 P A G E S 44 30 - 4-4 3 5"

.... ' \

Page 19: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort



Sept-ber 22, 1941

The President ,

The llhite House .

Dear r.rr . President :

In accordance with your letter of Septe~ber 18 an estimote hes been oade to indicate the total number of American built air­craft produced between October 1 , 1941 and July 1 , 1942 which 1 in ey opinion, could be aivan up for export to other D&tiona without too clanaeroualy reducing the defensive strength of our vital outposts and task forcoe . That esti.mllte i s presented in the form of a table , and i s attached as Tab A. I t is baaed upon miniarum

e.llocations to the .l.rm)' and Navy to t'ulflil their moat urgent needs .

It will be aean f'ro:o this table that the exports grnnted in each class except thet of f our-engine bombers, ae well au in t he total or e.ll classes 1 t ar exceeds the rule of tbllllb of 50 percent mentioned in your lett er. A!tor most careful considera­

tion , I heve concluded that I can not approve of the application of that rule to the four-engine bollber class on which we hevc already ta.lcen such he&'t')' def erments. The rollowina table shows those defenoanta , including the fUrther contributions which we f eel we can make now.

To go f'urther would , in aty opinion, impose n risk upon the defense or our vital outpoets which would be excessive .

Ronal Re- Reduced lllot...nt Status After Exports guirer.ants A8ned to 9/IO/IJ. Now Contermlated p,bpodtion

4 3 2 1 2 2 1 5 6 l

.2 )0 Groupe

2 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 0

..Q ll Groupe

2 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0

..Q 10 Groupe


Philippine Islands l!awnii Paname. NewfoUDdland J..les lm I co land-Greenland Puer to Ri co u. s . South .AI:Icrica Mexico JJ!C-l l~)

Page 20: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort


SEBRET llo airpl.rulca are aval.l&ble for training of four-ens:Lne

pilots , for rcnrve, for AllC-l, or for Puor to Rico , under the propooed .lrllcy' all<>t.ent.

The •Jority of all '-ber1, h .. vy aod aodi~r~~, &nil­able for export, cannot be equipped with Sperry bo::~b sights or &llto.,..tic fiiallt control equipment. There are 011 order, for the Arrq, lea a than one hundred and fifty eete or this equip~~ent. Bombe.rdment airplanes in e.dd1 t1on to thia n~~mber IIUBt be delinred withollt bo•b aighta and lllltolllatio night equiplllont unleaa tho Norden eqlliplllent, which is stancl&rd on our planes , is relonaed for export.

ReapocU' yours ,

Socrat..ry of liar

2 - 8EBRET -

Page 21: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort


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Page 22: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

TAll I!

BASIS "0." 'l'lil': hlt"Y 'S ALLOCATio:; FOR KU VY BOl!BERS

JlequireJtents in I'<!B.vy bombf\rs are most cr:l.tieal . A:n immedi­ate Jlli.nimlliG requirement of ll s roups (74B airplanes) exist s . de­ductinf l5 .~ of krm:.f Producti.c>n , the heavy b0111bcrs allotted to tho Aney between October 1941 , o.nd July 191.1 will only provi c!e 597 airplanes . '11lese , toeother vi<.t.h 100 on band October lst -:dll make ponsib1" activa ­tion of the fo11owtng units :

136 68 69 68

136 68 68

for the Philippine Islands l'el'li'oundl.end Iceland or Greonland Pan II!" .a Havmii Alsska United S~ete• ~ritish Guiana ~rd Brnzi1 mth 3. Pmall rescr11• o~ 17 airplnres to J)rovide

£or norMal attrition .

The need for lone ranae land based bnnbcrc in the critical North Atlantic theater is ic~erative due to the fact that ~tGX ~ocd patrol planes lll8.Y not be able to operate in tll<lt area in the mnter,

'~"he two gro\lf\~· in t.he Pt'.Uipp!nes !~ the sm Uest force th.::.t can have any real influence in that theatre . A larc;er force is needed if Japanese ageression in the F~ Fest is to be retarded .

Attention is i nvited to the f~ct that, i n t~ above allot~ent , no ~V¥ boobers o~vo been provided for ABC l althoucn in tho Joint stnl'J.'""Conventltions 1 t was ftrecificr.ll;r ot;reed to have availsble three ~ croups with reserves (255 airplanes ) for ecplo:fll!ent in '!:n,..lan~

The other r<"!uireoents l'.avc been reduc~c! to n sincle ~houp at such vit~ ~oints as Pa~, /~aska, and the South Amerloan eater .

This allotment does not ceet the ot1.n1n1urn roq11iremcnts of the AlViS.

