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Samenwerking tussen Yin en Jan

贤和扬之作 Collaboration between Yin and Jan

Hong Kong onterecht gezien als

“Easy Asia”

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Ilse Kerling

• 13 jaar Azië, waarvan 11.5 in Hong Kong

• 10 jaar bedrijfsleven in Azië, bedrijven en business units opgezet en regionale

teams geleid

Kerling Consulting

• Overbruggen cultuurverschillen tussen Westen en Azië door middel van

consultancy, workshops en lezingen

• Doel: vergroten en versnellen van succes Nederlandse bedrijven in Azië


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Waarom dit onderzoek?

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Where is the growth? (source: McKinsey)

Over the next 15 years, 440 emerging-

market cities will generate nearly half of

global GDP growth and 40 percent of

global consumption growth


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Megapoles 2025


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Onderscheidende waardeproposities


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Vertalen zich niet altijd internationaal

Waar bedrijven ooit vanuit een outside

in strategie begonnen, vallen ze

internationaal in de valkuil om over te

gaan op inside out – zowel met

betrekking tot producten alsook



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Kerling Consulting’s visie

Hèt onderwerp de komende 20 jaar wordt het vinden van de

globale consument. Innovatie komt uit emerging markets, minder

uit HQ.

Bedrijven moeten genoeg ruimte geven voor lokale

entrepreneurship maar tegelijkertijd hun multinationale krachten

benutten. Dicteren maar vooral faciliteren.

De impact van cultuurverschillen worden onderschat.


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Study Background

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Study Background and Objectives


Asia Business Culture (ABC) is a collaboration between three companies that

identified a learning opportunity between Dutch and Hong Kong Chinese cultures:

More than three decades of combined experience

working with the Dutch and Hong Kong Chinese (in

Hong Kong and the Netherlands)

The ABC team sees an opportunity in practically

understanding cultural collaboration, specifically

focussing on the Dutch and Hong Kong Chinese cultures

Focussing on Hong Kong (HK) provides the opportunity

to study communication flows on multiple levels:

1. HK as a regional office and Global HQ

2. HK and other Asia Pacific offices

3. HK as a Greater China office and Chinese offices

4. Dutch and Hong Kong Chinese employees within

the HK office itself

Therefore, our key objective is to delve into the two working cultures and

emerge with an understanding of what drives collaborative success

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Study Objectives


With this in mind our objectives and discussion guide cover the following:

Impressions of own

and other country’s

culture, strengths

and weaknesses

Relationships with

headquarters and

‘parent’ culture

Experience and

background of


Perceptions of

company culture

Pathway to role /

Dutch company /

Hong Kong


coping methods,

support and


Problem solving

techniques to

overcome any



Role of expatriate,

from positioning and


through to good

and bad examples

Breaking down the

cultures / failures/

problems /


Building up the

cultures / synergies

/ successes

Our key objective is to delve into the two working cultures and emerge with an

understanding of what drives collaborative success

Wanting to go beyond cultural theory, the ABC team's goals are to discover:

1. How the Dutch and Hong Kong Chinese cultures work together

2. The level of cultural awareness that exists

3. The potential scope for improvement

4. Existing best and worst practices

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Kerling Consulting Intercultural Training and Consultancy

Assists Multinationals in enhancing communication and teamwork

between Dutch and North-East Asian cultures. Experts in business-

focussed intercultural training that create understanding & respect.

Asia Business Culture (ABC) Company



Radar Global Business to Business and Customer Experience/Satisfaction Research

Specialist service provider across Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa.

Experts at capturing and conveying high quality opinion, attitude,

awareness and outlook using breakthrough technology and people.

Bulb Research Bespoke International Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Supporting clients in strategic decisions through key insights and

knowledge of products, consumers and markets. Translating

knowledge across markets and cultures into tangible business results.

Experts in their fields, the ABC team each bring their respective strengths and

experiences to deliver combined quality

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Participating companies


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The Value and Importance of Culture

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Culture’s Valuable and Malleable Lens


Inevitably, when two cultures come together challenges present themselves for both parties involved. But its those individuals that look to

building bridges that reap the greatest benefits

Whilst individuals feel they understand themselves and their culture, there tends to be

less awareness of how some traits may be viewed by others and what consequences this

may hold

Culture impacts how we view the world and those around us, and in turn how we are

viewed by others

I’m not sure what they think. I guess Hong Kong people would say that Dutch people are nice people.

