
DIRECTORYFaculty and Staff



990955. 9172158595164543


AEe Atomic Energy Commission HSPA Hawaiian Sugar Planters'AEI Agricultural Engineering Institute AssociationAES Agricultural Extension Service K Keller Hall

AF Air Force LRB Legislative Reference BureauASB Air Science Building lSB Land Study BureauAA Art Annex (Art Building) M Miller Hall

ATTP Auxiliary Teacher Training ME lab Mechanical Engineering LaboratoryProgram MSB Military Science Building

B Bachman Hall (Administration MB Music BuildingBuilding) N Nursing School (Hale Aloha)

Bil Bilger Hall NA5KA Naval Air Station KahuluiB5A Bureau of Student Activities NIH National Institutes of HealthCaf Cafeteria. Hemenway Hall NSF National Science FouradationCM Castle Memorial Hall (University OPI Office of Publications and

Preschool) InformationCr Crawford Hall Par Parasitology Laboratory

Cr A Crawford Hall Annex PHS Public Health ServiceCr A·2 Crawford Hall Annex 2 Poul Poultry Building

D Dean Hall PRC Psycholo,gical Research CenterDi. Dispensary PRI Pineapple Research Institute

E Engineering Quad ran,!.; Ie SB Sports BuildingEE lab Electrical En,t.;ineering Laboratory 5L Sinclair Library

En. Entomology Building (Agricultural 5P Swimming PoolExperiment Station. Manoa UES University Elementary Schoolcampus) UHF University of Hawaii Foundation

ERC Economic Research Center UHS University High St:boolExp Sta Experiment Station UHSA University High School

F Farrington Hall (Theatre) AuditoriumFP Food Processing Laboratory UH5An.l University High School Annex 1

Gar Gartley Hall UHSAn·2 University High School Annex 2GIO Georl-:c Hall UHS Lib University High School LibraryGil Gilmore Hall USDA United States Department of

H Hawaii Han AgricultureHA Hawaii Hall Annex USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife

HAES Hawaii Agrkultuml Expcrimcllt Service (Bureau of CommercialStation Fisheries. Hawaii Area)

Hem Hemenway Hall VB Varsity BuildingHk. Henke Hall VCA Ve.~etable Crops Annex

Hkl A Henke Hall Annex W Wist HallHort A Horticulture Annex WA·l Wist Hall Annex 1

HPE Health and Physical EJu4:Jtion WA·3 Wist Hall Annex 3HR Hobby Room ZA.A Zoology Annex A

INFORMATION on personnel appears in the followinr. order: name. office address. office telephonenumber. tide, residence address. reSidence telephone number. mailing address if different from reSidenceaddress. and M ifmarried.Faculty housing units are located on Rock. Keller. Correa. Pope. and Eckart roads. (See campus map.)The dagger (t) indicates employment on pare·time basis; the asterisk (*) persons not on the Universitypayroll, among whom are emeriti; persons whose part-time services are paid for by other institutions;University of Hawaii Board of Regents; University of Hawaii Foundation Board of Trustees; certainpersons on leave without pay.In the interest of economy, only personnel offering University courses or those with a University tideare listed for Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Hawaii Area (U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service); PineappleResearch Institute; U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. EntomologyResearch Branch; Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association. Experiment Station; Bernice P. BishopMuseum. Others connected with these agencies may be reached through their respective telephonenumbers as follows:

Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. Hawaii Area (U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service) • • 91181Pineapple Research Institute. . . . . . . . . , . • • 90981U. S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Service.

Entomology Research Branch •Bernice P. Bishop Museum . . . . . . . . .Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association Experiment Station.

Repot't chaltges itt listings to the President's office extens;Olt 294. 208. or 207.










ABBOTT, Agatin T.-D 108; loc 805-Assoc. prof.of geol. and geophysics; ch., dept. of geol. andgeophysics-1502 Mokulua Dr., Kailua, Oahu­254175. M

ABE, Nora T. (Mrs. Koji)-Bookstore; loc 322­Oerk-3515 Maluhia St.-792785. M

tABERCROMBIE, Neil-Cr 326; dial O-Grad.asst. in soc.-2406 Oahu Ave.

ABRUMS, Tom E.-HA 15; dial O-Iostr. in Eng.-1634 Sherman Park PI.

ACOSTA, Joseph-Thailand-Asst. prof. of educ.,SEATO/UH-Thailand Project-Mailing address:SEATO/University of Hawaii Contract, Am. Em·bassy, Ann: USOM, Bangkok, Thailand. M

tACOSTA, Juan C.-Hke; Asst. in vegetable aops-1813 Vancouver Dr.-991290.

ADACHI, Nancy A. (Mrs. Jiro)-B 132; loc 373­Steno.-733 University Ave.-997753. M

ADAM, Leona R.-N 6.A; lac 284-Asst. prof.of nursing-371-D Kilauea Ave.-739441.

ADAMSON, Lucile F.-Hke 300; lac 236-Asst.nutritionist, HAES-421-A Prospect St.-53231.

ADLER, Jacob-H 209; dial O-Assoc. prof. ofecon. and bus.-5704 Kalanianaole Hwy.­31221. M

AGPALSA, Elaine E. (Mrs. Maximo)-UES 104-A;lac 244-lostr. in educ.-1814 Beckley St.­851041. M

"'AINOA, Daniel K.-HawaUan Government Em.ployees' Association; 62381-Trustee, UHF­4232 Sierra Dr.-745817. M

tAIWOHI, Naoma F. (Mrs. Francis K.)-KaimukiInter. School; 723155-Leetr. in educ.; internteacher sup.-608 Kuana St. M

AKAMINE, Ernest K.-Gil 8; lac 210 or 384­Asst. plant physiologist, HAES-2255 Hulali PI.-86998. M

tAKAMINE, Ralph N.-181 S. Kukui St.; 542775-Leetr. in dental hygiene-3520 Maunaloa Ave.-744407. M

AKIYAMA, Hisano (Mrs. Shuji)-K 211; lac 447-Sec. to the Dean, Graduate School, and DirectorofResearch-904 Lawe1awe St.-32875. M

tALDEN, Robert Paul-H 17; dial O-Lectr. inbus. (1st sem.)-5303 Papai St.-32921. M

ALENDER, Charles B.-Hawaii Marine Lab., Coco­nut Island, Kaneohe; 244041-Jr. marine biolo­gist, NIH contract-918 Prospect St.-501986.M

ALlCATA, Joseph E.-Par; lac 318-Parasitolo­gist, HAES; head, dept. of parasitoI., Coll. Agr.­2130 Hunnewell St.-997958. M

ALLEN, Oliver V., M/Sgt.-MSB; loc military sci.-l05·C Ft. Ruger-8lO11 ext67248. M

ALM,Julie N. (Mrs. Richard S.)-W 212-A; dial 0-Iostr. in educ.-3863 Lurline Dr.-757863. M

ALM, Richard S.-WA 3; dial O-Assoc. prof. ofeduc.; director, Reading Clinic-3863 Lurline Dr.-757863. M

AMIOKA, Ellen H. (Mrs. Wallace S.)-B 132;lac 372-0erk-4844 Matsonia Dr.-743005.M

AMIOKA, Shiro-UHS 229; dial O-Asst. prof.ofeduc.-1436 Victoria St.-541523. M

ANDERSON, Donald-Lyon Arboretum; 983183-Resident supt., Lyon Arboretum-3860 ManoaRd., Cottage A-983183.

"'ANDERSON, Earl J.-PRI; 90981-Affiliatemember, graduate faculty-1083 Hunakai St.­745047. M

ANDERSON, Ronald S.-W 202-Carnegie visit­ing prof. ofeduce (2nd sem.).

"'ANDREWS, Carl B.-Prof. emeritus of engin.­2356 Waolani Ave.-69842. M

ANSBERRY, Merle-Geo 113; loc 279-Prof. ofspeech; director, Speech and Hearing Clinic­3322 Anoai PI.-982869. M

"'ANTHONY, J. Garner-Robertson, Casde andAnthony, Attorneys-at·Law; 50941-Regent,Univ.; Trustee, UHF-3251 Pacific Heights Rd.-57195. M

AKANA, David A.-NASKA Adm. Bldg., Kahu- tANTHONY, Philip L.-D 2; dial O-Grad. asst.lui, Maui; 726195-County agent, AES-361 in sci.-1841-C Keller Rd. M

-\ Leleihoku St., Wailuku, Maui-323963. M

tAKANA, Florence-Washington Inter. School;92294-Leetr. in educ.; ATTP sup.-2215 AlaWai Blvd.-990126.

AKIMOTO, Takashi-SL; loc 308-Asst., circu­lation dept,-1524 Pensacola St.


AOKI, George M.-Federal Bldg., Hila, Hawaii;51650 or 50944-Crop reporter, AES-390 Nania­kea St., Hila, Hawaii-56435. M

AOKI,Jane S. (Mrs. Roy H.)-B 208; loc 294, 208or 207-Steno., President's Office-2652-B BoothRd.-576522. M

AOKI, Mitsuo-Geo 211; loc 388-Asst. prof. ofreligion; ch., dept. of religion-1309 Wilder Ave.-626961. M

ARAGAKI, Minoru-Hke 315; loc 329-Jr. plantpathologist, HAES-2930 Varsity Circ1e-925532.M

ARKOFF, Abe-Geo 345; diaIO-Assoc. prof. ofpsychol.-445 Kaiolu St., Apt. 214-993363.

ARNOLD, Arthur K., M/Sgt.-MSB; loc 341­Instr. in military sci.-908·C Hase Dr.-81011ext 229133. M

ASATO,James K.-Klum 1; loc 240 or health and phys. educ.-1260·B Young St.­521071. M

ASAYAMA, Alice T.-Cr 321 or Gar 20; loc 413 or301-Steno., soc. and zoo. depts.-645·8 PiikoiSt.-535425.

ASPINWALL, Dorothy B. (Mrs. Albion N.)-Geo114; loc 355-Prof. of European lang.; ch., dept.of European lang.-425 Ena Rd., Apt. 506­995511. M

ATEN, Donald G.-UHSAn·2 217; dial educ.-635 Piikoi St.-518311. M

·ATHERTON, J. Ballard-Hawaiian TelephoneCo.; 666701-Trustee, UHF-2234 KamehamehaAve.-991965.

AU, Ruby Y. K. C. (Mrs. Raymond)-UES 101;loc 285-lntern in lib. sci. (1st sem.)-1429·CKeeaumoku St.-94361. 1\1

AUSTIN, K. Yvonne-45·260 Waikalua Rd.,Kaneohe, Oahu; 211762 or 21·2658-Asst. countyagent, AES-365 Kailua Rd., Apt. 16, Kailua,Oahu-254762.

·AUSTIN, Thomas S.-USFWS; of bot.-1739 Correa Rd.-991565. M

AVERY, Don E.-E 103; loc 2S8-Assoc. prof. ofengin.-2517 PamoaRd.-914182. M

AWADA, Minoru-Gil 119; loc 384,-Asst. plantphysiologist, HAES-804·ACoolidgeSt.-96229.M

AYALA, Anita A.-UHS 221; loc 293-lnstr. ineduc.-830 Coolidge St., Apt. 7-91061.

·AYRES, Arthur S.-HSPA Exp. Sta.; 64543­Affiliate member, graduate faculty-3380 Kaohi­nani Dr.-64888. M

tBAER, Leoniece A.-Bil 118; loc 281-Asst. inmarine biology, NIH conuact-1566 Wilder Ave.-92231.

BAKER, Harold L.-Land Study Bldg.; loc 295 or296-Economist, LSB-2630 Pope Rd.-996956.M

tBAKER, William E.-HA 1; dial O-Grad. asst. inEng.-2640-C Rock Rd.


"'BALOCK, John W.-Fruit Fly Lab.; 990955­Affiliate member, graduate facuIty-1508 AaJa.papa Dr., Kailua ,Oahu-25610B. M

BANNER, Albert H.-G 202-A; loc 301; or HawaiiMarine Lab., Coconut Island, Kaneohe, Oahu;244041-Prof. of zoo.; director, Hawaii MarineLab.-46099 Lilipuna Rd., Kaneohe, Oahu­244488. M

BARCLAY, John E.-Cr A-2 14-17; 996765-Jr.psychologist, PHS conuact-2277-B Ala WaiBlvd.-939086. M

BARNES, Dwight T., M/Sgt.-MSB; loc 341­Insu. in military sci.-2931 Nanihale PI.- 98935.M

tBARNES, Ira Lynus-Bil227; dial O-Grad. chem.-1833-A Keller Rd., Apt. T-975431.M

tBARRETT, Daniel A.-Geo 221; dial O-Grad.asst. in speech.

IIIBARTOS, OtomarJ.-Asst. prof. ofsoc. (on leave1959-(0). M

BARTOW, Mary L. (Mrs.)-M 105; loc 331­Insu. in home econ.-4825-D Kahala Ave.­795004.

IIIBAVER, Leonard D.-HSPA Exp. Sta.; 64543­Affiliate member, graduate faculty-2047 Wil­helmina Rise-75201. 1\1

BEAMER, Martha F. (Mrs. Milton D., Jr.)-Klum7; loc 240 or 214-lnsu. in health and phys.educ.-653 Milokai St., Kailua, Oahu-252560.M

tBEAUDREAU, Charles A.-Bil 337; dial chem., PRI grad. fellowship-2652-A RockRd. M

BECKER, Robert R.-MB 19 (1st sem.) and MB 12(2nd sem.); loc 454-Asst. prof. of music­1635-A Keller Rd.-977693. M

BELL, Donald W.-H 110-A; loc 367-Asst. prof.ofecon.-2411 St. Louis Or.-725081. M

BELL, Janet E.-SL; loc 2M-Head, Hawn. andPacUic collection-1907 Ventura Dr.-904453.

BENNETT, Hannah Lou-CM 131; of educ.; principal, Univ. Preschool-1547Ala Wai Blvd., Apt. 221-901181.

"'BENNETT,J. Gardner-Prof. emeritus ofengin.­228 E. Glenn Ave., Aubwn, Alabama-TUxedo73966. M

BENnEY, Lucie P.-Geo 323; loc of speech and of drama and theaue­2108 Oahu Ave.-9S7501.

BERNATOWICZ, Albert ]ohn-D 5; dial 0­Assoc. prof. of bot.-5042 MaunaJani Circ1e­773817. M
















BERUAN. Margaret K. (Mrs. B.)-Hke 215; loe231-Sec. to Director of HAES-1868·B Puo·waina Dr.-59275-Mailing address: Box 2222.Honolulu. M

BESS, 'Henry A.-Ent; loc 276 or 261-Entomolo­gist. HAES; prof. of ent.-3364 Emekona Pl.­982512. M

BEYERS. Otto J.-W 204; loc 203 or 428-Asst.dean. ColI. ofEduc.; prof. ofeduc.-116 KaapuniDr.• Kailua, Oahu-266211. M

"'BICE. Charles M.-Emeritus senior specialist inpoultry husbandry, AES; 526 Hind Iuka Dr.­32445. M

BILGER. Earl M.-Bil 119; loc 282-Prof. ofchem. (on leave 1959-60)-2425 University Ave.-991925. M

"'BILGER. Leonora N. (Mrs. Earl M.)-Bil 119;loc 282-Prof. emeritus of chem.-2425 Uni­versity Ave.-991925. M

BILOUS. Carolyn B. (Mrs. Nicholas)-W 113;loc 310-Asst. prof. ot educ.-1569 St. Louis Dr.-727542. M

BILSBORROW. Eleanor J.-Geo 337; loc 317­Asst. prof. of speech-2957 Kalakaua Ave.­937477.

BITNER. Harold M.-B 139; loc 313 or 429­Dean of Student Personnel; prof. of psychol.­5388 Papai St.-32343. M

BLACK, A. Duane-Hilo Campus; speech-43 Lanikaula St., Hilo. Hawaii-3447.M

BLALOCK. John R.-County agent. AES (onleave 1959-(0). M

"'BLOOM, Bernard L.-Territorial Hospital; 242191-Affiliatemember, graduatefacu1ty-316IlimaliaLoop, Kailua. Oahu. M

BOATMAN ElsieM. (Mrs.)-Caf; 992362-Direc­tor of food service; assoc. prof. of home econ.­238 Liliuokalani Ave.-937947.

BONK, William J.-Hilo Campus; anthro. and soc.-221 W. Lanikaula St.• Hilo,Hawaii-42423. M

BORGES, Violet (Mrs. William M.)-SL; loc 289-Sup. Steno Pool-1511 Pualele Pl. M

BOROSS, George-Thailand-Asst. prof. ofeduc.;SEATO/UH.Thailand Project-Mailing address:SEATO/University ofHawaii Contract, AmericanEmbassy, Attn: USOM. Bangkok, Thailand. M

BOUSLOG. Charles S.-HA 5; dial O-Prof. ofEng. (on leave 2nd sem.)-3421·A WoodlawnDr.-983400. M

tBOVEE, Martha L.-Bil 227; dial O-Grad. chem.-1637 Anapuni St., Apt. 4-904085.

BOWERS. Francis A. I.-Hort A; loc 353 or 990390-Jr. horticulturist, HAES-2048 Nuuanu Ave.­64006. M

BOWERS, Neal M.-H 106; loc 366-Prof. ofgeog.; ch.• dept. of geog.-4941 MaunalaniCircle-753882. M

tBRAITHWAlTE, Lee F.-ZA-A; dial O-Grad.asst. in zoo.-1841-B Keller Rd., Apt. O. M

tBRENNEISEN. Elizabeth K. (Mrs. Leo S.)­HA 24; dial O-Instr. in Eng. (on leave 2nd sem.)-1649 Bertram St.-73377. M

BRITTEN, Edward J.-Gil118; loc 330-Assoc.agronomist, HAES; assoc. prof. of agr.-3670Alani Dr.-982314. M

"'BROCK, Vernon E.-USFWS; 91I81-Affiliatemember, graduate facu1ty-3211 Melemele PI.­98602. M

BRODIE, Myrtle S. (Mrs. Hugh W.)-B 212; loc411 or 458-Director of personne1-3860.GManoa Rd.-983292. M

BROWN, Dorothy S. (Mrs.)-HA 7; dial 0­Asst. prof. ofEng. (on leave 1st sem.)-2865 OahuAve.-968082. M

"'BROWN, Hubert E.-Prof. emeritus of healthand phys. educ.-16516 Camellia Terrace, LosGatos, Calif.-Elgato 4-2019. M

BROWN, Robert E.-UHSA (1st sem.) and MB 47(2nd sem.); loc 455-Instr. in music; banddirector-1622 EckarcRd.-996030. M

BROWNELL. Ruth-H 18; loc 438-Asst. inresearch, ERC-1630 Makiki St.-994235.

BRUHN. William Jarrett. Jr.-Klum 1; loc 240 or214-Instr. in health and phys. educ.-1804 Ala.Moana Blvd.-998225. M

BRUYERE, Walter R.• III, Lt. Col-MSB; loc 341-Assoc. prof. of military sci.-87·G Fort Ruger-81011 ext 67348. M

tBUCKALEW, James K.-Geo 334; loc 317­Grad. asst. in speech-472 Ena Rd., Apt. 3.

tBUDIN, Olga E. (Mrs. Harry M.)-Kailua HighSchool; 26151-Leetr. in educ.; intern teachersup.-Waimanalo, Oahu-257447-Mailing ad·dress: Box 111, Waimanalo, Oahu. M

BURKETT, George I.-Geo 120; dial O-Instr. inEuropean lang.-1516 Nehoa St., Apt. D­978853. M

IIIBURKLAND, Reynolds G.-Hawaiian Trust Co.,Ltd.; 51941-Regent, Univ.; Trustee, UHF­196 Nenue St.-32151. M

"'BURR. George O.-HSPA Exp. Sea.; 64543­Affiliate member, graduate faculty-2925 LaolaPl.-56593. M


BUSHNELL. O. A.-D 201; lac 218-Prof. ofbact.; ch.• dept. of bact.; editor-in-chief. PacificScienee-3210 Melemele PI.-982926. M

CABRAL. Manuel Pina, M/Sgt.-MSB; 81011 ext663189-lnstl. in military sci.-l017 18th Ave.­753181. M

CABRAL. Peter K.• M/Sgt.-MSB; lac military sci.-l07-D Ft. Ruger-8lOll ext67219. M

CALDEIRA. Arthur B.-H 215; lac 275-Asst. inradio-712-B University Ave.-992242. M

CALDEIRA. Jeanette A. (Mrs. Arthur B.)-W 215;lac 430 or 431-Steno., Thailand Project-712·BUniversity Ave.-992242. M

CAMPBELL. Raben L.-UHS 3-103; dial educ.-905-D Kealaolu Ave.-78817.

CANFIELD, Claire-N 6·B; lac 204-Asst. prof.of nursing-626.A Prospect St.-538011.

CARLSON. David S.-H 108; lac 377-Asst. prof.of econ. and bus.-2569 Cartwright Rd., Apt. 14.

CARPENTER. Gilbert F.-Geo 138; loc 220­Asst. prof. of art-3098 Wailani Rd.-620952.M

CARR, Albert B.• Jr.-UHSAn·l 103; loc 216­Asst. prof. of educ.-1750 Correa Rd.-959165.M

CARR, Elizabeth B. (Mrs.)-Geo 318; lac 317­Assoc. prof. of speech-2339 Plumeda PI.­992273.

tCARR, Norma E. (Mrs. Albert B., Jr.)-Geo 122;dial O-Iecu. in European lang.-1750 Correa Rd.-959165. M

·CARTER. Walter-PRI; 90981-Prof. of ent.­3234 Woodlawn Dr.-983383. M

CASTRO. Evelyn H. (Mrs. William C.)-HA 18;dial O-Instr. in Eng.-5390 Opihi St.-31291.M

CHAFFEE. Ebba Z. (Mrs. William N.)-SL; lac 422-Cataloguer-2311 Armstrong St.-991810.

CHALDECOTT. Dennis-HA 7; lac Eng.-1690 Ala Moana, Apt. C-991721.

CHANG. Chia·Ling-CM 114; 991756-Asst. prof.ofeduc.-1547 Ala Wai Blvd.• Apt. 209-917842.

CHANG, Clifford D. K.-B 110; lac 226-Cashier-333 Puuhue PI.-53065. M

tCHANG. Lynette Y. C. (Mrs. Kingsley Y. T.)­Aliamanu School; 499665-Lecu. ineduc.; ATTPsup.-3457-A Maunaloa Ave.-706152. M

tCHANG. Margaret W. (Mrs. Daniel S. K.)­Lunalilo School; 998270-Lecu. in educ.; ATTPsup.-2032-A3 Wilder Ave.-954355. M


CHANG, Raymond M.-Gar 102-B; lac 302­Instr. in physics-2396 Liloa Rise-997424.

CHANG. Ruth M. (Mrs. George C. Y.)-B 204;loc 213-Sec. to the Provost-42 Nakele St.­69213. M

·CHARLOT,Jean-Prof. of art (on leave 1959-60).M

CHENG. Ch'eng K'un-Cr 316; dial O-Prof. ofsoc.-1946 Bertram St.-741071. M

tCHIKAMOTO, Hazel Mirikitani (Mrs. HaroldT.)-Kaimuki High School; 632935-Lectr. ineduc.; ATTP sup.-23ll Dole St.-990557. M

CHINAKA. Jerry T.-Gil 209; lac 232-Businessmanager. Call. Agr.-753 18th Ave.-753591. M

tCHING. Anna Tagawa (Mrs. Joseph Y. K.)­Washington Inter. School; 9229-1-Lectr. ineduc.; ATTP sup.-5226 Waihou St.-31868. M

CHING, Bernice A. (Mrs. Lorrin W. K.)-GiI201;lac 257-Statistics clerk, AES-1267 KaluawaaSt.-708312. M

tCHING. Bernice K. M.-Alvah A. Scott School;48820-Lectr. in educ.; intern teacher sup.-113021st Ave.-77014.

CHING, Clara C. (Mrs.)-SL; lac 230-Head,maps and microfilm collection-2226 Hyde St.­990885.

fCHING, Doris C.-Pearl Harbor School; 402735-Lectr. in educ.; ATTP sup.-1130 21st Ave.­77014.

CHING, Hilda L.-Par; loc 3m-Asst. parasitolo.gist, NIH contract-22 Kawananakoa PI.­59048.

·CHING, Hung Wai-204 Liberty Bank Bldg.;59921-Regent. Univ.; Treasurer, UHP-2623Aaliamanu PI.-64766. M

·CHIU, Arthur N. L.-Assoc. prof. of engine (onleave 1959-60). M

·CHONG. Eleanor F. Y.-Head, govt. documentscollection (on leave 1959-60).

fCHONG, Ethel K. (Mrs. Tyrus)-Waialae School;748715-Lecu. in educ.; ATTP sup.-324.B Ele­lupe Rd.-30524. M

CHONG, Mary A. (Mrs. James W. T.)-Cr 327;loc 248-Steno.-1415 Center St.-73300. M

CHONG. Wing You-Federal Bldg., Hila, Hawaii;51650 or 50944-Asst. county agent. AES­185 Chong St., Hilo, Hawaii-54643. M

fCHOU. James C. S.-K 310; 745143-Lecu. inengin.-2338-B Young St.-955451. M

CHRISTENSEN, Charles Curtis-Kapaau CourtHouse, Kohala. Hawaii; 837201-Asst. countyagent, AES-Box 37, Kapaau, Kohala, Hawaii.M














fCHU, Eleanor Ung (Mrs. Wellington B.)-Kaulu­wela School; 59056-Lear. in educ.; asst. internteacher sup.-1289 Ulupii St., Kailua, Oahu­255954. M

CHU, George W.-D 211; loc 218-Prof. of bact.and zoo.-946 Spencer St.-52377. M

fCHU, Rodney C. L.-Bil 227; dial O-grad. chem.-608 Puuhale Rd.-850137.

fCHUCK, Ernell F.-Manoa School; 990082­Lecu. in educ.; ATTP sup.-3204 Wauke St.­76492.

CHUI, Edward F.-Klum 5; loc 240 or of health and phys. educ.-l009 21st Ave.­745962. M

*CHUN, Dai Ho-610 Gasco Bldg.; 67571 or67594-Direaor, International Cooperation Cen­ter of Hawaii (prof. of educe on leave from theUniv. 1959-60)-142410th Ave.-79971.

CHUN, Edwin Y.-Cr A 8; loc 338-County agent,AES-332 Ele1upe Rd.-30710. M

fCHUN, Mabel C. G. (Mrs. James C. Y.)­Waialae School; 748715-Lectt. in educ.; ATTPsup.-3662 Crater Rd.-757284. M

CHUN, Rosalind S.-B 213; loc 458 or 411­Personnel Asst.-3834-B Anuhea St.

CHUNG, Amy B.]. (Mrs. Edward K. O.)-SL;loc 219-Typist, Lib.-2831-B Winam Ave.­740462. M

CHUNG, Blaine L. (Mrs. Waldron W. T.)-SL504B; loc 453-Asst. in research, NIH projea­581 Ulumu St., Kailua, Oahu-269661. M

CHUNG, Judith Y. (Mrs. William T. H.)-Caf;992362-Account clerk-l045 4th Ave.-705753.M

CLARK, Francis E.-W 211-B; dial O-Prof. ofeduc.-1628 Eckart Rd.-914493. M

CLARK, Richard H.-K 410; loc 452-Asst. prof.ofmath.-2762 Laniloa Rd.-633785. M

CLAY, Horace F.-Hke 135; loc 353 or 389­Assoc. specialist in hort., AES-158 Dowsett Ave.-69281. M

fCLEMENTS, Harry F.-Gil 1; loe 3M-Plantphysiologist, HAES-3264 Oahu Ave.-982858.M

CLOPTON, Robert W.-W 203; loe 417-Prof. ofeduc.; ch., dept. of educ.-3670 Kalihi St.­851709. M

fCOATSWORTH, James L.-ZA-A; loe 273­Grad. asst. in zoo. and ent.

