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February 2015 Annapolis Alumnae Chapter

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.



Sorors, February is often known as the month of love as we celebrate the ones we love on Valentine’s Day. It is also the month that we pay homage to the many accomplishments of African Americans through the national celebration of Black History Month or National African American History Month, an an-nual celebration that grew out of “Negro History Week,” the brainchild of noted historian Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans. But February is also a month to highlight many of the new endeavors that the chapter has undertaken this sorority year. On January 19, 2015, members of the chapter attended the 34th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast at the Anne Arundel College. The guest speaker was Katherine Hernandez Marro-quinn, a middle school student who electrified the audience as she spoke of her own involvement in civil rights. In addition to the chapter members, for the first time, participants of the Delta Academy were in attendance as well as some par-ents. (See Delta Updates on page 10 for more information on this event.) Also on January 19, 2015, the chapter participated in the 1st Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade 2015 sponsored by the City of Annapolis and the Annapo-lis Drum and Bugle Corps. The Annapolis Alumnae Chapter represented Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., in conjunction with the North Arundel Chapter. This collaborative effort proved fruitful and has evolved into other partnerships in the near future. (See Delta Updates on page 10 for more information on this event.) On January 24, 2015, for the first time members of the Annapolis Alumnae Chap-ter participated in the 19th Annual Maryland State Police Polar Bear Plunge at Sandy Point State Park. In addition to braving the cold waters, AAC DST Dare Devils, with a goal of raising $300, actually raised $2500 to a cause that benefits Maryland’s children and adults with intellectual disabilities, as they enjoy the life-changing benefits of participating with Special Olympics Maryland. (Soror Jo Ann Scipio will highlight this endeavor at Saturday’s chapter meeting.) On February 4, 2015, the chapter provided lunches for St. Philip’s Episcopal Church’s first hosting of the Winter Relief Program, a rotating shelter program that offers the homeless comfort in the cold and provides haven during the year’s most bitter months. On February 7, 2015, the chapter hosted its first “Ingenious Works of Art: A Showcase of Original Works in the Performing Arts” at the Annapolis High School Auditorium. In addition to showcasing the talent of our youth, there was strong participation by chapter members as well as members of the community. Special thanks to the Arts and Letters Committee for the creation and implemen-tation of this new and exciting initiative. (See highlights on page 2.) As you can see, the Annapolis Alumnae Chapter is on the move and getting in-volved in a number of new initiatives. Your commitment to the Sorority and to our illustrious chapter is both valued and appreciated. We stand on the shoulders of a 67 year legacy of sisterhood and service to the Annapolis and surrounding communities. Let us all stay recommitted to the very principles in which the So-rority was founded as the chapter continues to grow and serve our communities. In a Sisterly Spirit,


Arts & Letters………………...……2 Health ......................................3


Spring Activity .........................5

Technology ...............................6

Chaplain’s Corner………………...6

Birthdays…………………… ..……..6

Soror Spotlight…....………..……..7

Delta Updates…..………………...12

Upcoming Events………………..13

Claudia J. Postell




All of these comments were from five members of the Arts and Letters Committee, four, of whom,

saw the whole Showcase from the wings. From the clapping cymbals of the Annapolis Drum and Bugle

Corps to the assembly of the Annapolis Alumnae Chapter attendees, the Arts and Letters Committee is

pleased to announce that the first implementation of its new initiative, “Ingenious Works of Art” – a

Showcase of Original Works in the Performing Arts was a success.

On Saturday, February 7, 2015, the Annapolis High School auditorium was alive with the talent of

a total of thirty (30) Middle and High

School students, their families, teach-

ers and over thirty-five Sorors and

some spouses, lending their support

and applause. It was a memorable oc-

casion and a positive reflection of the

impact and role our Chapter can have

and provide for the talented youth in

Annapolis and Anne Arundel County.

The Arts and Letters Committee

expresses its sincere gratitude for all of

the support it received from within the

Chapter and from the Community to

lend to its success. The Committee is already looking forward to next year. MOVING FORWARD!

