
Developing Your Self to be a World Class Indonesian Leader Akademi Kimia Analis, Bogor, 26 Desember 2014

Khaira Al Hafi -

1. What do leaders Do?

2. Why does Indonesian need World Class


3. How to develop your Authentic Leadership?

Key Messages

A Leader :

• Aligns people around a shared mission and


• Empower them to lead

• Deliver sustainable result and change.

• Does so with integrity

Defenition of Leadership


Lead Self :




Understanding of strength and weaknesses

Lead others :

Empower others,

Emotional intelligence,

leadership styles

Lead change and deliver result :

ability to problem solve and execute,

lead a change journey, overcome resistance

1. What do leaders Do?

2. Why does Indonesian need World Class


3. How to develop your Authentic Leadership?

Key Messages

Indonesia could be the 7th largest economy

in the world by 2030 (Mckinsey & Company)

USD 3157 = Rp 34 juta/orang/bulan


• Domestic market and consumption : demographic dividend

• Commodities and Natural Resources

• Democracy


• Quality : education, healthcare, environment

• Infrastructure

• Corruption

• Institutional development

Indonesia Strength and Weaknesses

Example of World Class Indonesian Leader

Example of World Class Indonesian Leader

1. What do leaders Do?

2. Why does Indonesian need World Class


3. How to develop your Authentic Leadership?

Key Messages

• Clarifying your purpose • Understanding your life journey, most

challenging leadership and life experiences. • The hardest person to lead is your self • Empowering others to achieve a common


Developing Your Authentic Leadership

Developing Your Authentic Leadership

• Life line to date • Purpose and Vision for 2030 • Leadership Development Plan

Have you ever felt that 24 hours a day is not enough? Do you often get complaints that you don’t deliver your


Managing Your Priorities

Important level

Urgent Level

Important Urgent

Important Not Urgent

Not Important Not Urgent

Not Important Urgent

Four Tips of managing Priorities

• Know what you are aiming for • Select activities that contributes to your ends

goals • Stick to your commitment! Be focus! • Use to do list to manage your daily activities

How to make TO DO LIST

• Start with a verb followed by a noun, e.g., analyze x, call y, discuss z with a

• Be spesific (no clarification needed) • Estimate time required for “longer” To-Dos • Group similar task and force a “group” tine constraint if

applicable e.g., call x,y, and z within 1 hr • Determine the next three things you need to do next / first

using 4Ds and 3Qs

How to make TO DO LIST

3Qs How long will it take? What is the impact? When is the deadline

3Ds Delete/diminish Delay Delegate

Be in control of the technology, not the other way

If you have a tight schedule :

-Silent your phone, turn off your internet browser and messanger

-Schedule a regular and limited tech break e.g., 15 min tech break every 2 hr

Only touch an email/sms once/ when necessary : -If its not useful, delete it -If you open it, respond and file STOP before you ‘Reply to All’ – does everyone really need to receive your response?

Whats the objective? -Have clear understanding of the objective of every meeting you lead/participate before attending the meeting -If you lead the meeting, get into the habit of stating “The objective of the meeting is ...” within the first 1 min

Whats the agenda? -If you lead the meeting, prepare clear agenda items that are achievable within the meeting scheduled timeframe and share with audience

What are the next steps? -Never leave the meeting without clear next steps (action, owner, deadline)

Be Control of Meeting

Terima Kasih

Follow @Al_Hafi dan @KreanovatorID

Facebook/Linked In : Khaira Al hafi

Email : [email protected]
