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Page 1: Deck Officer Training



PMI1729 Alaskan Way SouthSeattle, Washington 98134Toll-Free: 888-893-7829E-mail Laura Bendixenat [email protected]:

MITAGS692 Maritime BoulevardLinthicum Heights, MD 21090 Toll-Free: 866-656-5568E-mail: Victor Tufts at [email protected]:

Page 2: Deck Officer Training

IntroductIonthank you for your interest in the MItAGS/PMI Able Bodied Seaman to Mate Program. the purpose of this document is to supply you with specific information on the program, so you can make an informed decision regarding the requirements that are necessary for an upgrade to a Mate’s license.

our goal is to support mariners and provide a professional, relaxed atmosphere to assist in the completion of this demanding program. MItAGS and PMI strive to bring real shipboard experience and relevance to all of our courses. Furthermore the Institutes employ experienced and talented instructors to help “bring the material alive.”

Most of the courses included in the AB to Mate Program provide practical assessments of skill to evaluate the student’s ability to perform the duties of a Mate. these practical assessments may be in the form of written, equipment, role play, or simulation exercises and are an integral part of the training and qualification process that is mandated by the u.S. coast Guard.

MItAGS and PMI are dedicated to helping mariners advance and maintain their certifications, so they can successfully accomplish their career goal to work as a Mate.

Again, thank you for your interest in the MItAGS/PMI AB to Mate Program.

MItAGS/PMI Staff and Faculty

tABle oF contentSIntroduction 2

u.S. coast Guard Policy 4

course descriptions 6

enrollment Procedure 13

Personal training calendar 13

Accommodations and locations 14

� MITAGS-PMI AB to Mate Programr060607





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uScG PolIcY

MITAGS-PMI AB to Mate Program �r060607

u.S. coASt GuArd PolIcYu.S. coast Guard national Maritime center Policy letter 01-02 describes the requirements that are necessary for applicants on ocean or near coastal vessels of 500 or more gross tonnage (200 Grt) after February 1st, 2002. the document includes six enclosures that detail the sea service, training, and practical assessments that must be completed before an applicant can take the traditional u.S. coast Guard written examination. For reference, you may view the policy letter in its entirety on the u.S. coast Guard website at

the following is a list of courses that MItAGS and PMI offer to satisfy the requirements of the above-referenced policy letter.

Order Course Title Acronym Length

1. terrestrial / coastal navigation and compasses tcnAV/co 15 days

2. radar observer Program-unlimited roP 5 days

3. Automatic radar Plotting Aids1 ArPA 4 days

4. electronic navigation enAV 5 days

5. celestial navigation cnAV 10 days

6. Search and rescue SAr 2 days

7. emergency Procedures eP 3 days

8. Advanced Firefighting2 FF-AdV 5 days

9. Stability and Ship construction - Basic StB-BAS 5 days

10. cargo Handling and Stowage - Basic cHS-BAS 5 days

11. Basic Meteorology WX-BAS 5 days

12. Medical care Provider Med-Pro 5 days

13. Shiphandling - Basic SHS-BAS 5 days

14. Watchkeeping and Bridge resource Management - Basic WKP-BAS 10 days

15. Shiphandling Simulator Assessment3 SHS-SIM-ASSeSS 5 days

16. Flashing light Fl 1 day

total 90 days

Optional Courses

Global Maritime distress and Safety Systems4 GMdSS 10 days

license Preparation lIc PreP 20 days

Medical Person In-charge5 Med-PIc 5 days

tankerman Person In-charge6 t-PIc 5 days

1 required if serving on vessels equipped with ArPA.2 PMI students only: students that already possess a Basic Fire Fighting certificate will still be required to take the entire Basic and Advanced Fire Fighting course at Fremont Maritime Services,

unless their Basic Fire Fighting certificate was obtained through Fremont Maritime Services within the last six months.3 not required if assessment completed onboard.4 required if serving on vessels equipped with GMdSS.5 required if you are assigned to order & administer medical supplies onboard a vessel. Med-Pro is a prerequisite for Med-PIc endorsement.6 required if you attend to serve onboard tankers.

