Page 1: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

We are getting ready for Easter

Yr 4 lessons 4, 5,6

Dear Children, Parents and Carers,

This power point is to help you think about our last 3 RE lessons about Lent and how we can prepare for the great celebration of Easter. There are things for you to reflect on and activities to do.

Page 2: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

WALT: Explain the importance of Maundy Thursday.

For the Church, the greatest week is Holy Week, during which the suffering and death of Jesus are remembered in special celebrations.

Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord and ends on Holy Saturday.

During this time the statues in church may be covered in purple cloths.

There are no flowers.

These are reminders of the solemnity of this time.

Page 3: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

The last three days of Holy Week are called the

Easter Triduum.

A Triduum is a three-day time of prayer and celebration.

These three days precede Easter Sunday.

They start with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on the evening of

Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday), continuing through the

Good Friday Service, and ending with the Easter Vigil on the

evening of Holy Saturday.

The Easter Triduum marks the most significant events of

Holy Week.

Page 4: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday is the Thursday of

Holy Week, the final week of Lent.

During this Holy Week Jesus’ complete

self-giving is remembered by Christians

in the liturgies of the Easter Triduum-

(Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy


Throughout Holy Week/Lent the church

statues and crucifixes are covered in

purple cloths.

There are no flowers and the Alleluia is

not sung. These symbols remind the

Church family of the ‘dying’ in order to

celebrate the ‘new life’ of Easter

Page 5: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

At the beginning of the Easter Triduum the parish family gathers

in the evening to take part in the Mass of the Last Supper.

The priest wears white vestments because this is a special


The ceremonies recall how Jesus gave himself for us.

During this Mass, Christians are reminded of how Jesus showed

his self-giving when he washed the feet of the disciples.

The priest may wash the feet of twelve members of the parish


You can read the account on

the next slides or look it up in

your Bible.

Remember the Gospels are in

the New Testament at the

back of the Bible.

Based on John 13: 4-9, 12-15

Page 6: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

Just before they began their

last supper together, Jesus

wrapped a towel round

himself, filled a bowl of water

and knelt before each one of

them to wash their feet and

wipe them with the towel.

Peter was horrified and tried

to refuse. “You shall never

wash my feet, “ he said. This

was the service done by the

lowest of all the slaves.

Then Jesus told him, “If I do

not wash you, you cannot

share my life.”

At this, Peter said, “Then,

Lord, wash not only my feet,

but also my hands and my


Page 7: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

Based on John 13: 4-9, 12-15

If I then, the Lord and

Master, have washed your

feet, you should wash each

other’s feet. I have given

you an example, so that

you may copy what I have

done for you.”

When he had finished, Jesus

explained exactly what his

action meant.

“Do you understand,” he

said, “what I have done for

you? You call me Master

and Lord, and rightly; so I



At that time it was usual for

people to wash their feet on

entering a house because of

the dusty roads.

It would be the job of the

lowliest servant to do this.

Jesus washed his friends’

feet as an act of service.

Page 8: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

Questions to think about and reflect on

Why is Holy Week so


Why do you think this

action of Jesus serving

others was so special?

What does it tell you

about Jesus?

Why is this action of

Jesus an example for


What do you think of

Peter’s reaction?

Page 9: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

Activities to DoRemember to write RE and athe date in your book

Look at the different artists interpretations of Jesus washing his disciples feet on the next slide. Can you discuss what is happening in the picture and make links with the account from St John’s Gospel? What has been added, and what has been omitted? What does each picture tell you about the feelings and experiences of people in it and what was the artist trying to convey? Write your thoughts and ideas down in your book.


Write about the act of service which has been given to the disciples. How do you think they felt? How do you think they might have followed Jesus’ example of service? How can Christians follow Jesus’ example of service?

Page 10: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

Sarah Naylor –

Christ washing

Peter’s feet

Koder –

Washing of

the Feet

Giotto - Christ washing the feet

Page 11: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

WALT: Explain the importance of Good Friday and the significance of the empty tomb.

What does that WALT mean to you?

Remember there are no wrong answers.

During Lent many people will pray the Stations of the Cross (the word Station means stopping place on the way to Calvary).

In most Catholic churches, there are fourteen or fifteen pictures or symbols representing scenes on Jesus’ journey to Calvary.

Some of the stories depicted in the Stations may be found in the Gospel and some are based on what might have happened on that journey.

• Jesus receives his cross.• Jesus falls.• Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry his cross.• Jesus meets his Mother.• Jesus is nailed to the Cross.• Jesus dies.

Page 12: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

Good Friday is the second day of the Easter Triduum. On this solemn day, Christians gather in church to remember the suffering and death of Jesus. According to tradition, Jesus died at 3 p.m. which is when the Good Friday liturgy takes place. During this liturgy, the Passion of Jesus is read. Later on, the priest will hold up a Cross and pray:

Behold the wood of the Cross on which hung the Salvation of the World.

The people reply: Come let us adore

The people then process to reverence the Cross, by touching it, genuflecting before it or kissing it.

All four Gospel writers tell the story of the passion and death of Jesus but each adds details which highlight a different message about Jesus. They also all tell of his resurrection. St. Mark was the first evangelist to write his Gospel and this is part of his story:

Remember you can look it up in your own Bible. Mark 15: 23-41

Page 13: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

Some extra information for you

Page 14: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

When they got to the place

of crucifixion they tried to

give him wine, mixed with

myrrh, but Jesus would not

drink it.

