

Chapter Page

Disclaimer 3 Hi, I’m Davinder Ojalla 4 My Message 5 Why Juicing? 6 Why Detox? 7 Two Week Cleansing Diet 8 7-Day Chakra Cleanse 9 Day 1 – Root Chakra 10 Day 2 – Sacral Chakra 11 Day 3 – Solar Plexus Chakra 12 Day 4 – Heart Chakra 13 Day 5 – Throat Chakra 14 Day 6 – Third Eye Chakra 15 Day 7 – Crown Chakra 16 25 Ways To Unplug and Re-ignite Your Inner Spark 17 23 Ways To Detox Your Life 23 Higher Self Code 30

DISCLAIMER The advice contained in this material might not be suitable for everyone. The author designed the information to present her opinion about the

subject matter. The reader must carefully investigate all aspects of any business, life,

health, decision before committing her or himself. The author obtained the information contained herein from sources

she believes to be reliable and from her own personal experience, but

she neither implies nor intends any guarantee of accuracy.

The author is not in the business of giving legal, accounting, health or

any other type of professional advice. Should the reader need such advice, he or she, must seek services from

a competent professional/GP. The author particularly disclaims any liability, loss or risk taken by

individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained


The author believes the advice presented here is sound, but readers

cannot hold her responsible for either the actions they take or the

result of those actions.

Copyright © 2017 Davinder Ojalla


I’m Davinder Ojalla   


I believe...

My Message

I believe you were born for a far greater purpose than you may have been told.

You have a unique gift & unique seed of potential within you .

You have a purpose & a calling...

Because of it, you can step into your true Potential, Power & Value

to make a positive impact within this world .

You can take control of your own destiny , transform your ideas, life, health, business & relationships & be who you were born to

be .

You can live an authentic life beyond the masks, fears & illusions of this world.

Your life story matters, you matter & through your life lessons you can discover your most valuable gifts & contribution to the world.

No matter what life conditions have been passed down to you by your ancestor's, parents, society, genetics can transform &

change . I know this from my own experience.

You were born to remember your connection to something far greater than just yourself so that you can make a massive difference

in this world.

You’re not flawed, there’s nothing wrong with you & you’re already enough . It’s time to step up, be visible & show the world

you believe in you. You can be, have & do more than you have ever imagined


Why Juicing? 

Juicing is essential for your health, as the average western diet in many slowly destroys the gut lining & it’s ability to absorb nutrients, vitamins & minerals. We are not made to eat processed foods & absorb chemicals & preservatives! The result leads to dis-ease & health conditions.

Even those now choosing wonderful organic foods may need extra help as unless your digestive system is very healthy & still absorbing efficiently you aren’t taking in all the good stuff. Juicing is a way to get the good stuff down as it's already a liquid so goes straight into the bloodstream which is where it is needed.

How many of us actually do eat the seven servings of fruit — and especially vegetables — daily that are recommended to reduce the risk of premature death? While it can be difficult to figure out how to sneak in a few extra veggies with each meal or snack, juicing makes it much easier. Practically any fruit or vegetable can be juiced, allowing you to get in a heap of nutrients and vitamins you probably would otherwise miss out on.

Benefits of a juice cleanse:

● Encourages a healthy balance of flora in your belly

● Helps reduce cell damage

● Better wellbeing

● Less stress on your heart

● Helps digestion

● Weight Loss

● Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, fibre and phenolic compounds

Why Detox? 

Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body. The process to detoxify your body involves many different elements such as herbal detoxification regimens, change of diet and vitamin supplements. It is one of the best ways to rid your body of toxins, which can slow it down and make it unhealthy. The process of detoxification requires some discipline.

Benefits of Detoxing

● Organs function more efficiently

● Clears away free radicals

● Strengthens immune system

● Improves circulation

The superfood green juice detox, 14 day cleanse & 7-day Chakra Juice Detox programs are designed to cleanse, heal & rejuvenate the physical, emotional & spiritual aspects of your being.

These can be done independently or together - we suggest 7-14days to really see the benefits!

Two Week Cleansing Diet For best results we recommend the following cleansing diet is adhered to for at least 7-14 days on your first introduction to the 7 day juice. You may then continue juicing on your regular diet or a vegetarian/vegan/raw diet as suits your needs.