In addition to the above-referenced course requirements, attendees will also be required to complete 78 practical assessments of skill. Most of these assessments are incorporated in the MItAGS/PMI AB to Mate Program courses. See page 4 and 5 for details.

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u.S. coASt GuArd PolIcY Assessment requirements


CG Control Sheet Number Task MITAGS-PMI Course in which Task is Assessed

oIcnW-1-1A Adjust a sextant celestial navigation

oIcnW-1-1B Measure the altitude of the sun Onboard

oIcnW-1-1c Measure the altitude of at least 3 stars Onboard

oIcnW-1-1d Measure the altitude of the sun at meridian passage (local apparent



oIcnW-1-1e celestial running fix celestial navigation

oIcnW-1-1F Star fix celestial navigation

oIcnW-1-2A Fix by two bearings Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-1-2B Fix by two ranges radar

oIcnW-1-2c Fix by tangent to two identified objects radar

oIcnW-1-2d Plot the ship’s dr position terrestrial navigation

oIcnW-1-2e determine the course to steer terrestrial navigation

oIcnW-1-3A correction of charts and publications terrestrial navigation

oIcnW-1-3B chart selection terrestrial navigation

oIcnW-1-3c route planning terrestrial navigation

oIcnW-1-4A Position fix by GPS Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-1-4B use of GPS position save function Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-1-4c Position fix by loran Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-1-4d use of echo sounder Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-1-5A determine gyro compass error by bearing of range terrestrial navigation

oIcnW-1-5B determine magnetic compass error terrestrial navigation

oIcnW-1-5c determine magnetic compass deviation terrestrial navigation

oIcnW-1-5d determine course to steer by magnetic compass terrestrial navigation

oIcnW-1-5e Position fix by magnetic compass bearings terrestrial navigation

oIcnW-1-5F Azimuth of the sun Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-1-5G Azimuth of any body at night Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-1-6A Steering gear test Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-1-6B Set weather controls Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-1-7A read barometric pressure Basic Meteorology

oIcnW-1-7B determine true wind speed and direction Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-1-7c determine expected weather conditions Basic Meteorology

oIcnW-2-1A Identify light configurations Basic Watchkeeping

oIcnW-2-1B Identify day shapes Basic Watchkeeping

oIcnW-2-1c Identify sound signals Basic Watchkeeping

oIcnW-2-1d determine risk of collision Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-2-1e Maneuver to avoid risk of collision – Meeting Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-2-1F Maneuver to avoid risk of collision – overtaking Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-2-2A Watch relief Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-2-2B Keep a safe navigation watch Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-2-2c notify Master when appropriate Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-2-2d Keep a safe anchor watch Simulator or onboard




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uScG PolIcY: ASSeSSMent

MITAGS-PMI AB to Mate Program �r060607

u.S. coASt GuArd PolIcY Assessment requirements Continued


CG Control Sheet Number Task MITAGS-PMI Course in which Task is Assessed

oIcnW-2-2e navigate in restricted visibility Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-2-2F turn over a watch Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-2-3A Voyage planning terrestrial navigation

oIcnW-2-3B execute a voyage plan Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-2-3c Watch augmentation Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-2-3d BrM condition III – collision avoidance Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-2-3e BrM condition III – navigation Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-2-3F BrM condition II or III–error trapping Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-2-3G BrM condition II or III–Prioritization Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-2-3H BrM condition II – establish a bridge team Simulator or onboard

