
Dear Parent/Carer

Brianna Manley - 3B2

Before I came to Healing,

I was nervous about making

new friends and worried about

being late for lessons, but

once my first day got

underway, I felt like I’d been

here for years.

I had my first French lesson

and I really liked it.

I enjoyed my first day and it’s

the only time I’ve ever wanted

to go back to school!

Poppy Kingston - 3B1

The night before I started at

Healing I was so excited I

couldn’t sleep. On the first

day I walked to school with

my friends. We looked funny

in our new uniforms! I met

my form tutor, Miss Henshall,

and she is very nice. I made

lots of new friends and

although I was tired when I

got home, I couldn’t wait to

do it all again the next day!

Year 7 Special 2015

Miles Ramskill -


I was quite anxious on

my first day at Healing.

Everything seemed big

and startling, but I soon

realised it was really


I like my history lessons

with Mr Chappel. I really

like the food choice at

lunchtime! I’m looking

forward to being here.

Billy Stainton -


On the first day, I had

a feeling of excitement

mixed with nerves,

although I didn’t have

any specific worries.

When I arrived at

school we had a big

assembly for the Yr7’s

and then I met my

form tutor Mr McCrae

for the first time.

We were then shown

round the school by the

Yr8 mentors, so that

we wouldn’t get lost in between lessons.

So far ,I am enjoying my P.E. and Science

lessons the most. The dinners at Healing are

really good, we even have fish and chips on a


When I got home, my nana was there and she

asked me what I had been doing. If any Year

6’s are thinking of coming to Healing School,

I’d recommend it. It’s the best!

Megan Gray - 3R4

I was really excited about

making new friends before I

started at Healing School. I

had 6 weeks to think about

it, so I was well prepared.

I like all of the teachers and

my favourite subjects are

Drama and P.E.

The school dinners are

actually delicious! Although

the school is really big, I

haven’t got lost at all and I

have made lots of new

friends like I hoped. I like

being at Healing school.

Welcome to the first edition for the 2015/16 academic year of our school newsletter which we

call "Hotline". In this edition, our Year 7 pupils have taken the opportunity to share their first experiences of life here at Healing School. It is pleasing to see that our Year 7’s have quickly

settled in and already feel part of the school, even though lots of them have found it really big! They have been working hard, have made new friends and are clearly enjoying lots

of their lessons.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents for your support in ensuring that all pupils started the school year looking really smart in the school uniform.

Best Wishes, Mr Knapton

Lily Wright - 3G3

On my first day, I was

worried the work might

be too hard. My mum

dropped me off but I

soon found my friend.

We went into the big hall

and were told what would

be happening, then the

Yr8’s took us to our tutor

groups. Next I had a

German lesson. I liked it!

When I got home, my

mum was fussy and

asked lots of questions.

I was already looking

forward to the next day.

Heather Peacock -


On the first morning, my

main worry was about

being late for my lessons

and being told off. I felt

very awkward in my new

uniform, but everyone

was dressed the same.

Fortunately, I wasn’t alone

for long, because I knew

some pupils in Yr8 and

they were on hand to

rescue me! I also met up

with some friends I made

on the induction day.

The lesson I have liked best so far is Music.

My form teacher is Mr Vincent. He is very kind

and good at sorting things out if you have a

problem. The buildings seem very big and high

which is a bit scary, but the lunch time deserts

make up for it!

Esther Nalule - 3B3

The night before I came to Healing, I felt ok and was confident about

moving up to secondary school. I even felt alright about having to wear

my new uniform. I used to walk to my primary school, but now I come on

the bus.

When I arrived on the first morning, I waited for my friends near the gate.

We then went into the hall and were told which tutor groups we were

going to be in. I realised there was nothing to be afraid of and I felt fine.

Lunch at Healing is really good. They even have home made cookies!

The lessons are different because you go to a different classroom for each

one. I did P.W.L for the first time. I really like the Music lessons and I like

all of my teachers.

When my first day was over, I went home and told my brother and sisters

about my day and I knew that everything was going to be fine.