Submitted by: Soror Nancy Gordon, Chair




Cardiovascular Awareness Month

February is American heart month. The most common type of heart disease is coro-nary artery disease (CAD), which can lead to fatal events such as heart attacks and strokes. There are many risk factors associated with coronary heart disease and stroke. While some risk factors such as family history, ethnicity and age cannot be changed, other risk factors that can be treated or changed include high blood pres-sure (hypertension), tobacco use, high cholesterol, obesity, physical inactivity, diabe-tes, unhealthy diets, and alcohol misuse. The more risk factors you have will increase your likelihood to develop heart disease. You take action to modify your risk factors and work to prevent them from compromising your heart health. Such modifications include regular exercise, keeping a BMI (body mass index between 18-24), lower salt and sugar intake; reduce stress, increasing your daily intake of fruits and vegetables.

You can take control of your heart health by seeing your medical provider for regular check-ups.

Source: World Heart Federation

Submitted by: Soror Angela Crankfield-Edmond, Member


Reclamation Gift Basket: W e are asking Sorors to please donate an item to the

reclamation gift basket for Membership Services. The basket will be available at the chapter

meeting. Questions can be addressed to Soror Deirdre Peters.


The Annapolis Alumnae Chapter is busy not only providing community service, but also in making history. In less than three (3) weeks , the chapter has made history four (4) times! What a way to start off 2015!

On January 19, 2015, the chapter participated in the first Martin Luther King Jr. Parade in Annapolis, MD.

Five days later, on January 24, nine (9) brave Sorors participated in the Polar Bear Plunge at

Sandy Point State Park in Annapolis.

This was the first time that the chapter

has participated in this event and the

participating Sorors and additional

Sorors have promised to do it again

next year. The Sorors had a cheering

and supporting team of other Sorors,

family members and friends.

On February 3, members of the Social Action Committee met to prepare lunches for the Winter

Relief hosted by St Philip's Episcopal Church for the first time. The lunches were delivered to the

church on Feb. 4.

On Feb 7, the chapter hosted the first showcase of Tal-

ent for the youth in the community. It was held at An-

napolis Senior High School in Annapolis. This was the

first of what we expect to be an annual event. Sorors re-

ally turned out to support the event.

The Sorors of Annapolis Alumnae are to be commended on the outstanding job that is being done in service to our community and stepping up to make history. Our charter members and the

founders would be proud of us, just as I am!

Submitted by: Soror JoAnn Scipio, Historian





The committee wishes to thank each of you for your support as we kickoff our

32nd Annual Outstanding Minority Awards Program and Fashion Show Lunch-

eon scheduled for Sunday, April 19, 2015, 2:00 P.M. at the Westin Annapolis Ho-

tel. For our first month, we are SO EXCITED to report 152 fashion show tickets

have been sold and over 1,300 raffle tickets have been distributed. If you did not

get your raffle tickets, they will be available at the February chapter meeting. We

are strongly requesting EACH Soror sell at least one book of (ten) tickets.

The committee is asking for the following assistance in remittance of stubs for

the raffle: Please place your completed stubs in a separate envelope with your

name and ticket numbers written on the outside of the envelope so that the com-

mittee will be able to cross check stubs/tickets that have been returned with pay-

ment received. Please do not use the chapter’s pre-printed financial remittance

envelopes for returning stubs. The pre-printed envelopes provided by the Finan-

cial Secretary are for payment ONLY. If needed, plain white envelopes for stubs

will be available at the chapter meeting. You may pay for the raffle tickets at the

chapter meeting or mail at any time to the chapter’s P.O. Box. PLEASE DO NOT

SEND STUBS TO THE P.O. BOX. Rem em ber, you w ill receive a special

prize if you sell at least two books of raffle tickets. THE SURPRISE IS WAITING


Also, as promised for each individual Soror who sells a table of 10 tickets you will

be awarded a super special prize; so don’t delay, get your tickets sold today or

you will be SO SO SORRY!

Again, we appreciate your support in our effort to recognize our 2015 outstand-

ing scholars.

Submitted by: Soror Janet Anderson, Co-Chair




Please send articles to

[email protected]

by the 7th of the month.