oIcnW-3-1A Set up and maintain a radar display radar

oIcnW-3-1B Switch display modes radar

oIcnW-3-1c Identify false echoes, sea returns, racons, and SArts radar

oIcnW-3-1d determine range and bearing radar

oIcnW-3-1e determine risk of collision radar

oIcnW-3-1F determine drM, SrM, cPA, and tcPA radar

oIcnW-3-1G detect speed and course changes of other ships radar

oIcnW-3-1H change course to control target drM radar

oIcnW-3-1I change speed to control target drM radar

oIcnW-3-1J determine true course and speed of target vessel radar

oIcnW-3-1K Parallel indexing radar

oIcnW-3-2A Set up and maintain an ArPA display Automatic radar Plotting Aids

oIcnW-3-2B Manual target acquisition Automatic radar Plotting Aids

oIcnW-3-2c establish an exclusion area Automatic radar Plotting Aids

oIcnW-3-2d Set vector characteristics Automatic radar Plotting Aids

oIcnW-3-2e designate targets Automatic radar Plotting Aids

oIcnW-3-2F cancel targets Automatic radar Plotting Aids

oIcnW-3-2G target history Automatic radar Plotting Aids

oIcnW-3-2H establish cPA and tcPA Automatic radar Plotting Aids

oIcnW-3-2I establish alarm area Automatic radar Plotting Aids

oIcnW-3-2J trial maneuver Automatic radar Plotting Aids

oIcnW-3-2K Switch stabilization modes Automatic radar Plotting Aids

oIcnW-3-2l navigation lines Automatic radar Plotting Aids

oIcnW-3-2M determine set and drift Automatic radar Plotting Aids

oIcnW-4-1A Flashing light Flashing light

oIcnW-5-1A Maneuver for man overboard Basic Shiphandling

oIcnW-5-1B course change of more than 45 degrees Basic Shiphandling

oIcnW-5-1c emergency stop Basic Shiphandling

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� MITAGS-PMI AB to Mate Programr060607







courSe deScrIPtIonSBasic & Advanced Fire Fighting

this 5-day course covers basic fire fighting techniques and fire team management. other subjects covered include the fire triangle, extinguishing agents and techniques, ventilation, fire plans and fire drills, fire team management, and fire investigation.

Special instructions: You will need raingear, long-sleeve shirts, and long pants (or coveralls) for each day of training. All clothing should be of natural fiber, no PolYeSter. Half of each day is spent outside, even if it is raining, so be prepared! Students without appropriate attire will not be allowed to participate in the class. Students should be clean-shaven in order to obtain an airtight mask seal. there are no exceptions to this rule. Additionally, all students will be required to complete a consent and release form prior to participating in the class.

MItAGS Students: the offsite fire training grounds are arranged by MItAGS to ensure the best schedule for students. MItAGS will provide the necessary transportation and equipment for this course.

PMI Students: the offsite training is arranged by PMI and conducted at Fremont Maritime Services in Seattle Washington. Students with a Basic Fire Fighting certificate will still need to take the entire Basic and Advanced Fire Fighting course at Fremont Maritime Services, unless their Basic Fire Fighting certificate was obtained through Fremont Maritime Services within the last six months.

Automatic Radar Plotting Aids

this 4-day course is required for officers that serve on vessels equipped with ArPA and covers the set up and use of ArPA for collision avoidance and navigation. other subjects covered include ArPA theory, ArPA errors and limitations, setting up and maintaining ArPA displays, and use of ArPA information to avoid close quarters situations.

Special instructions: radar observer unlimited is a prerequisite for this course.

Meteorology– Basic

this 5-day course provides students with knowledge associated with the characteristics of various weather systems, reporting procedures, and recording systems. other subjects covered include instruments, atmospheric pressure, wind, clouds, visibility, climatology, weather systems, and weather forecasting.

Special instructions: none.

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Shiphandling– Basic

this 5-day course covers turning circles and stopping distance in deep and shallow water, man overboard procedures, and basic anchoring. the course utilizes full-mission visual simulation to reinforce theoretical lessons. other subjects covered include effects of wind and current, shallow water effects, anchoring, and steering control systems.

Special instructions: none.

Cargo Handling and Stowage– Basic

this 5-day course covers the duties that are undertaken by the deck watch while loading and discharging cargo in port and care of cargo in transit. other subjects covered include inspection and preparation of holds, cargo segregation, securing cargo, cargo handling equipment and safety, confined space entry, and an overview of ship types (tankers, bulk carriers, containers, etc).

Special instructions: none.

