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  • 8/2/2019 Dark Souls Walk Through




    Action (Field) Controls

    D-Pad - Cycle through equipped items/weapons.

    Left Stick - Move character

    Right Stick - Rotate camera

    L3 + O - Dash/Sprint

    L1 - Left hand weapon action; Guard; Cast magic.

    L2 - Parry; Dual-wield weapon

    R1 - Right hand weapon action; Cast magic.

    R2 - Right hand weapon action; Two-handed action.

    R3 (press) - Lock onto or release target; Reset camera.

    O - Backstep; Cancel.

    X - Talk; Examine; Confirm

    Triangle - Toggle one-handed or two-handed weapon use.

    Square - Use item

    Start - Open start menu

    Select - Open expressions menu.

    Main Menu Controls

    Left Stick - Highlight menu item

    X - Select highlighted menu item

    O - Cancel; Return to previous menu.

    Go after Zombie Archer and and kill it before heading through the

    white light. In the next room, climb upstairs then roll right as

    soon as the boulder comes at you, courtesy of Mr. Zombie. This will

    smash a part of the wall. Beyond it is a dying soldier. Hear him

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    out and he'll leave you with an 'ESTUS FLASK' and the 'UNDEAD

    ASYLUM F2 EAST KEY'. 'Estus Flask' trophy unlocked.

    Now head back up the stairs where the boulder rolled down from and

    kill the Zombie up there. You can then kick it around for a bit of

    zombie soccer if you like. Anyway, unlock the gate with your new

    key. Off to the right just past the gate is another class-specific

    equipment. Check below to see what you'll get.

    * Hunter : Short Bow, Standard Arrows (x30)

    * Sorcerer : Sorcerer's Catalyst

    * Pyromancer : Pyromancy Flame

    * Cleric : Canvas Talisman

    The Asylum Demon awaits beyond the white light. You can ignore that

    and continue past it to fight some more monsters for their souls.

    Traverse the white light when you're ready.


    Boss - Asylum Demon


    HP : 813

    Souls : 1000

    Item Drops : Big Pilgrim's Key, Demon's Great Hammer.

    You enter this battle from a ledge overlooking the arena, so go

    ahead and ambush the Demon with a Plunging Attack from above. That

    should strip away nearly half of its total health. Keep in mind

    that if you wait around on the ledge for too long, the boss will

    destroy it, and you'll lose your chance to pull off this power

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    strike so be quick about it.

    Once on ground level, rush up to the creature, nailing it with 2

    attacks at a time, while sidestepping its hammer strikes. Just roll

    towards the direction that you are sidestepping at the last

    second and the attack should miss completely. The one other move

    that melee fighters should watch out for is the Butt Slam, where

    the boss flies and smashes down. This is an area of effect attack

    that has good range, but it's slow and can be evaded easily.


    Use your new key to unlock the door up ahead. Further up the path

    to the right is a bird's nest. You can some trading here now if

    you have any of items being requested. If not, then move along up

    to the end of the cliff for an event. Onward to another area.


    ( Firelink Shrine 02-03 )

    'Reach Lordan' trophy unlocked. Make use of the bonfire here before

    you proceed any further. Notice that new options are now available

    -- from here on out, you can start using souls to level up your

    character while resting at bonfires. You should have a decent soul

    count by now so go ahead and try leveling up.

    When you're ready, look around to find a man that you can talk to;

    he'll offer information on what you're supposed to do. Next, grab a

    'HUMANITY' from the nearby corpse then use it to perform a reverse

    hollowing at the bonfire to make yourself human. Also, near the NPC

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    is downward path leading to a Firkeeper, who can level up your

    Estus Flasks in exchange for Firekeeper Souls. Beyond the NPC is a

    lift that will take you down to the New Londo Ruins. The monsters

    there are way out of your league right now, so just leave it alone.

    Continue forward into a building of sorts where you'll run into the

    NPC Petrus of Thorolund. Talk to him over and over until he hands

    over a 'COPPER COIN'. If you speak with him again, he will offer to

    teach you some miracles, say yes and join his Covenant. 'Covenant:

    Way of the White' trophy unlocked. Now that you're a part of his

    covenant, you can now buy Miracles and Talismans from him. The

    staircase next to Petrus leads up to an elevator shaft that you can

    drop into for plenty of loot. Once you have everything, drop off

    the cliff down to the graveyard, then climb the nearby staircase

    back up the to central section again.


    Note : While the graveyard section of this area has plenty of great

    items waiting to be found, it is also home to some powerful

    skeletons that may prove too much to handle at the moment,

    so just come back later once your character is more

    experienced. The items here are: 2x LARGE SOUL OF A LOST



    This area is the eastern side of the Firelink Shrine by the

    way, and at the far right end of it is the Catacombs

    entrance. You don't have any business there until way later

    in the game so leave it alone for now.


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    Back at the central portion of the shrine, look around the

    surrounding area for some loot including '2x SOUL OF A LOST UNDEAD'



    When you have everything, head southwest up the steep slopes while

    battling past several Zombies and Skeleton Swordsmen. You'll also

    find '3x SOUL OF A LOST UNDEAD' and a 'RING OF SACRIFICE' on your

    way to the Undead Burg, so be sure to keep an eye out for them.


    ( Undead Burg 02-04 )

    Undead Burg - Main Section

    You will run into some Armored Zombies (some of which carry

    Firebombs) the moment you get to the top of the stairs. Try to take

    these guys on one at a time, that is don't run around too while

    fighting, as more of its kind might come swarming in. With the

    monsters gone, roll around to smash the cluster of barrels off to

    the right to uncover a ledge that you can drop down from.

    Explore the lower section and collect several freebies including


    and 'RUBBISH'. Be wary of the baddies monkeying off the railings

    while checking out this area. As these guys can leap right up at

    you as soon as you get near them. Once you're done looting, go

    through the white light near the beginning of this area to proceed.

    In the next section, there's a corpse to your left carrying one

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    more 'SOUL OF THE LOST UNDEAD'. Climb the stairs and you should see

    a message on the floor warning you of the presence of a drake. Go a

    bit further up and wait for the dragon to fly off then proceed. Up

    here are a variety of Zombies; kill them off, continuing through

    the door ahead. Beyond it, to your left is a 'WOODEN SHIELD'.

    Leave the room and climb up the nearby staircase. Get rid of the

    Archer then turn around through the archway to find a safe zone

    with a bonfire. Use it to rest and restock if needed. Back at the

    main area, move on a bit then take a left at the fork. Here, kill

    off the pair of enemies then roll to smash the crates to your left.

    This uncovers a staircase where you'll be greeted by a pair of

    exits at the bottom. The east passage takes you to a rooftop

    housing a 'LIGHT CROSSBOW + 16x STANDARD ARROWS' and yet another

    'SOUL OF A LOST UNDEAD'. The west passage on the other hand takes

    you to an Undead Merchant NPC. Buy a shield plus some arrows.

    If you murder the merchant, you'll get 50 Souls, 1 Humanity, 1

    Residence Key, and 1 Orange Guidance Soapstone. Pil laging his

    remains nets you an Uchigatana.

    Head back to the intersection now and proceed south across the

    bridge this time. Cross this one quickly to avoid getting caught in

    a rain of firebombs. The room at the end has more enemies. Lure

    them to the bridge and kill them there so that you don't get

    surrounded. With the room cleared, continue out then go right into

    another couple of rooms where you'll a treasure chest containing

    '5 BLACK FIREBOMBS'. Go back outside and climb up the stairs,

    facing off with another group of baddies.

    As always, clear them out, luring each one down the stairs if

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    things get complicated. The door up ahead unlocks with the Master

    Key and houses a chest with '3 GOLD PINE RESINS'. Leave and look

    around outside for a ladder; cross the roof up there to claim a

    'SOUL OF THE LOST UNDEAD'. Head back down now and proceed to face

    the next group of monsters. Be sure to scale the tower to your left

    first and kill the archer so you don't get sniped later. Once this

    enemy group has been dealt with, proceed down the staircase and

    collect the 'BLUE TEARSTONE RING' accessory. But as you might have

    expected, you'll have quite a fight ahead of you to get that one.

    With loot in hand, return and climb the next set of stairs where

    you'll come across a trap. Avoid that one by rushing back down the

    steps. At the top is a tower; the bottom door leads to the

    Darkroot Garden. Leave that alone for now and proceed up the spiral

    steps instead, going through the fog to the next part of the level.

