Page 1: Dietary exposure of three passerine species to PCDD/DFs ... · ern waste management protocols (Amendola and Barna 1986). Total concentrations of PCDD/DFs ( PCDD/DFs) in floodplain

Environ Monit Assess (2011) 172:91–112DOI 10.1007/s10661-010-1319-5

Dietary exposure of three passerine species to PCDD/DFsfrom the Chippewa, Tittabawassee, and Saginaw Riverfloodplains, Midland, Michigan, USA

Timothy B. Fredricks · John P. Giesy · Sarah J. Coefield · Rita M. Seston ·Melissa M. Haswell · Dustin L. Tazelaar · Patrick W. Bradley ·Jeremy N. Moore · Shaun A. Roark · Matthew J. Zwiernik

Received: 17 August 2009 / Accepted: 15 January 2010 / Published online: 10 February 2010© The Author(s) 2010. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Dietary exposure of house wrens(Troglodytes aedon), tree swallows (Tachycinetabicolor), and eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis)to polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) andpolychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) nearMidland, Michigan (USA) was evaluated basedon site-specific data, including concentrations of

Electronic supplementary material The online versionof this article (doi:10.1007/s10661-010-1319-5) containssupplementary material, which is availableto authorized users.

T. B. Fredricks · J. P. Giesy ·S. J. Coefield · R. M. SestonDepartment of Zoology, Michigan State University,East Lansing, MI 48824, USA

T. B. Fredricks (B)Bayer CropScience, Ecotoxicology,17745 South Metcalf, Stilwell, KS 66085, USAe-mail: [email protected]

J. P. GiesyDepartment of Veterinary Biomedical Sciencesand Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan,Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7J 5B3

J. P. GiesyDepartment of Biology and Chemistry,City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon,Hong Kong SAR, China

residues in bolus samples and individualinvertebrate orders and dietary compositions bystudy species. Site-specific dietary compositionsfor the three species were similar to thosereported in the literature, but differed in theirrelative proportions of some dietary items. Oligo-cheata (non-depurated) and Brachycera (Diptera)contained the greatest average concentrations of�PCDD/DFs of the major site-specific dietaryitems collected via food web-based sampling.Average ingestion values of �PCDD/DFs fromsite-specific bolus-based and food web-based

J. P. GiesyCollege of Environment, Nanjing Universityof Technology, Nanjing, 210093,People’s Republic of China

J. P. GiesyKey Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science,College of Oceanography and Environmental Science,Xiamen University, Xiamen, People’s Republic of China

M. M. HaswellScience Department, Davenport University,Midland, MI 48640, USA

D. L. Tazelaar · P. W. Bradley ·J. N. Moore · M. J. ZwiernikDepartment of Animal Science, Michigan StateUniversity, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA

S. A. RoarkENTRIX, Inc., Okemos, MI 48864, USA

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dietary concentrations for nestlings at study areas(SAs) were 6- to 20-fold and 2- to 9-fold greaterthan at proximally located reference areas (RAs),respectively. Average ingestion values of total2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents(TEQWHO−Avian) from site-specific bolus-basedand food web-based dietary concentrations fornestlings at SAs were 31- to 121-fold and 9- to64-fold greater than at proximally located RAs,respectively. Estimates of �PCDD/DFs andTEQWHO−Avian tissue concentrations based onnestling dietary exposures were greater than thosemeasured. Plausible explanations include nestlingmetabolism of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuranand assimilation rates of less than the 70%assumed to occur over the nestling growthperiod. Profiles of the relative concentrations ofindividual PCDD/DF congeners in samplesof invertebrates and bolus at SAs on theTittabawassee River downstream of the source ofcontamination were dominated by 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (22% to 44%) and2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran (18% to 50%).

Keywords Furans · Dioxins · Bolus · Birds ·TEQs · Invertebrates


Site-specific dietary exposure to polychlorinateddibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinateddibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) was determinedfor three cavity-nesting, insectivorous passerinespecies downstream of Midland, Michigan (USA).Tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), whicheat primarily emergent aquatic invertebrates(McCarty 1997; McCarty and Winkler 1999;Mengelkoch et al. 2004), have been shown tohave exposure links to contaminated sediments(Custer et al. 1998; Echols et al. 2004; Maul et al.2006; Neigh et al. 2006c; Papp et al. 2007; Smitset al. 2005). House wrens (Troglodytes aedon) andeastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) have been usedto assess the contaminant exposure of terrestrialinsectivores at locations with contaminated soils(Neigh et al. 2006a). Both species primarily feed

on terrestrial invertebrates (Beal 1915; Guinanand Sealy 1987). However, they have differenthabitat preferences and foraging strategies whichmay influence contaminant exposure.

PCDFs, and to a lesser extent PCDDs,are present at elevated concentrations in theTittabawassee and Saginaw rivers downstream ofMidland, Michigan and appear to have originatedfrom the production, storage, and disposal of or-ganic chemicals prior to the establishment of mod-ern waste management protocols (Amendola andBarna 1986). Total concentrations of PCDD/DFs(�PCDD/DFs) in floodplain soils and sediments,from the study area (SA), ranged from 1.0 × 102

to 5.4 × 104 ng/kg dry weight, while mean�PCDD/PCDF concentrations in soils and sed-iments in the reference area (RA) upstream ofMidland were 10- to 20-fold less (Hilscherovaet al. 2003).

Usually, PCDD/DFs, polychlorinated biphe-nyls (PCBs), and similar chlorinated hydrocar-bons occur in the environment as mixtures. Themixture of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the SAis dominated by a few PCDF congeners, whichmakes it distinctive compared to other loca-tions contaminated with PCB mixtures or PCDDs(Custer et al. 2002, 2005, 2006; Froese et al. 1998;Harris and Elliott 2000; Neigh et al. 2006b, c;Secord et al. 1999; Shaw 1983; Smits et al. 2005;Spears et al. 2008). Furthermore, based on chem-ical characteristics and best estimates of historicalproduction data, it is likely that this unique mix-ture has been in place for almost a century, withmost of the materials being released prior to the1950s (ATS 2007, 2009).

PCDFs and related chlorinated hydrocarbonsare persistent and lipophilic (Mandal 2005) andhave a great potential to accumulate through thefood web (Blankenship et al. 2005; Custer et al.1998; Kay et al. 2005; Maul et al. 2006; Russellet al. 1999; Smits et al. 2005; Wan et al. 2005). Be-cause of the elevated soil and sediment concentra-tions in the SA (Hilscherova et al. 2003) and lowavian dietary exposure thresholds (Custer et al.2005; Eisler 2000; Nosek et al. 1992), the authorsinvestigated the potential for the accumulation ofPCDFs and PCDDs from invertebrates to residentinsectivorous birds.

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Complex relationships exist between site-specific contaminant concentrations, dietaryexposure pathways, and resulting tissue concen-trations. In particular, concentrations of chlori-nated hydrocarbons and the congener profilesof the relative concentrations of congeners havebeen shown to be site-specific (Custer andRead 2006; Maul et al. 2006; Papp et al. 2007).Site-specific dietary composition is related tothe prevailing invertebrate abundance (Custeret al. 2005; Echols et al. 2004; Neigh et al. 2006a;Nichols et al. 1995; Quinney and Ankney 1985;Smits et al. 2005; Wayland et al. 1998) and thetiming of nest initiation (Custer et al. 1998; Maulet al. 2006; Papp et al. 2007), especially for treeswallows that prey primarily on emergent aquaticinvertebrates to feed nestlings (Blancher andMcNicol 1991; Johnson and Lombardo 2000;McCarty and Winkler 1999). Site-specific residueconcentrations in egg and nestling tissues havebeen studied for a variety of chlorinated hydrocar-bons and species (Ankley et al. 1993; Bishop et al.1995; Custer et al. 1998, 2003, 2005; Froeseet al. 1998; Henning et al. 2003; Neigh et al.2006a, b, c; Spears et al. 2008). Fewer studies haveinvestigated accumulation via the diet or deter-mined uptake rates (Echols et al. 2004; Nicholset al. 1995, 2004).

