  • 7/28/2019 Different Formats of the Flat File for the Same Target


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    different formats of the flat file for the sametarget

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    bobj1008Forum Member

    Joined: 17 Aug 2010

    Posts: 1

    Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:24 pm Post subject: different formats of the flat file for the same target

    In our deployment, we use plugin code to extract the csvfiles in the required format. The customers are on

    same version of datamart, but they are on different versions of source database - from 3.x to 4.5 depending on

    which version of app lication they are using. In 4.0, we introduced a new column email in the user table in the

    source da tabase. Accordingly, plugin will add the field in the csv file. But not a ll the customers will get the

    upgraded version of plugin at the same time. So ETL code needs to decide which data flow to process depending

    on the format of the csv file to load data to the same target table. I made the email field in the target table

    nullable but it still expects the same format of the csv file with delimiter for null value.

    Need help to achieve this. Can I read the structure of the flat file in DS or get the count of delimiters so tha t I can

    use a conditional to use different data flow based on the format of the flat files.

    Can I make the email column in the flat file optional?

    Thanks much in advance.

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    CirnoSenior Member

    Joined: 25 Jul 2008

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    Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:26 am Post subject: Re: different formats of the flat file for the same target

    For delimited file formats you can set the 'Adaptable schema' flag and it won't complain if you don't have a ll the


    It also won't complain if you are missing a big piece of a line so keep that in mind.

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    CLS69Principal Member

    Joined: 11 Jun 2009

    Posts: 194Location: Italy

    Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:16 pm Post subject: Re: different formats of the flat file for the same target

    In order to understand which version of flat file you are reading, you might also do the following:

    1. make an extra file format where you read the who le line in one field

    2. read only the first line and perform a set of different "match_regex" of the line so to understand which fields it


    Once you got the version, you know how to process it.


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    ShivbabaPrincipal Member

    Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:34 a m Post subject: Re: different formats of the flat file for the same target
  • 7/28/2019 Different Formats of the Flat File for the Same Target


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    I am also facing the same situation....

    In my case, I need to compare the header (1st row of the file ) with the columns defined in the input format. The

    order and name of the columns defined in the file format must match with order and name of the columns in the

    input file. If it doesn't match, I should get some error message out and te rminate the job immediately.

    All suggestions invited...

    Thanks in advance...

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    CLS69Principal Member

    Joined: 11 Jun 2009

    Posts: 194Location: Italy

    Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:38 a m Post subject: Re: different formats of the flat file for the same target

    Cons idering that you the file format definition, you might check the first row against a regex like the following

    (assuming tab as column separator):


    and the file will match if and only if the outcome is 1.

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    ShivbabaPrincipal Member

    Joined: 01 Jun 2010

    Posts: 132

    Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:53 a m Post subject: Re: different formats of the flat file for the same target


    Thanks for your reply...

    I am sorry but I don't know the syntax of match_regex function. Can you please elaborate on how to use this

    function..Can you please give the exact syntax...

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    CLS69Principal Member

    Joined: 11 Jun 2009

    Posts: 194Location: Italy

    Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:36 pm Post subject: Re: different formats of the flat file for the same target

    match_regex(string to match,regex, NULL)

    the third parameter set to NULL will fit mostly all the times

    of course, in order to match the header, you need an additional file format where the whole row is read in one




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    ShivbabaPrincipal Member

    Joined: 01 Jun 2010

    Posts: 132

    Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:31 pm Post subject: Re: different formats of the flat file for the same target


    Thanks for the reply..

    I will try it out and revert back...

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    FreekIMForum Member

    Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:52 am Post subject: Re: different formats of the flat file for the same target

    I am new to data integrator and i am facing a similar problem,

    I have got 5 different Excel versions that need to be loaded into 1 source. The files havent got unique
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    characteristics in the filename. So the different versions must be determined based on the content of the files.

    I have loaded all files into a flat table, now based on some unique characteristics within the file i must determine

    what format to use for further handling.

    How can i make this work?

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