Page 23: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

• • TAB C


COHlAT TYPE AIRCRAFT October 1, 1941 to July 11 1942

Types :Total :Recom- :Balance :: Arar:r & :Defi- I Ar~tty & :Deficiencies •Produc- :mended :Retained::llavy Re-: ciencies:Navy Im-1 in Army & Navy :tion :for Ex- :by Arar:r ::quire- : in Army : Mediate :Im:nediate Re-:Scbodule:port •9/1/41 to:

:& Nnvy ::menta : & tfavy : IJ.inilllum : quirements :: : Require- : Require-:

•'1L11h2 I II : ments : znents II I I I


(A) Heavy Bomber 810 219 591 I I 2550 (21 2160 I 71,13 m (ll ) Patrol Bomber 6 0 6

.. .. 6 : 0 I 6 I


(A) l:!ediWll Bombor I 1814 9.39 875 II 85 (2J 0 : 136o (3 ~ (ll ) Petrol Bomber 2 Eng . 407 205 202 " 202 I 0 202

: :

(A) Light & Diva Bolllbor 2765 2.367 I 398 II 837 4.39 I 770 (3) (!l ) Torpedo Bo~tber 118 0 I 118 :: 118 0 118 ( !I ) Dive Bomber 1067 647 420 II 420 0 420

:: I

(A) Pursuit I 7177 I 4373 I 2804 :: 6662 (2, .3858 : .3510 (J) (!! ) Fighter 641 217 424 :: 424 I 0 : 424 .. .. (A~ Observation 711 .317 .394 I I 2043 1649 : 16.35 (3) (N Scout I 10~1 18 I J,Ol l II lOl ~ 0 I J.OJ.J

Totals : 16547 : 9302 I 7245 1114J6o 8106 :10206 :;!6 13$ I lol .~ II

Army Requirements 1112177 8106 802.3 Arar:r on hand 10/1/41 " 2220 I

Not Ar!!!l Deficien!:Z :1 5886

!lotos (1) !ill ., ounces lln! l2HD ~ ru attrition. (2) Inc1\ldes ABC 1 collllllitmcnts of: .3 Heavy Bomb Croups

1 Medium Bomb Group pl us 1 Squadron 3 Pursuit Groups pl us 1 Squadron

(J) Do not include ABC 1 comlllitments or Depot Reserve (A} Arey (N) Navy


358 0

485 0

.372 0 0

?06 0

1241 0


3162 2220 2~

Page 24: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort



Strategic Defense in Asia Hcciaphere Defense Provision of Initial Units for l~C 1

ColUI!lll A


Heavy Bombers Hemisphere Defense u.s. Possessions in Asia MlC 1 {Engl end)

tAedium Bo~tbers ABCl

Pursuit Hemisphere Defense Stratesic Defense in Asia ABC l


Groups 2.3 4

-l. .30

Airplanes with reserves 1955

34/J _lli_


1 f 1 squadron 85

36 5850 2 325

___1_L1 squadron _ua. 41 + 1 sqWldron 6662

S(lll!e as shown in Tab A

Column B

J\Rldt IJ.M:DIAXE loiiiiiLIUll lUX!UIREA!mTS

Heavy Bolllbers Hemiephere Dotonse U.S. Possessions in Asi a ABC 1 {England)

loledi um Bombers Hemisphere Defense

Pursuit Hemisphere Defense U.S. Possessions 1n Asia

Groups 9 2

Airplanes 612 136



.3510 --"?d.....


This il:lmediats mi.n1mum requirement cloes J:!2! provide for our commitment• under ABC 1, nor does it provide for any reserves.

Page 25: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

~ .. ~.u t.tu arl -~f- ' 'f' ' )'I --""?.· •• -r ' I


,{:• ·.t tt/111UlY1R

' Cato-. 1· 1• ·7• l WASHINGTON r-

' • llg:;.s.~v•.. ,.., g., t :-f..,

s.,~•,bor 2) , 1941

The ,fht t.t Houee

!)ear l: r . t rtl14ent. :

There la preaented herewith The Anglo- Amerloan

CouoUd5tt-~ SUitaen\.··• ba.lanoa eleat. ·~~1.~ st.ooJce

of &GJor it~ or war •ttrlel •• ut luno )~ , 1941 ,

and Grpect&4 ,ur.rterly production to the end or 1942

tort • tiolt~ St.tet , the t:o.Jt14 4lt1Dioa , and C~d• .

I~ o~ lnt.ertatt are ao llnke~ Mlth thoae or

~nsland , the ntceaslty ror aomt ovora11 at~temeot ot

o ::cblned. !trl t.i b and ..::Arlen f'ro4Uo\.1on aa-.:.ed \.O •

to ba eesent1al 1r •• were to plan lntellteeotly o~

rtroduct.ioa an~ our etrat•SY· l~ooor41ngly 1 arra.npe<l to

obtain rr ~ ~·• 3rlt1a~ a~ttorltl•a e atet~tnt ot their

production tlii'Jrea tot" tbelr war errort. ent4: to oo .b1Re

tbt, with our own . 'l'ht wor k baa been oonduotod ln tho

'll:r De~t:::ent by s gr .ap by ..r • .... uoy -1 Who

hae been l ent ~ ua b7 the cr~1ce or ~roduot1o.n ~neee~.nt

t or ~bla purpoae . .r. ~Y hes r~ototly returned rrom

~ on wter• be was «lYe evor1 oonaldera\lon and

aa1Satanoa b7 the Sr1t11b authorltlae .


Page 26: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

.. - 2 - SECREt

Plan• have betA pertec~~ ~ ai•• tbe t e fl«Urtl

contlnulng value through periodic rtvltlon , ~ that

~bey aay aerve •• rerertnot polnta for tha development

or Joint plut . There Will be a 110cthl7 exobaott or

actual production acbleveaent for the ltTtral oate•

gorltl of materiel oovert4 by the r e port, and e quarterly

revtaloa or e4Y8ace produotlon aatl .. tea and tnventorJ

ou.a . Tbere •tll Ukewite be A continuing error·t to

improve our lu\owledge or Axia produot.lon throuS}l tbe

jolat ertor~s or our Intellltenoe Services .

