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Disruption of the Subendothelial Basement Membrane during NeutrophilDiapedesis in an In Vitro Construct of a Blood Vessel WallAndreas R. Huber and Stephen J. WeissDepartment of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology and Oncology, Simpson Memorial Research Institute,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109


To examine the course of physiologic interactions between ex-travasating neutrophils and the subendothelial basementmembrane, a model of the venular vessel wall was constructedby culturing human umbilical vein endothelial cells on a colla-gen matrix. After 21 d in culture, the endothelial cell mono-layer displayed in vivo-like intercellular borders and junctions,deposited a single-layered, continuous basement membranethat was impenetrable to colloidal particles, and supportedneutrophil extravasation in a physiologic manner. Using thismodel, we demonstrate that neutrophil transmigration in aplasma milieu was associated with a significant disruption ofthe retentive properties of the basement membrane in the ab-sence of discernable morphologic changes. The loss of base-ment membrane integrity associated with neutrophil diape-desis was not dependent on neutrophil elastase or cathepsin Gand was resistant to inhibitors directed against neutrophil col-lagenase, gelatinase, and heparanase. Despite the fact that thisloss in matrix integrity could not be prevented, basementmembrane defects were only transiently expressed before theywere repaired by the overlying endothelium via a mechanismthat required active protein and RNAsynthesis. These dataindicate that neutrophil extravasation and reversible basementmembrane disruption are coordinated events that occur as aconsequence of vessel wall transmigration.


In response to an inflammatory stimulus originating withinthe interstitium, circulating neutrophils rapidly traverse thevessel wall of the postcapillary venule and invade the sur-rounding tissues (1). To accomplish this task, triggered neutro-phils adhere to the apical surface of the endothelial cell layerand migrate between interendothelial cell junctions until theyarrive at the underlying basement membrane (1). The base-ment membrane is a tough, thin, highly distensible matrix thatmaintains venule architecture (2-4), regulates endothelial celladhesion and mitogenesis (5, 6), acts as a depository for growthfactors, proteinases, proteinase inhibitors, and thromboticagents (7-1 1), and participates in the control of the selectivefiltration characteristics of the vessel wall (3, 12, 13). As theextravasating neutrophil reaches this structural barrier, histo-

Address reprint requests to Dr. Stephen J. Weiss, Simpson MemorialResearch Institute, 102 Observatory Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.

Receivedfor publication 22 July 1988 and in revisedform 30 No-vember 1988.

logic studies have uniformly found that the cell pauses, andthat its continued emigration is delayed until the matrix issuccessfully penetrated (1, 14-18). Interestingly, microscopicexaminations of vessel walls exposed to neutrophil traffic invivo have failed to consistently identify defects or alterations inbasement membrane structure (14-18). The mechanisms usedby the neutrophil to traverse this barrier are unknown, but theability of neutrophils to adhere to the subendothelial basementmembrane in vitro and to degrade its structural componentshas been the subject of a number of recent reports (19-22).However, in each of these studies neutrophils were triggeredatop denuded matrices that had been deposited onto solidsurfaces. Under these conditions chemotactic gradients couldnot be generated nor neutrophil emigration accommodated.At present, almost nothing is known with regard to the eventssurrounding the interaction between extravasating neutrophilsand the subendothelial basement membrane in a physiologicsetting (1).

One of the primary obstacles to an in vitro analysis ofneutrophil transmigration is the fact that a three-dimensionalmodel of the vessel wall that mimics the structural and func-tional features of the postcapillary venule is required. Al-though a number of model systems have been designed tostudy neutrophil migration (e.g., references 23-27), recentstudies suggest that key structural and functional characteris-tics of cultured endothelial cell monolayers may have beenoverlooked (28, 29). Indeed, with special relevance to studiesof cell emigration, it has proven especially difficult to establishin vitro conditions wherein endothelial cells synthesize a func-tionally intact basement membrane (28). In the absence of thisstructural barrier, analyses of invasive processes are of ques-tionable significance. From this perspective, we now describe ahomologous, in vitro construct of the venular vessel wall inwhich a confluent monolayer of endothelial cells displays invivo-like intercellular borders and junctions, secretes a single-layered, continuous basement membrane that is impenetrableto small, colloidal particles, and supports neutrophil extrava-sation in a physiologic setting and manner. Using this model,we have demonstrated that (a) neutrophil transmigrationacross a vessel wall construct in a plasma milieu is associatedwith a significant disruption of the barrier function of thesubendothelial basement membrane, (b) this disruptive pro-cess occurs independently of neutrophil elastase or cathepsinGand is resistant to high concentrations of either metallopro-teinase or endoglycosidase inhibitors, and (c) basement mem-brane defects are only transiently expressed before they arerepaired by the overlying endothelial cells via a mechanismthat requires both active protein and RNAsynthesis.


Construct of the vessel wall modelHuman umbilical vein endothelial cells were isolated according to amodification of the technique described by Gimbrone (30). Briefly,

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J. Clin. Invest.© The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc.0021-9738/89/04/1122/15 $2.00Volume 83, April 1989, 1122-1136

