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Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Strategic Plan

March 2013 – June 2017

Executive Summary

The purpose of the strategic plan of the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences is two-fold.

First, the plan documents the department’s role in support of the institutional 2012-17 Strategic Plan “A

Time of Transformation” developed by the university and approved by the board of trustees. Second,

the plan guides the department in identifying the highest priority goals and strategies in support of the

core mission of academic excellence and rigor in geosciences education for both majors and non-majors.

University Themes and Goals

Student and Academic Success

MSU Denver is a teaching university where academic excellence in teaching and learning and student

success – supported in a collegial atmosphere of academic freedom – are accorded the highest priority.

We assess our success by utilizing measures focused on the knowledge, skills and understanding

students gain during their educational experience with us. MSU Denver students, faculty and staff strive

for excellence in all that they do.

University Theme One: Student and Academic Success

Goal A: MSU Denver facilitates and enhances student success through the implementation of

research based, best-practices degree-completion strategies.

Goal B: MSU Denver students are prepared to meet business/employer/graduate school

requirements and expectations.

Goal C: MSU Denver hires and retains quality faculty who are excellent teachers and productive

scholars who contribute to our communities.

Goal D: MSU Denver continues to seek and sustain innovative resources for student and

academic success.

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Departmental Mission and Vision

Mission Statement

The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science houses three majors: Land Use,

Environmental Science, and Meteorology. The department educates the students of MSU

Denver in a way that promotes science literacy and inspires lifelong learning and

appreciation of the Earth system. Students who graduate with a major in meteorology, land

use, or environmental science are highly skilled and knowledgeable in their field. They gain

employment in the field after graduation due to the quality and diversity of their skills, or go

on to successfully continue their educational journey at a graduate school. As learning

facilitators, the faculty are teachers who promote active learning in the classroom, advise

students towards their career goals, and participate in scholarly activities that keep them

abreast of the most recent scholarship in their field.

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department in 2017

A Four-Year Strategic Vision

First and foremost, the classrooms and offices of 2nd Floor Science Building are filled with the excited and curious department faculty and majors occupied in inquiry-based learning and teaching both in and out of the formal classroom. Faculty are using the latest technologies and teaching techniques, drawing on the range of learning styles among our students. The department is committed to supporting high-impact academic practices such as writing-intensive courses, collaborative assignments, fieldwork, undergraduate research, study abroad courses, service learning, learning communities, internships, and capstone courses.

The strong reputation of our academic programs in the state is transitioning to a greater national reputation as pre-eminent urban baccalaureate programs. Our hard-working majors are successfully transitioning into employment and/or graduate programs consistent with their career goals. These graduates are succeeding, opening more opportunities for our current and future students. We are proud of our graduates and are confident that they carry with them the mindset and capacity for life-long learning.

The curriculum continues to adapt to rapidly changing fields. Curriculum development is driven by comprehensive assessment results and trends in workforce and societal needs, with an awareness of more lasting foundational skills and knowledge. For example, we would be in the forefront of preparing students for expanding needs in the workforce to address adaptation strategies associated with climate change. We have thoroughly researched the feasibility of a strategically focused M.S. program in Applied GIS, without compromising the quality of our undergraduate programs.

We are beginning to attract and retain a more diverse group of students, using our unique position as an urban minority-serving institution to meaningfully contribute to addressing the extremely low participation in the geosciences by minority students, especially in the growing

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Hispanic population. Nationally, the percentage of minority students in the geosciences is substantially lower than in other STEM fields. The work of committed faculty advisors are being rewarded with higher retention and graduation rates, and students who are better prepared to succeed in classes.

The program will have expanded from thirteen to sixteen Tenured/Tenure-Track faculty members. New faculty members are supported with effective mentoring and clear performance expectations. Successful tenure-track searches have provided the department with excellent scholars who are a good fit for the institution and department. The department has recruited excellent affiliate professors who are research scientists to teach in their specialization. This has allowed the tenure-track faculty to teach more lower-division courses in addition to upper-division courses in their specialties. Our general studies courses are exemplars for introducing non-science majors to scientific thinking and problem-solving. The department is playing an important role in MSU Denver’s First Year Program, with more full-time faculty teaching in this challenging environment.

