
Creating culture of Academic Honesty in little learnersIn Scottish High, we start early to create a culture of Academic Honesty in learners. It is our responsibility as educators to instill the concept of being academically honest as early as possible as the values of respecting and giving credit to other people’s work is a step towards being honest human beings.Academic honesty is more than just plagiarism; it is a matter of ethics and moral principles. In their adult lives children will deal with different people and work with a lot of material created by others. The strong sense of ethics if drilled in school life itself, will help children to learn to give due credit to any work selected by them, from any source. Our job as educators is to help children know and understand that while presenting their work, it is fair and just to credit the thoughts and ideas of people whose work they have used in making their presentation worth sharing. In PYP the children learn to make presentations through posters, reports, enactments, slogans, brochures. The facilitators ensure that the children learn to make a bibliography at the end of every presentation, which proudly awards credit to all the respective sources. Therefore, academic honesty is not about not getting caught instead it is about respecting the dignity and rights of people, and because it is the right thing to do. To reinforce the same values at home, we request parents to encourage children to always cite the source from where they get inspiration. They may read, write, recite, sing or make presentations by getting motivated by the great work people have done around them, but as parents and facilitators we need to remind them to always cite the source. This will enable them to be principled for the rest of their lives because integrity of character is the foremost value each child should possess.

“Your reputation and integrity are everything. Follow through on what you’re going to do. Your credibility can

only be built over time, and it is built from history of your words and actions.”

―Maria Razumich-Zec

Ms. Seema BhatiPrimary School Principal

Volume XI, Issue 04 September 2014

“Social media sparks a revelation that we, the people, have a voice, and through the democratization of content and ideas we can once again unite around common passions, inspire movements, and ignite change.”

― Brian SolisA great thought and supposed to be the guiding light for the people who set out to create a new world order.Strangely, just like so many other phenomenon we are once again at crossroads. Has Social-Networking really brought about the kind of revolution we had been looking forward to or anticipating or is it that we have once again wasted a wonderful opportunity or is it that we are too circumspect and have failed to harness the tremendous potential of this universal paradox.Today, I find myself gazing into the vast realms of hopes and disappointments and yet when I gather my thoughts I realize that I once again need to carry forward my responsibilities as an educationist, as a visionary to guide my dear Highlanders that all is not dark, gloomy or lost. I for one have always believed in and very strongly at the saying: “Every dark cloud has a silver lining”. What many people have come to deride as a menace and negative event is actually a wonderful tool for education, and fostering fraternity. For the educational community Social Networking is inexhaustible, as a tool and should be used as such. The student community should realize that life and time are fleeting and precious, they should be taken care of and utilized judiciously. Let the youth of today pledge to refrain from indulging in misuse of this tool recklessly. Let us all join hands like responsible people and pledge that this wonderful gift of the twenty-first century will be taken up to bridge the gaps between haves and have-nots, to ensure that this opportunity is not lost to our reckless attitude and that we will build a network that will be the harbinger of progress, prosperity, peace, pragmatism and brotherhood.We as a community that aims at and propagates knowledge and skills to achieve efficiency, professionalism and excellence will do our best to usher in an environment of creativity, innovation to optimize the utilization of this wonderful opportunity and ensure that we make the best of this to herald true universal brotherhood and propagation of knowledge that is not bound by boundaries of fanaticism, narrow mindedness and bias.

Ms. Sudha GoyalSchool Director

From the From the

Primary School PrincipalDirector’s Desk


“Make it a rule never to give a child a book you would not read yourself.”― George Bernard Shaw

The young Highlanders of Initial Chapter are delving deep into the various unit of inquiries, continuing with their journey of learning. The on-going unit based on oneself under the theme, ‘Who we are’, has contributed towards the level of awareness, considerably in the Pre-Nursery students. The children have learnt that as we all grow, we change physically and in our abilities. The growth pattern of each child is displayed in the classroom, through pictures. We often find the students discussing these with full earnestness. The importance of eating healthy food and avoiding junk food is now well engrained in the minds of our tiny tots. We have reports from parents that the children are firmly refusing to have pizzas, burgers and the like. A heartening input indeed! As the unit based on colours and shapes under the theme ‘How we express ourselves’ drew to an end, the children of Pre-Nursery emerged knowledgeable and confident in their expression,

by the use of the two elements. They could be seen creating beautiful artwork, displaying their growing sense of aesthetics. Moving on, they will now be inquiring about need for transport under the transdisciplinary theme, ‘How we organize ourselves.’

The young learners of Nursery on the other hand, exploring deeply into the different relationships i.e. families and friends and their significance in one’s life, has brought forth a sense of responsibility and respect towards them. Moving on, they will now be exploring the ways to express themselves innovatively through stories under the transdisciplinary theme ‘How we express ourselves’. The little ones were encouraged to come dressed up as a story character and share their favourite story with their peers. The same created enthusiasm and curiosity

amongst them and initiated the discussion about the different genres that exist and the emotions that it might evoke. A visit to the Initials library helped them broaden their perspective about the various books available, their content and utility.

Ever enthusiastic Highlanders of Kindergarten extended their awareness on safety measures to be observed in different areas to avoid any mishap. Children were motivated to remember the contact numbers of their parents besides the numbers of police station, fire station and ambulance so that they are able to use them in case of an emergency. To promote critical thinking among them, a variety of safe and unsafe situations were put across through a power point presentation wherein they analyzed each situation and gave their perspective of handling

them on the basis of the acquired knowledge on safety. The keen learners are now exploring about schools and how they can be organized differently under the theme, ‘How we organize ourselves’.