Thlt ttateaent •111 1 no doubt , bt uaetul in

~ny -.ya , and tbt usee tO which lt nay beet be put a r e

cow Htnc nu4tH. : n the &.a~tt.ia , bowever ,

certala conolutlona oen be readily drawn rrom the

racta tet rortb ln tbe r eport. The lt,te~ent attorda

a r eady ceana or ooapa.rteon between tbe produotloD

planned o•er the next eishteen moGtba by the

uoitt4 States, on tbe on• hand , and tbe Un1 ~e4

fiDDSoa aD4 Clnada on t rtrtt 1D abtol.u.t.t

and aeoond tn term. or propor t.lon or ~tal reaourcea

that. .. cb ia pr oposing to a&rahal tor armament pr oduot1on .


Page 27: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

J . SECREl I . Co:lparlaon or U. S. and U. K. -cana41an l'roouot.lon

flobtdul" ln hbaolute Tt l'ULI ·

the o•orall ooeparlaoll.l have 'b.t a. etho\.~ 'by

aulgnlaa a~proxiMtoe dollar n.l\let.loDII t.o tbt atYtral

pr.>•o:ent 1 te:aa. 1c. ~· ba.lnce thee c., tb'.JI re4uolne;

all or Cle Uat..ed achtdl.llta ;.o a CQIGM)D dtt~GC:la.u.or .

ror tnt el~ht..aae ~otb pcrlo4 ooYared Sn thlt report,

troa 1uly 1. 19~1 . <hroueh Dtceabor Jl, 1942. <bo

pro4uotlon of airpla.aea , .,rananot 1 t.t:!l.l aM n•••l end

aero~ant vteeela scheduled rar pro4uot1on by t~•

Unltod Ki n~o~ and Conada wlll e~oae4 tb•t ~rtaently

aohaduled by t he United Statet by approximately rour

per cent .

ror current ~uartar, •ftlch an4a September )0 ,1941,

0 . 1 . production will be 1••• than t.o•\.hlrdl th8t of the

Srltlab- :acadiao. ar tht aacoad ,u.rttr or l9~l, the

production of tbt United ~tataa •111 ~ abou\. ltYtl

wh.h or t!:e U.J . -Canad..1tn to\.el . and Sn t.b• ot 1942 it. wtU b.n·a toree4 ah .. d b7 approxl ­

cat.alr t.ulrt.r per ceot. . The ad• or 0 .3 . ln tinal quarter le exegser& •~••bet by raot.

that. 8rlt1tb production or naval vaaaalt ln that. nerlo4

11 eobe4ult4 to taper orr sh~rply tro. pre•1oual1 aob1ave4


Page 28: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

SECRET levels . It t ne last quarter comparison is limited to

planes and ordnance items, tho advantage ot tho United

States is reduced to twenty per cent,

For ordnance i t ems alone, wn!oh account tor almost

one- halt or tho total value or the llstod items, tho

Un!ud States production tor the six quarters is about

one- eisb t h l ower than tho U.K.-Canndian aggregate , In

the current quarter, t he United states total is less than

sixty per cent or that of the United Kingdom and canada.

The second belt or 1942 shows the two schedules appr oximately


In e.i r c raft , United States output is less t han three­

f ourths ot t he British-Canadian t otal in the current

quarter, but moves ahead in the final three-months or

1942. I n tho last quarter ot 1942 it 1S t i tty per cent

above the u .K. - Canadian out put, In all classes or planes

except heavy bomber s , Ame r ican production moves ahead

ot the Bri tish l evel by the middle of 1942. British

production of boavy b~bors has been Increased apparentl y

at the expense or medium bomber pr oduction.

The following f i gures indicate tbe rel ative levels

of production:


Page 29: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

/ + SECRH·

:tATIO Oll' W,.I.t.TE m' U. S . PRODUCTIOt: TO 0 .1~ . -Ct..!tADIAN PRODUC1IOU"

Ordnenoe Airoratt. veeaels Total

July- Sept 194.1 58 72 58 61 oct. -Dec . 1941 72 101 60 75 Je.n .-~ar . 1942 8) 120 72 89

1942 91 1)0 77 97 Apr . -Junt J'uly- Sept 1942 97 1)9 106 11) Oot .-Deo . 1942 10) 149 181 1)1

1u1y 1941- Dec . 1942 88 U2 86

~lnolu4es all ~Jor 1tena or ar~ament an4 ammunition , mill ta.ry ai.rc:r&tt, oe.vel •; easela and mcrohatlt V'eaaela . Exolu4ed are some signal equ1~ent , ell quertE~~ater items , military construction , end industrial equ1pment and racili t1ea .