Celestial Navigation

this 10-day course covers the most common forms of position fixing by celestial bodies. other subjects covered include nautical astronomy, sextant and altitude correction, sight reduction and lines of position, meridian transits, time of sunrise, sunset, and noon, star identification and selection, sailings, and ocean route planning.

Special instructions: terrestrial and coastal navigation is a prerequisite for this course. Please bring a calculator with you to class each day. We recommend a Sharp d.A.l. style calculator with at least 3 memories (e.g. Sharp el-531VBBl).

courSe deScrIPtIonS

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courSe deScrIPtIonS Continued

Electronic Navigation

this 5-day course covers the theory and practical use of electronic navigational aids. Possible errors and limitations are stressed, along with methods of resolving position ambiguity. other subjects covered include GPS, echo sounders, speed logs, radar navigation, ecdIS, and navigation software.

Special instructions: terrestrial and coastal navigation is a prerequisite for this course.

Emergency Procedures

this 3-day course covers the procedures required to deal with emergency situations and the training that is necessary to maintain an effective response. other subjects covered include contingency planning, the development and use of checklists, and emergency steering arrangements.

Special instructions: none.

Global Maritime Distress and Safety Systems

this 10-day course is required for officers that serve on vessels equipped with GMdSS equipment. the program is divided into one theory week and one practical week. other subjects covered include satellite systems, terrestrial communications, transmission and reception of distress alerts and messages, and maritime safety information.

Special instructions: You must bring the following items to the course: n current Fcc license, even if expired. n certificates for any Fcc tests that you have taken and passed. n $35.00 for Fcc license. If you fail the examination, there will be an additional $35.00 charge for re-testing. A preparation packet will be sent out to students upon confirmation of enrollment. Please review the packet prior to the start of class. Students should plan on doing homework each evening. If you do not have a Fcc GMdSS operator’s license, you are strongly urged to study the combined Fcc and u.S. coast Guard question pool prior to attending class. You will find this test pool at most nautical bookstores or on the u.S. coast Guard website at

Medical Care Provider

this 5-day course is designed for licensed deck officers that will provide immediate first aid to ship’s personnel and assist the ship’s Medical Person-in-charge. Subjects covered include airway management, patient assessment, and medical emergencies/trauma.

Special instructions: Please review the “Ship captain’s Medical Guide” prior to attending this class. this information is available online at

Medical Person–in–Charge Endorsement

this 5-day elective course must be preceded by the MItAGS/PMI Med-Pro course (within one year). the course is required if you are designated to order and administer medical supplies onboard the vessel. Subjects covered include pain management, rescue at sea, death at sea, diseases, and advanced medical skills.

Special instructions: Med-Pro is a prerequisite for this course. Students are encouraged to review the “Ship captain’s Medical Guide” which is available online at

Radar Observer Program Unlimited

this 5-day course covers the proper use of radar for risk assessment, collision avoidance, and navigation. trainees use radar equipment with landmasses, environmental effects, and vessel return simulation. other subjects covered include radar principles, set up and tuning, radar plotting, radar navigation, and a review of collision regulations.

Special instructions: A preparation packet will be provided for this course upon confirmation of enrollment.

Search and Rescue

this 2-day course provides the attendee with knowledge associated with the contents of the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and rescue Manual (IAMSAr) and the procedures necessary to respond to a distress signal at sea. other subjects covered include communications, operating procedures, SAr resources, search areas, and search patterns.

Special instructions: none.

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courSe deScrIPtIonS Continued

Stability and Ship Construction –Basic

this 5-day course covers basic ship construction features, terminology, and the principles of stability. other subjects covered include ship dimensions, ship stresses, hull structure, rudders and propellers, displacement, buoyancy, statical and initial stability, list, trim, and free surface effect.

Special instructions: none.

Shiphandling Simulation Assessment Program

the purpose of this 5-day program is to provide attendees with the opportunity to demonstrate watchkeeping skills and complete the following twenty (20) assessment control sheets, as outlined in u.S. coast Guard national Maritime center Policy letter 01-02 for “officers in charge of a navigational Watch (oIcnW).”