A flurry of events has kept the Initial Chapter buzzing. The enthusiastic young Highlanders were seen participating in the Inter School competition ‘Mi-Me’ held at Suncity World School, Gurgaon and brought laurels to the school by bagging prizes in various events. The Initial Chapter also hosted the Inter School Competition ‘Kid-O- Mania’ for the eighth consecutive year on 30th August, 2014, the theme being, ‘Celebrations across the World’. The overall trophy was bagged by Delhi Public School, Sector-45, Gurgaon. Our

own young Highlanders did us proud by winning in various events. While one aims at winning, participation is equally important. Each one who participated is a winner and we applaud their efforts and enthusiasm.


The week 25th-29th August’14 was marked by celebrating International week in all the classes. This experience of exploration from ‘self’ to the ‘other’, a continuous process, facilitated in making the children global citizens. To inculcate appreciation and open-mindedness about commonality yet diversity in the cultures across the world, students across the grade were seen inquiring and learning about International cuisines, famous personalities, clothes and culture; global issues like ‘Go Green’, ‘Recycle and Reuse’ amongst many more.

The little ones enjoyed being a part of the colourful assembly on Teachers’ Day, conducted by Kindergarten H. The same was celebrated with much gusto and enthusiasm, with teachers participating in fun filled games wholeheartedly. The scintillating performances by

senior children to honour the teachers added to the fervour of celebration and helped in instilling a feeling of respect and love for teachers in the children.

A special mention of the event hosted by the children is warranted. The Grandparents’ Day was celebrated with a lot of excitement and exhilaration as the children invited their grandparents to their classroom. It was an endearing experience to see the young ones bond with their grandparents, welcoming them with a traditional ‘Tilak’, singing songs, dancing, playing fun games like ‘Tambola’ and ‘Antakshari’ with them. It was an opportunity for the grandparents to have a glimpse into the day’s routine of these little wonders and ways of making them feel special and make some beautiful memories.

Ms. Rupa Chauhan Initial School Principal

Effective Study TechniquesDear Students,

Remember, it doesn’t matter how far you’ve gone, if you’re going in the wrong direction. So, The key to learn, remember and then retrieve academic literature effectively depends on your “Study Techniques.” Before introducing the techniques would like to add that when you study, turn off cell phones, T.V.; Fix a snack so you don’t need an excuse to get up; Coach yourself to sit in one place for 1-2 hours. Take a mandatory break after that. Also do not let your body slip into lethargy. An active body is important for an active mind.

SQ3R Method for Thorough Study: This method was introduced by Francis Pleasant Robinson in 1946

Step 1: SURVEY- Look over the chapter critically. Skim through it and read Main and sub headings and sentences. Read the summaries at the end of chapters and books. Write these notes on paper, in sequence; to get an overall idea or picture

Step 2: QUESTIONS - Ask yourself, “What did my teacher say about this chapter or subject when it was taught?”Ask yourself, “What do I already know about this subject.”Then attempt to give plausible answers before further reading.

Step 3: READ -Read with smoothness and alertness to answer the questions. Write notes, in your own words, under each question. Take a minimum number of notes-use these notes as a skeleton.

Step 4: RECALL- Recall without looking at your book or notes, mentally visualize and sketch, in your own words, the high points of the material immediately upon completing the reading. This forces you to check understanding. Also this points up what you do not understand.

Step 5: REVIEW -Look at your questions, answers, notes and book to see how well you did recall. Observe carefully the points stated incorrectly or omitted. Fix carefully in mind the logical sequence of the entire idea, concepts, or problem. Finish up with a mental picture of the whole chapter.

KEEP THE ADRENALINE GOING ……………………………….Swati VatsCounsellor


Grade I students have been exploring the Transdiscplinary Themes Who we are and Sharing the planet simultaneously in their respective grade groups. Students of grades I (A-D) inquired into the nature of self; beliefs and values as well as personal and physical well-being. Working out an understanding of the importance of body organs and our responsibility to keep it healthy was also explored by the enthusiasts. They visited the Bio lab to outspread their understanding. An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things was explored by grades 1 (E-I). They understood the interconnectedness of each family member and the world around them through the connect map and webs. Presentations on various plants that we are dependent upon made them knowledgeable and empathetic towards them.

Grade II enthusiastically inquired into the Central Idea –‘People have a universal need for shelter’. The Transdiscplinary Themes enabled them to acknowledge various forms of shelter and how these forms change with respect to geographical locations. Students have been finding out about different shelters, asking questions such as; why are there so many different kinds of shelters? What are they made up of? The concepts of form, function and reflection were explored all throughout the unit.

PYPThe week 25th-29th August was marked by celebrating International week in all the classes. During the week, the students of Pre Nursery gathered information about the different types of dresses worn by people all over the world and its significance to them, as also the different types of food that is found in other countries. The Nursery students too, are inquiring and learning about many things of global significance such as sports personality across the world, famous monuments and the like. The Kindergarten students on the other hand had fun exploring about ‘Cartoons characters’, ‘Colours that unite the world’ and global issues like ‘Save Energy Save Earth’, ‘Pollution solution’ amongst other things.

