Page 1: Dhul-Hijjah (The Day of ‘Arafah) · Ibn-Majah, authenticated by Al-Albaani] Summarized Rites of Al-Hajj (Pilgrimage) 8 th Dhul-Hijjah 1. This day is called (Yawm Al-Tarwiyah) and

3. Shavingtheheadorshorteningallthehairontheheadarebothpermissible,butshavingispreferableexceptforthewomen;theyshouldshortensomeoftheirhairfromthetipsofthehairequaltothelengthofafingerjoint.

4. OneshouldperformTawaaf Al-Ifaadhaonthesameday,which is circumambulatingof theKa’bah seven timeswithout Raml (running),and then offer two Rak’ah prayer behindMaqaam Ibraheem.

5. One then performs the Sa’ee [walking andrunning(formen)]betweenAs-SafaaandAl-Marwah.After this, one would finish the Ihraam completely (At-Tahallul Al-Kaamil) i.e.everything will become lawful for him thatwasunlawfulduetoIhraam,includingsexualintercourse.

6. HegoestotheZamzamwellanddrinksfromitswater,thenonereturnstoMinaandspendsthenightsofthedaysofTashreeqthere.Note: The observance of the respective orderofthefouracts (throwingthepebbles,offeringsacrifice, shaving, and Tawaaf Al-Ifaadha) isSunnah, however,it is permissible to performoneactbeforetheotherwithoutobservingthisorder.

11th Dhul-Hijjah

1. Thesedaysarecalledthedaysof“Tashreeq”. It is Sunnah to pronounce the Takbeerregularly,especiallyaftertheSalaat(prayers)andineverystate,timeandplace.

2. OnebeginscastingthethreeJamaraatwithpebblesoneachofthesedaysintheafternoon

Mash’ar Al-Haraam (a small mountain inMuzdalifah),facestheQiblahandsupplicatesto Allaah, declaring His Greatness and HisOneness by reciting Tahmeed, Takbeer, Tahleel and making Du’aa and remainsstandinguntilthedaylightisveryclear(theskybecomesverybright).

3. OnethenleavesforMinabeforethesunrises,calmly,whilerecitingTalbiyah.

4. One picks up small pebbles (a little biggerthan a chick-pea) from any place on thewayfromMuzdalifahorinMina,withwhichoneintendstodotheRamy(i.e.thecastingof Jamarat-ul-’Aqabah) with continuousrecitationoftheTalbiyah and Takbeer.

Then the pilgrim should

do the following1. WhenonereachesthebigJamarah(whichis

Jamarat-ul-’Aqabah)onefacestheJamarah,withMakkahonone’sleftandMinaonone’sright then throws seven small pebbles,successivelyoneaftertheother,utteringtheTakbeereachtimeonethrowsapebble.WhentheRamyhasfinishedbythrowingthelastpebble,therecitationoftheTalbiyah ceases.Note:Onedoesnotperformthethrowingofthepebbles until after sunrise,even thewomenorweakwhowereallowedtoleaveMuzdalifahaftermidnight.

AfterthestoningoftheJamarat-ul-’Aqabaheverything becomes lawful for him againexcepthavingsexual intercoursewithone’swife(andthisiscalledAt-Tahallul Al-Awwal).

2. One then goes to the place of sacrifice inMinaandsacrificesone’sanimal,eatsfromitanddistributesittothepoor.


3. One stands for the Du’aa after stoning Al-Jamarat- us-SughraandAl-Jamarat-ul-Wusta.

4. After one finishes throwing the pebbles,one can travel to his/her country withoutremaining for the third day’s stoning, butone has to leave before the sunset andperform Tawaaf Al-Wadaa’ (the farewellcircumambulation).

5. However, staying for the third day’s castinginMinaisbetterforthepilgrimasAllaah(I)saysinSuratAl-Baqarah:“...But whosoever hastens to leave in two days, there is no sin for him and whosoever stays on, there is no sin for him, if his aim is to do good and obey Allaah (fear Him),” [2:203]anditwasperformedbytheProphet(e).

6. ItispreferableforthepilgrimtoprayinAl-Khaifmosquewhilehe/sheisstayinginMinaduringthedaysof Tashreeq.

7. If one has intended to return back to hiscountry,oneshouldperformTawaaf Al-Wadaa’ (afarewellTawaaf),butmenstruatingwomenand those having post-natal bleeding don’thavetoperformTawaaf Al-Wadaa’.Soafterhe/she finishes the Tawaaf, he/she leavestheMosque like the rest of thepeople -notwalking backwards- and one leaves puttingout his left footfirst saying: “Allaahumma Salli alaa Muhammad Allaahumma inni As-Aluka Min Fadlik” (O Allaah send blessingsandpeaceuponMuhammad.OAllaah! I askYouforYourBounty).