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endothelial cells were isolated from 3-5 umbilical cords with 150U/mg 0.05% collagenase (CLS type 3; Worthington BiochemicalCorp., Freehold, NJ), pooled, and suspended in M199 (Gibco Labora-tories, Grand Island, NY) supplemented with 20% pooled humanserum, 2 mML-glutamine (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO), 100U/ml penicillin (Pfizer, Inc., NewYork, NY), 50 ,ug/ml streptomycin(Pfizer, Inc.), and 0.25 ;ug/ml amphotericin B (E. R. Squibb and Sons,Inc., Princeton, NJ). Cells were cultured in 4.9-cm2 double chamberculture dishes (Transwell 3414; Costar, Cambridge, MA) in which thepolycarbonate membrane (3-;im pore size) had first been overlaid witha hydrated, type I collagen gel. Collagen was extracted from rat tails asdescribed (31) and dialyzed overnight against a 0.05 Mtris(hydroxy-methyl)-aminomethane hydrochloride (Tris-HCI)-0.2 MNaCl buffer(pH 7.6) at 4VC. 1 ml of the collagen (2 mg/ml) was transferred in thecold to the upper chamber of the Transwell dish and allowed to gel for30 min at 370C in a 95% air/5% CO2 humidified atmosphere. Thecollagen gels were then preincubated with culture media for 2 h beforeuse. At this time endothelial cells (5 X 104) were added to the collagen-coated upper chamber and cultured for 19-21 d in the presence of 75;tg/ml endothelial cell growth supplement (Collaborative Research,Inc., Lexington, MA) and 50 ;Lg/ml ascorbic acid (Sigma ChemicalCo.) with media changes every 3 d (the final volumes of the upper andlower chambers were 1 and 3 ml, respectively). Endothelial cellsformed a confluent monolayer on the type I collagen gel within 5 d.Because a serum and growth factor-supplemented medium mightmimic a wound-like environment (32), the culture medium waschanged to M199 containing 20% heat-inactivated plasma withoutgrowth supplement or antibiotics (33) 2 d before the cultures were usedfor experiments. Heat-inactivated plasma was prepared from heparin-ized blood (5 U/ml of endotoxin- and preservative-free heparin; SigmaChemical Co.) that had been centrifuged (27,000 g for 5 min at 40C),incubated at 56°C for 40 min, and centrifuged again (27,000 g for 20min). At the end of the 21-23-d culture period, the media alwayscontained < 0.02 ng/ml endotoxin as determined by limulus amebo-cyte lysate testing (Whittaker M. A. Bioproducts, Walkersville, MD).

Morphology of vessel wall constructSilver nitrate staining of cultures. Cultures (21-23 d) were stained withsilver nitrate as described by Furie et al. (34).

Electron microscopy. Cultures were washed with HBSSand imme-diately fixed in situ with 1.25% glutaraldehyde (Polysciences, Inc.,Warrington, PA) in 0.1 M cacodylate (Polysciences, Inc.), 0.12 Msucrose, 2 mMCaCl2, pH 7.3 (hereafter referred to as cacodylatebuffer), and 1%osmium tetroxide (Sigma Chemical Co.) for 2 h at 4°C(35). In selected experiments 3 mg/ml ruthenium red (Sigma ChemicalCo.) was added to the fixative (36). Cultures were then washed withcacodylate buffer and treated with 1% tannic acid (Mallinckrodt, Inc.,St. Louis, MO)and 1%Na2SO4according to the method of Simionescu(37). For transmission electron microscopy, the samples were washedin cacodylate buffer, dehydrated in ethanol, and embedded in epoxy-resin (Polysciences, Inc.). Ultrathin sections (60 nm) were poststainedwith uranyl acetate and lead nitrate and viewed on an electron micro-scope (model 400; Philips Electronic Instruments, Inc., Mahwah, NJ).Junctional details of freeze fracture replicas were examined accordingto the technique of Pauli et al. (38). For scanning electron microscopy,samples were dehydrated in ethanol, twice immersed in hexamethyl-disilazane (Polysciences, Inc.), and dried (39). The samples were goldsputtered on a Polaron II (Polaron Instruments, Inc., Hatfield, PA) andexamined on a scanning electron microscope (model ICI-DS- 130; In-ternational Scientific Instruments Inc., Santa Barbara, CA).

Characterization of the subendothelialbasement membraneIsolation of the subendothelial matrix. Basement membranes weredenuded after a mild detergent lysis of the endothelial cells by a modifi-cation of the technique of Kramer et al. (40). After a single wash withPBS containing 0.1% BSA (Sigma Chemical Co.), the cultures were

immersed in a hypotonic buffer (10 mMTris-HCI, 0.1% BSA, 0.1 mMCaC12, 1 mMN-ethylmaleimide, 1 mMPMSF, and 5 mMEDTA, pH7.5) and incubated for 10 min at 370C. The endothelial cells were thenlysed during a 2-min incubation with 0.5% NP-40 detergent (SigmaChemical Co.) in hypotonic buffer at 370C. The matrices were im-mersed in hypotonic buffer containing 0.2% deoxycholate (SigmaChemical Co.) to remove residual debris.

Biosynthetic labeling of the subendothelial matrix. 20-d-old cul-tures were washed with HBSSand incubated with 30 uCi/ml [3H]-proline (100 Ci/mmol; DuPont NewEngland Nuclear, Boston, MA) inproline-free M199 (KC Biological Inc., Lenexa, KS) containing 20%heat-inactivated plasma, 50 ,g/ml ascorbic acid (Sigma Chemical Co.),and 80 Ag/ml fl-aminoproprionitrile (Sigma Chemical Co.) for 24 h(41). The cultures were then washed and the basement membranedenuded as described above. Matrices were solubilized and reduced inan SDSbuffer (50 mMTris-HCl, 5%fl-mercaptoethanol, 1%SDS, pH7.5) by heating to 100°C for 3 min. SDS-PAGEwas performed with a3% stacking and 5% running gel containing 0.5 Murea as described(41). In selected experiments matrices were incubated with 3 U/mlpurified bacterial collagenase (form III; Advance Biofactures, Lyn-brook, NY) for 18 h at 37°C before solubilization (41).

Colloid permeability of the subendothelial basement membrane.The ability of basement membranes to retain a colloidal pigment wasdetermined by adding 3 ml of a 0.03% solution of monastral blue B(copper phthalocyanine with a particle size up to 500 A, [42]; SigmaChemical Co.) in cold HBSS(calcium- and magnesium-free, contain-ing 1 mMN-ethylmaleimide, 1 mMPMSF, and 1 mMEDTA) to theupper compartment of Transwell culture dishes containing a pre-viously denuded matrix (the lower compartment was filled with 2 ml ofan identical buffer without monastral blue). The samples were thenincubated for 10 h at 4°C. At the end of the incubation period thecultures were washed two times (to remove any pigment adherent tothe matrix surface) and either paraffin-embedded for light microscopyor digested with bacterial collagenase (CLS type 3, Worthington Bio-chemical Corp.; 50 ug/ml in 50 mMTris-HCl, 4 mMCaCl2, pH 8.0)for spectrophotometric analysis. The quantity of monastral bluetrapped in the underlying type I collagen matrix was based on thecalculated extinction coefficient for the absorbance change at 605 nmminus 525 nmof a 1%solution (in a 1-cm light path) of 340. In selectedexperiments basement membrane integrity was alternatively assessedby exposing the underlying matrix without a detergent lysis step bytreating the endothelial cell monolayers for 10 min with 2.5 mMEGTA in calcium- and magnesium-free HBSS (43). The retractedmonolayer was then overlaid with a solution of 0.03% monastral bluethat contained 2.5 mMEGTAfor 10 h at 4°C as described.

Neutrophil emigration across the vessel wall constructNeutrophil preparation. Neutrophils were isolated from peripheralvenous blood under sterile conditions by Ficoll-diatrizoate densitycentrifugation and dextran sedimentation as previously described (44).Only lots of Ficoll-diatrizoate (Histopaque-1077; Sigma Chemical Co.)and dextran (250,000 mol wt; ICN Nutritional Biochemicals, Cleve-land, OH) that contained < 0.1 ng/ml endotoxin were used. Isolatedneutrophils were suspended in HBSScontaining 20% heat-inactivatedautologous plasma. In selected experiments neutrophils were pre-treated with 5 mMdiisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP'; Sigma Chemi-cal Co.) for 1 h at 25°C. The cells were then washed extensively andsuspended in HBSS. DFP-treated neutrophils contained < 1% residualelastase activity and < 3%cathepsin Gactivity as determined in TritonX-100 lysates (assessed as amidase activity [44] with methoxysuc-cinyl-ala-ala-pro-val-paranitroanilide and methoxysuccinyl-ala-ala-pro-phe-paranitroanilide [Calbiochem-Behring Corp., La Jolla, CA],respectively).

1. Abbreviations used in this paper: DFP, diisopropylfluorophosphate;TIMP, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases.

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Migration studies. Neutrophil migration studies were initiated byplacing 3 ml HBSScontaining either 20% heat-inactivated autologousplasma or zymosan-activated, autologous plasma in the lower com-partment of the Transwell dish and 106 neutrophils in a final vol of Iml to the upper compartment. Zymosan-activated plasma, used as asource of chemotactic activity (45), was prepared by incubating plasmawith boiled and washed zymosan particles (12.5 mg/ml plasma; ICNBiomedicals, Inc., Costa Mesa, CA) for 45 min at 370C. The zymosanparticles were then pelleted (1,000 g for 5 min) and the plasma wasremoved, heated to 560C for 30 min, centrifuged (27,000 gfor 20 min),and sterile-filtered.

At indicated time points the number of neutrophils that were asso-ciated with the vessel wall (i.e., cells that were firmly bound to theendothelial cell surface or that had penetrated the monolayer) wasquantitied by removing the medium from the upper compartment andrapidly washing the monolayer surface two times with calcium- andmagnesium-free HBSS containing 5 mMEDTA. The three washeswere pooled and the number of recovered neutrophils determined byelectronic cell counting (Coulter Electronics Inc., Hialeah, FL). Thistreatment did not detach endothelial cells from the monolayer. Lead-ing front measurements were performed according to the method ofZigmond and Hirsch (46) by measuring the distance between the sur-face of the endothelial cell monolayer and the four most distant neu-trophils in four random fields (magnified 100 times) by phase micros-copy.2

In selected experiments migration studies were performed withcultures that were preincubated with either 10 gg/ml cycloheximide(Sigma Chemical Co.), 10 ,ug/ml actinomycin D (Sigma ChemicalCo.), 10-20 ug/ml porcine intestine or bovine lung heparin (Calbio-chem-Behring Corp.), recombinant human fibroblast tissue inhibitorof metalloproteinases (TIMP; a gift from Synergen, Inc., Boulder, CO),benzamidine, e-aminocaproic acid, aprotinin, leupeptin, pepstatin, orphosphoramidon (each of these agents were obtained from SigmaChemical Co.) for 30 min before the addition of neutrophils. All agentswere added to both the upper and lower compartments and werepresent in the medium throughout the course of the incubation period.Neutrophils were also preincubated with the agents for 30 min beforebeing added to the vessel wall constructs.


Characteristics of the vessel wall construct. After 21 d in cul-ture endothelial cells consistently formed a homogeneous andconfluent monolayer whose intercellular borders stained withsilver nitrate (Figs. 1, A and B) (47). After treating the mono-layers with ruthenium red, electron microscopy revealed thecharacteristic - 30-nm-thick endothelial cell glycocalyx (36)(micrograph not shown). Short, circumscript fusions of theouter leaflets of the plasma membranes were also detected inthe electron micrographs (Fig. 2) and freeze-fracture replicas ofthese junctions revealed simple, discontinuous, low profileridges characteristic of the "leaky" tight junctions observed insmall veins and venules (Fig. 2, inset) (47). Interestingly, gapjunctions and complex junctional arrangements, structuresnormally present in adult large vein endothelial cells, were notobserved in the cultured umbilical vein endothelial cells (47).

Under almost all culture conditions, endothelial cells havebeen reported to synthesize a discontinuous, multilayered ex-tracellular matrix (28, 29). However, in vivo, endothelial cellsare known to secrete a continuous basement membrane that

2. The polycarbonate filter used in the Transwell design is normallyrendered opaque to microscopy during sterilization by radiation. How-ever, if the dishes are purchased nonsterile and treated with ethyleneoxide, the filters remain transparent.

by electron microscopy appears as a bilayer of electron-denseand translucent layers (28, 47). The electron-dense layer istermed the lamina densa while the translucent layer (whichcan be stained with ruthenium red) is termed the lamina rara(47). As shown in Fig. 3 A, endothelial cells cultured for 21 don a type I collagen matrix secreted a subendothelial basementmembrane that appeared by microscopy as a lamina densa-like monolayer closely apposed to the abluminal surface of theendothelial cells. After lysis of the cells, staining of the base-ment membrane with ruthenium red revealed the otherwiseinvisible lamina rara of the subendothelial matrix (Fig. 3 B)(47). Scanning electron micrographs of the denuded mono-layer confirmed the presence of a continuous basement mem-brane that could be easily differentiated from the underlyingtype I collagen matrix (Fig. 4). If monolayers were cultured for< 21 d, discontinuities in the basement membrane were fre-quently observed (data not shown).