The young learners of Pre-Nursery, in their on going unit under the theme ‘Who we are,’ have been looking deeply into the growth pattern of self and their peers by observing the pictures depicting different stages of growth. Moving on, they are now inquiring about need for transport and kinds of transport under the theme, ‘How we organize ourselves’. Setting up simulation corner in the class depicting different modes of transport had helped in evoking natural curiosity amongst the little ones and in facilitating the discussions and taking the unit further.

The students of Nursery on the other hand are now exploring the world of stories and how it may be used as a medium of expression under the theme, ‘How we express ourselves.’ Making use of different visual mediums like flashcards, big pop-up storybooks, CD’s and others is making them knowledgeable and appreciative of how stories can be narrated differently.

The Kindergarten students are delving into schools, its organization and involvement of people in running the same under the transdisciplinary theme, ‘How we organize ourselves.’ Pictures of different schools all over the world and story narrations related to it were the means of provocation and discussion about the need for a school and the consequences of not having the same.


THE STORY OF MARSHAOnce there was a little girl named Marsha, she was a very poor person. Her mom worked as a servant in a rich merchant’s house and lived there with Marsha in a small room. Even though of being poor she was always satisfied with what she had. One day the merchant threw a big party. Marsha was very excited; she enthusiastically walked into the ballroom where the party was going to be held that evening. She joyously danced around the ballroom until suddenly; someone caught her by the arm. She soon realized it was the merchant's wife, she was in big trouble. The merchant's wife always shouted on Marsha, and so Marsha never liked her. She said to Marsha "What are you doing here; I always knew how naughty you are. You must have come here to eat up all the sweets,'' and pushed her into the kitchen. Poor Marsha, she sat and cried in the kitchen for a long time. Until a bright, gleaming, golden light was shining outside the kitchen. She didn't stop and think about anything, instead walked out of the kitchen and followed the light. After walking a while she saw standing in front of her, Jesus Christ. She could not believe what she saw, she could not even think of what to say, so she just ran and gave him a tight hug. He soon disappeared and so did the light, Marsha realized what she was wearing had changed from a torn, tight frock to a long, beautiful, new gown. She was as happy as could be, she ran to her mother with joy. Her mother too was in a new, beautiful gown. Marsha was no more poor, she now lived in a big house happily ever after.Rida Mumtaz (Grade V – H)

Grade III pondered over the transdiciplinary theme, ‘Sharing the planet’ and explored the Central Idea- Human choices impact the natural environment. Students reinforced the importance of conserving the environment through poster making. They spread awareness through role plays and songs. Caught you green handed was a way to show appreciation towards individuals who were spotted doing their bit to conserve the environment.

Grade IV under the Transdisciplinary Theme- ‘Sharing the planet’ students of Grade IV understood that oceans are also an important part of our world. Visit to the Biology lab enhanced their curiosity when the children viewed the forms of various oceans animals. The movies Free Willy and Finding Nemo, provoked children to ask many interesting questions on the impact of human behavior on marine life. Their reflections on the same displayed their sense of responsibility.

Grade V the other grade group pondered over the Transdisciplinary Theme – ‘How the world works’. The unit enabled the children to understand, analyse and interpret that simple machines are ingenious tools that help us to get work done. Through the visit to Physics lab they became aware of the form and function of the different types of simple machines around them, as they got to see simple machines like a wedge, screw, wheel and axle, lever, pulley and an inclined plane. This developed their knowledge further as they brought a tool from home and were able to discuss about its utility with their fellow class mates. An interesting field trip to V.P Industries (scarf factory)and Hema Industries enabled them to gain deeper insight to the fact that complex machines are made of simple machines. Through the Transdisciplinary Theme-‘How we express ourselves’, the students of Grade V developed an understanding of concepts on which media works. Inquiring on the role of media, the students could make connections with importance and need of media in our daily lives. The survey on the popularity of different forms of media made them understand different perspective of different age groups.

Learners got an insight into how money interconnects the working of various human made systems under the Transdisciplinary Theme How we organize ourselves. They are learning to become aware about the different functions of money in our lives and its usage as a system of exchange. Through this unit they realized the importance and significance of money. By making their own Timeline, the learners were aware of the cultural and historical origin of money.

Assistant PYP Coordinators


Medley of ActivitiesCreative people make pursuit of knowledge their priority as their pulsating dreams set the stage for remarkable achievements.Every human being has a right to the development and fulfillment of his potentialities. It is rightly said whether you are flying the Atlantic, selling sausages, building a skyscraper, driving a truck, or painting a picture, your greatest power comes from the fact that you urge to do everything well. Ineffective people live day after day with unused potential. They experience synergy only in small, peripheral ways in their lives. But creative experiences can be produced regularly, consistently, almost daily in people’s lives. The most important vision one must possess is the vision that one creates in his mind. It requires enormous zeal, ingenious sensibility and openness to realize a dream, a creation. It is to be kept in mind that Knowledge is not simply another commodity, on the contrary it is a power that increases by diffusion and grows by dispersion. The application of knowledge into creative frenzy can generate many emotions. It can bring agony, sweat, tears

and exhaustion. But it also brings creative ecstasy, contentment and infinite pleasure.As the Activity Coordinator of this esteemed organization, I find the dreams of my students finding fruition as they prepare with vigour and zeal to prepare for the Inter School Competitions, Intra School Celebrations, Presentations and other activities. Their positive energy is the root source of rejuvenation as this positivity reverberates in the atmosphere which makes it challenging and enjoyable. I would like to close with a thought:“Emerging from the cocoons, As their wings unfurl,To touch the infinity of the wide outer world,With brimming hearts let’s bless their flight ,And lamps we light to bring ecstatic delight….”