Source:Shaikh abdullah ibn abdul rahman al-Jibreen


3. OnestartsbythrowingsevenpebblesattheJamarat-us-Sughra, then Jamarat-ul-Wusta,then Jamarat-ul- Kubra, which is called Al-’Aqabah.

4. OneshouldsayTakbeer whilethrowingeachpebble.

5. It is Sunnah during the throwing of thepebbles,tohavetheQiblah(i.e.Ka’bah)onthelefthandsideandMina(orKhaifMosque)ontherighthandside.

6. After stoning the Jamarat-us-Sughra, onemoves forward and comes out in the open,standsthereateasefacingtheQiblah,raisethehandsandthenmakeslongsupplicationstoAllaah(I)astheProphet(e)usedtodo.

7. One then goes to Al-Jamarat-ul-Wusta andthrowssevenpebblesatitinthesameway(asdescribedabove),thenonemovestotheleftandstandsforalongwhilefacingtheQiblahmakingDu’aawhileraisingoneshands.

8. One then throws seven pebbles at theJamarat-ul-’Aqabah, and departs withoutmakinganyDu’aa.

9. OnethenspendsthenightinMinaandsleepsthere.

12th Dhul-Hijjah


1. Oneshouldspendtimeindoingrighteousandgood deeds, remembering Allaah (I) andbeinggoodtopeople.

2. AfterDhuhur (in the afternoon) the pilgrimcasts the three Jamaraat and repeats whathe/she did the previous day (11th of Dhul-

Page 2: Dhul-Hijjah (The Day of ‘Arafah) · Ibn-Majah, authenticated by Al-Albaani] Summarized Rites of Al-Hajj (Pilgrimage) 8 th Dhul-Hijjah 1. This day is called (Yawm Al-Tarwiyah) and

her face in front of nonMahram men withsomething like a Khimar (headscarf) whichsheputsonherheadallowingittohangdownovertheface.Howeversheshouldnottieiton.

4. Onthisday,thepilgrimassumesIhraambeforetheDhuhur (noon)prayer from theplace inwhichoneisresident(e.g.intheapartmentinMakkah;inthebuilding)whereheintendsto perform the rites of Hajj, then onerecites the Talbiyah by saying “Labbaykal-Laahumma Hajjan,”andhe/shemaystateaconditiontoAllaahfearingthatwhichmayprevent him (from completion of the Hajj)whether illnessor fear-saying“Allaahumma Mahallee Haithu Habastanee”(OAllaah,myplaceiswhereverYoupreventme).

5. After intending theHajj, the pilgrim shouldabstainfromtheprohibitedactsthatnullifytheIhraam(suchasputtingperfumes,killinganimals, gettingmarried, removing the hairoftheheadormoustacheorfromanypartofthebody,etc.)

6. He/shehastosaytheTalbiyahoftheProphet(e): “Labbaykallaahumma Labbayk, Labbayka Laa sharika Laka Labbayk, Innal-Hamda Wan-Ni’mata Laka Wal-Mulk, Laa Sharika Lak.”

“I respond to Your call, O Allaah, I respond to Your orders, You have no partner, I respond to Your call, All the Praises, thanks and blessings are for You, All the Sovereignty is for You, and You have no partners with You.”

The pilgrim should pronounce the Talbiyahregularlyandprofuselyandshouldnotceasetodothisuntilhe/shedoestheRamyoftheJimar (i.e. throwing of the pebbles) at thebigJamara (i.e.Jamarat-ul-’Aqabah)onthetenthofDhul-Hijjah.

Al-Hajj (Pilgrimage) and its Merits

Allaah (I) says in Surat Al-Imran: “And Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah) to the House is a duty that mankind owes to Allaah, those who can afford the expenses (for one’s conveyance, provision and residence).” [3:97]

AlsoAllaah (I) says in SuratAl-Baqarah: “And perform properly (i.e. all the Ceremonies according to the ways of Prophet Muhammad e), the Hajj and ‘Umrah for Allaah.”

1Narrated Abu Hurairah (t) that theProphet (e) said: “Whoever performs

Hajj for Allaah’s sake only and does not have sexual relations with his wife, and does not do evil or sins then he will return (after Hajj free from all sins) as if he were a new born.”[Al-Bukhaari&Muslim]

2Narrated Abu Hurairah (t) that Allaah’sMessenger (e) said: “An ‘Umrah is

an expiation for sins committed between it and the next, but Mabrur (an accepted) Hajj will receive no less a reward than Paradise.”[Al-Bukhaari&Muslim]

3Narrated Abu Hurairah (t) that Allaah’sMessenger(e)wasasked:“Whatisthebest

deed?”Hereplied:“To believe in Allaah (I) and His Messenger (Muhammad e).” The questionerthen asked: “What is the next (in goodness)?”He replied: “To participate in Jihad (Holy war in Allaah’s cause).” Thequestioneragainasked:“What is the next (in goodness)?” He replied:“To perform Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah) Mabrur (which is accepted by Allaah and is performed with the intention of seeking Allaah’s pleasure only and not to show off and without committing any sin and in accordance with the legal ways of the Prophet e).” [Al-Bukhaari&Muslim]

7. Then one proceeds to Mina and there oneofferstheDhuhur(noon)prayerandremainsthere, spending thenight there andprayingthe rest of the five daily prayers-shorteningthem (i.e two Rak’aah instead of four) butwithoutcombiningthem.