They threw dice to decide

what each should get. It was

nine o’clock in the morning

when they crucified him.

At midday, the whole

country became dark. This

lasted for three hours. At

three o’clock, Jesus cried

out, “Eloi, Eloi Lama

Sabachthani,” which

means, “My God, my God,

why have you abandoned


Then Jesus gave a loud cry

and died.

Then they crucified him and

divided his clothes among themselves.

The notice above his head

said, ‘The King of the Jews’.

As the soldiers led Jesus

away, they seized Simon

from Cyrene, who was on his

way in from the country, and

put the cross on him and

made him carry it behind


Jesus told the woman not to

weep for him but for their children.

Page 15: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

When they got to the place

of crucifixion they tried to

give him wine, mixed with

myrrh, but Jesus would not

drink it.

They threw dice to decide

what each should get. It was

nine o’clock in the morning

when they crucified him.

At midday, the whole

country became dark. This

lasted for three hours. At

three o’clock, Jesus cried

out, “Eloi, Eloi Lama

Sabachthani,” which

means, “My God, my God,

why have you abandoned


Then Jesus gave a loud cry

and died.

Then they crucified him and

divided his clothes among themselves.

The notice above his head

said, ‘The King of the Jews’.

Page 16: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

Based on Mark 15: 23-41

(Come and See)

Some women were there,

watching from a distance.

When the centurion, who

was standing opposite saw

how he died, he said, “This

man really was the Son of


They had followed Jesus

and had helped him when

he was in Galilee. Many

other women were there

who had come up to

Jerusalem with him.

There was Mary of

Magdala, Mary the mother

of the younger James and

of Joseph, and Salome.

Page 17: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

Christians believe that Jesus, because he loved us so much, gave his life for us. By going to the Good Friday liturgy in church, Christians can express their love and thanks to God.

Page 18: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

Questions to think about and discuss

Q1. Why do you think people pray the Stations of the Cross during Lent?

Q2. Why is it important for Christians to remember Good Friday?

Q3. Why do you think people reverence the Cross during the liturgy?

Q4. For what did the soldiers throw the dice?

Q5. What do you think the notice above Jesus’ head meant?

Q6. What did Jesus cry out? Why do you think he said this?

Q7. How do you think the centurion felt when Jesus died?

Q8. What effect do you think it had on him the centurion?

Q9. How do you think the women felt who were watching?

Page 19: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

Activities to do. Remember to record your work in your book , RE and the date

Imagine you are one of the women watching from a distance. Write an account for your friends about what happened on that day, how you felt and what you think it means.


Look at the images of Simon of Cyrene. Write about what is happening in the pictures how he is giving of himself for Jesus. Notice the colours which have been used, the expression on their faces etc. Think about how the artist has interpreted the scripture.

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Page 21: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells



Page 22: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells



Page 23: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells



Page 24: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

Here is your next step question. Try and answer it

with good examples.

Explain the emotions you would have felt watching

Jesus’ trial and crucifixion?

Page 25: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

WALT: explain the importance of the empty tomb

All four evangelists tell the story of the

Resurrection of Jesus to new life on

Easter morning.

St. Mark tells us that a man called

Joseph took Jesus’ body down from the


He wrapped the body in a linen sheet

and laid it in a tomb which had been

carved out of solid rock.

He rolled a rock over the entrance to

the tomb.

Here is Mark’s story,16: 2-8

Remember you can use your own Bible

to read this account.

Page 26: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

Very early on Sunday morning,

Mary of Magdala, Mary the

mother of James, and Salome went to Jesus’ tomb. The sun was

just coming up.

They had been asking one

another about who would roll

away the heavy stone across the entrance, but as they came close

they could see it had been

moved already.

He said to them, “Don’t be afraid.

I know you are looking for Jesus

who was crucified. He is risen; he is not here. See, here’s the place

where his body was laid.

As they went into the tomb they

saw a young man dressed in

white sitting there. They were amazed.

Based on Mark 16: 2-8

(God’s Story 3)

The women came out. They ran

away because they were still

frightened, and said nothing to anyone because they were


But you must go and tell Peter and

his disciples that Jesus is going to

Galilee. You will see him, just as he told you.”

Page 27: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

Questions to think about and discuss

Q1. How do you think the women felt and what would they have said to one another as they walked towards the tomb of Jesus?

Q2. Why were they amazed?

Q3. Do you remember someone else in a Gospel story being told ‘Do not to be afraid’? What was the event and who said that? (The Angel Gabriel said this to Mary at the time of the Annunciation.)

Q4. Why do you think Jesus wanted to meet his disciples in Galilee?

Q5. What do you think is puzzling about this story?

Q6. What would you have thought if you had seen the empty tomb?

Page 28: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells

Activities to do. Remember to record your work in your book.RE and date.

1. Look at the pictures of the ‘Empty Tomb’ on the next slide. Draw your own version using crayons, felts or paint to explore the meaning of the empty tomb.

2. Create picture panels, a triptych, (3 pictures) showing the giving of Jesus on the Cross, his Resurrection and how Jesus gives himself today. Examples on the last slide.

Page 29: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells
Page 30: Dear Children, Parents and Carers, This power point is to of Jesus to new life on Easter morning. St. Mark tells