Renuka Bhasin Activity Coordinator


Visual Art August was the time for midterm preparations for upcoming half yearly examinations in September. Amidst assessments and grading of studio work, we hope to draw out stress free creativity from our young students which could probably culminate at its best within assessment criteria, effortless and progressively by

itself. We support each students’ self initiated theme towards best possible output and insist on technical diversity. While mannequin embellishing seems most popular mode of expression for IBDP students, painting on canvas and first hand drawings too attract a significant attention from students towards their studio output. Print making and installations are also picking up as technique driven mediums. We wish all four curricula students best performance during the midsession examination.

Dhara Mehrotra HOD Visual Art

Art & Craft“Every child is an artist. The problem is how

to remain an artist once we grow up.” - Pablo Picasso

Grade I and II have started with figurative drawing using oil pastels. Different scenes related to the ongoing units under the PYP Programme were considered. Whereas on the other hand, Grades III to V after completing their colour wheel are experimenting with water colours in scenes like landscape, beach scene, sunset etc.In the indoor activities, students were occupied with their preparation for half yearly exams.

Amita GahallotHOD Performing Art & Craft

ICT (Trust or Bust)What makes you trust any website you visit? What is it about the site that earns your trust? People simply answer this question by saying, “You just know”People just know when they are being fooled. They instinctively know without many clues whether or not they can trust that person, business, or site. Yet, they ignore that instinctive message time and time again. People move through the web FAST. And when they stumble on a site that they feel is “shady,” they slam their back button. The problem is that there are some sites that lose visitors by mistake. These sites aren’t shady, they’re just presenting themselves the wrong way, and that’s where these trust triggers come into play.Trust triggers are design elements that help people know immediately that a particular site can be trusted. Trusted sites are often designated to have a logo that conveys a clear, professional message, comments (or a comment counter) as an indicator that one can trust the site enough to interact with it, and scorecards like subscriber, follower, and reader numbers. So be watchful and enjoy your SURFING!

Nimisha PariharCoordinator – ICT Dept.

DanceAs is it rightly said, ‘Dancing is dreaming with your feet’. The Highlanders are learning various forms of folk dances in their classes apart from contemporary and free style. The Scottish Highlanders, under the guidance

of the dance teachers, prepared and gave a mesmerizing performance for the occasion of Teachers Day. The school is now planning and focusing on its biggest event - ‘The Annual Day’.

Puja GhoshDance Instructor


Sports Arena Highlanders won laurels at the ‘Invitational Quadro Mania Swimming Tournament’, organised by Heritage School Gurgaon by bagging rich haul of medals comprising 8 gold, 14 silver, 12 bronze. The Medal winners were Vrinda

Gahlot winning 1gold, 2silver, 1bronze, Arka Sharma won a silver and bronze, Aditya Jha bagged two bronze, Aryan Rana bagged a bronze, Mayank Grover won 3 gold, 2silver, Swikriti Singh bagged one silver and two bronze, Dwij Dutt bagged a silver, Deveshi Malhotra won three silver and a bronze, Mehar Dua bagged a gold with three bronze, DeveshTulsian won a couple of silver medals, Paritosh Jain won a silver, Sripath Mishra bagged three gold, one silver and bronze.

The Highlanders under 12 soccer team secured 2nd place in ‘Jee Jaan Se Khelenge Tournament’ organised by Delhi Dynamore at Ajanta Public School. The team members were Vivin Jain, Lakshay Yadav, Aryan Malik, Vikrant Choudhary, Kunal, Tanish Arora, Arnav, Aryaman, Tanish Reddy and Jatin Singh

The under 14 and under 17 girls Tennis teams team won the Gurgaon District Lawn Tennis Championship. The under 14 boy’s secured 2nd place in the same competition. The team members were Mahika Rathod, Radhika Yadav, Vandana Dayma, Aditya singh, Aditya Bansal, Samarth Anant Singh.

The girls tennis players brought further accolades to the School as Mahika Rathod won under 14 girls Haryana state lawn tennis championship. In the same competition Vandana Dayma and Anant singh secured 2nd place in the under 17 category.

The Highlanders did us proud by winning 4 gold, 4silver and 7bronze medals in the ‘Second District Rural Game Judo Championship’. Bhavya Choudhary, Garvit Arora, Abhigya Singh and Tamanna Singh won gold medal. Aadit Chawla, Tanush Zutahi, Dipanshu Sharma and Avani Gupta won silver medal, Deepanshu, Marmik Choudhary, Yashvit kumar, Shreemayi Pathak, Saloni Chaturvedi, Anushka Mishra and Sana Chhabra won bronze medal.

