Page 1: Design investigation and work based learning (presentation)


Page 2: Design investigation and work based learning (presentation)

John Whitney and Saul Bass

  Whitney experimented with computer generated-graphics to create animations

  As most people know Saul Bass is known for creating title sequences

Page 3: Design investigation and work based learning (presentation)

Understanding typography for films

  Using the right typeface for the right theme

  Different fonts set different moods

Page 4: Design investigation and work based learning (presentation)

A change in culture part 1

  Title sequences have become very short due to the change of culture

  An example is the remake of the Tim Burton Batman movie

Page 5: Design investigation and work based learning (presentation)

A change in culture part 2

  Back in the early days of title sequences it was a tradition to have a long intro

Page 6: Design investigation and work based learning (presentation)

Title sequence Experimentation

Page 7: Design investigation and work based learning (presentation)

Light Creative ltd

Page 8: Design investigation and work based learning (presentation)

Interview part 1

  When creating a title sequence for a tv programme would you have to watch an episode of the show or would you just read the plot of the programme to possibly get an idea of how you would go about creating the sequence?

Page 9: Design investigation and work based learning (presentation)

Interview part 2

  Music can be very important in title sequences

  Do you as a designer have any control over what music is used in your title sequence?

Page 10: Design investigation and work based learning (presentation)

Final (artifact)