    Undead Burg - Upper Section

    Start off by scaling the ladder at the foot of the stairs then kill

    the pair of archers to make things easier for yourself in the

    upcoming encounter with the Taurus Demon. You can always lure them

    down the ladder if you don't want to fight them up top. When ready,

    go straight up the path for a boss battle.


    Boss - Taurus Demon


    HP : 1215

    Souls : 1000

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    Item Drop : Demon's Greataxe

    This creature's attacks are all very brutal, but fortunately there

    is a way to avoid dealing with them altogether. At the beginning of

    the battle, climb the ladder to your right and clear the pair of

    Undead Soldiers on the tower. From here, simply wait for the demon

    to pass under the tower and nail him with a Plunging Attack. Repeat

    this a few times and the battle should end soon. Throwing firebombs

    down at Taurus from the tower also works.

    Once again, keep in mind that if you idle on the tower for too

    long, Taurus will leap up there to join you. If he does, abandon

    the tower in favor of the walkway below and lure the creature away

    from the tower, before going back to reclaim your spot on up there.


    With Taurus dead, cross the bridge all the way to the staircase.

    The barrel in front of the steps hides a corpse carrying a 'LARGE

    SOUL OF A LOST UNDEAD'. Conitinue down to the bottom. The door

    straight ahead takes you down to the Depths and Blighttown if you

    got the key for it. Off to the right waits the NPC Solaire of

    Astora. Talk to him and say "yes" twice when prompted for an answer

    He will then give you 'WHITE SIGN SOAPSTONE' which allows you to

    summon him for help at specific locations, but you have to a human

    to be able to do this. Now, take the west path to proceed.

    The Hellkite Dragon awaits somewhere on this bridge and will set

    the place on fire when you are past the halfway point of the bridge

    What you need to do is dash for the pair of alcoves located at the

    halfway point of this bridge. Just dash past the group of bad guys

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    and into cover so that you don't get toasted along with them. Try

    getting your equipment dowb to 25% so you can move at the optimum

    speed and equip a fire resistant shield and block the dragon's fire

    in case you don't make it to cover in time.

    Anyway, descend the staircase at the east alcove. Down here, there

    is a doorway and the steps leads to a ladder. Knock that down and

    you should be able to slide back down to the Main Section bonfire,

    where a shortcut is now open connecting this area and and your

    safe haven below the Hellkite Dragon. Proceed through the other

    doorway, carefully moving along the narrow ledges. If you fall off

    here, you die so watch out. Past this section is a room full of

    Undead Rats. These things drop Humanity upon death and their bites

    can also poison you. Take up position at the far end of the room,

    waste them, and go up the ladder to reach the Undead Parish.

    The other far more punishing way to get to the Undead Parish is to

    get past the dragon and into the room behind it.


    Boss - Hellkite Dragon


    HP : 2208

    Souls : 10000

    Item Drop : Drake Sword (Tail)

    First off, equip something that provides good resistance to fire

    and a weapon that is lightning-based, or one coated in Gold Pine

    Resin. Although it is doable to defeat this thing with melee

    weapons, I don't really recommend it. But if you really wish to do

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    it, try to stay at the center of the bridge so that you'll have

    room to move around, and don't stray too far from the alcoves so

    you can take cover when the dragon uses its fire attacks.

    Apart from its fire attacks and tail whip, the dragon mostly has

    closed-ranged moves in its arsenal which are evaded by either

    back and sidestepping or rolling.

    Your best option is to face the dragon with a bow and lots of

    arrows. It takes time to defeat Hellkite like this but its also the

    safest way. Take cover in the alcove near the staircase and start

    piling on headshots. If the boss settles on the bridge, go down

    then return to your spot after the dragon leaves.


    Allow me to commend you for making it past that beast! Now interact

    with the switch in here to open the gate to the Undead Parish.

    Undead Burg - Lower Section

    You only reach this area after clearing the Undead Parish level.

    Immediately after entering this section of Burg, climb the eastern

    steps and open the gate up there. It leads back to the Burg's Main

    Section. Turn around and proceed downstairs to an area populated by

    Undead Attack Dogs. As always, try to isolate each of them by

    luring them to the staircase toward you. Take them on one at a time

    Head right at the lower area to find a door that opens with the

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    Residence Key which can be purchased for 1000 sould from the Undead

    Merchant at the Main Section of this level. You can get the key for

    free if you murder the merchant. In the locked room is a set of


    You'll also meet Griggs of Vinheim here; speak with him and he

    should head over to the Firelink Shrine where, he offers to teach

    you magics. Proceed past this room to the end of the path to find a

    corpse carrying a 'TWIN HUMAINTY'. There is a swarm of Zombies

    waiting there though so do watch out.

    With loot in hand, turn around past the starting staircase and you

    will reach a section with doors on either side. These rooms house

    Undead Assassins that rush out as soon as you walk by. Dash back to

    a corner for cover against their projectiles then kill them. The

    room to the right has a 'MAIL BREAKER' by the way. Proceed further

    past the next staircase where there will be more rooms housing

    Undead Assassins. The first room to the right has a Thief Armor Set



    around the west corner to claim a LARGE SOUL OF A LOST UNDEAD'.

    Moving on, waste the pair of while using the pillars in the area

    for cover. Kill off the mutts and enter the fog. Boss time!


    Boss - Capra Demon


    HP : 1176

    Souls : 1200

    Item Drop : Key to Depths

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    This boss is joined by a pair of Undead Attack Dog minions. You

    must get rid of these two first before focusing on the demon. Try

    to rush to the edge of the arena so that you can isolate the dogs

    from their master, as the latter moves slower. You can also climb

    the west staircase to reach an archway where you can kill off the

    mutts without the demon getting in the way.

    As for the Capra Demon, his attacks are mostly blockable or easy

    enough to dodge. There are two moves that you really need to watch

    out for though. The first is Power Slash which is a very powerful

    and unblockable attack, so if you see the boss raise his swords

    high above his head, run away. For Leaping Smash, sidestepping is

    good enough since it completely lacks any sort of tracking


    Capra Demon is also highly susceptible to lightning so a coating of

    Gold Pine Resin for your weapon should work wonderfully.


    After defeating Capra, head down the steps outside and engage the

    pair of Undead Assassins at the bottom. There's one last thing that

    needs to be done before heading to the next level. Climb the steps

    to the left up to the sewers where a female Undead Merchant has set

    up shop. Buy some Moss from her then continue further and unlock

    the gate here, which leads back to the Firelink Shrine. You can turn

    around back down now and proceed to the next level, the Depths. By

    the way there's a corpse just past the passageway to the Depths;

    he carries a 'LARGE SOUL OF A LOST UNDEAD'.

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    ( Undead Parish 02-05 )

    Undead Parish - Exterior

    The area beyond the first hostile is populated by Elite Undead

    Guards and an Armored Tusk. Do not engage these things all at once

    unless you want to die. Instead, take up position by the end of

    archway and eliminate the guards as they come at you. For the

    Armored Tusk, lead it to the nearby fire pit and let roast itself

    over and over until it dies. With it gone, you can turn your

    attention to the archers and kill them too.

    Continue onwards only to find your path into the church blocked,

    so you're going to have to find another way in. There are some

    steps going up nearby; take that first, killing the baddies at the

    top and head over to corpse to find an 'ALLURING SKULL'. After

    that go back to the massive gate and head down the staircase to the

    right, killing off several Zombies on your way to the room at the

    top. There, find some steps past an alcove and follow that down to

    the corpse with a 'MYSTERY KEY'. With that in hand, climb the nearby

    ladder and navigate towards one more dead guy for a 'LARGE SOUL OF

    THE LOST UNDEAD'. Turn around then climb one more ladder and go

    through the fog to the next section of this level.

    Here, you'll be facing off against shield-weilding enemies on

    narrow corridors. The enviroment makes back attacks impossible so

    try dealing with the targets one at a time or use area of effect

    items like firebombs. You'll find a 'KNIGHT SHIELD' at the end of

    the east corridor after killing the Undead Elite Guard. While the

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    west corridor is where you need to go to reach your destination.

    At the end of this hallway is a pair of bad guys who can easily

    surround you so keep an eye out for them. Take a left when you can

    and you should be right in front of the church. Go down the wide

    staircase and pull the lever to unlock the gate. Grab the 'BASEMENT

    KEY' from the nearby corpse too; you'll need this to access Lower

    Undead Burg. The other corpse has a 'HALBERD'.

    Get across the long bridge now to a clearing of sorts then take a

    right through a long path away from the church, and into a building

    Use the bonfire here then visit the blacksmith Andre of Astora

    downstairs. Have him reinforce your weapons and armor before moving

    on. The other staircase takes you to Darkroot Garden. Ignore it.