Louis Hedges -


I felt fine about

coming to Healing

School and I was

really excited. On the

first morning, it felt

weird putting my

uniform on. I didn’t

know how to do my

tie, so my dad

showed me. I went

to school alone, but

met some friends as

soon as I got here. We had a big talk in the

main hall, then we went to meet our tutors.

We went on a tour of the school. Luckily, it

didn’t seem as big as I thought! The lessons

I like best so far is Science. On the first day,

we were shown how to use a Bunsen burner.

Blaise Haughey -


I had lots of things on my

mind about coming to

Healing School… Would I

make new friends? Would I

see my old friends? When I

arrived on the first day, I

found some people I knew,

so I felt a bit better.

All my lessons have been

fine, but I particularly like

Science with Mr Crosby.

He makes it interesting.

Before I came to Healing,

I was apprehensive about some things, but I soon

realised it was going to be good and I had nothing

to be concerned about. The school is big, but it

isn’t quite as big as I thought.

If I went back to my old school now, I would tell

the Yr6 pupils that everything is ok and they

should prepare for secondary school. I would

definitely recommend Healing school to pupils

thinking of coming here. When I got home after

my first day, I told my mum and brother I’d had a

fun day and felt ready to relax.

Grace Codd - 3B3

I couldn’t help feeling

nervous on my first

day. I didn’t know what

to expect, but it all

went better than I

thought. I made a new

friend and I was glad I

didn’t get lost!

I like Mrs Stone my

English teacher. I am

fine and think being at

Healing School is much

better than I thought.

Lucy Snell - 3B3

I was very excited to be

coming to Healing and

was looking forward to

new classes with

different teachers. It

felt weird wearing a tie!

I love geography and

my teacher Miss

Henshall is very nice.

When I told my family

about everything I’d

done on my first day,

they said WOW!

Ben Greenwood -


I was a teeny bit nervous on

my first day. It was a

completely new experience.

I came to school on a

double decker bus. When I

got here, I looked for my

friends and people I knew.

Healing is so much bigger

than my primary school.

I like Mrs Ranyard - she is

very funny!

When I got home, my mum

and grandma were really

excited to know everything.

Benjamin Foster-Smith - 3G2

I felt confident in coming to Healing School. I didn’t feel nervous at all.

When I arrived, all the Yr7’s went into the hall for an assembly and we

were told the school rules, about the curriculum and which tutor groups

we would be in. After that, we had a Yr 8 mentor who took us round the

school and up to our tutor classes. So far, I have enjoyed all my lessons

and although I’m good at Maths, I like Drama best. It’s nice to choose

what to have for lunch, although so far I have had the same thing every


My first day went quickly and when I got home, I told my parents I’d had

a great day and I felt comfortable about going again the next day.

Alex Cleator - 3R4

On the first morning, I was

apprehensive because none

of my friends from my old

school were moving up to

secondary school with me,

but after 5 minutes I met

some new people and we

went in the main hall for

assembly. The lessons are a

lot different from primary

school and Healing is much

bigger. I could get round

my old school with my eyes

shut! I like doing Maths and


I think Healing School will give me a good

education and I would recommend it to pupils

thinking of coming here.

When I got home, my nana and grandad greeted

me and insisted on taking a photograph of me in

my uniform on my first day!

Ralph Svendsen -


I woke up with mixed

emotions on my first

morning, but I had no

major worries. It was a

new experience

coming to school on

the bus. When we had

our first assembly,

they told us about the

new building and the

Yr8’s showed us round

and explained some

rules. I like having

lessons in the new

building because everything in it is super

modern. I like Science and Maths and Mrs

Smith who teaches me English.

When I got home, my uncle was there and I

told him I couldn’t wait to return the next day.

I would tell anyone coming here, not to worry

about bullies because people at Healing are

kind and helpful. It is a perfect school.

Alex Sharpe - 3G4

I felt fine on the first day

as soon as I met up with

my friends. I had been

worried about getting lost

in such a big school, and

guess what...I did!