The primary objectives of this study wereto characterize dietary exposure of adultsand nestlings of three insectivorous passerinespecies representing different feeding guilds withdifferent pathways of exposure to PCDD/DFs andto compare concentrations and congener profilesof composited site-specific food web-baseddietary samples to bolus samples. Bolus samplesare actual dietary samples collected by the adultbirds for comparison to the dietary concentrationsestimated using residue concentrations of inver-tebrates collected at each site. By comparingthe bolus-based dietary samples with the foodweb-based dietary estimates based on site-specificpercent dietary compositions and concentrationsin food web items, it can be determined whetherinvertebrates collected in the biological samplingareas (BSAs) are truly representative of thecongener profile and concentrations fed to on-sitenestlings. A secondary objective was to determine

how well estimates of dietary exposure based onsite-specific dietary composition and accumu-lation factors from the literature correspond tomeasured concentrations in nestlings (Fredrickset al. 2010a).

The study examined four endpoints: (1)site-specific dietary composition by species;(2) concentrations of �PCDD/DF and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) equivalents(TEQWHO−Avian) based on World Health Orga-nization (WHO) TCDD equivalency factors forbirds (TEFWHO−Avian; van den Berg et al. 1998) infood web-based composited invertebrate samplesand bolus samples for each species; (3) spatial andspecies-specific trends in concentrations; and (4)patterns of relative concentrations of individualcongeners. Comparisons of congener-specificconcentrations stratified by feeding pathwayand area were made to provide insight into thecontaminants source and species-specific expo-sures. This information can be used to estimateexposure of other species to the contaminants.


Site description

Study locations were selected on theTittabawassee, Chippewa, and Saginaw Riversin the vicinity of Midland, Michigan (Fig. 1).Nest boxes were placed and prey items werecollected from within the 100-year floodplainof the individual rivers. Two RAs were locatedupstream of the putative sources of PCDD/DFs(Hilscherova et al. 2003) on the Tittabawassee(R-1) and Chippewa (R-2) Rivers (Fig. 1). Studyareas downstream of the putative sources ofPCDD/DFs include approximately 72 km of free-flowing river from the upstream boundary definedas the low-head dam near Midland, Michiganthrough the confluence of the Tittabawassee andSaginaw Rivers to where the Saginaw River entersSaginaw Bay. The SAs within the TittabawasseeRiver area included four locations (T-3 to T-6)approximately equally spaced and locations(S-7 to S-9) which are at the initiation, median,and terminus of the Saginaw River. The seven

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Study Area


Chippewa River

Pine Rive


Tittabawassee R

iver Sag





Bay City

Lake Huron

0 3.75 7.5 15Kilometers











Fig. 1 Study site locations within the Chippewa,Tittabawassee, and Saginaw River floodplains, Michigan,USA. Reference areas (R-1 to R-2), Tittabawassee Riverstudy areas (T-3 to T-6), and Saginaw River Study Areas

(S-7 to S-9) were monitored from 2005 to 2007. Directionof river flow is designated by arrows; suspected source ofcontamination is enclosed by the dashed oval

SAs (T-3 to S-9) were selected based on thenecessity to discern spatial trends, ability to gainaccess privileges, and maximal receptor exposurepotential based on floodplain width and measuredsoil and sediment concentrations (Hilscherovaet al. 2003). Nest box trails within RAs and SAseach contained between 30 and 60 nest boxes andspanned a continuous foraging area of between1 and 3 km of river. S-8 was an exception andwas only used for sediment and dietary food websampling. No studies of birds were conducted atthis location.

Tissue collections

Detailed site descriptions and protocols for col-lecting and handling samples of eggs and nestlings

have been previously presented (Fredricks et al.2010a). Briefly, nest boxes were monitored dailyfrom mid-April through the end of the breedingseason from 2005 to 2007. Eggs and nestlings werecollected for quantification of PCDD/DFs. Nestboxes were randomly selected from the activenest boxes at a given location for either live eggor nestling collections, but not both. Abandonedand addled eggs were salvaged opportunistically.Fresh and addled eggs were collected from 49house wren, 50 tree swallow, and 35 eastern blue-bird nests during the 2005–2007 breeding sea-sons. Nestlings were collected from 48 house wrennests at 10-day post hatch, while nestlings werecollected from 45 tree swallow and 30 easternbluebird nests at 14-day post hatch. Nestlings col-lected were of similar mass to adult birds and

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approximately 3 to 5 days before the typical fledgedate for each species. Adult passerines were notcollected for quantification of residues becausepart of the research focused on long-term adultand nestling survival and recruitment.

Measurement endpoints associated with pro-ductivity (Fredricks et al. 2010b) included eggmass, clutch size, hatching success, fledgling suc-cess, total productivity, and nestling growth.Masses of nestlings were made 3-, 6-, 9-, and 10-day post-hatch for house wrens and 4-, 8-, 12-,and 14-day post-hatch for tree swallows and east-ern bluebirds. Species- and site-specific nestlinggrowth curves were utilized in the dietary expo-sure assessments presented.

Food web sampling

Collection of invertebrates occurred at nine pre-determined BSAs that were located within theRA and SA locations. Each BSA included two30 × 30-m grids proximal to the river bank, one forterrestrial sampling and one for aquatic sampling.Study area BSA locations were selected based onmaximizing the potential for collecting food itemswith the greatest contaminant concentrations fora given nest box trail given the available soil andsediment data.

Site-specific sampling of invertebrates tookplace during 2003 at R-1, R-2, T-4, and T-6, 2004at R-1, R-2, and T-3 to T-6, and 2006 at S-7 to S-9.Temporal variation in the composition of sampledspecies and potential concentration differenceswere accounted for by collecting samples at mul-tiple times throughout the breeding season (mid-May, June, and August). During each samplingperiod, all samples for that period were collectedwithin a 6-day window to minimize temporal vari-ation. All collected invertebrates were transferredto a labeled, chemically clean glass jar (I-CHEM,Rockwood, TN). Sampling was terminated uponthe collection of approximately 5 g or more bio-mass per order. Samples were stored on wet icewhile in the field and transferred to a −20◦Cfreezer until categorization and homogenization.Sampling methods were designed to target aquaticemergent insects, benthic invertebrates, and ter-restrial invertebrates through specific methodolo-

gies that maximized invertebrate biomass and di-versity of collected samples.

Collection of aquatic emergents

Aquatic emergent insects were collected with amodified form of aerial trap called a light screen,which targeted flying adult aquatic insects. Collec-tions began at dusk and continued for 1 to 3 hat each location or until invertebrate encounterfrequency declined. A metal halide light attractedinvertebrates to a white sheet, and invertebrateswere collected in Insect Vac Collection Cham-bers and Insect Vacs (Bioquip Products, RanchoDominguez, California). Aerial nets were used tocollect airborne invertebrates that did not land onthe sheet.

Collection of benthic invertebrates

Aquatic macroinvertebrates were collected by useof several different methods depending on thehabitat type at each collection location. Samplingmethods used included individual picking withforceps from submerged woody debris; cobbleand aquatic vegetation; sieve bucket; and D-framekick net. Sampling occurred during daylight hoursat all locations.

Collection of soil, terrestrial plants,and invertebrates

Sampling techniques used to collect soil and ter-restrial plants and invertebrates at each locationemployed a four-tiered approach: (1) a 1 × 1-mplot was randomly selected from within a BSAand one or more composite plant samples werecollected based on plant diversity; (2) soil was ex-cavated by hand digging to a depth of 15 cm; a soilcomposite sample and all resident Oligocheatawere collected; (3) forceps were used to collectsurface-dwelling terrestrial invertebrates from thesoil surface and leaf litter; and (4) aerial or plantperching invertebrates were collected using sweepnets and/or aerial invertebrate nets. Oligocheatawere rinsed in distilled water prior to chemicalanalyses.