1. oIcnW 1-2A 11. oIcnW 2-2d

2. oIcnW 1-6A 12. oIcnW 2-2e

3. oIcnW 1-6B 13. oIcnW 2-2F

4. oIcnW 1-7B 14. oIcnW 2-3B

5. oIcnW 2-Id 15. oIcnW 2-3c

6. oIcnW 2-Ie 16. oIcnW 2-3d

7. oIcnW 2-IF 17. oIcnW 2-3e

8. oIcnW 2-2A 18. oIcnW 2-3F

9. oIcnW 2-2B 19. oIcnW 2-3G

10. oIcnW 2-2c 20. oIcnW 2-3H

Terrestrial / Coastal Navigation and Compasses

this 15-day course covers every aspect of traditional navigation. Specific subjects covered include charts and chart work, compass correction, plotting and position lines, tides and currents, logbooks, and voyage planning. the program also covers the theory of the earth’s magnetism, the application of variation and deviation to courses and bearings, and general gyro and autopilot operating procedures.

Special instructions: A preparation packet will be sent out to students upon confirmation of enrollment. Students are encouraged to study the packet prior to the start of class. A scientific calculator with trigonometry functions is required for this course.

Watchkeeping and Bridge Resource Management–Basic

this 10-day course covers the actions necessary to avoid close quarters situations in accordance with the International regulations for Avoiding collisions at Sea (colreGS) and watchkeeping procedures, including Bridge resource Management. other subjects covered include keeping a safe watch at sea, at anchor, and in port, pollution prevention, and record-keeping.

Special instructions: terrestrial and coastal navigation, radar, and ArPA are prerequisites for this course.

License Preparation

this 20-day license preparation course prepares attendees to take the u.S. coast Guard written examination.

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MITAGS-PMI AB to Mate Program 11r060607

GenerAl InForMAtIonclASS MAterIAlS: Most of the courses in the MItAGS/PMI AB to Mate Program are accompanied by a Student Guide for review and note-taking purposes. the Institutes recommend that you bring a note pad, pen, and pencil with you each class day.

In addition to Student Guides the following materials are included for students enrolled in the AB to Mate Program:

n reprint of American Practical navigator 1981 edition, Volume 2n reprint of 1983 tide and current tablesn reprint of Merchant Marine deck examination light list and coast Pilotn Publication no. 229 – Volume 2, latitudes 15°- 30°n reprint of 1981 nautical Almanacn chart 12221tr – chesapeake Bay (training)n chart 12354tr – long Island Sound (training)n chart 13205tr – Block Island Sound (training)n reprint of Merchant Marine deck examination deck Illustration Bookletn navigation rules Bookn Plotting tools (2 triangles, dividers, compasses, eraser and pencil)n calculator

All students are required to have the latest set (1 through 6) of deck officer Study Guides, edited by Joseph S. Murphy, II, Published by Academy Publishing company. this publication is available for purchase at MItAGS and PMI.

GenerAl InForMAtIon

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1� MITAGS-PMI AB to Mate Programr060607

SecurItY And PHoto IdentIFIcAtIon cArd: MItAGS and PMI are required to photocopy your photo identification card and maintain it with the course records, as defined in u.S. coast Guard Policy letter 11-02. Please remember to bring a photo identification card with you on the first day of each class.

clASS tIMeS: classes typically start between 0800 and 0830 and end between 1600 and 1630, with two 15-minute breaks and 1 hour for lunch. the instructor will decide when it is convenient to take breaks and may change times, as required, to suit the needs of the attendees.

reFreSHMentS And SnAcKS: complimentary coffee, tea, and water are available at all times in the Student Break Area.

PolIcIeS: our policies are detailed in the “MItAGS/PMI Student Policies and General Information” booklet. Please be sure to read this document carefully.

cAncellAtIon PolIcYStudents are required to provide notice of cancellation, either verbally or in writing, to the registrar for a full refund. Failure to provide such notice will result in a 10% administrative fee based on the cost of the course, or $100, whichever is less.