COBB, Estel H.-Hke 105; loc 356-Asst. animalscientist, HAES; asst. prof. of agr.-1728 CorreaRq.-961922. M


COCHRAN, Eve1yn-W 208-A; loe of social work-1547 Ala Wai Blvd.­901183.

fCODY, William]. T.-Territorial Hospital; 242191-Leeu. in social work-Territorial Hospitalgrounds-244822. M

COMBA, Paul G.-K 406; loe 452-Assoe. prof.ofmath.-1547 Ala Wai Blvd., Apt. 240-992554.

CONGDON, Charles F.-H 1l0-B; loe of eeon. and bus.-1841-D Keller Rd.­969831. M

tCONNORS,]ames].-Cr 302; dial O-Grad. hist.-2407 Halelea Pl.-998865. M

CONTOIS, David E.-D 205; loe 3M-Asst. prof.ofbact.-1718 Correa Rd.-996820. M

COOIL, Bruce ].-Gil 4; loe 3M-Plant physiolo­gist, HAES; head, dept. of plant physio!., Coll.Agr.; prof. of bot.-3558 Woodlawn Dr.­982825. M

COOKSEY, Virginia T. (Mrs. Lewis)-M 102; loc331-Asst. prof. ofhomeecon.-1778 Glen Ave.,Wahiawa,Oahu-224674. M

CORBA, Nicholas B.-K 312; loc 449-Asst. prof.of engine graphics-451 Kahinu St.-30860. M

CORREA, Genevieve B.-SL; loe 263-Head, sereials and exchanges-1413 Dominis St.-997856.

COWING, Cedric B.-Cr 202; dial O-Asst. prof. ofhist.-419-C Seaside Ave.-996215.

*COX, Doak C.-HSPA Exp. Sta.; 64543 -Affiliatemember, graduate faculty-1929 Kakela Dr.­997893. M

COX,]. Halley-Geo 135; loe 220-Prof. of art­3020 Manoa Rd.-982636. M

CRANCH, Eleanor-N 6-D; loc 2M-Insu. innursing-1547 Ala Wai Blvd.-993821.

CRAWFORD, Adeline A.-Cr A; loe 350-Countyagent, AES-1l90 Wilder Ave.-628443.

*CRAWFORD, Carolyn-Asst. prof. of educ. (onleave 1959-60).

CROOKER, Elizabeth P. (Mrs. F. Deal)-CM 102;991756-Instr. in educ.-486 Portlock Rd.­30842. M

CROSS, Edmond-W 203; loc 417-Assoc. prof.of educ., SEATO/UH-Thailand Projea-1744KaiooDr.

CROSSLEY,]ohn B.-W 202-C; loe 443-Prof. ofeduc.-1621 Keller Rd.-975975. M

CROWELL, David H.-Geo 306; loc of psycho!.; ch., dept. of psychol.-1370Pueo St.-715823. M

CRYMES, Ruth H.-HA 8; dial O-Insu. in Eng.- DERSTINE, Vuginia-HA 8; dial O-Insu. in Eng. 41

412·C Kalaimoku St.-957762. -2411-B Tusitala St.-938754. ~

CULKIN, Mary Anna-H 213·A; loc econ. and bus.-1735 Dole St., Apt. 301­944402.

CULVER, Henry S.-Cr A; 99676S-Asst. in psy­chol., PHS conuact-2581 Alaula Way-999330.M

CURRY, Harry,}r.-ASB; loc 262-Storekeeper­1523-A Miller St.-503063. M

·CUSHING, Robert L.-PRI; 90981-Afliliatemember, graduate faculty-2325 Armstrong St.­908604. M

tDANGLER, Edgar W.-D 2; dial O-Grad. sci.-1833 Keller Rd., Apt. S. M

DANIEL, L. Scott-K 117; loc 359-Prof. ofengine-45·111 Ka·Hanahou Circle, Kaneohe, Oahu­241884. M

tDANIEL, Patricia C. (Mrs. Charles W.)-D 2;dial O-Asst. in sci.-1823 Keller Rd., Apt. H­924042. 1\1

·DARROCH, James G.-HSPA Exp. Sta.; 61lJ.13-Affiliate member, graduate faculty-236 NenueSt.-32323. M

tDAVI, Richard D.-H 2; dial O-Lectr. in bus.­44·505 Kaneohe Bay Or.-242769. M

DAVIS, Donald D., Capt.-MSB; 81011 ext 663189-Asst. prof. of military sci.-843 18th Ave.­723672. 1\1

DAVIS, Frances E.-K 409; loc 452-Asst. prof. ofmath.-3608 Woodlawn Dr.-982824.

DAVIS, Mabel L. (Mrs. Allan H.)-Dis 104; loc335-Nurse-2044 Mauna Pl.-64035. M

DAVIS, Orrel-W 212.B; dial O-Asst. prof. ofeduc.-2347 Plumeria PI.-94265.

tDAWS, Alan G.-Cr 302; dial O-Grad. asst. inhist.-2335 Paci6c Heights Rd.-64072.

DAY, A. Grove-HA 21; dial O-Prof. of Eng.­2421·A Halelea Pl.-976165. M

DeBUTTS, DaleC.-Thailand-Asst. prof. ofeduc.,SEATO/UH.Thaiiand Project-Mailing address:SEATO/UDiversity ofHawaii Contract, AmericanEmbassy, Attn: USOM, Bangkok, Thailand. M

DECKER, Leona L. (Mrs. Vernon J.)-H 101;dial O-Telephone operator-1233 Keolu Dr.,Kailua,Oahu-256396. M


DEDOLPH, Richard R.-Hke 138i loc 3SS-Asst.horticulturist, HAES-2648 ROCk Rd.-992580.M

DENTON, Blanche L.-B 101; loc 272-Editor,Univ. of Hawaii Press-3312 Keanu St.-72069.


DIAMOND, A. Leonard-Psychophysics Lab.;996037-Assoc. prof. of psychoI.; assoc. director,PRC-2345 St. Louis Dr.-771611. M

DIGMAN,}ohnM.-Ge0343; psychol.-382 Auwinala Rd., Kailua, Oahu­265662. M

001, Masaaki J.-NASKA Adm. Bldg., Kahului,Maui; 72619S-Asst. county agent, AES-Haiku,Maui-46012. M

001, Ruth N. (Mrs. Yoshio)-B 132; loc 361­Recorder-l144 2nd Ave.-743559. M

DOLE, ArthurA.-B 113; loc 267 or435-Director,Bur. of Testing and Guidance; assoc. prof. ofpsychol.-3662 Woodlawn Terrace PI.-983473.M

tDORITY, Guy H.-Bil 227; dial O-Grad. chem.-2022·A University Ave.-906784.

tDORN, Edward Curtis, }r.-D 2; dial O-Grad.asst. in sci.-1904 Vancouver Dr.-990877.

DOTY, Maxwell S.-D 2; dial O-Prof. of bot.­3363 Paty Dr.-982712. M

DOUE, Stephen M.-GiI202; loc 2S7-Asst. spec­ialist in agr. econ., AES-57 Mamane Lane­65310.

*DOWNS, James B. T.-Prof. of engine (on leave1959-60). M

DROSTE, Howard M.-Hilo Campus; 51093­Instr. in art-8 Pukihae, Hilo, Hawaii-42661.M

*DULL, Gerald G.-PRI; 90981-Afliliate member,graduate facultY-3263 Kalua PI.-773456. M

DURKEE, Peter E.-B 113; loc 267 or 435­Counselor, Bur. of Testing and Guidance-3355Alani Dr.-982385. M

DZIDA,}oseph S.-Thailand-Asst. prof. ofeduc.,SEATO/UH.Thailand Project-Mailing address:SEATO/University ofHawaii Contract, AmericanEmbassy, Attn: USOM, Bangkok, Thailand. M

EASLEY, John A.,}r.-Hilo Campus; ofsci. (on leave 1stsem.)-610 KekuananoaSt., Hilo, Hawaii-3025. M

tEBESUTANI, IreneMidori-NimitzSchool;40574-Lectr. in educ.; asst. intern teacher sup.- 4358Likini St.-413363.

EBISUYA, Eleanor S. (Mrs. Hadley S.)-SL; loc316-Typist, Lib.-4121 KaimukiAve.-774297.M

ECKE, Gustav-Geo 129; Ioc 2S1-Prof. of art(on leave 1st sem.)-3460 Kaohinani Dr.­61422. M

t" I




'~ I

*EOMONDSON, Charles H.-Prof. emeritus ofzoo.-2019 Vancouver Or.-990925. M

EDWARDS, Ethel M. (Mrs. Ouaine T.)-Cr 309;loc 857 or 358-Steno., hist. and govt. depts.­4125 Napali PI.-734655. M

EIDSON, Hugh R., T/Sgt.-ASB; loc air sci.-109-B 19th St., Hickam Air ForceBase-44111 ext 424281. M

*EKERN, Paul C.-PRI; 90981-Affiliate member,gtaduate faculty-3133 Huelani PI.-982530. M

ELBERT, Samuel H.-Geo 106; dial O-Prof. ofPacmc lang. and linguistics; ch., dept. of Asianand Pacific lang.-2240 Kaala WaY-960843.

tELEY, Mildred A.-ZA-B; loc 876-Grad. zoo.-1837-0 Keller Rd.

*ELLER, Willard H.-Prof. emeritus of physics­17 Adelaide Way, Oroville, Calif. M

tELLSWORTH, Phillip L.-H 117-A; loc 832­Grad. asst. in econ. and bus.-1840 Anapuni St.-997877.

tEMORY, Kenneth P.-Cr 201-0; loc 415 orBishop Museum; 85951-Prof. of antheo. (onleave 2nd sem.)-3178 Kaohinani Or.-69206.M

ENEQUIST, Jacqueline H. (Mrs. Nils E.)-SL;loc 80B-Head, circulation dept.-2485 Ala WaiBlvd.-939982. M

ENGMAN, Charles A.-B 216; loc ofengin.; asst. administrative vice-president-2620 Pope Rd.-955631. M

ERICKSON, Yvonne Boyd (Mrs. John Alvin)­CM 132; 991756-lnstr. in educ.-1097 UluopihiLoop, Kailua, Oahu-256763. M

ERNEST, Welden A.-Cr 303; loc 222-Asst. prof.ofhist.-1851-BRockRd.-908725. M

ERNST, Earle-F 101; dial O-Prof. of drama andtheaue-3293 Huelani Or.-97192.

ESCH, Frederick H., T/Sgt.-ASB; loc air sci.-113-B 19th St., Hickam Air ForceBase-44111 ext 424273. M

EVANS, John R.-Materials Testing Lab.; loc 237-Assoc. prof. of engin.-333 Nenue St.-31565.M

EVERLY, HubertV.-W 206; loc203-0ean, Coli.of Educ.; prof. of educ.-3217 Melemele Pl.­98729. M

EWING, Claude H.-Thailand-Chief of party,SEATO/UH-Thailand Project; prof. of educ.­Mailing address: SEATO/University of HawaiiContract, American Embassy, Attn: USOM,Bangkok, Thailand. M


EZUKA, Edith M. S. (Mrs. Harry S.)-UHS 121;loc 243-Sec., Univ. High School-4140 KokoOr.-724715. M

tFACER, Louise-Cr 322; dial O-Grad. asst. in soc.-1735 Dole St., Apt. 301-944402.

*FAROEN, Carl A.-PRI; 90981-Affiliate mem­ber, gtaduate faculty-3521 Nuuanu Ave.­626885. M

FEIRER,John L.-W 108-A; dial O-Visiting prof.ofeduc.-729 Elepaio St.-716384. M

tFERDUN, Gertrude S. (Mrs. Clarence R.)­Kauluwela School; 59056-Leetr. in educ.; internteacher sup.-3558-B Woodlawn Or.-982215.M

FERGUSON, John B.-Assoc. prof. of econ. andbus. (on leave 1959-60). M

tFITZGERALO, Gail M.-Geo 304; dial O-Grad.asst. in psychol.-1527-B Wilder Ave.-965034.

FITZSIMMONS, Lorraine F.-W 109-A; loc 256­Asst. prof. of educ.-2375 University Ave.­998303.

FLEECE, Jeffrey A.-H 10; loc 238, 242 or 245­Asst. specialist in general studies-4623 KilaueaAve.-714774. M

FLYNN, Helen W.-Caf; 992362-Asst. food supt;instr. in home econ.-1l90 Wilder Ave., Apt. 310-503097.

tFO, Richard-H 117-A; loc 332-Grad. asst. inecon. and bus.-2216 Palolo Ave.-775223.

tFOX, Margaret D. (Mrs. Harry S.)-Ala WaiSchool; 933305-Leetr. in educ.; intern teachersup.-516KamokuSt.-928951. M

FRANKLIN, Alma I.-SL; loc 227-Cataloguer­49Coe1ho Way-69679.

FREITAS, Estelle T. (Mrs. Ted)-Geo 105; dial 0-Steno.-3028 Lincoln Ave.-72075. M

FRIERSON, James Wright-HA 4; dial of Eng.-1070 Mokulua Dr., Kailua, Oahu-263901. M

FROOYMA, Michael M.-Bil209; ofchem.-1627-A Keller Rd.-990695.

FROJEN, Olga B.-N 6-0; loc 2M-Asst. prof.ofnursing-1547 Ala Wai Blvd.-912471.

PU, Janet Y. L. (Mrs. George K. Y. Y.)-SL; loc422-Typist, Lib.-3258 Paliuli St.-727824. M

FUCHS, RolandJ.-H 106; lot 366-Asst. prof. ofgeog.-2219 McKinley St.-9590B. M

tFUJII, Violet C. (Mrs. Stanley K.)-Kailua HighSchool; 26151-Lectr. in educ.; asst. internteacher sup.-41-045 Kaulu St., Waimanalo, Oahu-257651. M

tPUJII, Walter K.-ZA-A; lac 273-Asst. in zoo.,NIH conuaa-1711 Apaki St.-823292. M

PUJIKAWA, June S.-B 101; lac an-Steno., OPI-4171-A Sierra Dr.-703892.

PUJIMOTO, Frederick W.-NASKA Adm. Bldg.•Kahului. Maui; 726195-Asst. county agent.AES-687 Kaae St., Wailuku. Maui. M

FUJIMOTO, Muriel K. (Mrs. Preston K.)-CM129; 991756-Caf. manager, Univ. Preschool­3601 Alani Dr.-98928. M

FUJIMURA, Faith N. (Mrs. Thomas H.)-LandStudy Bldg.; loc 295 or 296-Asst. in land classi­Dcation, L5B-2927 Loomis St.-983081. M

PUJIMURA, Thomas H.-HA 6; dial ofEng.-2927 Loomis St.-983081. M

tFUJITA. Grace A. (Mrs. Kikuo)-Kalihi-WaenaSchool; 8689-i-Lectr. in educ.; intern teachersup.-1054 Alewa Dr.-80206. M

PUJITA, Shirley Y. (Mrs. Ichiro)-W 101; lac 347-Asst. prof. ofeduc.-635-B 12th Ave.-753444.M

tFUKUDA, Donald R.-Niu Valley Inter. School;31613-Leerr. in educ.; ATTP sup.-456 KahinuSt.-31823. 1\1

FUKUDA. Mitsuno-D 204; lac 30-I-Asst. inmicrobiology-422 MageUan Ave.-S6376.

FUKUDA. Namiko S. (Mrs. Donald R.)-B 217-A;lac 216-Steno.-456 Kahinu St.-31823. M

FUKUI, Grace Y. (Mrs. Mamoru)-Bookstore;loc322-Clerk-1381 HalekoaDr.-744376. M

FUKUI. Rodney H.-Gil 201; loc 257-Crop re­porter. AE5-37U Claudine Ave.-773031. M

FUKUNAGA, Edward T.-Kona Branch Sta.;23M31-Assoc. agriculturist and supt.. KonaBranch Sta., HAES-Mailing address: Box 585,Kealakekua, Hawaii-238431. M

FUKUNAGA. Hisako-B 110; loc 226-Clerk­3465·C Kaimuki Ave.-771422.

FULTON. James P., Capt.-MSB; loc of military sci.-284·A Kuliouou Rd.­30904. M

tFURER, Gloria Searle (Mrs. Frederick H.)-M203; loc 3SS-Leetr. in home econ.-2453 Sono­ma St.-921071. M

FURUKAWA, Fred M.-Klum 1; lac 240 or 214­Insu. in health and phys. educ.-2138-D Kapio­lani Blvd.-929601. M

tGARCIA, Raymond Arnold-K 412; loc 452­Grad. asst. in math.-99·421 Pilikoa St., Aiea,Oahu-465303.

GARNER, Jewell L. (Mrs. Jack W.)-UES 114.A;loc 246-Insu. in educ.-206S Lanihuli Dr.­996085. M

GASCON, Helen C. (Mrs. Joseph E., Jr.)-CapitalInvestment Bldg., Waianae-Asst. county agent,AES-84·839 Moua St., Waianae, Oahu-214M3-Mailing address: R.R. 1, Box 411, Waianae,Oahu. M

GAY, May K.-Klum 8; loc 240 or of health and phys. educ.-1611 Keeau­moku St.-997845.

GEDAN, Joseph M.-SL; lac 300 or 378, or 996922-Asst. researcher, LRB; asst. prof. of bus.­2238 Kuhio Ave.-928651.

tGEE, Pinkie Sue-ZA-A; loc 273-Grad. asst. inzoo.-1904 Vancouver Dr.-990877.

GEISER. Cynthia B. (Mrs. Ralph G.)-UES 101-A;loc 285-Asst. prof. of educ.-6180 MakanioluPI.-305S7. M

GEORGE, Dorothy-HA 19; dial O-Assoc. prof.ofEng.-3747 Diamond Head Rd.-78174.

GIBSON, Lillian R.-HR; dial O-Instr. in healthand phys. educ.-2509 Ala Wai Blvd.-937002.

GILBERT, James C.-Hke 121; loc 351-Assoc.olericulturist, HAES; head, deJ:!t. of vegetablecrops, Coll. of Agr.; assoc. prof. of agr.-5316Limu PI.-31256. M

GILLETT, Dorothy Kahananui (Mrs. Milton A.)­MB 4 (1st sem.) and MB 11 (2nd sem.); loc 454-loser. in music-5S21 Opihi 5t.-32234. 1\1

tGILLETTE, Erma M. (Mrs. Glenn)-CM~116;991756-Asst. in educe (preschool nurse)-5430Oio Dr.-31126. M

GLICK, Clarence E.-Cr 324; loc 413-Prof. ofsoc.; ch., dept. of 50c.-2386 Liloa Rise-96632.1\1

tGLlCK. Doris L. (Mrs. Clarence E.)-HA 25;dial O-Lecer. in Eng.-2386 Liloa :Rise-96632.M

GO, Mateo L. P.-K 309; loc 449-Assoc. prof. ofengin.-1627 CORea Rd.-991404. 1\1

GODDARD. Marion P. (Mrs.)-B 105' loc 314­Publications editor, OPI-2532 Rainbow...Dr.­98557.

GOETTSCH. Elvira, M.D.-5L 504·B; loc 453­Biochemist, NIH project-2225 Hyde St.­927633.

GOMES, Walter F.-Carpenter Shop 120; lac 325­Stores clerk-1834-D Metcalf5t.-96226. M

tGOO, Mabel H. (Mrs. Norman S.)-LanakilaSchool; 848145-Lecu. in educ.; ATTP sup.­3057 Pacific Heights Rd.-583347. M

GOOD, Kenneth N., Capt.-MSB; lac of military sci.-91-939 Ololani St., Lee­ward Estate, Ewa, Oahu. M






GOODELL, Dale N.-Gil112; loc 228-Asst. dir.,AES; sup. ofcounty agent work-1607 Keller Rd.M

GORDON, Morton J.-Geo 335; loc of speech-2032-C St. Louis Dr.-746222.M

*GORDON,WaltonM.-QueenLiliuokalaniBldg.;501731-Regent, ex officio-3405 Kahawalu Dr.-69296-Mailing address: Box 2360, Honolulu.M

"'GORTNER, Willis A.-PRI; 90981-ABiliatemember, graduate faculty-1547 Ala Wai Blvd.,Apt. 337-96217. M

GOSLINE, William A.-ZA; loc 273-Prof. ofzoo.-3358 Emekona Pl.-982275. M

GOTO, Katsuya-Gar 3; loc 302-Asst. physicist,AF contract-2460 Ferdinand Ave.-999137.

GOTO, Masaichi-Bookstore; loc 322-Manager,Bookstore-1868 Palolo Ave.-736244. M

GOTO, Shosuke-Hke 215-A; loc MO-Asst.dean, Coll. Agr.; asst. dir., HAES-817 OceanView Dr.-77049. M

GOTO, Y. Baron-Gil 101.A; loc 2M-Director,AES; prof. of agr.-2243 Hoonanea St.-990979.M

GOTT, Euyen-K 306; loc 449-Assoc. prof. ofengin.-3432 E. Manoa Rd.-983319. M

"'GOWING, Donald P.-PRI; 90981-Affiliatemember, graduate faculty-438 Kulauli St., Ka­neohe, Oahu-242779. M

GRANT, I. Patricia-Hem 204; loc 424-Asst. incounseling, BSA-1427 Alexander St., Apt. 204­991637.

GREEN, Carleton-HA 23; dial O-Prof. of Eng.;Univ. Marshal (on leave 2nd sem.)-2943 Kala­kaua Ave., Apt. 706.

GREENE Edward C., Jr., Col.-ASB; loc 262­Prof. of air sci.; ch., dept. of air sci.-601 SignerBlvd., Hickam Air Force Base-44111 ext 412260.M

GREGORY, Christopher-K 419-A; loc 451­Prof. of math.; ch., Clept. of math.-3633 Wood­lawn Terrace Pl.-982218. M

*GRESSITT,J. Linsley-Bishop Museum; 85951­Affiliate member, graduate facwty-1053·A IlimaDr.-882702. M

GRINDER, Robert E.-Geo 308; loc ofpsychol.-1640 Correa Rd.-977692. M

GROSS, Yukie T. (Mrs. Berttam)-N 2-C; loc 284-Asst. prof. of nursing-1424 Dominis St.­927082. M

GRUELLE, Katherine B. (Mrs. Laurence N.)­M 104; loc 331-Assoc. prof. of home econ.;ch., dept. ofhomeecon.-1928 Vancouver Dr.­95154. M

GUSHIKUMA, Teruo-H 8; loc 265-Janitor fore­man-731 KunawaiLane-511293. M

GUSTAFSON, Myrtle-UHS; dial O-Instr. ineduc.-1710 Makiki St., Apt. 603-917942.

GUSTUSON, Donald I.-Klum 502; loc 214­Asst. prof. of health and phys. educ.-3034-AManoa Rd.-983184.

GUTIERRES, Jean A. (Mrs. Frank A.)-B 105; loc371; or Gil 102; loc 346-lnformation specialist,OPI; agr. extension editor, Coll. Agr.-3233George St.-771492. M

HAAS, Valerie S.-G 122; dial O-Lecu. in Latin­750LaauPl.

HABECK, Dale H.-Ent; loc 276 or 432-Asst.entomologist, HAES-2241 Kapiolani Blvd.,Apt.B. M

tHABECK, Phyllis P. (Mrs. Dale H.)-Ent; loc 276or 432-Asst. in research (scientific illustrator)-2241-B Kapiolani Blvd. M

HAEHNLEN, Frederick Philip, Jr.-UHS 205; loc292-lnstr. in educ.-2640-D Rock Rd.-925342.M

HAGIWARA, Constance M. (Mrs. Toshio)-SL;loc 422-1st asst. cataloguer-3912 MaunaloaAve.-718874. M

"'HALPERIN, Sidney L.-TripIer Hospital; 82931ext 274184-Affiliate member, graduate faculty­1710 Makiki St.-990929. M

HAMA, Helene T. (Mrs.)-W 205; loc 203- Dean, ColI. of Educ.-1520 Farrington St.-912043.

tHAMADA, Margaret A. (Mrs. Goichi)-CentralInter. School; 57594-Leett. in educ.; ATTP sup.-5670 Opihi St.-32487. M

HAMAl, Herbert T.-Hilo Campus; health and phys. educ.-Mailing address: Box190, Hilo, Hawaii-42971. M

HAMASAKI, Harriet K.-H 2; loc 311-Steno.­1136 Kam IV Rd.-857325.

HAMILTON, Richard A.-Hke 133; loc 353­Horticulturist, HAES; prof. of agr.-1623 EckartRd.-996333. M

HAMURA, Charles M.-Land Study Bldg.; loc 295or 296-Asst. in land classification, LSB-1330-BHeulu St.-625663. M

HANDLEY, Katharine N. (Mrs.)-W 207; loc 247-Director, School of Social Work; prof. ofsocial work-929 Koae St.-744926.


HANSEN, H. Lee-45·260 Waikalua Rd., Kane·ohe, Oahu-M1762 or 242658-County agent,ABS-45·623 Puuluna Pl., Kaneohe, Oahu­242419. M

"'HANSON, Noel S.-HSPA Exp. Sea.; 64543­Affiliate member, graduate faculty-2174 Mott·Smith Dr.-51323. M

HARA, Betty K. {Mrs. Arvid T.)-B 101; loc 371­Typist, OPI-2828 Varsity Circle-901265. M

tHARA, Thelma L. L. (Mrs. William T.)-AlvahA. Scott School; 48828-Lecu. in educ.; asst.intern teachersup.-2345 PauoaRd.-56665. M

HARAMOTO, Frank H.-Insectary No.2; lac 261-Asst. entomologist, HAES-908 Winant St.­826682. M

HARDY, D. Elmo-Ent; loc 276 or 432-Entomol.ogist, HAES; head, dept. of ent., Coll. Agr.; prof.ofent.-2238 Sea View Ave.-955035. M

tHARGER, Elmer John-Gar 3; lac 302-Grad.asst. in physics-2656 Kaaipu Ave.-996277.

HARLOE, Banley M.-K 119·A; lac .uS-Direc·tor, Advanced Management Program; prof. ofengin.-3060 Holei St.-76969. M

tHARPER, Ernest B.-W 209·B; lac 328-Visitingprof. of social work-2407 Parker PI.-991221.M

HARRELL, Gertrude P. (Mrs.)-Gil111; lac 228-Home demon. sup., AES-2943 Kalakaua Ave.,Apt. 205-939747.

HAWKINS, Paul E., Capt.-ASB; lac of air sci.-2010·A 9th Ave.-716075. M

HAYAMIZU, Sandra-B 132; lac 363-Clerk­steno.-2786·B Kapiolani Blvd.-902482.

HAYES, Eloise {Mrs.)-W 109·B; dial ofeduc.-1547 Ala Wai Blvd., Apt. 301.

HAZAMA, DorothyO. (Mrs. Richard)-UES 104A;lac 244-lnsu. in educ.-1421·A Piikoi St.­629095. M

tHEALD, Emerson F.-Bil 328; dial O-Asst. inchem., NSF contract-2652·BRockRd.-990'96.M

tHEALD, Joan Sawin {Mrs. Emerson P.)-Bil 218;dial O-Grad. asSt. in chem.-2652.B Rock Rd.­990'96. M

HEE, Hazel K. Y. {Mrs. AnhurJ. K.)-B 201; lac201- Sec. to the adm. vice.president-207 Pako·hana St.-57746,. M

HEE, Kim Moi S. {Mrs. Richard W. J.)-Gil1U;lac 327-Steoo., ABS-1147 PiDkham St.­87416. M

HEISER, M. P.-HA 2; lac 368-Prof. of Eng.;ch., dept. ofEng.-919 Noio St.-773578. M

tHELFRICH, Philip-Hawaii Marine Lab., Coco­nut Island, Kaneohe, Oahu; 244041-Asst.marine biologist, ABC cootract-2149 Haena Dr.-903831. M

HENDREN, William K., M/Sgt.-ASB; lac 262­Insu. in air sci.-1703·B Harmon Ave., HickamAir Force Base-44111 ext 425140. M

"'HENKE, Louis A.-Prof. emeritus of agr.-2657Terrace Dr.-995128. M

tHENKE, Rachel D. (Mrs. Louis A.)-RooseveltHigh School; 58491-Lecu. in educ.; ATTP sup.-26'7 Terrace Dr.-995128. M

HERRICK, Colin J.-Geo 346; dial O-Prof. ofpsychol.-5489 Opihi St.-31048. M

HERVEY, Wesley D.-Geo 329; loc of speech-51·420 Kamehameha Hwy.,Kaaawa, Oahu-247361. M

tHESS, Masayo N. (Mrs.)-Liliuokalani School;7071S5-Lecrr. in educ.; ATTP sup.-3710.CMahina Ave.-723523.

HIATT, Robert W.-K 212; loc 211-Dean ofGraduate School and Director of Research; prof.ofzoo. and ent.-41·937 Laumilo St.,Waimanalo,Oahu-257000. M

"'HICKS, Leslie A.-Hawaiian Elecuic Co.; S4971-Regent, Univ.; Trustee, UHP-2969 KalakauaAve., Apt. 501-938067. M

HIDANO, Helen H. {Mrs. Shigeo)-SL; lac 227­Typist, Lib.-774 Puu Hina Pl., Pearl City, Oahu-4'2813. M

HIGA, Gladys M. {Mts. Henry S.)-B 110; loc 226-Account clerk-2221·B Pern St.-961'6,. M

tHIGAKI, Tadashi-Hke 134; lac 3S3-Asst. inhoft., HAES-1748 NaneaSt.-94067. M

tHIGUCHI, Joyce N.-Geo 325; loc 3U-Grad.asst. in speech-1928 McKinley St.-913371.

HILDIBRAND, IdaL.-Kamuela Extension Office;85M7S; or Kapaau Extension Office; 837201­County agent, AES-Hawi, Hawaii-837498.

tHILL, Lois E. {Mrs. Harold C.)-Kaimuki HighSchool; 71911-Lectr. in educ.; intern teachersup.-3208 Kaohinani Dr.-61433. M

"'HILTON, H. Wayne-HSPA Exp. Sta.; 64543-Affiliate member, graduate facUlty-378 HemaPI.-33085. M

HIMORI, Roy T.-Pederal Bldg., Hilo, Hawaii;SI6S0-Asst. crop reporter, AES-150 UlulaniSt., Hilo, Hawaii.

tHINCKLEY, Alden D.-Insectary 2; lac 261­Asst. in ent., NSF conttact-1921·B Dole St.­996756. M








I I.

HINES, John B. R., Col.-MSB; loc 341-Prof. ofmilitary sci.; ch., dept. of military sci.-Qtts. 1,Ft. Ruger-8toll ext 67331-Mailing aadress:c/o Dept. ofMilitary Sci., Univ. ofHawaii. M

HINES, Marvin C.-Bil234; loc 380-Postdoctoralfellow, NSFconttact-2640-ARockRd.-997853.M

HINTON, Frank E.-Utility Shop 102; loc 268­Supt., construction and maintenance-1615 Kel­ler Rd.-998311. M

HIRAI, Beverly H. (Mrs. Seichi)-Hke 215-A; loc340-Sec. to the Dean and Asst. Dean, ColI. Agr.-3358-B Paalea St.-729253. M

tHIRATA, James T.-Kapalama School; 84059­Lectr. in educ.; ATTP sup.-44·308 Mikiola Dr.,Kaneohe, Oahu-241455. M

tHIRATA, Sachie-Manoa School; educ.; ATTP sup.-3536 Akaka PI.-982095.

HIROKAWA, Kay M. (Mrs. Stanley M.)-H 120;loc 242, 238 or 245-Sec. to the Dean, ColI.General Studies-4473 Alakoa 8t.-704573. M

HIROTA, Charles M.-Utility Shop 102; loc 325­Construction and maintenance foreman-2324Lime St.-95698. M

HIROTSU, Agnes E. (Mrs. Theodore T.)-B 213;loc 411 or 458-0erk-2831-2 Varsity Cirele­901263. M

tHIRSCHY, Ira D., M.D.-Kapuaiwa Bldg.; 50511-Lectt. in nursing (1st sem.)-4050 TantalusDr.-999570.

HISCOCK, Ira V.-Geo 224-Carnegie visitingprof. of bact. (2nd sem.). M

HIU, Dawes N.-Bil 234; loc 280-Asst. prof. ofchem.-2610 Pacific Heights Rd.-55796. M

tHIYANE, James T.-Hke 134; loc 353-Asst. inhort., HAES-3273 Kehau Pl.-707133.

tHIU, Nancy T. (Mrs. Stanley B. S.)-LeilehuaHigh School; 224149-Lectr. in educ.; asst. internteacher sup.-l048 Hind Iuka Dr.-32550. M

tHO, Arthur V.-Bil 227; dial O-Grad. asst. inchem.-11282ndAve.-757542.

HOGLE, Frances de Vaux-Frear Hall; 92061­Head Resident-2569 Dole St.-921715.

HOKAMA, Horace H.-Aquarium, 2777 KalakauaAve.; 939741-Aquarist-3174 Harding Ave.­792053. M

HOKAMA, Shirley H.-Bookstore; loc 322-0erk-1318-A 10th Ave.-740603.

HOLDEN, Margaret E.-8L; loc 300, 378, or996922-Research asst., LRB-2406 Round TopDr.-991713.

HOLLEY, Frances E.-Federal Bldg., Hilo, Hawaii;51650 or 50944-County agent, AES-2314 Kala­nianaole Ave., Hilo, Hawaii-53441.

HOLMES, Wilfred J.-K 219-A; loc 446-Dean,ColI. of Engin.; prof. of engine and math.-4009Black Point Rd.-78377. M

HOLTZMANN, Oliver V.-Hke 318; loc 329­Assc. plant pathologist, HAES-3721 PukalaniPI.-743603. M

HONMA, Harno-Wahiawa Civic Center; 224185-County agent, AES-326lliwai Dr., Wahiawa,Oahu-229324. M

HOOFMAN, Earvel S.-Thailand-Asst. prof. ofeduc., SEATO/UH-Thailand Project-Mailingaddress: SEATO/University of Hawaii Contract,American Embassy, Ann: U80M, Bangkok,Thailand. M

HORAN, Claude F.-AA; loc 259-Prof. of art­3098 WailaniRd.-620952. M

HORMANN, Bernhard L.-Geo 108; dial O-Prof.of soc.-2520 Malama Way-990424. M

HOSAKA, Edward Y.-Gil 118; loc 419-Spec­ialist in pasture management and agronomy, AES-1403 Mahi PI.-904111. M

HOSHOR, John P.-Geo 322; loc of speech; ch., dept. of speech-174 Maka­wao St., Kailua, Oahu-256962. M

tHOTOKE, Grace H. S. (Mrs. Shigeru)-FernSchool; 866525-Lectr. in educ.; asst. internteacher sup.-3279 Kaohinani Dr.-69067. M

HOWARD, Ella E. (Mrs. James W.)-H 3; nophone-Mail clerk-99-821 Aiea Heights Dr.,Aiea, Oahu-465359. M

HOWERTON, Alma Mae (Mrs. William J.)­K 419; loc 451 (Engin.; MW, F p.m.) and K 319;loc 450 (Math.; TTh, F a.m.)-Steno., engineand math depts.-270-B Beach Walk-961071.M

HSIAO, Sidney c.-Gar 212; loc 301-Prof. of zoo.-3529 Akaka PI.-983275. M

"'HUMBERT, Roger P.-HSPA Exp. Sta.; 64543-Affiliate member, graduate facu1ty-3169 AlikaAve.-69314. M

HUNTER, Charles H.-Cr 312; dial O-Prof. ofhist.-5323 Oio Dr.-32662. M

HUNTER, Miller T.-Territorial Bldg., Kaunaka­kai, Molokai; 38235-County agent, AES­Kamiloloa, Molokai-38695. M

HUNTSBERRY, William E.-HA 17-A; dial 0­Asst. prof. of Eng.-16B Quincy PI.-775336.M

HYLIN, John W.-Hke 324; loc 352-Asst. bio­chemist, HAES-2955 Oahu Ave.-982360. M



HINES, John B. R., Col.-MSB; loc 341-Prof. ofmilitary sci.; ch., dept. of military sci.-Qtrs. 1,Ft. Ruger-81Oll ext 67331-Mailing address:c/o Dept. ofMilitary Sci., Univ. ofHawaii. M

HINES, Marvin C.-Bil234; loc 380-Postdoaoralfellow, NSFcontraet-2640-ARockRd.-997853.M

HINTON, Frank E.-Utility Shop 102; loc 268­Supt., construction and maintenance-1615 Kel­ler Rd.-9983ll. M

HIRAI, Beverly H. (Mrs. Seichi)-Hke 215-A; loc340-Sec. to the Dean and Asst. Dean, Coil. Agr.-3358·B Paalea St.-729253. M

tHmATA, James T.-Kapalama School; 84059­Lecu. in educ.; ATTP sup.-44-308 Mikiola Dr.,Kaneohe, Oahu-241455. M

tHIRATA, Sachie-Manoa School; educ.; ATTP sup.-3536 Akaka PI.-982095.

HlROKAWA, Kay M. (Mrs. Stanley M.)-H 120;loc 242, 238 or 245-Sec. to the Dean, Coil.General Studies-4473 Alakoa St.-704573. M

HIROTA, Charles M.-Utility Shop 102; loc 325­Construction and maintenance foreman-2324Lime St.-95698. M

HIROTSU, Agnes E. (Mrs. Theodore T.)-B 213;loc 411 or 458-0erk-2831-2 Varsity Citcle­901263. M

tHIRSCHY, Ira D., M.D.-Kapuaiwa Bldg.; 50511-Lecu. in nursing (1st sem.)-4050 TantalusDr.-999570.

HISCOCK, Ira V.-Geo 224-Carnegie visitingprof. ofbaet. (2nd sem.). M

HIU, Dawes N.-Bil 234; loc 280-Asst. prof. ofchem.-2610 Pacific Heights Rd.-55796. M

tHIYANE, James T.-Hke 134; loc 3SS-Asst. inhott., HAES-3273 Kehau Pl.-707133.

tHIU, Nancy T. (Mrs. Stanley B. S.)-LeilehuaHigh School; 224149-Leeu. in educ.; asst. internteacher sup.-1048 Hind Iuka Dr.-32550. M

tHO, Arthur V.-Bil 227; dial O-Grad. asst. inchem.-1l28 2nd Ave.-757542.

HOGLE, Frances de Vaux-Frear Hall; 92061­Head Resident-2569 Dole St.-921715.

HOKAMA, Horace H.-Aquarium, 2777 KalakauaAve.; 939741-Aquarist-3174 Harding Ave.­792053. M

HOLLEY, Frances E.-Federal Bldg., Hilo, Hawaii;51650 or 50944-County agent, AES-2314 Kala­nianaole Ave., Hilo, Hawaii-53441.

HOLMES, Wilfred J.-K 219-A; loc 446-Dean,Coil. of Engin.; prof. of engin. and math.-4009Black Point Rd.-78377. M

HOLTZMANN, Oliver V.-Hke 318; loc 329­AssL plant pathologist, HAES-3721 PukalaniPI.-743603. M

HONMA, Haruo-Wahiawa Civic Center; 224185-County agent, AES-326 Iliwai Dr., Wahiawa,Oahu-229324. M

HOOFMAN, Earvel S.-Thailand-Asst. prof. ofeduc., SEATO/UH-Thailand Project-Mailingaddress: SEATO/University of Hawaii Conuact,American Embassy, Attn: USOM, Bangkok,Thailand. M

HORAN, Claude F.-AA; loc 259-Prof. of att­3098 Wailani Rd.-620952. M

HORMANN, Bernhard L.-Geo 108; dialO-Prof.of soc.-2520 Malama Way-990424. M

HOSAKA, Edward Y.-Gil 118; loc 419-Spec­ialist in pasture management and agronomy, AES-1403 Mahi PI.-904ll1. M

HOSHOR, John P.-Geo 322; loc of speech; ch., dept. of speech-174 Maka­wao St., Kailua, Oahu-256962. M

tHOTOKE, Grace H. S. (Mrs. Shigeru)-FernSchool; 866525-Lecu. in educ.; asst. internteacher sup.-3279 Kaohinani Dr.-69067. M

HOWARD, Ella E. (Mrs. James W.)-H 3; nophone-Mail clerk-99-821 Mea Heights Dr.,Mea, Oahu-465359. M

HOWERTON, Alma Mae (Mrs. William J.)­K419; loc451 (Engin.; MW, F p.m.) and K 319;loc 450 (Math.; TTh, F a.m.)-Steno., engineand math depts.-270-B Beach Walk-961071.M

HSIAO, Sidney C.-Gar 212; loc 301-Prof. ofzoo.-3529 Akaka Pl.-983275. M

*HUMBERT, Roger P.-HSPA Exp. Sta.; 64543-Affiliate memoer, graduate faculty-3169 AlikaAve.-69314. M

HUNTER, Charles H.-Cr 312; dialO-Prof. ofhist.-5323 Oio Dr.-32662. M

HUNTER, Miller T.-Territorial Bldg., Kaunaka­kai, Molokai; 38235-County agent, AES­Kamiloloa, Molokai-38695. M

HOKAMA,ShitleyH.-Bookstore;loc322-0erk HUNTSBERRY, William E.-HA 17-A; dial 0--1318-A 10th Ave.-740603. Asst. prof. of Eng.-1613 Quincy PI.-775336.

MHOLDEN, Margaret E.-SL; loc 300, 378, or

996922-Research asst., LRB-2406 Round Top HYLIN, John W.-Hke 324; loc 352-Asst. bio­Dr.-991713. chemist, HAES-2955 Oahu Ave.-982360. M


lAMS, Ruth W. (Mrs. James P.)-B 113; loc 267or435-Counselor, Bur. ofTesting and Guidance-41 Punahou Campus-907904. M

IDE, Carol N.-Univ. Preschool; 991756-Steno.-1928 Hau St.-850978.

IDETA, Wilbur K.-H 16; loc 238,242 or 245­Duplicating machine operator-3332 WoodlawnDr.-982641.

IGE, Thomas H.-Cr 201-A; loc 440 or 442-Prof.of econ. and bus.; dir., Asian Studies Program­3951 Lurline Dr.-710095. M

IHARA, Teruo-W 214; loc 430-Asst. prof. ofeduc.-3162 Beaumont Woods Pl.-983685. M

IHRIG, Judson L.-Bil 325; loc 381-Assoc. prof.ofchem.-1645 Quincy PI.-774019. M

IKAWA, Haruyoshi-Gil 125; loc 330-Jr. soilscientist, HAES-Mailing address: Box 2684,Honolulu-979071.

IKEDA, Huoko-SL; loc 306-Curator, OrientalCollection;asst. prof. ofJapanese-3860.B ManoaRd.-982805.

IKEMOTO, Judy C.-Kealahou Community Hall,Waiakoa, Kula, Maui; 783O'S-Steno., AES­Mailing address: Box 327, Hamakuapoko, Maui-492821.

IN, Andrew W. S.-UHS 124; loc of educ.; principal, Univ. High School­3315 Oahu Ave.-982667. 1\1

INABA, Gladys M. (Mrs. Alan S.)-Dis 103; loc335-Clerk-steno.-2336 Hoonanea St.-990944.1\1

tlNCE, Iva P. (Mrs. William D.)-Kaimuki HighSchool; 7l91l-Lectr. in educ.; ATTP sup.­4526 Aukai Ave.-78294. 1\1

ING Laura C. (Mrs. Theodore)-Hawaii MarineLab., Coconut Island, Kaneohe, Oahu; 2,UO·U­Asst. in marine biology (sec.)-45·020 Likeke Pl.,Kaneohe,Oahu-243797. M

lNG, Pearl N. N.-Gil111; loc 228-Steno., AES-1738-A Lime St.-998528.

INGLESON, Lewis-Geo 206; loc 250-lnstr. inart (architecture)-2635 Lowrey Ave. M

INN, Agnes M. S.-W 102-D; loc 347-Asst. prof.ofeduc.-1630 Lusitana St.-65474.

INOUYE, Elaine Harumi-Kealakekua, Hawaii;238435-Steno.,AES-Kealakekua,Kona, Hawaii-238464.

INOUYE, Gwen M. (Mrs. Tsuneo)-H 16; loc245, 242, 238-Typist-2112 Fern St.-992467.M

INOUYE, Sally Y. (Mrs. Yutaka)-Caf; 992362­Clerk-3029Lanikaula St.-982689. M


*ISHIDA, Jack T.-Asst. specialist in agr. econ.,AES (on leave). M

ISHII, Mamoru-Hke 313; loc 329-Asst. plantpathologist, HAES; head, dept. of plant path.,ColI. Agr.-3016 Seaview Rise-98797. M

tlTAMOTO, Fred K., Jr.-Gar 3; loc 302-Grad.asst. in physics-3604 Maunalei Ave.

ITO, Irene F.-SL; loc 289-Typist-P. O. Box178, Waimanalo, Oahu-257767.

tITO, Isao-H 2; dial O-Lern. in bus.-Waialua,Oahu-234693-Mailing address: Box 517, Waia­lua,Oahu.

*ITO, Kiyoshi-PRI; 90981-Affiliate member,graduate faculty-3334 Kaimuki Ave.-726573.M

IVES, Robert N., Maj.-MSB; loc MI-Asst. prof.of military sci.-2400 Parker PI.-968815. M

IWAMI, Edith T. (Mrs. Hisao)-B 129; loc 313 or429-Sec. to the Dean of Student Personnel­2020 9th Ave.-700753. M

tIWAMOTO, Kiyono K. (Mrs. Shigeo)-WaikikiSchool; 937858-Lectr. in educ.; ATTP sup.­3861 Mariposa Dr.-717885. M

IWANAGA, Isaac I.-Hke 104; loc 356-Jr. animalscientist, HAES; instr. in agr.-2002-A Hunne­well St.-999105. M

IWANE, John Y.-Kealakekua, Hawaii; 238435­County agent, AES-Kealakekua, Kona, Hawaii-236381. M

IWASAKI, Ethel S.-H 18; loc 438-Steno., ERC-3662 Alani Dr.-982875.

*IZUMI, Katsuyuki, M.D.-1939 Vineyard St.,Wailuku, Maui-33949 and 33940-Regent,Univ.; Trustee, UHF-2637 Main St., Wailuku,Maui-338602 and 334132. M

IZUMI, Takaaki-SL; loc 300, 378, or 996922­Jr. researcher, LRB-2534-A Kapiolani Blvd.­913015. M

JACKSON, Ernest A.-Geo 210; loc of European lang.-734-A 10th Ave.­710501. M

JACKSON, Frank H.-H 17; loc 438-Assoc.researcher, ERC-1610 Correa Rd.-927164. M

JACKSON, Lowell D.-W 202-B; dial of educ.-525 Ulumu St., Kailua, Oahu­269680. M

tJACKSON, Roland S.-Gar 3; loc 302-Grad.asst. in physics-2656-A Rock Rd.-916085. M

JAMBOR, Harold A.-W 209-C; loc 328-Prof.ofsocial work-360 Hema PI.-31841. M




tJAMEIKIS, Brone Aleksandra-Geo 202; loc 220-Grad. asst. in art-2141-B Atherton Rd.

JAY, Cora-B 110; loc 226-Account clerk-2111Dole St.

JAY, Robert R.-Cr 201-G; dial O-Asst. prof. ofanthro.-1619 Correa Rd.-94507. M

TENKINS, Esther C. (Mrs.)-W 102-C; loc 310­Asst. prof. of educ.; director of ATTP-2746-AFerdinand Ave.-929123.

JENKINS, Rose C. C. (Mrs. Lucius F.)-UHSAn-l116; loe 246-Asst. in educ. (elem. and highschool nurse)-13567th Ave.-734542. M

JENSON, Clara A.-Geo 119; loc 250-Asst. prof.of German-2115 Kamehameha Ave.-959051.

*JOHIRO, Nancy F. (Mrs. Albert S.)-SL; loc 219-Typist, Lib. (on leave until March, 1960)­2452-3 Kapiolani Blvd.-976404. M

JOHNSON, Donald D.-Cr 307; dial O-Prof. ofhist.-672 Lawelawe St.-32941. M

JOHNSON, Harriet L.-CM 117; educ.-2943 Kalakaua Ave.

tJOHNSON, Nellie Stewart (Mrs. William MeIn­tyre)-Kalihi-Waena School; 86894-Lecu. ineduc.; asst. intern teacher sup.-1258 KapalamaAve.-812226. M

tJOHNSON, S. Eileen-Geo 333; loc 317-Grad.asst. in speech-2258 MetcalfSt.-990984.

tJONES, Charles J.-Geo 223-Grad. asst. inphil.-2656-BRockRd. M

tJONES, Natalie Winkler (Mrs. Charles J.)-HA1-A; dial O-Grad. asst. in Eng.-2656-B RockRd. M

JONES, Virginia A.-N 5; loc 2M-Dean, Coli. ofNursing; prof. of nursing-1929 Vancouver Dr.-955033.

tJORDAN, Werner H. G.-Bil 227; dial O-Grad.asst. in chem.-5242 Oio Dr.-31446. M

*JOYCE, Charles Raymond-U. S. Public HealthService; 513M-Affiliate member, graduate fac­ulty-5270Lawelawe PI.-31706. M

tKAAPU, Myrtle K. (Mrs. David M.)-FarringtonHigh School; 83331-Lectr. in educ.; ATTP sup.-Mailing address: Box 58, Hauula, Oahu. M

tKAAUAMO, Ramona M. (Mrs. Michael)-PearlCity Elem. School; 45645-Lecu. in educ.; Asst.intern teacher sup.-1552-A-7 Thurston Ave.­632865. M

KADOYAMA, Gertrude K.-W 207-B; loc 247­Steno.-1319 Pensacola St.-537165.

tKAGAWA, Grace M. (Mrs. Nelson)-SuaubClinic; 50901-Lectr. in medical tech.-3217Kaohinani Dr.-66919. M

KAGAWA, Sammy A.-Utility Shop 101; loc 268-Electrician foreman-1503-A Piikoi St.­522972. M

KAHANANUI, Doroth! M. (Mrs.)-UHSAn-1103; loc 246-Asst. prof. ofmusic-3239 HuelaniDr.-968072.

KAlHARA, Yasuto-SL; loc 422-Cataloguer­3367-0 Kaimuki Ave.-753963.

KAINA, Lorraine M.-UHSA; loc 255-lnsu. ineduc.-44-116 Keaalau Pl., Kaneohe, Oahu­243966.

KAJIWARA, Jane M. (Mrs. Larry)-K 210; loc 447-Steno., Institute of Geophysics-2060 LeilokeDr.-583456. M

KAKIGI, Frances H.-SL; loc 289-0erk-steno.­1632 So. King St.-996314.

KAKUGAWA, Hitoye M. (Mrs. Wallace N.)­Bil341; loc 385-Weather plotter, AF conttaCt­1302-1 N. Vineyard St.-843825. M

tKAMASAKI, Toshie K. (Mrs. Hitoshi)-NimitzSchool; 40574-Leett. in educ.; intern teachersup.-732 Pumehana St.-968392. M

KAMEMOTO, Haruyuki-Hke 132; loe 353-Horticulturist, HAES; prof. of agr.; ch., dept. ofhort., Coli. Agr.-3246 Lower Rd.-983251. M

*KAMINS, Robert M.-Direetor, LRB (on leave1959-60). M

KAMISATO, Jane S.-Cr A; loc 350-Asst. countyagent, AES-3424 Winam Ave.-734051.

KANDA, Noboru-Poamoho, Oahu; 234735­Farm manager, Poamoho Farm-Mailing address:Box 123, Waialua, Oahu. M

KANEHIRO, Yoshinori-Gil 124; loc 330-Asst.soil scientist, HAES; asst. prof. of agr.-3069PuhalaRise-982227. M

KANEMITSU, Daniel Y.-Hilo Campus; 48935­Insu. in Eng.-Mailing address: Box 84, Volcano,Hawaii-672571.

KANESHIRO, Ethel S.-SL; loc 263-Typist, Lib.-2522-A3 Date St.-913262.

KANESHIRO, Lawrene L. (Mrs. Elmo T.)-SL;loc 289-Typist-3453 Hinahina St.-745767.M

KANESHIRO, Yoshie K. (Mrs. Hideo)-H 18;loc438-0erk-steno.-2255-A Date St.-965263.M

KANNO, Maty K. (Mrs. Tadashi)-W 203; loc417-Steno.-2064 Young St., Apt. 5-969583.M

KANSAKO, Hatsumi-UES 101; loc 285-lnternin lib. sci. (lst sem.)-2307-11 Young St.­997427.


KASASHIMA, George K.-Aquarium, 2777 Kala­kaua Ave.; 939741-Aquarist-1122-D 2nd Ave.-737125. M

KATO, Nancy F. O. (Mrs. Albert M.)-SL; loc 308-Typist, Lib.-2004 Eluwene St. M

tKATO, Susumu-Hawaii Marine Lab., CoconutIsland, Kaneohe, Oahu; 244041-Asst. in marinebiology, ABC conuact-94-520 Kallio St., Wai­pahu, Oahu-273478.

tKATZ, Lewis R.-Cr 302; dial O-Grad. govt.-Cencral YMCA.

tKAWAMURA, Macsuyo-Lanakila School;848145-Lectr. in educ.; ATIP sup.-2231 PauoaRd.-53195.

KAWANO. Yoshihiko-Hke 324; loc 352-Jr.chemist, HAES-1645 Nuuanu Ave.-S6323. M

KAY. Elizabeth Alison-D 7; dial O-Asst. prof.of sci.-2928 Nanihale PJ.-982312.

KAZUNAGA. Betty_ K. (Mrs. Itsuji)-H 16; Joe238. 242 or 245-Typist-98-503 Moanalua Rd.•Aiea, Oahu-466321. M

KEELER. Joseph Thomas-Gil 207; Joe 420-Asst.agr. economist, HAES-876-B Aalapapa Dr.,Kailua,Oahu-251974. M

KEELEY. Harold ].-Johnson Hall; 90591-Headresident-255S Dole St.-990472. M

-KELLER, Arthur R.-Dean emeritus-2456 OahuAve.-990443. M

KEMBLE, Edith G. (Mrs. R. Ringer)-SL; Joe 308-Lib. aicle-41-1010 Nenue St.• Waimanalo,Oahu-257316. M

KEMPA. Robert M.-ME Lab; Joe 237-Stationaryengineer-2636-A Rock Rd. M

-KERNS, Kenneth R.-PRI, Wahiawa. Oahu;226121-Afliliate member, graduate facultY-76UJuwehi Ave., Wahiawa, Oahu-225205. M

KERR, Marian J.-MB 3 (1st sem.) and MB 19(2nd sem.); loc 454-Asst. prof. of music-2369·A University Ave.-998246.

tKIM. Henry H.-Cr 326; dial O-Asst. in soc.­1748-A Lusitana St.-506812. M·

KIMURA,JanetJ. (Mrs. Gerald)-M 109; loc331-Clerk-steno.-2252 Aulii St.-80046. M

KIMURA, Sueko M. (Mrs. Keichi)-Geo 133;loc 251-Asst. prof. or art (on leave 1st sem.)­2567-B Henry St.-62769. M

KIMURA. Toraichi-Aquarium, 2777 KalakauaAve.; 939741-Aquarist-640 Hunalewa St.­715763. M

KINCH, Donald M.-AEI 103; loc, HAES; head. dept. of agr. engin., Coll.Agr.; prof. of agr.-5636 Opihi 5t.-31874. M


tKINDIG, Muta M. (Mrs. Eugene B.)-Geo 221;loc 317-Grad. asst. in speech-1928 McKinley5t.-913375. M

KINGREY. Kenneth-Geo 134; loc of art-3787 Diamond Head Rd.-729605.

KINOSHITA. Chiyono (Mrs. Hideshi)-HiloCampus; 51093 or 48935-Sec.-23 Nohea St.•Hilo, Hawaii-56542. M

KINOSHITA, Florence H. (Mrs. Takeshi)-SL; loc230-Typist. Lib.-98-423 Ponohale St., Aiea,Oahu-464469. M

KIRKPATRICK, Arthur L.-H 111; loc 367­Asst. prof. of econ.-1631 Eckart Rd.-900791.M

KIRSCHBAUM. William T.-AEI; loc 354-Agr.engin. foreman, HAES-722-A Maluniu Ave.,Kailua,Oahu-250295. M

KITAGAWA. Marion (Mrs. Isamu)-Cr 208; loc439-Sec. to the Dean, Summer Session-3352Paalea St.-724225. M

KITAGAWA, Yukio-Wahiawa Civic Center;224185-Asst. county agent, AES-112 N. KamHwy., Wahiawa, Oahu-225622.

KITSU, Raymond K., M/Sgt.-MSB; loc 288­Instr. in military sci.-2928 Keoni St.-992489.M

KITIELSON. DavidJ.-SL; loc 264-Asst., Hawa­iian and Pacific collection-1921-A Dole St.­94687. M

tKIYOKAWA, Fusae Y. (Mrs. Toshio)-ThomasJefferson School; 774831-Lectr. in educ.; ATTPsup.-3225 Woodlawn Or.-982335. M

KLEMAN.John P.-Cr A 2; 996765-Jr. psycholo­gist, PRC, NIH conuact-919 Noio St.-773578.

-KLEMMER, Howard W.-PRI; 90981-Affiliatemember, graduate faculty-3137 Huelani PI.­903914.

KLOPF, DonaldW.-Geo 317; loc 317-Asst. prof.of speech-516 Ulumu St., Kailua. Oahu­269588. M

KNOWLTON, Edgar C., Jr.-Geo 116; dial 0­Assoc. prof. ofEuropean lang.-2644-C Rock Rd.

KOBATAKE. Marian N. (Mrs. Yoshito)-SL; loc422-Typist. Lib.-1043 Noelani St.• Pearl City,Oahu-451770. 1\1

KOBAYASHI, Hanako-SL; loc 300 or 378-Jr.research librarian. LRB-2621 Kaaha St., Apt.6­998427.

tKOBAYASHI, Victor N.-W 204; loc 347-Grad.asst. in educ.-3115 Kahaloa Dr.-982075.

KOGA. Yoshi Hazel (Mrs. Kenneth K.)-Dist02-C; loc 229-Instr. in dental hygiene-4528Aliikoa St.-743354. M

~~" I







KOGACHI, Shirley Yoneko-Kealahou Commun­ity Hall, Waiakoa, Kula, Maui; 783065-Asst.county agent, AES-Kula, Maui.

KOMATSU, Allene A.-W 206; loc 428-Steno.­718 Hoawa St.-991184.

KOMENAKA, Sakae (Mrs. John I.)-Dis 103;loc 335-Practical nurse-1041-A 16th Ave.­73030. M

·KONDO, Yoshio-Bishop Museum; 85951­Affiliate member, graduate faculty-809-A Isen­berg St.-94531. M

tKONG, Richard T. Y.-Stevenson Inter. School;53931-Lecu. in educ.; ATTP sup.-2416 OahuAve.-94062. M

KORN, Alfons L.-HA 22; dial O-Prof. ofEng.­2446 Sonoma St.-997518. M

KOSAKI, Richard H.-Assc. prof. of govt. (onleave 1959'-60). M

KOSHI,James H.-Hke 103; loc337-Area Special­ist in dairy sci., AES; assoc. prof. of agr.-5118-AKalanianaole Hwy.-32837. M

KOZUMA, Edna T. (Mrs. Robert M.)-B 132;loc 372-Clerk-45-1172 MakamaeSt., Kaneohe,Oahu-244011. M

KRAMER, Charlotte E. (Mrs.John,Jr.)-UHS 212;loc 292-Asst. prof. of educ.-102 14th St.,Hickam Village-493604. M

*KRAUSS, Beatrice H.-PRJ; 90981-Affiliatemember, graduate faculty-2437 Parker Pl.­990429.

*KRAUSS, Frederick George-Prof. emeritus ofagr.-2437 Parker PI.-990429. M

KRAUSS, Irving-Cr 320; dial O-Asst. prof. ofsoc.-2486-A East Manoa Rd.-990739. M

KUBOTA, Doris K.-Gil 109; loc 339-Steno.,AES-2272 Hanakea10ha Pl.-791382.

tKUBOTA, Ernest H.-Hilo Campus; 51093­Lern. in bus.-1064 Kinoole St.-51378. M

KUDAR, John C.-Gar 102-C; loc of physics-2584-E Cartwright Rd.­937278. M

KUM, Gladys C. (Mrs. K. L.)-SL; dial O-Steno.,Lib.-1240·A S. Beretania St.-997051. M

KUMABE, Bunki-Territorial Bldg., Lihue, Kauai;2036-County agent, AES-Wailua House Lots,Kapaa, Kauai-65164. M

KUMAGAI, Helen K. U. (Mrs. Ka2uo)-B 110;loc 226-Account clerk-3429 Wela St.-737572.M

KUNIOKA, Shi2umi-UHSAn-1 114; loc 252­Caf. manager, High School-2243 Sea View Ave.


KURAMOTO, Bessie M.-SB; 96246-Sec.,Athletic Office-1019-A Houghtailing Rd.­849405.

KURASHIGE, PhilipK.-B 110; loc 278-Accountclerk-727 Alder Sc. M

tKUWABARA, Setsue O. (Mrs. Donald S.)­Kalihi-kai School; 846135-Leeu. in educ.; ATTPsup.-962-B Spencer St.-506348. M

KUWABARA, Walter S.-Bil 222; loc chem.-1860-A Vancouver Dr.-994258. M

KUWAMOTO, Kitaro-Dairy Office; loc 286­Farm Manager, HAES-3166 Charles St.-75036.M

KUWAYE, Mary F. (Mrs. Kenneth)-Ent; loc 276-Steno., HAES-2138-C Kapiolani Blvd.­992772. M

*KUYKENDALL, Ralph S.-SL; loc 2M-Prof.emeritus ofhist.-1925 Makiki St.-999099.

KYSELKA, Will-UHSAn-2 211; dial ofeduc.-905-D Kealaolu Pl.-78817.

LACHMAN, Roy-Hilo Campus; of psychol.-305 Mohouli St., Hilo, Hawaii-49054. M

LACKEY, Curtis E.-Thailand-Asst. prof. ofeduc., SEATO/UH-Thailand Project-Mailingaddress: SEATO/University of Hawaii Contract,American Embassy, Attn: USOM, Bangkok,Thailand. M

*LAM, Frederick K., M.D.-181 S. Kukui St.;65981-Vice-Chairman, Board ofRegents, Univ.;Trustee, UHF-2337 E. Manoa Rd.-96625. M

LAMOUREUX, Charles H.-D 9; dial ofbot.-3505 Lelehune Pl.-982579. M

LAMPARD, William Dyre-W 212·C; dial 0­Assoc. prof. of educ.-3745 Lurline Dr.-73062.M

LANDRY, Vivian A. (Mrs.)-Gil113; loc 327­Asst. sup. in 4-H club work, AES-3094 WailaniRd.-628161.

tLANDSTREET, James C.-K 311; loc 449­Lern. in engin.-4478 Aukai Ave.-78810. M

tLANE, Helen W. (Mrs.)-Farrington High School;813331-Lecu. in educ.; ATTP sup.-2065 Lani­hull St.-991964.

LANE, Irwin E.-D 3-A; dial O-Insu. in bot.­3107 Hinano St.-716181. M

LANGHANS, Edward A.-F 103; dial of drama; ch., dept. of drama and theatre­1837-C Keller Rd.-901282.

LANTZ, Priscilla-W 108-B; dial O-Asst. prof. ofeduc.-2343 Plumeria PI.-928515.

LARM, Edwin-UHS 234; dial O-Insu. in educ.­3414 Hardesty St.-716702. M

LARSON, Hatold 0.-Bil232; loc 3BO-Asst. prof.ofchem.-2139 Kuhio Ave.-965361.

LARSON, Valentine K. (Mrs.)-Geo 315; Ioc 317-Asst. prof. of speech-16M Eckart Rd.­914492.

lAU, Florence W. (Mrs. Howard K. S.)-8 132;Ioc 373-Supervising clerk-5203 Pilikai St.­32212. M

flAU, Hung Sun-O 4; dial O-Asst. in bot.­1724 KewaloSt.-59214. M

lAU, Kenneth K.-Sl; Ioc 300, 378, or 996922­Acting director, lRB; prof. of bus.-1068 NoioSt.-773059. M

LAU, leung.Ku Stephen-K 308; loc ," ofengin.-3940 Sierra Dr. M

lAVOIE, Ronald l.-Bil 341; loc 38S-Asst. prof.of meteorology; asst. meteorologist-2745·AManoa Rd.-947812.

lAVY, William F.-Hilo Campus; Spanish and music-362 Kauila St., Hilo,Hawaii-3296. M

lEE, Bessie B. S.-H 206; loc 266-lnser. in econ.and bus.-130·A Circle Dr., Wahiawa, Oahu­228390.

flEE, lila W. (Mrs. Richard F.)-Kainalu Elem.School; 269733-lecu. in educ.; ATTP sup.­1154 Uluopihi loop, Kailua, Oahu-251960. M

flEE, Robert K. S.-O 103; loc 369-Grad. bot.-1309·A Wilder Ave.-626965. M

lEE, Samuel S. O.-H 202.C; dial O-Inser. inecon. and bus.-264S·B Rock Rd.-94548. 1\1

*lEEBRICK, Karl C.-Maunaolu College, Paia,Maui; Wku 493332-Prof. emeritus of govt.­Paia, Maui-Wku 423132-Mailing address: Box267, Paia, Maui. M

lEE KAI, Fannie H. N. (Mrs. ]ames)-Gil 101;Ioc 234-Adm. sec., AES-793 Punahou St.­94262. M

*lEEPER, Robert W.-PRI; 9098l-Affiliate mem­ber, graduate facuIty-343 Nenue St.-313M. M

lEFFORGE, Orland S.-Geo 319; loc ofspeech-2656.D Rock Rd.-908724. M

flEI, Kenneth Pak-Vo-Bil 227; Ioc 383-Grad.asst. in chem.-3229·A Francis St.-75515.

lEIB, Amos P.-HA 16; dialO-Asst. prof. ofEng.-2419 St. louis Or.-743957. M

lEIB, Edna lee P. (Mrs. Amos P.)-CM 117;99l7S6-Assc. prof. of educ.-2419 St. louis Dr.-743957. M


LEONG, Cynthia Faye (Mrs. Wallace T. U.)­K 407; loc 4S2-lnsu. in math.-1940 ManoaRd.-998297. M

flEONG Daniel l. Y.-O 210; loc 2lB-Gradasst. in hact.-6154.A Makaniolu PI.-30354.

flEONG, Melba E.-Geo 333; loc 317-Grad.asst. in speech-2721 Kolonahe PI.-67690.

lEONG, Yau Sing-H 110·C; loc 367-Prof. ofecon. and bus.-1915 Hunnewell St.-95677. M

JIolEVINE, Max-O 201; Ioc 2l8-Research bact.-348 Hind Or.-32776. M

flEWIS, Alan G.-Gar 208; loc 30l-Grad. zoo.-2636·C Rock Rd.-929201. M

lEWIS, Helen M. (Mrs.)-Geo 339; loc 317­Inser. in speech-260 Lewers Rd., Apt. 403­933683.

L1, David G. Y.-Hke 142; loc 3SS-Assoc.director of Hawaiian Science Clubs Service, NSFconeract-4165 Black Point PI.-78286.

LIN, Ronald-Geo 208; dial O-Instr. in speech­1612 Dole St., Apt. 2C-991523. M

LIND, Andrew W.-Cr 323; loc 2ct8-Prof. of soc.;director, Romanzo Adams Social Research lab.­2609 Doris PI.-990350. M

UNN,]ames R. l.-Geo 327; loc 3l7-Asst. prof.ofspeech-1627 Keller Rd.-900285. M

fUPPMAN, Richard W.-414 N. Camden Dr.,Beverly 1-IiUs, Calif.-Co·principal investigator,NIH project. M

LISHMAN, Annie M. (Mrs. Thomas K.)-Kauna.kakai, Molokai; 38235-Steno., AES-Hoolehua,Kaunakakai, Molokai-38262. M

*L1U, Ruth A. K. (Mrs. Harry F.)-MSB; loc 3101­Sec., Army ROTC-1344 Moi Way-77028. M

LIVESAY, Thayne M.-Geo 309; loc 362-Prof.of psychol.-1710 Makiki St., Apt. 701-991826.M

flOO, Kam Yuen (Mrs. Stanley Y. T.)-KalakauaInter. School; 834845 or 86884-lectr. in educ.;asst. intern teacher sup.-2916 Oahu Ave.­98598. M

flOO, Sakae N. (Mrs. Henry)-Kaiulani School;84l06-lectf. in educ.; asst. intern teacher sup.-1440·B Keeaumoku St.-506987. M

flOO,SarahH. (Mrs.JosephA.)-lunalilo School;998270-lecu. in educ.; ATTP sup.-3326 Hay­denSt.-745358. M

flOO, Solomon Y.-Cr 326; dial O-Grad. asst. insoc.-4428 Sierra Dr.-744582.

lOUIS, Edith ling (Mrs. James l.)-UHSAn-2211; dial O-Insu. in educ.-1447 AIencasue St.-76734. M
















LOWERS, James K.-HA 10; dial O-Assoc. prof.ofEng.-307 Halemaumau St.-33360. M

tLUKE, KanJung-H 206; loe 266-Lecrr. in bus.-2002 Vancouver Dr.-990879. M

LUKELA, Fukuye (Mrs. Joe)-Gil 205; loc 239­Steno., AES-2356 Kuahea St.-710803. M

LUM, Joana C. N.-FP; loc 210-Asst. in research,HAES-407 Prospect St.-57223.

LUM, Lillian Awai (Mrs. Hung Chiu)-UHSAn-2218; loc 254; or UHSAn-3 132; loc educ.-1927 Vancouver Dr.-94552. M

tLUM-KING, Jennie W. (Mrs. Walter B. W.)­Pearl City Elem. School; 45645-Lecu. in educ.;ATTP sup.-216 Halemaumau St.-33405. M

LUOMALA, Katharine-Cr 201-F; dial O-Prof. ofanthro. (on leave 2nd sem.)-452 Kalaimoku St.-90782.

*LUQUIENS, Huc-Muelet-Prof. emeritus of art-4528 KahalaAve.-78319. M

LUTER, Ellen B. (Mrs. George W.)-B 105; loc314; or Hke 215-A; loc 205-Information special­ist, OPI; editor, HAES-6810 Kalanianaole Hwy.-39141. M

LYMAN, Clarence-Gil 118; loc 419-Specialistin soil management, AES-2436 Sonoma St.­944172. M

tLYND, Frederick T.-Hke 107; loc agr.-359 Ilimalia Loop, Kailua, Oahu­253207. M

LYNN, David R.-Thailand-Asst. prof. of educ.,SEATO/UH-Thailand Project-Mailing address:SEATO/University ofHawaii Contract, AmericanEmbassy, Attn: USOM, Bangkok, Thailand. M

MACDONALD, Gordon A.-D 101-A; loc 241­Prof. of geol. and geophysics-326 Lanipo St.,Kailua,Oahu-251866. M

MAENAKA, DorisJ. (Mrs. Bert)-Bil112; loc 280-Chemical stores clerk-1821 Kilohi St.­855861. M

tMAESHIRO, MelvinM.-McKinleyHighSchool;61061-Lectr. in educ.; ATTP sup.-275 KalihiSt., Apt. 3-856445. M

MAGNO, Edward M.-Gar 209; loc 301-Chemi­cal stores clerk-2902 Varsity Circle, Apt. 4­978384.

MAHAULU, Blossom S. (Mrs. Thomas K.)-Hke226; loc 334-Steno., AES-3259-E Hayden St.­794101. M

tMAKISHIMA, Florence F.-Pauoa School; 56837-Lecer. in educ.; intern teacher sup.-1085Karratti Lane-68708.

MANCHESTER, Curtis A., Jr.-H 105; loc 366­Prof. of geog.-3923 Lurline Dr.-75054. M


MANEY, Florence (Mrs. J. H.)-HA 11; dial 0­Asst. prof. ofEng.-5277 Apo Dr. M

"'MANGELSDORF, Albert J.-HSPA Exp. Sea.;64M3-Affiliate member, graduate faculty-1964Judd Hillside-96601. M

MANN, Thelma T. (Mrs. Arthur F.)-UHS 232;loc 293-Instt. in educ.-4425-A Sierra Dr.­743179. M

MARDER, Arthur J.-Cr 308; dial O-Prof. ofhist. (on leave 2nd sem.)-4921 Kolohala St.­736725. M

MARGULIES, Herbert F.-Cr 318; dial of hist.-5504 Kalanianaole Hwy. M

MARK, Shelley M.-Assoc. prof. ofecon.; director,ERC (on leave 1959-(50). M

tMARSHMAN, Charles T.-H 117-A; loc 332­Grad. asst. in bus. and econ.-1579 Piikoi St.­56006.

*MARTIN, Joseph P.-HSPA Exp. Sea.; 64543­Affiliate member, graduate faculty-2117 KakelaDr.-997077. M

*MARTIN, Marjorie M.-Hale Wahine; 95168­Exec. 00., Univ. YWCA-2150 Atherton Rd.­998192.

MARTIN, Robert M.-W 214; loc 430 or 431­Director, secondary educ.; coordinator, SEATO/UH-Thailand Project; assoc. prof. of educ.-3391Anoai PI.-982487. M

MARUYA, Matsuo-Aquarium, 2777 KaIakauaAve.; 939741-Aquarist-2054 Palolo Ave.­704203. M

MARuYAMA, Charles I.-Federal Bldg., Hilo,Hawaii; 51650 or 50944-County agent, AES­2530 Kilauea Ave., Hilo, Hawaii-56704. M

MARUYAMA, Helen S. (Mrs. Wilfred H.)-Hke106; loc 356-Steno.r HAES-855 Luawai St.­771518. M

MASAKI, Ethel K. (Mrs. Katsumi)-Bil 341; loc385-Weather plotter, AF conttact-1412 Kaulu­wela Lane, Apt. C-629892. M

MASON, Beret-NASKA Adm. Bldg., Kahului,Maui; 726195-Asst. county agent, AES.

MASON, Leonard E.-Cr 201-0; loc 415 or 441­Prof. of anthro.; ch., dept. of anthro.-5234Keakealani St.-31591. M

MASUDA, Marion T. (Mrs.)-B 206; loc 206­Adm. sec.-2910 Kahawai St.-983253.

MASUMOTO, Sachiko-Kealakekua, Hawaii;238435-County agent, AES-Holualoa, Hawaii-244041.

--- --- --------------------------------,

MATSUBA, Esther K.-Federal Bldg., Hila,Hawaii; 51650 or 50944-Asst. county agent,AES.

MATSUBARA, Thelma T.-W 102; loc 347 or 310-Steno.-1830.2 Kahakai Dr.-915872.

tMATSUDA, Fujio-K 209; loc44B-Assoc. prof.ofengin.-3654-E Nuuanu Ave.-61549. M

*MATSUI, Helen Yukiko-Instr. in educt (onleave 1959-60).

MATSUMOTO, Dan K.-Kea1akekua, Hawaii;238435-Asst. county agent, AES-Honaunau,South Kona, Hawaii. M

MATSUMOTO, Eleanor A.-Gil 108; loc 339­Asst. specialist in home econ., AES-1727 ApakiSt.-88474.

MATSUMOTO, Hiromu-Hke 330; loc 352­Asst. chemist, HAES; head, dept. of agr. bio·chemistry, Call. Agr.-2385 Oanu Ave.-96689.

MATSUMOTO, Joyce A.-H 117.A; dial O-Jr.researcher in econ. and bus.-812 Lukepane Ave.-743029.

MATSUMOTO, Kazuma-Bit 222; loc 382­Chemical stores derk-1259·A S. King St.­54736.

tMATSUNAGA, Prederick M.-Gar 102·B; lac302-Asst. in physics, AP contract-488 N. KiDgSt.-55866.

MATSUNAGA, Kay K. (Mrs. Kaoru)-B 124;loc 212-Steno.-1734 Kahai St.-843225. M

MATSUSAKA, Yosbito-Gil 115; loc S30-Jr.soil scientist, HAES-99·393·A Aiea Heights Dr.,Aiea, Oahu-464832. M

MATSUURA, Minoru-CCC Camp RecreationalBldg., Kamuela, Hawaii; 858475-County agent,AES-Kamuela, Hawaii-858292. M

MATSUWAKI, Yosbie-Territorial Bldg., Lihue,Kauai; 2036-Steno., AES-Lawai, Kauai­33483.

MATSUYOSHI, Zenko-SL; loc 263-Lib. asst.­1920 Young St.-997980.

MATTHEWS, Donald C.-Gar 202·B; loc 301­Prof. of zoo.; ch., dept. of zoo. and ent.-41·972Laumilo St., Waimanalo, Oahu. M

tMATTIX, Myrna M.-H 117·A; loc 332-Grad.asst. in econ. and bus.-1904 Vancouver Dr.­990877.

MAXWELL, Stanley L.-Thailand-Asst. prof. ofeduc., SEATO/UH.Thailand Project-Mailingaddress: SEATO/University of Hawaii Conuact,American Embassy, Attn: USOM, Bangkok,Thailand. M


McALISTER, Dorothy C. (Mrs. Kenneth C.)-SL;lac 422-Head, catalog dept.-640 Hind-IukaDr.-31425. M

tMcALlSTBR, Dorothy Steltz (Mrs. William C.)­McKinley High School; 61061-Lecu. in educ.;ATTP sup.-2531 Rainbow Dr.-98562. M

McALLISTER, Howard C.-Gar 7; lac of physics-1605 Eckart Rd.-96247. M

McCABE, Sumie F. (Mrs. Thomas J.)-B 217.A;loc 386-Acc. foreign student ac:lvisor-1922Uluwehi Pl.-998686. M

McCARTHY, Harold E.-Geo 137; dial O-Prof.ofphil.-2345 Liloa Rise-976555. M

McCASKILL, John C., Maj.-MSB; loc of military sci.-87·C Pc. Ruger-8l011ext 67241. M

McCLAIN'lohn D., Jr., 1st Lt.-ASB; loc 262­Asst. pro. of air sci.-532 Kaiemi St., Kailua,Oahu. M

McELRATH, Miles K.,Jr.-Geo 219; dial ofJapanese-445 Kalaimoku St., Apt. 101.

McGOWAN, M. Leone-UHS 3·135; loc 253­Instr. in educ.-1621 Anapuoi Sr.

McGUIRE, Donald C.-Hke 120' loc S51-Assoc.olericulturist, HAES; assoc. prol. ofagr.; director,Hawaiian Science Clubs Service (NSP conuact)­2528 Olopua St.-982750. M

tMclNTIRE, William N.-Cr 20l.B; loc 440 or442-Grad. asst. in Overseas Operations-2927Robert Pl.-773541. M

MciNTOSH, Thelma A. {Mrs. Edward L.)-W211·A; dial O-Asst. p....of. of educ.-1752 Mika·bala Way-773314. M

McPHERSON, Mary Lou (Mrs.)-B 126; loc 277-Director, Bur. of Student Residences-2611Terrace Dr.-999436.

MELLER, Norman-Cr 305; dial O-Prof. of govt.-2615 Aaliamanu Pl.-57896. M

tMENEZ, Ernani G.-D 1; loc 369-Asst. in bot.,NSP conuacc-1914 University Ave.

tMEREDITH, Gerald Marvin-Geo 304; loc 224-Grad. asst. in psychol.-1519·A1 Wilder Ave.

MERRITT, Fred C.,Jr.-W 209·Aj lac 328-Assoc.Elof. of social work-1738 Correa Rd.-996301.

tMBTZGBR, Jane T. (Mrs. Paul H.)-Bil 219;loc _-Asst. in chem., NIH contract-1630Makiki St., Apt. 304-A-960673. M

METZGER, Paul H.-Gar 102.A; loc physics-1630 Makiki Sc., Ape. 304-A­960673. M


°MEYER, George A.-W 214; loc 430 or 431­Assoc. prof. of educ.-44 N. Kalaheo Ave.,Kailua, Oahu-254828. M

MIGUEL, Visitacion L.-Hem 204; loc 324­Jr. specialist in student personnel (exec. sec.,ASUH, financial counselor)-1249-C MadockAve.-633745.

MlHATA, Keichi-45-260 WaikaluaRd., Kaneohe,Oahu; 241762 or 242658-County agent, AES­383-A Kainalu Dr., Kailua, Oahu-251862. M

*MIHO, Paul K.-Atherton House; 904135 or94968-Exec. sec., Univ. YMCA-2340 MetcalfSt.-914225. M

Ml}1, Grayce O. (Mrs. Robert T.)-B 131; loc 36S-Keypunch sup.-3025 Seaview Rise-982101.M

MIKAMI, George-SL; loc 263-0erk, Lib.­3207 Herbert St.-75592.

MILES, Dorothy Hughes-B 105; loc 3n-Infor­mation specialist and news editor, OPI-2957KalakauaAve., Apt.116-935857.

"'MILLER, Carey D.-Prof. emeritus of foods andnutrition-2627 Kaaipu Ave.-996272.

MILLER, Virginia N. (Mrs. Kleber R.)-HA 12;dial O-Insu. in Eng.-47-679 Ahuimanu Rd.,Kahaluu, Kaneohe, Oahu-248648. M

tMILLIGAN, Caroline C.-Bil 227; dial O-Grad.asst. in chem.-1637 Anapuni St., Apt. 4­904085.

tMIN, Gladys K.. (Mrs. Kwang Ho)-KaiulaniSchool; 84165-Lecu. in educ.; intern teachersup.-1707 Bertram St.-734312. M

tMINK, Patsy T. (Mrs. John Francis)-H 2; dial 0-Leetr. in bus.-94-1037 Maikai St., Waipahu,Oahu-~74839. M

tMINN, Albert P. S.-Kaimuki High School;n911-Lecu. in educ.; ATTP sup.-161 MakuaSt., Kailua, Oahu-255143. M

MISHINA, Alice S. (Mrs. Richard)-Geo 321; loc202 or 317-Steno.-1141 21st Ave.-771454.M

*MITCHELL, Wallace C.-Fruit Fly Lab.; 990955­Affiliate member, graduate faculty-1673 PaulaDr.-743680. M

MITSUDA, Tetsuichi-E 27; loc 359-Asst. prof.of engin.-1823-D Keller Rd., Apt. E-961491.

tMIURA, HarveyS.-Gil 119; loc 3M-Asst. inplant physiology, HAES-1128 Kamaile St.­501322. M

MIURA, Sueko (Mrs. Jay J.)-Klum 1; loc 240 or214-Steno.-2044-B 9th Ave.-773783. M

MIYAKE, Iwao-Gar 102; loc 302-Prof. ofphysics; ch., dept. of physics-2035 WilhelminaRise-774035. M

*MIYAKE, James S.-Foreign student advisor(on leave 1959-(0)-Mailing address: JUSMAG,Attn: USIS, APO 146, San Francisco, Calif. M

MIYAMOTO, Masao-B 101; loc 3n-Photogra­pher, OPI-3338 Woodlawn Dr.-98864. M

MIYAMOTO, Matsue K. (Mrs. Katsuto)-K 219;loc 446-Sec. to the Dean, Coll. ofEngineering­1657-F Alaneo PL-510051. M

MIYASATO, Melva K.-B 110; loc 226-0erk­steno.-1320 Piikoi St.-507141.