Greeting Sorors! There are so many things to celebrate during the month of February! Take the time to celebrate love as described in 1Corinthians 13:4-7 "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” True agape love towards family and friends is the key to happiness and fulfilling your purpose. God has provided a simple guide, all we have to do is follow. As we celebrate Black History/African American History Month, take the time to research our rich history and discover hidden treasures concerning our heritage throughout the world and right here in Maryland. Also acknowledge history in the making, accept the role you are playing in shaping "Our" story. Know that your life will leave a footprint and will be recorded and one day someone may be researching you. Above all else, share what you have learned and continue to motivate others to share! Moving forward in life celebrating love, celebrating history and trying to fulfill our purpose can lead to new adventures and new paths. If we open ourselves up to what God has placed within us we can and will discover greatness inside. Submitted by: Soror Robin Lartigue, Chaplain




EMAIL ETIQUETTE TIPS It's easy to see why email is the preferred form of communication in today's world. Smartphones and tablets allow us to send and receive messages easily and quickly; and from anywhere. But it's this convenience that leads people to making embarrassing mis-takes that may be detrimental in any interaction; personally or professionally. Here are some quick tips to remember: 1. Do not use all caps. In email, this is considered yelling. 2. Include a clear, direct subject line. 3. Use correct punctuation and always check spelling and grammar. 4. Be careful of humor and tone. Reread for sending to avoid misinterpretation. 5. Do not click “Reply All” if the message is not intended for all recipients. Source:, Submitted by Sorors Martinez Addae and Tiffany Thompson, Co-Chairs



13-Shirley Perry

14-Bronte’ Jones

19-Lynne Long

19-Joyce Wills

21-LaTonya Edmond

22-Latasha Beckles

28-Jerushia Hargrove





Hometown: Nashville, TN.

Birthdate: January 8th .

Year Made in Delta: Spring 2013. Annapolis Alumnae.

Occupation: Systems Engineer/14 years and Technology

Consultant/4 years.

What attracted you to what you do?

Initially, I was attracted to engineering because I enjoyed working with computers, but soon realized that

there is so much more to engineering than the love for computers. My passion for computers led me

through the door, but my desire to learn new technologies and design systems inspired me to explore

and remain in the field.

If you could do any kind of work in the world, what would you do? I would own and operate my own


What is the most unexpected thing you've ever done? At 8 years old, my cousin and I walked to Sonic(10

miles away) to get a slush without informing anyone. After a few miles, a neighbor recognized us and

called our Grandfather since we refused to get in the car with a “stranger”. Needless to say, we

received a punishment that I will never forget.

Favorite food: Cheesecake.

Favorite color: Purple.

Favorite song and/or quote: "No Plan, You Fail; No Dream, You Drift; No Vision, You Perish" and Victory

by Yolanda Adams.

Hero: My Grandfather.

Last Book Read: Fifty Shades Freed by E. L. James.

Favorite Movie: Rush Hour.

If you could have dinner with 3 people--dead or alive--who would they be? Dr. Maya Angelou, Dr.

Shirley Ann Jackson, and Ms. Suze Orman.

If you could give your 18 year old self one piece of advice, what would it be? Don't rush to grow

up! Enjoy each year for what it has to offer!

Submitted by: Soror Deirdre Peters, Chair-Membership Services Committee




Hometown: Brooklyn, NY.

Birthdate: January 31st .

Year Made in Delta: Spring 2013, Annapolis Alumnae.

Occupation: Human Resources Manager/13 years.

What attracted you to what you do?

I was an educator at a child development center and was promoted to the director position. Once in

that position I really enjoyed partnering with staff, staff development, performance management,

training, coaching, etc. I also loved managing the operational component. I then decided to pursue

my Masters in Public Administration with a concentration in Human Resources Management.

If you could do any kind of work in the world, what would you do? Our society is being greatly

impacted by individuals with undiagnosed mental illness. I would love to work with undeserved

communities providing public health care coordination to assist those who do not have access to

care with behavioral health resources.

What is the most unexpected thing you've ever done? Zip lining.

Favorite food: Caribbean and Mediterranean.

Favorite color: Red.

Favorite song and/or quote: "Everything" by Mary J. Blige (yup I'm old school ) :-)

Hero: My mom..

Last Book Read: Speed of Trust by Stephen Covey .

Favorite Movie: Color Purple.

If you could have dinner with 3 people--dead or alive--who would they be? My grandmother

(deceased), my dad (deceased) and Oprah Winfrey.

