Page 1: Defense Of The Republic Welcome

Defense of the Republic

“No other choice”Welcome to Defense of the Republic. The subtitle, “no other choice,” explains why I am posting, and defines my goal.

We have crossed the “dawn of a new era” as they like to say. How this turns out is any one’s guess. My opinion – we won’t like the consequences of a socialist government. How we as U.S. citizens respond remains to be seen. In the past, we have not gone along lamely, we have defended our right to the basic freedoms of the Constitution. Today I am not certain the majority feel socialism is a threat to our freedoms. We are the people and we are the government. Our responsibility to that government remains to be actively involved. Without active involvement our Republic falls into the hands of those more interested in power than principle.Everyone has the right to an opinion, but do not expect me to tolerate flaming nor disrespect toward out country.

Please let us know how you feel.