Welcoming, friendly. That’s it really (NLM)

The advice I would give is try to understand the culture and don’t try to change it. Try to learn about it and

accept that it’s a fundamentally different background (NLM)

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Unfortunately, Cultural Differences are

Overlooked at the Broader Level

Hong Kong is a very easy environment to work in. People are pretty straight forward as you go through the process, you behave as you are


If you can run a business all over the

world then Hong Kong can’t be that

difficult (NLM)

Its really not that different. Really easy

to adapt and

convenient (NLF)

You live in a bit of a bubble outside the world, its Asian but not Asian, its very comfortable (NLM)


Don’t mistake Hong Kong as easy Asia

and therefore not try as hard to respect the culture and the differences (HKCF)

Be open to learning and don’t use a ‘this is all the same Asia’

brush. It’s like going to France and

treating them as you would the Germans


They think they understand Asia

because they have lived in Asia before. But not all Asia is the

same. And they

should come in thinking I don’t know

anything about Hong Kong. Let’s get stuck into it together


It’s still very Chinese which I think people

forget (NLF)

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Most Importantly Culture is Overlooked and

Undervalued at a Corporate Level


A sentiment exists that there is

little to no support for cultural


Practical elements tend to be in

place for those moving to Hong

Kong, but cultural intelligence

preparation and development

are missing

On the whole individuals feel they

were unprepared for their

international assignments

Any preparation tends to be

insufficient either being:

• Too theoretical

• At the wrong time

• By the wrong people

Organisations Underestimate

Travelling Individuals Unprepared

The only training was with an American Chinese lady who commented on

getting a hair cut, a facial and wearing high heels (NLF)

There is no support for you to deal with cross-cultural communication. Staff

would need to learn about the differences through experience

themselves (HKCF) There was no preparation beforehand. I

guess they felt I didn’t need it (NLF)

The largest deficiency seems to

be in preparation of any local


There is an expectation that

working with a foreigner requires

no cultural adjustment. This is

particularly significant for those

companies that have rotation

systems in existence

Local Team Wholly Neglected

I’ve worked with Dutch people now for 14 years and I’ve had to learn through trial and error. I can’t say I know them

completely yet (HKCM)

I had no idea about Dutch people…I tried to get to know more once I joined to learn about their life and how they

do business. No one told me. There was no guide or person to guide me. So I just went on the internet to get more

information (HKCF)

Before I moved, I had a meeting in Hong Kong and told everyone what I

wanted to see done. A colleague, who lived here, informed me after that I had made people feel seriously inadequate

by being so direct (NLM)

The company has offered courses to expat colleagues who take on

international postings. But there isn’t

anything for us who deal with expats (HKCF)

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Therefore, Coping Strategies Are Learnt

Through Informal Methods


Trial and Error

Word of Mouth




Online Research

and Reading




Predominantly, informal methodologies are utilised with varying success:




l fo

r M




Potential for Success

Rarely used methods that rely heavily on personal interpretation

and application

With a lack of any formal preparation both cultures fall back on stereotypes and word

of mouth. These methods can be particularly dangerous as they often result

in inaccurate information and missed opportunities for connection

The colleagues would say I'm European and not Dutch - but then

we don't interact enough for them to

know (NLF)

Very natural learning methods that bring success, especially for the particularly astute individuals. However,

they are also fraught with mistakes (of all magnitudes)

I see a lot of foreign managers make mistakes such as having their preconceived views about Hong Kong staff and making decisions on this

information alone (NLF)

My perception of Dutch culture? Mostly just things I heard from friends. They like

to follow rules and are efficient? (HKCM)

Currently no method manages to

provide success without

dangerous pitfalls

The internet was useful

but it was mostly clichés – chocolate, clogs,

windmills (HKCF)

You learn this from others when you

encounter problems (NLM)

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Unfortunately, These Informal Methods Have

Mixed Results


Hong Kong is almost like the new America. It feels like anything is possible (NLM)

I guess expats may be lost with

Cantonese and also wonder if the locals are talking or gossiping about them. Well I guess that,

because once I had a boss who didn't allow the colleagues to

speak in Cantonese... the local colleagues are not happy about

that (HKCM)

When senior management came the Hong Kong people were given

questions to ask so it wasn't embarrassing. I guess it was more

polite to not cause embarrassment (NLF)

If you find the right formula you can make miracles

happen here. It’s a great place to get things done and

move forward (NLM)