It is or interest to compere tbe items in whtob one

group or the other bolda the relet1ve advantage . The

output or the Uni teet S t.ates 'Hill be greater than the

U.K.-Canadien out~ut in medium and light bombers ,

u erohant ahtpe , light ~~e . army ar~lllery , 2~ .


guns , rifles a.nd 8JUll o.rtafl Ul:'lUnltion . Tbe two pro•

duotio.oa •Ifill bo approxi~t.ely equal tor rie, air ,

maobioe guns , end anti·eiror&r~ gun ~uoitloo . u . A. ­

cana41eo pr oduotion will exceed ror beavy bOmbora ,


Page 30: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

-b- SECRET bta•y and medium tanka . tank and anti·tank gu~a, an~1-

o1rorett gune, and ezmy artillery ammunition .

The production o r ~•robant ah1pe in tbe United

Statta, a vitslly laportant rao tor ln any victory program,

la planned on an lmpresai•• aeale trottdlftl Joint B~ltlab

aa4 Canadian output by znre than 100 per oent . On the other

band, the Brltlab output or ••••r•~ or the aoat dlrtlcult

and tlltntlal war &etarlel lt~ 11 creattr than oura . Yor

exa~la, the British output or h.aTY boabtrl over the elgb~een

~Dthl period exee&da oura by ?S per oent. United Stotea

btayY bomber production aa planned 11 well btblnd tbt

Brltlah rl~nntd production evan in the laet Quarter or

Similarly , the Br1t1ab are to product over 2 ,000

bta"Y tan.ka by tho end of 1942 whtriiU wo hove ttl yet

no production acbedul&d, and t~t Or1t11h•Caned1an pro­

duo~lon aohedule tor oedl~ tanka o•er tbt elgbtttn months

ptrlo4 e1ceede oure by more th~n ttn per otnt. The

Brtttah ad•antage 1n anti-teak guna la o•er tltty per

oent. a.od ln a.ntl-cUrcra,t't. guAI about ont-tbir4 . The

reoord tor the a1nh lbOWI t.hat, upon be. ala

or pttatnt eobedules, not oaly eball we atlll bt behind

Britllb production in moat or thtll item.. bvt ln •••era~

or tht~ we ehall not be ~ppreo1ably aooeltrating proauetlon


Page 31: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

-7- 8ECRET at the end ot the per iod ,

II . O, s. va , II .K.-Canad!.an Production Relative to Comparative Resources.

Coneidering the bead aurt which the Britiah

have had over ua, and considering the all-out character

ot their ettort due to tile real1t1u of actual warfare,

tho tact that this country ia plannina to produce only

sli&htly leaa or the maJor items or war equipment than

wUl be produced by t he United Kingdom and Canada throu&h

the year 1942 11 a most substantial achievement .

On the other hand, our resources are mucb

greater than thou or tho Britieh, both our population

and national income is approximately t.a and a half ti~e•

t hat or the United Kingdom and canada combined , and even

when all owance is made for our very oubst antial exports

to tho United Ki~dom and canada, our supply ot vi tal

raw mater1ala euoh as steel, copper. zinc, tin and rubber ,

is tr~ two to six tiaes that available to the British.

Moreover, although the stimulus ot actual warfare ia great ,

the extent to wbich England has been bombed from the air

and baa ourtered looses in materiel neceaaarily baa had

a deterrent etteot on her production, Int erruptions and

delaya and inefticioncies he•e reaulted tram outri&ht


Page 32: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

-s- ~SECRET dta~ruotlon , rro2 1mprov1ot4 end beaty planotns and

the ln~b1llt1 to concentrate btr .. outaoturln& prooeaaea .

l'lh•tbn Ol.Lr tf't'o.rt bat btta OOIIIIltndabh or- cot ,

tbt raot ~*Da!A• that the t%tea~ or our prod~oti~a

t.;)uply only a~x1cat.ea that ot \.ht Ucl t.S .&.1CI;doa and

Ceaad..a . 'rbt ~1t11h pro4uo\1on ta aot alone UMt. an.:ru~h

W ''·~'PP17 lt.a om ror c ea . IAri.l dt flolu wlll tdat. tn

thll reapeot even 1t the n•• t.nd- L4ete epproprl~tiooa

ere p&taed . on ~P or tbla tbt ;ar Dtper~eot. 11 rt•

oelvtna coaatent d~,.nda to supply the Ruttione , the

Chlntlt , tbt Out.oh and the Latin Amtrlotnt , end ther e

11 oonatantly before us the neotetlt.y or equl,plns our

o •n er~ad roroes to meet e l tuatlont Whloh otn develop

wttb c.reat. raplcSity . Pur tbtntort , the rt(lulrt!"':tnt.l

neoeetary ~ the aohievesent or vlotory are !tr lar£er

tban ~boat needed c•rely ~o •••r~ dtt .. ~. Tht "'r

Dtpert.::en~ . at you know. 11 oon.dYo\.111& atu4ltl t.o

41\.t~n• tb• oYer- all ntcett1\.ltl 1n order to aoc~pllah

a Ylot.OTJ OY&r AXle powera:aod no\ oal7 aa I to.pged

1n dltouttio~a on thie subJect 1\. tne preeent t1-1 ,

but t~l ~111on sent r tototly to £nel•dd btl been lnat ruoted

\.0 obt•1D tram tb• Br l t 1th .n4 KUtll~D eo•trn=tD\.1 their

tltimate l or their requl rtmtntt tor tb1t purpoae . I t l a


Page 33: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

-9- SECREt inevitable that tnt cooolualona Whtcb will rea~lt rr~=

theae ~~4 lta aDd dlao~ealooe aa we ll •• rraa our praaeot

co.DJt,anta :uat 1 .. 4 ~ the caoaeattr tor lnor .. ae4

pru4uotlon 1o tbJ1 oountrt or w.r tQuipmaot . How xuob

thla production •111 have ~o be lncr eaeed r te8lnl ~ be

daoldad , but the enoloaad 3tata~ont ot the 8r lt11b ftn4

~erloan ,roduction ahoul4 pro ve oo~ useful in ar~1Y1Q£

at our dtolalona.

