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in progressproudly presents

DETERMINATIONstories of strength & hope by the youth of Bois Forte Nation

Determination features the digital photography work of a small community of youth living in the village of Nett Lake. Each image presented in this catalog reflects the respect, pride, and sheer determination of the young people that have grown up in this quiet reservation community. Nett Lake village rests in a remote wooded area in northeastern Minnesota and is home to a few hundred Bois Forte Band Members.

The young artists that produced this catalog range in age from 7 to 24. Most have limited opportunities to practice their artform but each embrace the opportunity with deep dedication and appreciation. Artist Marissa Mason introduced the theme of “determination.” The concept caught on quickly and before long, a whole series of portraits emerged. Once the imagers were created the young artists added words, to open a window into their own perspectives of the world.

The works were all created through the use of digital cameras and computers and were then curated and presented publicly by the following artists:

Lead ArtistsPhilys Nicole IshamKristine SorensenKao Choua Vue

Peer MentorsSophia Ida Lien

Jeremy SkinawayTiffany Skinaway

Joshua Eric Strong

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Determination - featured artists

In Progress Artist Since In Progress Artist Since

Brooklyn Isham 2007 LaShae Brooks 2004

Téa Drift 2006 Elena Steele 2009

Sophia Lien 2005 Kaya Membreño 2009

Shane Lien 2005 Cecilia Martinez 2009

Patricia Lien 2005 Tiffany Skinaway 2005

Savannah Parisien 2009 Jessi Lambert 2009

Shawn Jensen 2009 Malcolm Hoagland 2007

Chelsea Mason 2007 Marcus Hoagland 2007

Felicia Mason 2005 Marissa Mason 2004

Joshua Eric Strong 2005 Esperanza Membreño 2009

Kristen Holmes 2009 Jordan Cly 2009

Cammi Drift 2009 Kateri Day 2007

Xavier Wakemup 2004 Angelique Alvarez 2009

Aries Ballena 2009 Cheré Morgan 2009

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My determination is to keep our language flowing towards my grandchildren’s grandchildren. I want to pass our language onto a new generation that will live forever.

I am determined to keep our language strong and flowing for them like an underground spring. Our language is everything. It is who we are.

Téa Rivera Drift

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I am determined to be proud of my religion and my heritage! I am determined to be grateful to my loving grandmother who made my regalia. I am determined to be proud of the beaded flowers that show Anishinaabe culture. I am determined to remember my home of Nett Lake Village. I am determined to be forever loving and caring as I have been taught to be.

Brooklyn Isham

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I am determined to encourage others to be themselves and follow their dreams.

I love to dance and will keep dancing until I am old and baggy.

I am determined to keep my dreams going my entire life.

Patricia Lien

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I am determined protect my family with all my love. My brother and sister’s like to play games with me. My mother takes care of us. The way she loves us, gives us freedom and makes us strong. If we do something wrong she reminds us not to do it. She protects us with her super-human love. Her determination to love us has taught me well.

Cheré Morgan

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I am Anishinaabe. I hold on to my heritage and my culture. I am proud of my friends and family and I try to keep them strong . My mom tries to keep me strong too. Me and my mom work together to keep our beliefs by talking Ojibwe as much as we can. We are dedicated to keeping everyone strong in their beliefs.

Savannah Parisien

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This picture means a lot to me. When I look at it, what I feel is LOVE. I love my niece so much. I don’t know what I would do without her. Another feeling that comes to mind is INNOCENCE. She is a baby. She is as pure as water from a fresh spring. When I gaze into her eyes I get lost into an ocean of beauty and love. I love you baby girl.

Shawn Jensen

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I love my grandpa because he teaches me about my culture. He always has something new to tell me. He brings me to different places almost every day. My favorite place is Spirit Island because of the stories written into the rocks. Each carving has a different meaning. My grandpa has taught me so much. I am determined to have him in my life forever!

Chelsea Mason

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I am determined to keep the old ways of dancing. It just inspires me. I love to dance. I enjoy listening to the stories that the elders tell me. I remember hearing how Nett Lake was found. I loved hearing the story so much that I would listen closely each time I was told it.

I love my culture. It is why I want to dance. It is why I am trying to learn my Ojibwe language. My culture is just wonderful. My whole life I have listened to the stories of my culture.

I like that I can still carry on the old ways, like dancing. I learned to dance in the first grade. I just love it when I have the chance to dance. Now I am teaching my little sister Anastasia to dance.

Kaya Membreño

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This water lies within me

I am like the water in this lake.

It runs through me like blood in my veins.

It is my constant reminderof my Anishinaabe culture.

This water is home for me.

This water is Nett Lake.

Kristen Holmes

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I love the design of my dress and to dance. When I dance I feel like the spirits are surrounding me. When I put my outfit on, I get so eager to dance. I am determined because I love to dance.

Elena Steele

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I am determined to inspire people. I want them to go out and do what they want to do, to be themselves, to love who they are and to love others.