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Sorting of invertebrates

Invertebrates were categorized taxonomically tothe order level for each life stage collected dur-ing each sampling period per site. For emergentinsects, the order Diptera was divided into thesuborders Nematocera (primarily aquatic) andBrachycera (primarily terrestrial) to account forpossible exposure differences during the larvallife stages (Merritt and Cummins 1996). Sampleswere then homogenized and stored at −20◦C untilextraction.

Sampling of food bolus

Dietary food items were collected as bolus sam-ples from nestling house wrens, tree swallows, andeastern bluebirds following the methods describedby Mellott and Woods (1993). Briefly, nestlingsbetween the ages of 3- and 9-day post-hatch forhouse wrens or 4- and 12-day post-hatch for treeswallows and eastern bluebirds were fitted witha black electrical cable tie (10.2-cm size) aroundthe base of their neck. The use of a cable tieallows finite adjustments and maximizes collec-tion potential while minimizing bias associatedwith loss of smaller invertebrates (McCarty andWinkler 1991) and nestling mortalities. Ligaturednestlings were observed for 20–30 s to observe forunnatural behaviors such as pronounced gaspingor struggling. Bolus sampling occurred throughoutthe day to account for any temporal variation ininvertebrate abundance or activity. Bolus sampleswere collected from nestlings 1 h after ligature ap-plication. Bolus material found in the nest cavitywas also collected. Nests were randomly selectedfor bolus sampling, and nests were not sampledon consecutive days. Nest boxes were concur-rently sampled for nestling growth and reproduc-tive parameters. Both this and other studies haveshown that there is no discernable difference ingrowth of nestlings from boxes that do or do nothave samples of boluses collected (Neigh et al.2006a). Additionally, adult tree swallows deliverfood to the nest approximately18 times per hourthroughout the day (McCarty 2002), so dietarysampling should only represent a small portion ofa nestling’s daily food requirements.

Estimation of site-specific diet

The site-specific diet was based on the relativeproportion of the total mass represented by eachinvertebrate order identified in the bolus samples.Invertebrates in each bolus sample were classifiedto order (Merritt and Cummins 1996), and thetotal number and mass of each order was recordedfor each sample. The site-specific diet obtainedfrom the bolus samples was used in the estimateof food web-based dietary exposure describedsubsequently.

Bolus sample residue analysis

Where possible, bolus samples were recombinedfor residue analyses based on the clutch fromwhich they were collected. For clutches lackingsufficient biomass of bolus for residue analyses(∼3–5 g), bolus samples were combined withina study area from proximally located nest boxesuntil the necessary biomass was obtained. Due tolimited biomass from house wren bolus samples atR-1, samples from this area were combined from2005 and 2006.

Identification and quantificationof PCDD/DF congeners

Concentrations of seventeen 2,3,7,8-substitutedPCDD/DF congeners were measured in all in-vertebrate and bolus samples that had enoughbiomass to meet analytical requirements. Basedon the contribution of PCBs to the totalTEQsWHO−Avian in the soil/sediment samples col-lected from the Tittabawassee River during thescreening level assessment (Hilscherova et al.2003), PCBS were not analyzed in passerinedietary items. PCDD/DFs were quantified inaccordance with EPA Method 8290 with mi-nor modifications (US Environmental Protec-tion Agency (USEPA) 1998). Briefly, sampleswere homogenized with anhydrous sodium sulfateand Soxhlet-extracted in hexane/dichloromethane(1:1) for 18 h. Before extraction, known amountsof 13C-labeled analytes (15 of the seventeen2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/DF congeners; OCDFand 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD were not included) were

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added to each sample as internal standards. Theextraction solvent was exchanged to hexane andthe extract was concentrated to 10 mL. Tenpercent of this extract was removed for lipidcontent determination. Extracts were initially pu-rified by treatment with concentrated sulfuricacid. The extract was then passed through a silicagel column containing silica gel and sulfuric acidsilica gel and eluted with hexane. The extractreceived additional column chromatography byelution through acidic alumina, which resulted intwo fractions. The first elution contained mostof the PCBs and pesticide compounds, while thesecond fraction contained dioxins and furans. Thissecond fraction was then passed through a car-bon column packed with 1 g of activated carbon-impregnated silica gel. The first fraction of thesilica gel was combined with the first fractionfrom the acidic alumina column and was retainedfor possible co-contaminant analyses. The secondfraction of the silica gel, eluted with toluene, con-tained the 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/DFs. Com-ponents were analyzed using HRGC-HRMS, aHewlett-Packard 6890 GC (Agilent Technologies,Wilmington, DE) connected to a MicroMass®high-resolution mass spectrometer (Waters Cor-poration, Milford, MA). PCDF and PCDD con-geners were separated on a DB-5 capillarycolumn (Agilent Technologies) coated at 0.25 μm(60-m × 0.25-mm i.d.). The mass spectrometerwas operated at an EI energy of 60 eV and anion current of 600 μA. Congeners were iden-tified and quantified by use of single ion mon-itoring at the two most intensive ions of themolecular ion cluster. Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF) were confirmedusing a DB-225 (60-m × 0.25-mm i.d., 0.25-μmfilm thickness) column (Agilent Technologies).Chemical analyses included pertinent quality as-surance practices, including matrix spikes, blanks,and duplicates.

Dietary exposure calculations

Dietary exposures of adult house wrens, tree swal-lows, and eastern bluebirds were estimated usingthe USEPA Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook(WEFH; USEPA 1993) equations for passerine

birds. Major factors influencing dietary expo-sure included daily food intake rate [IR; gramwet weight food/gram body weight (BW)/day],nestling or adult mass (BW), dietary concen-trations (C), and uncertainty factors associatedwith availability of contaminants for absorptionto the bird from the diet. United States EPAWEFH Equation 3-4 was used to calculate IRfor adults. Equations to estimate food ingestionrate based on bioenergetics techniques (Nicholset al. 1995, 2004) were utilized for nestlings sinceUSEPA WEFH Equation 3-4 is based on free-living passerines.

Site-specific mean (±standard deviation) adultmasses used to calculate IR for house wrens, treeswallows, and eastern bluebirds were 11.2 g (±1.3;n = 349), 20.9 g (±1.6; n = 235), and 31.2 g (±2.1;n = 83), respectively. Species-specific nestlinggrowth curves (Fredricks et al. 2010b) were usedto estimate daily IR over the nesting period.Species-specific dietary concentrations in fooditems were estimated using two methods: (1) foodweb-based diet: multiplying study-specific dietarycompositions for major (>1% by mass) prey itemsby respective area-specific (R-1 to R-2; T-3 toT-6; S-7 to S-9) average, minimum, and maxi-mum concentrations of �PCDD/DFs in associ-ated prey items for each study species and (2)bolus-based diet: area-specific average, minimum,and maximum concentrations from actual bolussamples collected from nestlings of each speciesstudied. Minimum and maximum concentrationswere chosen to cover the range of possible inverte-brate concentrations found on-site, which the au-thors expected to include the worst-case scenariofor dietary exposure.

Assimilation efficiency has been estimated tobe 70% to 90% based on the results of a study ofPCB exposures in which 70% was used (Nicholset al. 2004). Potential average daily dose (ADDpot;nanograms per kilogram per day) was calculatedusing Equation 4-3 (USEPA 1993) assuming that100% of the foraging range for each species waswithin the associated study area (McCarty andWinkler 1999). Average nestling concentrationsof �PCDD/DFs were estimated for house wrennestlings up to 10 day post-hatch and for tree swal-low and eastern bluebird nestlings up to 14 day

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post-hatch since these are the respective days thatnestlings were collected. Predictions of nestlingbody burdens incorporated maternal transfer ofcontaminants to the nestlings via the egg. Dietaryexposure estimates apply only to the nesting pe-riod for both adults and nestlings because foraginghabits and range are likely more variable outsidethe nesting period.