    Undead Parish - Interior

    You'll be confronted with a duo of Elite Undead Knights upon

    entering the church. These guys are brutal so it is in your best

    interest to lure them outside and take them on one at a time. Deal

    with the Heavy Knight at the far end of the room the same way. That

    is try baiting it out into the open before fighting it. You can

    pick up a 'FIRE KEEPER SOUL' after clearing out all the enemies.

    There is a lift off to the west that you can ride back to the

    Firelink Shrine. Take this chance to give the new soul to the

    Fire Keeper there to reinforce your Estus Flasks. With that done,

    you can ride the lift back to the church and head up the nearby

    stairs to the upper floor. Stick to the hallways for now as the

    Channeler powers up the horde of Zombies. Roast them with firebombs

    if you have some to spare.

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    Go back around to the left and run the length of the corridor all

    the way to the end to claim a 'HUMANITY' from the remains. Turn

    around and you should spot some destructible wooden boards at the

    left side. Smash these to uncover a secret section and use the

    Mystery Key you got earlier to break Knight Lautrec of Carim out of

    prison. The reward comes later when you visit him at the Firelink

    Shrine. When you're done, backtrack through the hallway and enter

    the rooms out front. The west room has corpse draped on the rail ing

    carrying a 'LARGE SOUL OF A NAMELESS SOLDIER'. Next head to the

    next room and up the ladders there to the rooftop. By the way, you

    can summon Solaire to help you fight the upcoming boss by touching

    the sign on the floor next to the fog. Boss battle time!


    Boss - Twin Bell Gargoyles


    HP : 999

    Souls : 1500

    Item Drops : Gargoyle Harlberd/Shield/Helm; Gargoyle Tail Axe.

    Stay clear of the rooftop edges to avoid falling to your death. The

    first thing you need to do here is to hack the Gargoyle's tail off

    while it does the Fire Breath attack. This gives you the Gargoyle

    Tail Axe. When Bell Gargoyle 1 is down to half health, it will

    summon Bell Gargoyle 2, who also has half health.

    Kill off one first before turning to the other. A Gold Pine Resin

    coated weapon works quite well on these things too.

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    After beating the Gargoyles, sprint across the roof and into the

    church spire. Climb some ladders and pull the lever up top to ring

    the bell. 'Ring the Bell (Undead Church) trophy unlocked. Watch the

    events then head back down to meet Oswald of Carim. Listen to him

    talk before tracing your steps through the church to the opposite

    end of the bridge where Hellkite is. Use the Basement Key here to

    reach the bowels of the Undead Burg.

    Check the section 02-04 of this walkthrough and look for "Undead

    Burg - Lower Section" for coverage of the area.


    ( The Depths 02-06 )

    The Depths - Upper Level

    From the foot of the entrance staircase go around up along the left

    for a 'LARGE SOUL OF A NAMELESS SOLDIER' at the end. Turn around

    some ways south and through a hole in the wall to your left. At the

    bottom of the steps is a room populated with Zombies. Bait them

    over to the stairs and murder them there so that you don't get

    swarmed. Once clear, go through the archway and out the door below

    the steps that lead to this massive room.

    In the next area, head down another set of stairs with your shield

    up to block the lunging dog. Another pair of enemies, one of them

    a Butcher are protecting a treasure chest containing a 'LARGE

    EMBER'. They won't harm you as long as you stay away from their

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    treasure, but then there is no reason why you should pass up on

    the good stuff so just waste them both and take the loot. With that

    in hand, drop off the chute at the far end of the room. Kill off

    more dogs on dry land as the water bogs down movement. Hack them to

    death at the staircase instead.

    At the west end of this section is a pile of rubble that you can

    scale to reach a room where you'll find Laurentius sealed up in a

    barrel; roll into the barrel to smash it. Speak with him once he's

    out. Leave this room and follow the hallway east then south down

    the stairs. The corpse here has a 'SOUL OF A NAMELESS SOLDIER'.

    Next up is a shaft populated with Slimes that drop from the ceiling

    as you pass. Keep your eyes up there as you proceed. The locked

    door at the end leads to a bonfire; you can open that one with the

    Master Key so be sure to make use of it.

    Descend the steps right outside the sewer chamber, then go all the

    way left and kill all the rats to access the 'GREATAXE'.


    Tip : You can take this opportunity to try and farm Humanity from

    the group of rats that are guarding the Greataxe. You can

    just return to the bonfire upstairs to respawn them as many

    times as you want until you have all the Humanity you want.

    Fire weapons are also very effective against them so do

    equip one if you have any.


    Continue south on this path and around to the right, heading down

    the steps where more rats await. Take them out and collect the

    'SEWER CHAMBER KEY' in case you haven't unlocked the bonfire room

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    upstairs yet. Onward into the shaft the stairs and proceed.

    The next section takes you through some tunnels, where there will

    be drains that lead straight into a Basilisk den, so avoid falling

    as much as possible. You can roll over them to get across. From

    the lower part of the tunnel, head west; collect a 'SOUL OF A

    NAMELESS SOLDIER' from the corpse, then north and up some stairs.

    The rats here will be powered up by a Channeler; be careful when

    dealing with them. At far end behind the Channeler sits a 'LARGE

    TITANITE SHARD'. With the monsters gone, go straight east then

    down across the drain. Pick up one more 'SOUL OF A NAMELESS

    SOLDIER' and take the exit out of the tunnel.

    A Giant Undead Rat will greet you outside the tunnels. If you do

    engage it, take cover inside the tunnel and repeatedly shoot the

    rat with arrows. If you choose to run for then sprint past the

    Giant Rat and drop into the big drain down to the Lower Level.

    The Depths - Lower Level

    The drain drops you off at an intersection where the west path

    leads to the Basilisk lair, and the one directly ahead leads to

    where you need to go. Watch out for the rat ambush waiting around

    the second corner. Sprinting past the pests and killing them off

    one by one is the best way to deal with this.

    After that, you can choose to venture into the Basilisks lair if

    you want. This is the same area that you land into if you fell from

    any one of the drains above earlier. The Basilisks can inflict

    Curse so do pay attention to that if you decide to check this place

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    out. There are plenty of items to be found here as well including:


    and 'LARGE SOUL OF A NAMELESS SOLDIER'. You can get out of here by

    climbing up the southwest staircase.

    Moving on to the central section of the main floor, you will be

    faced with Slimes so move along carefully. You may also want to go

    up the steps in the alcove up ahead. It takes you to the door at

    the upper floor; unlock this to gain easy access to the bonfire.

    Further to the is the merchant Doomhall of Zena; feel free to look

    at his wares if you want. To the merchant's left is an exit to

    Blighttown. You can't go through here yet so come back later.

    When you're ready, go north through the corridor not far to the

    east of the shop. Proceed through here then down the stairs when

    you see one. At the bottom is a massive monster-free area so go

    ahead and explore for freebies. At the southeast corner is a 'HEAVY

    CROSSBOW + 11 HEAVY BOLTS'; and at the center is an armor set --


    LEATHER BOOTS'. Once done, go through the fog for a boss battle.


    Boss - Gaping Dragon


    HP : 4401

    Souls : 25000

    Item Drops : Blighttown Key, Dragon King Greataxe.

    For this battle, the best method to use in evading attacks is to

    run, as rolling doesn't work very well, and blocking doesn't work

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    at all. Most of the dragon's attacks can be evaded by running to

    its flank or rear where you can then counterattack safely. The

    creature's tail can also be hacked right off to disable its tail

    whip move permanently. Plus, the appendage also drops the Dragon

    King Greataxe so chopping it is well worth the effort.

    At some point in the encounter, the boss also expels a corrosive

    substance from its belly which will gradually degrade your gear

    should it hit you. So once you see the enemy aim its belly

    downward, be sure to run away, far away. Once again, the Gold Pine

    Resin is your friend, so do use some if you have any to spare.


    Now that you have the Blighttown Key, return to the locked door

    from earlier and open it. Onward to the next stage.


    ( Blighttown 02-07 )

    Blighttown - Entrance and Upper Level

    The enemies in this level are all proficient in inflicting Poison

    as well as Toxin so blocking isn't really recommended as way of

    evading attacks; try rolling or sidestepping instead. The Blowdart

    Snipers obviously specialize in long-range fighting and are

    capable of hitting you from pretty far away. Keep an open ear for

    the sound of their darts to figure out where they are. As for the

    Barbarians, be especially wary of engaging them on narrow areas.

