Page 1: Default · CrossFit experiences, ... who teach proper technique, and stress building a strong foundation

Default CrossFit /default-crossfit/

Small but Mighty

I used to judge CrossFit. In fact, I used to be downright fearful of it. However, following my first couple of

CrossFit experiences, I gained a new perspective and a new level of respect for the training style.

I also grew to understand that while there are many videos online depicting poor form and speed over

technique as being the norm in CrossFit, that this is simply not the case for CrossFit as a whole.

In my most recent experience, I got the opportunity to visit Default Crossfit in Wildomar, California and

interview the owner, Danielle Heider. After having spent time in three different CrossFit boxes for previous

interviews I had a bit of an idea about what to expect walking into a CrossFit gym. However, there were

some obvious differences between Default and the other boxes I had been too that I really, really liked.

My Experience at Default CrossFit

When I used to think about CrossFit I pictured a giant warehouse style gym with lots of people doing all

kinds of different lifts, loud music, and enthusiastic groups loudly cheering each other on. My first few CF

experiences were kind of like that and to be honest, walking into a place like that for the very first time can

be pretty intimidating.

However, that was far from what I saw upon arriving at Default. Default is a much smaller location than the

others I had visited as it is a new and growing location. Starting from the humble beginnings of one

woman training a few friends out of her garage, this box is more intimate, inviting, and very family-friendly.

This box had much of the feel of a bootcamp style of setting, but with the added benefit of weight lifting and

gymnastics training along with metabolic conditioning.

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Danielle, the gym’s owner and head coach at Default is very professional and knowledgeable in her trade.

She spends a lot of focus on proper warm ups and stretching and ensuring a full understanding of the

movements prior to beginning any actual training. She teaches by way of modeling, supporting and

working alongside her clients.

The very first class I got to experience at Default CrossFit was the CrossFit Kids class, a program Default

runs during the summer. I brought my seven year old in to try out the class with one of his friends. The

class was fun, focused on stretching and functional movements. It was a great way to let my very active

son get out some energy and challenge himself in a new way.

Directly following the kids’ class was an adult class and there is a small, safe children’s area at the back of

the gym where my kids were able to hang out, play, and work on homework while I got in my workout. The

adult class that day was small, but the group had a great vibe and I immediately felt welcome.

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Having a smaller class size was really nice as it made it a very personal training experience. I felt like

Danielle was able to provide me with a lot of direct attention and instruction as I learned some new

movements. That is really important to me when learning new lifts because I am not the most coordinated

person but I understand how crucial using proper form is to ensuring that I stay injury free.

While in some of the other boxes I visited I felt an underlying sense of competition and needing to prove

myself to fit in which was at times uncomfortable. At Default I felt much more at ease with just listening to

the coach, learning the techniques, and getting in a good workout. I was worried less about how I looked

compared to everyone else who was training.

That is one of the benefits to training in a smaller facility and is awesome for anyone interested in trying

out CrossFit but is put off by many of the expectations and stigmas that have been associated with it in the

mainstream media. In a good box, however, like in any quality gym you will find knowledgeable instructors

who teach proper technique, and stress building a strong foundation from the basics before pushing

yourself to a more competitive level of training.

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CrossFit, unfortunately gets a lot of negative press and as a result many people are fearful of even trying it

out. But if you find a good instructor and a box where you feel comfortable and supported, then CrossFit

can be an excellent way to build strength, confidence, and overall physical fitness. If you have wanted to try

out CrossFit, but are intimidated by the larger boxes, then do yourself a favor and go check out Default

CrossFit today.

About Default Crossfit

Kimberly: Can you give a brief overview of when and how Default CrossFit began?

Danielle: Default CrossFit started small…real small. In May 2012, I had just gotten my Level 1 Certificate

in CrossFit. I had also recently retired from six years of teaching Stroller Strides when Fit by Default’s (our

original name before affiliating) two original members (and former Stroller Strides members), Valerie and

Nicole, approached me about training them out of my garage. It was something that I had always dreamed

of doing some day, so why not now, I thought? Fast forward a year, and Default CrossFit is starting to grow

via word of mouth. We moved into a space in Wildomar in December 2013 and opened the doors shortly

after remodeling and installing equipment.

K: What makes your gym unique?

D: That is a tough question. Some people have

preconceived ideas about CrossFit that the members are all

in there 20’s and are amazingly fit. The truth is we have

member of all ages and ranges of fitness from beginner to


Each have their limitations whether it be their nutrition, or

Olympic lifting, or just getting up and getting to the Box.

What makes us unique is we understand that not everyone

Is perfect and everyone is going to need a program

designed for them to help them reach their goals. And that’s

what we do we help our members reach their goals.

K: What qualifications/experience are your trainers/coaches

required to hold in order to train members at your gym?

D: To be a CrossFit Coach or Trainer you must complete

and pass the CrossFit Level 1 Certification program. You

must also have that same certification to open a CrossFit

affiliation, like Default CrossFit.

As for myself, besides my CrossFit Level 1 Certification, I

also hold USA Weightlifting Sports Performance Coaching

Certificate, as well as and a Bachelor of Science in Health Science from California State University at

Chico. And before I became a CrossFit coach, I was an Instructor for Stroller Strides here in the Temecula

Valley for 6 years (a workout group for moms with little ones).

What Default Crossfit Offers

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K: What programs and services do you offer?

D: Our workouts are short and high intensity, combining Olympic lifting, gymnastics, and metabolic

conditioning: things like running, jump rope, rowing.

But first, we always start the day with warm up

and some strength training. We do back squats, push

presses, snatches…whatever the programming calls

for. We also incorporate mobility to keep the joints

moving smoothly and to prevent injury.

We also stress the importance of nutrition and help

where we can. We host seminars and plan to

continue with more variety in the future.

K: What is the most popular program or service you


D: The most popular and unique thing about

CrossFit is that you are getting a personal trainer or

coach if that term fits you better. That is invested in


K: What are your current pricing packages?

D: Currently I believe we are one of the least

expensive Boxes around. We have three options and

none require contracts, we don’t believe in making

you stay at something you just don’t like or doesn’t

suit you.

1) Unlimited – come as often as you would like,

multiple times a day if you prefer, for $100.00

2) 3 Times a week – This option is $85.00

3) 2 Times a week – This option is $65.00

There is also a mandatory on-ramp program that we require facilities. It’s a 6 day program where you work

with one of the coaches one on one, and learn the movements and exercises so that you don’t get hurt

once you start to come to the daily WOD’s (Work out of the Day). This costs $75.00 and must be done prior

to joining in on any classes.

Getting Started at Default Crossfit

K: What is the process for a new prospect interested in becoming a member?

D: As I mentioned, there is a mandatory on-ramp program which serves two purposes: it lets us gauge

you and where you are in your fitness state and it also lets you learn about CrossFit and if it is going to be

a good fit for you.

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K: How do you keep members informed of class schedules and changes, account information, special

promotions, etc?

D: Social Media! We have a website, a Facebook page, and an Instagram

account so you can see your progress and how much fun everyone has around the box. All of the accounts

are updated daily and if something out of the ordinary happens, say a class is cancelled due to weather,

we text everyone if the situation calls for it.

Contact Default Crossfit

Facebook | Instagram

Danielle Heider, Owner

34862 Monte Vista Drive, Suite 111,

Wildomar, California 92595

(951) 719-4521