Statistical analyses

Total concentrations of the seventeen 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/DF congeners are reported asthe sum of all congeners (nanograms per kilogramwet weight (ww)). Individual congeners that wereless than the limit of quantification were assigneda value of half the sample method detection limit.Concentrations of TEQWHO−Avian (nanograms perkilogram ww) were calculated for PCDD/DFs bysumming the product of the concentration of eachcongener, multiplied by its avian TEFWHO−Avian

(van den Berg et al. 1998). Samples of inverte-brates from the food web were composites of allindividuals of an order collected per location per

sampling period. Arithmetic means (range) arepresented (Tables 1 and 2).

Statistical analyses were performed usingSAS® software (Release 9.1; SAS Institute Inc.,Cary, NC, USA). Prior to the use of parametricstatistical procedures, normality was evaluated us-ing the Shapiro–Wilk’s test, and the assumption ofhomogeneity of variance was evaluated using theLevene’s test. Data that were not normally distrib-uted were transformed using the natural log (ln) of(x + 1) before statistical analyses. Concentrationsin bolus samples by species studied and inverte-brates by orders were tested for effects of studyarea on concentrations of both �PCDD/DFs andTEQWHO−Avian. The generalized linear model pro-cedure (PROC GLM) was used to make compar-isons for invertebrate orders when represented inthe RA, Tittabawassee River SA, and SaginawRiver SA. When significant differences amonglocations were indicated, Bonferroni’s t test wasused to make comparisons between study areas.The t test procedure (PROC TTEST) was usedto make comparisons between bolus samples byspecies studied collected at RAs and SAs. For all

Table 1 Potential average (range) �PCDD/DFs andTEQWHO−Avian daily dose (ADDpot; ng/kg bodyweight/day) calculated from site-specific bolus-based andfood web-based dietary exposure for adult house wrens,

tree swallows, and eastern bluebirds breeding during 2004–2006 within the Chippewa, Tittabawassee, and SaginawRiver floodplains, Midland, Michigan, USA

Study area Bolus Food web


House wrenR-1 and R-2b 26 (12–45)c,d 1.1 (0.73–1.7) 36 (10–76) 1.5 (0.54–3.0)T-3 to T-6 360 (160–630) 150 (38–430) 180 (64–340) 68 (13–140)S-7 and S-9 –e – 140 (20–710) 16 (5.9–34)

Tree swallowR-1 and R-2 53 (16–90) 4.9 (1.4–8.8) 120 (20–370) 6.1 (1.3–13)T-3 to T-6 340 (58–1000) 200 (24–800) 570 (130–1400) 250 (34–630)S-7 and S-9 – – 200 (130–370) 70 (40–120)

Eastern bluebirdR-1 and R-2 12 (4.2–20) 0.88 (0.44–1.9) 35 (10–92) 1.1 (0.47–2.2)T-3 to T-6 250 (54–790) 110 (13–450) 310 (100–740) 77 (24–180)S-7 and S-9 – – 240 (84–720) 41 (6.2–110)

aTEQWHO−Avian were calculated based on the 1998 avian WHO TEF valuesbR-1 to R-2: Tittabawassee and Chippewa rivers reference area; T-3 to T-6: Tittabawassee River study area; S-7 to S-9:Saginaw River study areacValues were rounded and represent only two significant figuresdFood ingestion rate was calculated from equations in The Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook (USEPA 1993)eResidue analyses were not conducted on bolus collected invertebrates at S-7 and S-9

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Table 2 Average (range) calculated nestling concentra-tions of �PCDD/DFs and TEQWHO−Avian (ng/kg ww)determined from site-specific bolus-based and food web-based dietary exposure for nestling house wrens, tree

swallows, and eastern bluebirds within the Chippewa,Tittabawassee, and Saginaw River floodplains during2004–2006, Midland, Michigan, USA

Study area Bolus Food web


House wrenb

R-1 and R-2c 92 (39–170)d,e 5.7 (2.8–13) 120 (35–260) 7.0 (2.2–17)T-3 to T-6 1300 (530–2800) 570 (130–1700) 750 (230–1,900) 310 (54–810)S-7 and S-9 –f – 490 (79–2,400) 81 (25–230)

Tree swallowR-1 and R-2 380 (110–700) 47 (13–88) 810 (140–2,400) 54 (12–120)T-3 to T-6 2100 (360–6200) 1300 (150–4900) 3,600 (790–8,500) 1500 (210–3,900)S-7 and S-9 – – 1,200 (830–2,300) 440 (250–790)

Eastern bluebirdR-1 and R-2 91 (31–160) 8.1 (3.4–20) 250 (72–650) 9.4 (3.6–22)T-3 to T-6 1800 (380–5600) 760 (93–3200) 2,200 (710–5,300) 560 (160–1,300)S-7 and S-9 – – 1,700 (590–4,900) 290 (48–790)

aTEQWHO−Avian were calculated based on the 1998 avian WHO TEF valuesbHW = 10-d nesting period; TS and EB = 14-d nesting periodc R-1 to R-2: Tittabawassee and Chippewa rivers reference area; T-3 to T-6: Tittabawassee River study area; S-7 to S-9:Saginaw River study areadValues were rounded and represent only two significant figureseFood ingestion was calculated from equations in Nichols et al. (2004)fResidue analyses were not conducted on bolus collected invertebrates at S-7 and S-9

hypotheses tests, differences were considered tobe statistically significant at p = 0.05.


Dietary composition

Sampling of boluses resulted in the collectionof at least one invertebrate from nestlings in86%, 93%, and 86% of attempted bolus samplingevents at selected house wren (n = 135), tree swal-low (n = 96), and eastern bluebird (n = 51) nest-ing attempts, respectively. Sampling intensity andsuccess were greatest in 2006, in part becauseof additional collection locations (S-7 and S-9)combined with greater sampling proficiency. Thegreatest number of individual invertebrates col-lected was from tree swallow nestlings, whilethe fewest were from eastern bluebird nestlings(Fig. 2). Eastern bluebirds consume fewer largeinvertebrates, tree swallows consume greaternumbers of small invertebrates, and house wrensare intermediate. Invertebrate orders representedin bolus samples include Amphipoda, Araneae,

Coleoptera, Diptera, Dermaptera, Diplopoda,Ephemeroptera, Gastropoda, Hemiptera, Hy-menoptera, Isopoda, Lepidoptera, Mantodea,Neuroptera, Odonata, Oligocheata, Opiliones,Orthoptera, Plecoptera, Thysanura, and Trichop-tera. Stones/grit, vegetation, and egg shell frag-ments were also identified in bolus samples.

Samples of boluses delivered by adults tonestling house wrens, tree swallows, and east-ern bluebirds contained 22,706 individual inverte-brates. Site-specific bolus samples contained 95%and 94% terrestrial invertebrates by mass forhouse wren and eastern bluebird nestlings, respec-tively, while only 43% of invertebrates sampledfrom tree swallow nestlings were of terrestrialorigin (Fig. 2). Dipterans composed 52% of bo-lus samples by mass from tree swallow nestlings(Fig. 2). Nestling house wrens and easternbluebirds were fed primarily Lepidoptera andOrthoptera, respectively, and secondarily Or-thoptera and Lepidoptera, respectively (Fig. 2).Oligocheata composed a greater percentage ofnestling eastern bluebird diets in several clutchesat T-4 in both 2005 and 2006, as opposed to allother locations in which it was a minor dietary

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Fig. 2 Percent mass dietary compositions for house wrens,tree swallow, and eastern bluebirds collected in 2004–2006 from Chippewa, Tittabawassee, and Saginaw River

floodplains near Midland, Michigan, USA. Percentages fororders over 5% and invertebrate sample size by species areindicated

component. Generally, nestling tree swallowswere fed fewer Trichoptera and more Coleopteraat downstream SAs relative to upstream RAs.Otherwise, species-specific dietary compositionsbetween study sites were similar.