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    Go straight up ignoring all the forks all the way to the end of the

    path, and you should see a shiny something on the rooftop across

    from you. To reach it, take a running leap across the gap, pick up

    the 'IAITO' then jump right back. Next, head down, ignoring the

    first two forks and take a right at the third; climb the ladder,

    dispatch the enemies then pick up a 'SOUL OF A PROUD KNIGHT' at the

    end. Return to the main path, go right. There is a 'SOUL OF A

    NAMELESS SOLDIER' at the center of this area. Now, look for a small

    ledge by the ladder so that you can drop down to collect the Shadow


    SHADOW LEGGINGS. Climb the nearby ladder to the next floor.

    Here, light the bonfire first then go further west, heading down

    the ladder onto a some platforms and grab '2x SOUL OF A PROUD

    KNIGHT'. Climb back up to the top portion of this area and head

    east where there will be a Blowdart Sniper waiting on an elevated

    platform overlooking the bridge. While on the ground, there are

    Undead Attack Dogs ready to pounce on you. Bait the dogs to you

    first then sprint across the bridge to evade the Sniper. The Ghouls

    should be the next to go. Once clear, go down ladder to next floor.

    Eliminate the Parasitic Wall Hugger with a bow here then head down

    the ladder to the right to claim an 'EAGLE SHIELD'. Go back up then

    down the ladder straight ahead to reach another floor. There will be

    an endless swarm of Giant Mosquitos in this section, so don't waste

    time killing them unless absolutely necessary. You can also climb

    the upward ladder across from the cave entrance to eliminate one of

    the Blowdart Snipers above. Next, head into the cave fighting past

    a Barbarian and a Ghoul; fight them one at a time for safety. Once

    clear, head down the ladder directly ahead. From here, drop off onto

    the platform underneath, pick up the 'WHIP' before dropping off one

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    more time to reach the lower, and far less confusing area.

    Blighttown - Lower Level and Swamp

    This section feels a lot less crowded than the f loor above, but

    it's also home to swarms of Giant Mosquitoes so expect them to

    pester you a lot more often. Move along down the first pair of

    ladders onto the platform below. From here, face west then use a

    ranged weapon like a bow to eliminate the Blowdart Sniper below.

    Continue down the next ladder, killing the pair of Cragspiders and

    proceed further along here to claim a Wanderer Armor Set --


    FALCHION'. After that, head down one more ladder to the area below.

    This section is mostly made up of poisonous swamp, you can't really

    avoid stepping in if you wish to get across. The best way to go

    about this is to just dash through the swamps and wait for your

    body to purge the poison on patches of dry ground before moving on.

    That said, stick to the sides of the swamp and head east. There's a

    'LARGE SOUL OF A PROUD KNIGHT' waiting to be picked up here too.

    Further along is a passage so go down there and light the bonfire.

    When you're ready, sprint straight north across the swamp for some

    great loot. Here, you will find the 'POISON MIST' pyromancy spell

    plus a Tattered Armor Set -- 'TATTERED CLOTH HOOD, TATTERED CLOTH


    to the left is a 'LARGE SOUL OF A PROUD KNIGHT'. Push towards the

    west section of the swamp now and head down when you can to find a

    'GREEN TITANITE SHARD' behind a pair of enemies at the end. From

    here, return north and head up the tree trunk that you see; grab

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    the 'PLANK SHIELD' and break through the wall to the left of it to

    uncover a secret passage leading to a chest with a 'TWIN HUMANITY'.

    Beyond the chest is another breakable wall that leads to a ladder,

    which in turn takes you to the Great Hollow.

    When you're done looting, head back down the tree trunk and onto

    the swamp where you can go further west into the clutches of a

    large group of Giant Leeches. Take them out to collect the 'LARGE

    TITANITE SHARD' and a 'SERVER'. Next, turn around and go all the

    way east some ways past the bonfire tunnel. There is a ramp here

    followed by a ladder that you can climb on to reach a waterwheel

    which you can in turn use as a makeshift lift back up to a section

    of the floor above that houses plenty of great loot.

    Sprint straight up across the swamp from the ramp and you'll find a

    'GREAT CLUB' behind a pair of enemies. Continue further east,

    sticking to the far right edges to find a pair of 'LARGE TITANITE

    SHARDS'. The path to Quelaag's Domain is at the northeast edge of

    the swamp and will be defended by a trio of Barbarians. You can

    actually go around these brutes by circling around the pillar prior

    to crossing the swamp to large web; there is a way through the

    branches, giving you safe passage to Quelaag's Domain.


    ( Quelaag's Domain 02-08 )

    Proceed through the passageway and weave around the Egg Carriers.

    These things eject large numbers of Vile Maggots upon death, and

    since there's a boss battle just ahead, its best to stay healthy.

    There are summon signs for to use as well if you want, but do

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    remember that phantoms only come to aid those who are human. That

    said, traverse the white light to face off with Quelaag.


    Boss - Chaos Witch Quelaag


    HP : 3139

    Souls : 20000

    Item Drop : Soul of Quelaag

    First off, all of Quelaag's attacks save one are fire-based, so

    put on something that provides good protection from fire. It will

    be best if you go with a more aggressive approach on this one, as

    blocking isn't really all that effective here. Rush up in front of

    Quelaag, standing a tad off to the side and start hacking her with

    your best two-handed weapon. She will very likely counter with a 3

    slash combo so roll further into her flank and keep assaulting her.

    Apart from melee attacks, the witch also has some ranged spells

    including one that turns most of the arena into lava. Sticking real

    close to her is an effective way to keep her from using this move.

    If you see the boss raise a leg, backstep quickly away.


    With Quelaag dead, you can now go and ring the second bell, but

    before that you have some decisions to make: choose whether or not

    you want Anastacia dead by Lautrec's hands over at the Firelink

    Shrine. You won't have that option again once you've rang the bell

    so it would be best to decide now.

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    There's a room underneath the bell chamber. The west exit there

    leads to the Demon Ruins; you have no business there until much

    later on in the game so just leave it alone. Smash the wall right

    across from the staircase to uncover a hidden corridor. Talk to

    the Egg Carrier here; say something and go right through.

    Use the bonfire here to rest and resupply, then chat with Quelaag's

    sister. In addition to being able to enter a covenant with her,

    Daughter of Chaos is also a Fire Keeper. She will give you the

    Great Chaos Fireball pyromancy spell if you join her covenant.

    Your next major stop is Sen's Fortress, but let's allow ourselves

    to be sidetracked for a while and visit other areas first.


    ( The Great Hollow 02-09 )

    While there are no bad guys around for the most part of this area

    to kill you, there is always the danger of falling to your death so

    be very careful while traversing through this stage. There will be

    Crystal Lizards wandering around here too; you'll have to dispatch

    of them quickly to score their rare loot.

    Begin by dropping onto the big branch off to the left past the

    bonfire. There, face east and fall throght the trunk of the tree

    to collect a 'CLORANTHY RING'. With that hand, fall through the

    hole again then proceed east, drop off to collect a 'RED TITANITE

    CHUNK' under the spot you landed on. Next, continue east on the

    branch then roll over from the platform to get across. There,

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    follow the darker branch up to a 'TITANITE CHUNK'. Return to the

    small gap you just crossed and drop off. Proceed along the branch

    here; you'll soon run into some Basilsks. These can send you

    plunging to your death so be careful when fighting them.

    Move along down the branch until you spot an interconnecting branch

    where you can move over to that one. Proceed along this path and

    you'll eventually see a ladder; head down there to next section.

    In this area, eliminate the Basilisk pair. After that circle around

    the tree trunk in the middle and drop off the hole on the other

    side to collect the 'BLUE TITANITE CHUNK' below. Drop off even

    lower now, kill off more Basilisks then head southwest to claim the

    'WHITE TITANITE CHUNK'. With that in hand, make your way back to

    the northwest edge, collect the 'SOUL OF A NAMELESS SOLDIER' then

    follow the long winding branch all the way down to the Ash Lake.

    Don't forget pick up the 'TITANITE CHUNK' along the way as well.


    ( Ash Lake 02-10 )

    Begin by following the branch until it ends. The Hydra should be

    visible from your current position, and you should have a pretty

    clear idea what it's there for. Light the bonfire to the right

    before heading out to engage the aquatic beast.


    Boss - Hydra


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    HP : 3864

    Souls : 10000

    Item Drop : Dragon Scale

    This boss is big but sadly it has a very limited arsenal and mainly

    only does 2 things -- attack you with its heads at a closer range

    or fire its water cannon if you're further away. The cannon can

    send water splattering in multiple directions, so watch where the

    Hydra aims and get out of the way as soon as possible. You can

    take multiple hits if it connects so evade early.