Faculty members are supported in their goals to continuously improve their teaching and enhance their scholarship. Faculty members collaborate frequently and are eager to discuss their successes and failures with colleagues. Faculty and students have ample opportunities to share their research highlights and breakthroughs at departmental colloquia.

Faculty members are engaging in disciplinary research resulting in presentations at national and international conferences and publication in peer-review journals. Much of this research translates faculty expertise and student energy into solving real-world problems, particularly in the Denver area, supporting MSU Denver’s position as a Colorado’s urban land grant university. Faculty researchers engage students in their research projects, resulting in more students presenting or publishing their undergraduate research.

Our laboratory technician and half-time UNIX computer lab administrator are playing significant roles in supporting both laboratory classes and faculty/student research. New equipment has expanded our capability to support field data sampling, laboratory analysis, and computer modeling. Department programs are facilitated by the necessary computer hardware, software, and support.

The alumni of our programs are making significant contributions to our programs, both in terms

of monetary support and as mentors and internship supervisors. The department continues to

develop various innovative methods for increasing the financial means of the department to

support our excellent programs. These include providing professional services to external

groups, support from local foundations, and grant funding.

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Departmental Objectives and Strategies

Objective 1: Develop an environment that supports pedagogical excellence

Strategy 1A: Strengthen departmental resources that promote innovative approaches to teaching

and new technologies. Increase the use of high impact academic practices such as writing-

intensive courses, collaborative assignments, fieldwork, undergraduate research, study abroad

courses, and service learning.

Strategy 1B: Develop a system that recognizes, celebrates and rewards rigorous and effective

teaching and mentoring.

Objective 2: Ensure that all EAS programs have a comprehensive system of assessment based on

Student Learning Outcomes providing both clear expectations for students and feedback to teachers to

improve their practice.

Strategy 2A: Enhance program assessment for the three programs. Improve the ratings of

program assessment from the Peer Review to at least the Established category (LUS and ENV).

Add formative assessments to supplement the summative assessments (MTR).

Strategy 2B: Support the institutional assessment program for the General Studies Program with

appropriate assignments in all sections and coordinated collection of assessment artifacts. Select

course coordinators for multi-section courses to ensure assessment occurs (not necessarily

common assignments).

Objective 3: Reinforce efforts (through a strategic enrollment plan) to attract and retain an excellent and

diverse student body.

Strategy 3A: Develop a strategic enrollment plan. Set benchmarks, strategies, timelines, and

indicators of success.

Strategy 3B: Develop partnerships with community colleges and high schools to attract additional

students into our majors.

Strategy 3C: Develop a support system to increase the academic success of all students and

retention of underrepresented students. Consider increased tutoring, use of teaching assistants,

and targeted advising.

Objective 4: Develop policies to offer students improved access to high quality faculty advising.

Strategy 4A: Encourage faculty advisors to use “best practices” in their advising and mentorship.

See “Academic Advising Guide for Faculty.”

Strategy 4B: Develop more effective ways to ensure advisors and students are making better use

of advising resources such as BRM.

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Strategy 4C: Move towards pro-active advising by identifying majors and tracking enrollment and

success in key courses.

Strategy 4D: Provide academic and career advising for all students within their first year at Metro


Objective 5: Continually reassess the Department’s core programs and make appropriate revisions to

their curriculum and explore the need for the development of new programs and courses.

Strategy 5A: Develop the necessary curriculum changes to realize core competencies that are

suitable for both students in pursuit of their educational goals and larger societal needs

Strategy 5B: Adjust curriculum in response to comprehensive assessment results and trends in

workforce and societal needs, with an awareness of more lasting foundational skills and

knowledge. Include assessment results in all substantive curriculum proposals.

Strategy 5C: Explore possible new courses and degree plans based on workforce and societal

needs. Explore an applied master’s in GIS, a master’s in science education, minor in climate

change, B.S. in geology and/or geography.

Objective 6: Support a faculty (and staff) which maintains disciplinary currency and contributes to their


Strategy 6A: Provide support for faculty and staff to attend conferences and workshops, review

and discuss current literature, and remain current in their disciplines.

Strategy 6B: Provide support for faculty to collaborate with colleagues at Metro State and other

institutions. Encourage faculty to participate in faculty learning communities.