~ecrettar)' or ·,'ar

1'rMkl! n. r:'".'\•nel t t.t'bu .r , ore: o lieu ......... o.t <•1.,11•>

Page 34: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

'""'' .... .. ,.,.,. .Dbll·

1M Milo--riND Oo- l !Aa\o& ''"'-' -• --"'· \loio ropor\ ..... tho ...... , · - ""'o-M& .. ,,.., ot ...,. ..,u,_., _.tor • _.tor t o tllo - d 1M3 tor v.u., NM& lt...,.....""' Oou&a .

1M ._.,. a\..-.. Mrek " ....,.' .,... ... , eMeka d .... r ~- or - o d ~- vl\11 .. .,., tor \loo flrot

""' J.u\ _..., ot \loo - · ""' w!.\11 \loo to\ol. _, .. w loo p- loo- - - tho oa& ot lMI.

lrlUelt, e4 W''W lppUee

1. ..loti, \loo \o\ol. _,,.., la oi4111'"" -tho "' , • \bzee ooaa\r let ,.,.,~r. it --. ee\1ea\ee la ,._ ,._...._, an nalhM, wll1 ,......,. wl~ pre .. \ e\MIIh u f t 1lnel-

1111111 .. hefe.eUII 1.1 I?Ntiw u •aNY· .. .....,. .. _ ..

2PO 1 ,100

..u .. -..." 2,910 1,110

J'~toro I ,UO 1'/,100

.. ...,. .... 1 __ 1,110 :M,IOO

IMrollu\ llllpo (000 cnoo toao) • • ooo f, 140

- .t.nUl orr ( tlol& ,

-- -looM7) ? ,UO 11,100

........ - (-~ Ill • • • • ) 11, 1?0 M,IDO

, ..... ,._,w __ 1 ,710 1'/,100

&lt1oo 1,100,000 1, ... ,000 -- - .ooo 1'11,000


J'1ol& - MU·-- Cooo -.o> u,uo 111,000

....... (000 -.o) M,OOO I.Oli,OOO

.......... (aWU.O) ··- 11,000

• ...... ... '-- ..... _ , . , .......... , \.M

- ot \loo ~. .. .... _,. -'" 0 t o_, ot \loo ra\o ot ollllrlap, ... raU-.1 looo or o\loor _..., lanai \loo o~ -*· No 11M aot J'l\ loooa oalo ,

-1- J£CRfi

Page 35: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

A•w=un liUal

I, "- ''-• 1a \M - M1- wlU lo •"&laM "' \M t oU..U, utiMtot --... 1a u.. .. ,. fl ... , ,., 1a u.. - ... ,n.. ,_ -..u.. .. -u. '"' • .__ -.u _,.."' u.. .. _u .. tot •'-'--···-_,_"

-.-~ ,...,."'" _,_liM!_ --·~· ...... -. -- ... u.---ut1ao ----u. .... ,lal&-.t..f.­....... ........

' ''-• I tlaoo 10 ,., .. , .. ''-• • •t•• .. u. ... .. ''-• . ''-• I tt.o

• u ... .. ''-• I ti.Mo

... ....-u. .. at.,. .t.rU.11al'7 (.._, -. .. -ruu) h · -'"' ' " ""'" • o1._, a.ou .. , ..u. 1.._, lo•lor a lnntt w111 oalr r loo "' - 10 )lOr ao•'·

M \M hl'-' IbM• 11 at aa earlier a\ac'l ef p.,.-.uoa , ..... lrU.ala aM a......., , ... .-ri_. ra'- ' ' aro~ wlll la ••' .... , M .. u lUra)l7 .,...,.r u.a U..t of lri1a1a - ....,...,

1. "- nt,.h of '"' v . 1.1.. - of arUala­......._ ftiJMUftll' ..,.lac ._ W.le ~rlo4 eo...,.re •• f •llowel•

(a ) 0..\,at at u.. v.1.1.. Ylll ·-'"'' at llrl1a1a - o ..... lal·

-. .. - 1._, ..... " .. _,Pl.,. ~·-, .t.rU.U..,. (~t. eM.tu- -.,) ao-.­llll1ao .........

( \ ) .......... Ylll "' ____ ~,


~l.lnntt ...... --·lea ---(a) llrlUoll - Oo-•· .. .,., Yl1l - ... , at ....... laJ• ...,_

...,_eM.t __

-----~.--­........ -,.., art111•1'7 -uw .