    As for the heads, they possess no tracking capabilities whatsoever

    so avoid them by either sidestepping or rolling then counter-

    attack while the Hydra is recovering. Magics work really well here

    too so use them when you can, as this keeps you from having to

    close in to deal damage. There is also a sort of bottomless pit in

    the water so wait for the Hydra to come to you instead of rushing

    up to it at the beginning of the encounter.


    After that battle, trace your steps along the shore off to the left

    to find a 'DRAGON SCALE' at the back of a tree. Proceed further

    along the coast to a hollowed out tree. There's another 'DRAGON

    SCALE' inside it. Up ahead is your first encouter with the Man-

    Eating Shell; these things are tough and strong so watch out. Push

    on until you spot patches of sand off to the left of the shoreline.

    To the left of this sandbank is one more 'DRAGON SCALE'. With that

    in hand, turn around just a bit and stick to the right side of the

    sandbank this time until you fall into the tree.

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    At the tree entrance are a pair of Basilisks and a Mushroom Parent.

    Get rid of the Basilisks first then proceed along the small branch

    by the entry point to get back out. Kick the Basilisk off your

    branch here. Soon enough the branch will begin heading down and you

    should go under a pair of protruding branches. Now, look west and

    you will spot a snapped bigger branch sticking out of the tree.

    Drop down to that branch and follow it back then around to the

    upper section with some muhshrooms on it. You can then head over to

    the remains and steal his 'GREAT MAGIC BARRIER' Miracle item.

    You will find the home of the Everlasting Dragons near the end of

    this area. You can join their covenant too if you want. Next, hack

    the Stone Dragon's tail off to get the 'DRAGON GREATSWORD'. No one

    will get mad when you do this so don't worry. That should be all

    for this area so you may leave now.


    ( Firelink Shrine 2 02-11 )

    Well it seems the shrine has gotten real lively while you're gone.

    All the NPCs that you have rescued or met on your journey will end

    up coming here. While some of them just appeared on their own.

    The most notable NPC is the Kingseeker Frampt, as he can do a lot

    of different things that would prove invaluable to you. Apart from

    being able to send you to the Firelink Altar, you can also squeeze

    plenty of good info out of him. Plus, he can eat all your useless

    inventory clutter and give you souls in return so I guess we can

    also call that "selling".

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    Next, head over to the lift that takes you up to the Undead Parish

    then turn around outward as the lift goes up. Now roll out as soon

    as you spot a small rooftop to land on it. Follow this roof around

    to the eastern side, and onto the tiny ledge on the cliff. Search

    for a section of the cliff that sticks out towards the tower in the

    middle, then roll across the gap to land on the tower's buttress.

    Proceed north on the buttress then west at spiral steps. Now, roll

    across onto the roof of the buildingand pick up the 'UNDEAD ASYLUM

    F2 KEY'. Once you have it, find the ledge leading back to the tower

    and climb the spiral staircase this time. At the top, curl into a

    ball on the bird's nest and the mama bird should come and take you

    back to the Northern Undead Asylum.


    ( Northern Undead Asylum 2 02-12 )

    This area is now populated with tougher and stronger enemies. At

    the cliff, you can visit the bird's nest again and hand over

    whatever items the eggs need. They will give something else back

    so its not a waste of time. Proceed further down the cliff and

    back into the Asylum. In the Asylum Demon's chamber, the floor will

    fall out and you'll end up at the bottom with the Stray Demon.


    Boss - Stray Demon


    HP : 5250

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    Souls : 20000

    Item Drop : Titanite Slab

    First off, wear amor that provides good protection to fire, plus a

    shield with 100% fire block capability. Like its predecessor the

    Asylum Demon, this creature also has access to a variety of brutal

    physical attacks. Ranging from hammer swings and smashes, which can

    deal anywhere between 450+ to 700+ HP worth of damage. Thankfully,

    most of them can be evaded by simply rolling sideways or backwards.

    There are 2 attacks that you should really watch out for however.

    First is the Explosive Hammer Smash wherein the demon raises his

    hammer way over his head and brings it down hard to create a

    shockwave plus a fiery explosion directly in front of him. Move

    away as soon as you see him raise that hammer to evade.

    Next on the list is the Flame Explosion attack where the demon

    waves his arms out, triggering a massive and unblockable fiery

    explosion in front of him. A 100% fire-blocking shield should keep

    you completely safe from this. Sticking real close to the boss

    also lessens the possibility of this move being used.

    He also has a very powered up version of Butt Slam, which is also

    one of the most used moves. Dodge it then counterattack, as this

    moves leaves the boss defenseless for a while.


    With the boss dead, head up the ladder at the northwest corner of

    the room then drop off through the bars. At the bottom, make your

    way back to the cell that you were locked up in at the very

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    beginning of the game. You will find a 'PECULIAR DOLL' in there,

    but you must kill the Black Knight first to get it. You need the

    doll to access the Painted World of Ariamis so don't leave it.

    Move along and you'll eventually run into Oscar, Knight of Astora.

    He is the dying soldier from before who first gave you the Estus

    Flask. Kill him to get a Crest Shield. Proceed along the stairs,

    keeping an eye out for the rolling boulder trap. Contine through

    the corridors while killing a bunch of Zombies. Unlock the next

    gate with F2 West Key and collect the 'RUSTED IRON RING'. That

    should be all for this area. Head back to the Firelink Shrine now.


    ( Sen's Fortress 02-13 )

    Sen's Fortress - Lower and Central Floors

    The very first thing that you must know about this place is that it

    is full of traps. So watch your step to avoid setting the traps

    associated with the pressure plates on the floor. That said, head

    to the top of the steps to the next section where you'll encounter

    some huge swinging blades on the walkway leading to the other side.

    Use ranged weapons or spells to get rid of the Serpent Soldiers

    before carefully making it past the traps to the opposite side.

    There, go around to the stairs and up along the ledge. There are

    '2 TITANITE SHARDS' along the way as well so don't forget to

    grab those as you go. You'll soon reach an area with a boulder trap

    In order to not suffer the same fate as the poor Serpent Soldier,

    wait for the first boulder to roll past the entryway and dash up

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    the ledge, up the steps and into the west passage close to the top

    of the staircase. At this point, continue into the room to the far

    left and claim a 'RING OF STEEL PROTECTION' from the chest after

    killing off the lone Serpent Mage in here.

    With loot in hand, make it past the boulder trap again to return

    to the lower area and traverse the white light to proceed. In

    the next section, make your way up several fl ights of stairs then

    drop off onto platform to your left about halfway to the top.

    Down here is an intersection where both of the paths lead to some

    neet loot so do check them out. Next, take a trip down to the

    bottom of the staircase and let the boulders pile up. This

    creates a path for a final boulder to break through to a room

    where you can claim a 'COVETOUS GOLD SERPENT RING'. Also, prior

    to the smashed wall is a corridor. Follow this to reach a room

    with a Mimic; kill it to get a Lightning Spear. After that, you

    can take the lift up to the next floor.

    From the floor above, you can alter the directions of the rolling

    boulders and have it roll down a ramp and through a wall to uncover

    a secret prison where the NPC Big Hat Logan is locked up. You can

    get him out with the Master Key or Cage Key.

    Sen's Fortress - Upper and Rooftop Floors

    There's a contraption here that controls the direction of the

    boulders downstairs; operate it to gain access to Big Hat Logan's

    prison. After that, continue up the stairs and proceed until you

    come across a corridor with another set of swinging blade traps.

    Sprint past each of these and take a left up the steps, following

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    the path around to yet another corridor. There, eliminate the

    Serpent Mage and sprint through more blades. Traverse the white

    light off to the right to reach the Rooftops.

    In this area, head east to a dead end and a treasure chest with a

    'FLAME STONEPLATE RING'. Turn back and continue up. Once you're on

    the first staircase, a huge monster will start tossing bombs at

    your direction. Quickly navigate over to the second balcony, and

    just past the broken wall to your left, you can jump down to reach

    the bonfire below. If you head east from the broken wall, you'll

    eventually run into Undead Prince Ricard. Take him down and push on

    to the room at end where a 'DIVINE BLESSING' and 'RARE RING OF

    SACRIFICE' are waiting. Go back to the main path afterwards.