On the 2 nd or 3 rd day some people experience “hangover” type symptoms. This is a normal part of the detoxifying process and will pass in a day or two. Drink plenty of water/ bottled or filtered water.


● 50% raw food ● All Fruit (Ideally low sugar) ● All vegetables – lots of greens, squash, yam & sweet potatoes can be included ● Sprouted pulses & seeds ● Millet, Quinoa, Amaranth ● Lots of fun & rest ● Herbs, esp. parsley ● Herbal teas ● Fresh fruit & vegetable juice ● Super foods & natural supplements ● Min 2-3 litres clean water a day


● All meat, poultry & fish & dairy ● Oils & fats (including margarine) and all food cooked in them (other than flax

seed oil & coconut oil) ● Nuts & Seeds (unless soaked overnight) ● Wheat in all forms including bread, cakes, pasta, noodles, couscous etc (check

labels on all packaging as wheat is usually included as a thickener) ● Spices, pepper, vinegar, sugar (you may use Xylitol or sweetener if necessary

or raw organic honey). ● Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks, Alcohol, Tobacco ● Food additives, colourings, preservatives & flavourings. Avoid tins, packaged,

frozen and pre-prepared foods ● Avoid frying, boiling & microwaves as much as you can ● Dehydrating, Steaming, baking & grilling are good, raw is even better!! ”






Day 1 – Root Chakra 

Today’s Affirmation: 

“I am a powerful being of light & I trust in the abundance of the universe that created me”. 

Today’s Grounding Root Juice


3 x Small Organic Beetroots

1 x Organic Apple

1 x Small Handful Kale

Blend with :

1 x Handful Black or Red Grapes

1 x Handful Organic Berries (Mix)

1 x Handful Goji Berries

Add Superfoods :

1 x tsp Organic Baobab

1 x tsp Organic Wheatgrass/Barley Grass

1 x tsp Organic Flaxseed Oil

1 x tsp Organic Hemp Protein

Garnish : Mint leaf on top & serve!

Today’s Chakra Toning Mantra:  

“UH” is the sound as in (“cup”).


Day 2 – Sacral Chakra  

Today’s Affirmation: 

“ I am a sexual, sensual & powerful being that expresses my creative power by leading a fulfilling, joyful  and  passionate life.”

Today’s “Sexy Sacral Juice” Immunity Booster

Juice :

3x Medium Carrots

1x Apple,1x Orange

1x half thumb size ginger

Blend with :

¼ Pineapple

1 x Kiwi Fruit

Add Superfoods :

1/4 tsp turmeric

½ tsp x camu camu

1x tsp maca powder

1 x tsp flaxseed oil

(handful of mint)

(Juice all ingredients, blend in superfood powers)

Today’s Chakra Toning Mantra: 

“Ooo” is the sound (as in “you”). 


Day 3 – Solar Plexus Chakra 

Today’s Affirmation:  

“I am positively empowered and successful in all my ventures. I am of value” 

Today’s “Stomach Soothing Solar Juice”

Anti Inflammatory & Happy Gut

Juice :

2x Medium Carrots

1 x Yellow Pepper

¼ Pineapple

Blend with :

1 x Pinch of Turmeric

1 x Tsp Baobab Powder, Maca, MSM

½ x Tsp Camu Camu Powder

2 Tsp x Bee Pollen

1 x Tsp Aloe Vera Juice

1 x Small Cup Coconut Water

½ Tsp of Coconut Oil

1 Tsp Flaxseed Oil

Sprinkle with Cinnamon Powder & sing hallelujah!!.. before jumping onto your rebounder!.

Today’s Chakra Toning Mantra: 

“Oh” is the sound (as in “go”) 


Day 4 – Heart Chakra 

Superfood Green Juice Recipe

Protein Beauty Power Blast


4 x Sticks of Celery/Cucumber

3 x Carrots

1 x Apple/Pear

Small Piece of Ginger or more!!!!

Juice all of above & blend with:

2 x tsp Davinder’s Superfood Green Juice Blend HERE

(Add soaked sesame, sunflower, pumpkin seeds, goji berries or coconut oil & any of the other Superfood favourites such as Kale or Spinach to give your day a real blast of nutrition)

Coconut water or rice milk are other bases you can try out.

Enjoy feeling FULLY ALIVE…!!