Rakesh PrasadSports Coordinator

Model United Nation (MUN)Model UN a prestigious event, has become a norm. More and more schools and children come well prepared to be a part of it. The enthusiasm and the spirit behind it is undying. It is a fast-growing competitive activity for students and it matters a great deal to them. Model UN has helped the students to recognize their abilities, grow into leaders, discover their future, become confident and form lasting friendships with people from all over the world. Recently, our school sent a new team of seven students of class X, to Georgetown MUN. This was a three day event which involved committee sessions, crisis management and passing resolutions. It left an impeccable impression on the young minds. When asked about their experience, one of them quoted, “MUN has given me the most amazing thing in life, a passion and a love that I can’t shake. From the moment I stepped into my first conference, I knew that this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, whether that means being a senator or a diplomat in a foreign country. MUN has introduced me to an amazing world that I have no interest in leaving. Whatever my future holds, I know it has something to do with politics and that is thanks to my MUN experience.” Second day was a totally new and exciting experience as it was an evening with Diplomats of 12 different countries. They made the young students feel very comfortable and children grabbed the opportunity to discuss foreign relations. Third evening was a showcase of talent and Shivang of class X mesmerized everyone with his tabla performance.

ECO ClubPassion Green…..

Make it contagious once againMonsoons are the months of greenery. It is the time to enjoy the nature the most. It has been the constant motivation for many of the artists, poets and writers for centuries ….Many of the world’s best creations are written created during these months.Taking the inspiration from nature the members of Eco club are engaged in continuous endeavours to promote the message of ‘Green and Pollution free Environment’ for a healthy life. In the months of July and August Highlanders participated in three ‘Tree Plantation Drives’ at Aravali Biodiversity Park, Gurgaon. Our students joined the project ‘Plant million Trees’ in Gurgaon. It is an enhanced tree plantation drive to green Gurgaon with an ambitious plan to plant a million trees in the city initiated by a NGO. The students were provided with the information about the native trees that could be grown in the semi-arid ranges of Aravali Hills.Eco club in charge Ms. Kavita Yadav highlighted the vital role that the flora and fauna play in preserving the nature for the sustainable development. School Director Ms. Sudha Goyal appreciated the efforts of Eco Club members and motivated them to participate in such more fruitful plantation drives. She also emphasized that the most practical link to live in harmony with ‘Mother Earth’ is to plant more and more trees and make this planet emerald green once again.

Ms. Kavita Yadav Eco club in charge

And then it was time for the result declaration of three days of hard work, moments of crisis and conflict, of negotiation and leadership—all the delegates were holding their breath and anticipating it in their favour and we all were overjoyed to hear Shivang’s name for the second best delegate in Security Council, the most prestigious committee in the UN. And not to forget that it was his first MUN experience.The team came back with a view that MUN changes your identity, it makes you stand apart from the rest with your head high in a crowd. It gives you your due recognition and it completely changes one’s personality, outlook and perspective to life.

Sudha Miglani MUN Coordinator


Parents’ Involvement – A Key to Child’s Bright Future

In most instances, children come to school ready to learn but with different cultural, educational, and environmental experiences to draw from. It is the responsibility of the educational system to meet children where they are and encourage and support their development from that point. To promote learning for all children, educators must provide a school environment that acknowledges children’s diverse backgrounds, helps children transition comfortably into the next instructional level, and provides community supports when necessary. Such provisions support each child’s readiness to learn as well as each school’s readiness to educate young children. At the same time support from parents plays a vital role too.

Although parents conscientiously send their children off to school every day and expect them to do well, they can add an important extra ingredient that will boost their children’s success. Parent participation is the ingredient that makes the difference. Parents’ active involvement with their child’s education at home and in school brings great rewards and has can have a significant impact on their children’s child’s lives. According to research studies, the children of involved parents:• are absent less frequently• behave better• do better academically from pre-school through high school• go farther in school• go to better schools

Research also shows that a home environment that encourages learning is even more important than parents’ income, education level, or cultural background. By actively participating in their child’s education at home and in school, parents send some critical messages to their child; they’re demonstrating their interest in his/her activities and reinforcing the idea that school is important.Some specific ways for parents to become more involved in their child’s education are stated below:

At home: Read to your child — Reading aloud is the most important activity that parents can do to increase their child’s

chance of reading success Discuss the books and stories you read to your child Help your child organize his/her time Limit television viewing on school nights Talk to your child regularly about what’s going on in school Check homework every night

At school: Meet with a teacher or other school staff member to determine where, when and how help is needed and where your

interests fit in. Volunteer time- parents can: Read with individual children Assist coaches at sporting events Help out with arts and crafts workshops Speak to classes about your career or special expertise Help write press releases or local news articles

In short if Parents and Teachers work together hand in hand it would for sure lead to an all round development of our Children.

Rupa ChauhanProgramme LeaderProfessional Development Qualifications

Professional Development Qualifications

CAMBRIDGEInternational Examinations

Cambridge International School


Anderson Andersonians are setting benchmarks with every passing year. I take pride in saying that each member of the clan, be it Tutees or Clan Parents, is putting in exceptional effort to take the Clan to higher standards in academics, sports as well as co-curricular activities.Once again Clan Anderson has proved remarkable. We have secured the 2nd position in the Inter Clan English Recitation and in the Inter Clan Hindi Recitation competitions. Well done to all the participants who so confidently recited the poems with perfect expression and diction!Our little ones, in the Primary classes, showcased their creativity during this festive season in the Inter Clan Rakhi Making Competition. It was delightful to see the love for their siblings’ surface in thes vibrant bands that they had created.The vigor of Andersonians has taken the clan on the road to success. I wish them good luck and hope that they maintain the zeal.

