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Page 1: Digital ID

Developing a Researcher Profile through Social Media

Page 2: Digital ID

What does it mean to

have a profile?

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Definition of profile:

• a representation of something in outline;

• a set of data often in graphic form portraying the significant features of something,

• a concise biographical sketch;• degree or level of public exposure


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What does it mean to be a researcher?

Courtesy of Jsome1 (flickr ID)

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A researcher, someone who:

• observes a phenomenon by close examination;

• reflects about the reality under study;• produces data about the observable fact; • disseminates his/her research findings;• Share his/her ideas;• Contributes to scientific knowledge.• …

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Social Media

• Enhancing Professional profile

• Promoting your researcher ID Digitally

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Do you have a presence online?

Why?Why Not?

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Online Presence

Show-case work

& outline

research activity

Develop evidence of

work in progress

by reflection &

active participation

Active participation

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Where to start?

What are the web possibilities?

Background picture courtesy of foxypar4 (Flickr ID)  

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How to make your online profile reputable?

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What is understood by reputation?

…. the opinion of the public toward a person, a group of people, or an organization(…)

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How we present

& represent ourselves

online DOES matter.

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How much information to provide?

How much is too much?

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Develop an online professional profile that is coherent with you face to face approach

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Tips to enhance your online profileGive a bit of your professional self:

Share and reflect about your work, allow others to provide feedback.

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Tips to enhance your online profileCultivate the network around you

Participate actively in discussions of your area; Become known among peers.

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Raise your profile by

contributing to a wider community; becoming an author;sharing;communicating;interacting;Exchanging views;Learning with other;


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Image Credits

• Unless stated otherwise, all pictures were retrieved from Clip Art and Media Microsoft website