
My mother passed away in March 2009

from a hemorrhagic stroke. I was

depressed and tense. I decided to treat

myself to a spa package. I had been to

all of the hotel spas and it seemed to me

the main purpose was to hurry and get

you out for the next customer. I felt like a

number there. I saw Dr. Lee’s ad in the

89123 Magazine for Las Vegas,

Henderson, NV and immediately called.

My skin had broken out very badly from

the stress and loss of my mother. I

definitely did not need any products or

inexperienced person making it worse. I

needed to ask some questions about the

Brenda promptly called me back and explained

everything about the products and much more. I

made an appointment with her and she is the

warmest most caring person I had met in a long time.

Her spirit comforted me in my time of need. I began

to see her every month from that point on. I decided

to treat my friend to a spa treatment for Mother’s Day.

We had a great day. She loved the staff and

environment, unfortunately she hit Dr. Lee’s car as

we were leaving the parking lot. He brought her back

in, and made her feel incredibly comfortable. In the

end Dr. Lee called her personally and offered her a

complimentary spa treatment. It impressed me that a

Dr. would take the time and personally call her.

My mother passed away in March 2009 from a

hemorrhagic stroke. I was depressed and tense. I

decided to treat myself to a spa package. I had

been to all of the hotel spas and it seemed to me

the main purpose was to hurry and get you out for

the next customer. I felt like a number there. I saw

Dr. Lee’s ad in the 89123 Magazine for Las

Vegas, Henderson, NV and immediately called.

My skin had broken out very badly from the stress

and loss of my mother. I definitely did not need

any products or inexperienced person making it

worse. I needed to ask some questions about the

products before I made my appointment.

Th e f i r s t th i ng I n o t i ce d was t h a t h e h as a de sk t ha t h e u s es r i gh t o u t f ron t o f h i s o f f i ce . Th e s ec on d t h i n g I n o t i c e d i s h o w w a rm a nd c a r i ng h e w as w i th h is p a t i en t s . I s a id t o m ys e l f “Th is c a n ’ t b e a re a l MD ” so I d id so me re s e a rc h an d f ou n d th a t no t o n ly i s h e w a rm a nd k i n d , h e ’s w e l l qu a l i f i ed . I w a tch e d D r . L e e a s e ac h m o n th I ca me i n fo r my s p a t re a tm en t . I w a s o ve r im p res se d by h o w we l l h e t re a te d ea ch a n d ev e ry o ne o ne o f h i s p a t i en t s a n d s ta f f . M ay be m y m o th e r wo u ld n o t h av e b e e n s o a f ra i d to se e t he d o c to r h a d s he me t D r . L ee . S h e w o u l d p rob a b l y s t i l l b e e n a l i v e to t h i s da y b e ca us e I am c o n f i d en t h e w o u ld h av e c au g h t h e r h y pe r te ns i on a nd t re a ted h e r a cc o rd i n g l y .

Diedre B, Weight Loss Program

I had gained 15 lbs within 7 months after my mother passed away. Even though I

had been an athlete and physically fit person my whole life. My mother’s death had taken a toll on me physically as well. I thought I should be grieving instead

of working out at the gym. I started back working out slowly but wasn’t losing any of the weight. I saw the pamphlet for Dr. Lee’s Weightless Program. I had always been the type of person that thought I could do it on my own. Even with

constant and long work outs, nothing was working. I decided one day to ask Dr.

Lee about his program while he was in between patients. He stopped in the

middle of hi s busy schedule to answer my questions about the program. I was so

impressed by the fact that he had even talked to me without telling the front desk

clerks to make an appointment for me first. I made my appointment for the

following week. Dr. Lee answered all of my questions about the program and

made me feel confident and relaxed. He even invited my husband in and made

him feel comfortable.

I have since lost 13lbs in about 45 days. I’m so happy with my results and I could not have done it without Dr. Lee. He is one of the most patient and caring

Dr’s I have met in this lifetime. Now that all of my family and friends have seen my results everyone wants to know how I did it. I say “DOCTOR WONDERFUL!!!



(Deidre had the Phentermine Weight-Loss Program with Dr. Lee in Las Vegas &

Henderson, Nevada)

For More information Visit at Look Younger MD