�PCDD/DFs and TEQsWHO−Avian

Concentrations of �PCDD/DFs andTEQsWHO−Avian in the majority of invertebrateorders were different among study areas, exceptconcentrations of �PCDD/DFs were spatiallysimilar for the orders Araneae and Orthoptera.Eight invertebrate orders were classified as“important” based on dietary composition foreach species studied and composed approximately92%, 76%, and 90% of the invertebratesconsumed on-site by nestling house wrens,tree swallows, and eastern bluebirds, respectively(Fig. 2). Mean concentrations of �PCDD/DFs

and TEQsWHO−Avian in primarily aquatic orderswere <1- to 10-fold and 5- to 59-fold greater atTittabawassee River SAs than RAs, respectively,while concentrations at Saginaw River SAswere intermediate. Mean concentrations of�PCDD/DFs and TEQsWHO−Avian in primarilyterrestrial orders were <1- to 29-fold and 7- to220-fold greater at Tittabawassee River SAsthan RAs, respectively, while concentrations atSaginaw River SAs were intermediate. Concen-trations of �PCDD/DFs in the primarilyaquatic invertebrate orders of Trichoptera andNematocera were significantly greater at SAs(F = 75.76, p < 0.0001 and F = 10.74, p =0.0055, respectively) compared to RAs, whileconcentrations in Ephemeroptera were similar.One Ephemeroptera sample from R-1 was greaterthan the rest with a �PCDD/DFs concentration of2.5 × 103 ng/kg ww. However, this difference fromother samples was no longer apparent when the

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sample contaminant concentration was reportedas �TEQsWHO−Avian (3.0 × 101 ng/kg ww).Concentrations of �PCDD/DFs in the primarilyterrestrial invertebrate orders of Brachycera,Lepidoptera, and Oligocheata were significantlygreater at SAs (F = 5.66, p = 0.0447, F = 17.63,p = 0.0005, and F = 200.53, p < 0.0001, respec-tively) compared to RAs, while concentrations inAraneae and Orthoptera were similar. Concen-trations of TEQsWHO−Avian for all invertebrateorders that were predominant in the diets weresignificantly greater at SAs compared to RAs.Maximum concentrations of TEQsWHO−Avian

ranged from 2.3 × 101 ng/kg ww at T-3 inNematocera to 1.4 × 103 ng/kg ww at T-3 inOligocheata (additional descriptive statistics arepresented for predominant orders by site in Elec-tronic supplementary material, Tables 3 to 10).

Minimum, mean, and median concentrationsof TEQsWHO−Avian followed a similar trend as�PCDD/DFs for all species. Mean concentrationsof TEQsWHO−Avian in food web-based dietary esti-mates for house wrens, tree swallows, and easternbluebirds were 53-, 40-, and 72-fold greater atTittabawassee River SAs than RAs, respectively.The maximum concentration of TEQsWHO−Avian

in food web-based dietary estimates for housewrens, tree swallows, and eastern bluebirds were1.6 × 102, 7.6 × 102, and 2.3 × 102 ng/kg ww,respectively.

Concentrations of �PCDD/DFs andTEQsWHO−Avian in samples of boluses collectedfrom nestling house wrens, tree swallows, andeastern bluebirds were greater at TittabawasseeRiver SAs compared to RAs. Mean concen-trations of �PCDD/DFs and TEQsWHO−Avian

in boluses collected from nestlings from all threespecies ranged from 6- to 21-fold and 41- to136-fold greater at Tittabawassee River SAs thanRAs, respectively. The maximum concentrationsof TEQsWHO−Avian in bolus samples collectedfrom nestling house wrens, tree swallows, andeastern bluebirds occurred at T-6 and were4.7 × 102, 9.5 × 102, and 5.7 × 102 ng/kg ww,respectively.

Concentrations of �PCDD/DFs in food web-based dietary estimates varied by species whencompared to bolus-based dietary estimates. Meanand median concentrations of �PCDD/DFs in

food web-based dietary estimates were greaterfor tree swallows (1.7- and 3.1-fold, respectively),similar for eastern bluebirds, and lesser for housewrens (2.0- and 1.7-fold, respectively) comparedto those in bolus-based dietary estimates (Fig. 3).

Relative proportions of mean PCDD/DF con-centrations contributed by individual conge-ners for invertebrates collected during foodweb sampling varied among sampling areas andamong individual invertebrate orders. At RAs,mean PCDD/DF congener profiles for inverte-brates were dominated by 51% to 78% 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin compared toSAs that only contained 19% to 47%. MeanPCDD/DF congener profiles for Trichoptera, Ne-matocera, Ephemeroptera, and Brachycera weredominated by 2,3,7,8-TCDF at TittabawasseeRiver SAs, while Oligocheata averaged only 14%












Bolus Insect Bolus Insect Bolus Insect

House wren Tree swallow Eastern bluebird

Fig. 3 Comparison of ranges, median, and mean�PCDD/DF concentrations (ng/kg ww) of site-specificbolus-based (Bolus) and food web-based (Insect) dietaryexposure estimates for house wren, tree swallow,and eastern bluebird diets collected in 2004–2006 atTittabawassee River study areas (T-3 to T-6) downstreamof Midland, Michigan, USA. Insect was calculated fromcomposite samples of invertebrates from food webcollections weighted by dietary composition. Bars indicateranges; dots indicate means; and dashes indicate medianvalues

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2,3,7,8-TCDF (Fig. 4). Five congeners contributed77% to 90% of relative proportions of PCDD/DFcongener concentrations in bolus-based and foodweb-based dietary estimates at both RAs and SAs.Relative proportions of PCDD/DF concentrationscontributed by TCDF were 17% and 14% lessfor food web-based dietary estimates comparedto bolus-based estimates for tree swallows andeastern bluebirds, respectively, while house wrenproportions were similar. Relative proportions ofPCDD/DF concentrations in bolus samples forall species varied by site, with T-6 generally hav-ing 20% greater 2,3,7,8-TCDF than other Tit-tabawassee River SAs (Fig. 5).

Potential average daily dose

ADDpot for adult house wrens, tree swallows,and eastern bluebirds were greater at SAs com-pared to RAs when based on either bolus sampleconcentrations or food web-based concentrationsfor both �PCDD/DFs and TEQsWHO−Avian.ADDpot based on bolus sample concentrationsof �PCDD/DFs and TEQsWHO−Avian for adulthouse wrens, tree swallows, and eastern bluebirdswere 14- and 136-fold, 6- and 41-fold, and 21- and125-fold greater at Tittabawassee River SAs thanRAs, respectively (Table 1). ADDpot based onfood web-based concentrations of �PCDD/DFs

Fig. 4 Mean percent �PCDD/DF congener profiles forpredominant dietary aquatic and terrestrial invertebrateorders for house wrens, tree swallows, and easternbluebirds collected during 2004 at Tittabawassee Riverstudy areas (T-3 to T-6) downstream of Midland,Michigan, USA. Mean ± SD �PCDD/DF concentrationspresented by order; scale on the y-axis varies. Samplesize indicates number of composite invertebrate samples

from food web collections. TCDF tetrachlorodibenzo-furan, PeCDF pentachlorodibenzofuran, HxCDF hexa-chlorodibenzofuran, HpiCDF heptachlorodibenzofuran,OCDF octachlorodibenzofuran, TCDD tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin, PeCDD pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin,HxCDD hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, HpCDD hepta-chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, OCDD octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