Page 36: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

lr1Uell W Wr1''' tsnll•• ·

h ·- u.. .... ral..-.• often., u.. u.r. ...Urleo ...U J'eC'&,1N a •-• ....,.. M•wn - · .uw.ft - ou,.. rtcu- ....... et tl\Mr Ma .....,.. or • ..,. .. ,, 1a a toN \Mt ... M .. ,u.aa to u.. •-u .. w '""-'· Jat a r..,P 11Uato ot •U ,rltto 11M •• t~Wlt.a& to u. l-et .,. -..s-• lllt.a& 11 u.. -- - ·

fM MlAlaU• .... -• "'"'"' et ,.-u .. of .,. -.ou-• _, Jrltola - - anoc u.. •~Iota ••~• will •-" _, of Uo 1JailaUtotoo 'It' aNal U ,.. Mal - U.. l.a&oa fJ.cvoo Mloe '·'·-"· 100, W.l . flu - 1U (t. o. ftl. M - -. ID) . Ia \lie lllll'l'ft\ _... • • '""" - - wl11 " --loe ..,,._"IT tn.. u -.,. _._, u "' falt.a& ltotoo1 U.. artb ,...,..ooln~T ..... ,.. , - la tilt lao\ caartor ot lKI \lit V.I. ntpat la \otol will M rQ'ICit.lT ·~ \ o \M\ ot Jr1\&la - - ·

All U. aMn eo...,.t .... ..,., Mwft.l' , n'~JM\ \e \lit .._ .... , .-lltlaaUoa -• -•"- Jlualoe h M\ ,.., .... a, •.

l'vtllor, la_..loe labohial otforh , l\ u..U" ..... -· -· llrl\18 .. _,ln of o\Ml h Mloe -I.Ut \o \lit -· et U \t ID ,.. -· troa V. I . ,.., llallar~T. oq~ll" tor U.. llr1Uu tUl ioe pn- h Mloe ~ t- '·'•-"• to \lit u\oat of • ' ' ., por ... , .

4 . Oa \M 01\W.Me Won u , M Wftr, U. ...-ltl.M& .. UlU .... fomd taa ,.....,u. tor \M Arn:al ~ will " .U.taa\laliT ~· .- -· ot "" falt.a& ltaM• t er MM hl-\k.t.Jof.e fll \M lW. 111M& •• \M --"" _., -·· Ia \lit ola\11 caarMr •--'IOC -·tao ,..-u .. w111 -.. .... ..- u.. .. _u .. , ,..._\lea ee)t' a to ..... \M •••t'" f"M•W, _...._ ...-u .. la u.. ot.a\11 -"'• wl11 -· Jri\18 •a Ua 1a .... , ---~ .t U. l ieN& lMM •

.. , , elaN .. lUU. &·efta,, ... u ot J-.. IOU., lKl, won ~· lllu of tilt 1Jait.a& lto\oo, - u .... -· ...,. --·lallT lor-. - ....... lioeU• - -. ..u o•m ~ a \otol -uuoo et •tortol - ...uM1o 'It' \lit - of l KI (•- u ot hM 10\11, lKl) plu ,..-loa t or U.. -' ou _.ton) for ••• at U.. Uo\M 1- -· .....,.. ao tv\ller -·" troa -•tao , ..... u .. won - · -~ ... U h ,.rtao\IT ~~ -· lnU­e.a .. 'v ,...... .... U... wU1 M\ M ntrlela'll' J.uwe to -• JnUu 111aw. ....,U..•ato tor _ .. 1 ..

-.... lUll ~ .. wl11 u M nt11o1oa\ \ o allow -· Jr1toll to - .Uo\aatlal -·•"•UoM b Mll\ol7 ~· \o o\Mr M'-1 - .. \oa\lal --·· _., "" .&all -- - -·ta. - · \lie ..... _, ta~oo - - ~·u. .. llltjlt --· u.. Jan; -'"'•'· -naa ,.-u. ,.., lo nllM- to -~•. u .._ .... , - · llr1tob'• _, --· - b oUlUoa to~ \lie 1•' •• - .. - \lie '"""' f/6 - ... ~ ADI t ....... llltM\lftl . ......~ ... UU• ... , M __ u,w *llo - Vait.a& 1\a\M h "''-'loe \o Wloe 1h ._ tor~~o to a """""' fto\iOC wi\lt \lie ~ ... """lo .. ,.,.

Page 37: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

.t.l.J!Mollr tM ,..Uol\ Ill.& 'r _, 171\&la­eu..r,...,.. IIMkLirt *" ' · au .... , ,, ·-~ 'M-•• \111"'--~ d tM oaUro _, - taoo\ lou 'Moa .- la tM v.!W 1\o\oo, 1\ -- . .... , ........ 11 l\0 ~ ''"* lo , .... ,.,._ la .. atrooUn faoklft , \M 'falW 1\o\oo _., -IMl for ......a\ ,,.....u ea aa ....,., .t Ue ,....._u .. ne...,...e ,...,.ruoaa\o \0 \llal *lo lo ....... \o Uh ,..,. .. la