I want them to be able to forgive ‘cuz if they can forgive they will make it in life and in everything else. I want people to simply be good with who they are.

Tiffany Skinaway

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I am determined to be a good basketball player. I was in the third grade when I first fell in love with the game. I like playing basketball because it’s fun. It burns energy, and it helps me focus. I like to shoot hoops and warm up. Sometimes I get to play in games and be part of a team. It takes practice to get better, and I practice a lot. I am determined to keep basketball in my life forever.

Jessi Lambert

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I am solid as a rock in my traditions. I am a jingle dress and fancy shawl dancer and I am proud to be a young Anishinaabe girl. I have a lot left to learn about my culture but I am ready to listen and someday be heard. I will go to school to learn anything and everything my teachers want to teach me. I am determined to learn our traditional ways and to be the best student I can.

Miigwetch!Cecilia Martinez

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I am determined to break free from the chains of our history. These tears of blood are for those I never met

500 years 500 millionI am determined to learn my history

to use my head to fight back and to reclaim the land that belongs to us!

Marcus Hoagland

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I am the property of Bois Forte Nation.Don’t mess with me!You can’t have me!If you try to take me,

I’ll send the Nett Lake Cops after you.Nett Lake is my home.

It is in my blood.I am Ojibwe.

I am from the Anishinaabe Nation.

Shane Lien

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To be strong for my friendsTo get out in the woods

To stay a tomboyTo be a good role model

To be myself

Sophia Lien

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In the beginning I had happiness but I also had fear for a man who wouldn’t love me. Then I had freedom, which held hands with a blinding pain.

My heart was shattered into dust. Then the dust became a glass box

that held in all the pain but remained visible to others.

The pain became a light shining, guiding and warming those around me.

I knew then that by shining, I helped others in better ways

than by keeping the hurt from them…

Now I am shining.

Joshua Strong

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I like being determined. Just hearing the word inspires me.

I want to share my picture with everybody and tell them who has helped me to

become a good skater and a good artist.

Thank you Kris. I really appreciate this.

Malcolm Hoagland

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When I sit by the water I can see that Native girl in her regalia. I am and always will be a Native girl.

Felicia Mason

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I am DETERMINATION My eyes are still but what I see and feel is movement.Whether as a dancer or a football player I am determined to move forward. I will not be stopped. When life is good I will move smoothly and calmly as a great dancer on the stage. When life goes bad I will push and tackle just like a strong athlete on the football field. I will not be stopped. I am DETERMINED to keep moving.

Esperanza Flora Membreño

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I like to wear black because it makes people think I’m a lot more serious than I really am. I am determined to keep the whole person I am -- to laugh. to be strong, and to stand up for my friends. I am determined to keep my sense of humor even through the worst and to always see the best in what this world has to offer.

Jordan Cly

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I am determined to dominate the world. My fantasy is to be BIGGER than Obama! To be a

hero - to have super powers.

I will heal mother earth with the elements of nature - fire - water - earth - air. I will use the

strength of my ancestors long forgotten, to help me learn what my own strengths are.

I will be the super hero no one is expecting.I will be the super hero that never forgets where

she came from.I will be the super hero that claims her Native


Cammi Drift

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I am determined to keep fighting with my mom until she gives up!I am determined to love her so much that she can’t stand it!I am determined to help her like a good son is supposed to do!I am determined to stay in her face and remind her that I am there for her always.

Xavier Wakemup

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I am determined to be strong for myself. I am determined to take on anything that comes at me in the future. I am determined to follow my dream. I am determined to stand up for myself. I am determined to care for myself and the people I love. I AM DETERMINED.

Kateri Day

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“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking; so that it is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberate others” - Timo Cruz

Aries Ballena

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I am a mother. I am determined to keep my family together and strong, healthy and safe, under my wing.

I will teach them about their heritageI will take care of my children always.

Dedicated to Ariana & DarianAngelique Alvarez

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Nature’s beauty is soaring above.and the spirits are whispering

It all means just one thingBEAUTY

Marissa Mason

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I am determined to stay surprised by all that life brings me! LaShae Brooks

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The DETERMINATION exhibit would not have been possible without the extraordinary efforts and contributions of the local community. With that we would like to thank the following:

Families - parents, spouses, siblings, children and friends that supported these artists while they took time to plan and prepare this exhibit, and that continue to support their artistic development with kind words and guidance;

Curators & Organizers for giving many extra hours of your time and effort to this project;

Artists, Mentors & Volunteers for seeing the extraordinary gifts that exist within the young artists they taught;

Partners for sharing opportunities, space and resources in support of workshops and activities;

Contributors for providing In Progress with a financial base that allowed for the expense of workshops and exhibits.

We would like to specifically thank:Bois Forte Nation - School Board

The Minnesota State Arts Board - Arts In Education Program

Visitors who came and witnessed the work, spoke encouragingly to our artists and shared what they saw with others.

AND to Everyone that supported this exhibit, In Progress would like to say THANK YOU!

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