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Fig. 5 Mean percent�PCDD/DF congenerprofiles for dominantcongeners in nestlinghouse wren (a), treeswallow (b), and easternbluebird (c) bolussamples by site collectedfrom the Chippewaand TittabawasseeRivers floodplains in2004–2007, Midland,Michigan, USA. 2378-tetrachlorodibenzofuran(black); 23478-pentachlorodibenzofuran(angled stripe); 12378-pentachlorodibenzofuran(dark gray); 1234678-heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (horizontal stripe);12346789-octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (light gray); n = 1for house wren at R-1 andtree swallow at T-5; n = 3for eastern bluebird atT-3 and T-6; n = 4 fortree swallow at R-2; andn = 2 for all other sites




or TEQsWHO−Avian for adult house wrens, treeswallows, and eastern bluebirds were 5- and 45-fold, 5- and 41-fold, and 9- and 70-fold greaterat the Tittabawassee River SAs than RAs, re-spectively (Table 1). ADDpot based on foodweb-based concentrations of �PCDD/DFs andTEQsWHO−Avian for adults of all studied specieswere less for Saginaw River SAs compared to Tit-tabawassee River SAs (Table 1). ADDpot rangesfor concentrations of both �PCDD/DFs andTEQsWHO−Avian overlapped for adult tree swal-lows based either on bolus-based or food web-based dietary concentrations, whereas ADDpot

ranges were greater for bolus-based compared tofood web-based dietary concentrations for bothhouse wren and eastern bluebird adults (Table 1).

Total predicted residue concentrationsin nestlings

Total predicted concentrations of �PCDD/DFsand TEQsWHO−Avian in nestling house wrens, treeswallows, and eastern bluebirds were greater atSAs compared to RAs for either bolus-based orfood web-based diets. Average predicted concen-trations of �PCDD/DFs and TEQsWHO−Avian forbolus-based diets in nestling house wrens, treeswallows, and eastern bluebirds were 14- and 100-fold, 6- and 28-fold, and 20- and 94-fold greaterat Tittabawassee River SAs than RAs, respec-tively (Table 2). Average predicted concentra-tions of �PCDD/DFs and TEQsWHO−Avian forfood web-based diets in nestling house wrens, tree

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swallows, and eastern bluebirds were 6- and 44-fold, 4- and 28-fold, and 9- and 60-fold greater atTittabawassee River SAs than RAs, respectively(Table 2). Ranges of predicted concentrations of�PCDD/DFs and TEQsWHO−Avian in nestlings ofall species were comparable between bolus-basedor food web-based dietary exposures (Table 2).

Predictions of nestling body burdens(�PCDD/DFs) at fledge based on bolus ADDpot

were greater than those measured (Fredrickset al. 2010a) for all species studied regardlessof study area. Nestling body burdens equaled

the sum of the total ingestion of bolus-baseddietary �PCDD/DFs over the nesting period andmeasured average total �PCDD/DFs per eggdivided by the average nestling mass (Fredrickset al. 2010b). Mean ± SD total picograms�PCDD/DFs per egg of house wren, tree swallow,and eastern bluebird eggs was 1.2 × 102 ±7.8 × 101 (n = 12), 1.3 × 103 ± 7.6 × 102 (n = 14),and 2.8 × 102 ± 2.2 × 102 (n = 12) in the RAsand 2.2 × 103 ± 1.4 × 103 (n = 21), 1.9 × 103 ±1.6 × 103 (n = 28), and 8.7 × 102 ± 3.9 × 102

(n = 23) in the SAs, respectively (Fredricks et al.




Fig. 6 Predicted nestling body burdens based on ad-justed dietary accumulation of �PCDD/DFs from meanbolus-based concentrations and food intake equations (lineconnected points) and measured mean with range of con-centrations in eggs and nestlings (f loating points) forhouse wrens (a), tree swallows (b), and eastern bluebirds(c) collected in the Chippewa and Tittabawassee River

floodplains during 2004–2007 near Midland, Michigan,USA. Predicted nestling body burdens were adjusted basedon 0.7 assimilation efficiency (Nichols et al. 2004). Opensymbols are from reference areas (R-1 and R-2); closedsymbols are from Tittabawassee River study areas (T-3 toT-6); egg concentration ranges from Tittabawassee Riverstudy areas are of fset to the left

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2010a). Mean ± SD concentration (nanogramsper kilogram ww) of �PCDD/DFs in nestlingsof house wrens, tree swallows, and easternbluebirds at reference areas and TittabawasseeRiver SAs was 2.0 × 101± 7.5 × 100 (n = 12)and 5.6 × 102 ± 4.0 × 102 (n = 26), 9.4 ×101 ± 4.9 × 101 (n = 12) and 8.7 × 102 ± 1.5 × 103

(n = 21), and 3.8 × 101 ± 2.4 × 101 (n = 12)and 7.6 × 102 ± 5.7 × 102 (n = 16), respectively(Fredricks et al. 2010a). Maternal transfer of total�PCDD/DFs per egg contributed <15% of thepredicted nestling body burdens at fledge for allspecies studied regardless of study area or diettype, with the exception of the house wren foodweb-based exposure where maternal transfercontributed approximately 25%. Therefore,predictions of nestling body burdens (Fig. 6)were largely determined by dietary ingestion of�PCDD/DFs and selection of dietary exposureestimates.


Dietary composition

Passerines have a limited foraging range whenfeeding nestlings (Pinkowski 1977; Quinney andAnkney 1985) and preferentially may select themost beneficial invertebrates rather than the mostabundant (Guinan and Sealy 1987; McCarty andWinkler 1999; Quinney and Ankney 1985). Preyselection also depends on the age of the nestlings(Luttenton 1989; Morton 1984), with smaller in-vertebrates with less chitin and relatively highercaloric content selected which facilitates diges-tion and growth of younger nestlings (Pinkowski1978).

Bolus sampling was initiated 3–4 days post-hatch, which possibly limited the presence ofsome orders from our analyses. Additionally, in-cidental soil and sediment ingestion were notconsidered for dietary exposure for several rea-sons: (1) deionized water-rinsed non-depuratedOligocheata were used and likely represent themost probable source of soil exposure; (2) field-collected invertebrates were not rinsed prior toanalyses so any incidental soil or sediment wouldbe included in their analyses; (3) concentrationsof �PCDD/DF in soil and sediment were greater

than those in invertebrates and even small per-centages could skew estimated dietary exposures;and (4) PCDD/DFs are less bioavailable whenbound to soil or sediment and are likely not assim-ilated to the same degree as in biota (Alexander2000; Budinsky et al. 2008; Froese et al. 1998;Stephens et al. 1995).

Dietary items collected in site-specific bolussamples from nestling house wrens, tree swal-lows, and eastern bluebirds represented similarorders as expected from literature-based diets,while relative proportions of invertebrate ordersvaried. When feasible, it is important to quantifysite-specific dietary composition since variationsin prey selection can influence dietary exposureestimates (Neigh et al. 2006a; Papp et al. 2007;Smits et al. 2005). Literature-based estimates oftree swallow ingestion of Dipterans were 15–20%(ww; Johnson and Lombardo 2000; McCarty andWinkler 1999; Neigh et al. 2006a) compared to52% in the current study. Nestling eastern blue-birds from this study were fed primarily Or-thoptera (44% ww) and Lepidoptera (28% ww),while nestlings from other studies in Michiganwere fed primarily Orthoptera (45% ww) and Tri-choptera (30% ww; Neigh et al. 2006a), and Lep-idoptera (40% ww), Orthoptera (20% ww), andOligocheata (20% ww; Pinkowski 1978). Similarnumbers of Lepidoptera larvae and adults werefed to house wren nestlings (52%) compared tonestlings in Ohio (57%; Luttenton 1989), but weregreater than numbers fed to house wren nestlingsin Illinois (22%; Morton 1984) and Michigan(30%; Neigh et al. 2006a). However, despite thelesser frequency of Lepidoptera in the Michiganstudy, the order still accounted for approximately80% of the diet by mass (Neigh et al. 2006a).