Everything was ok

because the teachers and

the other pupils were very

helpful. We had a big

assembly to start with and

then we were split up into

our new tutor groups.

We started making an ice

scraper in Design and

Technology and next week I’m making a pizza.

As soon as I got home, I rushed upstairs to feed

my hamster because I was so busy on my first

morning, I forgot about him! Afterwards I sat

with my mum and we had hot chocolate and told

her all about my day. Maya Swaby - 3G3

The night before I came to

Healing, my main worry

was about getting lost in

such a big place, but my

form teacher, Mr Holmes

gave us all a map which

helped a lot. When we

arrived, I felt anxious until I

saw people I knew, then we

went into assembly.

We were told what would

happen throughout the day

and were put in our tutor

groups. After that, I had my

first science lesson with Mr Ramsden and I really

enjoyed it.

Soon it was lunch time. The food is really nice and

I had the best chocolate brownie I have ever


I was looking forward to a new challenge and felt

ready to move up to Healing School.

The whole day went quickly. My friend came for

tea and we told my sister all about it. I had no

worries about coming back the next day.

Abigail Harper -


I was worried about

oversleeping on my first

morning, but I didn’t.

I felt like I was dressing

up in my new blazer and

tie! Firstly we had a

Maths test. I found it

quite easy as I like

Maths, then I had D.T

with Mr Jennings.

At lunch I had sausage

and mash. The dinners

are good! You can tell

the new building has just opened because it

smells freshly painted. I was looking forward

to a new start at Healing School.

Harry Buckle - 3G4

Before I started at Healing School, I was really nervous about going up to

secondary school. I was anxious about having to meet lots of different

teachers. My uniform felt strange because I was used to wearing a jumper

to school, but I do like looking smart. On the first day, I biked with my

friends, so at least I knew some people and we were all starting together.

The Yr8 mentors took us to our tutor groups and helped us find our way

round the school. It is much bigger than I thought! The lessons I like best

are French and Maths. I am going to join the Maths club at lunch times

when it starts.

When my first day ended, I felt relieved that it was over and done with.

I knew it was going to be alright and I wasn’t anxious anymore, but at the

same time I felt a little bit sad that my friends and I were all moving on.

Emma King -


I was too excited

about starting at

Healing School to be

worried! I have an

older sister at the

school and she helped

me and gave me lots

of advice.

When we first got

here, all the Yr7’s

went into a big

assembly, where we

learnt about the

school rules and told

we were expected to be polite to staff and

each other.

My English teacher is Miss Good and I really

like my lessons with her. On Friday, we had

fish and chips for lunch and I can confirm that

they were very nice!

Josh Leader - 3B1

I was nervous in bed the

night before my first day,

but excited at the same

time. When I arrived, I felt

confused, but the Yr8

prefects showed us what to

do. My favourite subject so

far is Maths and my teacher

Miss Thompson is nice. I like

the new building and have

found it quite easy to get

around. The hot lunches are

really nice! I told my mum

my first day was fun.


Chamberlain - 3B3

I was really looking

forward to my first day

at Healing School. I

even like my uniform.

I found my friends

easily and met up with

people from the

induction day.

I want to be a teacher

and I really like Art.

My science teacher, Mr Ramsden is very nice.

Everything went smoothly on my first day

and I told my parents I’d had a good time

and was looking forward to the next day.

Eve Linton - 3G4

The night before I

started at Healing, I

was so nervous and

my head was full of

worries! I had

butterflies in my

tummy when I arrived,

but the Yr8 mentors

were helpful and told

us not to worry. They

gave us a map and a

tour of the school.

I like Mrs Ranyard, she is really funny.

When I got home, I told my parents I’d had a

good day and I wasn’t worried anymore.

Hattie Coldicutt -


Although I felt a bit nervous

before I came to Healing,

I have a friend in Yr8 who

told me fun stories, so I

was excited about coming.

My brother in Y11 said I’d

get used to it all quickly

too. Although the school is

very big, I didn’t find it too


I like D.T and Art and my

teachers Mr Holmes and

Miss Elliott are very nice.

I think Healing School is

much better than I thought it would be.

