Page 1: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

Diet & Health

This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father

Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya

We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who dedicated last 40 yrs of his life in the research work about health and diet.

(1927 to 2006)

Page 2: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

Background for this presentation

1 Dr. Bapalal Vaidya :- Who was an authority on health and ayurved. He has written more then 45 books, some of his books are being used as reference books for post-graduate and doctorate students as well as for research projects, in the field of ayurved.

Written many articles on health in many journals, magazines, news papers.

2 Dr. Prafulbhai Vaidya :- Head of the department of materiamedica in ayurvedic college for many years and practicing ayurvedic physician for 50 yrs.Published ten books on health and diet,and on ayurved.

3 Dr. Anand Vaidya / Dr. Manjari Vaidya :- Third generation in ayurvedic practice having 30 yrs of experience in the field.

You will be getting the extract of the hard work done by putting in many years of reading / Studying hundreds of books, journals etc.,on the subject and practical experience of three generations, put to gather, more then 100 years of experience ! Tried and tested on thousands of patients and people.

Page 3: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who


• “First of all, young men must be strong. Religion will come later. You will be nearer to heaven through football, than through the study of Gita. You will understand Gita better with your biceps, your muscles, a little stronger. What we want is vigor in the blood, strength in nerves, iron muscles and nerves of steel.”

Page 4: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

Diet HealthLinked to each other

If we want to fulfill the dream of Swami Vivekanand , we will have to educate our people regarding

what to eat to build a nation of strong and healthy citizens.

Good Diet Good Health

Bad Diet Bad Health

Bad Health Weak Nation

Page 5: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

What is a Good Diet ?

1 If we put diesel or kerosene in our motor-cycle/scooter it will not work properly.

2 In construction of a building(1) Sand (2) cement (3) Steel (4) Water should be in proper

proportionIf not, you know what will happen……Same way to run body engine properly we should put patrol (Good

Food) or if we consider our body as a building – all the ingredients should be in proper (right) proportion.

It is very simple……..

We are, what we eat.We become, what we eat .

We will be, what we eat .

Page 6: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who



Before we go further let’s have a look at some news items from leading news papers/magazines, like Times of India, The Economics Times, Indian Express, The Hindu etc.

1 India is on the top of the world in Blood Pressure / Diabetes / Heart Disease / Women Health / Child Malnutrition.

Indians are ranked among the lowest on health standards in the world!

Page 7: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who


More News…..1 During world Chest Summit (2002) World Health

Organization (WHO) declared India the lung disease capital of the world.

2 Because of low-work efficiency due to low hemoglobin country is loosing Rs. 25000 crore per year.

3 In 1975 diabetes was 2%, today it’s 16%. Increase of 800% !!

4 Infant death per 1000Japan-4, Swden-4, Hongkong-5, Norway-5, Australia-6, Britan-6, Shrilanka-16, China-30, Indonesia-53 and INDIA-70.

5 India has the highest number of malnourished children in the world. More than the poorest of African country !! (WHO)

Page 8: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

A report of a research published in ‘Lancet’. [A leading medical journal of U.K.]

‘There is something wrong in the genes of Indian people and being an Indian means you are at higher risk to get Blood Pressure/ Heart-Disease/ Diabetes.’

Page 9: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who


Page 10: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

If you remember, 30 to 35 years back, before starting a movie there used to be a news-reel by government in all cinema halls for creating awareness for health, we were advised to eat more vegetables for good health. There were hoardings showing benefit of using vegetables.

For many years this thing went on and on….

The Result !!

Use of vegetables increased 600 to 800 percent in last 35 to 40 years.

Even than, disease like diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease increased in the same proportion !!

Page 11: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who


Something is grossly wrong…..

WHAT ????



Page 12: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who


Let us understand the origin of this concept of eating more vegetables for good health.

Around 50 to 60 years back, in western countries, they noticed that diseases like BP/Diabetes/Heart and gastrointestinal problems were rising alarmingly.

So the medical science & health experts started to study the cause of this rise. After extensive study and research work they found that the cause of all these disorders were, the absence of enough Fiber, Vitamins, Minerals in the diet of western people.

