
Destroy All Humans


Destroy All Humans! E3 Presenter Script v3.0


Mothership looming above the Earth

Welcome. What you are about to see is highly classified information. Prior to today, Majestic level clearance would be required for you to even know of its existence.

UFO launch cinematicAs you may have guessed, an alien entity has come to Earth. We have compiled this dossier on its activities, studying its powers and technology.

As you may have guessed, the Earths integrity has been breached on two separate occasions. Weve dealt with the first and have detailed files on the entities weaponry and considerable abilities.

Fade to black and loadWatch and learn! Roll Tape!

Cinematic - bike riding startsSmalltown, USA. This could be your hometown, people!

Cinematic - Crypto reveal in the cinematic

This is the face of the enemy! Hes an ugly, little space baby, aint he!This is the entity! Dont let his size fool you, as youll see hes one tough customer.

Cut to Crypto in the paddock, starts running to cows

For generations these aliens have tampered with their genetic code. They now possess ungodly mental powers!Their scientists have tampered with their DNA and their deal with the genetic devil has given them considerable mental powers!

Scan the cowCinematic Crypto gets angry at the cow.

Guard your thoughts well! The human mind is like an open book to this creature!

Dogs bark.Crypto PKs and cow and moves it around.

The laws of physics are like putty to the alien mind!

This is no illusion! Look how it draws pleasure from mutilating this poor bovine!

Cinematic Farmer comes outSees Crypto and advances, alert then aware

1 in 5 Americans believe in alien abductions and flying saucers. Thats about to increase!The general public must not become aware of this threat. Isolation as re eduction is all we can offer these poor souls.

Cinematic Farmer runs and gets shotgun, then returns

Farmer starts shooting at Crypto, hits once or twice

Despite their awesome mental abilities, the creature is NOT immune to physical harm. It can be killed!

Hypnotize farmer

Lead farmer to UFO

Weaker minds fall prey to the aliens powers of mind control!You will be trained to avoid this fate! If you deny this training, youll be putty in this space freaks hands.

Cinematic Farmer is held in beam, Crypto initiates probe, first probe is painful

1 in 7 Americans say that they, or someone they know, been abducted by aliens.

Cinematic continues, second probe is pleasurable!

34% of those who have been abducted by aliens report having a positive experience

Cinematic third probe and drop farmer.

Shocking, I know.

Newspaper Headline, fade to black

Utilizing our far reaching influence, we managed to keep the populace ignorant of the alien presence.

Cinematic Establishing shots of fair and drive-in

Its fiendish plan to infiltrate humanity led from the isolated farms of the Midwest to bustling suburbia.

Start in cover

Body Snatch a person

They can look like anyone. They could look just like you! Maybe even you!

Run into the fair in disguise.Cortex Scan a few people

Curious little bastard, aint it?

Approach bottle neck crowd one and stop

Notice how it avoids large groups of people. Perhaps it has difficulty maintaining the illusion of humanity?See how it avoids the crowds. Our top men believe this to be a weakness in its illusory powers.

Hypnotize a person

It can control the minds of the weak willed. Luckily some of us are trained to resist!Your very will will be tested to its limits! Guard your thoughts!

Make the hypnoslave do a silly dance to distract the crowdSee how easily the alien can make a person act against their will! It used this person as a distraction and passed by unnoticed.

Approach bottle neck crowd two at the fair exit

His escape is blocked by the crowd!

Who knows what is going through his twisted alien brain, but hes clearly confused by the crowd!

PKs the ferris wheel and rips off carriage, even goes and looks

The alien kills innocent humans and clearly has no remorse. Its alien mind is clearly warped.

Crypto runs into the drive-in in entrance in disguise, moves past couple and queue of people

See how it doesnt pay! We suspect it has communist leanings and is trying to form a fifth column.See how it doesnt pay! Were not sure if they use Rubles or Deutschmarks, but theyre clearly not comfortable with the greenback.

Crypto watches the movie

We recruited the finest film-makers in Hollywood. The message Aliens dont mess with us!

Cinematic Crypto delivers a speech / ultimatumChaos ensues

The alien has a high tech arsenal to match his mental powers. It is adept at using them to destructive effect!

Newspaper HeadlineFade to Black

As the alien became bolder, hiding its presence required more extravagant cover-ups.

Start in alleywayScientist walks past and checks time

The alien attempted to infiltrate the highest levels of government! We are only as strong asour weakest link!

Body snatch scientistWalk past dog, it barks

Dogs are mans best friendand thus an enemy to marauding space freaks!

Walk past Town Crazy and listen

We let the crazies say what they want. Those nutjobs do a fine job of discrediting themselves.

Scans the mail box, get the wacky interpretation of it

The alien seems to lack understanding of some elements of human society. One weakness exposes itself as the alien tries, clumsily, to interact with humans. This may be your first and only chance to identify one.

Conversation minigame soldier challenge

Conversation minigame Crypto response

The alien can have a strong influence on weak minds.

Conversation minigame Crypto response

See! God forbid the creature gets anywhere near our feeble minded president!

Cinematic G-Men attack

Luckily there is a group of us strong enough to resist its alien powers.

Cryptos disguise comes downOpen street combat ensues

Hes unleashing those ray guns onto innocents. Those people didnt stand a chance!

Crypto gets into the UFO and takes off

Flying saucers are QUITE real, and the freaky little guy has one of his own.

UFO chaos ensuesFinal volley of Quantum Deconstructors takes down the big buildings


Fade to black

Newspaper Headline

Just remember, we took one of these bastards down at Roswell, we can do it again. They are NOT invincible!

Cinematic - Crypto in front of Capital Building

Fade to BlackThe Invasion Begins 2005

Fade to Black

Be vigilant!Report any alien activity!

The enemy could be any of us!It could be YOU!