Today’s Chakra Toning Mantra:  

“Ah” is the sound (as in “ma”). 


Day 5 –Throat Chakra  

Today’s Affirmation: 

“It is safe for me to assert & speak my truth clearly, confidently and with love”. 

Today’s “Cool Blue Om Juice”

Anti-aging & Rejuvenating

Blend :

1 x Handful of Blueberries

1 x Handful of Strawberries

1 x Small Mango

1 x tsp Acai Berry Powder/camu camu/baobab

1 x tsp Vanilla Bean Powder

1 x Cup Coconut Water

1 x Small handful Spinach

2 x tsp Bee Pollen

1 x Tsp Flaxseed Oil

1 x Tsp Maca, Baobab, MSM

Ice Cubes


Cacao Nibs


Today’s Chakra Toning Mantra: 

“aye” is the sound (as in “eye)


Day 6 –Third Eye Chakra

Today’s Affirmation: 

“I am tuned into the divine universal wisdom and always understand the true meaning of life situations” 

Today’s Chakra Juice: Indigo Heaven

Indigestion & Bloating freedom


1 x Handful Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries

1 x Banana

1 x Handful Kale

1 x Handful Spinach

1 x TBSP Chia Seeds

1 x tsp Acai Berry or Camu Camu

1 x tsp Baobab

1 x tsp Bee Pollen

1 x tsp Maca

1 x Cup Almond Milk or Coconut Water

Garnish :

Sprinkling of coconut milk & cacao nibs

Today’s Chakra Toning Mantra: 

“aye” is the sound (as in “say”) 


Day 7 –Crown Chakra 

Today’s Affirmation: 

“I am complete and one with the divine energy allowing a connection with the oneness of life”

Today’s “King Of Violet” Juice

Pleasure & Delight Mix


2 x Cup Blueberries or Strawberries

1/2 x Cup Water

1 x Cup Coconut Milk

¼ x tsp Vanilla Extract

1 x tsp Maca Powder

1 x tsp Carob or Cacao Powder

1 x tsp Agave Nectar

1 x tsp MSM, Baobab, Camu

2 x tsp Chia Seeds


Cinnamon on top


Mint leaf to decorate.

Today’s Chakra Toning Mantra : 

“Eee” is the sound as in me. 


25 Ways To Unplug and Re-ignite Your Inner Spark 

I totally get it… our fast-paced, hyper-stimulated world has made switching off so hard for us to do. But why have we become so hardwired that we battle internally with giving ourselves space to put down the phone & just “be” even for a short moment?

I’ve often found myself checking my facebook even before I’ve got out of bed to pee & brush my teeth! - Sound familiar? - Now that’s going way too far!

Now more than ever it’s essential that we unplug & reintroduce some downtime into our lives in order to restore balance, peace, productivity and sanity!

When we unplug physically, we allow ourselves to unplug mentally & emotionally too which not only allows us to awaken the subconscious mind but can have a hugely positive effect on our health, relationships, career and give us the clarity we really need to make new choices that create organic success.

So how can we unplug to ensure we aren’t clogging up our subconscious minds with rubbish nor frying our brains?

1. Turn off the TV

Instead of catching up on a mindless TV fix at the end of a day, try taking a walk in nature instead, or reading a book. These alternative activities light up a more resourceful part of the brain that enhance creativity, rather than the dumbing down of it that is induced by prolonged TV stints. Sitting in front of the TV is not relaxing or giving your mind, body & brain the time to detox.

Using the TV as a way to relax is simply a distraction from the buildup of toxicity within the mind and the commercials, news & films add to that!

I personally don’t own a TV & am careful only to go to the cinema if it’s a comedy or something uplifting & inspiring.

2. Cancel the newspapers

We all know that the headlines are raging for our attention, with hard-hitting statements upon us on every page. Take some time out from what’s going on in the


rest of the world and focus on you - what are the big headlines in your life? What’s going on for you that may need reviewing? How can you address some of your own fears? Take some time to look inwards instead of externally to gain a greater awareness and perspective on YOU.

3. Switch off the news

We’re bombarded with fear and damaging news stories at every turn, and while it’s important we remain aware and engaged, we really don’t need to be reminded of the bad stuff on repeat every hour throughout our day. Step away from the news for a short while and notice the difference in your mood.