    Here, climb the steps out front. At the top, you can kill off the

    archer with a ranged weapon then move on towards the fork. Heading

    west will take you to a ledge that you can drop down for a 'SNIPER

    CROSSBOW + 12 SNIPER BOLTS'; just make sure that your HP is full

    before jumping off so that you don't die. If you take the east path

    at the fork, head west at the end and you'll eventually meet the

    Crestfallen Merchant as well as pick the the 'CAGE KEY'. Next, go

    back to the closest intersection and head right this time.

    For this section, crossing the walkway out front will lead to a

    room with a summon sign that you can use to call an NPC to aid you

    in the upcoming boss fight. Off to the right of this room is a

    staircase that takes you to the rooftop, so that you can do battle

    with the annoying giant monster from earlier. When you've done

    everything, go back to the fork and head west through the fog.


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    Boss - Iron Tarkus


    HP : 2880

    Souls : 30000

    Item Drop : Core of an Iron Golem

    This boss is a total brute so expect its attacks to hurt, and hurt

    lots. But there is a way to shorten its lifespan dramatically.

    Tarkus will be standing on a narrow platform with sheer drops on

    both sides at the beginning of the battle. Your goal here is to

    trip him up so that he topples off the side of to his death.

    Rush up to Tarkus and go to the back of his feet. Doing this will

    effectively limit the golem's moves to just grabs and leg swipes.

    Evade the grab by moving away from the target, while the sweep can

    be dealt with by rolling through Tarkus' feet to the front. It is

    also pointless to try and block this creature's attacks so leave

    your shield and pick up a two-handed weapon instead. Also getting

    hit by his attacks can knock you off the platform and kill you so

    be very careful.

    Attack the golem's feet, focusing on only one if possible until the

    boss starts wobbling. Once this happens, hack the feet some more

    until the boss falls off the platform to his death.


    After beating the Golem, interact with the light at the center of

    the battle zone to proceed to the next level.

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    ( Anor Londo 02-14 )

    Anor Londo - Exterior

    Most of the baddies in this level are big and strong, but thankfully

    not as fast. Anyway, start by following the path into a room with a

    pair of sentinels guarding a 'DEMON TITANITE'. Take them on one at

    a time as always just to be safe. Continue out to the massive

    terrace afterward. There's a bonfire here someways ahead to the

    left. The Firekeeper, Lady of the Darkling is also in the same room

    as the bonfire. The path northward from the terrace leads to

    another room of sentinels plus a Mimic. The corridor to the right

    in this room leads to the Duke's Archives, but you can't expect to

    get in there until later on in the game.

    When you're done exploring, go east from the terrace and take the

    lift down from there to proceed. As soon as you leave the lift, you

    will find yourself taking on a gargoyle, stay inside the elevator

    chamber and defeat the monster from there. Once it's dead, you can

    now take notice of the massive platform that can be adjusted using

    the different levers that can be found all over the place. Lowering

    this platform to the bottom leads to Dark Sun Gywndolin's chamber.

    Start by stepping off the ledge just to the left of the staircase

    that is the lift's exit. From the ledge below, continue out to the

    buttress and climb up. At the top, drop down onto the platform off

    to the right and enter the church through the smashed window. In

    here are several knife-throwing enemies. As you cross the beams,

    try to align yourself squarely on every target, so that you can

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    block their projectiles without being knocked off the beams. About

    halfway across the beams is a chain that you can hack to claim an

    item from the chandalier that falls down. Climb down the ladder

    once you get to the end of the beams and enter fog.

    In the next area, step on the giant platform and pull the lever

    once to lower it down to the middle. This creates a path into the

    castle and another to the lower section of the church. You can

    also reach the Painted World of Ariamis via the large painting in

    the church if you got the Peculiar Doll with you.

    Move along now and you'll soon get to an area populated with Bat

    Wing Demons. It would be best to take the battle back towards the

    gate. Further down the stairs is another pair of Bat Wing Demons on

    the western platform, Take them out with ranged weapons or spells

    from the top of the buttress. Follow the rest of the buttresses up

    to a ledge, where you can then go east before finally jumping off

    to the white light and proceed into the castle.


    Optional Boss - Dark Sun Gwyndolin


    HP : 2011

    Souls : 40000

    Item Drop : Soul of Gwyndolin

    This boss only has 3 attacks, all of which have good range and deal

    moderate to high damage. The orbs can be evaded by rolling under

    them or by taking cover behind walls. The giant sphere on the other

    hand can pass through walls so the one way to avoid it is to just

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    move out of its path. For the multiple arrow shots, you can hide

    behind walls for cover.

    Keep moving towards him while evading whatever comes your way. The

    boss is completely helpless from close range so he makes up for it

    by teleporting elsewhere when you get too close. To get around

    this, equip a weapon with decent range so that you can nail him

    without having to get really close.

    Anor Londo - Castle Interior

    You'll be starting out at the upper floor of the castle. Enter the

    west room first and use the bonfire there. Visit the east room next

    and kill the Silver Knight to claim a 'SUNLIGHT MEDAL' from the

    treasure chest. You can actually farm souls from this lone knight

    by reviving him over and over with the bonfire in the other room.

    Once satisfied, continue north to the pair of rooms beyond the

    staircase. Enter the west one and smash through wall within the

    fireplace to uncover a secret passage leading to a treasure chamber

    of sorts. The chest by the wall in the middle is a Mimic, while the

    rest contains a 'DRAGON TOOTH' and Havel's Armor Set -- 'HAVEL'S


    GRAETSHIELD'. After that, backtrack to the staircase outside and

    climb down to the floor below.

    In this area, head west through the door, defeat the Silver Knight

    at the corridor and collect the 'SOUL OF A HERO' behind him. Back

    in the main room, you'll see 2 very tempting treasure chests, but

    unfortunately both of them are Mimics so there's no free loot.

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    Proceed further down to some more rooms. The west one is locked so

    enter the east one instead. Climb up the stairs there. At the

    rooftop, head down the stairs right across from the one you came in

    from to access the locked room below. In it are some Silver Knights

    guarding '2x DEMON TITANITE'. With loot in hand, return to the roof

    and head north following the staircase down to the 3rd floor.

    You will once again encounter two more rooms here. The west one

    houses a Prowling Demon, while the east one has a staircase leading

    into the locked room in the 2nd floor. This room has a pair of

    Silver Knights guarding 4 chests containg pieces of the Silver



    everything, go back up and head down the steps to the far north.

    You should be on the grond floor now. Defeat all the enemies then

    pull the lever by the door. Next, climb up the stairs again and

    through the hole in the window, where you'll have to jump off

    twice to unlock the previously inaccessible gate. From here, use

    the main door to get back inside. There is a Gian Blacksmith

    somewhere close by so have him reinforce your equipment. Plus

    summon an NPC with the sign on the steps. The uocoming boss battle

    is very punishing so you'll need all the help you can get.


    Boss - Dragon Slayer Ornstein + Executioner Smough


    HP : 1642/2982

    Souls : 30000

    Item Drops : Leo Ring, Soul of Ornstein, Soul of Smough

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    You will be fighting both of these guys at once. For equipment,

    wear some good anti-lightning armor. Also, both of them share a

    weakness to fire so equipping a fire-based weapon is a good idea.

    The key here is to try and isolate one from the other so that you

    can focus on only one target as much as possible without the other

    dude interfering. To isolate Ornstein, run from one end of the

    arena and have Ornstein come after you, then rush to the opposite

    side as soon as Simough catches up. This should be easy enough to

    do as Ornstein moves much faster than his companion.

    If you wish to deal with Simough first, then use his size to turn

    him into some sort of wall between yourself and Ornstein.


    After that battle, take the lift on either side of the room and go

    see the NPC Gwynevere to obtain the Lordvessel which must be

    placed on the Firelink Altar.


    ( Painted World of Ariamis 02-15 )

    Rest at the bonfire and proceed only to find the door nearby locked

    so let's go explore for an alternate route. Start by going east

    around to some steps. At the top, the path will split, but

    reconnects at some point ahead. Go west at the fork and up to the

    roof for freebies; there's more loot in the building so you can

    drop in after clearing out the rooftop.

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    Just past the walkway is a large building that is home to a variety

    off gross enemies like rats and zombies. The eastern path leads to

    a ledge that takes you directly to the basement if you jump off.

    You will encounter a horde of poisonous Undead Rats down there. As

    for the west path it leads into the upper floors of the building,

    which are in turn populated by equally poisonous Engorged Zombies.

    Your next stop after the infested building is a tower which can be

    accessed from the top of said building. Entering the door from this

    spot leads to some stairs which you climb ro secure a loot up top.

