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Diabetes ABC’s

Diabetic Neuropathy, Cure & Treatment

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This article was brought to you by Jenny Jordan

Diabetic neuropathy, cure and treatment are topics of vital interest to diabetics and their

families. This painful condition can really have a negative impact on the quality of life.

Initially, the treatment has to focus on bringing high or low blood glucose level to the

standard levels and then maintain them there. For some reason, alcohol consumption also

seems to be a major contributor to diabetic neuropathy. A range of prescription medication,

as well as natural supplements and physical treatments, are available to provide pain relief.

Peripheral Neuropathy

Sensory nerves that deliver messages from our body to our brains, and motor nerves that

conduct messages from our brains to our body can become damaged by diabetes over time.

Peripheral nerves are responsible to sense touch, hot, cold and pain. They also affect our

movement and muscle strength. People with peripheral neuropathy often find their feet and

lower legs are affected first. The inability to sense pain in the feet can lead to serious

conditions if a wound or injury to the foot goes unnoticed for too long. At night, you may

experience burning, tingling or pickling sensation in your legs or feet. Your sleeping patterns

can be strongly affected by these impacts.

Painful Diabetic Neuropathy

Those people who are suffering with diabetic neuropathy may experience muscle cramps,

sharp pains or extreme sensitivity even if they are touched very lightly. Treatment consists

of a range of medications, depending upon the nerves affected. Anti-depressants are

sometimes prescribed as a method of pain management. Anticonvulsants, and opoid or

opoid-like drugs such as oxycodone may help to alleviate the experience of constant pain.

You can also apply lidocain patches and capsaicin cream on your feet to get relief from pain.

Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is the term given to kidney damage caused by diabetes. High levels of

blood sugar can destroy the tiny blood vessels that filter waste from the blood. If the

damage continues, the kidneys may stop working altogether. This condition can be

diagnosed with the visibility of albumin in urine test. Those people who have high blood

pressure, high cholesterol level or they smoke are at a greater risk to be affected by

diabetic neuropathy. Drugs that are NSAIDs or Non Steroid Anti-inflammatory drugs should

not be used. A swelling may be observed in feet and legs with the passage of time. If this

damage is diagnosed early then medicine can help you reverse the damaging process of


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This article was brought to you by Jenny Jordan

Diabetes ABC’s

Diabetic Neuropathy, Cure & Treatment

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