In vivo, the major collagenous component of the basementmembrane is type IV collagen (12). To confirm its presence inthe deposited basement membrane, radiolabeled vessel wallconstructs were denuded, extracted, and examined by SDS-PAGEfluorography. As shown in Fig. 5, a closely migratingdoublet band with an Mr of 180,000 consistent with that oftype IV collagen was observed (lane 1) (40, 41). As expected, ifthe denuded matrix was treated with highly purified bacterialcollagenase before extraction, the Mr 180,000 band disap-peared, confirming its collagenous composition (Fig. 5) (41).The other major radiolabeled bands with Mrs of - 230,000and 150,000 comigrated with fibronectin and thrombospon-din, respectively (data not shown).3

Thus far, the synthesized basement membrane appearedmorphologically correct and contained many of the expectedstructural components. However, in vivo, the basement mem-brane possesses a macromolecular composition that restrictsthe passage of 300-500 A colloidal particles from the vascularbed into the interstitium (3, 42, 50). To ascertain whether thebasement membrane synthesized by the cultured endothelialcells expressed a similar barrier potential, denuded basementmembranes were overlaid with colloidal particles for 10 h,washed, and examined by light microscopy. As shown in Fig. 6A, the pigment did not penetrate the continuous basementmembrane. In contrast, when colloidal pigment was placedover a control type I collagen gel (i.e., a collagen gel placed inculture for 21 d in the absence of e'ndothelial cells), the pig-ment readily penetrated into the matrix (Fig. 6 B). Taken to-gether, these data demonstrate that the vessel wall constructhas morphologic, structural, and barrier characteristics thatclosely mimic those found in vivo.

Barrier function of the basement membrane to extravasat-ing neutrophils. In vivo, emigrating neutrophils invade the en-dothelial cell layer and pause atop the basement membrane

3. Although a similar pattern has been reported in extracts of subendo-thelial matrices synthesized by human microvascular endothelial cells,laminin, an additional basement membrane component, cannot bereadily detected on SDS gels in these or other systems (40, 41, 48).Gospodarowicz et al. have demonstrated that unlike actively prolifer-ating cultures of endothelial cells, confluent monolayers secrete onlysmall amounts of laminin into the medium (49), while Kramer andcolleagues have suggested that laminin may be cross-linked with otherbasement membrane components to form large complexes that do not

penetrate into SDSgels (40, 41).

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Figure 1. Micrographs of human umbilicalvein endothelial cells cultured for 21 d on thesurface of a type I collagen support. (A) Phasecontrast photomicrograph of a control endo-thelial cell monolayer. (B) Light micrograph ofendothelial cell culture stained with AgNO3.Photomicrographs are shown at X625 for Aand B.

until pseudopodia begin to extend through the matrix (1,14-18). To determine whether the basement membrane syn-thesized by cultured endothelial cells retarded neutrophilmovement in a similar fashion, the ability of emigrating neu-trophils to transmigrate the vessel wall construct was moni-tored. In response to the addition of zymosan-activatedplasma to the lower compartment, neutrophils (1 X 106) addedto the upper compartment rapidly adhered to the surface of theendothelial cell monolayer (Fig. 7 A). At 0.5 h, - 50% of theneutrophils were vessel wall associated and after a 2-h incuba-tion this value increased to > 80% (Fig. 7 A). At the 2-h timepoint, light microscopic examination of cross-sections takenthrough the vessel wall construct revealed that almost all of theneutrophils could be found in the supporting matrix of inter-stitial collagen (Fig. 8). Indeed, if the incubation time wasincreased to 18 h, 43.3±2.8% (n = 5) of the neutrophils con-tinued to migrate through the interstitial collagen to eventuallyaccumulate in the lower compartment of the culture well (theremainder of the migrated cells were trapped in the interstices

of the type I collagen matrix). In contrast, if heat-inactivatedplasma was added to the lower compartment, almost all of theneutrophils could be recovered in the fluid phase of the upperchamber (Fig. 7 A) and few if any neutrophils penetrated theendothelial cell layer (not shown).

To assess the kinetics of neutrophil migration, cell move-ment was quantitated by the leading front technique. Asshown in Fig. 7 B, neutrophil emigration proceeded slowlyduring the first 0.5-h incubation period (- 30 Mum/h), but thenaccelerated to - 125 Mm/h, a rate that was maintained for atleast the next 4 h. At 2 h migrating neutrophils penetrated thevessel wall construct to a mean depth of 220±23 Mm, whichcompared with 38±10 Mmfor resting cells. An examination ofneutrophil morphology (as assessed by phase contrast micros-copy) during the first 30 min of extravasation revealed a highlyreproducible pattern in which neutrophils first spread atop theendothelial cells, rapidly disappeared (or appeared as small,phase-translucent globules), and then quickly reappeared aslarge, phase-dense "pancakes" beneath the endothelial cell

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Figure 2. Deposition of a subendothelial base-ment membrane by endothelial cells culturedon a type I collagen support for 21 d. (A) Anelectron micrograph reveals an electron-denselayer adjacent to the abluminal side of the en-dothelial cell monolayer (arrows). (B) An elec-tron micrograph of a ruthenium red-stained,denuded basement membrane synthesized bycultured endothelial cells. Endothelial cellswere detergent lysed as described and the ex-posed basement membrane stained with ru-thenium red. The stained basement mem-brane appears as a dark, continuous bandoverlying the collagen support (the interstitialcollagen support is labeled I). The micro-graphs are shown at X52,500 (A) and X4,200(B).

monolayer. The subendothelial neutrophils maintained thisdistinct, spread morphology for - 20-30 min before theyreassumed their globular shape and moved into the underlyingtype I collagen matrix. Because this spread morphology sug-gested that the neutrophils might be lying atop the subendo-thelial basement membrane, vessel wall constructs were incu-bated with extravasating neutrophils for 30 min, fixed, andprocessed for microscopy. Indeed, large numbers of neutro-phils could be observed in the predicted position atop the api-cal surface of the basement membrane at this time point (notshown). Thus, the vessel wall construct supported neutrophildiapedesis in a physiologic setting and the subendothelialbasement membrane acted, as in vivo, as a transient barrier tothe emigrating neutrophil.

Disruption of the endothelial cell basement membranecoincident with neutrophil diapedesis. The fact that emigratingneutrophils pause at the surface of the subendothelial base-ment membrane has led to the suggestion that neutrophilsengage in the active disruption of this barrier before penetrat-ing into the interstitium. Nonetheless, neutrophil diapedesishas not been associated with visible changes in vessel wallstructure in vivo (15-18). To ascertain whether basement

membrane alterations could be detected on a morphologiclevel in vitro, 1 X 106 neutrophils were placed in the uppercompartment of the vessel wall constructs with either heat-in-activated or zymosan-activated plasma in the lower compart-ment and incubated for 1 h. At the end of the incubationperiod the monolayers were washed, the endothelial cells werelysed in the presence of a cocktail of proteinase inhibitors, andthe exposed basement membrane was examined by scanningelectron microscopy. As shown in Fig. 9 A, basement mem-branes prepared from vessel wall constructs that had been in-cubated with resting neutrophils appeared completely normal(compare Fig. 4 A). Surprisingly, basement membranes pre-pared from vessel walls that had been transmigrated by largenumbers of neutrophils did not display focal defects despitethe fact that "hillocks" formed by the underlying neutrophilscould easily be discerned (Fig. 9 B). In only one of sevenexperiments were well-demarcated holes in the basementmembrane observed (Fig. 9 C). However, because this was aninconstant finding, convincing morphologic evidence sup-porting the generation of focal breaches in the basementmembrane were not obtained.

In the absence of a consistent morphologic change in

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Figure 3. Transmission electron mi-crograph of a cross-section throughan interendothelial cell junction inthe vessel wall construct. Fusions ofthe outer leaflet of the unit mem-branes are identified by the arrows.(Inset) Electron micrograph of afreeze fracture replica of the vesselwall reveals a low profile junctionalstrand and groove (arrowhead). Themicrographs are shown at X187,500for the cross section and X82,800for the freeze fracture.

transmigrated basement membranes in vivo or in vitro, onecould posit that (a) the matrix behaved as a reversibly deform-able latticework that the neutrophil mechanically displaced, or(b) stable matrix defects were present, but their changes eitherwere masked during the fixation process or were too subtle tobe detected microscopically. Based on the fact that the base-ment membrane synthesized by the cultured endothelial cellsnormally excluded monastral blue (see Fig. 6 A), the barrierfunction of the matrix isolated from vessel walls after transmi-gration was examined for structural defects that might haveescaped morphologic detection. As shown in Fig. 10, if anintact vessel wall construct was incubated with resting neutro-phils (i.e., heat-inactivated plasma in the lower compartment)for 1 h, the monolayer lysed, overlaid with monastral blue for10 h, and washed, light micrographs revealed that only smallamounts of the blue pigment were associated with the surfaceof the denuded basement membrane. In marked contrast, ifthe vessel wall construct was incubated with emigrating neu-trophils, the isolated basement membrane lost its ability toexclude the colloid and allowed large amounts of monastralblue to leak into the underlying type I collagen matrix (Fig.10). As expected, a matrix of plain type I collagen failed toexclude the pigment and stained intensely with the blue colloid(Fig. 10). Thus, despite the absence of gross morphologicchanges, the transmigrated basement membrane had under-gone a major alteration in one of its functional properties.

To accurately quantitate the colloid leak, the type I colla-gen supports were digested with bacterial collagenase and theamount of trapped pigment determined spectrophotometri-cally (see Methods). Basement membranes prepared from cul-tures that had been traversed by neutrophils for 1 h allowed

84.6±1 1.0 ,g of the colloid to leak into the interstitial matrixwhile control cultures, i.e., vessel walls incubated alone or withresting neutrophils, leaked 4.7±1.6 1Ag and 8.6±4.5 lg(mean± 1 SEM; n = 5), respectively. The permeability of base-ment membranes prepared from cultures incubated with zy-mosan-activated plasma alone or with neutrophils and zymo-san-activated plasma together in the upper compartment werenot different from resting neutrophil controls (data notshown).

Because monastral blue is too large to penetrate normalinterendothelial cell junctions (13, 50), structural changes inbasement membrane integrity could only be assessed if theunderlying matrix was first exposed. Although detergent lysisof the overlying endothelial cells was chosen as the routinemethod for exposing the basement membrane, almost identi-cal results were obtained if cultures were treated with EGTA, achelator that causes endothelial cells to reversibly retract (43).In three experiments, transmigrated cultures treated withEGTAand then overlaid with colloid leaked 68.2±4.0 Mug ofmonastral blue, while cultures incubated with resting neutro-phils leaked 10.0±2.0 Mg (mean± 1 SEM). Thus, regardless ofthe method chosen for exposing the basement membrane, thebarrier function of the subendothelial matrix was significantlycompromised after neutrophil diapedesis.

Although the colloid leak revealed the presence of base-ment membrane defects, additional structural changes mighthave occurred in the underlying type I collagen matrix. How-ever, in contrast with the results obtained with basementmembranes, naked matrices of type I collagen that were incu-bated alone or with migrating neutrophils leaked identicalamounts of monastral blue. In four paired experiments, naked

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Figure 4. Scanning electron micrographs of the de-nuded subendothelial basement membrane. (A) Alow power magnification of a 21 -d-old, denuded ves-sel wall construct reveals a continuous, dense base-ment membrane with a fibrillar appearance (micro-graph shown at X 1,500). (B) A scanning electron mi-crograph of the surface of a type I collagen supportcultured for 21 d under identical conditions, but inthe absence of endothelial cells (micrograph shown atX1,500).

Figure5. Fluorogram of [3H]proline-y labeled proteins deposited into the

basement membrane by endothelialcells in the vessel wall construct. A

3 20-d-old culture was labeled with[3H]proline for 24 h in the presenceofi-aminoproprionitrile as described.

U The vessel construct was then washedand denuded. The remaining base-ment membrane and the underlyingtype I collagen support were incu-

re ~ X; bated alone or with bacterial collage-nase for 10 h then solubilized andprocessed for electrophoresis as de-

1 2 3 scribed. Samples from the control andbacterial collagenase-treated matrices

are shown in lanes I and 2, respectively. The M, 180,000 material(identified with an arrow) was sensitive to bacterial collagenase. Twofaint bands that migrated similarly to the a and fi bands of type Icollagen were also sensitive to collagenase. A radiolabeled type I col-lagen control is shown in lane 3.

type I collagen matrices that had been incubated with 106neutrophils in the upper compartment and zymosan-activatedplasma in the lower compartment leaked 179.9±5.0 tig of col-loid (67±2% of the neutrophils invaded the collagen during a 1h incubation with a leading front of 214±25 Am) while controlcollagen matrices leaked 175.2±4.0 ,ug of the colloid (mean±lSEM). Thus, the quantitable increases in colloid permeabilitythat occurred in the vessel wall constructs were mediated viaalterations in the basement membrane itself.