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trAInInG cAlendAr

MITAGS-PMI AB to Mate Program 1�r060607

PerSonAl trAInInG cAlendAruse this page to document your personal AB to Mate training plan.

Able-Bodied Seaman to Mate Program Courses

course code course name date completed

1 tcnAV/co terrestrial / coastal navigation and compasses

2 roP radar observer Program-unlimited

3 ArPA Automatic radar Plotting Aids1

4 enAV electronic navigation

5 cnAV celestial navigation

6 SAr Search and rescue

7 eP emergency Procedures

8 FF-AdV Advanced Firefighting2

9 StB-BAS Stability and Ship construction - Basic

10 cHS-BAS cargo Handling and Stowage - Basic

11 WX-BAS Basic Meteorology

12 Med-Pro Medical care Provider

13 SHS-BAS Shiphandling - Basic

14 WKP-BAS Watchkeeping and Bridge resource Management - Basic

15 SHS-SIM-ASSeSS Shiphandling Simulator Assessment3

16 Fl Flashing light

Optional Courses

GMdSS Global Maritime distress and Safety Systems4

lIc PreP license Preparation

Med-PIc Medical Person In-charge5

t-PIc tankerman Person In-charge6

1 required if serving on vessels equipped with ArPA.2 PMI students only: students that already possess a Basic Fire Fighting certificate will still be required to take the entire Basic and Advanced Fire Fighting course at Fremont Maritime Services,

unless their Basic Fire Fighting certificate was obtained through Fremont Maritime Services within the last six months.3 not required if assessment completed onboard.4 required if serving on vessels equipped with GMdSS.5 required if you are assigned to order & administer medical supplies onboard a vessel. Med-Pro is a prerequisite for Med-PIc endorsement.6 required if you attend to serve onboard tankers.

enrollMent Procedureread this catalog thoroughly.

call or e-mail your preferred campus: MITAGS (linthicum, Md) toll-free at (866) 656-5568 or via e-mail at [email protected]. PMI (Seattle, WA) toll-free at (888) 893-7829 or via e-mail at [email protected].

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1� MITAGS-PMI AB to Mate Programr060607

AccoMModAtIonS In SeAttleRECOMMENDED LODGING – HolIdAY Inn, SeAttle center

PMI recommends using the Holiday Inn at Seattle center while attending courses at PMI. the staff is friendly and accustomed to our long term-students. Amenities include a clean, spacious room with free high-speed Internet access, a microwave, and a refrigerator. the hotel also offers free parking in their secured garage, complimentary continental breakfast in the executive lounge on the 6th Floor from 0600 to 0900, and shuttle service to and from the school on weekdays.

Location: 211 dexter Avenue north, Seattle, WA 98109.

PMI Rates: $64 per night (30+ nights)

Telephone: (206) 728-8123

Please ask for a corporate Sales Manager and let them know you are a student at the Pacific Maritime Institute (PMI).


MItAGS recommends using its onsite hotel for overnight lodging. the comfortable guest rooms include private bath, queen or two double beds, satellite television, high-speed Internet access, coffee maker, refrigerator, and workstation with executive chair. Additionally, students have access to the onsite fitness center, indoor pool, game room, ship store, and jogging-walking trails.

Location: 692 Maritime Boulevard, linthicum Heights, Md 21090

MITAGS Rates: Please call to verify current overnight lodging rate.

Telephone: toll-free (866) 900-3517

the daily rate for over-night guests includes the following:

n Meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner).

n continuous refreshments in the Student Break area.

n Free parking.

n Free shuttle service to/from BWI Airport, BWI Amtrak Station, and BWI light rail Station.

Single and double occupancy rates are available.

Seattle waterfront Pike Place Market, Seattle MITAGS, Linthicum Heights (Baltimore), Maryland

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PMI1729 Alaskan Way SouthSeattle, Washington 98134Toll-Free: 888-893-7829E-mail Laura Bendixenat [email protected]:

MITAGS692 Maritime BoulevardLinthicum Heights, MD 21090 Toll-Free: 866-656-5568E-mail: Victor Tufts at [email protected]: