
Department Wars Minutemen Helping Minutemen December 16, 2015 What is Department Wars? Department Wars is our fundraiser to help students at our school whos families need a little help for Christmas. All of the money raised and donated canned food goes to help families at T.H. Bell. Our goal this year is to raise $2,000. But, there is a problem, we are WAAAAAAYYYYYY short of our goal. How Does it Work? Bring your spare change or cash and place it in one of the collection cans in the main office. Each Academic Department has a collection can. Help your favorite teacher(s) by placing pennies in their can. Sabotage other departments by placing cash or silver coins in their cans. Its that simple. Why Should I Care? We have many families in out T.H. Bell community who are in need of help at Christmas time. Because we are behind on donations we may not be able to help as many families as we would like. You may not know it, but these people are YOUR friends and classmates. We understand if you arent able to donate a large sum of money, but this is a time when literally every cent counts! T.H. Bell has 652 students. If everyone brings just $3.07 we will meet our goal. Imagine what we could do with $5.00 each? Where Are We Now? Making a Difference How Easy Is It To Help? Instead of this: Donate to Department Wars Starbucks Peppermint Mocha = $5.00 Small bag of Flamin Hot Cheetos from machines = $ oz can of Sprite from machines =$1.00 Seeing Deputy Greenhalgh take a pie to the face = $2,000 ( We have to meet or exceed our goal) Buy a wristband at the office for $1.00 to wear a hat in school on Friday December 18. Whats the Rush? We only have until Monday December 21, 2015 to collect the money and food so we can get it out to our T.H. Bell families. Show you care by bringing in whatever you can afford. Ask parents to donate as well. Together we can make Christmas Magic happen for our Bell Family!
