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Data Visualization

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The goal of data visualization is to tell a story, without telling


Data analysis is a cognitive problem.

– We are building visualizations to assist humans with cognitive


– Helping to make decisions

– Influence decisions

– Ethically

It is important that you get to the point where the problem

drives your choice of visualization intuitively.

Data Visualization

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Choropleth, or filled maps, are the most common.

Use a color gradient to denote the quantitative element of


Choropleth maps can only represent the level of a single


Visualizing Maps

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A dashboard is a visual display


the most important information needed to achieve one or more


that has been

consolidated on a single computer screen

so it can be

monitored at a glance

Stephen Few (Information Dashboard Design, p 26)


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Bad Dashboards

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Good Dashboard

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They should communicate something

They should fit entirely on one screen

• No scrolling

• No pages

They are an overview.

They should quickly point out when something is wrong.

Dashboard - Specific Objective

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1. Remember that a dashboard must be fit for purpose.

• Right information

• Right audience

• Right design

2. Know your dashboard type

• Strategic/Executive

• Analytical

• Operational

When building a dashboard, the relationships between the

various elements must be fully explored.

When building a dashboard, you need to be aware of its


Dashboard - Best Practices

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Text analytics are a huge focus in the world of big data

• Twitter, Facebook, etc.

• Documents

• Blogs

• Comments on blogs

Of course, you can visualize the results of your text mining using our

normal set of visualizations.

The problem with all of these is that the terms are removed from context.

Text visualization has lagged behind unstructured data visualization

Text Visualization

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Simple text visualizations say a great deal

• Word/Tag Clouds

• Word Trees

• Term Networks

There are packages for R and many free tools that can generate these


Text Visualization

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Word/Tag clouds (First known appearance in 1992, in Germany)

• Approximate the ratio of word count

• Are computationally heavy (but getting better)

• Help to visualize important terms

• Can be easily cluttered.

• Nothing to direct attention besides size

• This means that the human eye focuses only on the largest words.

• Are most of the words even looked at?

Text Visualization

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New – most techniques have been developed in the past 4 years

Text Network Visualization

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Speechopedia - Ex - Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh

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Speechopedia - Ex - Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh

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Amitabh Bachchan Tweet

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Show the data

Induce thinking about the substance

Avoid distorting what the data has to say

Present many numbers in a small space

Make large datasets coherent

Encourage the eye to make comparisons

Reveal data at several levels of detail

Excellent Graphics

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Data becomes evidence when the relationships between

variables are illustrated.

Chart Junk - Style over substance

Chartmakers reveal what they choose to, and can mislead


Induce thinking about the substance

“Above all else show the data.” Tufte


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12 data maps that sum up London - BBC

Busiest rail stations

Busiest rail stations