Effect of lysosomal enzyme inhibitors on neutrophil-depen-dent basement membrane disruption and emigration. As thusfar demonstrated, basement membrane disruption readily oc-curred in the presence of 20% plasma, a rich sourceof pro-teinase inhibitors. Nonetheless, neutrophils possess at leastthree groups of enzymes that are thought to have the ability todegrade key components of the basement membrane in aplasma milieu; the serine proteinases, elastase, and cathepsinG (20, 21, 51, 52); the metalloproteinases, collagenase, andgelatinase (53-55); and the endoglycosidase, heparanase (22).

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To determine whether any of these enzymes could be impli- Thus, neithercated in diapedesis, neutrophils were incubated with selected cated in neulinhibitors and the ability of the cells to disrupt the basement Unlike elmembrane and invade the vessel wall construct assessed. could be dir

In cell-free systems, neutrophil elastase or cathepsin Gac- metalloprotetivity can be blocked by specific chloromethylketone inhibi- However, thitors (56). However, chloromethylketones can react with the basemenplasma thiols, and the cathepsin G inhibitor is known to ad- that plasmaversely effect neutrophil function (56). As an alternate ap- inhibitor ablproach, neutrophils were pretreated with the powerful and ir- (55, 58, 59),reversible serine proteinase inhibitor, DFP. After a 1-h incu- identified (2bation period, an analysis of neutrophil lysates revealed that combinant Ielastase and cathepsin Gactivities had been inhibited by > 99 has been sh4and 97%, respectively (n = 5). Surprisingly, if the DFP-pre- phil-mediatetreated neutrophils were examined for their invasive potential, 60). Thus, clboth basement membrane disruption and emigration pro- trophil diapeceeded in an unabated fashion (Table I). Although neutrophilspossess a limited capacity to synthesize protein (57), the emi- 4. At a conceigration of DFP-treated cells was unaffected by the presence of the collagenas10 Atg/ml cycloheximide during the 1 h assay (data not shown). gered with ph(

Figure 6. Impenetrability of a denuded basementmembrane to a colloidal pigment. A 2 l-d-old ves-sel construct was denuded and overlaid withmonastral blue as described. After a 10-h incuba-tion, the surface of the basement membrane wascarefully washed and the samples prepared formicroscopy. (A) A light micrograph of a cross-sec-tion of a basement membrane that had been over-laid with the blue colloid. (B) A light micrographof a cross-section of a type I collagen matrix thathad been overlaid with the colloid. The pigmenthas penetrated into the type I collagen meshwork.The micrographs are shown at X400.

,r elastase nor cathepsin Gactivity could be impli-trophil extravasation in this system.lastase and cathepsin G, synthetic inhibitors that*ected against either the neutrophil collagenolytic-inases or heparanase are not currently postulated ability of these enzymes to degradeIt membrane in vivo is related, in part, to the factcontains only low concentrations of TIMP, an

le to block neutrophil metalloproteinase activities",and plasma heparanase inhibitors have not been2). Indeed, in other systems, the addition of re-TIMP or the endoglycosidase inhibitor, heparin,own to prevent tumor cell invasion and neutro-4d heparan sulfate degradation, respectively (22,~hanges in basement membrane integrity and neu-zdesis were examined in the presence of either high

ntration of 1 ,ug/ml, recombinant TIMP inhibited all ofse and gelatinase activity released by 106 neutrophils trig-iorbol myristate acetate (data not shown).

Basement Membrane Disruption during Neutrophil Diapedesis 1129

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A lo9


^ 7

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0 30 60 120 240 0 30 60 120

TIME (minutes) TIME (minutes)

Figure 7. (A) Association of neutrophils with the vessel wall con-struct as a function of time. 1 X 106 neutrophils were added to theupper compartment with either heat-inactivated plasma (o) or zymo-san activated plasma (ci) in the lower compartment. At indicatedtime points the upper compartments were washed two times in thepresence of EDTAas described and the number of nonadherent neu-trophils determined. Results are expressed on the mean number ofneutrophils that remained vessel wall-associated ± 1 SEMof at leastfive experiments. (B) Kinetics of neutrophil emigration through ves-sel wall constructs. 1 X 106 neutrophils were placed in the uppercompartment and either heat-inactivated plasma (o) or zymosan-ac-tivated plasma (A) in the lower compartments. The leading front wasdetermined by phase microscopy at the indicated time points and ex-pressed as the mean distance migrated ± 1 SEMof five or more ex-periments.

concentrations of recombinant TIMP or heparin. As shown inTable I, even if the plasma TIMP concentration was increasedfrom its normal value of - 0.5 ,ug/ml (59) to 10 or even 20,ug/ml (data not shown), neutrophils penetrated the basementmembrane and migrated normally. Likewise, the addition of10 gg/ml heparin (either isolated from porcine intestine orbovine lung) failed to exert any inhibitory effect on neutrophilinvasion (Table I). Thus, neutrophil extravasation was resis-tant to high concentrations of both metalloproteinase and en-doglycosidase inhibitors.

Given the fact that inhibitors directed against enzymesknown to participate in basement membrane degradationfailed to prevent diapedesis, a broad range of additional syn-thetic inhibitors were examined (61, 62). However, inhibitorsof plasminogen activator (benzamidine, leupeptin), plasmin(aprotinin or e-aminocaproic acid), neutral metalloendopro-tease (phosphoramidon), cysteine proteases (leupeptin), oraspartate proteases (pepstatin) did not interfere with eitherbasement membrane disruption or neutrophil invasion (TableI). Thus, not only is neutrophil extravasation resistant to allplasma proteinase inhibitors, but also to a wide range of syn-thetic inhibitors directed against each of the major classes ofproteases.