Everyone has been really friendly and helpful.

There are lots of clubs you can join like Maths club

or Drama club, or you can play sports. There are

opportunities for everyone to do something they

like. When I told my family about my first day,

they said it sounded like I’d had a really fun time.

Tobi Patrick - 3R5

Initially, I was a bit

worried about coming to

Healing, but I was also

excited about having all

kinds of different lessons,

meeting new teachers and

seeing what was inside

the new block. My sister is

in Yr10 and she said that

if I behave and do my

homework, I’ll be fine.

Going on the school bus

was a new experience and

I was glad some of my

friends were on it too.

In our tutor class, we

were given our journals and told how to use

them. I have a hot lunch at dinner time and I am

happy that we have fish and chips on Fridays!

I like Music and P.E and I like Mr Hirst who

teaches Drama.

If I went back to my old school, I would tell them

that I am having a great time at my new school.

Kristians Boguzs -


At first, I was nervous

about getting to my

lessons on time. I was

pleased that I had some

friends travelling on the

same bus. My form

tutor is Mr Nel and he

is a really fun teacher!

I like all the different

sports we do in P.E., it’s

my favourite subject.

I like lunch times as the food is way better

than I expected. You can even buy milkshake!

If I went back to my old school, I would tell

the pupils that Healing has the best teachers

and everyone helps you.

Footnote: P.W.L = Preparation for Working Life. D.T = Design and Technology.

Amelia French -


Although I had nerves

on the first day, I was

excited as well. I came

to school on the bus for

the first time.

I am enjoying my

lessons and like doing

Drama. All the teachers

have been very nice.

Everything is modern

and fresh, especially in

the new part of the

school and the dinners

are freshly cooked.

Isabel Graham -


I was awake most of the

night before I started at

Healing School, wondering

what it would be like.

My mum used to come to

this school, but the

uniform has totally

changed. I went on the

bus for the first time, but

it was ok because I had

friends on it.

At first, I wasn’t sure

where to go, but the Yr8

mentors were on hand to help. I really like my

Music and Art lessons and my favourite teacher is

Mrs Yeadon who teaches P.E. When I got home I

told my mum and my sister it had been a bit

nerve wracking, but great!

Natalia Walczakowska - 3R2

On the night before my first day at Healing School, I couldn’t decide

whether I was excited or nervous! I was a bit worried about getting lost

though. When I got to school, I found my friends and then we went into

the big hall and met our tutors. My tutor is Mr McCrae. I like him and my

English teacher, Miss Good. I like doing Art and Science. The Science

lessons are really exciting and interesting.

It is better being at Healing School than I thought it would be. I think it is

the best school in the area and I am looking forward to doing lots of new

subjects. When I got home, my mum was pleased that I wasn’t worried

about things anymore and that I enjoyed my first day.


Standland - 3G4

I was really excited

about doing lots of new

lessons before I came

to Healing, although I

admit I was a little

nervous the night


All the teachers have

been very nice, but I

especially like Mrs

Ranyard because she

makes everybody


I like P.E and D.T and at lunch time, the

Bolognaise is really tasty. Healing is much

bigger than my previous primary school, but I

think I got used to it really quickly and

although I haven’t been lost yet, there are

lots of people who will help you if you are.

I went home for the first time on the school

bus and it was fine. When I got home, I told

my family that I’d had a great day and a good

lunch. I am looking forward to learning lots of

new things in my lessons.

Finlay Jackaman -


I wanted to come to Healing

to learn because I was ready

to move up from my primary

school. My older sister

showed me and my friends

where to go on the first day.

I like doing electricals with

Mr Homes in D.T.

Healing is bigger than I

thought, but I’d definitely

recommend it to anyone

thinking of coming here.

Ben Brabben - 3B2

I was a little nervous on my

first day, but everything

went well. I like Science and

my teacher, Mr Crosby is my

favourite because he is so

enthusiastic about Science

and makes it really

interesting. If I went back to

my old school, I’d tell

everyone there is nothing to

be scared of at Healing and

the teachers are nice.