4. Laugh

Laughter boosts the release of beta endorphins (the family of chemicals that alleviates depression) and human growth hormone (aka HGH; it helps with immunity). Also, laughing increases the flexibility of your blood vessels, allowing for more efficient flow of blood. It also increases tolerance for pain — even reducing the time and medication needed for recovery from surgery.

5. Disconnect Your Phone

Our addiction to technology is at an all time high, so cutting down is crucial to rewire those unconscious habits. A study at The University of Gothenburg, Sweden, showed that heavy cell phone use showed an increase in sleep disorders in men and an increase in stress and in depressive symptoms in both men and women. Choose a time you’ll ‘switch off’ like from 8pm in the evening, or on a Saturday, and watch your worries melt away, and time spent with your favourite people the fun and engaging experience it’s meant to be.

6. Start The Day With YOU

When you’re beginning your day by switching on your laptop and checking in on your emails or social media, you’re opening yourself up to be pulled out of kilter by the rest of the world, and to have your emotions and mood dictated by others. Starting your day with some ‘you’ time with meditation or a journaling exercise helps you to get grounded and tune into you, so you’re ready and able to face anything that comes


your way throughout the day.

7. Take A Bath

A bath is the perfect form of self-care, and a wonderful way to take time out from your digital attachments. Spoil yourself with the most delicious scents, oils, bubbles and creams and make it a restful experience to get lost in.

8. Get Moving

Lace up your trainers, leash up your pup and head out into the great outdoors. No matter how you decide to move, choose to leave your phone at home -- grant yourself this time to be present with your own thoughts, and not the thoughts of the Twittersphere.

9. Get Lost In Your Own Town

Google Maps has saved your life again and again, but it's dulled the wonders of wandering and discovering. Why not take a break from knowing where you're going and instead explore the undiscovered?

10. Declutter

Pick a space in your home and get organised. Doing a bit of a home-cleanse will help you feel less chaotic on the inside.

11. Set A Strict No-technology Bedtime

The blue light from our screens can really mess up our sleeping patterns, so scrolling before bed is a habit that could do with kicking. Set a bedtime for your technology . E recommend that this should be around two hours before your actual bedtime to give you enough time to wind down. You could even do this for the whole family and turn the wifi off at a set time giving yourselves time to talk, play games or read.


12. Journal

It’s better out than in. That’s why we journal. The chaos of life causes us to stuff down many of the pressures, anxieties, disgruntlement, frustrations and dissatisfactions of the day. Soon you’re overstuffed, and there is only one way for them to come out – in a dysfunctional way. Take 10 minutes of every evening to write about what you’re stuffing. Let it come out. Nobody is going to read it. Once you clear the junk, clarity has space to speak its wisdom to you.

13. Start Your Day Right

Henry Ward Beecher once said, “The first hour is the rudder of the day.” Spend it wisely. Commit to not turning on technology during your first waking hour. After all, the world ran just fine without you for the previous 7-8 hours, one more won’t hurt. Blocking out that one hour to focus on meditation or your upcoming day will help you wisely shape the other 23.

14. Power-down For One Period Of Time Each Day

Choose a specific period of the day to intentionally power-down. As mentioned above, this may be the first hour of the day. Or maybe the last hour of the day works better for you… or maybe lunch, dinner, or the hours just before your kids go to bed. The specific time of the day is not important. What is important is the discipline of learning when and how to power-down. Choose something that works for your specific lifestyle and stick to it at all costs.

15. Meet People In Real Life

Life is still about flesh, blood, and eye contact. There are valuable resources online to help us grow and evolve. I have been enriched by the connections I have made and the friends I have met. But no matter how much I interact with others through the miracle of technology, there is something entirely unique and fantastic about meeting face-to-face. The experience of looking another person in the eye without the filter of a screen changes everything. Each time, I am reminded that life’s most fulfilling relationships are the ones in the world right in front of me. And spending too much time looking away from them does a great disadvantage to my soul and theirs.


16. Bring A Book. Or Write A Book!

Checking emails and social media on the train or while waiting in line may seem like the ultimate time management, but all those different images, clips and emails are actually making you unfocused.

Carry a book with you instead, or at least use the Kindle app on your phone and switch of the mobile signal.