MIYASATO, Mildred H. (Mrs. Wallace C.)­B 101; loc 272-Steno., Univ. of Hawaii Press­1730-B Olona Lane-620871. M

MIZUNO, Amy H. (Mrs. Henry H.)-CM 124;991756-lnsu. in educ.-4022 Koko Dr.­775218. M

MOBERLY, Ralph M., Jr.-D 106; loc of geol.-45-1084 Grote Rd., Kaneohe,Oahu-243988. M

tMOELLER, Henry W.-D 103; dial O-Grad.asst. in sci.-2022-A University Ave.-906784.

MOEPONO, Anita K. (Mrs. Moses)-B 107;977325-Exec. sec., Alumni Assn.-1703 KamaliiSt.-80102. M

MOLLETT, John A.-Gil 208; loc 420-Asst. age.economist, HAES; asst. prof. of age.-1749Correa Rd.-998649. M

MONICO, Margaret A.-SL; loc 230-Head, govt.documents collection-1526 Liholiho St., Apt. 0-632052.

MOOMAW, James C.-Gil 122; loc 330-Asst.agronomist, HAES; asst. prof. of agr.-3593Alani Dr.-982569. M

tMOORE, Anneliese W. (Mrs. Paul R.)-Geo 122;loc 250-Lecu. in European lang.-792-A N.Kalaheo Ave., Kailua, Oahu-254758. M

MOORE, Charles A.-SL 504-A; loc 323-Prof. ofphil.; editor, Phil. Bast and West-424 Launiu St.,Apt. 1-95183.

MOORE, ClarenceL.-Kealakekua, Hawaii; 238435-Jr. specialist in livestock, AES-Kealakekua,Hawaii-237575-Mailing address: Box 208,Kealakekua, Hawaii. M

MORGAN Rhonel E., Capt.-ASB; loc 262­Asst. prof. ofair sci.-5478 Opihi St.-33286. M

tMORIMOTO, Shizuko-Central Inter. School;57594-Lecu. in educ.; ATTP sup.-2005 DoleSt.-998397.


MORISAKO, Dorothy H. (Mrs. Henry H.)-Gil209; loc 235-Account clerk, ColI. Agr.-2708Hipawai PI.-990149. M

MORISAKO, Jiro-Aquarium, 2777 Kalakaua,Ave.; 939741-Aquarist-1319 N. King St.­851400. M

MORITA, Kay K. (Mrs. Susumu)-Hke 311; loc329 or 236-Steno., HAES-1371 Halekoa Dr.­703223. M

MORITA, Kiyoichi-Hke 100; loc 356-Asst. inanimal sci., HAES-Mailing address: c/o Univ.ofHawaii Farm-997242. M

MORRILL, Olive L. (Mrs. J. Glenn)-45·260Waikalua Rd., Kaneohe, Oahu; 241762 or 242658-Asst. county agent, AES-55·370 Kam Hwy.,Laie,Oahu-293078. M

MORRIS, Ald1th V. (Mrs. Ray)-B 101; loc 272­Managing editor, Univ. of Hawaii Press-102815th Ave.-77905. M

MORRIS, Americo D.-Technician, Bauxite Rec.lamation Project, HAES-Mailing address: Box9, Kalaheo, Kauai. 1\1

tMORRIS, Robert A.-ZA.A; loc 273-Grad.asst. in zoo.-3860·D Manoa Rd.-983691.

MORTENSEN, James K. P.-HA 14; dial 0­Instr. in Eng.-2644.B Rock Rd. M

MOSELEY, Roger L.-Hilo Campus; 51093­Director; asst. prof. of econ. and bus.-150Kaiulani St., Hilo, Hawaii-5422G. M

MOTOBU, Tatsumi-Federal Bldg., Hilo, Hawaii;51650 or 50944-Asst. county agent, AES­267 Kawailani St., Hilo, Hawaii-56466. M

MUELLER, Bertha-Geo 115; loc 299-Prof. ofGerman (on leave 2nd sem.)-2511.A E. ManoaRd.-997083.

tMUN, Orville K. F.-Farrington High School;813331-Lecu. in educ.-133 Bates St.-502018.M

MUNDY, Millard-MB 17; loc 454-Instf. inmusic-237 Awakea Rd.• Kailua, Oahu-256059.M

MURAl, Mary M.-Asst. prof. of home econ. (onleave 1959-60).

MURAKAMI, Dorothy K.-Caf; sup.; instr. in home econ.-3840 ClaudineSt.-73889.

MURAKAMI, Karen K.-SL; loc 289-Clerk·steno.-1711 A·6 Bingham St.-917463.

MURAKAMI, Kazuo-Haleakala Branch Sea.,Makawao, Maui; 424384-Farm manager, HAES-Makawao, Maui-424384. M


MURAMOTO, Kiyoshi-SL; loc 316-Lib. asst. incharge of reserve book collections-1111 KemoleLane-991264. M

*MURANAKA, Florence S. (Mrs. Stanley M.)­Gil 202; loc 257-Clerk.steno., Agr. MarketingService, USDA-1509 Pensacola St.-68746. M

MURAOKA, Betty A.-B 210; loc 412 or 204­Steno.-1207 Peterson Lane-86031.

MURAOKA, Mary K. (Mrs. Bismarck S.)-SL;loc 2M-Typist, Lib.-1526 Liholiho St.­546073. M

MURASHIGE, Toshio-Hke 132; loc 3SS-Asst.horticulturist, HAES (eff. Dec. 1, 1959). M

tMURAYAMA, Tomiko Annette (Mrs. LeonardTsutomu)-Kailua Elem. School; educ.; Asst. intern teacher sup.-142 S. KainaluDr., Kailua, Oahu-255812. M

MURPHY, Thomas D.-Cr 311; dial O-Prof. ofhist.-374 Hema PI.-32995. M

MYERS, Gretchen M.-Hem 204; loc 374-Jr.specialist in student personnel-1424 Whitney St.

MYERS, Ramon H.-H 206; loc 266-Asst. prof.of econ. and bus.-1641·B Ketler Rd.-904405.M

NAGAHISA, Rachael A. (Mrs. Hisao)-4S·260Waikalua Rd., Kaneohe, Oahu; 242132 or ~12658-Steno., AES-45·510·B Kam Hwy., Kaneohe.Oahu-242812. M

tNAGATA, Irene I. (Mrs. Shigeki)-FarringtonHigh School; 813331-Lectr. in educ.; internteacher sup.-719·A Umi St.-851203. M

NAGATA, Kenneth N.-B 111; loc 3IS-Pur·chasing clerk-3273 Kaimuki Ave.-774828. M

NAGATA, Lorraine H.-HA 2; loc 368-Steno.­1350 Dillingham Blvd.-844454.

NAGATA, Nancy M.-B 129; loc 313 or 429­Clerk.steno.-772 Isenberg St.-907864.

NAGLEY, Winfield E.-Geo 139; loc · of phil.; ch., dept. of phil.-3855 MontereyDr.-766955. M

NAGY, Albert M.-K 207; loc 448-Asst. prof. ofmath.-2507 Rainbow Dr.-982274. M

NAHUINA, Florence S. (Mrs. James K.)-SL; loc289-Steno.-4205 Kilauea Ave.-75672. M

NAITO, Masako C. (Mrs. Edwin M.)-B 113; loc267 or 435-Typist-2024.D Date St.-995198.M '

NAJITA, Shuku (Mrs. Masayuki)-N 6.A; loc 284-Inser. in nwsing-2433 Date St., Apt. B·1­923663. M

tNAKAE, Haruko N. (Mrs. Masato}-KalakauaInter. School; 86884-Lectr. in educ.; ATTP sup.-1719-B 10th Ave.-771288. M

NAKAGAKI, Eleanor K. (Mrs. Joseph M.}-B131; loc 365-Tab. equip. opr.-2127 S. Bere­tania St.-95380. M

NAKAGAWA, Yukio-Hke 117; loc 351-Asst.specialist in hort., AES-3444 Woodlawn Dr.­982721. M

NAKAMA, Lorraine S.-B 110-0erk-steno.­8902-36 Kalanianaole Hwy.-39355.

NAKAMA, Shigeko F.-Frear Hall; 92061-0erk­steno.-1421-A Punchbowl St.-536595.

NAKAMURA, Adeline T. (Mrs. Richard S.)­Federal Bldg., Hilo, Hawaii; 51650 or 50944­Asst. county agent, AES-Milo St., Olaa, Hawaii-663655-Mailing address: Box 298, Olaa,Hawaii. M

NAKAMURA, Betsy M. (Mrs. Kazuyoshi}-H 16;loc 245, 238 or 242-Typist-816 Ahuwale St.­31825. M

NAKAMURA, Ichiro-Hke; loc 360 or 231, or90555 (after 4:30 p.m.}-Farm manager, HAES­2428 Kaala St.-990358. M

NAKAMURA, Irene H. (Mrs. Takeshi}-UHS2-215; loc 2M-Instr. in educ.-3321 MonsarratAve.-79675. M

NAKAMURA, Martha T. (Mrs. Edward H.}-Gil125; loc 330-Jr. soil scientist, HAES-1266Madock Ave.-66731. M

tNAKAMURA, Masao-Gil 8; loc 3M-Asst. inplant physiol., HAES-2729-4 Kaaha St.­991829. M

NAKAMURA, Paul S.-Aquarium, 2777 Kala­kaua Ave.; 939741-Aquarist-753-C Kopke St.-889695. M

NAKAMURA, Rose K. (Mrs. Paul K.}-HiloCampus; 51093-lnstr. in health and phys. educ.-46 Melani St., Hilo, Hawaii-56628. M

tNAKAMURA, Shigeyo O. (Mrs. Hideo L.)­Central Inter. School; 57594-Lectr. in educ.;ATTP sup.-2926 Kahawai St.-983391. M

NAKANO, Tad T.-B 131; loc 365-Tab. equip.sup.-2548 Klebahn PL-64840. M

NAKAOKA, Helen Y. (Mrs. Glenn}-Hke 118;loc 351-Steno., HAES-45-538-C Paleka Rd.,Kaneohe,Oahu-242480. M

NAKASATO, Masaru G.-Cr A 8; loc 328 or 350-Asst. county agent, AES-98-374 Ponohale St.,Aiea, Oahu-483592. M

tNAKASHlMA, Woodrow Y.-Gil207; loc 420­Asst. in agr. econ., HAES-1813·D Waiola St.­957352.


NAKASONE, Henry Y.-Hke 134; loc 353; orFarm; 990390-Asst. horticulturist, HAES­4207-B Huanui Pl.-792443. M

NAKATA, Shigeru-Gil 9; loc 3M-Asst. plantphysiologist, HAES-3485 Akaka PI.-98613.M

NAMBA, Ryoji-Ent.; loc 276 or 432-Assoc.entomologist, HAES-1631 Kilohana St.­854873. M

NAUGHTON, JohnJ.-Bil113; loc 434-Prof. ofchem.-2416-A Parker Pl.-968811. M

NAWAHI, Jane S. (Mrs. Joseph K.}-Cr 309; loe357 or 358-Steno., govt. and hist. depts. (onleave until March, 1960}-741-C 8th Ave.­771893. M

NEKOTA, Norma F. (Mrs. James M.}-H 215;loc 275-Steno.-1935 Vancouver Dr.-990910.M

NELSON, Torlef-W 214; loc 430 or of educ.-629 Piikoi St., Apt. 1-512191.

NEWCOMER, Lloyd R.-Geo 333; loc of speech (on leave 1st sem.). M

NEWTON, Olive C. (Mrs. George}-HA 25; dial 0-Instr. in Eng.-3343 Pahoa Ave.-706721. M

NICKERSON, Thomas-B 104; loc 349-Director,OPI-4759 KahalaAve.-78491. M

NIDEROST, Frank W.-B 109; loc 270-Foreignproject asst. (Thai Contract)-3513 Pakui St.­766363. M

tNIELSEN, Milo C.-Bil 227; loc 383-Grad.asst. in chem.-1833-C Keller Rd. M

NIGHTINGALE, Gladys G. (Mrs. Gordon T.)­W 112; loc 3l0-Asst. prof. of educ.; director,preschool-primary educ.-302 Portlock Rd.­30280. M

NIHEI, Ethel F.-Gil 201; loc 257-Researchanalyst, AES-2024 Lime St.-992201.

NISHIDA, Toshiyuki-Ent; loc 276 or 432-Assoc.entomologist, HAES (on leave until June, 1960)-3354 Woodlawn Dr.-990093. M

NISHIMOTO, Shimko (Mrs.}-SL; loc 227­Mender and marker, Lib.-2121 Atherton Rd.­990942.

NISHIOKA, Barbara H. (Mrs. Tomeki}-SL; loc300, 378, or 996922-Lib. asst., LRB-1140Piikoi PI.-626642. M

NOBRIGA, Annie Aiu (Mrs. Theodore E.}-Gil106; loc 346-Typist, AES-1124 16th Ave.­771111. M

NODA, Kaoru-Hilo Campus; 51093-Asst. prof.of sci.-226 Lanikaula St., Hilo, Hawaii-51381.M




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NOFFSINGER, Terrell L.-Land Study Bldg.; loc295 or 296-Climatologist, LSB-1614 EckartRd.-960575. M

*NOMURA, David M.-Asst. in plant physiol.,HAES (on military leave).

NONAKA, Evelyn M.-B 124; loc 312 or 436­Steno.-909-A Lukepane Ave.-75576.

NORRIS, Ben-Geo 140; loc 220-Prof. of art­100 Poloke PI.-944252. M

NUNNS, Frederick K.-Land Study Bldg.; loc 295or 296-Director and researcher, LSB-3169 Hue­lani Dr.-982760. M

tNUNES, Shiho S. (Mrs. Bruno M.)-FarringtonHigh School; 813331-Lectr. in educ.; asst. internteacher sup.-235 Kuuhoa Pl., Kailua, Oahu­269838. M

OGAWA, Albert H.-SL; loc 300, 378, or 996922­t,\ssoc. researcher, LRB-2376 Oahu Ave.­994200.

OGURI, Mikihiko-D 2-B; loc 369-Jr. botanist­6014 Aimoku St.-30461. M

O'BRIEN, Ethel Pat M.-K 6; loc 240 or 214­Asst. prof. of health and phys. educ.-2957Kalakaua Ave., Apt. 504-937477.

O'HAGAN, Virginia R.-UHS 204; loc 292­Instr. in educ.-913-A Alewa Dr.-80891.

tOKABE, Charles ].-Washington Inter. School;92294-Leetr. in educ.; asst. intern teacher sup.­3726HardingAve.-766251. M

OKAGAWA, Tomoyuki-Cr A 8; loc 350-Asst.county agent, AES-3333 Casde St.-76738.

OKAMOTO, Blanche S.-Johnson Hall; 90591­Oerk-steno.-615 Kaiwiula St.-850594.

OKAMURA, Patsy U.-B 210; loc 204 or 412­Sec. to Vice-President and Dean of Faculties­4166 Koko Dr.-77915.

tOKAZAKI, Osmond A.-Cr 322; dial O-Grad.asst. in soc.-1837-D Keller Rd., Apt. L-975433.M

OKINO, Leila L.-Hilo Campus; 51093-Instr. inspeech-360 Makalika St., Hilo, Hawan-56702.

tOLAIVAR, Socorro F.-Hke 227; loc poultry sci.-2208 Coyne St.-904724.

OMURA, Marion K. (Mrs. Charles H.)-Aquar­ium; 939741-Clerk-steno.-3124 Kaunaoa St.­744297. M

tONO, Kay Keiko-Alliolani School; 740635­Lectr. in educ.; ATTP sup.-3955-B Koko Dr.­75169.

ONO, Walter T.-SL; loc 308-0erk, Lib.-1231Rycroft St.-596253. M


ONOUYE, Jane T.-UHS 125; lac 253-Instr. ineduc.-98-244-B Kaluamoi Pl., Pearl City, Oahu-482532.

ORGILL, Montie M.-Cr A-2; lac 418 or 385­Asst. prof. of meteorology, AF contract-45-735Wainana St., Kaneohe, Oahu. M

tORR, Dwight-H 205; loc 266-Leetr. in bus.­413 Launiu St.-91039. M

ORR, Kathryn].-Gil114; loc 233-Asst. specialistin foods and nutrition, AES-2437-A Parker Pl.­968812.

*ORVIS, Arthur E.-Trustee, UHF-4559 KahalaAve.-78747. M

OSHIRO, Lyndon S.-Hke 311; loc 329-Asst. inplant path., HAES-45-707 Pua Alawalo St.,Kaneohe,Oahu-242068.

OSHIRO, Sally A. (Mrs. Hatsuo)-SL; loc 227­Oerk, Lib.-47-B Hialoa St.-57846. M

OTA, Asher K.-Ent; loc 276 or 432-Asst. in ent.,HAES-3460 Alani Dr.-98953.

OTA, RobertM.-Botelho Bldg., Honokaa, Hawaii;754201-County agent, AES-Mailing address:Box 221, Honokaa, Hawaii-753405. M

OTAGAKI, Kenneth K.-Hke 101; loc 356­Assoc. animal scientist, HAES; assoc. prof. ofagr.-2858 Kahawai St.-983625. M

OTOMO, Aiko-UES 102-A; lac 244-Instr. ineduc.-1510-A Evelyn Lane-96332.

OUCHI, Fumie-Land Study Bldg.; loc 295 or 296-Steno.-2621 Nakookoo St.-991686.

OUCHI, Shizuko N. (Mrs. Sugao)-UHS 111; loc253-Instr. in educ.-4247 Kaimanahila St.- ~792885. M

OYE, Patsy M.-Botelho Bldg., Honokaa, Hawaii;754201-Steno., AES-Kamuela, Hawaii­858462.

OZAKI, Flora T. (Mrs. Tetsuo)-N 6-A; loc 284­Instr. in nursing-421-A Prospect St.-57011. M

OZAKI, Yvonne M.-SL; loc 227-Head, orderdept.-1524 Emerson St.-57139.

PALAFOX, Anastacio L.-Hke 228; loc 334 or 217-Asst. poultry scientist, HAES; asst. prof. of agr.-5276 KimoKeo St.-32715. M

*PANG, Morris S. Y.-Instr. in educe (on leave ')'11959--60). M

PANG, Violet F. (Mrs. Dick C.)-UHSAn-2 216;10c 2M-Instr. in educ.-2318 Hoonanea St.- )q,'94941. M

PARTRIDGE, Ralph E., Jr.-K 305; loc 449­Assoc. prof. of engin.-1756 Correa Rd.- 1'1.977733. M


·PAVLANTOS, Ruth Allen (Mrs. Spyro G.)­Asst. prof. of European lang. (on leave 1959-(50).M

*PAYNE, John H.-HSPA Exp. Sta.-M543­Affiliate member, graduate facu1ty-2260 CooperRd.-996532. M

IjlPECKER, Irving Otis-Prof. emeritus ofRomancelang.-Avenida del Sur 580. Guadalajara, Jalisco.Mexico.

PENDLETON, Edwin C.-H 103A; loc 215­Assoc. prof. of econ. and bus.; acting dean,Coll. of Bus. Administration; ch.. dept. ofecon. and bus.-2123 Armstrong St.-908785.M

~PENHALLOW,Richard-ParkerRanch. Kamuela,Hawaii; 855125 or 855115-Regent, Univ.; Secre­tary. UHF-Kamuela, Hawaii-855973. M

:'ERKINS, Daniel Calvin. Capt.-ASB; loc 262­Asst. prof. ofair sci.-3069 Kahaloa Dr.-982964.M

tPEROFF. Abbie K. L. (Mrs. Valentine)-Kawana­nakoa Inter. School; 502493-Leeu. in educ.;-ATTPsup.-3017WailaniRd.-504396. M

PETERS. C. W.-Gil 203; loc 239-Agr. econo­mist, HAES; head. dept. of agr. econ.• Coll. Agr.-45-104Kokokahi Pl.. Kaneohe. Oahu-244168.M

PHILIPP, Perry F.-Gil 204; loc 239-Agr. econo­mist, HAES; prof. of agr.-3029-A AlencastrePI.-774402. M

PHIPPS, Katharine E. (Mrs.)-Geo 340; loc 317­Instr. in speech-Edgewater Hotel-996464.

PIERSON, Kathleen W. (Mrs. Roger J.)-H 204;dial O-Asst. prof. ofecon. and bus.-4758 AukaiAve.-78316. M

tPIIANAIA. Abraham-H 2; loc 366-Lectr. ingeog. and in econ. (1st sem.)-1938 WilhelminaRise-76707. M

?ITZER. Ann-Territorial Bldg.. Lihue. Kauai;2036-Asst. county agent. AES.

'JOLING. Richard B.. S/Sgr.-ASB; loc 262­Instr. in air sci.-2020-B 9th Ave.-73574. M

::POOLE, Charles F.-Prof. emeritus of agr.­2407 Parker PI.-991221. M

0RTER, M. Roseamonde-W 102-B; loc 347­Prof. of educ.; direaor of elem. educ.-128Kuliouou Rd.-30521.

"}ORTEUS. Stanley D.-Cr A; 99676S-Prof.emeritus of psychol.; principal investigator. NIHcontract-2620 Anuenue St.-999510. M

c'OULTER.Jean L.-D 2; loc 369-Grad. asst. insci.-2335 Bingham St.


tPRESCOTT. Stanley L.-H 2; dial O-Leetr. inbus.-224O Waikolu WaY-91892-Mailing ad­dress: Box 2685. Honolulu.

PUTMAN, Edison W.-Gil 5; loc 3M-Assoc.plant physiologist. HAES-4450 Wahinekoa Pl.-771590. M

*QUATE. Larry W.-Bishop Museum; 85951­Affiliate member. graduate faculty-BishopMuseum.

QUON. Faith K. K.-K 210; loc 447-Clerk­1017 Nehoa St.-518584-

RAMAGE. Colin S.-Bil341; loc 385-Meteorolo­gist, AF contraa; prof. ofmeteorol.-5273 Mana­uwea St.-33149. M

tRANSOM. Cornelia Montgomery-K 412; loc4S2-Grad. asst. in math.-228-B Ohua St.­938704.

RATHBURN, lone J.-Dis 103-C; loc of health and phys. educ.; direaor. StudentHealth Service-3036 Kaunaoa St.-75404.

RAWSON. Margaret C. (Mrs. Frederick B.)-SL;loc 422-Cataloguer-Bishop Museum Grounds.Apt. 7. M

REDDIN. Mary E.-W 102-A; loc 347-Asst. prof.ofeduc.-3747 Pukalani PI.-744214.

REED, Helen C.-UES l06-A; loc 244-Instr. ineduc.-2111-A McKinley St.-999398.

REICHERT, Susan L.-N 2-A; loc 2M-Instr. innursing-2336 Manoa Rd.-96651.

REID. Della F. (Mrs. Thos. H.)-Hawaii MarineLab.• Coconut Island. Kaneohe, Oahu; 244041­Jr. marine biologist-2025 Kamehameha Ave.­991850. M

REID, Vera Y.-Gil114; loc 233-Asst. specialistin home management-2319 Ala Wai Blvd.•Apt. 101.

RIAN. Norman D.-Prof. of music (on leave 1959­60). M

fRIDLEY. Charles P.-ZA; dial O-Grad. asst. inzoo.-1810 University Ave.-94968.

RmCK. ElmerC.-B 124; loc436 or212-Veterans'adviser; counselor, graduate placement-1735Dole St.-976915.

RIFFENBURGH. Robert H.-Geo 209 (1st sem.);K 111 (2nd sem.); dial O-Asst. prof. of math.­1552 St. Louis Dr.-771047. M

RINGER. Joan L.-Caf; 992362-Asst. food sup.;instr. in home econ.-2220-A Aloha Dr.­947273.

"'RIPPERTON. John C.-Prof. emeritus of agr.­4694 Kolohala St.-73206. M


tRIXON, Alan J.-Gil 124; lac 33O-Asst. in soilsci., HAES-2101-A McKinley St. M

ROBERTS, Harold S.-H 117; lac 332-Prof. ofecon. and bus.; director, Indusuial RelationsCenter-2646 Oahu Ave.-990604. M

ROBERTS, Hazel L.-Gil 109; loc 339-Asst.specialist in clothing-2947 Kalakaua Ave., Apt.B-939927.

ROBINSON, Hester A.-Geo 131; loc 251-Prof.of art; ch., dept. of art-2839·B Puuhonua St.­996543.

tRODRIGUES, Muriel Hiu (Mrs. Edward G.)­Manoa School; 990082-Lectr. in educ.; ATTPsup.-1332-A 10th Ave.-773086. M

ROES, Harold J.-B 112; lac 271-Purchasingagent-988 Kealaolu Ave.-78611. M

ROGAN, Clyde H., Maj.-ASB; loc of air sci.-304·C Signer Blvd., HickamAir Force Base-44111 elet 412222. M

ROSE, Vivian C. (Mrs. Paul O.)-Gil 209; loc 235-Clerk, HAES-98225 001. St., Aiea, Oahu­464159. M

ROSENBERG, Monon M.-Hke 215; loc 231 and340-Dean, Coli. Agr.; director, HAES; prof. ofagr.-2002-J Hunnewell St.-944472. M

tROSENBERG, Ruth (Mrs. Roy A.)-H 25; dial 0-Inser. in Eng.-5304 Papai St.-31015. 1\1

ROSS, Edward-FP; lac 2lO-Head, dept. of foodprocessing and utilization, Coli. Agr.; food tech­nologist, HAES-410 Nahua Pl., Apt. 313­935859.

ROSS, Ernest-Hke 227; loc 334 or 217-Asst.poultry scientist, HAES; head, dept. of poultrysci., Coli. Agr.-1909 Kakela Or.-990760. 1\1

ROTH, Maybelle F. (Mrs.)-Geo 121; dial 0­Asst. prof. of Spanish-3020 Diamond Head Rd.

fRUMMEL, Rudolph J.-Cr 302; loc 357-Grad.asst. in govt.-2856 Varsity Circle, Apt. 4.

RILEY, Merrill K.-45-260 Waikalua Rd., Kane­ohe, Oahu; 241762 or 242658-County agent,AES-45·435 Kam Hwy., Kaneohe, Oahu­242227. M

SAAKE, Alvin C.-KJum 4; loc 240 or of health and phys. educ.; ch., dept. ofhealth and phys. educ.-440-F Nahua Pl.­939416. M

SACLAUSA, John-MB 20 (1st sem.) and MB 15(2nd sem.); loc 454-lnsu. in music-78 Kai­kaina St., Kailua, Oahu-251074.

SAHARA, Tamotsu-Land Study Bldg.; loc 295or 296-Specialist in land classification, LSB­3219 Paty Dr.-982293. M


fSAlGO, Yoshito-Hilo Campus; Japanese-37 Melani St., Hilo, Hawaii­56528-Mailing address: Box 1023, Hilo, Hawaii.M

·ST. DENIS, Naomi K. (Mrs.)-Instr. in educe ~(on leave 1959-(0).

"'ST. JOHN, Harold-Prof. emeritus of bot.­Mailing address: Univ. of Saigon, Box 33, APO143, San Francisco, California. M

tSAKAl, Helen C.-HA 1; lac 223-Grad. asst. inEng.-164 N.Judd St.-59108.

SAKAI, Nellie N. (Mrs. Tomio)-B 110; loc 226­Clerk-3918 Harding Ave.-775190. M

SAKAMAKI, Shunzo-Cr 208; loc439 or 990771­Dean of Summer Session; prof. of hist.; Trustee,UHF-2256 Liliha St.-69873. M

SAKAMOTO, Hisako (Mrs. George H.)-SL; loc308-Lib. aide-1251 Ulunahele St., Kailua,Oahu-25-4474. M

SAKAMOTO, Soichi-SP; loc 343-Asst. prof. ofhealth and phys. educ.-768 McCully St.­997215. M

tSAKATA, Ruth M. (Mrs. Naoki)-Kailua Elem.School; 254332-Lectr. in educ.; intern teachersup.-2472 Kapiolani Blvd.-998584. M

·SAKIMURA, Kanjyo-PRI; 90981-Affiliatemember, graduate faculty-1834 Bertram St.­773662. M

tSAKUMA, Kazumi K. (Mrs. Edward Y.)-AinaHaina School; 319ll-Lectr. in educ.; ATTPsup.-710 Lawelawe St.-32324. 1\1

SAKUMA, Nancy N. (Mrs. Ronald)-CCC CampRecreational Bldg., Kamuela, Hawaii; 858475­Steno., AES-Mailing address: Box 433, Kamu­ela, Hawaii-855334. M

tSANCHEZ, Fernando F.-Ent; loc 276 or 432­Asst. in ent., HAES-1813 Vancouver Or.­991290.

