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Theresia Gentya12.88203.109


According to Farclough there are 3 analysis, they are : •Text• Discursive Ptactice• Social Practice

TEXT • The title is HARGA ELPIJI 3Kg MENGGILA, “menggila” in this the prize is

more expensive than usual.• Boma(25) as a buyer said that the prize of Elpiji 3Kg is more expensive

than usual, he was shock that Elpiji 3Kg Rp35 ribu/tabung. More then 15 shops that Boma found was no more stock of Elpiji. In the previous Boma found Pangkalan elpiji in Arengka there was still many stock of Elpiji it self, but when he was to buy it the seller ask to give the fotocopy of KTP and RW in Arengka, because he did not have the fotocpy of KTP and RW Arengka of course he can not buy the Elpiji and he live in Garuda Sakti.

• “Banyak yang menunggu tapi tidak bisa tunjukkan KTP setempat, tapi heran nya stok pangkalan itu cepat habis sehingga saya curiga Elpiji itu dijual lewat belakang kepada penjual lainnya yang sanggup membeli dengan harga tinggi” said Darwin.

• “Kami sudah pantau di tingkat pangkalan, masih mencukupi. Pihak Pertamina juga memastikan distribusi ke Agen tidak ada masalah, jadi dimana masalahnya?” Azwan said as a head of Disperindag Pekanbaru. So, there is a citizen want to buy with expensive prize and then they will sell again with more expensive prize, because in the pangkalan have unlimited Elpiji and the Pertamina said that they had make sure there is no problem with the distribution.

• “Modal kami Rp30 ribu/tabung, ada yang mengantar, mau bagaimana lagi, terpaksa jual Rp35 ribu,” Older woman said. This statement is very clear about another seller want to obtain more money from the Elpiji it self.

• “Mau bagaimana lagi, kami memang perlu, sehingga mau tak mau ya di beli sajalah, ini juga udah syukur ada, walaupun harganya dua kali lipat” Safiah said. She also difficult to find Elpiji in her Area in Kecamatan Limapuluh.

• “Saya tidak tau alasannya, yang jelas stok datang setiap Senin dan Rabu sebanyak 60 tabung” NN in Tenayan Raya.

• “Saya masih jual dengan harga yang normal yakni Rp18 ribu/tabung. Soal penyebab kelangkaan saya kurang tau pasti, tapi saat ini saya memang selalu kekurangan stok” said Talib (53) in Umbansari. There are some Agent know why the Elpiji limited and some others did not know why.

• “Untuk Riau itu penyalurannya sekitar 110 ribu/hari sementara untuk Pekanbaru sekitar 18.500 tabung, mungkin karena telat sampai, tapi barangnya ada. Untuk ketersediaan Elpiji 3Kg ini ada dan mendistribusikannya pun normal, tidak ada pengurangan. Sebaiknya beli gas di pangkalan bukan ditempat eceran, karena beli di pangkalan itu sesuai HET” said SR Gas LPG PT PERTAMINA Sumbar-Riau Mahfud. Ya maybe there is the Elpiji but the way the Elpiji arived have problem, got a traffic jam, damaged roads, too late in pangkalan and others. And citizen recommend to buy in Pangkalan.

• There is no picture on the news.• Riau Pos team make the news in the newspaper of Riau Pos are to

make the readers know what happen with the Elpiji in Pekanbaru and why the Elpiji limited and what are the problem.

• There is no colour of this newspaper just black in white for this news “HARGA ELPIJI 3Kg MENGGILA”.

• Word choice I think this satisfied enough for the readers to know that and can give some information for the citizen it self.


• This news published in Riau Pos, Metropolis, Sunday, Mei 18, 2015, in the first slide.

• And also publised in Go.Riau, Portal Pekanbaru, Google Hot News.(25 thousands viewer).

• Also in Liputan6 in Internet (133 thousands viewer).• All of People in Indonesia know about this news because

the news had read from the newspaper, magazine and listen from the television, radio and also they can search in Internet. Total population in Indonesia around 250 million inhabitants.

• They publised or shared this news is to make the readers know what happen with the Elpiji in Pekanbaru and why the Elpiji limited and what are the problem.


• To make the readers know what happen with the Elpiji in Pekanbaru and why the Elpiji limited and what are the problem. The impact is the readers or the counsumer of Elpiji know and they can make their own solution to avoid the scarce.

• If there is no information about this news maybe the citizen or consumer still wonder why the Elpiji limited or something else.