Jyotika SinghClan Elder

Macarthur“Rome was not built in a day.”

This is a very old adage which clearly means that unless we work at our task relentlessly there will be no progress or rewards. At the onset, my heartiest congratulations and thanks for the efforts are clan members put it which was the evident by our bagging the first prize in the English Recitation (Grades VI - VIII).Thanks to the magnificent performance and precision marching on August, 15th. We were also awarded the first prize thus reflecting our sprit and discipline. We also got the Third prize in Hindi Recitation Competition for Grades IX-XIIOur juniors showed their creativity and talent and bagged First prize in Rakhi Making Competition. A big Shabash to all the participants. We missed out in poster making and slogan writing; does that mean we are incompetent in those areas? I say “No”, so “Lets hitch our wagon to a star” and win them all.

Urmil Rana Clan Elder

BoydIt takes courage to answer a callIt takes courage to give your all

It takes courage to risk youIt takes courage to be true -The Lord’s prayer

Indeed the Boydians once again stood by their motto ‘Courage without fear’ in the various Inter Clan competitions held during the month of August. To recall the spirit of ‘Raksha Bandhan’ the school organized an Inter Clan Rakhi Making Competition for classes I- V in which the students displayed their creativity and we bagged second position in the same. This further enthused the talent of the students.To give platform to the poetic flair of students we organized an Inter Clan Hindi and English Poetry Recitation Competition for (classes VI-XII). The students of classes VI-VIII did a remarkable job in the Inter Clan English poetry recitation by performing to the best of their ability. Kudos! to Ahana Jain of class XI-ISC who secured first position in the Inter Clan Hindi Poetry Recitation Competition.. Certainly it was an eventful month! Hope Boydians will continue to bring glory to their clan with their indomitable spirit.

Mamta NathClan Elder

Clan News

LamontAugust has been a month of festivals. On a Primary Clan Day, our juniors were very excited to take part in, ‘Rakhi Making Competition’. Beautiful, colourful and decorated rakhis were prepared by them which were far better than the rakhis sold in the market. Our participants ranked 3rd but the joy of using home- made rakhis need no awards. Seniors had two competitions before they got involved to prepare for half-yearly examination. Grades VI- VIII had English Recitation where AryamanMittal of VII and Mehak Mishra of VIII both secured 2nd positions. Charizma Gupta of Grade X and Sanjana Gupta of Grade IX did excellently well during Hindi Recitation Competition.Dear students, the other day I read a small story on Google and I would like to share it with you. It is about ‘The Value of Knowledge.’A giant ship engine failed. The ship’s owners tried one expert after another, but none of them could figure out how tofix the engine. Then they brought in an old man who had been fixing ships since he was young.He carried a large bag of tools with him and when he reached, immediately went to work.He inspected the engine very carefully top to bottom.Two of the ship’s owners were there, watching this man hoping he would know what to do.After looking things over, the old man reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer. He gently tapped something.Instantly, the engine lurched into life. He carefully put his hammer away. The engine was fixed. A week later,the owners received a bill from old man for Tenthousand dollars. ‘What?’ the owners exclaimed. ‘He hardly did anything. So they wrote the old man a note saying,”Please send us itemized bill.”The man sent a bill that read: Tapping with hammer $2.00, knowing where to tap $9,998:00.Effort is important but knowing where to make an effort makes all the difference! Keep studying hard and don’t give up!All the best for your Exam!

Maya SharmaClan Elder


hs T




Typhoid FeverWHAT IS IT?• Typhoid fever is a serious, sometimes fatal, illness caused

by a bacteria called Salmonella Typhi• These bacteria are spread through contaminated food,

drink, or water and can spread from person to person. They thrive in places with poor sanitation.

• Symptoms can include chills and fever (which can exceed 40°C or 104°F), headache, tiredness, dizziness, and loss of appetite, nausea, stomach pains, and constipation or diarrhea

• Serious complications can occur after 2-3 weeks of illness.Causes of TyphoidTyphoid is usually transmitted by water or food, in much the same way as cholera. People who are infected excrete live bacteria in their feces and urine. They are usually contagious for a few days before any symptoms develop, so they don’t know they need to take extra precautions. If they don’t wash their hands properly, the typhoid bacillus can be transferred to food or water and from there to another person. Also, it can be spread directly from person to person via contaminated fingers.About 3% of infected people (treated or not) become asymptomatic carriers of Salmonella typhi. This means that they continue to shed bacteria in their feces for at least a year and often for life but don’t have any symptoms of typhoid. There are a small number of typhoid carriers in every country. Even Canada and the United States report dozens of locally transmitted cases of typhoid each year, though most cases in these countries are amongst travellers or people immigrating who are ill when they arrive.Recognize the Symptoms of Typhoid Fever The primary indication of typhoid infection is

persistent, high fever in the range of 103° to 104° F (39° to 40° C).


Malaise Stomach pain Loss of appetite Enlargement of the spleen, a rash of flat Rose-colored spots An abnormally slow heartbeat - usually less than 60

beats per minute Other mild and non-typical infections may occur

Prevention Preventing typhoid is all about avoiding contaminated food and water. The same healthy practices will also help protect you from diseases such as cholera and hepatitis A, which are transmitted in the same way. Follow these guidelines to minimize your risk:• Boil or disinfect all water before drinking it - use disinfectant

tablets or liquid available in pharmacies or drink commercially bottled (preferably carbonated) beverages.