First management meeting I asked “what

do you think?”. I stepped into the biggest trap. I

got no response. Never again (NLF)

They (Dutch) won’t change themselves or their product to

please the market. They think their product is so good and they don’t

want to change it or they don’t assess the needs in Hong Kong. It leads to so many missed chances


You often see the Dutch business people, and they always come back very enthusiastically. They always feel they have been successful. They’ve had lots of nice talks. But you won’t easily hear a no. It’s a weak

point of the Dutch in general is that we cannot translate the yes or no of other cultures. We find out one day of course, when the deal doesn’t come through (NLM)

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The Balancing Act of Expatriates

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Pressure Exist to Delivery Quickly from Both



Even for the most ‘prepared’ of Dutch expatriate workers, it seemingly takes a year

to get settled into Hong Kong, the role and to begin to add true value

Proving Yourself

Pressure from

Headquarters for fast

results to prove

performance and to

justify the investment

(all felt to be within a

one year period)

Getting Settled

Pressure to learn the

local complexities and

build relationships with

local staff, customers

and partners (taking

around one year)



Local Hong

Kong Office

HQ Pressure on Local Team

The pressure for a Dutch expatriate to

prove themselves is well known by the

Hong Kong team. This inadvertently

puts stress and concern on the local

team regarding forthcoming pressures

and potential changes

Most can adapt in a year

or so (HKCM)

It took me about 12 months to fully understand the Hong Kong

culture as well as the local complexities of the job. Only

after a year did I feel confident

that I could set a strategy that was on the mark (NLM)

Hong Kong Culture Pressure

Its not possible to make an immediate

impact in Hong Kong. Relationship

building is crucial and takes time to

build up. This push and pull between

local time and HQ proof places great

pressure on Dutch expatriates

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The Pressure of Pleasing HQ & Local


With the Dutch expatriate caught in between, there seems to be

much pressure on facilitating communications between the two



Local Hong

Kong Office

I would tell HQ that you don't understand Asia if you're not here (NLF)

It is very hard to explain to HQ. Sorry we have xyz (Chinese festival or holiday) happening, so we can’t get things done. But HQ don't care

about xyz (NLF)

They are so used to listening to the boss and saying yes. So when a call comes in from HQ they have the tendency to drop everything. I have to step in and check if this is a priority

really (NLF)

Its important for Dutch people to come over to Asia. If you don’t open it up then you become a bit of an island within the organisation. The familiarity of HQ in

terms of what’s happening in Asia is not there and you lose the contact (NLM)

HQ in general are extremely rude. Okay there is a cultural gap and sometimes a language gap and you have Dutch people

being overpowering and direct. But I really regularly have to say (to HQ) ‘do you know how offensive you are?’ (NLF)

In HQ they keenly consult all and reach a consensus but Hong Kong people hate it . They just want a clear direction. Yes or no – you’re the

boss, you decide. So HQ communicates are difficult and they struggle. They prefer to go through me as a bridge. The translator

between HQ and local (NLF)

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More feedback on HQ




Local Hong

Kong Office

At HQ, most employees are men, less women in HQ office. However people are very respectful

despite the gender difference. (HKCF)

I had no idea that the company was so large. When I visited the Netherlands, I saw the

company’s bank branches, ATM machines and logo everywhere! (HKCF)

Our HQ is in Europe, all directions and decisions are made there. They forget to communicate

those to the rest of the region because they have more important things to do (NLF)

The office here is very different from the Netherlands. Very entrepreneurial, very fast, very customer orientated. They don’t like to follow procedures. They just focus on getting

things done. Sometimes things go very wrong, but sometimes very right (NLM)

The Dutch are very friendly but distant; difficult to build a

relationship with. (HKCF)

HQ is very Eurocentric. You want your day to day

work to add value to their work but they don't understand Asia and you get the feeling they don't

want to understand it (HKCM)

Working in the Netherlands is a shock. You are ignored most of the time. People behave like

individuals. It doesn’t fit with me (HKCM)

Personally, it is most important that there is not so much politics. I really dislike it that people are

fighting with each other. So Dutch companies are good because they are direct and open


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Hulp nodig bij het versterken van de

samenwerking met Azië?

Neem contact op met dè Aziatische zakencultuur specialist:

Kerling Consulting Ilse Kerling

020 752 0721 06 4619 0513 [email protected] [email protected]

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Asia Business Culture

Maximising Your International Success

Through Effective Relationships