Strategy 6C: Establish a biweekly colloquium series for faculty (and students) to share teaching

and research interests

Strategy 6D: increase transparency about departmental/institutional resources and ensure

equitable access to departmental resources. Encourage the Dean and Provost to adopt similar

transparency measures.

Objective 7: Recruit and retain excellent faculty and staff.

Strategy 7A: Maintain a prioritized list of departmental requests for additional or replacement full-

time faculty positions.

Strategy 7B: Ensure successful search procedures designed recruiting excellent scholars and

support personnel who are a good fit for the institution and department.

Strategy 7C: Provide and sustain competitive salaries and benefits.

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Strategy 7D: Establish clear and enduring performance standards for faculty and staff and help

administrators understand departmental guidelines. Establish a process that evaluates faculty

performance in a holistic manner including service, teaching, and scholarship, and supports varied

mixes of the three areas.

Objective 8: Provide structure and resources to expand a culture of scholarship among departmental


Strategy 8A: Increase scholarly activities and peer-reviewed publications by increasing

reassigned time to tenured and tenure-track faculty.

Strategy 8B: Provide incentives and support for grant writing.

Strategy 8C: Increase opportunities for undergraduate research including developing R.A.


Strategy 8D: Seek community partners interested in utilizing departmental expertise to solve

local applied problems.

Objective 9: Ensure student and faculty access to the best possible laboratory facilities, equipment, and

logistical support .

Strategy 9A: Maintain a prioritized list of equipment and software needs.

Strategy 9B: Develop and continuously review a plan to best utilize departmental facilities and

equipment (involve new lab coordinator)

Objective 10: Seek innovative and varied ways to enhance departmental resources.

Strategy 10A: Enhance communication with program alumni, including developing a

departmental newsletter. Once established, include solicitations for support of student

scholarships and academic support.

Strategy 10B: Expand professional services which provide additional funds to the department.

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Integration with LAS and ASA Strategic Plans

ASA Strategic Plan

Student and Academic Success Metro State is a teaching university where academic excellence in teaching and learning and student success – supported in a collegial atmosphere of academic freedom – are accorded the highest priority. We evaluate our success by utilizing measures focused on the knowledge, skills and understanding students gain during their educational experience with us. Metro State students, faculty and staff strive for excellence in all that they do. Goal A: Metro State facilitates and enhances student success through the implementation of

research-based, best-practices degree-completion strategies.

Objective A.1: Develop and implement a strategic enrollment plan that includes intentional outreach and adapts research-based retention and graduation best practices1 to Metro State’s diverse student body.

Objective A.2: Improve curriculum delivery.

Strategy Departmental or Program Strategy

Partners in Success Time Frame

Expand collaborations with regional schools and community partners

Strategy 3B: Develop

partnerships with

community colleges and

high schools to attract

additional students into our


Denver Public Schools Community Colleges Office of Admissions


RECRUITMENT Attract a diverse pool of applicants, admits and enrolled students from the seven-county metro area

Strategy 3A: Develop a

strategic enrollment plan.

Set benchmarks, strategies,

timelines, and indicators of


Denver Public Schools, First Year Success CAMP Honors Program

Develop plan in 2013-14

ADVISING Improve or develop and implement (depending on item): appropriate early

academic progress reports

absence-tracking efforts

Strategy 4A: Encourage

faculty advisors to use “best

practices” in their advising

and mentorship. See

“Academic Advising Guide

for Faculty.”

Educational Technology Center Advising Center CHE and BIO faculty for ENV advising

4A: Ongoing

1 See University Leadership Council, Hardwiring Student Success: Building Disciplines for Retention and Timely Graduation, Washington,

DC: Educational Advisory Board, 2009.

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Strategy Departmental or Program Strategy

Partners in Success Time Frame

course-management software tracking

intervention tracking prescriptive degree

roadmaps degree-map


Strategy 4B: Develop more

effective ways to ensure

advisors and students are

making better use of

advising resources such as


Strategy 4C: Move towards

pro-active advising by

identifying majors and

tracking enrollment and

success in key courses.