-· ... ,\ala - - ·

le!WI T· lrtuy tit& W•'W -eN'''• I~ 1M pn,.Ml k ~ ,.j., ... , 'ecrtMa e\ak._., of _, ro•-• tao- \M """"' _.u .. *' U.oo rooovooo o-u 'M -- riU \ 'Moo of t'M - · u lou .. , 'Moa ,.ool\J.e to • ....,. uo ....... ooUaattaa u tu u \M ekMMa\ ef ..., .w ,.._....., , ft\ tate ... uea froa tM -·~- - lrl Uoll b\ollt.p- Jo,.n•a\0 llao Mea la.l.& ea tM \&\le. fte ek\ ... \1 an .,nu..ueu oall - ta \M .,...u •u~ toll ..... -. aot "'""-' u rioo a\ \~o •'- \o oll&r\ - hroaa ftcvoo oa \loa .....­~' 'M7 an et .. 1M a utfena\ erUr .r ....,.... t e ..,. ....... ,,,. • -. .. ., ,..... ..... , • .....,...n. wl\la ........

la ..- ,..,..,, \M fen~ ee\LM\et 4.U'fer 1a w;ua ... ,..._ • ttpne 1a \M ..._uuw ·--·· """" 1o oout .. no~~u uut •*• u. - •lou -... ! \loll ooU aa\oo lMIU.o ,roauttoa - o\ooko of \M- -·of Wul all.Loo- oo\olll\oo .

1M e...U ea lM Aaclo Yerteu ekMMa\ an-"'' ,..._, \M hnu eet l •Me .,.. )UU wp fro• - ulolo1L.-.\o - l&atlll"' uno. h -a flcVo --I.e riU ov ..,., U w.U ... .... eMT ....... , , .. a&M:r el ........ ..,._ • ee\Nl .tu.:a\e ......,_. M Nl .... -, •• · " ronco ~ M tiV .-. f er...,. .. 1a ,. .. ..._ , la U..l\ IJ' 1a et.N.

UAlutt', .. o..U oal, ooUaa\o .. _.. -Uoo-..ta&tMMd,.,-o~froa

·--·· d -· ...... , ... -'"' , ... , ............. , Lo ., •7Mk -•Ul ftll&laa\ Uo , ... _, lonl.

rlaalq, _...u .. alll\&17 otro._u lo .. , .. '" ,...... 'r a otaaJ.e &o'-17'-'lr-Mo'-17 Mlolol.OC ol _, MWlal, Rl 'r a W..lal ol tM .... ._.u •'-' of - ... d ..,.,, ' acalU' _.._r \o .,._ U ~ 'M &UMU, -- riU - _.tor uo t.rrata-~u--. ,._,,wUl_...

I . ... II qU .... tUu ...& t.z ........ '\ln ,...,.

u.. .. -. --'11 \oalw --- d -­fthlM of .... --· II -·• taoo\ lloo la\oll...._ llatro of \M , .. -lrloo IIMoalt o\~t \o - aa ..,..... tt\lM.Uea ., \M ~· 1 ,.,...,.., , .. , ...._.. U will attert u. ... , -..nn at ,.....S.n•ah , ., la orter \o atn a - at ooalo t o Uo ttcvoo la t u ' """"' ·--··

Page 38: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

3 "u 1M tn=m•· '· ...... _u .. w ........ .........,., oltaifl_, utt.._..e ._.._ \M JHCP'-• fit tM lalW. IM\tle - \M lalW d *10 \M fou.wbc an • l • t•

(a) Ia' "'" IIIIo .a.orleaa - wUl la -ral --a-~ raUoa,... IU , ....

\M a.tUolo .- 2 Up tor arUU.,r ........ o.. .- a\MJ'...a. ~

A.-riMa ,....._ ~.,.W.I Dt1-&1Nhlt _, .... .. . - -" ll\oral Male \11M \M JriUolo .-0~.

(•) h*••

- · " ,.. _, ot •u .....,. u& •Uu \o-n ,-M la \llo lao' -"'• of l Ma la a.t\&la ......... will " .....,. \e-.n. la - 110a1\ot ...... -, ..,.ruoa wUl llo oalr o»o• • ,.. ooat . IIIIo vanot "''"' 1'-' " _,. '" ... "•• 11\111&\e 11 a)ft\ \U.I \Uiitl U . .. &I

- - - ll&IM• '"- · (&) 111.11111...

..... 'MU '"'" ... kft .. , ,., ... flaall, .... - . .... ...... u .. ·-"' ,... ' ·' · ..... - ...n.- - d -a . .t. ... ll u.a1- u. .- .. _ u ..... ..,._,, .. , ~~ wU l 1.- 1 WlaU *lM t11o v.a . .t.. ll \ollie .. - " -.1r. IIIIo llal\ot ltetoo ff4voo -· tllo ,_.._ -- ....... tllo ... o~,, d ~ -••· h allowo a- larpr _,.nlaa d ..u - -- tllo .,.ltlolt -=· 1111o vane& "•"• ....... " ,.,, -' ,. . ., ._... - • ""' ... lo _. ...... lJ.

( a) ....... , ...... ,,,,,J., .

.... -- ...... lo -- .. -­larp -""" ~ ~· - ......... l.MI • •• "-'-.a ........ •.. b ••

la \M -- lUIIM atMr t11o - ol 1M1. ~a. va&.w •t.a••• .... __...,., -lac tllolr ,......, .. d _, oan ........ u. a.ttla ,......_ ., .1.1 .... ''-" .. ,_, '--· •

1arp -'"' d--- -· -- ......... lr • ,_, .. -·~-~.w···

Page 39: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

II /

lri'"' t:r!)'!