9th Dhul-Hijjah (The Day of ‘Arafah)

1. Afterthesunriseonthedayof‘Arafah,thepilgrim proceeds towards ‘Arafah, whilereciting theTalbiyahorTakbeer.Onestopsat Namirah (it is a place near and before‘Arafah), and it is Sunnah to give aKhutba“asermon”there,thenpray,incongregation,the Dhuhur and ‘Asr prayers, shortenedandcombinedat the timeofDhuhurprayer(advanced joined combination) with oneAdhaan(calltotheprayer)andtwoIqaamahs [i.e.An Iqaamah is to be uttered then twoRak’aah (for the Dhuhur) are offered thenanotherIqaamah (tobeuttered)andanothertwoRak’aah(forthe‘Asr)areoffered].

2. Onethenproceedstowards‘Arafat,andtherethepilgrimremembersAllaah,invokesHiminKhushu’,considerationwithhumblenessandaheedfulheart,andasksAllaah(I)forallthegood of this worldly life and the Hereafter,hoping to obtain Allaah’s forgiveness andrewardandtobeoneof thosewhomAllaahboastsoftotheangels(thosewhomHefreesfromtheHell-fire).

3. Thebest supplicationon thatDayaccordingtotheSunnahistosay:-

“Laa ilaaha illa Allaah wahdahu Laa shariika lahu, Lahul-Mulku walahul-Hamdu, wa-huwa A’laa kulli shay-in Qadeer.”

“None has the right to be worshipped but Allaah, and He has no partner in Lordship

4 Narrated‘Aishah(z)themotheroffaithfulbelievers:“Isaid,‘OAllaah’sMessenger!We

considerJihad as thebestdeed. ShouldwenotparticipateinJihad?’theProphet(e)said:‘No! The best Jihad (for women) is Hajj-Mabrur.’”[Al-Bukhaari]

5 NarratedAbuHurairah(t)thattheProphetMohammad (e) said: “Jihad of the old,

young, the weak, and the women is Hajj and ‘Umrah.”[An-Nassaie,authenticatedbyAl-Albaani]

6Narrated Ibn‘Abbas(t) thattheProphet(e) said: “Perform Hajj and ‘Umrah

(continuously), because they prevent poverty and committing sins as the blacksmiths bellows expels the dross from the iron.” [An-Nassaie andIbn-Majah,authenticatedbyAl-Albaani]

Summarized Rites of Al-Hajj (Pilgrimage)

8th Dhul-Hijjah

1. This day is called (Yawm Al-Tarwiyah) andbefore having the intention of starting theritesandwearingtheIhraam.Onehastodothefollowing:

a. Itispreferableforthepilgrimtotakeabath(Ghusl) even if awoman is in herperiodorpost-natalbleedingtocleanseherself.

b. Cuthisnails&trimthemoustachebutdonotremoveanythingfromthebeard.

c. The man must wear a white Izaar (lowergarment) andRidaa’ (upper garment)whichare unstitched.A woman wears any clothesthat are in accordance to the Shari’ah (religion) except the gloves & Niqab (faceveil)orBurqa overtheface.Shemaycover

or in worship or in the Names and the Qualities and for Him is the Kingdom and all the praises and thanks are for Him and He is able to do all things.”

4. ItisSunnahtoreciteaprayerfortheProphet(e) (As-Salaat A’alan-Nabiy) and sendblessingsonhim(i.e.byrecitingthesecondpart of theTashahhud when performing theSalaatprayer).

5. Thepilgrimwillremaininthatstateuntilthesunsets.

6. When the sun has set, the pilgrim leaves‘ArafatandheadstowardsMuzdalifahquietly,in calmness and in tranquillity, and if onefindsroomthenonegoesfaster,accordingtotheSunnah.

7. WhenonereachesMuzdalifahonepronouncestheAdhaan(calltotheprayer)andIqaamah,then prays the Maghrib and Isha’ prayershortenedandjoinedtogether(i.e.firstthreeRak’aah of Maghrib are offered, then theIqaamah ispronouncedandthetwoRak’aahof the Isha’ prayer are offered), then thepilgrimsleepsuntilFajr (Dawn).



10th Dhul -Hijjah

1. AllthepilgrimsoffertheFajrprayerinMuzdalifahexcepttheweakandthewomen.

2. After performing the Fajr prayer andremembering Allaah (I), one goes to Al-