Reconstitution of basement membrane integrity. Thus far;sthe data suggest that basement membrane disruption is a phys-iologic consequence of neutrophil diapedesis. However, if theloss of matrix integrity reflects a regulated process, then mech-anisms should exist that allow for the reconstitution of normalbarrier function. To determine whether diapedesis-induced

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Figure 8. Penetration of the vessel wall construct by neutrophils. Vessel wall constructs were incubated with 106 neutrophils in the upper com-partment and zymosan-activated plasma in the lower compartment for 2 h at 370C. The sample was then processed for light microscopy as de-scribed. Infiltrating neutrophils are identified as Nand the endothelial cell layer with arrowheads. The micrographs are shown at X100.

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Figure 9. Scanning electron micrographs of denuded basement mem-branes recovered after neutrophil emigration. Vessel wall constructswere incubated with neutrophils (1 X 106) in the upper compartmentand heat-inactivated or zymosan-activated plasma in the lower com-partment for 1 h. The endothelial cell monolayers were then lysed asdescribed and the denuded basement membranes processed for elec-tron microscopy. (A) Micrograph of a basement membrane isolatedfrom a vessel wall incubated with resting neutrophils. (B) Basementmembrane prepared from a transmigrated vessel wall showing nu-merous distortions of the matrix, presumably caused by the underly-ing neutrophils. Focal defects in the basement membrane cannot bediscerned. (C) An anomalous, single preparation of a transmigratedvessel wall that revealed numerous well-demarcated holes. The mi-crographs are shown at X625.

basement membrane defects were repairable, vessel wall con-structs were incubated with resting or emigrating neutrophilsfor increasing periods of time (ranging from 1 to 18 h) beforethe monastral blue permeability of the denuded basementmembranes was quantitated. As shown in Fig. 1 1, the ability of

the transmigrated basement membranes to exclude the colloidwas almost completely re-established within 4 h. After an 18-hincubation, the barrier function of the traversed basementmembranes was no different than controls (Fig. 1 1). As ex-pected, resting neutrophils did not significantly alter the base-ment membrane's ability to exclude the colloid at any of thetime points examined (Fig. 11). Thus, the basement mem-brane defects induced by extravasating neutrophils were onlytransiently expressed before the barrier was repaired. To de-termine whether active protein synthesis played a role in therepair process, experiments were repeated in the presence ofcycloheximide. Transmigration proceeded normally in thepresence of 10 ug/ml cycloheximide and endothelial cell mor-phology remained grossly unchanged for at least 18 h (data notshown). However, under these conditions, the basementmembrane defects were not repaired and the basement mem-branes remained highly permeable to monastral blue through-out the 18-h incubation (Fig. 1 1). Treatment of the vessel wallconstructs with cycloheximide alone had no effect on monas-tral blue permeability, and the ability of cycloheximide to in-hibit matrix repair was reversed if the treated cultures werewashed after 1 h of transmigration and then returned to freshculture medium for an additional 17 h (data not shown). Fi-nally, basement membrane repair was also prevented by al-lowing neutrophils to emigrate across vessel wall constructs inthe presence of 10 ,g/ml actinomycin D. In these experimentsmonastral blue permeabilities in transmigrated cultures thathad been incubated with the inhibitor for 1 and 18 h were113.4±4.5 ,g and 1 12.4±7.6 ug, respectively (mean±l SEM; n= 3). Actinomycin Dalone had no effect on colloid permeabil-ity or neutrophil migration (data not shown). Thus, the loss ofbasement membrane barrier function attendant with neutro-phil emigration was reversible, but required both active pro-tein and RNAsynthesis.


To examine the interaction between extravasating neutrophilsand the subendothelial cell basement membrane in a physio-logic setting, a homologous, in vitro construct of the venularvessel wall was developed. Although a number of in vitro sys-tems have been described wherein endothelial cells are cul-tured on artificial porous supports, the endothelial cell mono-layers have been reported to either contain large interendothe-lial cell gaps or to fail to display lateral membrane fusions (29).In addition, the cultured endothelial cells secrete a discontin-uous, multilayered, and polymorphous matrix whose barrierfunction would be predictably compromised (28, 29). In theface of these shortcomings, the amniotic membrane has re-cently been suggested as a more physiologic substratum for theculture of endothelial cells (34, 63). However, in contrast toearlier claims regarding the utility of this model for the studyof neutrophil transmigration, more recent reports have indi-cated that both the amniotic basement membrane and thezona reticularis act as almost impenetrable barriers to neutro-phil invasion in vitro as well as in vivo (27, 64).

In light of these difficulties, we sought to design an in vitrosystem in which cultured endothelial cell monolayers wouldform a vessel wall mimic with more physiologic characteris-tics. The decision to use umbilical vein rather than microvas-cular endothelial cells in a model system for studying neutro-

Basement Membrane Disruption during Neutrophil Diapedesis 1131

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Figure 10. Loss of basement membrane barrier function after neutrophil transmigration. Vessel wall constructs were incubated with I X 106neutrophils in the upper compartment and either heat-inactivated or zymosan-activated plasma in the lower compartment for 1 h. The sampleswere then washed and the monolayers were detergent lysed and then overlaid with monastral blue as described. After a 10-h incubation thesamples were vigorously washed and photographed. From left to right, the first well is a denuded vessel wall construct that had been incubatedwith resting neutrophils. Basement membrane barrier function remained intact and the colloid failed to penetrate into the type I collagen layer.The small amount of detectable pigment is solely associated with the apical surface of the denuded basement membrane (see Fig. 6 A). The sec-ond well shows a denuded vessel wall from a transmigrated culture that exhibited a marked decrease in the basement membrane's ability to ex-clude the colloid. Large amounts of the blue pigment can be seen associated with the matrix. Cross-sections of the vessel wall construct demon-strated that the colloid penetrated beneath the basement membrane and that the colloid was not surface associated (not shown). In the thirdwell a naked matrix of type I collagen was treated as described above, overlaid with pigment, washed, and photographed.

phil interactions with the postcapillary venule was based onthe facts that (a) the precise vascular source of microvascularendothelial cells cannot be accurately ascertained, and (b) cul-tured umbilical vein endothelial cells have recently beenshown to respond to a number of inflammatory mediators in amanner similar, if not identical, to that observed for the post-capillary venule (65). A type I collagen gel was selected as thesubstratum of choice because it is a primary collagenous com-ponent of the interstitial matrix (12), provides an excellentsurface for endothelial cell growth (66), and is penetrable bymigrating neutrophils (67-69). As demonstrated, after a21-23-d culture period, confluent endothelial cell monolayersdisplayed a number of structural and functional characteristicsthat have been described for small venules in vivo. In contrastto other models, tight junctions were routinely visible, inter-endothelial cell gaps were not detected,5 and the basementmembrane was single-layered and appeared continuous bymorphologic analysis. An additional assurance of matrix integ-rity was sought by determining the barrier function of thesynthesized basement membrane. In vivo, colloids (either car-bon black or monastral blue particles, 300-500 A) injectedinto the vascular bed of a normal animal do not cross vesselwalls because the particles are unable to penetrate betweeninterendothelial cell junctions (3, 42, 50). However, after theapplication of a histamine-type inflammatory mediator, inter-