SANDMAN, Sonya (Mrs. Leonard)-Thailand­Sec., SEATO/UH-Thailand Project-Mailing ad­dress: SEATO/University of Hawaii Contract,American Embassy, Attn: USOM, Bangkok,Thailand. M

·SANFORD, Wallace G.-PRI; 90981-Affiliatemember, graduate faculty-3622 Woodlawn Ter­race PI.-98813. M

SANNER, Richard L.-SL 2; loc 298-lnstr. ineduc.; coordinator of audio-visual activities­1710 Makiki St., Apt. 505-928013. M

tSANTOKI, Saburo-McKinley High School;61061-Lecu. in educ.; ATTP sup.-1618 Wil.helmina Rise.-726464. M

SASAKI, Satoshi-Hawaii Marine Lab., CoconutIsland, Kaneohe, Oahu; 244041-Asst. marinebiochemist, NIH conuact-1655-1 Kewalo St.­630131. M

SASAMURA, May H. (Mrs. Roy Y.)-Gil 209;... loc 232-Clerk, Coll. Agr.-4436 Alakoa St.­

75539. M

SATO, Jessie J. (Mrs. Shigeji)-UHSAn-2 201;loc 254-Insu. in educ. and home econ.-2389Aina Lani PI.-95641. M

tSATO, Lily G. (Mrs. Robert M.)-WashingtonInter. School; 9229S-Leetr. in educ.; ATTP sup.-5282 Makalena St.-32871. M

SATO, Sadao-Territorial Bldg., Lihue, Kauai;2036-Asst. crop reporter, ABS-Wailua HouseLot, Kapaa, Kauai-65347. M

SAUNDERS, Allan F.-B 214; loc 209-Dean,Coll. of Arts and Sciences; prof. of govt.-3596Woodla.wnDr.-98887. M

*SAUNDERS, Marion G. (Mrs. Allan F.)-Cr A-2;loc 42l-Adviser to Micronesian students-3596Woodlawn Dr.-98887. M

SAX, Gilbert-W 211-C; dial O-Asst. prof. ofeduc.-1754 Correa Rd.-999355. M

*SCANLAN, Ross-Geo 320; loc 317-Exchange• prof. of speech (exchange with Joseph F. Smith)

-2423 Halelea PI.-991219. M

tSCHAID, Wilma F.-Stevenson Inter. School;539S1-Lecu. in educ.; intern teacher sup.­2737 Terrace Dr.-996381.

SCHEUER, PaulJ.-Bil114; loc 281-Assoc. prof.of chem.; ch., dept. of chem.-1635-D KellerRd.-96493. M

~ SCHMIDT, Amelia L.-N 2-A; loc 284-lnsu. innursing-1547 Ala. Wai Blvd.-996563.

"'SCHMIDT, Carl T.-PRI; 90981-Affiliate mem­ber, graduate faculty-5627 Halekamani St.­31864. M

SCHULTZ, Florence S. (Mrs. Edward)-Gil116;loc 330-Asst. in research, HAES-2957 Kala.-

-I kauaAve.-935167. M

SCHUMAN, Robert C.-WA 1; dial O-Insu. ineduc.-4326 Aukai Ave.-771332. M

SCHWARTZ, Lillian R. (Mrs.)-Wahiawa CivicCenter;22418S-Countyagent,ABS-1855 EamesSt., Wahiawa, Oahu-228219.

SCIASCIA, Donna G. L. (Mrs. Salvatore J.)­SL; loc 308-First asst., circulation dept.-647Coolidge St.-959652. M

SCOTT, Burton A., Jr.-H 18; loc 438-Jr. re­searcher, ERC-3045 Pualei Circle, Apt. 313­75859. M

SCOTT, Frank S.,Jr.-Gil206; loc 239-Agr. econ.,HABS; prof. of agr.-130 N. Kalaheo Ave.,Kailua, Oahu-269728.

SCOTT, Kathleen Secord (Mrs. Robert L.)-Geo338; loc 317-Insu. in speech-2640-B Rock Rd.-954742. M

SCOTT, Robert L.-HA 15; dial O-Asst. prof. ofEng.-2640-B Rock Rd.-954742. M

tSEE, Esther K. R. (Mrs. Thomas N.)-KalakauaInter. School; 834845-Leetr. in educ.; internteacher sup.-914 21st Ave.-745405. M

SEGAWA, Kiyoko H. (Mrs. Herbert A.)-HiloCampus-51093 or 48935-Typist-45 UalehuaSt., Hilo, Hawaii-55225. M

SERENO, Kenneth K.-Geo 332; loc speech-3563 Kilauea Ave.-77976. M

SERIKAKU, Ethel K. (Mrs. Seisuke)-45-260 Wai­kalua Rd., Kaneohe, Oahu; 241762 or 242658­Asst. county agent, ABS-47-538 Ahilama Rd.,Kahaluu, Kaneohe, Oahu-248161. M

tSETO, Mae I. (Mrs. Kenneth I.)-Lunalilo School;998270-Leetr. in educ.; ATTP sup.-1424 Uni­versity Ave.-968872. M

SHAW, Mildred T.-H 16; loc 238, 242 or 245­Typist-2611 Kaaha St.-959671.

tSHERMAN, Benjamin A., D.D.S.-275 Alexan­der Young Bldg.; 65072-Lecu. in dental hygiene-3670 Kilauea Ave.-76749. M

SHERMAN, G. Donald-Gil 116; loc 330- Soilscientist, HABS; head, dept. of agron. and soilsci., Coll. Agr.; prof. of agr.-828 Onaha St.­715155. M

SHERMAN, Martin-Ent; loc 276 or 432-Ento­mologist, HABS; prof. ofent.-1121 Koloa St.­710262. M

tSHIBASAKI, Thelma Y. (Mrs. Robert M.)­ School; 73049-Leetr. in educ.; ATTPsup.-2542 Puaena Pl.-968294. M

SHIBUYA,lrene M. (Mrs. Fujio)-Wahiawa CivicCenter; 22418S-Asst. county agent, AES-247Kolekole Dr., Wahiawa, Oahu-226457. M

tSHIDA,June M. (Mrs. Arthur Y.)-Kalihi School;866035-Lecu.ineduc.;ATTPsup.-3597Wood­lawn Dr.-982790. M

SHIELDS, Euphie G. M.-SL; loc 219-Asst.librarian-3265 Paty Dr.-982316.

SHIGETA, Daniel T.-Kula. Extension Bldg., Kula,Maui; 783065-County agent, ABS-Mailingaddress: Box 26, Waiakoa, Kula, Maui-783186.M

SHIGETA, James Y.-Gil 113; loc 327-Asst.specialist in club work, AES-1561 WilhelminaRise-774387. M


tSHIM, Alvin T.-H 2; dial O-Lecu. in econ.­1230 Molehu Dr.-49505. M

tSHIMABUKURO, Zenyu-Gil 117; loc 830­Asst. in soil sci.• HAES-2340 Metcalf St•• Apt. 3-94968. M

tSHIMOTSU. Aiko-Ala Wai School; 933305­Lecu. in educ.; asst. intern teacher sup.-233·CKaia St.-576692.

SHINODA, Minoru-Cr 205; dial O-Asst. prof.ofhist.-1615 EckanRd.-900793. M

SHIRAKAWA, Takumi-Territorial Bldg., Naale·hu, Hawaii; 693085-County agent, AES-Naale­hUt Kau, Hawaii-692763-Mailing address:Box 396, Naalehu, Kau, Hawaii. M

SHIROMA, Coletta J. (Mrs. Yoshiaki)-B 208;loc 294,208 or 207-Steno., President's Office­353·D Buckle Lane-632585. M

SHIROMA, George T.-Gar 209; loc 200.-1217 McCully St.-908313.

tSHISHIDO, Betty S. (Mrs. Kazuo L.)-PauoaSchool; 56837-Lectr. ineduc.; asst. intern teachersup.-1518 Oliver St.-947295. M

·SHOEMAKER, James H.-Bank of Hawaii;62321-Trustee. UHF-2322 Sonoma Dr.-957­945. M

SHOJI, Kobe-Gil 1.A; loc 3D-it-Assoc. plantphysiologist, HAES-5642 Pia St.-32954. 1\1

SHORB, William H.-UESAn·1 101; loc 241­Inser. in educ.-2937·L Kalakaua Ave.-93S606.

SIDWELL, Dorothy M.-M·5; loc 3SI-Asst. prof.ofhome econ.-1613 Correa Rd.-994S89.

·SINCLAIR, Gregg M.-President emeritus- 3817Lurline Dr.-76766. M

SINCLAIR, Marjorie P. (Mrs. Gregg M.)-HA 24;dial O-Insu. in Eng.-3817 Lurline Dr.-76766.M

SINGER, Elisabeth B. (Mrs. Allen O.)-Geo 117;loc 250-lnstf. in European lang.-45 Mamala­hoa Pl.-61476. M

SIU.James K. M.-K 405; loc 452-Inscr. in math.-3148 Casde St.-740681.

SLATE. Daniel M.-H 17; loc 438-Asst. prof. ofecon. and bus.; acting director. ERC-1731Correa Rd.-996347. M

tSLlKER. Fletcher Roger-Geo 202; dial O-Grad.asst. in an-1527 Piikoi St.-62417.

SLONAKER, Susan D. (Mrs. Jack C.)-Hem 204;loc 290-Director. BSA-2015·B Round TopDr.-990501. M

SMITH, Adrienne A.-Cr A; loc 350 or 838­County agent. ABS-I642 Kewalo St.-68404.


tSMITH. Alpheus W.-H 6; dial O-Leccr. in bus.(2nd sem.).

SMITH. Barbara B.-MB 3 (1st sem.) and MB 14(2nd sem.); loc 454-Assoc. prof. of music.­3608 Woodlawn Dr.-983061.

·SMITH. Donald H.-PRI; 90981-Affiliate memober, graduate faculty-2002.B Hunnewell St.­991162. M

SMITH, Elsie R. (Mrs. W. Wayne)-N 6·0; loc2M-Asst. prof. of nursing-1810 Hunnewell St.-998093. M

SMITH, James Ray, Jr.-UES 114; loc 244-lnstr. ~

in educ.-1640 Benram St.-795444. M

SMITH. Jimmie B.-D 206; loc 304-Asst. prof.of bot.; ch., dept. of bot.-2504 Rainbow Dr.­983395. M

SMITH, Joseph F.-Prof. of speech (on exchangewith Ross Scanlan 1959-(50). M

SMITH, Margaret H.-SL; dial O-Head, Coli. ofEduc. coUection-2%O Makiki Heights Dr.­56852.

·SNIFFEN, Leimalama-Hale Laulima; 997894­Social director-2327 Dole St.-997894.

SNODDY. Elizabeth A.-Territorial Bldg.• Lihue,Kauai; 2036-County agent, AES-Ulu Kukui, .,Lihue. Kauai-23285.

SNOW. Isabel L.-CM 118; 991756-Inscr. ineduc.-2129 Kamehameha Ave.-97058.

SNYDER, Laurence H.-B 207; loc 207, 208 or 294-President of the Univ.; Regent, ex: officio; vice·president. UHF-2111 Brown WaY-994863. M

tSODETANI, Lillian N. (Mrs. Toshimi)-ManoaSchool; 990082-Lecu. in educ.; ATTP sup.­2433·B Pauoa Rd.-64775. 1\1

SOMBDA. Betty M. (Mrs. Raymond C.)-Gil1;loc 3M-Steno., HAES-2511·E Waiomao Rd.-771695. M

tSOOD, Satya Pal-Bil 307; dial O-Grad. chem.-26S6·C Rock Rd. M

tSOUTHWOOD. Billy Gene-McKinley High ~School; 61061-Lecu. in educ.-1704 PunahouSt.• Apt. 14-999490. M

lIISPALDING, Philip E.-404 Easy Appliance Bldg.;59112-Chairman, Board of Regents. URiv.;president, UHF-2411 Makiki Heights Dr.­68329. M

SPELLACY. Edmund P.-H 119; loc 242, 238, 245-Dean, ColI. General Studies; prof. of govt.­3701.C Diamond Head Rd.-78106. M

·SPIEGELBERG. Carl H.-PRI; 90981-Aftiliatemember. graduate faculty-3275 Keahi St.­98876. M

tTAKATA, Alice H. (Mrs. Andrew M.)-KalihiSchool; 865135-Lear. in educ.; asst. internteacher sup.-1929-A Wilder Ave.-991579. M

TAKEI, Shiro-Gil 108; lac 225-Asst. specialistin agr. econ., AES-403 Kullouou Rd.-30756.M

TAKAHASHI, Makoto-Gil 122; lac 330-Asst.agronomist, HAES-2134 Citron St.-979422.M

TAKENAKA, Kimiyo-SL; loc 289-0erk-steno.-2859 Manoa Rd.

TAKENAKA, Shirley K.-SL; lac 289-Typist­98-511 Moanalua Rd., Aiea, Oahu-466522.

TAKESHITA, Doris S. (Mrs. Isami)-B 211; lac211-Steno.-623 HolokahanaLane-54470. M

TAKAHASHI, Yoshiyuki-Bil 222; lac 382­Chemical stores clerk-1421 PunchbowlJ..St.­536594.

tTAKAKAWA, Judith Y.-Kalakaua Inter.School; 868M-Lecer. in educ.; ATTP sup.­1820 Naio St.-850901.

SUMIDA, Yukio D.-Gil 201; loc 257-Cropreporter, AES-808 Coolidge St.-94503. M

tSUMMERSGILL, Harne M. (Mrs. Travis L.)­Geo 220; dial O-Grad. asst. in Japanese-2243Mohala Way-992138. M

SUMMERSGILL, Travis L.-HA 3; dial of Eng.-2243 Mohala WaY-992138•.~'LM

SUYAMA, Yooko-Federal Bldg., Hilo, Hawaii;51650 or 50944-Steno., AES-204 KapiolaniSt., Hila, Hawaii-42774.

tTAIRA, Kuulei (Mrs. Robert S.)-Kalihi Elem.School; 866035-Lear. in educ.; intern teachersup.-2578 C-2 Pacific Heights Rd.-57578. M

TAKAHASHI, Francis T.-Territorial Bldg., Lihue,Kauai; 2036-Asst. county agent, AES-Lawai,Kauai-322931-Mailing address: Box 71, Lawai,Kauai. M

SUEOKA, Ernest S.-Bookstore; loc 322-Clerk­1906-B Huina St.-625651. M

SUEOKA, Toshiko I. (Mrs. George H.)-W 111-A;dial O-Asst. prof. of educe (on leave 2nd sem.)­2249 Sea View Ave.-990852. M

SUGIMOTO, Beatrice K. (Mrs. David S.)­B 214; 10c 209-Sec. to Dean, Coll. Arts andSciences-845 Lawelawe St.-31807. M

SPILLER, John H.-K 205; loc 448-Asst. prof. ofmath.-466 Portlock Rd.-30956. M

*SPOEHR, Alexander-Bishop Museum; 85951­Research assoc. in anthro.-2548 Makiki HeightsDr.-66488. M

STALKER, John N.-Cr 201-C; loc 440 or 442­Direccor, Overseas Operations Program; ofhist.-2229 Ala Wai Blvd.-998668.

STANDAL, Bluebell R. (Mrs. S. W.)-Hke 310;loc 236-Asst. nutritionist, HAES-3218 Mele­mele Pl.-982859. M

STELLMACHER, Herbert Bob-H 112; loc 433­Asst. prof. of econ.-2416 Ferdinand Ave.­992728. M

STEMPEL, Daniel-HA 20; dial O-Assoc. prof.ofEng.-3477 Paty Dr.-904415. M

*STEPHENS, Grover C.-Hawaii Marine Lab.,Coconut Island, Kaneohe, Oahu; 244041­Visiting colleague-46023 LilipunaRd., Kaneohe,Oahu-243784. M

STORMONT, John L.-Gil113; loc 327-Sup. of4-H club work, AES-1252 Alewa Dr.-80691.M

STEIGER, Walter R.-Assoc. prof. of physics (onleave 195~0). M

.., *STEINER, Loren F.-Fruit Fly Lab.; 917215 or990955-Affiliate member, graduate faculty­1110 Pueo St.-773465. M

~ *STRASBURG, Donald Wishart-USFWS; 91181-Afliliatemember, graduatefaculty-5420HoanaPl.-33039. M

STROVEN, Carl G.-SL; dial O-Librarian; prof.ofEng.-2417 Parker PI.-990428. M

*STUBBLEFIELD, Esther M. (Mrs. Charles H.)-Liliuokalani Bldg.; 501731-Coordinator ofpublic health educ.-2527 Rainbow Dr.-982046.M




,-"I tSTANIFORD, Philip S.-Cr 201-E; 10c 441-

Grad. asst. in anthro.-53-498 Kamehameha

t. Hwy., Punaluu. M

STASACK, Edward A.-Geo 101; loc art-3626 Woodlawn Terrace PI.-98802. M

t STAUFFER, Robert B.-Cr 306; loc 357-Assoc.,!i. prof. of govt.; ch., dept. of govt.-4679 Kolo­

hala St.-746358. M

STEED, Louis M.-H 217; loc 275-Direaor ofradio; instr. in speech-1220 14th Ave.-771873.M

STUEBER, Ralph K.-W 203A; lac 417-Asst. TAKEUCHI, Grace K. (Mrs. George K.)-B 126;prof. ofeduce M lac 277-Steno.-2347 Oahu Ave.-992753. M

tSUEHISA, Robert Hikarn-Gil 117; loc 330- TAKI, Ellen Y.-Gil107; loc 336-Statistics clerk,Asst. in soil sci.-3604 Maunalei Ave.-743759. AES-1710 Mutual Lane-518093.


"'TILDEN, Irvin L., M.D.-Straub Clinic; 50901­Director of medical tech. program-1840 Van·couver Dr.-9424,. M

TINKER, 5pencer W.-Aquarium, 2777 KalakauaAve.; 939741-Director, Aquarium; asst. reosearcher; asst. prof. ofeduc.-1121 Hunakai St.- '"717602. M

TINNISWOOD, William W.-K 319·A; loc 450­Prof. of engin.; ch., dept. ofengin.-1618 CorreaRd.-97,6S5. M

tTODD, Brice 0., Jr.-H 105; loc: 366-Grad.asst. in geog.-2762 Laniloa Rd.

tTODOKI, Violet 5.-Leilehua High School; _224149-Lectr. in educ.; intern teacher sup.- ..251 Moomuku PI.-30836.

TOKIMASA, Nami-SL; lac 300, 378, or 996922-Steno., LRB-15" Piikoi St.-68402.

TOKUNAGA, Judith F. (Mrs. Herben M.)-SL;loc 289-Steno.-2404 Gardenia 5t.-76313. M

TOKUYAMA, Rose Y.-SL; lac: 300. 378. or ..996922-Steno., LRB-1226·A1 Alexander 5t.­9913'4.

tTOM, Bernadine S. H.-Geo 32'; loc 3l7-Grad.asst. in speech-1617 Fern St., Apt. 1-991214.

TOM, Chow Loy-UHS Lib.; dial O-Instr. ineduc.-109' S. Beretania 5t.-59321. ~


TOMINAGA, Henry K.-UHSA; loc 255-Im.I.{.in educ.-1329 Lusitana St.-,41963. M\

TOMIYASU, Helen F. (Mrs. Richard T.)-B 131;loc365-Keypunch opr.-2111 Fern 8t.-998'97.M

TERAMOTO, Mae M. (Mrs. Richard K.)-Hke134; loc 353 or389-5teno., AES-2517 Gardenia5t.-771924. M

TESTER, Albert L.-ZA.B; loc 376-Prof. of zoo.-3318 Anoai P1.-982404. M

TETSUTANI, Fujie H. (Mrs. Albert)-Bookstore;loc 322-Clerk-302' Kalihi St.-8799,1. M

*THEAKER, Morley L.-Sears Roebuck and Co.;994411-Trustee, UHF-521, Makalena St.­32748. M

THOMPSON, Henry (Duke)-loc 221-Supt. ofgrounds-Univ. campus-999108. M

THRELKELD, Garland M.-Thailand-Instr. ineduc., SEATO/UH.Thailand Project-Mailingaddress: SEATO/University of Hawaii Contract,American Embassy, Attn: USOM, Bangkok,Thailand. M

THROMBLEY, Woodworth G.-Cr 203; loc 309­Asst. prof. of govt.-1635 Keller Rd.-996817.M


TAKISHITf\1 Francis M.-Kealahou CommunityHall, WaiaKoa, Kula, Maw; 783065-Asst. cropreporter, AES-Mailing address: Box 75, Puka·lani, Maui-425724. M

tTAMANAHA, Frances L. (Mrs. Katsugi)-Cr201·E; loc 44-I-Grad. asst. in anthro.-1474·BAbonw St.-856965. M

tTAMIMI, Yusuf Nimr-Gil 124; loc research, WRP.

tTANABE, Alvin M.-Ent; loc 276 or ent., HAES-1652·A Kewalo St.-506861.

TANAKA, Elsie S.-B 112; loc 2n-Clerk·steno.-718 Kaiwiula St.-844875.

TANAKA, Ernest M.-B 110; loc 278-Accountclerk-1741 Lime St.-991955.

TANAKA, Jack S.-Hke 142; loc 351-Asst. inolericulture, HAES-2511 Waolani Ave.-69583.

tTANAKA, Jean S. (Mrs. Yoshio)-KauluwelaSchool; 590S6-Lectl. in educ.; ATTP sup.­2118·A Algaroba St.-906541. 1\1

tTANAKA, Myra S.-Waikiki School; 937858­Lectr. in educ.; ATTP sup.-3575 Campbell Ave.-748725.

TANAKA, Tokushi-Hke 229; loc 334. or 217­Jr. poultry scientist-803 Wiliwili St.-94229. M

TANIGAWA, Stella F. (Mrs. Sakae)-Bookstore;loco 322-Clerk-2411 10th Ave.-717425. M

TANG. Audrey C. (Mrs. John F. C.)-Gil 116;loc 330 or 419-Steno., HAES-1522 Keeau·moku St., Apt. 4-630732. M

TANIKAWA, Amy T.-Gill18; loc 419-Steno.,AES-2442·A Lanai St.-63166.

tTAONO, Nancy Fumiko (Mrs. Hiroto)-WaipahuHigh School; 273081-Lectl. in educ.; internteacher sup.-G26.A Hausten St.-929945.

TATSUOKA, Maurice M.-Hilo Campus; 51093­Asst. prof. of sci. and math.-346 Lehua St.,Hilo, Hawaii-44451. 1\1

TEEVAN, T. Foster-HA 9; dial O-Asst. prof. ofEng.-1435·A Alewa Dr.-80686.

TEHO, Fortunato G.-Gil 102; loc 346-Asst. visual aids, AES-769 Sunset Ave.-73307.M

TEMPLE, Barbara J. (Mrs. Ralph E.)-Hke 324;loc 352-Asst. in biochem.-1837·B Keller Rd.M

tTEMPLE, Ralph E.-D 2; dial O-Grad. asst. insci.-1837·B Keller Rd. M

TERAMOTO, Doris R. (Mrs. Raymond M.)­Geo 131; loc 251 (Art; MF p.m., T a.m., W) andGeo 306; loc 414 (Psychol.; MF a.m., T p.m.,Th)-Steno., art and psychol. depts.-2046 S.King 5t.-998090. M




TOMOEDA, Charles K.-B 131; lac 365-Tab.machine opr.-1816 Bertram St.-725811. M

TOPHAM, Helen A.-HA 13; dial O-Instr. inEng.-2943 Kalakaua Ave., Apt. 506-937156.

TOWNES, Stanmore B.-K 411; lac 452-Prof. ofmath.; ch., dept. of math.-455 Oneawa St., Kai­lua, Oahu-268663. M

TOWNSLEY, Sidney ].-Hawaii Marine Lab.,Coconut Island, Kaneohe, Oahu-24404l or Gar107; lac 30l-Asst. marine biologist; asst. prof.ofzoo.-1744 Correa Rd.-961923. M

*TOYOFUKU, Ronald T.-The Lihue PlantationCo., Ltd., Lihue, Kauai-22361-Regent, Univ.-Lihue, Kauai-22537. M

TOYOTA, Winifred K. (Mrs. Ralph H.)-UES102-A; lac 244-lnstr. in educ.-3670 Wood­lawn Terrace PI.-982590. M

TRAPIDO, ]oel-F 102; lac 345-Prof. of dramaand theatre-3615 Alani Dr.-982068. M

TRAUT, Gladys M.-UES 118·A; lac of educ.; principal, Univ. Elem. School­2167 Ala Wai Blvd.-990945.

TROXEL, Edwin N., Capt.-ASB; lac of air sd.-2020 Alewa Dr.-813761. M

TSUGAWA, Keiji-Gil 107; lac 336-Statisticsclerk, AES-3444]ames St.-745909.

TSU]IUCHI, Ellen N.-MB 1; lac 454-Steno.­1334-B Akana Lane-501334.

TULL, Christine L. (Mrs.)-M 207; loc 333-Assocprof. of home econ.-1547 Ala Wai Blvd., Apt.323-913122.

TURNBULL, Murray-Geo 102; loc 220-Prof. ofart-1635-C Keller Rd.-926484. M

TUTHILL, Leonard D.-B 209; loc 204 or 412(1st sem.) and G 206; lac 301 (2nd sem.)­Acting Dean of Faculties (1st sem. only); prof. ofent.-2610 Manoa Rd.-912973. M

TUTTLE, Daniel W., ]r.-Cr 304; dial of govt.-812 Kainoa PI.-31026. M

tTYAU, Florence Y. (Mrs. Frank S.)-WashingtonInter. School; 92294-Lectr. in educ.; internteacher sup.-3916 Sierra Dr.-75838. M

TYAU, Hazel G. O.-Gil 104; loc 346-Typist,AES-742 Olokele Ave.-744389.

UCHIMA, Floyd Y.-UHSA (1st sem.) and MB 16(2nd sem.); lac 454-lnstr. in music-1420Monte Cooke PI.-850405. M

UEDA, Motoi-Federal Bldg., Hilo, Hawaii; 51650or 50944-Asst. county agent, AES-6 MilesKaumana Dr., Hila, Hawaii-50693. M


UEHARA, Betty K.-W 111-B; dial O-Instr. ineduc.-336-A N. Kuakini St.-65471.

UEHARA, Goro-Gil 120; lac 330-Asst. soilscientist, HAES (effective Nov. 23, 1959).

*UEMURA, Janet K. (Mrs. William K.)-Cr A;lac 350-Steno., AES (on leave until May, 1960)-3358-A Paalea St.-705351. M

UMBEL, Oma-M 204; loc 333-Assoc. prof. ofhome econ.-3608 Woodlawn Dr.-983061.

UNEMORI, Grace M. (Mrs. Tamot5u)-Gil 205;lac 239-Statistics clerk, HAES-1412 HumuulaSt., Kailua, Oahu-251219. M

UNRAU, Abraham M.-Hke 324; lac 352-Asst.biochemist, HAES-2652.D Rock Rd. M

USUI, Ruth R. (Mrs. Makoto)-Gil106; lac 346­Oerk, AES-5220 Waihou St.-31037. M

UYEHARA, Yukuo-Geo 107; dial O-Prof. of]apanese-3031-B Puhala Rise-9830S0.

