Page 1: Desert and Ocean Ecosystems

Compare And Contrast: Desert And Ocean Ecosystems

Have you ever wanted to live in another place? Well, here are two options; you could live in the desert or you could live in the ocean. They both are different but at the same time the same. These two environments have ecosystem. An ecosystem is made up of biotic and abiotic parts. In the ecosystem the biotic parts take a role to interact with the abiotic parts (non living organisms). The biotic parts of an ecosystem are the living organisms in it. Now more about the desert and ocean.

The Desert environment is very dry. Usually the climate is very humid and hot. It has a variety of animals like scorpions, rabbits, snakes, and skunks. In the desert, the Joshua Trees and also in Jerusalem. At times the desert can have different climates, hot or cold.

The Ocean environment is very sunny. The climate is usually cold. Some animals located in the sea are fish, barracudas, dolphins, sharks, and whales. The ocean has very large bodies of water. These bodies of water are called oceans or seas. These bodies of water take up 70 percent of the earth.

They both, the Ocean and Desert environments are the same in many ways. They both have civilization. Under the sea you can see greens and plants, in the desert you can see plants too. They both have climates and weather. Speaking of climates they have air, sand, water, sun, and food. The climates help produce the food and air, sand, water, and sun create the food. You can also see oil rigs in both of these.

In conclusion, the desert is very dry. The ocean is usually cold. But both the environments have oil rigs. I would love to live in both of these great environments. Each of these are made up of many interesting things. =)