Or maybe you can put that time to even better use, switch the phone off altogether and use it to write? An extra hour or two a day could help you get to first draft in just a few months. Will you even remember the time you spent on Facebook then?

17. Go On A Digital Diet

Just like you’d count your calories or activity steps to help you drop a few pounds, why not start counting your technology time?

Take note of how many times a day you check your emails, surf the web, or browse social media, and then try reducing it by 10%, or cutting out one or more of those sessions a day.

And, with your extra time, try adding in an exercise class, or a writing session, or just some focused family time?

18. Change Your Transport

If you find that you get into the ‘tech haze’ when you’re on the move because you’ve had your face buried in your device on the way to a meeting, the office (if you have one), the shops, or a friend’s house, then change your mode of transport.

Try something that means you can’t be on the device, or can only be hands-free. Ride a bicycle, or put on some runners and jog to work. Or travel with a friend or colleague. Whatever works to stop you reaching into your pocket and clicking that typepad.

19. Leave Work Behind

When you leave work, really leave it. Activate the “out of office” on your email, have a separate number and don’t divert calls to your personal phone, and don’t be tempted


to check emails (or use an assistant filter them and ask them to only forward ones that are essential for you to see).

Unless you’re the Prime Minister, there unlikely to be anything work-related that can’t wait until tomorrow!

20. Streamline Your Work

Before you start to think that we’re all about switching off, then let’s talk about streamlining so that you can make technology work for you.

Have you noticed the explosion of ways that people can get in touch with you? From phone, to text, to Facebook message, Skype, Whatsapp, and more…

It’s a misconception that being uber-connected is the only way to stay ahead of the game in business. In fact, the opposite is true — it’s better to limit your connectivity.

Streamline the places you need to check in when you’re online by requesting certain people only contact you through a particular medium.

For example, clients may have access to your phone number, but general enquiries come by email and then have an assistant who filters them before you even see them.

Turn off messaging on your Facebook page, have ‘do not disturb’ as the default on Skype with a message re-directing them to that general email address. And so on.

And then switch everything else off so you’re not constantly refreshing your apps on the lookout for messages that aren’t coming. Or maybe even uninstall some of those many communication apps…?







23 Ways To Detox Your Life  We’re human, and we’re always wanting more, right? More opportunities, more success, more money - and our desire is great and keeps us going. But energetically it’s important to remember that in order for ‘new’ and ‘more’ to show up, we have to make the space for it.

This is something I teach my clients regularly, and it works wonders for attracting magic new opportunities to them.

You’ve likely heard the phrase ‘out with the old, in with the new’ and the process of detoxing and decluttering follows exactly this. Your subconscious mind can get bogged down with all of the ‘stuff’ it’s filled with, so clearing space for new, creative and incredible things to come to fruition and to flow in is absolutely essential to success.

There are many ways you can detox and declutter your home, your life, your body, your mind to enjoy and attract new energy and opportunity. But where do you begin?

I have tons of tips and tricks that I share with my clients to help them master this fresh, new energy to receive abundance, and that’s exactly what I’m sharing with you here today…

1. Skin Brushing

Your skin, the largest organ in the human body is an organ of elimination. One third of your body’s toxins are excreted through the skin and dry brushing helps to unclog pores and excrete toxins that become trapped in the skin.

Make sure you buy an organic, natural & ethical brush and brush from toes up the legs, hands upwards, tummy upwards etc - always brushing up up the body or down the body to meet at the heart centre...never away from the heart centre.

2. Chanting

Chanting of the OM mantra has so many benefits for cleansing, detoxing and purifying. Some of those benefits include, c leansing your aura, takes you to alpha - a meditational state which gives you deep relaxation, your concentration increases when you chant this universal hymn, and the chanting removes toxins from your body to give you better immunity and self-healing power.


3. Mala Beads

Taking some time out to meditate with mala beads can be a truly powerful way for you to detox your mind and body. By repeating breath or a chant along with your 108 mala beads, you’re able to focus your mind to the present, which has an incredible effect on relaxing and recharging your brain. You’ll get the space to detach from the outside bombardments of our fast-paced digital world and tune into your inner wisdom.

4. Mindfulness

Mindfulness helps you to slow down and live with intent, rather than rushing from one thing to the next which can overwhelm our minds and bodies. In order to incorporate mindfulness into your life, small acts of ‘noticing’ such as bringing yourself back to your breath, taking the time to watch a spider weave its web, or getting lost in a mindful task such as colouring or drawing are all simple ways in which you can detox your mind and give it space to breathe.