4B: ongoing 4C: Meteorology advisors in Spring 2013

Identify engagement opportunities that support persistence and increase student participation in those activities

Identify students engaged in student clubs Compare success of participating students and share results to encourage more students to participate

Student Activities Plan in 2013-14 Begin tracking in 2104-15

Ensure predictable course-offerings rotation

Include three-year plans of anticipated scheduling of courses (including day, evening, etc.) in advising materials.


Clearly and intentionally define and enforce course pre-requisites

By Fall 2013, ensure that all prerequisites are BANNER-enforced. Track prerequisite waivers.

Fall 2013

Engage in state-of-the-art teaching, instructional delivery methods and student support.

Strategy 1A: Strengthen

departmental resources

that promote innovative

approaches to teaching and

new technologies. Increase

the use of high impact

academic practices such as

writing-intensive courses,

collaborative assignments,

fieldwork, undergraduate

research, study abroad

courses, and service


Strategy 1B: Develop a

system that recognizes,

Center for Faculty Development, Educational Technology Center

1A: Ongoing 1B:

Begin work in 2013-14 Implement plan by 2014-15

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Strategy Departmental or Program Strategy

Partners in Success Time Frame

celebrates and rewards

rigorous and effective

teaching and mentoring.

Develop curriculum designed to support the academic needs of enrolled students, especially during the first year

Strategy 2B: Support the

institutional assessment

program for the General

Studies Program with

appropriate assignments in

all sections and

coordinated collection of

assessment artifacts.

Select course coordinators

for multi-section courses to

ensure assessment occurs

(not necessarily common


First Year Success Category 2 and 3 faculty

Meteorology – 2013 Other programs by 2014-15 to plan for General Studies assessment in Fall 2015

Develop and implement activities in and beyond the classroom that promote critical thinking and analytical reasoning

Strategy 6C: Establish a

biweekly colloquium series

for faculty (and students) to

share teaching and research


Strategy 1A: Strengthen

departmental resources

that promote innovative

approaches to teaching and

new technologies. Increase

the use of high impact

academic practices such as

writing-intensive courses,

collaborative assignments,

fieldwork, undergraduate

research, study abroad

courses, and service


LAS Dean’s Office Other Academic Departments to “trade” class sections

Strategy 6C 2014-15 Strategy 1A: Ongoing

Continue and refine efforts to assess and improve First Year

Promote departmental G.S. courses as exemplary choices for first year

First Year Success Program


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Strategy Departmental or Program Strategy

Partners in Success Time Frame

Success program success. Strategy 2B: Support the

institutional assessment

program for the General

Studies Program with

appropriate assignments in

all sections and coordinated

collection of assessment

artifacts. Select course

coordinators for multi-

section courses to ensure

assessment occurs (not

necessarily common


First Year Success Category 2 and 3 faculty

Meteorology – 2013 Other programs by 2014-15 to plan for General Studies assessment in Fall 2015

Identify, develop and implement strategies to overcome “sophomore slump,” e.g., intrusive advising interventions triggered by low GPA

Strategy 4C: Move towards

pro-active advising by

identifying majors and

tracking enrollment and

success in key courses.

Advising Center Meteorology 2013-14

Expand use of Supplemental Instruction to support o Students’ successful

move through difficult gateway courses.

o Student transition to University by enhancing their basic skills, per HB 1155

Strategy 3C: Develop a

support system to increase

the academic success of all

students and retention of

underrepresented students.

Consider increased tutoring,

use of teaching assistants,

and targeted advising.

First Year Success Dependent upon resources

Identify, develop and implement strategies aimed at upper-division students to facilitate graduation.

Work with Dean’s Office to ensure enrollment flexibility for required senior level courses

EAS, LAS Dean’s Office Ongoing

Expand opportunities for students to engage in global education.

# of students participating in study-abroad courses. (See Strategy 1A)

International Education Office


Use program assessment findings to improve curriculum

Strategy 2A: Enhance

program assessment for the

three programs. Improve

Academic and Student Affairs Assessment Office Assessment Peer


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Strategy Departmental or Program Strategy

Partners in Success Time Frame

development and delivery.

the ratings of program

assessment from the Peer

Review to at least the

Established category (LUS

and ENV).

Add formative assessments

to supplement the

summative assessments


Strategy 5B: Adjust

curriculum in response to

comprehensive assessment

results and trends in

workforce and societal

needs, with an awareness of

more lasting foundational

skills and knowledge.