VANDERSLICE, Ralph L.-Geo 330; lac 317­Instr. in speech-1635·B Keller Rd.-977695. M

van der VEUR, Paul W.-Cr 204; dial of govt. (on leave 1st sem.)-1641-AKeller Rd.-904403. M

van't WOUDT, Bessel D.-AEI 102; lac 3M­Asst. agr. engineer, HAES-47·075 KamehamehaHwy.-243734. M

van WEEL, Piecer B.-G 104; lac 301-Prof. ofzoo.-45-001 Lilipuna Pl., Kaneohe, Oahu­243945. M

tVASCONCELLOS, Edmund T.-Roosevelt HighSchool; 5849l-Lecu. in educ.; ATTP sup.­3003 Hoaloha PI.-61513. M

VASCONCELLOS, Henry B.-VB 307; 96246 orlac 423-Direcror of athletics; head footballcoach; asst. prof. of health and phys. educ.­2154 St. Louis Dr.-743533. M

tVAUGHN,]ack A.-F Workshop; 94140-Grad.asst. in drama-1823·B Keller Rd.

VAUGHT, Raymond-MB 1 (1st sem.) and MB 2(2nd sem.); lac 453-Assoc. prof. of music; ch.,dept. ofmusic-4215 Amau St.-775602. M

tVAUSE, Marylyn M. (Mrs. Stephen F.)-Cr A.2;dial O-Grad. asst. in govt.-2260-A Abe St. M

VnORIA, Gregorio G.-H 8; loc 265-Janitorforeman-1S01 University Ave.-990150. M

VINACKE, W. Edgar-Geo 307; lac 344-Prof.of psychol. (on leave 2nd sem.)-2934 LoomisSt.-982250. M

VINE, Richard W.-MB 8 (1st sem.) and MB 18(2nd sem.); lac 454-Prof. of music-2918 Al­phonse PI.-740095. M

VOLlRATH, Harvey M.-Hke 111; loc 337­Specialist in animal husbandry, AES-2528 Pua·ena Pl.-968871. M

tvon SCHAUSTEN, Mildred T. (Mrs. Otto J.)­Roosevelt High School; 58491-Lecu. in educ.;intern teacher sup.-2999 Kalakaua Ave.­939988. M

WACHTER, William M.-B 201; loc 201-Admin.isuative Vice·President; prof. of engin.-646Honua St.-773608. M

"'WADSWORTH, Harold A.-Dean emeritus­2236 Hyde 5t.-990907. M

tWAKAl, Warren T., D.D.S.-1448 Liliha St.;853825-Lectr. in dental hygiene-2826 E. ManoaRd.-983225. M

WAKI, Herbert S.-Waimanalo Farm; 257201­Farm manager, HAES-Mailing address: Box 68,Waimanalo, Oahu-257201. M

twALKER, Carol A.-HA 1; dial O-Grad. Eng.-342 Hobron Lane-996712.

WALKER, Ernest K., Jr.-E 102; dial of engin.-1759 Correa Rd.-997387. M

WALKER. Mabel A.-Hke 309; loc 236-Jr. nutri·tionist, HAES; acting head, dept. of foods andnutrition-1547 Ala Wai Blvd.-97051.

tWALL, Andrew C.-Gar 12.A; loc 302-Grad.asst. in physics-2644.A Rock Rd.-999095. M

tWALLACE, Louise H. (Mrs. James Edwin)-Cr301; loc 357 or 358-Grad. asst. in hist.-45·335Kulauli St., Kaneohe, Oahu-242927. 1\1

·WALLRABENSTEIN, Paul P.-Gil 202; loc 257-Sup. of crop and livestock reporting, AES­3359 Keahi St.-982727. M

·WALSH, Winifred A.-Assoc. prof. of socialwork (on leave 1959-(0).

WANG, Jaw.Kai-AEI 109; loc 3M-Asst., HAES-1061 Spencer St., Apt. 4­629171. 1\1

tWANG. Jih Ming-Bil 307; dial O-Grad. chem.-1904 Vancouver Dr.-990877.

tWANG, Kwang.mei (Mrs. Jaw.Kai)-Hke 301;loc 236-Asst. in foods and nutr.-1061 SpencerSt., Apt. 4-629171. M

·WARNER, John N.-HSPA Exp. Sta.; 64543­Afliliate member, graduate faculty-5255 Maka·lena St.-31006. M

WARSH, Louis P.-Hilo Campus; of hist. and govt.-1927 Kilauea Ave.,Hilo, Hawaii-568381. M

WATANABE, Kenneth M.-B 110; loc 278­Accountant-94418th Ave.-745119. M

WATSON, Donald E.-Waikiki Marine Lab.;939731-Asst. in research, NIH contract-2815Varsity Circle, Apt. 5. M

WATSON, Lorinda E.-Geo 331; loc speech-3140 Huelani Dr.-983447.

WAUGH. John L. T.-Bil 219; loc of chem.-1626 Correa Rd.-977691. M

twAXMAN, RaymondJ.-Geo 334; dial O-Grad.asst. in speech-2041 Kakela Dr.-998794.

WAYMAN, Oliver-Hke 107; loc 356-Animalscientist, HAES; head, dept. of animal sci., Coll.Agr.; prof. of agr.-1732 Correa Rd.-975684.M

WEAVER, Herbert B.-Geo 344; loc 2M-Prof.of ps}'chol.; director, PRC-145 Kuuala St.,Kailua,Oahu-269836. M

WENKAM, Nao S. (Mrs. Robert G.)-Hke 308;loc 236-Jr. nutritionist, HAES-1632 AlencastreSt.-746437.

tWERNY, Frank-Bit 307; dial O-Grad. asst. inchem.-1904 Vancouver Dr.-990877.

WERY, Katherine H. (Mrs. Clay H.)-B 124; loc312-Counselor for student housing and part·time employment-47.671 Ahuimanu Rd., Ka·neohe,Oahu-248520. 1\1

WHITE, Bruce E.-B 209; loc 204 or 412-Vice·President and Dean of Faculties; prof. of educ.(on leave 1st sem.)-3140 Huelani Dr.-9834·17.M

WHITE, Edward T.-B 132; loc 363-Director,Office of Admissions and Records-425 Ena Rd.,Apt. 1204-992256.

tWHITE. Grace (Mrs. Bruce E.)-K 206; dial 0­Instr. in math. (on leave 1st sem.)-3140 HuelaniDr.-983447. M

WHITE, John A.-Cr 310; loc 3SS-Prof. of hist.;cb., dept. of hist.-2739 Terrace Dr.-912001.

tWHITE, Paula S. (Mrs.)-HA 18; dial Eng.-1117.A 4th Ave.-79864 or 79723.

tWICKE, Jerry D.-Geo 304; loc 22t1-Grad. psychol.-1419 Dominis St.-997839.

·WIEDERANDERS, Carl J.-Cr A.2; loc 418 or385-Visiting colleague in meteorology, AF con·tract-107·E Second St., Hickam Air Force Base-44111 ext 411117. M

WILL, Caroline F. (Mrs. Richard Y.)-B 113; loc267 or 435-Counselof, Bur. of Testing andGuidance-1839 Keeaumoku St.-625782. M


WATANABE, Kenichi-Gar 103; loc 302-Prof. tWILL, Richard Y.-W 108; loc 347-Grad. asst.of physics-2460 Ferdinand Ave.-999137. M in educ.-1839 Keeaumoku St.-625782. M .to.


tWILSON Warren E.-D 103; lac 369-Grad.asst. in bot.-2022-A University Ave.-906784.

WILSON, Willard-B 204; lac 213-Provost; vice­pres., UHF-2040 Alihilani Pl.-94210. M

WINSTON, Vivian A.-Cr A 8; lac 3GO-Countyagent, AES-2009-A McKinley St.-91014.

WINTER, Lothar George-H 18; lac 438-Assoc.researcher, ERC-I020 Green St. M

WINTERS, Lee E., Jr.-HA 17; dial O-Asse. prof.ofEng.-3246 Manoa Rd.-982358. M

WINTERS, Lily Pao-Hu (Mrs. Lee E.)-Geo 130;lac 220-Asst. prof. of Chinese lang. and litera­ture-3246 Manoa Rd.-982358. M

"WISMER, Chester A.-HSPA Exp. Sta.; 64543­Affiliate member, graduate faculty-Mailingaddress: 1527 Keeaumoku St. M

WISWELL, Ella L. (Mrs. Frederick J.)-Geo 118;lac 250-Asst. prof. of European lang.-2943Kalakaua Ave., Apt. 1108-938373. M

WITTERMANS, Tamme-Cr 325; dial 0-Visitingprof. of soc.-1851-A Rock Rd.-925345. M

tWHIPPLE, Jeannette Adair-ZA-A; lac 376­Grad. asst. in zoo.-2335 Bingham Se.

*WOLFE, Cynthia L. (Mrs. David D.) of nursing (on leave 1959-60). M

WONG, Carolina D., M.D. (Mrs. Ronald H. L.)­Dis 100-B; 901715 or lac 335-Univ. physidan­2222-A Aulii St.-80094. M

WONG, Constance K. S.-B 132; lac 363-Typist-532-A Kunawai Lane-522011.

tWONG, Florence Chung (Mrs. Wallace F.)­Liliuokalani School; 707155-Lectr. in educ.;ATTPsup.-1315 MoiWaY-736804. M

WONG, Helene H.-Geo 316; loc 317-Asst. prof.ofspeech-1562 Nehoa St.-997039.

tWONG, Laura L. (Mrs. Arthur Y. Y.)-Geo 336;lac 317-Grad. asst. in speech-4329 Papu Circle-78248. M

tWONG, Margaret A. (Mrs. Arthur Y.)-CentralInter. School; 57594-Lectl. in educ.; ATTP sup.-1250NehoaSt.-68664. M

*WONG, Ruth E. M. (Mrs. Arthur K. Y.) educ. (on leave 1959-60). M

WOO, Kathleen (Mrs. Ivan)-Dis 104; lac 335­Nurse-3827 Mariposa Dr.-717882. M

·WORTMAN, Sterling-PRI; 90981-Affil­iate member, graduate faculty-325 Nenue St.­32600. M

WREN, James, T/Sgt.-ASB; lac 262-lnstr. inair sci.-161 Reynolds Ave.-426996. M

tWRIGHT, Harold P.-Cr 201-B; loc 440 or 442­Grad. asst. in Asian studies-1955 Young St.,Apt.D. M

WRIGHT, Joyce M.-SL; lac 287-Head, refer­ence dept.; asst. prof. of lib. sci.-3232 AhinahinaPL, Apt. 2-791885.

tWYNNE, Wilhelmina R. (Mrs. Ira B.)-CentralInter. School; 57594-Lectr. in educ.; ATTP sup.-672 Ulumalu St., Kailua, Oahu-254453. M

YAATAME, Leatrlce-B 132; lac 363-0erk­1265 AinakoaAve.-729563. M

YAMAATO, Barbara Y.-H 16; lac 245,238 or 242-Typist-1830-B Sereno St.-503974.

tYAMADA, Catherine Tokiko (Mrs. Herbert)­K 412; lac 452-Grad. asse. in math.-615-6Isenberg Se.-996079. M

YAMAGUCHI, Rokuro-Gil 107; lac 336-Asst.specialist in agr. econ., AES-916 9th Ave.­773695. M

YAMAGUCm, Yuri-H 16; lac 245,238 or 242­Office manager, Call. General Studies-918-A9th Ave.-76747.

YAMAMOTO, Betty M.-Gar 102; lac 302­Steno.-2232 Rose St.-83094.

·YAMAMOTO, George K.-Asst. prof. of soc.(on leave 1959-60). M

YAMAMOTO, Mitsuko-Botelho Bldg., Hono­kaa, Hawaii; 754201-Asst. county agent, AES­Paauhau Teacher's Cottage, Paauhau, Hawaii­752837.

YAMAMOTO, Stanley I.-WA 1; lac educ.-558 Ulumu St., Kailua, Oahu-269378.M

YAMAMOTO, Sueki-Gil 201; lac 257-Asst.crop reporter, AES-1283 Loko Dr., Wahiawa,Oahu-225660. M

YAMAMOTO, Tom T.-Cr A; loc 350-Asse.county agent, AES-3052 Hinano St.-704373.

YAMAMOTO, Yukimi (Mrs. Tatsumi)-FederalBldg., Hilo, Hawaii; 51650 or 50944-Steno.,AES-326 Kehaulani St., Hilo, Hawaii-56737.M

YAMAMURA, Douglas S.-Cr 317; dial of soc.-99-043 Kealakaha Dr., Aiea, Oahu-465595. M

YAMANAKA, Edith M. (Mrs. Kaname)-Gil1l4;loc 233-Steno., AES-2123 Citron St.-944744.M

YAMANAKA, Tohru-H 18; loc 438-Jr. re­searcher, ERC; instr. in bus.-1537-A ThurstonAve.-626021. M


tYAMANE, George M.-Hort A; hort., HAES-2717 Napuaa Pl.-982643. M

tYAMANOHA, Yone-Hilo Campus; 51093­Insu. in Eng.-20 Panaewa St., Hila, Hawaii­54223.

YAMASHITA, Amy H.-St; loc308-Typist, Lib.-2445 Huene St.-63128.

YAMATE, Margaret M. (Mrs. Sohei)-B 101; lac314-Editor, OPI-534-2 Lauiki St. M

YAMAUCHI, Hiroshi-K 408; loc ofmath.-3801 Anuhea St.-723415.

YANG, Sarah Lee (Mrs. Jay Y.)-UHSAn-1 101;loc 246-Asst. prof. of educ.-3614 Crater Rd.­774107.

YARBERRY, Rodney Burl-Hilo Campus; S1093-Asst. prof. of Eng.; academic chairman­1889 Kalanianaole Ave., Hilo, Hawaii-54018.M

YASAKA, Ernest K.-EE lab; loc 3S9-Electroniclab. technician-2810 Date 5t.-775167. 1\1

YASHIKI, Edith N. (Mrs. Richard K.)-N 5; loc2M-Sec. to Dean, CoU. of Nursing-1625-AKalakaua Ave.-960971. 1\1

YASUNOBU, Kerry T.-Bit 147; lac of chem.-1627-C Keller Rd.-91043. 1\1

YATES, W. Ross-D 2; dial O-Instr. in sci.­1833-0 KeUer Rd.-993173. 1\1

YEE, Warren Y. ].-Hke 137; loc 389-Asst.specialist in hart., AES-1950 Kui PI.-813204.M

YOKOTAKE, George M.-Gar 13; lac 302­Machinist-1928 New]ersey Ave.-715835. 1\1

YONAMINE, Charles Noboru-Wahiawa CivicCenter; 22418S-Asst. county agent, AES-232-CKoa St., Wahiawa, Oahu-227054. 1\1

YONAN. Alan M.-Geo 328; loc 317-lnstr. inspeech-1639 Correa Rd.-992638. 1\1

YONEDA, Saburo-Poultry Farm; loc 217-Poul­try farm foreman, HAE5-Univ. campus-96450.1\1

YOSHIDA, Magoichi-H 16; loc 245, 238 or242­Account c1erk-1720 Liliha. 5t.-64602. 1\1

YOSHIMORI. Alice Sumie-UHS 225; dial 0­Insu. ineduc.-903 Hausten St.-991112.

YOUNG. Harold Stanley, M/Sgt.-MSB; 81011ext 66081-Insu. in military sci.-Qtrs. l06-B.Ft. Ruger-81011 ext 67214-Mailing address:c/o Dept. of Military Sci.• Univ. of Hawaii. 1\1

"'YOUNG. Hong Yip-PRI; 90981-Affiliatemember. graduate faculty-2606 Oahu Ave.­997406. M

YOUNG, I. Carson-K 206 (1st sem.) and K 112(2nd sem.); loc ..wi-Asst. prof. of math.-286SOahu Ave.-968084. M

YOUNG, Rosalie M. C.-H 116; loc Dean, CoU. Bus. Adm.-1212 Lunalilo St.­507525.

tYOUNG, Sai Yew-Fern School; educ.; intern teacher sup.-1040 Wong HoLane-68056.

tYOUNG, Tsulan S. (Mrs. Richard R.)-KahalaSchool; 774<WS-Lecu. in educ.; ATTP sup.­4317 Pahoa Ave.-71434S. M

tYOUNG, Violet Choy (Mrs. William Hin Chee)­Lincoln School; 56270 or 625515-Lectr. in educ.;intern teacher sup.-1090 Karrati Lane-59057.M

YOUNGE, Otto R.-Gil 122; loc 330-Agrono­mist. HAES-2955 Oahu Ave.-983309. 1\1

YUEN, Jack K.-E 101; loc 258-Asst. prof. ofengin.-2610 Pope Rd.-990785. 1\1

tYUKINAGA, Leatrice I. (Mrs. Yoshio)-Kaulu­wela School; S90S6-Lectr. in educ.; ATTP sup.-2533 Olopua 5t.-98723. M

ZALOHA, Anne B.-W 208-B; loc of social work-29SS Oahu Ave.-982927.

tZARBAUGH, Mary K. (Mrs. Lynwood E.)­Kainalu Elem. School; 2S1758-Lectf. in educ.;ATTP sup.-491 Ulumanu Dr., Kailua, Oahu­263435. M

ZEInIN. Harry-Bil 332; dial O-Assoc. prof. ofchem.-5418 Opihi St.-31194. M

"'ZIMMERMAN, Elwood C.-British Museum ofNatural History. London, England-Entomolo.gillt. NSF contract. M






Term Expires Term ExpiresPHILIP E. SPALDiNG, Chairman 1961 WALTON M. GORDON, ex officio

FRED K. LAM, Vice-Chairman 1965 LESLIE A. HICKS. . 1961





. Shosuke Goto, Chairman· Col. E. C. Greene, Jr., Chairman

Leonard E. Mason, ChairmanHester Robinson, ChairmanSamuel H. Elbert, Chairman

O. A. Bushnell, Chairman· . Jimmie B. Smith, Chairman

Paul J. Scheuer, Chairman· Edward A. Langhans, Chairman


John B. Ferguson, Assistant to the Pr01JostWILLIAM M. WACHTER, Administraei'IJe Vice PresidentCharles A. Engman, AsJistant Administrati1Je Vice President

-----------., ComptrollerBRUCE E. WHITE, Vice President and Dean ofPaculties


Shosuke Goto, Assistant Dean· ALLAN F. SAUNDERS, Dean


Otto J. Beyers, Assistant Dean· WILFRED J. HOLMES, Dean

. EDMUND F. SPELLACY, DeanRoger L. Moseley, Direttor, Hil" Campus




Agriculture.Air Science .AnthropologyArt .Asian and Pacific LanguagesBacteriologyBotany .Chemistry .Drama and Theaue

College of NursingLibrariesStudent Personnel .Summer Session

College of EngineeringCollege of General Studies

College of Arts and Sciences. •College of Business Adminisuation. •College of Education. . . • • .

Graduate School • . •College of Agriculture

President's Office •



Economics and Business .Education .EngineeringEnglish.European Languages .Geography.Geology and Geophysics .GovernmentHealth and Physical Education .History •Home Economics .MathematicsMilitary ScienceMusic •Nursing.Philosophy .Physics .Psychology .ReligionSocial WorkSociology .Speech .Zoology and Entomology

Admissions and RecordsAquarium •Asian Studies ProgramAthleticsCooperative Extension Service in Agriculture

and Home Economics •

Economic Research Center

Pood ServiceGeneral Research .Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station •

Hawaii Institute of Geophysics •Hawaii Marine LaboratoryIndustrial Relations CenterLand Study BureauLegislative Reference Bureau .

Overseas Operations ProgramPersonnel •


· Edwin C. Pendleton, Chairman• Robert W. Copton, Chairman

• William. W. Tinniswood, Chairman• M. P. Heiser, Chairman

Dorothy B. Aspinwall, Chairman• Neal M. Bowers, Chairman• Agatin T. Abbott, ChairmanRobert B. Stauffer, Chairman

Alvin C. Saake, ChairmanJohn A. White, Chairman

· Katherine B. Gruelle, Chairman• Christopher Gregory, Chairman

Col.J. B. R. Hines, Chairman• Raymond Vaught, Chairman• Virginia A. Jones, Chairman

· Winfield E. Nagley, Chairman• Iwao Miyake, Chairman

• David H. Crowell, Chairman• Mitsuo Aoki, Chairman

• Katharine N. Handley, Direaor• Clarence E. Glick, Chairman· John P. Hoshor, Chairman

• Donald C. Matthews, Chairman

Edward T. White, Dircdor• Spencer W. Tinker, Dirmor

• Thomas H. Ige, Dirctlor· Henry B. Vasconcellos, Diredor

• Y. Baron Goto, DirectorDale N. Goodell, Assistant Dircdor

• Shelley M. Mark, Dirtetor (on leave 1959-60)Daniel M. Slate (Acting Direttor, 1959-60)

• Elsie M. Boatman, DircdorRobert W. Hiatt, Dirmor

• Morton M. Rosenberg, DirettorShosuke Goto, Assistant Diredor--------, Director

Albert H. BaDner, Direaor· Harold S. Roberts, Dircdor•Prederick K. Nunns, Direaor

Robert M. Kamins, Director (on leave 1959-(0)Kenneth Lau (Acting Director, 1959-60)

• John N. Stalker, DirectorMyrtle S. Brodie, Director




Psychological Research CenterPublications and Information, Office of .Romanzo Adams Social Research LaboratorySocial Science Research Institute .

Student Activities, Bureau of .Student Residences, Bureau ofTesting and Guidance, Bureau of

ADMINISTRATIVB COUNCIL: Laurence H. Snyder,President, Willard Wilson. Provost. Bruce E.White. secretary (on leave 1st sem.). Leonard D.Tuthill, secretary (1st sem. only). Harold M.Bitner. Hubert V. Everly. Rollert W. Hiatt.Wilfred J. Holmes. Virginia A. Jones, MortonM. Rosenberg. Shunzo Sakamaki. Allan F. Saun­ders. Edmund F. Spellacy. Carl G. Stroven,William M. Wachter. E. C. Pendleton (Dean.Business Administration).

ADMISSIONS AND SCHOLASTIC STANDING: HaroldM. Bitner. chairman. Hubert V. Everly. WilfredJ. Holmes. Virginia A. Jones. Morton M. Rosen­berg. Allan F. Saunders. Edmund F. Spellacy.Edward T. White. B. C. Pendleton (Dean.Business Administration).

AMBRICAN UNlVBRSITIBS FIBLD STAPP: ShuDZoSakamaki. chairman. Jacob Adler (1958-60).Neal M. Bowers (1958-61). Donald D. Johnson(1959-62). Herbert B. Weaver (1959-60).

ARBORBTUM: Horace Oay, chairman. Neal Bowers,Richard A. Hamilton. Haruyuki Kamemoto.A. J. Mangelsdorf (Hawaiian Sugar Planters'Association). Yukio Nakagawa, Charles F. Poole,E. Brie Reppun (Board of Agriculture andForestry). Morton M. Rosenberg. Henry Shige­kane (Attorney General's Office) William M.Wachter, Paul Weissich (Board of Public Parksand Recreation), Willard Wilson, Sterling Wort­man (Pineapple Research Institute).

ATHLBTIC SCHOLARSHIP: Henry B. Vasconcellos.chairman, Joel Trapido, Edward T. White, exofficio, (alumni representative).

COLLBGB OP AGRICULTURE PUBLICATIONS: MartinSherman, chairman. Estel H. Cobb, Dale Goodell,Gertrude P. Harrell, Charles W. Peters. G. Don­ald Sherman.

COMMITTBB APPOINTMBNTS, ADVISORY COMMITTBBON: Bruce J. Cooil. chairman. Paul CombatJohn M. Digman, Lorraine Fitzsimmons, EdwinPendleton, Robert B. Stauffer.

EDITORIAL COMMITTBB ON BmLIOGRAPHY ANDOCCASIONAL PAPBRS: Thomas H. Fujimura.chairman, Gustav Ecke (on leave 1st sem.),Dorothy Gillett, Eloise Hayes. Thomas Nicker­son, PaulJ. Scheuer. Martin Sherman, Daniel M.Slate.

EXCBLLBNCB IN TBACHING. COMMITTBB POR: Rich­ard S. AIm, chairman, Shiro Amioka, ElizabethB. Carr, Nicholas B. Corba, James W. Frierson,

• Herbert B. Weaver. DirectorThomas Nickerson. Director

.Andrew W. Lind. Director----------. Director

Susan D. Slonaker. DirectorMary Lou McPherson. Director

. Arthur A. Dole, Director

Oarence Glick, Shosuke Goto. Robert Grinder,Donald Kinch. Kenneth Otagaki, lone Rathburn,Harry Zeitlin.

FACULTY TRIPS, ADVISORY COMMITTBB ON ALLo­CATION OP: Andrew W. Lind. chairman, JohnB. Crossley. A. Grove Day. William W. Tinnis­wood. Herbert B. Weaver.

HAWAn INSTITUTB OP GBOPHYSICS ADVISORYBOARD: Robert W. Hiatt, chairman. Agatin T.Abbott, Thomas S. Austin (U.S. Fish & WildlifeService, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries),Neal M. Bowers. Doak Cox (HSPA). Dan A.Davis (U.S. Geological Survey), Paul Eckern(PRI). Christopher Gregory. Nels Johnson(U.S. Weather Bureau). Gordon A. Macdonald,J. J. Naughton, Colin S. Ramage, G. DonaldSherman, Kenichi Watanabe. Chester K. Went­worth (Hawaii National Park).

HAWAD MARINB LABORATORY ADVISORY BOARD:Albert H. Banner. chairman, Albert W. Bellamy(University of California). Vernon E. Brock(U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Bureau of Com­mercial Fisheries). Maxwell Doty. John Field(University of California at Los Angeles), RobertW. Hiatt, Carl L. Hubbs (University of Cali­fornia). C. F. Papenfuss (University of Califor­nia), Roger Revelle (Scripps Institution of'Oceanography), Michio TaKata (Territorial Fishand Game). A. L Tester.

HUMAN RBLATIONS AREA Fans: Leonard E. Mason,chairman, Leonard A. Diamond, ColinJ. Herrick,Minoru Shinoda, Paul van der Veur (on leave1stsem.).

LmRARY COMMITTBB: Carl StrQven, chairman,Richard S. AIm. Donald Bell. Nicholas Corba,Samuel Elbert, D. Elmo Hardy (vice ToshiyukiNishida, on leave 1959-60), Edgar Knowlton,C. S. Ramage, Douglas S. Yamamura.

PAOPIC AND ASIAN AFFAIRS COUNCIL PRIZE (TheCharles F. Loomis Memorial Award): Allan F.Saunders, chairman, Kenneth Lau, R. CalvinScollon (Pacific and Asian Affairs Council),Yukuo Uyehara, Paul van der Veur (on leave1stsem.).

PAOPIC ISLANDS LmRARY: Carl Stroven, chairman,Samuel H. Elbert, Robert W. Hiatt, Charles H.Hunter, Donald D. Johnson, Katharine Luomala(on leave 2nd sem.), C. A. Manchester, LeonardE. Mason, Norman Meller, Thomas D. Murphy.


PACIFIC ISLANDS STUDIES: Donald D. Johnson,chairman, Samuel H. Elbert, Leonard E. Mason,Norman Meller, W. Edgar Vinacke (on leave2ndsem.).

PRESS: Thomas Nickerson, chairman, Agatin T.Abbott, o. A. Bushnell, Kenneth Kingrey,Florence Maney, Foster Teevan, Joyce Wright.

PRIZES AND HONORS: Shunzo Sakamaki, chairman,Richard S. AIm, Earl M. Bilger, Thomas H.Fujimura, Y. Baron Goto, William D. Lampard,Andrew W. Lind, Thayne M. Livesay, LloydNewcomer (on leave 1st sem.), Bessel van'tWoudt.

RADIO·lsOTOPE: John Waugh, chairman, LucileAdamson, George Burr (Hawaiian Sugar Planters'Association), Sadamoto Iwashita (State Depart­ment of Health), J. J. Naughton, Edison W.Putman, SidneyJ. Townsley.