5. Meditation

As above, meditation helps your mind to relax and slow down to alpha mode - the brain state of deep relaxation. Taking even 5 minutes a day to listen to a guided meditation or to focus on your breath is enough to cleanse your mind and body and reset your state of peace and calm.

6. Neti Pot

A neti pot is filled with purified water and salt or salt-based mixture specifically designed to cleanse and refresh the nasal passages. Many doctors recommend using a neti pot for general nasal congestion as well as colds, allergies and sinus infections.


7. Judgement Detox

Judgement - both being judged and judging others - is at the core of much of our discomfort many of our life blocks. Judgement is a reliable crutch when we feel hurt, insecure or vulnerable, but when we judge, our energy weakens and our thoughts darken. Notice your thoughts for 30 days and eliminate judgement as often as you can. When you feel judgement coming up, of yourself or of others, take a deep breath and let it go.

8. Negative Self Talk Detox

Those caught up in negativity are more often than not their own worst enemy - particularly when it comes to their inner voice. Constantly berating yourself and your situation will never have a positive outcome, because all it does is perpetuate a negative mindset. Here’s where you can make an immediate, positive change. Instead of thinking, “I did a terrible job at work today, I’m no good at this”, think, “I didn’t do as well as I thought I would, but I know I’m capable of doing it better - I’ll get it next time”. Speak to yourself like you would a best friend.

9. Negative People Detox

Misery loves company, and so does negativity. Negative people can drag you down over time, and you might not even realise it until it’s been happening for too long. But be brutally honest with yourself - are there people in your life that mostly contribute negativity? If so, spend less time with them and see how you feel. If it’s a marked improvement, then move on from them for good. If it’s a work colleague or family member, and that’s not possible, then look at other solutions: can you contribute some positivity to this person’s life? It’s certainly worth mentioning that there’s a big difference between a negative person, and a person that happens to be going through a negative situation - so be mindful of that possibility.

10. MedYoga

MedYoga is a great way to recharge your mind and body. The focus on mind body connection encourages a focused mind, clear of thoughts and with space to breathe and relax. It also helps to access the subconscious mind and release emotions, allowing a mental detox!


11. Rebounding

Rebounding is a full body cellular and detoxifying exercise done on a small trampoline called a rebounder. Our body’s natural inclination is to heal itself, internally. Because rebounding strengthens all cells of the body from the inside out, it helps to unlock the body’s power to heal itself.

12. 14 Day Cleanse

Every day you’re exposed to toxins, mostly from the food we eat, but negative emotions, bad habits, and environmental pollution can also contribute to the accumulation of these harmful substances.

If you don’t take the time to properly remove toxins from your body, eventually you’ll start having problems with your health. But by following a cleansing diet you can eliminate free radicals, which cause disease, and also help your body function more efficiently and perform its necessary functions at an optimal level.

To get started it’s a good idea to avoid consuming any of the following foods: gluten, grains, dairy, and sugar, and increase your intake of fruits and raw vegetables, as well as brown rice, nuts, sea salt, and olive oil.

13. Intermittent Fasting

Data show that IF, when done properly, might help extend life, regulate blood glucose, control blood lipids, manage body weight, gain (or maintain) lean mass, and more. Intermittent fasting stimulates the body to maintain and repair tissues and has anti-aging benefits, keeping every organ and cell functioning effectively and efficiently.

14. Juicing

Giving the body a rest from solid food and nurturing it briefly with easily digested, nutrient-dense juices can improve health by healing the body and renewing the body, mind, and spirit.

For us, no wellness tool stands out more for its ability to repair and renew the body in a short timeframe than clean eating and juice fasting. I’ve been facilitating


cleanses and juice fasts for over 20 years, working with thousands of clients, and can attest to the power and benefits of this practice.

15. Drink Lemon Water First Thing In The Morning

A cleansing glass of lemon water each morning can improve your digestion, support your liver and boost your immune system. Just squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water and drink. Lemon juice is very acidic, so you should use a straw to prevent damage to your enamel.