Include assessment results

in all substantive curriculum


Reviewers Strategy 5B: Ongoing

Goal B: Metro State students are prepared to meet business/employer/graduate school


Objective B.1: Create a data base of business/employer/graduate school expectations that is readily available online for student perusal/advising purposes.

Objective B.2: Embed those expectations in student learning outcomes across Academic and

Student Affairs. Objective B.3: Establish clear performance expectations for students. Objective B.4: Hire and retain quality staff and administrators who are experts in student

support and committed to Metro State’s diverse urban mission. Strategy Department’s Role Partners in Success Time Frame

Expand partnerships w/ various Chambers of Commerce, professional organizations, and

Strategy 5C: Explore

possible new courses and

degree plans based on

workforce and societal


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Strategy Department’s Role Partners in Success Time Frame local regional businesses to identify business and employer expectations

needs. Explore an applied

master’s in GIS, a master’s

in science education,

minor in climate change,

B.S. in geology and/or


Strategy 8D: Seek

community partners

interested in utilizing

departmental expertise

to solve local applied


Strategy 8B: Ongoing

Work w/ faculty to establish easily understood graduate school expectations by discipline.

In advising materials, include additional expectations beyond the basic degree requirements

Provide academic and career advising for all students within their first semester at Metro State.

Strategy 4D: Provide

academic and career

advising for all students

within their first year at

Metro State

Advising Center Meteorology -2013 Other programs By 2014-15

Expand opportunities for students to participate in internships, service learning courses, undergraduate research projects, and community volunteerism.

Strategy 1A: Strengthen

departmental resources

that promote innovative

approaches to teaching

and new technologies.

Increase the use of high

impact academic practices

such as writing-intensive

courses, collaborative

assignments, fieldwork,

undergraduate research,

study abroad courses, and

service learning.

Strategy 8C: Increase

opportunities for

undergraduate research

Applied Learning Center, local employers LAS Dean’s Office

Strategy 1A: Ongoing Strategy 8C: Depends on research and success of grants written

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Strategy Department’s Role Partners in Success Time Frame

including developing R.A.


Continue efforts to identify and assess meaningful student learning outcomes w/in academic departments, Academic Affairs entities (e.g., centers and programs) and Student Affairs units.

Strategy 2A: Enhance

program assessment for

the three programs.

Improve the ratings of

program assessment

from the Peer Review to

at least the Established

category (LUS and ENV).

Strategy 2B: Support the

institutional assessment

program for the General

Studies Program with

appropriate assignments

in all sections and

coordinated collection of

assessment artifacts.

Select course

coordinators for multi-

section courses to ensure

assessment occurs (not

necessarily common


Strategy 5A: Develop the

necessary curriculum

changes to realize core

competencies that are

suitable for both

students in pursuit of

their educational goals

and larger societal needs.

Strategy 5B: Adjust

curriculum in response to


Academic and Student Affairs Assessment Office Assessment Peer Reviewers First Year Success Category 2 and 3 faculty

Strategy 2A: 2013-14 Strategy 2B: Meteorology – 2013 Other programs by 2014-15 to plan for General Studies assessment in Fall 2015 Strategy 5A: Ongoing

Strategy 5B:


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Strategy Department’s Role Partners in Success Time Frame

assessment results and

trends in workforce and

societal needs, with an

awareness of more

lasting foundational skills

and knowledge. Include

assessment results in all

substantive curriculum


Goal C: Metro State hires and retains quality faculty who are excellent teachers and productive

scholars who contribute to our communities.

Objective C.1: Sustain and enhance “telling Metro State’s story” to draw significant pools of highly qualified applicants.

Objective C.2: Ensure that faculty hires reflect the demographics of the region. Objective C.3: Sustain and expand programs to support faculty in adopting state-of-the-art

pedagogy, engaging in scholarly activities and contributing service to our multiple communities, including the global community.

Objective C.4: Continue to work on providing competitive salary and benefits packages. Objective C.5: Establish clear performance expectations for faculty.

Strategy Department’s role Partners in Success Time Frame

Strategy 7A: Maintain a

prioritized list of

departmental requests for

additional or replacement

full-time faculty positions.


