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16/05/2014 by RusseWeb

Learn A/B testingDefinition of A/B testing and Case Studies by Optimizely

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Conversion Rate

✤ Conversion Rate - the percentage of visitors who take a desired action.!

✤ The average conversion rate on the web - the rate at which visitors convert into customers - is at only 2%. !

✤ That means that the 98% of potential customers that reste never will convert on YOUR web site.

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What is A/B testing ?

✤ A/B testing is the simple idea of showing several different versions of a web page to live trafic.!

✤ You can then mesure the effect the each version has on your customers!

✤ By doing so you can drastically improve the effectiveness of your marketing and user experience

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The Main Goal is to Improve your Conversion Rate

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What to test first ?Optimization guide in 5 steps

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The hardest part of A/B testing is determine what to test first

✤ Step One : Define success or the reasons of your site’s existence!

✤ Step Two : Identify bottlenecks or where do you lose your customers ?!

✤ Step Three : Construct a hypothesis!

✤ Step Four : Prioritize!

✤ Step Five : Test !

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Define success of your site

✤ What is your website for ? !

✤ Identify what constitutes - and does not constitues - a « conversion » for your web site. !

✤ Depending on your business model defining a success conversion metrics can be a tricky task.

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Identify Bottlenecks

✤ Bottlenecks are the places where your users are dropping off

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Construct a Hypothesis

✤ After you found the bottlenecks of your site, try to understand why your potential costumers leave at this step ? !

✤ Make a hypothesis, try to think as your clients!

✤ To understand your customers vision you can use interviews, feedback forms, groupes.!

✤ If you are running tests without a hypothesis beforehand, you might gather information that’s helpful anecdotally while missing the deeper lesson.

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✤ You should keep a sense of your testing priorities in mind!

✤ Your projected ROI (Return On Investment) from each test will itself be derived from a combination of your core success metrics that you determine in Step One, the Bottlenecks (Step two) and your hypothesis about user’s behavior (Step Three).

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Test !

✤ Randomly selected users!

✤ Different site versions!

✤ Before finish the test check if it has reached its statistical significance!

✤ Remember : often a completed test brings not only answers but more questions.

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Local and Global Maximum

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✤ The Local Maximum - the nearest target or your optimization!

✤ The Global Maximum - the main goal of your optimization campaign!

Think BIG !

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Break from the Status Quo : ABC Family

✤ Experiment of Disney on their ABC Family homepage using Optimizely platform :

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The main page displayed a large promotion for a television show you might be interested in. After some researches Disney team discovered that a lot of people were searching for the exact title of shows and specific episodes. !

The team decided to reevaluate their entire approach : alternative view, less visual and more hierarchical. Users can search from top to bottom for a specific show.!

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By being open to this big, fundamental change Disney was able to effect an engagement increase of more than 600% !

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✤ Use the insights from small tests to guide and inform your thinking about bigger changes.!

✤ Consider entirely new alternative approach to your principal business goals. !

✤ if you’re working on a major site redesign or overhaul, don’t wait until the new design is live to A/B test it. A/B test the design itself. Test each feature step by step.

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Case Study

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5 Quick Multipage Tests To Maximize Landing Page Conversions

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Multipage strategy

✤ Site that uses templates to design pages instead of designing each page. !

✤ Testing one element across all pages of one type : product pages, content pages, funnel pages.!

✤ Build a change one time and you can use it for several pages

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Travel company VacationRoost has several travel-lodging sites that propose searching for rental properties, destinations, or deals.

✤ Visitors enter on sites via targeted landing page based on researches they made earlier!

✤ Tested changes on the site : Security seals and logos, call-to-action buttons and copy, content length and format, number of calls-to-action displayed, search filter options!

✤ Two primary goals : CTR to search results page and bounce rate

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VacationRoost and Results after A/B testing

✤ Security seals and logos boost user engagement!

✤ Large and orange call-to-action button provides the biggest conversion!

✤ Longer pages have bigger conversion (more content and personalization)!

✤ More Calls-to-action increase the number of users who entered the funnel!

✤ Adding mini-filters or search options increase engagement

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Testing methods of VacationRoost

✤ Test and iterate: first large-scale design changes then more granular, subtle revisions like CTA copy or security seal placement. !

✤ For the fast results, test to highly trafficked pages.!

✤ Test across multiple pages at once.

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OptimizelyA/B testing you’ll actually use

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About Optimizely:

✤ Optimizely is a world-class website optimization platform that enables users with and without technical expertise to make dynamic changes to their websites, test the variations to live traffic, gather immediate results and start achieving goals. !

✤ Optimizely helps more than 6,000 clients drive more leads, sales and conversions through simple website testing and optimization

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Optimizely By the Numbers (As of Oct. 2013)

2.2 Billion visitors tested across all customer websites

300,000+ experiments run since launch

6,000+ customers

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✤ Book « A/B testing. The most powerful way to turn clicks into customers » by Dan Siroker and Pete Koomen

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