Page 1: Dbms presentation of Automatic Car parking System

1Auto car parking system

Page 2: Dbms presentation of Automatic Car parking System

Auto Car parking system

2Auto car parking system

Page 3: Dbms presentation of Automatic Car parking System

Name Id

Mst.Jannatul Ara 13103030

3Auto car parking system

Page 4: Dbms presentation of Automatic Car parking System


In metropolitan cities, car parking has

become a major concern in all busy areas

and a good traffic system needs a good

parking system. Different types of vehicle

parking are applied worldwide namely

Multi-level Automated Car Parking,

Automated Car Parking System,

4Auto car parking system

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System benefit

• Quick Automated Parking and retrieval of vehicles.

• Does not require a parking attendant.

• Low maintenance levels required by the system.

• It will save our time.

• The system maintains whole system properly.

• Keep all records properly.

• The system has backup file.

• The system is secured.

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Entity and Attribute

Entity and attribute of auto car parking system

Car owner-Owner Name, Owner id,Address,p-number,car


Car-Car brand, Car number, car color.

Parking Floor –floor name, floor id,number of slot,floor


Parking style-style name , style Id,parking floor,parking rate.

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E-R diagram

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Database normalization is a technique of organizingthe data in the database.

Normalization is used for Mainly two purposes:

Eliminating redundant data.

Ensuring data dependencies make sense.

Normalization rule:

Normalization rule are divided in following form





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Partial dependency:

• Owner id-owner name,address,phone number,car number.

• Car number-car band,car color

• Floor id-floor name,number of slot

• Style id-style name,parking rate

Transitive dependency:Style name-parking rate

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How can we website run

• Step 1 : past php mysql code into c drive XAMPP > htdocs

• Step 2: open browser and type -http://localhost/phpmyadmin

• Step 3 : create Database > Database name Must be : car_parking

• Step 4 : Select car_parking database and import database, you can find it carparking folder > Database

• Step 5 : http://localhost/carparking

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Website snapshot

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Website snapshot

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