Page 1: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


Daisie Shelton

Page 2: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting

LABOR AND DELIVERY NURSE A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for

mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting the performance happening. In addition to assisting women throughout labor and the birthing process, Labor and Delivery Nurses care for women who experience problems with their pregnancies and assist doctors during cesarean deliveries. Ever since I was younger I’ve loved babies, my goal since then was to become a Labor and Delivery Nurse. I would love to spend every day with help delivering babies and help the mothers get through the birth.

Page 3: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


Caring Kindness Patience Make your patients feel welcomed and


Page 4: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


Labor and delivery nurses take care of mothers giving birth to new born babies.

They are responsible for making sure that the medical needs of the patient are adequately met throughout the entire birthing process, before and after the labor.

The work days are always new experiences, no one gives birth the exact same. Although the nurses do this every day all labors are different.

The working is a fast pace, always stay on top of what you’re doing never slack.

The work has both physical and mental mostly physical but you always have to be thinking mentally of what can happen during the labor, if the women needs to go into a cesarean or things like that.

Page 5: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


A Labor and Delivery Nurse works with data, people, and things. Everything you read, the paperwork’s, charts, and information on the women you with be treating are all types of data. You need to know your patient before you just start the labor. No matter what you’re doing you’re always working with people in this job. Working as a nurse you must be social; you’ll be associating with people every day. This job has a lot of medical tools and things.

Page 6: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


A Labor and Delivery Nurse are always working indoors and with others. I could see myself as this type of nurse because I love new born babies and would love to help with the mother’s labors.

Page 7: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


I would have a very flextime, unless I have a husband and children I wouldn’t want to work night shifts. As a Labor and Delivery Nurse women have babies at all different times of the day. A very good shift for me would be from 6:00am- 2:00pm or 8:00am-4:00pm. Mostly I would have avery flextime.

Page 8: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


In the field of Labor and Delivery Nurse the aptitudes and abilities most revolve around being open and easily welcoming to people. Being this kind of nurse revolves around a lot of talking and comforting others. Not just talking is needed, being well educated is very important too.

Page 9: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


Labor and Delivery nurses must be very well educated and trained. To become a Labor and Delivery nurse you must have a nursing diploma, associate’s degree in nursing or bachelors degree in nursing. Diploma programs take 1 to 3 years to complete, Associate degrees in nursing programs take 2 to 3 years to complete, and bachelor degree programs take 4 years to complete. Before you can even take this training/practice you have to have your educational requirements completed.

Page 10: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


Page 11: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


The career outlook for Labor and Delivery nursing in 10 years will definitely still be needed, people will never stop having children.

No matter how good technology and machines will be nurses and doctors will still be needed for labors.

Page 12: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


This job is a national job, takes place all around the world. I would take the job as long as I was staying in the United States. I would not want to work in a foreign country since you would have to learn that specific language and stuff about their country.

Page 13: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


In this job, I could own a house on my own and have a nice car. Or have a nice house and a decent car.

Page 14: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


I could have this job anywhere, as long as the hospital has Labor and Delivery sections.


Page 15: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


A Personal Trainer helps people to achieve their health and fitness goals by helping them plan their diets and get their mindset right as well as training them physically. People come to lose weight, to put on muscle, to get faster, stronger and healthier. Personal Trainers help women after they have babies, people with injuries, Personal Trainers train women and men who want to look and feel great. A Personal Trainer seems like a fun job to me because I’m very athletic and love exercising .

Page 16: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting

VALUES Athletic Outgoing Leader Attitude Comforting

Page 17: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


Personal trainers specific tasks are took make people healthier and getting them in shape.

Most of the times Personal Trainers work days are repetitive, although they might have different clients on different days or teach different classes on different days.

Very high pace always on your feet, exercising.

Being a personal Trainer you’re definitely more physical then mentally with always being in the workout mood.

Page 18: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


Personal Trainers are always working with people and things. People are one of the main things Personal Trainers work with. The Trainer is working on the person on getting them back into being motivated.

The things Personal Trainers are working with are mostly workout stuff like medicine balls, treadmills, and anything to help you physically.

Page 19: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


I can consider myself being a Personal Trainer. I feel I can fit this job because I am big into sports and a very active person. I love to be on my feet, moving, and or exercising. As well as me being a social person I could communicate with my clients and make them feel comfortable with working with me and me pushing them to get back in physical shape.

Page 20: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


As a Trainer your schedule starts early, most trainers wake up around 6 get there little workouts in then either go to their gym and get with their daily classes. After you’re done with your daily classes you may have specific clients hat you work with alone. I would have a flex time for this job. Good times for me would be 6:00am-11:00am for one daily class and you may have more classes a day. Then with you own clients your adding more hours, so you might not get out of work until 2:00-3:00pm.

Page 21: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


Many skills are needed to become a Personal Trainer. One very important thing is that you’re in shape and very athletic. A trainer automatically sells there self by the way they interact with clients. The workout regimes they develop and their attitude and their level of fitness. Most clients will approach a trainer that they have watched for a while and they like what that trainer does. Trainers attitudes are the first thing most clients notice.

Page 22: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


To become a Personal Trainer a lot of Training is needed not so much of the education but mostly the training. People are looking for Trainers that they know will work them and push them every day. The cheapest and most convenient education option for becoming a Personal Trainer is to take an online or home study Training program.

Page 23: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


Page 24: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


The outlook for a Personal Trainer in 10 years looks pretty good. Even though they make videos for people to do at home people will still want to have someone here pushing them the whole time.

Page 25: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


A Personal Trainer is a job all around the world. I could have my base and my home in one state and travel to others to have classes or just to even work with some people for short amount of times.

Page 26: Daisie Shelton.  A Labor and Delivery Nurse are caring for mothers giving birth. As you are a Labor and Delivery Nurse, you are monitoring/assisting


As Personal Trainer I could own a average size house on my own and a nice car.

Location●There are personal trainers all over the

world, so yes there are Personal Trainers in the state I live in.

Career Cluster●Education and Training ●Humanitarian