RADIO·TV: Donald C. McGuire, chairman, EloiseHayes, William Huntsberry, Millard C. Mundy,Thomas Nickerson, John Stalker, Louis M.Steed, ex officio,Joel Trapido.

READING CLINIC ADVISORY: Richard S. Aim,chairman, Hannah Lou Bennetr, Lorraine F.Fitzsimmons, Thelma Mcintosh, Naomi St.Denis.

RESEARCH AND GRADUATB STUDY: Robert W.Hiatt, chairman, Neal Bowers, D. Elmo Hardy,Alfons L. Korn, Alben L. Tester, Murray Turn­bull, Kenichi Watanabe.

SCHOLARSHIP: Edward T. White, chairman, EdmondCross, Welden A. Ernest, Olga Frojen, WilliamHuntsberry, Harold McCarthy, Ernest Ross,Ernest K. Walker.

SPEAKERS' BUREAU: Donald Klopf, chairman,Clarence E. Glick, John P. Hoshor, ThomasNickerson, Willard Wilson.

SUPERIOR STUDENT: Judson L. Ihrig, chairman(liaison with DPI Committee on Program forGifted Children), Dorothy Aspinwall (liaisonwith DPI Committee on Program for GiftedChildren), Don E. Avery, Arthur A Dole, JamesC. Gilbert, Sidney C. Hsiao, Arthur L. Kirk.patrick, James R. L. Linn, James K. Lowers,Arthur J. Marder, Ryoji Namba, Allan F. Saun­ders.

WAAHlLA HOUSING: William M. Wachter, chair·man, Harold Baker, Charles Engman, W. J.Holmes, John P. Hoshor, Kenneth Kingrey,Harold S. RobertS, Oma Umbel, W. EdgarVinacke (on leave 2nd sem.), Bruce E. White(on leave 1st sem.).





OVERSEAS OPERATIONS PROGRAM, ADVISORY COM­MITTEE: Roben B. Stauffer, chairman, CharlesEngman, Y. Baron Goto, Virginia A. Jones,Shelley Mark (on leave 1959-60), Robert M.Martin, John N. Stalker, ex officio, Thomas H.Ige, ex officio.

ASIAN STUDIES PROGRAM, ADVISORY COMMITTBE:C. K. Cheng, Norito Fujioka, Thomas H. Ige,ex oflicio, RobertJay, C. A. Manchester, CharlesA. Moore, Roben Stauffer, John N. Stalker, exofficio,John A. White.

AUDIO.VISUAL USES AND POTENTIALS: RichardSanner, chairman, Nicholas Corba, Dale Goodell,Patricia Grant, Kenneth Kingrey.

UNIVERSITY STUDY AND DnVBLOPMENT COMMIS·SION: WilJar"d Wilson, chairman, Hubert V.Everly, Norman Meller, J. J. Naughton, G.Donald Sherman, Murray Turnbull, Douglas S.Yamamura, vice chairman.

ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OFHAWAII (ASUH): Faculty advisor: Harold M.Bitner; executive secretary: Visitacion MigueliASUH officers: Melvyn Sakaguchi (president),James S. Asato (vice-president), Suzanne Kozaki(secretary), Henry Lau (ueasurer).

BOARD OF ATHLETIC CONTROL (BAC): Chairman:Melvyn Sakaguchi; faculty/staff: Henry Bess,

COMMITTEE FOR EAST-WEST CENTER: Charles S.Bouslog, Charles A. Engman, Y. Baron Goto,Thomas H. Ige, Arthur L. Kirkpatrick, KennethLau, Robert M. Martin, Morton M. Rosenberg,Calvin Scollon, liaison, John N. Stalker. RobertStauffer, Murray Turnbull, William M. Wachter,Willard Wilson, ex officio.

SOCIAL SClBNCB RBSBARCH INSTITUTE, ADVISORYBOARD: Andrew W. Lind, chairman, Jacob Adler,Neal Bowers, John Digman, Robert W. Hiatt,Leonard E. Mason, Thomas D. Murphy, HaroldS. Roberts, Robert B. StautTer, Daniel W. Tutde,Herbert B. Weaver, Douglas S. Yamamura.

COMMUNITY GUIDANCE SERVICE ADVISORY COM­MITTEB: Ruth W. lams, John M. Digman,Francis Clark, Harold M. Bitner, Charles F.Congdon, Arthur A. Dole, Georse Stepp (HawaiiPersonnel and Guidance Assn.), Robert Spicer(Hawaii Psychol. Assn.).

Harold M. Bitner, Shunzo Sakamaki, KennethM. Watanabe (liaison), Henry B. Vasconcellos(ex officio); students: Robert Masumoto (senior),Jerry McCool (junior), Melvyn Sakaguchi (exoBicio); alumni: _

BOARD OF PUBLICATIONS: Chairman: ;faculty/staff: Jean A. Gutierres (OPI), Roben L.Scott, Visitacion Miguel (ASUH exec. sec.>;


i-4 .• I

OFFICERS OF ORGANIZATIONS(including some organizations not officially connected with the University)


students: Korlo Look (editor, Ka Leo), LauraLuke (editor, Ka Palapala), (ASUH senate repre­sentative), (junior representatives), (senior repre­sentatives).

CAMPUS FUND DRlVB: Chairman: Bernhard Hor­mann; faculty/staff: John R. Evans, I. PatriciaGrant, Margaret E. Holden, Esther Jenkins, Har­old A. Jambor, Haruyuki Kamemoto, EdwardGreene, Pat M. O'Brient, James Y. Shigeca,Kenneth M. Watanabe, Olga Frojen; student:

CAMPUS PLANNING COMMITTBB: Chairman: Will­iam M. Wachter; faculty/staff: Charles A. Eng­maD:? Bartley M. Harloe, Frank E. Hinton,Wilfred J. Holmes, Iwao Miyake, Morton M.Rosenberg, Frank S. Scott, Jr., Carl G. Stroven,Murray Turnbull, Bruce E. White (on leave 1stsem.); students: .

CAMPUS TRAFFIC COMMITTBB: Chairman: BartleyM. Harloe; faculty/staff: Leona R. Adam, HannahLou Bennett, Orrel Davis, William A. Gosline,WilfredJ. Holmes, Donald D.Johnson, EdmundF. Spellacy, John N. Stalker, Kenneth M. Wata­nabe, Oliver Wayman; student: Jerry McCool.

CAMPUS TRAFFIC ,ApPBALS BOARD: Chairman: PerryF. Philipp; faculty/staff: Roseamonde Porter,Mary Lou McPherson (through December 1959),John L. T. Waugh, Katherine Wery OanuarythroughDecember1960); student: Fabian Fragiao.

CIvIL DBFBNSB: University Coordinator of QvilDefense: L. Scott Daniel; senior warden, west:Torlef Nelson; senior warden, east: Orland S.Lefforge.

DBBATB AND FORBNSICS: Chairman: Salome Kim;faculty/staff: Orland S. Lefforge; students: Rich­ard Hartley, Bernadine Ho, Florence Fujitani,Anthony Kim, Donna Kang.

DISCIPLINB: Chairman: Harold M. Bitner; faculty/staff: Merle Ansberry, Hubert V. Everly, ShosukeGoto, Wilfred J. Holmes, Virginia A. Jones,Edwin C. Pendleton, Allan F. Saunders, Edmund

ALUMNI AsSOCIATION OF THE UNIVBRSITY OFHAWAU: Daniel K. Ainoa, president; WadsworthY. H. Yee, 1st vice-president; Theodore F.Nobriga, 2nd vice-president; William G. Among,Oahu vice-president; Francis M. F. Ching, Kauaivice-president; Joseph A. Sweezey, Maw vice­president; Wing Kong Chong, Hawaii vice-presi­dent; Adolph H. Desha, Lanai-Molokai vice­president; Puanani H. Kini, secretary; GilbertK. H. Wong, treasurer; Anita K. Moepono,executive secretary; Hubert V. Everly, Tim Ho,Walter M. Heen, Vernon Nunokawa, TheodoreC. Searle, Sakae Takahashi, board of governors.

AMBRICAN AssOCIATION OP UNIVBRSITY PRO­PBSSORS (Hawaii Chapter): Judson L. Ihrig, presi­dent; Daniel W. Tuttle, 1st vice-president; Don-

F. Spellacy; students: Melvyn Sakaguchi (exofficio), Cedric Chong.

FORmGN STUDBNTS: Chairman: Sumie F. McCabe;faculty/staff: Abe Arkoff, William E. Huntsberry,Martin Sherman,John A. White; students:__.

HBMBNWAY HALL BOARD OF GOVBRNORS (BOG):President: ; faculty/staff: Adeline A.Crawford, Harold A. Jambor, John Sac1ausa,Patricia Grant (ex officio), (exofficio); students: _

INTBRCLUB COUNCIL: Faculty advisor: PatriciaGrant; president: ,

STUDBNT COURT: Faculty advisor: Edmund F.Spellacy; chief justice: Charlotte H. Onishi;students: Tom Burke, Velma Nakamura, Dicklng, Tony Liu.

STUDBNT ORGANIZATIONS AND SOCIAL ACTMTIBS(SOSA): Chairman: James Koshi; faculty/staff:Oliver V. Allen, Lillian R. Gibson, Donald M.Kinch, Susan L. Reichert, Susan D. Slonaker(ex officio); students: Marilyn Lochner, KenTakenaka, Jerry McCool.

UNIVBRSITY OCCASIONS: Chairman: Carleton Green(ex officio, University Marshal); faculty/staff:Clarence E. Glick, John P. Hoshor (ex officio,speech department chairman), Edward A. Lang­hans (ex officio, drama department chairman).Thomas Nickerson (ex officio, Director of Publi­cations and Information). (Comp­troller), Susan D. Slonaker (ex officio, Director ofStudent Activities), Raymond Vaught (ex officio,music dept. chairman); Alumni: Daniel Ainoa, (exofficio, Alumni president), Anita Moepono (exofficio, Alumni exec. sec.); students: MelvynSakaguchi (ex officio, ASUH president), JanetHiraoka (ex officio, senior class president).

UNIVBRSITY SAFBTY COMMITTBB: Chairman: CharlesF. Congdon; faculty/staff: Myrtle S. Brodie,Teruo Gushikuma, Frank E. Hinton, Charles M.Hirota, Sammy A. Kagawa, Donald M. Kinch.Ichiro Nakamura, Henry O. Thompson, WilliamM. Wachter, Harry Zeitlin; students: .

aId W. Bell, 2nd vice-president; Lorinda E.Watson, secretary; Alvin C. Saake, treasurer.

AMBRICAN ASSOCIATION OP UNIVBRSITY WOMBN(Hawaii Chapter): Mrs. George Kellerman, presi­dent; Mrs. Karl Struve, 1st vice-president; Mrs.John Knight, 2nd vice-president; Mrs. PaulEkern, 3rd vice-president; Mrs. A. C. Camp,recording secretary; Mrs. Oarence Chang, corre­sponding secretary; Mrs. Nelson Smith, treasurer;Mrs. S. E. Doolittle, assistant treasurer.

ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIBTY OP HAWAU: LeonardMason, president; Robert Jay, vice-president;William Kikuchi, secretary; Joan Steffens,ueasurer; Frances Tamanaha, editor.


HAWAII PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION: BernardBloom, president; David H. Crowell, president­elect; Arthur A. Dole, secretary-treasurer; RichardD. Kepner, delegate-at-Iarge.

HAWAIIAN ACADEMY OF SCIBNCE: Vernon E. Brock,president; Fred I. Gilbert, president-elect; SterlingWortman, secretary; Eleanor S. Anderson,treasurer; Gordon A. Macdonald and KenichiWatanabe, councillors.

HAWAIIAN BOTANICAL SOCIETY: Donald D. Gow­ing, president; John Warner, vice-president;Arthur Lange, secretary; William M. Bush,treasurer.

HAWAIIAN GOVERNMENT EMPLOYBES ASSOCIATION(University Chapter): Kobe Shoji, president;Albert H. Banner, vice-president; Edwin Y. Chun,treasurer; Evelyn H. Castro, secretary; Bruce J.Cooil, Donald D. Johnson, Charles S. Bouslog,Dale N. Goodell, Mary Lou McPherson, ShelleyM. Mark, directors.

MBN'S FACULTY CLUB: Paul Comba, president;Jacob Adler, vice·president; Bardey M. Harloe,secretary·treasurer.

PHI BSTA KAPPA (Alpha of Hawaii Chapter):Clarence E. Glick, president; Marjorie P. Sin­clair, vice-president; Elizabeth B. Carr, secretary;Jacob Adler, treasurer; Albert Bernatowicz, ClaraJenson, Judson Ihrig, Norman Meller, ThomasMurphy, councillors.

PHI KAPPA PHI (Hawaii Chapter): James Lowers,president; Paul Scheuer, vice-president; Kath·arine Phipps, secretary; Robert Riffenburgh,treasurer; Andrew W. Lind, B. M. Huloe, JohnWhite (ex officio), councillors.

SIGMA PI SIGMA: Charles Hong, president; TakujiHirano, vice·president; Harriet NatSuyama, secre­tary-treasurer; Howard McAllister, advisor.

SIGMA XI (Hawaii Chapter): Donald C. Matthews,president; Albert Tester, president-elect; SidneyTownsley, secretary; E. Alison Kay, treasurer;Donald Gowing, councillor.

WOMEN'S CAMPUS CLUB: Mrs. Laurence H. Snyder,honorary president; Mrs. Albert L. Tester, presi­dent; Mrs. Merle Ansberry, 1st vice-president;Mrs. John L. Waugh, 2nd vice.president; Mrs.Jimmie B. Smith, recording secretary; Mrs. HarryZeidin, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Roben B.Stauffer, treasurer.

UNIVBRSITY OF HAWAII FOUNDATION TRUSTBBS:Philip E. Spalding, president; Laurence H. Snyderand Willard Wilson, vice-presidentS; RichardPenhallow, secretary; Hung Wai Ching, treasurer;Fred K. Lam, auditor; Daniel K. Ainoa, J. GarnerAnthony, J. Ballard Atherton, R. G. Burkland,Leslie A. Hicks, Katsuyuki Izumi, Arthur E.Orvis, Shunzo Sakamaki, James H. Shoemaker,Morley Theaker, Ronald Toyofuku, members.


OfficeAccounting Office.Admissions and Records

AdmissionsDirector .Recorder.

Advanced Management ProgramAgricultural Engineering InstituteAgricultural Experiment Station

Agricultural Biochemistry .Agricultural Economics .Agronomy and Soil ScienceAnimal ScienceDairy Farm •Dairy Office .Entomology. . . . . .

Insectary No.2. . . .Food Processing and UtilizationFoods and NutritionHaleakala BranchHorticulture .

Horticulture AnnexKona Branch

Maintenance (Nakamura)Milk Room (Dairy)Parasitology. .Plant Pathology .Plant Physiology

Phone226,278363, 372, 373 .363363361241354231352239330356286235276261210236 . . .Makawao 424384353990390Kona 238431 .



Addres8B 110

B 132.136

D 101· AEI

Hke 215Hke 330· Gil 205· Gil 122Hke 106

Farm· Gil 209

· Ent. Insectary 2

· FP. . Hke 311Makawao, Maui

Hke 134Farm

. . P. O. Box 585Kealakekua, Hawaii

• AEIFarm

ParHke 311



· P. O. Box 123Waialua, Oahu

· Farm· Hke 226· Hke 215·A· Hke 118

· P. O. Box 68Waimanalo, Oahu

· Gil 101

· . . CrAP. O. Box 1882

Hilo, Hawaii· P. O. Box 236

Honokaa, Hawaii· P. O. Box 186

Kahului, Maui· P. O. Box 237

Kamuela, Hawaii· P. O. Box 607Kaneohe, Oahu

· . P. O. Box 177Kaunakakai, Molokai

· . P. O. Box 208Kealakekua, Hawau

· P. O. Box 37Kohala, Hawaii

· . P. O. Box 26Waiakoa, Kula, Maui

P. O. Box 1588Lihue, Kauai

. . . P. O. Box 396Naalehu, Kau, Hawaii

· P. O. Box 540Wahiawa, Oahu· P. O. Box 838Waianae, Oahu

· Gil 108Gil 201·202

· Gil 205· Gil 107· Gil 118Hke 111· Gil 109· Gil 108

Gil 111·112· Gil 103· Gil 144· Gil 113· Gil 111· Gil 114Hke 134

. Hke226· Gil 103· Gil 118Hke117Hke 215

Gil 208·209· Gil 103

ASB· B 107Cr 201·D

2777 Kalakaua Ave.Geo 131

. AAB 214-215

Geo 106

225257 .239,420

. 336419337339339

• 228346233327228233 .353, 389334346419351340232, 235346262977325415,441939741251, 220259209o

Agricultural Economics . .Crop and Livestock ReportingFarm ManagementMarket Reporting

Agronomy . .Animal Husbandry. .Oothing. . • . .Consumer Information .County Agent WorkFilm Library. . .Foods and Nutrition4-H Oub Work. . . .Home Demonstration WorkHome ManagementHorticulture. . . . . .Poultry Husbandry. . . .Publications Distribution CenterSoil ManagementVegetable Crops .

Agriculture, College of . . .Business Manager . . . .Publications Distribution Center

Air Science •Alumni Association of the University of HawaiiAnthropologyAquarium .Art • . .

Ceramics. .Arts and Sciences, College ofAsian and Pacific Languages .

Office Phone

Poamoho Farm 234735

Poultry Farm 217Poultry Science 334Station Editor . 205Vegetable Crops 351Waimanalo Farm 257201

Agricultural Extension Service 234County Offices:

Honolulu. 350, 338Hilo Hilo 50944, 51650

Honokaa Honokaa 754201

Kahului Wku 726195

Kamuela (Waimea) Wai 858475

Kaneohe 241762, 242658

Kaunakakai Mol 38235

Kealakekua (Kainaliu) Kona 238435 ..,.

Kohala Koh 837201

~ Kula Kula 783065

.." Lihue Lib 2036,.Naalehu Kau 692085

Wahiawa 224185

Waianae 213908






• Hem· . .CM 129· UHSAn·1 110

Shop· B 110

.eM• AA

· BillH· . • . Bil112

Kaneohe Ba.y, Oahu· . 2570 Dole St.

· • EntDoleGeo 114

..•• 8208

. . • • • p

Hke 215B 214·215

· H 103·A· W 205·206

K 219·A· H 120· . N5

B 209·210· K 210·212

· B 129· Cr 208

· Dis 102·C• . Dis

· . 2569 Dole St.· 2~27 Dole St.· 2555 Dole St.· . • P 101· •• H18

· •• H2· W 205·206· • W20~

• •••UESK 219·AK ~19·AHA2.A

. G204

. • Ene

• Ene

AddressCr 201·A

· ... Hem81810 University Ave.

• SBSL 2

· D201· Hem

Gar 202·BBookstore

· . D206Utility ShopUtility ShopUtility Shop

.H9H 10~B 110


· 990955

· 992362· 991756

252· 325


· 259

281· 280

244041· 91181.

· . 92061.· 991401· 90591.· 0 ••

438· ~11 .

20~, 428 .· 417


· . 368· 301



· 20~446 . . .

· 238, 242, 245 .· 454,284 .· 204,412 .· 447 ..· 3U,429 .

· . 4~9, 990771 •· . 229· . ~~5, 901715 .

~26 .· 94968. . .

96246, Dial 0 .298218274~01

· ~22~04268~25


265· 215 .

· . 226,278

· 917215355

· 294, 208, 207 •• • • 94140.

OfficeAsian Studies Program . . . . .Associated Students, University of Hawaii

(ASUH) . . . . . . . .Atherton House (University YMCA)Athletics . • . . . . . .Audio·Visual CenterBacteriologyBarber ShopBiology .Bookstore . . . . .Botany . . . • . .Buildings and Maintenance .

Construction and Repair ShopElectrician . . . . .Keys .

Business Administration, College of .Business Office . . . . . .Cafeterias:

UniversityPreschool . . .College of Education

Carpenter Shop . .Cashier. . . . . . . .Casde Memorial Hall (Preschool)Ceramics . . . . . . .Chemistry:

Chairman . . . .Secretary. . . . .

Coconut Island Laboratory . . . . .Commercial Fisheries, Bureau of (USPWS) .ComptrollerDeans:

College of Agriculture. . .College of Arts and Sciences . .College of Business AdministrationCollege of Education . . . .College of Engineering. .College of General Studies .College of Nursing .Faculties. . .Graduate SchoolStudent PersonnelSummer Session .

Dental HygieneDispensary. . .Dormitories:

Frear Hall .Hale Laulima .Johnson Hall .

Drama. and TheatreEconomic Research CenterEconomics and Business .Education, College of. .Education, Department ofElementary School. .Engineering, College of .Engineering, Department ofEnglish. • . . . . . . . .Entomology (Instructional) . . . .

Agricultural Experiment Station (Univ.)Agricultural Research Service,

Entomology Research Branch (USDA)Agricultural Research Service,

Entomology Research Branch (USDA)European Languages .Paculty Bulletin . . .Farrington Hall Box Oflice



B 1082569 Dole St.


• UE8 101-AW 103



H 117H 113

B 101·106. 2555 Dole St.

Utility ShopHemHem

Klum. Land Study Bldg.

Geo 106Geo 114

; SL

Kaneohe Bay, Oahu2777 Kalakaua Ave.

K 419-A• Hem 3


Phone21094273 .39192061 .921715238, 242, 245 . H 120~6 HW63~ DW8357 Cr 306447 • • . • . . . K 210-212999108 . H. Thompson's Home, Campus240, 214, 912285 . Klum284,454 . . . . N991401 . 2327 Dole St.95168 . 2331 Sea View Ave.

244041 Kaneohe Bay, Oahu939741 2777 Kalakaua Ave.240, 214, 912285 . Klum 1374, 992363 Hem243 UHS 121255 UHSAHilo 51093 . P. O. Box 856

Hilo, HawaiiCr310

...... M104.1613 Correa Rd., Campus

B 131


33231137190591 •990472268320320 • • • •240, 214, 912285 •295,296 •

o355 . • . •300, 378,996922 •

227308o264oo227306287316263285ooo94273 •374,992363None.


Food Processing and Utilization •Football Locker Rooms . . .Foundation, University of HawaiiFrear Hall . . .

Head ResidentGeneral Studies, College ofGeography. . . . .Geology and Geophysics .GovernmentGraduate SchoolGrounds SuperintendentGymnasium, Klum . • •Hale Aloha (Nursing School)Hale Laulima . . • . . .Hale Wahine (University YWCA)Hawaii Marine Laboratory:

Coconut Island .Waikiki (Aquarium) . .

Health and Physical EducationHemenway Hall (College Union)High School . • .High School AuditoriumHilo Campus

History .Home EconomicsHome Management HouseIBM Office. . . • .Industrial Relations Center:

Director. . . . .Library . . . . .

Information and PublicationsJohnson Hall •

Head ResidentJanitorKa Leo .Ka PalapalaKlum GymnasiumLand Study BureauLanguages:

Asian and PacificEuropean . . . . .

Legislative Reference Bureau .Liorary:

Cataloguing .Circulation . . . .Government DocumentsHawaiian and Pacific CollectionLibrarian of the University. •Maps and Microfilm CollectionOrder. . . . . • . •Oriental Collection •Reference . . • .Reserve Book CollectionSerials and ExchangeElementary School •High School. . .College of Education

Library Science. . .Locker Room, AthleticsLost and Found Department .Mail Room. . • . •Marine Laboratory, Hawaii:

Coconut Island. • •Waikiki (Aquarium)

Mathematics . . •Men's Faculty Room


· . 2327 Dole Sr.· 1810 University Ave.

2331 Sea View Ave.. • • • • Gar 202·B




· B 206Geo 211

K 210·212

· 255' Dole St.

2570 Dole St.• • B 108

· . . B 102· . • B 124

· • 2569 Dole St.


MB 1-2· ... N

Cr 201·C· H 103

· • • B 212· Cr 139SL ,04·A• BIOI

Klum 1· . Dis

· . Gar 102·C· 2500 Dole St.

· .•.. CM• • • B 207·208

• • • • • B 204Psychophysics Lab.· . • Geo 306· . . B 101·106• • • B 111·112

· •. H 217· W 213

• B 132·136


• Cr 327· W207

.D5· Cr 327Cr 208·C· Cr 318MakapuuGeo 321Geo 112· . SL

· . . • Hem 204· B 124

· B 124·130· B 126· Cr 208

. SP· H 101· B 113

F 101P


. . . 92061.. . . 921715

991401 • •94968,90413595168 •301 • • • • .

OfficeMen's Residence:

Johnson Hall . • 90591. •Head Resident • • . . 990472

Military Science . • . 341Mimeographing Service . . 289Music . . . . • 453 •Nursing, College of • • • • 284, 4'4 •Overseas Operations Program • 442, 440 •Pacific Science, Editor·in.Chief • . 215 •Personnel Director. • • • • 411,4'8 • • .Philosophy. . . . . • • 0 . .Philosophy Bast and West, Editor 323, 272 •Photographer . . . . . • • 371. • • •Physical Education, Health and 240, 214, 912285. .Physician . . • • • • • 335, 901715Physics. . . . . . . . . 302. • • •Pineapple Research Institute (PRI) .. 90981.Preschool (Castle Memorial Hall) 991756 • •President's Office . 207, 208, 294 •Provost. . . . . • • • 213 •Psychological Research Center. 996037Psychology. . . . . •• 414Publications and Information . 371 • • • .Purchasing Office. • • •• .• 269, 271, 315. .Radio Director. . • .. ... 275 • • • .Reading Clinic. . . • . . . 0 • • • •Records, Admissions and. 363,372,373 •

Admissions • . • • . 363Director . 363Recorder. . . • • • . 361

Regents, Board of. . 206Religion . . • • • • • • • • • 388Research, Director of. • • • . 447Reserve Officers' Training Corps:

Air Science . • • • • • •• 262Military Science. . • • • • • • . 341

Romanzo Adams Social Science Laboratory • 248School of Social Work • • • . 247Science. . . • • • • • • 0 • •Social Research Laboratory . . 248Social Science Research Institute • 248Sociology . . . . • • • • . . . 413 • . • • . •Solar Observatory. . • • • 30674. • • • • .Speech . . . . • • •• .. 202, 317 • • . • . •

Speech and Hearing Clinic. • •• 279 • • • •Stenographic and Mimeographing Service • . 289 • • • •Student Activities Director • • •• 290Student Employment and Housing 312 • • • .Student Personnel. • . • • 313,429 • • . • .Student Residences Director • 277 • . .Summer Session . . 439,990771 .Swimming Pool . • 343 • • •Telephone Operator . . •. ... 0 • • • .Testing and Guidance Bureau 267,435Theatre and Drama . . . 0 • •Theatre Box Office • • • • • • • . 94140. .U. S. Pish and Wildlife Service, Bweau of Com·

mercial Pisheries, Hawaii Area (USPWS). • 91181.University of Hawaii Poundation • • • . 391University of Hawaii Press • • . 272Veterans' Adviser •• ••••• 212Women's Residences:

Prear Hall . • • •Head Resident . • • .

Hale Laulima • .YMCA, University BranchYWCA, University BranchZoology and Entomology


o 90563o 90559

o 0 0 912285o 90557. 996922

o 90556o 90562o 90550o 90561o 990771

IBM 0 • 0 • 0

1GI LtD and 1VJ PIlltJpa/4 0 0

Klum Gym 0 0 0 0 • 0

Legislative Reference Bureau 0

Library. 0 0

Poultry Farm 0

President"s OfficeRadio Office 0

Summer Session


Mtcr 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.after 12:00 noon Saturday. and on Sunday and holidays call:

Agricultural Experiment Station(Henke Hall) . . . •

Agricultural Extension Service(Gilmore Hall) . . . . • • . 90551

Associated Students of the UDiversity ofHawaii (ASUH). . . . . . 0 90558

Buildings Superintendent (Po Hinton) 90553Chemistry BUilding 0 0 0 0 0 0 90554College of General Studies 0 • 0 0 929225Farm Shop • • 90'"



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