16. Use Lemon Juice Instead Of Bleach To Remove Stains

Bleach contains chlorine, a toxin that is known to weaken your immune system. Using bleach on your clothes can expose you to this harmful chemical. Luckily there is a natural alternative. Just soak the stain in lemon juice and salt, or add one cup of lemon juice to brighten a load of whites.

17. Invest In A Water Filter

In most parts of the developed world, the water supply contains small amounts of Chlorine that is added to kill bacteria. Sadly, this can also disrupt the balance of your gut flora and weaken your immune system. Get a filter for each tap you use or buy a whole-house filter if you can. This will also remove harmful heavy metals and ensure that the water you drink is totally safe.

18. Drink A Detoxing Herbal Tea

There are lots of herbal teas with cleansing properties. Milk thistle, peppermint, ginger, nettle, sarsaparilla and dandelion are just a few examples. Making herbal teas throughout the day is a good way to drink more water, and it might help you to quit coffee too.

19. Purify Your Air With Indoor Plants

Houseplants not only oxygenate the air, they also remove toxic carcinogens like benzene and formaldehyde. Adding an indoor plant to each room is a great detox tip that will purify the air in your house. Plants like the Peace Lily, Spider Plant and


Kentia Palm are easy to maintain and will make an immediate difference. Don’t forget to put one in your office space too!

20. Decluttering

When you’re overwhelmed by stuff, like a plant, you outgrow your pot and that’s when you start to see your relationships suffer, your business opportunities dry up, your health and vitality sapped, and finances become tighter and more restrictive.

Worse than all the stuff and visual blight that clutter represents is the way it robs you and your home of vital, happy, and lively energy.

Decluttering your physical space helps to remove blockages from your life that stop the flow of energy to you and everything you enjoy.

21. Minimise Toxic Chemicals

Toxic chemicals are all around us, and they’re closer than we often think. They can be found everywhere, from in our beauty products that we put on to our skin (our largest organ!) to household cleaning products. Look for natural beauty products instead, such as ones that are free from toxic chemicals such as SLS, Parabens, Fluoride, Lead. There are lots of Natural Household Products available too. Even our tap water is pumped with the fluoride chemical - you can use a water filter or osmosis to remove this.

22. Technology Fasting

We are bombarded with facts and figures from dawn til dusk. We’re simply addicted to technology and media – we can’t leave home without our smartphone or sit at home without the tv or radio bathing us in ideas and information. So in order to truly detox your mind, body and soul, physically unplug from your technology. From mobiles, TV’s, air conditioning, lighting - take it back to basics and rejoice in some simplicity and brain space!

23. Natural Plant Based Diet

A detox program to a natural plant based diet can help the body's natural cleansing process by: stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the body, promoting


elimination through the intestines, kidneys, and skin; improving circulation of the blood, and refueling the body with healthy nutrients, and much more.

There are so many benefits of a natural plant based diet, from increasing energy, lifting mental fog, less stress, sleeping better, sharper brain, tummy troubles vanished, new hunger for life, improved sex drive and so much more! Cutting out alcohol, processed foods, meat and dairy is a great place to begin, and it need only take a few days to experience the benefits of a plant based diet.



Higher Self Code…

7 Essential Habits To Maximise Your Potential For Success

A Powerful System To Unlock Your Greatest Potential &

Create The Lifestyle & Business You Really Want Through A Journey Of Self Discovery, Mind Mastery & The Emergence Of

The Higher Self”

1. Correct Breath & Relaxation

2. Deliberate Presence & Mindfulness

3. Unique Vision & Purpose

4. Mental & Emotional Mastery

5. Body Awareness & Physical Exercise

6. Natural Superfoods & Hydration

7. Greater Mission & Contribution

The Milestones To Higher Self Mastery...

● Get Honest About Where You Are Now & Who You Are Now.

● Get Clear About What Is It You Truly Want & Who You Need To Become.

● De-clutter & Create Space Emotionally, Mentally & Physically.

● The Limiting Mindset & Harness Your Growth Mindset.

● Resolve The Distance From Where You Are Now To The Next Step.

● Create Step By Step Soulful Goals & Milestones For The Greater Vision.

● Build Up Your Support Network With Like Minded Uplifters/ Lightworkers.

● Master The Higher Self Code To Keep You Lit Up, Inspired & Thriving.

● Hire A High Level Mentor & Coach To Keep You Accountable & On Track.