Partner w/ AER to increase support to the Office of Sponsored Research and Programs to provide support to faculty seeking to write grants and engage in public/private contracts

Strategy 8A: Increase

scholarly activities and


publications by increasing

reassigned time to

tenured and tenure-track


OSP Ongoing

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Strategy Department’s role Partners in Success Time Frame

Continue to develop and implement mentoring/ coaching programs to support faculty in successfully negotiating the tenure and promotion processes

Strategy 6B: Provide

support for faculty to

collaborate with

colleagues at Metro State

and other institutions.

Encourage faculty to

participate in faculty

learning communities.

Center for Faculty Development


Continue to revisit appropriate College and University Professionals Association (CUPA) comparators for salaries.

Strategy 7C: Provide and

sustain competitive

salaries and benefits.

Faculty Senate Human Resources


Finalize and implement the work of the Faculty Evaluation Task Force to improve the faculty evaluation process

Strategy 7D: Establish

clear and enduring

performance standards for

faculty and staff and help

administrators understand

departmental guidelines.

Establish a process that

evaluates faculty

performance in a holistic

manner including service,

teaching, and scholarship,

and supports varied mixes

of the three areas.

Faculty Senate, School of LAS, Office of ASA


Ensure meaningful and equitable departmental guidelines for critical faculty milestones, e.g., earning tenure, promotion to associate and professor ranks, and post-tenure review.

Review current departmental guidelines. Meet with the LAS Dean to reconcile departmental guidelines with the application of those guidelines by the Dean.

Dean, Associate Deans 2013-14 and ongoing

Strategy 7B: Ensure

successful search

procedures designed

recruiting excellent

scholars and support


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Strategy Department’s role Partners in Success Time Frame

personnel who are a good

fit for the institution and


During the recruitment process, highlight resources available to faculty through the Center for Faculty Development

Search committees and department chair will include information to candidates and new hires.

Consider providing one course of reassigned time to tenure-track (probationary) faculty in each of the first two years of their appointment.

Support this recommendation. Consider using departmental reassigned time.

LAS Deans Office

Strategy 6A: Provide

support for faculty and

staff to attend

conferences and

workshops, review and

discuss current literature,

and remain current in

their disciplines.

LAS Deans Office Ongoing

Strategy 6C: Establish a

biweekly colloquium

series for faculty (and

students) to share

teaching and research


LAS Deans Office Strategy 6C 2014-15

Goal D: Metro State continues to seek and sustain innovative resources for student and academic success.

Objective D.1: Partner with Divisions of Advancement and External Relations and

Administration, Finance and Facilities to expand public/private partnership opportunities. (See Community Engagement and Regional Stewardship, page 18.)

Objective D.2: Utilize alumni more effectively as connections for fundraising, donations of

critical equipment and similar opportunities.

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Strategy Department Roles Partners in Success Time Frame

Establish departmental/ programmatic liaisons to work w/ AER and Alumni Relations

Strategy 10A: Enhance

communication with

program alumni, including

developing a departmental

newsletter. Once

established include

solicitations for support of

student scholarships and

academic support.

Alumni Office 2013-14

Provide access to development and alumni software

Utilize alumni lists to enhance contact with alumni

Alumni Office

Expand efforts to develop financial support for space, equipment, and software necessary to provide quality education.

Strategy 10B: Expand

professional services

which provide additional

funds to the department.

Strategy 8B: Provide

incentives and support for

grant writing.

OWOW Center


Develop external funding for student research and participation in academic conferences.

Strategy 10B: Expand

professional services

which provide additional

funds to the department.

Strategy 8B: Provide

incentives and support for

grant writing.

Alumni Office University Foundation


Strategy 9A: Maintain a

prioritized list of

equipment and software


Strategy 9B: Develop and

continuously review a

plan to best utilize

departmental facilities

and equipment (involve

new lab coordinator)

EAS Lab Coordinator Strategy 9A: Ongoing Strategy 9B:

2013 and ongoing

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Strategy Department Roles Partners in Success Time Frame Strategy 6D: increase

transparency about


resources and ensure

equitable access to

departmental resources.

Encourage the Dean and

Provost to adopt similar

transparency measures.

LAS Deans Office 2013-14