So they were looking for the food stuff which contains Fiber, Vitamins, Minerals in good amount. They found their answer in Vegetables.

Page 13: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

So, they included vegetables in their diet and increased the use.

The Result…. Was very good and they benefited immensely by using more of vegetables in their diet !

We imported the concept of eating more vegetables in our country from the West and every body started to talk about eating more vegetables and the benefit of more fiber, vitamins, minerals.

Indian government also spent Crores of Rupees for advertisement and educating people regarding benefits of vegetables.

Page 14: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

The Result…..Now everybody knows that vegetables are good for health.And production of vegetables increased by whooping 600% to 800% in past 40 years!!But….., all the major disorders also increased in the same proportion 600% to 800% in past 40 years!!Western countries benefited by the use of vegetables. But not our country… WHY?

Page 15: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

To get the answer let’s have a look at the diet habit of Western Countries and India, 50/60 years back.(A)

Western Countries India

Breakfast Tea/Juise/Milk/Cereals/ Eggs/ Sausages/Ham/ Bread/Cheese


Lunch Sandwich-Salami/ Beef/Ham/Cheese/Chicken /egg

Roti/Sabji/Dal/ Rice

Dinner Bread/Rice-Chicken/Fish/Beef/Ham/Mutton/Beans etc.


Page 16: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

Rich In Poor In

West. Diet Protein/Fat/Carb./Iron Fiber/Vitamins/Minerals

Indian Diet Carb./Fibre/Minerals/Fat Protein/Vitamins

West.Diet Protein/Fat/Carb./Iron/ (Fibre/Vitamins/Minerals) Balanced Diet

Indian Diet Carb./Fibre/Minerals/Fat.


Lack of Protein, Vitamins, Iron ect.

(C) If you add vegetables to both diet


Page 17: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who


• We Imported this concept of eating more vegetables to improve our health from western countries without looking at the diet habits of our people. And in doing so, unfortunately the most important source of nutrition for us – DAL-LEGUMES-BEANS slowly got replaced by vegetables- the food stuff having very poor nutritional value!!!


• This way we ignored THE KING OF NUTRITION and it got replaced by vegetables- having very poor nutritional value in our diet. It is taking a very heavy toll on the health of our people and our country. It is a crime against nation to advise a person to eat a food stuff having no nutritional value.

• “EAT BEANS-DAL-LEGUMES TO STAY HEALTHY AND FIT”- should be the slogan for our nation.

Page 18: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

1. Heart disease in Muslim Community 23.6/1000

Heart disease in Non-Muslim Community 51.5/1000

2. Percentage of infant death is very high in Hindu community compared to Muslim and Christian communities.

3. Percentage of diabetes is more than double in vegetarians compared to non.vegetarians. (Non.vegetarian Who eats Nonveg. Food more than 10 meals a week)

Page 19: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

1. Production of pulses [dal] – 1960 – 120 Lakh Ton

Production of pulses – 1996 – 150 Lakh Ton

2. Per head consumption of pulses – 70 grams – 1960

Per head consumption of pulses – 35 grams – 1996

-Times Of India

Page 20: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

Proteins are required for maintenance (Replacing the wear and tear in tissues) in adults, for growth in children, for fetal development during pregnancy and milk output during lactation

Importance of Protein

Proteins are the important constituent of tissues and cells of the body. They form the important component of muscles and other tissues and vital body fluids like blood. Proteins supply the body building material and make good the loss that occur due to wear and tear. Protein as antibodies helps the body to defend against infections. Children require more protein per unit body weight because of new tissues which are being laid down during growth are largely built from amino acids drawn from the dietary proteins.

Thus Proteins are very vital to the living process and carry out a wide range of functions essential for the sustenance of life.

So proteins are one of the most important nutrient required by the body and should be taken in proper amounts in our diet.