    Alternatively, you go around west outside the tower to the rear

    where an Undead Dragon awaits. Some ways further around the outer

    wall is a staircase leading back in and down to the lower sections

    of this tower. At the bottom, you can either go out to the

    courtyard or proceed on the lower section of the walkway to meet

    Priscilla the Crossbreed. She is an optional boss so if you don't

    feel like fighting, just ignore her and return to Anor Londo. You

    must access the underground area from the courtyard first to find

    the handle that opens the door to the lower part of the bridge.


    Optional Boss - Priscilla the Crossbreed


    HP : 2011

    Souls : 40000

    Item Drops : Soul of Priscilla, Priscilla's Dagger (Tail)

    Priscilla has 2 main attacks -- scythe sweeps that she does either

    once or twice; you can block these but they inflict Bleed so it

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    would be best to try and dodge them. The sweeps often go sideways

    so sidestep in the direction opposite of where the scythe travels

    While the double swipes don't connect on areas in front of her,

    the single swipe does so do a backstep when she uses it.

    The boss also expels a dust cloud that deals considerable damage,

    and also lingers for some time after the attack is used; keep an

    eye out and evade it the best you can. On the bright side, the

    dust actually takes quite a while to come out and has a rather

    long recovery time; use this to your advantage and do damage.

    At the beginning of the encounter, Priscilla will never be the

    one to draw first blood and only actually fights back when you

    attack her. Take this chance to go around to her rear and hack

    her tail off to get the Priscilla's Dagger weapon.


    If you head into the courtyard, you'll encounter and must eliminate

    the horde of phalanx before you proceed. You can always return to

    the bonfire through the neatby door here to restock. With the enemy

    horde taken care of, explore the area for freebies before going

    underground to continue. Use the well up top to get there. Your

    main goal for going underground is to get the Annex Key and use it

    to access the final locked section in the courtyard, which in turn

    houses plenty of great freebies.

    By the way, while at the underground area, be sure to climb the

    staircase up north then defeat the enemy at the top to claim the

    'FIRE SURGE' pyromancy spell. Next, check out the bottom room and

    prepare to engage a mighty horde of Wheel Skeletons. Somewhere in

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    this room is a handle that opens the door to the lower section of

    the walkway that leads to Priscilla and the exit of this level.


    ( Darkroot Garden 02-16 )

    You can reach this level from either one of the two available

    entrances. One is via the Undead Parish and the other is from the

    Undead Burg. I'll be using the Undead Parish entrance for this

    walkthrough. Start by following the path north. The east passage

    takes you to the Darkroot Basin, which will be covered in the next

    section of this guide so just go north for now. When you get to a

    locked door, smash through the west wall to uncover a pathway

    leading to a bonfire which you can put to good use later. You

    might also want to pay attention to the shiny flowers scattered

    all over this level as these can show you where you need to go,

    Anyway, circle around the path to the right of the door to an area

    populated with Great Stone Knights; navigate through here carefully

    nailing the knights as they try to get to their feet. These things

    are guarding an Elite Knight Armor Set -- 'ELITE KNIGHT HELM, ELITE


    is worth taking the time to kill them. Also, do look around this

    area for a tree that you can hack to use as a makeshift bridge, and

    cross over to the opposite side for plenty of loot.

    After that, dispatch most of the baddies here before heading into

    and up the tower off to the rear. A boss battle awaits on the

    bridge at the top of said tower.

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    Boss - Moonlight Butterfly


    HP : 1506

    Souls : 3000

    Item Drop : Soul of the Moonlight Butterfly

    For this battle, go for your best available ranged weapon since

    this creature will spend most of its time flying and will

    therefore be out of reach of melee attacks. All of the insect's

    attacks are magic-based and have a charge time so if you have the

    Magical Barrier spell, then by all means use it.

    For mages, try to stick with spells such as Soul Arrow for

    offense so that you can always hit it from afar. But if you're

    stuck with a melee character and without a ranged weapon for some

    reason, you'll have to wait for the butterfly to land and hack it.

    But be mindful of the upcoming explosion attack which happens as

    soon as the charge cycle completes; move out of range before this

    happens to avoid it. After that, the boss will fly away again and

    the waiting game begins anew.


    With the creature dead, cross the walkway and collect the 'DIVINE

    EMBER' and 'WATCHTOWER BASEMENT KEY' at the other side. Now,

    backtrack all the way to the locked door near the start of this

    area and open it. If you have no key then just take the nearby

    passage down to the Darkroot Basin, and find your way back into the

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    Garden in order to proceed. If you did open the door however, then

    climb the steps over to the next section of this level. There, you

    will find plenty of monsters waiting for you. Fight your way past

    them over to the worn down structure at the other end, where Alvina

    is waiting inside. Enter into a covenant with her to earn the

    'Covenant: Forest Hunter' trophy. Continue along the walkway and

    down the stairs to get back outside.


    Tip : The group of enemies just outside Alvina's "house" are

    perfect subjects to farm souls from. Just use the nearby

    bonfire to revive them over and over until you're

    satisfied with the soul count.


    At the bottom of the steps, go around to the west of the structure

    to claim a Stone Armor Set -- 'STONE HELM, STONE ARMOR, STONE

    GAUNTLETS, STONE LEGGINGS'. Once you have those, turn your

    attention to the mushroom baddies nearby and claim the 'ENCHANTED

    EMBER' from the treasure chest when they're all dead.

    Now, the only one left to deal with in this level is the boss, so

    follow the passageway leading down the cliff and open the massive

    doors to enter Sif's lair. Approach the sword here to fight him.


    Boss - Great Grey Wolf Sif


    HP : 3432

    Souls : 30000

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    Item Drops : Covenant of Artorias, Soul of Sif

    Sif is a potent melee fighter possessing a great variety of sword

    attacks. I strongly recommend having a considerable amount of

    stamina at your disposal and be sure to equip a shield that cancels

    out any physical damage. Sif's attacks have great tracking and can

    cover a wide area, so using sidesteps as a means to evade may not

    be very effective; go with a combination of evasion and blocking

    instead especially when Sif uses multiple hit attacks.

    Also, try to take advantage of the terrain differences if you can.

    That is, if Sif is occupying the higher ground, attack him from

    below and his attacks will hit nothing but air overhead.


    Once Sif has been dealt with, look behind the grave to claim a

    'HORNET'S RING'. Your next goal is to defeat the Four Kings in the

    New Londo Ruins. Let's do a bit more exploring first before that.


    ( Darkroot Basin 02-17 )

    Start by taking a left when you can and proceed all the way to the

    end of it, then leap off the ledge to claim a Leather Armor Set --


    ARROW'. Drop further down this ledge and you'll come across an

    intersection. Left is where you need to go to proceed, but do take

    a right first and eliminate the Black Knight on the narrow ledge

    to claim the 'GREAT CREST SHIELD' behind it.

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    To the south end of this area is a passage that leads to a bonfire

    and a lift that takes you to the Valley of Drakes, which is also

    our next stop. But before going there, use the Watchtower Basement

    Key to unlock the door leading back to a section of the Undead

    Burg. There, you'll be facing off against Havel the Rock and some

    Blue Crystal Golems. As always, bait them out and kill them one at

    a time. With that done, head back to the Darkroot Basin.

    Here, travel down along the east side of the lakeshore and you will

    reach a corpse that carries a Knight Armor Set -- 'KNIGHT'S HELM,


    fight the Hydra again.

    It has less HP now than it did back when you first encountered it

    at the Ash Lake. Move out on the shallow portions of the lake until

    its heads are within range of your attacks. There's a point in the

    middle of the lake where you can actually sink and drown so avoid

    venturing out too far. With the Hydra dead again, proceed to west

    side of the lake and climb the ladders to find a corpse carrying a

    'SOUL OF A BRAVE WARRIOR. The nearby exit leads to Darkroot Garden.

    Come back here after clearing some other area, and an Amber Crystal

    Golem can be found in the cave behind the Hydra. Defeat this

    monster to rescue another NPC, Dusk of Oolacile. Saving her allows

    you to purchase spells after summoning her at the various points

    where summon signs are available.


    ( Valley of Drakes 02-18 )

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    The enemies here are Wyverns and nothing else. These dragons are

    tough and strong so fighting them can be quite a challenge. Fight

    them one at a time to make the battles more manageable, and stay

    clear of the bridge so that you get knocked off to your death.

    Defeat all the Wyverns and collect the Brigand Armor Set on the


    SHIELD'. Further ahead on the tower is a 'RED TEARSTONE RING'. The

    locked door nearby takes you to New Londo Ruins.

