
Design to Production for the Air Warfare Destroyer

J.A Carr

Air Warfare Destroyer Alliance

[email protected]

INTRODUCTION The Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD) Program is executed by the AWD Alliance consisting

of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Industry Participants, namely ASC and

Raytheon Australia. The AWD Alliance is empowered and is responsible for the conduct

of the AWD Program, including the platform system design.

The Commonwealth has engaged Navantia as Platform System Designer (PSD). The AWD

is constructed at ASC in Adelaide with blocks being built at sites in Adelaide (ASC),

Newcastle (FORGACS), Ferrol (Navantia), and Melbourne (BAE Systems).

The existing F104 ship baseline was upgraded to accommodate design modifications

introduced in F105 ship which is in construction concurrently with the AWD. It also

includes modifications resulting from obsolescence, Australian legislative compliance, and

the introduction of an Australian Combat System.

BACKGROUND The construction of the AWD involves a widely dispersed manufacturing capability both

nationally and internationally. The build strategy for AWD has remained the same since

the selection of ASC as primary shipbuilder in May of 2005 to construct the ship in more

than one building location. This strategy was implemented to both mitigate labour resource

limitations within any one major industrial location of Australia, as well as increased

flexibility to select the best capability for specific manufacturing tasks.

The selection of the F100 existing platform in June of 2007 introduced a new challenge for

the Alliance in maintaining the build execution in multiple locations, as the F100 design

was structured to a single location build strategy. Additionally the PSD Contract made

provision for the design to be released under a technical data package that is predominantly

a 2D paper construction drawing based with limited provision for the release of Computer

Aided Design (CAD) data.

The limitations in the technical data package provisioning arrangement have resulted in

increased production engineering responsibility for the Alliance in supporting

manufacturing in multiple locations. If left untreated, these limitations would have also

significantly constrained the use of computer-aided manufacturing techniques leading to

inefficiency in the production design and production support activities.

The Alliance engineering team has worked with the PSD to maintain the original AWD

dispersed build strategy and to exploit opportunities across the AWD manufacturing

streams to allow for efficient use of modern CAD/Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM)

production design tools. This paper will outline some of those areas exploited and adopted

from initial structural fabrication through to waterfront technical problem solving.

Structural NC Cutting Post Processing

The AWD structural design released from the PSD began in early 2009. The design was

released as a combination of structural drawing products and a set of cut files as Numerical

Code (NC). The Alliance shipbuilding engineering team, working with the PSD,

conditioned the NC data for plasma/oxy cutting machines used to cut steel for AWD. The

steel fabrication occurs in locations in Australia using different burning technology.

The PSD structural application (FORAN) includes the provision of automatic plate nesting

and cutting of ship’s hull plate and structural sections. The FORAN output CAD/CAM

data in its native format was not suitable for all the NC plate cutting machines employed at

the AWD manufacturing sites. To achieve full use of the data, a post-processing step was

developed. The post processing for each fabrication site was achieved by building a series

of test plates for each fabrication area to validate that cutting actions required were

executable. The resultant CAM data output for both ASC and Block Subcontractor sites as

depicted in Figure 1.

The production output file can currently be deployed in any of three locations in Australia

or in Spain without having to modify the baseline design product in the native CAD file.

Common Welding Processes and Procedures The welding requirements for the AWD at the time of contract in 2007 were those set by

the F100 baseline specifications and were conflicting in direction. The requirements

specified that welding was to be in accordance with the PSD production procedures which

were supplied as reference data and were developed to AH grade material. The

requirements also mandated material selection for welding and inspection to be in

accordance with Lloyds Register rules. The shipbuilding team within the Alliance chose at

the time of contract to develop and qualify weld procedures for AWD that were in

accordance with Lloyds Naval ship rules from January 2006 as that was the most current

set of rules invoked at the time of contract award. The decision, although resulting in some












Block 2

Block 1

Figure 1

added engineering work for the Alliance during start-up phase of the contract, has

benefitted the program in common weld processes, procedures and qualifications across all

structural welding sites that have been approved by the Class Society. The common

procedures also resulted in common weld consumables at all sites and the sharing of

lessons learned by each of the block builders.

Lifting Handling and Transportation

The AWD build strategy has block construction in multiple locations with different facility

constraints. Blocks are then transported to ASC via a sea-going barge. Each lift and

transport must be engineered to insure safe working loads. The shipbuilding engineering

team employs a group of computer engineering tools to conduct the design and to analyse

each element. Concept designs are developed initially in 2D CAD and used for liaising

with production and planning groups regarding requirements and applicability of desired

mocks, jigs and fixtures. Final designs including calculations, reports and CAD detail

drawings are analysed in a Strand 7 finite model tool. The below figures 2 and 3 depict

completed assemblies. Figure 2 is the design for lifting the aft deckhouse block. The

modelling identifies back up structure requirements and picks optimum pad eye location to

support safe lift.

Figure 3 is the completed analysis for rotation of a sub-block assembly. Each sub-block is

analysed to allow for use of a common rotating beam and lugs at ASC. This approach

allowed for the rotations to be set up as a repeating work station under the as large gantry

crane. Figure 4 shows the completed assembly in the yard being rotated.

Figure 2 Block 703 Block Straight Lifting Analysis

Figure 4 Block 413 Sub-block rotation

Piping Support System (PSS) & Electrical Support System (ESS)

The Alliance shipbuilding engineering team develops and maintains a Piping Support

System (PSS) and an Electrical Support System (ESS) throughout the Production and Test

phases of the project. PSS and ESS allow management and analysis of data related to

piping and electrical cable and component installations on AWD. The AWD piping

systems contains more than 22,000 unique pipe assemblies to be fabricated tested and

installed in the ship. The AWD ship contains more 25,000 unique cable runs and 14,000

items of electrical equipment to be installed. The majority of data to support this activity is

supplied directly by the PSD, whereas other data is developed by shipbuilding engineering,

trade planning and/or captured during production. Both systems allow production to track

piping or electrical systems at any phase of the AWD build and input data for analysis and

optimisation for each subsequent AWD.

PSS and ESS both have the capability to generate a broad list of reports tailored to the end

user. The reports are customisable by means of applicable selection criteria. PSS and ESS

reports generated are designed to correspond to specific production and testing tasks.

Typical excerpt of a report generated is shown in the figure 5.

Figure 5

Smart Plant Model

The PSD supplies the AWD project with a set of reference 3D models with the release of

drawing products. The reference models are a visualisation tool that enables the

shipbuilding team within the Alliance to interrogate design areas of the ship for all


The 3D model is used first in the build planning phase prior to the start of construction of

each major block or area. The model allows the shipbuilding planner an opportunity to

define the work sequencing and create snapshots of the represented areas to assist the

mechanic during construction. Figure 6 depicts a typical build strategy excerpt whereby a

piping module which has been planned for installation in the inverted position of the block

can be depicted in the build plan document.

Figure 6

The 3D model is also used for resolution of production issues whereby the design cannot

be accommodated during construction. Alternatively, if the design has an error which is

found during construction, the field engineer can quickly give direction to the mechanic on

solving the issue and a drawing update can follow. Figure 7 is an example of a design clash

found in construction that was interrogated in the model to resolve a production installation

issue. The result was the light was relocated at the waterfront using the model information

as guidance and the correction was forwarded back to the PSD to have the drawing

corrected to match the outcome.



CONCLUSION For modern warship design the use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer

Aided Engineering (CAE) is the most accurate and practical way to implement design for

manufacturing. Limitations in contracting decisions that prevent full use of CAD/CAE

applications can be treated, but should be avoided as they introduce inefficiency in the

production design and production support activities.