Page 21: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

DtkWlttu jttux



Ekzt 'q"t'q"te

;ttk'GSlte CttB



vt{tuxelt (grm) 12.1 24 21.4 13.3 3.2 0.2 4.0 1.4 1.9

Vpx (grm) 1.7 1.3 3.6 13.3 4.4 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.2

rbtlthjmt (grm) 2.7 3.5 1.4 1.0 0.8 0.5 2.7 0.3 0.7

VtEcth (grm) 1.9 4.1 --- --- --- 0.6 1.0 1.3 1.2

ftcttuontEz[ux (grm) 69.4 56.7 --- --- 4.4 2.5 6.1 4.0 6.4

fujthe ( 341 334 118 173 67 12 43 24 35

furjNtgtbt (mg) 48 124 22 60 120 20 397 18 66

VtumVhmt (mg) 355 326 282 220 90 10 83 47 56

ytgtlto (mg) 4.9 8.4 --- 2.1 0.2 0.7 25.5 0.38 0.35

rJtxt. yu (µg) 29 94 --- 600 174 --- 3520 74 52

:ttgttbtelt (rJtxt. cte-1) (mg)

0.49 0.47 --- 0.1 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.07

hecttuVjtuJtelt (rJtxt. cte-2) (mg)

0.17 0.39 0.14 0.4 0.19 0.01 0.30 0.11 0.1

rltytrmtlt (rJtxt. cte-3) (mg)

5.5 2.1 --- 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.2 0.9 0.6

rJtxt. mte (mg) --- --- --- --- 2 --- 99 12 13

Vtujtef yumtez (mg)

36.6 4.5 4.5 78.3 5.6 --- 149 34 105

All the values are per 100 gms. of edible portion.

Page 22: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

Daily Requirement (RDA) For 60 kg Adult Male (more For growing children, pregnant woman and during lactation)

Protein - 60 grm (1 gm. per kg of body weight)Fat - 20 grmFibre - 40 grmCalorie - 2875 - 400 mgPhosphorus - 400 mgIron - 28 mgVit. A - 600 µgThiamine B-1 - 1.4 mgRiboflavin B-2 - 1.6 mgNiacin B-3 - 19 mgVit. C - 40 mgFolic Acid - 100 µg

Page 23: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who


• • Vegetables Legumes/Beans• 1.Requires lots of water to grow 1. Require much less water to grow• 2.Use of Chemical fertilizers 2. Less fertilizer-improves soil• 3.Indiscriminate use of highly 3. Almost no pesticides are used.• Poisonous pesticides.

4.Harmful colors & chemicals used for 4.Very long shelf life. Chemicals not

good look & to increase shelf life. Required.

5.Waste of energy for storage. 5.No energy consumption to store.

6.Huge burden on transport system. 6.Daily transportation not required.

• Daily transportation-Air pollution & Saves fuel-no air pollution-Less

• high diesel consumption takes it’s toll burden on transport system.

• on our oil import bill & environment. Eco friendly.• 7.Very poor nutritional value-so high cost. 7.Very high nutritional value- King • of nutrition-so very cheap.

Page 24: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

• PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.• Today we are almost at par with the world in creating the infrastructure

required for treating diseases and surgery. Unfortunately we have not done enough for prevention and whatever little we are doing is not in the right direction .. Today everybody is aware about the problem of malnutrition [even in the rich community] in our country. But there is no clarity in addressing the problem. The solution is so simple and can be implemented without huge spending. Efforts to change the diet habits of our people , and educate them to eat Beans-Dal-Legumes daily in enough quantity are required on a war footings.

• A nationwide drive through all media is required to educate people to include THE KING OF NUTRITION [BEANS-LEGUMES-DAL] in enough quantity in the daily diet.

• Daily dose regarding benefits of using beans/legumes and cutting down on vegetables intake will gradually make people understand to include the nutrition rich food in their diet. It is more economical , environment friendly more healthy than vegetables.

Page 25: Diet & Health This Presentation is in the fond memory of our beloved father Dr. Prafulbhai Bapalal Vaidya We dedicate this presentation in his feet, who

BEWARE OF VESTED INTERESTS• Organizations and people with vested interest will try to stop the

spread of this idea using their political and financial muscle.• We will have to fight against it for the benefit of our nation and

people.• If properly implemented, this simple idea will change the health

map of our country and in the long run will save thousands of crores of rupees used for the treatment of lifestyle related disorders. Increase the work efficiency of our people, save water , improve the quality of the soil , decrease the use of poisonous pesticides , by saving of diesel-petrol will save the foreign exchange and will have positive impact on environment health and economy.