    About halfway up the long narrow passageways is an Undead Dragon

    which you must kill in order to reach some great items including


    PROUD KNIGHT'. Way up north is an intersection where the tunnel on

    western ledge leads to Blighttown; the eastern ledge has a gate

    that leads to New Londo Ruins.

    Near the locked gate is a corpse carrying a 'LARGE SOUL OF A

    NAMELESS SOLDIER and further down at the end of the path is a Witch


    SKIRT, BEATRICE'S CATALYST'. But this equipment set only becomes

    available after you've cleared the Abyss.


    ( New Londo Ruins 02-19 )

    This area is home to the souls of dead warriors. You cannot hit

    these ghosts with coventional weapons unless you let yourself be

    cursed by equipping a cursed weapon such as the Jagged Ghost Blade

    or use the Transient Curse item. The Basilisk enemy can inflict

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    the disease as well so you can try that. Just make you have some

    Purging Stones handy so that you can uncurse yourself before

    enging in this stage's boss fight.

    Follow the only path available and keep going through a series of

    passages and stairs until you get to the white light. Enter it and

    cross the bridge to access the building beyond. Once in the

    building, take an immediate right then through the next one. Defeat

    the ghosts then climb the ladder in the fireplace. Up top is the

    guardian Ingward who will hand over the Key to the Seal. Head back

    down and proceed along the hallway right next to the building

    entrance and out through the west exit at the bottom. From here,

    continue along the ledge then up the steps to your right. On the

    the next ledge, push on towards the tower.

    Collect a 'COMPOSITE BOW + 16x LARGE ARROWS on top of the tower.

    At the bottom of the stairs is a gate that unlocks with the Key to

    the Seal. Beyond it is a lever that opens the big doors nearby.

    This drains all the water at the lower section allowing you to

    explore it. So head down there now and pull the lever to activate

    the lift leading further down this stage. The newly unlocked door

    leads to the Valley of Drakes by the way. From the bottom level,

    use the series of staircases to ascend a couple of floors to a room

    full of goodies including a 'VERY LARGE EMBER' which you can get

    from a treasure chest. Now that the water has been drained, the

    lift here is now operable. Ride that up 2 floors to explore the

    remaining areas. Head through the larger exit across from the one

    you came in from once you're prepared to proceed.

    Take a left outside the building and you'll run into a Darkwraith.

    Some ways past that is a breakable wall that you can smash to

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    uncover a secret passage leading to a treasure chest. Backtrack to

    the main path after that, then head upstairs to reach the lowest

    floor of another building. There are a pair of Darkwraiths and one

    Mass of Souls hanging around in this room so be sure to watch out.

    Clear the room and leave through the west exit, crossing over to

    the fog and into the next section of this area.

    Before you take a leap of faith into void down below, be sure to

    have the Covenant of Astorias equipped so that you reach the boss

    chamber instead of falling to your death.


    Boss - Four Kings


    HP : 9504

    Souls : 30000

    Item Drop : Bequeathed Lord Soul Shard

    There are 4 of these guys and they will appear one at a time. Put

    on armor that offers good protection against physical and magic

    damage since these guys have plenty of physical and magic attacks

    at their disposal. Their physical attacks are mostly slashes that

    don't track well and can be evaded by rolling or sidestepping.

    Their magic attacks however all have great tracking capabilities

    are quite persistent; you can avoid these by outrunning them as

    they try to run you down. Finally, these guys have a pair of

    very potent magic attacks. One of which is an energy explosion and

    the other is an instant death grab snatch attack. The boss will

    start spinning before they do either one of these moves, so let

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    this be a warning to run as far away as possible.



    ( The Duke's Archives 02-20 )

    You'll have to fight through some brutal enemies in order to make

    it into the Duke's Archives. For starters, there is a pair of Fully

    Armored Tusks. Use the best offensive spells at your disposal and

    heal with Estus Flasks when necessary. There's a bonfire just

    beyond the corridor with the Armored Tusks so you can resupply as

    soon as the enemies are dead. When you're ready, head to the next

    room and defeat all the Crystal Undead Soldiers. The lift here takes

    you to the upper floor so ride that one up to proceed.

    Waiting at the top are even more enemies; kill them all and enter

    the archives proper. There is a Channeler waiting around in here;

    eliminate him quickly. Now, before you go any further, I suggest

    using up all the souls that you have on you, because coming up is

    an unwinnable encounter with Seath the Scaless. The game should

    proceed after you get murdered.

    Welcome back to prison! Kill the sleeping guard outside and steal

    the key to free yourself. Get out and another guard will pull the

    alarm, sending a swarm of Picasa at your direction. Fortunately,

    these things can't really get into the cells so you can take them

    out safely from there. Once they're gone, go east and into the

    third cell to snag the Archive Prison Extra Key. Now, head back to

    your cell and use the new key to unlock the remaining gate. From

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    here, drop off onto the lower platform for a 'SOUL OF A BRAVE

    WARRIOR'. Also in this area is a the archive tower where the NPC

    Big Hat Logan is locked up. Be sure come back here to free him once

    you have the key for the door.

    Continue up the ladder now, eliminate the Serpent Guards above and

    pull the lever here to kill the alarm. Collect the 'ARCHIVE TOWER

    GIANT DOOR KEY' from the treasure chest afterwards. Make your way

    back to the archive building now then head west down the corridor;

    keep going until you spot a staircase going up to your right. At

    the middle is a handle. This changes the orientation of the stairs

    here; turn it once then continue up the to the top. There, go west

    following the corridor to the passage over the second set of

    movable staircases. Drop off to the steps underneath to interact

    with the handle one more time to reorient the stairs. Head down the

    steps now and through the eastern passage. Go down the ladder.

    At the bottom, pull the lever to uncover an exit behind a bookshelf

    which leads back to the main room of the archives. Collect all the

    loot there including a Channeler Armor Set -- 'SIX-EYED HELM OF THE



    CHUNK', 'ARCHIVE TOWER GIANT CELL KEY'. With this new key, you can

    now open Big Hat Logan's cell at archive tower. Go back there and

    save him. Once he's out, Logan will relocate to the main area where

    he'll start selling you new Sorcery spells.

    After successfully cleaning the room of loots, go pull the lever in

    the bottom room. Take the new stairs outside. This section is home

    to several Blue Crystal Golems. The ladder to the right leads to

    '20 PRISM STONES' and off to the south of the garden is a Crystal

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    GAUNTLETS, CRYSTALLINE LEGGINGS'. When you have everything, proceed

    through the bottom exit and out to the Crystal Cave.


    ( The Crystal Cave 02-21 )

    This area is pretty small so it should be easy enough to complete

    right? Well it would be if not for the Crystal Golems wandering

    all over the place. Plus, the pathways are quite narrow so you'll

    find yourself falling to your death if you're not careful. That

    said, move along until you're past the section of giant crystals.

    The next section will have invisible floors, so again there's a

    big chance of dying from a fall if you're careless. To get across

    safely, you must check for sections where the falling crystal

    dusts coming into contact with something. As a general rule,

    tread carefully and cross only when the path is truly solid. Grab

    the 'HUMANITY' off to the right across the invisible floor.

    Once you get across, you'll come to a section populated with

    napping Giant Crystal Butterflies. These things remain docile

    unless you startle them awake by getting too close to them.

    Proceed past the first pair of invisible bridges and take a right

    on the platform here for a 'BLUE TITANITE CHUNK'. Make your way

    over to the large platform in the middle and go northeast across

    the invisible pathway to a 'BLUE TITANITE SLAB'. After that, go

    back to the cave and cross the invisible floor over to the other

    where several Man-Eating Shells are lurking about.

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    return to spot in the Duke's Archives where you first encountered

    Seath to interact with your bloodstain and retrieve 'LARGE MAGIC

    EMBER' from the treasure chest there.


    ( The Catacombs 02-22 )

    The Catacombs - Upper Level

    Having some sort of divine weapon equipped will make things a lot

    easier for you here since is capable of taking down the Skeletons

    for good without you having to defeat the Undead Mages beforehand.

    If you don't have one, then go find a blacksmith that can forge one

    for you. That said, head down the stairs while keeping an eye out

    for the Wisps. These things deal tremendous damage when they blow

    up near you. Move along down the ladder when you see one, following

    the passageway to another room then heading west through the tunnel

    there. At the end is a lever that unlocks the door in the area that

    you came in from.

    In the next section, try to stay away from the statues as you move

    along over to the bridge further ahead. Some of the statues have

    the ability to fire spikes when you enter their line of fire. The

    platform off to the right has 'LUCERNE' that you can pick up. At

    the bridge, follow the eas