If you could give your 18 year old self one piece of advice, what would it be? God is in control.

Submitted by: Soror Deirdre Peters, Chair-Membership Services Committee




Hometown: Florence, AL.

Birthdate: January 9th.

Year Made in Delta: Spring 2013. Annapolis Alumnae.

Occupation: Financial Federal Grants Manager(Accountant) /8+ years with Dept of Homeland


What attracted you to what you do?

Not sure I was attracted, but how the cards were dealt. However, I ’ve had a very successful career

and loved working with the many different people over the years.

If you could do any kind of work in the world, what would you do? Own a gym.

What is the most unexpected thing you've ever done? Bought a one-way bus ticket to MD 27 ½ years


Favorite food: Spaghetti.

Favorite color: Earth tones.

Favorite song and/or quote: “I Won’t Complain” (song), “Your gift(s) will make room for the circle you

belong in” (quote).

Hero: My mom. She has overcome many obstacles.

Last Book Read: Instinct: The Power to Unleash Your Inborn Drive by T.D. Jakes.

Favorite Movie: Color Purple.

If you could have dinner with 3 people--dead or alive--who would they be? My grandmother,

Medger Evers, T.D. Jakes.

If you could give your 18 year old self one piece of advice, what would it be? Guard your space, body

and mind they’re sacred.

Submitted by: Soror Deirdre Peters, Chair-Membership Services Committee




Hometown: Annapolis, MD.

Birthdate: February 22nd .

Year Made in Delta: Spring 2000, Epsilon Alpha, Delaware State


Occupation: CyberSecurity for DoD-Air National Guard.

What attracted you to what you do? It was a natural draw, I just kind of fell into it.

If you could do any kind of work in the world, what would you do? If I could make lots of money

being helpful and blessing others that are less fortunate, I would do that full time.

What is the most unexpected thing you've ever done? Polar Bear Plunge with my sorors.

Favorite food: Chicken.

Favorite color: Red.

Favorite song and/or quote: L.T.D-Love Ballad.

Hero: My mother.

Last Book Read: Delilah's Revenge by S. James Guitard.

Favorite Movie: Color Purple.

If you could have dinner with 3 people--dead or alive--who would they be? My Grandma Liz

President Obama, and Idris Elba.

If you could give your 18 year old self one piece of advice, what would it be? Take advantage of all

opportunities, even if they seem unrealistic.

Submitted by: Soror Deirdre Peters, Chair-Membership Services Committee




Hometown: Faison, NC.

Birthdate: January 9th.

Year Made in Delta: 1990. Annapolis Alumnae.

Occupation: Resource Teacher/40 years.

What attracted you to what you do? I was inspired to be an educator by my first grade teacher.

What is the most unexpected thing you’ve ever done? I went deep sea fishing without a life jacket.

If you could do any kind of work in the world, what would you do? I would be a philanthropist—

helping others who are less fortunate.

Favorite food: Chicken.

Favorite color: Baby Blue.

Favorite song and/or quote: Unforgettable by Nat King Cole.

Hero: My mother.

Last Book Read: Streams of the Desert, Charles E. Coleman.

Favorite Movie: Imitation of Life.

If you could have dinner with 3 people--dead or alive--who would they be? Mother, Father, and Dr.

Dorothy Height.

If you could give your 18 year old self one piece of advice, what would it be? Never forget the

direction from which you came!

Submitted by: Soror Deirdre Peters, Chair-Membership Services Committee


Chapter Members and Delta Academy Participants At-tend Annual MLK Breakfast On January 19, 2015, 16 chapter members at-tended the 34th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast at the Anne Arundel Col-lege. The guest speaker was Katherine Hernan-dez Marroquinn, a middle school student who electrified the audience as she spoke of her own involvement in civil rights. In addition to the chapter members, for the first time, participants of the Delta Academy were in attendance as well as some parents.

Annapolis Alumnae Participate in 1st Annual MLK Pa-rade On January 19, 2015, the chapter participated in the 1st Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade 2015 sponsored by the City of Annapolis and the Annapolis Drum and Bugle Corps. The Annapolis Alumnae Chapter repre-sented Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and marched in conjunction with the North Arundel County Chapter.