There was a greater prevalence of Trichopterain the diet of tree swallows at upstream RAscompared to downstream SAs. Although Tri-choptera abundance was not quantified at studysites; tree swallow foraging and dietary composi-tion is related to prey abundance (McCarty 1997).Therefore, the lower Trichoptera abundance atSAs was likely due to site-specific habitat andriver flow differences. Trichoptera depend on suit-able riverbed substratum for attachment (Wiggins1996), and downstream SA substrata are domi-nated by a sandy bottom with limited submerged

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vegetation or debris. Additionally, greater sedi-mentation and poorer water quality at SAs couldalso influence the presence of Trichoptera sincethey are considered a sensitive order to thesetypes of disturbance (Hachmöller et al. 1991).

Eastern bluebird foraging on Oligocheata wasprimarily limited to T-4 in both 2005 and2006. Similar habitat characteristics and rainfallpatterns were present in the vicinity of nestboxes at other sites in both the RAs and SAs.Pair/individual feeding specialization did not ap-pear to be a factor as different adult pairs bredat T-4 between years. It is possible that soil con-ditions at T-4 contributed to greater Oligocheatapresence than at other sites, but specific measure-ments were not made. A similar pattern of hit-or-miss Oligocheata foraging by eastern bluebirdshas been observed in other Michigan studies. Onthe Kalamazoo River, Oligocheata were not col-lected in bolus samples from nestling eastern blue-birds (Neigh et al. 2006a), but were identified inadult feeding trips and bolus samples from easternbluebirds in Macomb County (Pinkowski 1978).In the current study, adult eastern bluebirds thatfed Oligocheata to nestlings did so early in thenesting season, and Oligocheata were limited tothe first brood, which was similar to observationsin previous research (Pinkowski 1978).

�PCDD/DFs and TEQsWHO−Avian

Concentrations of �PCDD/DF andTEQsWHO−Avian varied among invertebrateorders at Tittabawassee River SAs. Since foodweb-based invertebrate samples representedcomposite samples of multiple individuals, therewas likely some small-scale spatial integration dueto movement of invertebrates into the samplinggrids from nearby areas. General relationshipsat SAs indicated some large-scale spatial trends.Invertebrates at T-6 consistently contained maxi-mum concentrations as compared to other SAs.

Habitat use by invertebrates also resulted inconcentration differences between and within or-ders. Of the predominant invertebrate orders thatmade up the majority of the dietary composi-tion for all three study species, terrestrial or-ders had the greatest concentrations (Brachyceraand Oligocheata). Within one order, terrestrial

Dipterans (Brachycera) had two times greater�PCDD/DF concentrations and TEQsWHO−Avian

than aquatic Dipterans (Nematocera) at SAs.Concentrations in Lepidoptera and Orthoptera,major contributors to both house wren and east-ern bluebird diets (72% for both), were theleast of all the predominant orders. Sex-specificdifferences within invertebrate orders were be-yond the scope of our research, but Maul et al.(2006) separated the genus Chironomus fromother Nematocerans and analyzed the sexes sepa-rately for PCB concentrations. Male Chironomushad greater concentrations compared to females,and differences were attributed to sex-dependentlife history factors. It is likely that similar sub-tle differences in order-specific life history fac-tors can influence exposure and assimilation ofPCDD/DFs.

Similar to individual invertebrate orders, bolussamples collected from all species had greatestresidue concentrations at T-6. Additionally, rel-ative proportions of mean 2,3,7,8-TCDF concen-trations in bolus samples were greatest at T-6for all study species. The relative proportion of2,3,7,8-TCDF increases in bolus samples from T-3to T-6, which mirrors the pattern of increas-ing �PCDD/DF concentrations in bolus samples(Fig. 5). These trends are similar to house wren,tree swallow, and eastern bluebird tissues col-lected from the same sites (Fredricks et al. 2010a).One possible explanation for greater values inboth food web items and bolus samples at the T-6 location involves the natural hydrology of theTittabawassee River. When at flood stage, theriver flows across the large bends near T-6 insteadof following the normal river channel (Fig. 1). Thewater loses momentum and energy quickly anddeposits large amounts of sediment over those ar-eas, creating a “sink” location for sediment-boundcontaminants.

Food web dietary exposure estimates werebased on site-specific dietary composition, de-rived from bolus sample composition, combinedwith concentrations in respective invertebrate or-ders. While ranges of �PCDD/DF concentrations(Fig. 3) and TEQsWHO−Avian estimated dietaryexposure varied among species, similar concen-tration trends were present between �PCDD/DFs and TEQsWHO−Avian. In eastern bluebirds,

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however, the lesser TEQWHO−Avian concentrationsin Orthoptera and Oligocheata (Fig. 4) resultedin lesser food web-based dietary TEQsWHO−Avian

than the �PCDD/DF concentrations would sug-gest due to the relatively low TCDD potency as-sociated with these orders. Approximately 50% ofthe �PCDD/DF concentrations in eastern blue-bird food web-based dietary exposure estimateswere from Oligocheata, which only occurred ina few nests at T-4. The presence of Oligocheataexplains the difference between �PCDD/DF con-centrations and TEQsWHO−Avian food web-baseddietary exposure estimates.

For house wrens and eastern bluebirds, therange of food web-based dietary exposure esti-mates was less than the exposure estimates basedon bolus samples, while tree swallows had sim-ilar ranges. Species-specific foraging strategiesbetween tree swallows and the terrestrial forag-ing species, combined with sampling protocolsfor food web collections, can account for thisdifference. Tree swallows primarily forage nearor over bodies of water (McCarty 1997; McCartyand Winkler 1999), while house wrens and easternbluebirds forage in close proximity to their nestbox (Guinan and Sealy 1987; Pinkowski 1977).Since food web collections occurred in one loca-tion (30 × 30 m) per site adjacent to the river, itis unlikely that terrestrial foraging species wouldforage exclusively in the same area. Tree swal-lows, meanwhile, are drawn to the river to feedwhere, due to river dynamics, concentrations areexpected to be more uniform. Differences in PCBconcentration between dietary samples (bolus orgut contents) and site-specific invertebrate sam-ples (collected with nets) have been previouslydocumented for passerines (Echols et al. 2004;Maul et al. 2006; Smits et al. 2005).

Exposure to PCDFs and PCDDs on botha �PCDD/DF and TEQWHO−Avian basis offood web invertebrates and bolus samples fromthe current study was similar to or greaterthan that from other sites contaminated withchlorinated hydrocarbons. Stomach contentsfrom tree swallow nestlings and pipers from theWoonasquatucket River floodplain contained71 to 219 ng/kg ww 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Custer et al.2005), while samples from the primarily PCB-contaminated Housatonic River area (Custer

et al. 2003) had only a few PCDD/DF congenerswith detectable concentrations (2,3,7,8-TCDF,17–38 ng/kg ww; 1,2,3,7,8-pentachlordibenzofuran(PeCDF), 15–142 ng/kg ww; 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorodibenzofuran, 14–30 ng/kg ww). Treeswallows primarily exposed to PCBs in southernIllinois had dietary TEQWHO−Avian concentrationsthat ranged from 0.52 to 35 ng/kg ww for food websamples and averaged 4.4 ng/kg ww in stomachcontents (Maul et al. 2006).