• Peel all fruit and vegetable skins before eating.• Keep flies away from food.• Watch out for ice cubes, ice cream, and unpasteurized milk,

which can easily be contaminated.• Cook all food thoroughly and eat it while it’s hot.• Be aware of the “danger foods” - shellfish, salads, and raw

fruit and vegetables.• Do not eat food or drink beverages from street vendors.At present, vaccinations against typhoid provide about 70% protection for 2 to 4 years - The duration of protection depends on the vaccine used. The vaccine is available as an oral capsule or powder, and as an injection. Your doctor will determine what form is best for you or your children. Even vaccinated people must follow the food safety tips listed above. It is best to be immunized at least one week before possible exposure.Prevention is better than cure. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Be safe and healthy.

Rupa ChauhanMR ISO

Keep yourself safe -Tips to prevent Typhoid Fever

Seniors IBDP

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is moving ahead with an ever more progressive enthusiasm. With an atmosphere of examinations in the whole school, DP students also appear for the Grade XI First Unit Cycle and the Grade XII Semester 3 Examinations. It is not only through assessments that we shape the gems for future, but also through the guidance and counseling which is provided to them regularly. The teachers have been occupied with the IB Workshops and their group collaborative meetings to sharpen their saw. They have been working on bringing into their classes international minded and the essence of Theory of Knowledge. The CAS Coordinator planned a session with the CAS advisors on their guidance to the learners about various CAS activities. As a result of which the students organized an overwhelming function on the occasion of ‘Teachers Day’. The IB Learners showcased

the element of ‘Action’ through their voluntary endeavor to train the marching contingents of all the four Clans. This initiative made the Independence Day celebrations a memorable event. Honesty, as I view, is the most important chapter in the book of wisdom. Keeping this spirit alive the students and teachers have been attending workshops which were conducted by the School Director, Ms.Sudha Goyal, who is also the DP Coordinator, and by Ms. Swati Vats, the School Counselor. The central idea of these workshops have been academic honesty and the IB Learner Profiles; the awareness and the embedment of the same in the hearts and minds of the students as well as the entire school community, being essential elements of this rigorous programme. This will surely strengthen an honorable culture of academic honesty and integrity.

Jyotika Singh Assistant IB DP Coordinator

central asiaqualityaustriaQ


ICSE – ISC CORNERSciences have always been inspiring the inquisitive minds of Highlanders. In the month of August Highlanders participated in a numbers of science activities exploring the world of science and solving the mysteries which have been tickling their minds.Inter School “Scienamite 2014” was organized by G D Goenka World School, Gurgaon on Friday the 22nd of August 2014 in their school campus.Event was organized to make the UNESCO International Year of Crystallography.There were various events for Grades III-XII. Our school participated in Quiztallography. It was a quiz on theme on crystals. There were two stages to qualify for this quiz. First stage was written round to eliminate most of the students. Our team participants Ayush Gargand, Parth Goel both of XII ISC qualified for the final round. They did us proud by securing second position.Our students also participated in the Symposium. The topic for which was “Saving Corals”. Our students Taniya Wahi and Keerthana Srikanth of X ICSE gave a flawless performance and won a consolation prize.We cheer the success of our participants and wish them many more successes in all their future endeavours.

Meena Kapoor ICSE - ISC Coordinator


‘The only real failure in Life is the failure to Try’There comes a time in every student’s life when those things that you dread begin to loom on the horizon. Depending upon how confident you are about them, your horizon will either be measured in months, or maybe days. Of course, I am talking about Examinations.Whatever your situation and whenever you are going to take an examination, it is never too late to start getting ready for those tests. Thorough preparation will provide you with strong foundation and will give you the confidence and belief to acquire the grades you want.Here are few tips for exam success:• Find your own deep and compelling reason to successfully

learn your subject and pass your exams.• Plan your time to include study, revision and social

commitment- a balance of having fun and taking breaks.• Use multi-coloured Mind Maps for your notes.• Swiftly skim through your text books and course material

before you read them in depth to give an overview of your subject.

• Before you do any revision, warm up by doing some gentle exercise to relieve any tension in your body and to get a rush of healthy oxygen flowing to your brain.

• Do your past papers under thorough exam conditions as often as possible to familiarize with the format and the pressures of working under exam conditions.

• In an exam, make sure you read the question completely and fully understand what the examiner wants from you; allocate your time and begin answering the questions.

• If you are faced with a mental block, breathe deeply and relax.Pawan Mittal & Shivali PathakIGCSE Coordinator & Math HOD

CAMBRIDGEInternational Examinations

Cambridge International School

As part of the on-going (tGELF) Youth Leader Competition, Stage – 3, the school organized their first Anti - Adulteration Day on 22nd August, 2014. Shivang Singh and RadhikaSaluja, participants of the competition, spread awareness on this cause through a PowerPoint presentation. They also informed the audience that they had created a Facebook page ( and a ‘Group’ to spread the message through electronic and social media. They have also created a website of their own, wherein they post blogs on the subject.( was followed by a Hindi poem on Food Adulteration by the Dean of Academics Dr. Sanjay Sachdeva. The highlight of the event was a street play to elaborate the cause and its consequences. The session concluded with some great suggestions supporting the cause by the Primary School Principal Ms. Seema Bhatti.