I . II- n ) t. tt.cuet ...... 'Ma 1011pUM f t r .. rt&la - --lala .• '"-""•., .... "" ......... ., e'•ef•tM U L.._.lac b a _. ll ... r f N,.r1ba tbu .._ oa•ta~w ... _ ta "" • • ..,., ., -•· • ........ ., "" .. ,u.. - "" - - ...... ., _.._- ""-- ,..,_ '"•""·- .. _ .... .. _ ... ,....-- ,..._ . ..._ . • ..., .. ~ ., .. ,u •• ., -·- wUl ..... - \M olN Of .... -·- 1\a,oo 1M ... f.u7 - --· ......... tl"" 1arp .~ ... ._.. ta ...... -· ......,. ..... ·-· ""._. •tculo .......

t . file nt:pat .t arUlP enatrlet ••• et ... , b .. , -1-ta ...... '"-""•· .1. \Mlo ... ..- .. "" ... )o ANr tM& ..... tlltat:M 1\atna\ ....,_ \M .... , tar1ac \M w»le "'"' tn• lMH .... trltt et ''-"' w.1• \loeT an ...-... oa \lftlF • ..nlF for \M vatW lupea. h _nl, \lie -•r tkU" of \lieN .... 'bi.e ..... lett -... 10 ,., ............ ,u ... ., \MM t\t nt an .. U,.)le \ t \M h.lW IU ...... a . 1a rU'let, Mr\al't, f t e U. .,..., a:& . ~ •• ean&.ua .... ........,.. ..,.., ... - . ...... .............. .. ....... .. \lt ........ -lO ......... .

..., le' 1 ' · ' " ' ·

Page 40: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort


];> WDVi .. ft()Cih Sl 1M lii!Ualll.

••w '""' ••w l 'sds ... 'n?sh~

........ .. ..... --lNl lot_,_ ... ~ hW hll-... , . .. .. --. tall

lNl. lMI .• - · tlm•n. MAlo IIOQAJ .LIJIIA&ft ( LM1.r~••to).

u ...... ··- a,,IO .. .,., 11,,10

Val.W l~a A 0..0... ll,.,., 4 ,010 ··- . .uo

... n-.. u ..... liU .. no 1,HO

Val.W J:~aA 0..0... liU - l,OJO 1, 410 _, __ v ....... 110 - 1,410 ••• 'J'O

IIUWJ:~aA ...... 1,110 710 110 1,110

lollllt-...... 1,100 - 1,110 ··-llaitMI:t.JwMal - ··- "' ... 1,110

"-....... 1,111 1,- 1,700 14,UD

IIUWII.JwMaA - '·- 1,100 ··- U,IOO

C!1?'f <•,tn•h•)

v ....... ··- 110 1,110 ··-IIUWI~al -.. 11,1.100 110 ..0 a,aoo

0 JooiUolo aoclatar ... ,1.ll1M ... lntral •• u .. ......... "' lalWI• ... · •


Page 41: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

_/ / •

..... ...,., -luo 1Ml ut QoarMr 1\k QoarMr . hW

~ ..... ,. .... -. 1.1 •atM • 1M1 1MI.

Wll· lkJT .... ,,.


....... 10 - 1,000 10,no falte&J[ ........ -. 1, 110 1,110 1,010 14,1*)


v ...... - flO 1,01t ··-hltea J["'-'- ' -· 1,110 40 IU N MilD I Ill·

1DloD. -~- • lkn-. ....... 1,110 1, 1?0 1,110 1, 740 .. , ... n.,...' -· 1 ,110 1,610 no 1,110 ,_ .. _,_ ...... 1,110 l , tiO a.m n ,oaa hltealu ........ -. 4,100 ... ~ 1 ,1'00 N , IIO ._._loAD AD w~

(a .- l U.u)

u . . .... ··- "' l,tiO 14, ?40 hlWI: ...... al ...... 14,170 1,,. 4,170 lt,tiO

1L 3!9!; _ , - -ll.l.&U ( tyl elt .. '-k •

aaU•\ul<) ...... I ,UO 110 ··- 1?,410 ...... J[ ........ - 10,010 1, 110 u.- 11,110

a.a.loo\lll I KafAL <-., . ,. •••••• 1, 100 a , t lO u.m 10, 110

hltetll: ....... U , IIO 1,110 t ,IIO 11,100 ...... ...

Page 42: ~d - Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · rpp:la . Airplanes l:achitle Guns . JO caliber Machine Guns . so ce..libcr ... instructing the Staff to eee that a special effort

. -

·-· ....... --1Ml. 1<1,__._ ~~~r htal ~- o.•.- · u .....

I.Ml. 1161.

~---· :u-.n ...... -ua.) ...... I 110 10,400 1?,170

N\1&1•·-·· & - 1 ,11t ··- ., ,070 M , UD

p u OP' • -u. -· J.llllr ~A-.t •

........ M ,?IO lt,OIO 10,110 <UI,410

la1Mt II.JIIMto 6 ...... llt, IIO 10,110 10,110 641 ,110

&Uioll (-•) ...... 1,110 lOC - l,lM

la1Mtl ........ ~ 1,1?0 u .. "' -·' ' ....... 11181

(la11 .... ... ~, (alll ........... )

0 . 1.&. .., 1?0 1,110 t ,mo hl\e& ....... ·- 1,Y'PO 110 1,110 ··-
