Page 1: DIETING Everything you need to know about losing weight the healthy way

DIETINGEverything you need to know about

losing weight the healthy way.

Page 2: DIETING Everything you need to know about losing weight the healthy way

New Year… New You?

On January 1st, over half of the people living in the United States went on a “diet.”

The most common New Years Resolution is Dieting.

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What is Overweight?

Main Entry: 1over·weight

Function: noun

Date: 1552

1 : weight over and above what is required or allowed 2 : excessive or burdensome weight

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Is it bad to be Overweight?

Not just an image thing. All about HEALTH concerns. Such as: Heart issues, Joint problems,

Sleeping problems, mood and energy levels.

Being overweight has an impact on the body’s total health.

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Are YOU Overweight? Figuring this out if more complicated for

teens than adults because teens are still growing and developing.

Doctors use BMI to determine this. Doctors consider a teen obese when his or

her BMI number is higher than the BMI numbers of 95% of other teens the same age and gender. Someone whose BMI number is between 85% and 95% of the BMIs of other teens the same age and gender is overweight.

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How do I find my BMI? Body Mass Index or BMI are based on the

following categories: SEX (male or female) AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT

Check out these websites


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What does my BMI tell me?

BMI’s are sorted into different ranges: Underweight - <18.5 Normal Weight - 18.5-24.9 Overweight - 25-29.9 Obese - >30

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Why Do People Diet? Unhealthy Weight Training for Sports Self Conscious about the way they look Supposed to look like

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FAD DIETS… It’s just cool like that.. YO…

Based on drastically cutting back calories. Based on taking pills, powders or herbs. Tells you to only eat certain foods or certain

food combinations. Requires you to completely cut out fats, sugars

or carbs. Requires you to skip meals or replace meals

with special drinks or food bars.

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An activity for YOU to complete!

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1. What is the fad diet you chose?2. What is the main idea of the diet?3. Did this diet promote exercise?

Explain.4. Does the diet give you tips on how to

change your eating habits? Give examples.

5. Does the diet use all of the food groups in the Food Guide Pyramid?

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6. Does this diet list any precautions or warnings? If so, what are they?

7. Does the diet encourage eating at least 1,200 calories per day?

8. Do you recommend this diet? Why or why not? Explain.

9. Where did you get your information from and where they a liable source?

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How Can I Lose Weight Safely?

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Watch what

you’re drinking

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Start Small!

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Stop eating when

you’re full

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Eat Less More Often

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5 a day keeps

the pounds away!

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Avoid Fad Diets

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Don’t Banish Certain Foods

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Get Moving!

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Forgive yourself

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Last, But Not Least…


You can stay motivated by making DIETARY GOALS.

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Know your goal Make it specific Make it realistic Write it down! Break it down Check up on your goal… Recommit to your goal if you slip up. Keep a stick-to-it attitude Share it with a friend!

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And be safe about it!