Average potential daily dose

To gauge exposure and facilitate future assess-ment of reproductive risks, ADDpot was esti-mated for adult passerines while breeding on-site.The TEQWHO−Avian dietary exposures reportedhere for the Tittabawassee River are similarto TEQWHO−Avian dietary exposure estimates re-ported for insectivorous passerines from the PCB-contaminated Kalamazoo River, Michigan, USA(Neigh et al. 2006a). Adult tree swallows (Kayet al. 2005) and house wrens (Blankenship et al.2005) had 64% and 56% greater �PCB body bur-dens, respectively, than nestlings from the samestudy sites on the Kalamazoo River. For the cur-rent study, adult passerines were not collectedfor residues analyses because of the concurrentlong-term monitoring study of adult and nestlingsurvival; however, based on the study from theKalamazoo River, greater adult body burdenswould be expected. The relative proportion of�PCDD/DF to TEQWHO−Avian for adult ADDpot

for bolus-based and food web-based dietary expo-sures ranged from 4.2% to 9.2% and 2.0% to 3.2%at RAs, respectively, while at SAs, they rangedfrom 42% to 59% and 20% to 38%, respectively.Greater percentages at SAs are due to greaterproportions of primarily 2,3,7,8-TCDF and secon-darily 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF in the congener profiles atthose sites.

Total predicted residue concentrationsin nestlings

Predicted nestling body burdens of PCDD/DFsprior to fledge were greater than measuredmean nestling tissue concentrations (Fredrickset al. 2010a) regardless of study area. The most

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plausible explanations for this discrepancy areoverestimates of the daily dietary exposures, over-estimates of residue assimilation efficiency, orboth. The predicted total ingestion by nestlingswas based on a mean daily dietary dose that wascalculated using residue concentrations in bolussamples. The bolus sample method was selectedbecause bolus samples were composed of the in-vertebrates selected by the adult passerines on-site. When minimum values for bolus sampleswere used, instead of mean values, to estimatenestling body burdens at Tittabawassee RiverSAs, the predicted values were similar to the mea-sured mean nestling tissue concentrations.

The second and more likely explanation ofthe overestimation of predicted nestling bodyburdens from bolus-based exposure estimatesis that the assimilation efficiency for the site-specific mixture of PCDD/DFs is less than the0.7 suggested for PCBs (Nichols et al. 2004).Differential metabolism of residues by embryosand nestlings or selective sequestration of specificPCDD/DF congeners could account for someof the difference between the predicted nestlingbody burdens from bolus-based exposure esti-mates and those measured in nestlings. The factthat house wren and eastern bluebird nestlingscontained lesser percentages of 2,3,7,8-TCDF andgreater percentages of 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF comparedto dietary exposure estimates suggests a dynamicmetabolism or sequestration mechanism. Simi-larly, related field and laboratory studies havenoted a short half-life for 2,3,7,8-TCDF in devel-oping embryos and growing chicks that resultedin significantly lesser tissue concentrations thanwould have been expected (Zwiernik, unpub-lished data). Based on comparisons of congener-specific adult biomagnification factors in herringgulls (Larus argentatus), TCDF was determinedto be rapidly metabolized as opposed to 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF in which metabolism was determinedto be variable and possibly linked to species-specific differences in distribution or metabolism(Braune and Norstrom 1989). Previous researchon mallards (Anas platyrhynchos; Norstrom et al.1976) and bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus;Elliott et al. 1996) have discussed similar trends inmetabolism for PCDF congeners. Alternatively,

the predicted PCB concentrations based on thediet and those measured in tree swallow nestlingsalong the Saginaw River, Michigan were simi-lar based on the assimilation efficiency of 0.7(Echols et al. 2004). Those authors suggested thatdifferential metabolism of PCBs was not veryimportant in nestlings. Potential explanations forthe differences between house wren and easternbluebird nestlings and dietary exposure estimatescould be unique PCDD/DF bioavailability fromterrestrial invertebrates. However, these adjust-ments still cannot fully explain the differencesobserved between expected and observed concen-trations in nestlings.


Estimates of dietary exposure for both adult andnestling passerines were greater at TittabawasseeRiver SAs compared to RAs, while exposure atSaginaw River SAs was intermediate. Though fewstudies have investigated avian dietary exposureof PCDD/DFs based on TEQsWHO−Avian, our re-sults were in line with other contaminated sites.Estimates of the dietary exposure of nestlingswere greater than the measured concentrations of�PCDD/DF in nestlings (Fredricks et al. 2010a).A combination of (1) metabolism of compoundsprior to hatch, (2) possible overestimation of foodintake rates, (3) positively skewed concentrationdata in the diet at SAs, and (4) assimilation of<70% of the compounds from the diet likelyled to greater predicted concentrations relativeto measured concentrations in nestlings. Charac-terizing dietary exposure for passerine birds witheither bolus-based sample analyses or food web-based dietary analyses involves labor-intensivesampling procedures. Our results indicate thatboth methods provide similar exposure estimatesthat varied by species. Due to efficient boluscollection via cable ties, collection of true site-specific dietary items, and the time savings as-sociated with not sorting collected invertebratesto order for analytical analyses, the authors rec-ommend future dietary exposure assessments touse bolus sampling for passerines when feasible.Concurrent work has addressed implications of

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these results by incorporating data from tissueexposure (Fredricks et al. 2010a) and productivity(Fredricks et al. 2010b) into aquatic (Fredrickset al. 2010c) and terrestrial (Fredricks et al. 2010d)passerine risk assessments. The incorporation ofthree lines of evidence into multiple lines of ev-idence assessment of ecological risk (Fairbrother2003) will provide site-specific information tomake informed decisions about the potential im-pact(s) of contaminants and will aid in both theplanning and evaluation of effective remedialactions.

Acknowledgements The authors thank all the staff andstudents of the Michigan State University-Aquatic Toxi-cology Laboratory (MSU-ATL) field crew and researchersat ENTRIX Inc., Okemos, Michigan for their dedicatedassistance. Additionally, the authors recognize Michael J.Kramer and Nozomi Ikeda for their assistance in the lab-oratory, James Dastyck and Steven Kahl of the US Fishand Wildlife Service Shiawassee National Wildlife Refugefor their assistance and access to the refuge property, theSaginaw County Park and Tittabawassee Township Parkrangers for access to Tittabawassee Township Park andFreeland Festival Park, Tom Lenon and Dick Touvell ofthe Chippewa Nature Center for assistance and propertyaccess, and Michael Bishop of Alma College for his keycontributions to our banding efforts as our Master Bander.The authors acknowledge the more than 50 cooperatinglandowners throughout the research area who granted usaccess to their property, which made this research possible.Prof. Giesy was supported by the Canada Research Chairprogram and an at-large Chair Professorship at the De-partment of Biology and Chemistry and Research Centrefor Coastal Pollution and Conservation, City Universityof Hong Kong. Funding was provided through an unre-stricted grant from The Dow Chemical Company, Midland,Michigan to J.P. Giesy and M.J. Zwiernik of MichiganState University. Portions of the research were supportedby a Discovery Grant from the National Science and En-gineering Research Council of Canada (Project #326415-07) and a grant from the Western Economic DiversificationCanada (Project #6578 and 6807).

Animal use All aspects of the study that involved theuse of animals were conducted in the most humane waypossible. To achieve that objective, all aspects of thestudy design were performed following standard operatingprocedures (Protocol for Monitoring and Collection ofBox-Nesting Passerine Birds 03/04-045-00; Field studies insupport of Tittabawassee River Ecological Risk Assess-ment 03/04-042-00) approved by Michigan State Uni-versity’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee(IACUC). All of the necessary state and federal approvalsand permits (Michigan Department of Natural ResourcesScientific Collection Permit SC1252, US Fish and WildlifeMigratory Bird Scientific Collection Permit MB102552-1,

and subpermitted under US Department of the InteriorFederal Banding Permit 22926) are on file at MSU-ATL.

Open Access This article is distributed under the termsof the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Li-cense which permits any noncommercial use, distribution,and reproduction in any medium, provided the originalauthor(s) and source are credited.


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