On Sunday, the 24th August, 2014, the students of Scottish High went to various locations across Gurgaon like Raahgiri, Galleria market, Wazirabad village, MCG Councilor Mr. Mahesh Dayma’s office, DT Mega mall & Cyber Hub to spread awareness through slogans, banners and a street play. The event was covered by the Times of India, on the front page of Gurgaon Times.

Geeta BeditGELF incharge

National Cadet Corps1. NCC training during the month gone by was

institutional in nature where in the Cadets were apprised about the role of NCC in various walks of life. Indoor lectures were held on aid to civil authorities during national emergency where the NCC acts as third line of defence. In-house demonstrations were also organized by our Taekwondo and Judo instructors to teach the Cadets various self-defence skills.

2. Our NCC troop has been allotted fourteen vacancies for the upcoming outdoor NCC Annual Training Camp to be held at Pataudi (Gurgaon) to held in the last week of Sep’ 2014. Accordingly special classes were held for the fourteen second year boy and girl cadets to assist them excel in all the camp activities as has been happening in all the past NCC camps.

Highlander Cadets Attitude. People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile.

Good Speed-Scottish High Lt. Col DS Dabas Retd.


Printed & Published on behalf of the School Director,The Scottish High International School

(An ISO 29990:10 Standard for Learning Services Management)(Promoted by Ruptech Educational India Ltd.)

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Editor-in-chief : Ms. Sudha GoyalEditor : Ms. Kanchan KhannaAdmin Member : Ms. Ankita JainEditorial Team : Ms. Navneet Kaur, Ms. Priya Rakesh, Ms. Payal Vij, Ms. Puja Bhat-

nagar, Ms. Shikha Jain, Ms. Anupama Chopra, Dr. Uma Rani, Ms. Ramandeep Kaur, Ms. Avinash Kaur.

Student Members : Ahaana Jain, Aditya Vikram Shekhawat, Uday Somani, Seher Bajwa, Vatsal Bagri and Ronit Kathuria, Ahana Guleria, Mausam Sharma, Rida Mumtaz, Sashiv Bhatia.

Golf NewsThe Students of Grade V were taken for the first time to Hamony golf camp on 23rd August 2014 where they not only practiced their shots but also learnt more about the game of golf and its techniques. It was a wonderful experience for all.Another Feather in the Cap of Scottish High was added by Pratyush Sharma (VI-H) who made us proud by securing second position in 4th Interschool Junior Golf Championship 2014 held at ITC Golf Course on 28th and 29th Aug’2014.We at Scottish high are extremely proud of Pratyush and we wish him all success in the future.

Anitya’s Golf Tip The TakeawayHaving done the grip, aim and setup, you are now ready to make a good golf swing. Getting the swing off to a good start is crucial as it sets the entire body into motion from a still position and dictates how the body and club will move in the rest of the swing. Legendary golfer Jack Nicklaus has defined the start of the swing or the takeaway as the most important 18 inches of the golf swing Here is a very good way to start your swing:In your set up position, your shoulder and arms make a triangle. Good players will try and move this triangle together as they start their backswing. This is known as a one – piece takeaway and helps in maintaining the connection of the body with the arms and the club, ensuring a synchronization of these elements in the golf swing.You can see from the picture that the triangle of the arms and body is maintained with the club head moving the most followed by the hands and then the upper body, creating the correct sequence in the backswing. This will set the tone for setting the wrists and taking the club up to the top of the backswing. Any errors here in the takeaway will lead to manipulations and compensations in order to get the club square when it comes back to the golf ball at impact, resulting in a variety of faults.The takeaway, as your first movement away from the golf ball initiates a sequence that will determine the quality of your entire golf swing, its power, accuracy and consistency. And as the popular saying goes ‘Well begun is half done’!!

Ankita JainCoordinator

MJ’s Corner Improving self confidence I

Are you the type of person who easily get influenced by negative advices? Follow this short self confidence lesson.

When Henry Ward Beecher was a young boy in school, he learned a lesson in self confidence which he never forgot.

He was called upon to recite in front of the class. He had hardly begun when the teacher interrupted with an emphatic, “No!” He started over and again the teacher thundered, “No!” Humiliated, Henry sat down.

The next boy rose to recite and had just brgun when the teacher shouted “ No!” This student however, kept on with the recitation until he completed it. As he sat down, the teacher replied, “Very good!”

Henry was irritated. “ I recited as he did,” he complained to the teacher.

But the instructor replied, “It is not enough to know your lesson, you must be sure. When you allowed me to stop you, it meant that you were uncertain, If the world says, ‘No!’ it is your business to say, ‘Yes’ and prove.

The world will say, ‘No!’ in a thousand ways.

‘No! You can’t do that.’

‘No! You are wrong.’

‘No! You are too old.’

‘No! You are too young.’

‘No! You are too weak.’

No! It will never work.’

‘No! You don’t have the education.’

No! You don’t have the background.

‘No! You don’t have the money.’

‘No! It can’t be done.’

And each ‘No!’ you hear has the potential to erode your confidence bit by bit until you quit all together.

Though the world says, ‘ No!’ to you today, you should be determined to say ‘Yes!’ and prove it .

Resourced by Monica Jajoo



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