5. In over 500 junctions examined, no gaps were found. Although weattempted to measure transendothelial electrical resistance in our ves-sel wall construct, the high resistance of the type I collagen-coatedfilters alone precluded such measurements.

endothelial cell gaps appear in nearby postcapillary venulesand the circulating colloid rapidly penetrates to, but notthrough, the exposed basement membrane (3, 42, 50). Givenan in vivo index of basement membrane integrity, we demon-strated that basement membranes synthesized in vitro likewiseprohibited the efflux of monastral blue. Taken together, thesedata suggest that the umbilical vein endothelial cell-type I col-lagen construct is a powerful tool for analyzing venule func-tion in a physiologic setting.

In order for extravasating neutrophils to traverse the sub-endothelial basement membrane, it has been postulated thatthe cells (as well as other leukocyte populations and metastaticcells; e.g., see reference 70) actively digest the subendothelialmatrix to gain access to the interstitium (1). However, despiteheightened interest in the mechanisms that underlie vessel walltransmigration, it is surprising to find that the fate of the tra-versed basement membrane has never been resolved. Al-though it is often assumed that basement membrane disrup-tion must be a necessary consequence of cellular emigration,there has been little in the way of direct evidence to supportthis contention. To the contrary, transmission electron micro-graphs of vessel walls that had been traversed by neutrophils invivo have not revealed consistent changes in the appearance ofthe basement membranes (15-18). Similarly, even in our invitro system, scanning electron microscopy of denuded base-ment membranes prepared from transmigrated cultures failedto identify focal matrix defects. Indeed, based on the earlyobservation that erythrocytes could assume deformed shapesthat allowed them to traverse morphologically intact basementmembranes in vivo, Majno and Palade suggested that matrixstructure might bear closer resemblance to a penetrable sieve

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Table L Neutrophil Emigration and Basement MembranePerforation in the Presence of Enzyme Inhibitors

Vesselwall-associated Leading Colloid

Additive neutrophils6 front* permeability

XlO-3 sm Ag

Neutrophils"l 651±4 127±5 94.5±12.5Neutrophils + DFF' 658±9 133±5 109.8±16.4Neutrophils + TIMP 664±6 129±7 125.1±15.5Neutrophils + heparin 647±14 130±2 121.7±27.8Neutrophils + benzamidine 671±11 117±7 84.0±12.9Neutrophils + aprotinin 666±16 120±6 86.0±14.8Neutrophils + e-aminocaproic acid 661±23 123±9 82.2±11.7Neutrophils + leupeptin 651±14 132±3 79.4±5.7Neutrophils + pepstatin 669±23 117±5 87.5±9.5Neutrophils + phosphoramidon 693±6 120±6 94.7±9.5

* Results are expressed as the mean number of vessel wall-associatedneutrophils±I SEM(n = 3).tResults are expressed as the mean distance migrated± 1 SEM(n = 3).1Results are expressed as the amount of colloid (mean± 1 SEM;n = 3) that penetrated a denuded basement membrane during a 10-hincubation at 4VC as described in Methods.11 106 neutrophils were placed in the upper chamber with 20% zymo-san-activated plasma in the lower chamber and incubated for 1 h inthe absence or presence of 10 ,g/ml TIMP, 10 Ag/ml heparin, 2 mMbenzamidine, 100 U/ml aprotinin, 10 mMe-aminocaproic acid, 0.5mMleupeptin, 0.3 mMpepstatin, and 1 MMphosphoramidon, re-spectively. Control values (i.e., neutrophils in the upper chamberwith heat-inactivated plasma in the lower chamber) were 43 X 103neutrophils (n = 2), 23 Mm(n = 2), and 4.8 gg colloid (n = 2) for thenumber of vessel wall-associated neutrophils, leading front, andmonastral blue permeability, respectively.'DFP-treated neutrophils were obtained by pretreating the cells with5 mMDFP for 1 h as described in Methods.

rather than an impenetrable barrier, and that matrix disrup-tion may not be required for transmigration (71). However, incontrast to the absence of morphologic changes, we havefound that the colloid permeability of the basement mem-

120 Figure 11. Alterations

> in the barrier functionmof the subendothelial

W 80 basement membrane asffi .'/ \ a function of time. Ves-0.W 60 sel wall constructs wereCID , \incubated with 1 X 106;d 40 - .g <in the upper compart-I-

20 ment and heat-inacti-o i // vated plasma in the

0- 4 _-------------- lower compartment (o),0 2 4 18 or with zymosan-acti-

TIME (hours) vated plasma in thelower compartment (-), or with zymosan-activated plasma in thelower compartment in the absence (A) or presence (A) of 10 ug of cy-cloheximide. Results are expressed as the mean Ag of pigment thatpenetrated the basement membrane ± I SEMof seven experiments atthe 1-, 4-, and 18-h timepoints and the mean of two experiments atthe 2-h timepoint.

branes was dramatically increased after a 1-h incubation withextravasating neutrophils. Further studies have revealed thateven larger increases in monastral blue permeability could bedetected before the cells actually crossed this barrier; i.e., aftera 0.5-h incubation with migrating neutrophils the matrixleaked 121.9±3.0 ,gg of colloid (mean± 1 SEM; n = 3). Becausethe disruption of basement membrane integrity occurred at apoint in time where the majority of neutrophils were still incontact with the apical face of the matrix, emigrating neutro-phils clearly initiated the alteration of matrix structure coinci-dent with, and not after, penetration. Given this result and thefact that even a mechanically denuded vessel wall will retardthe efflux of large macromolecules and cells from the vascularbed in vivo (3, 72, 73), it seems reasonable to assume thatbasement membrane disruption is a necessary prerequisite forneutrophil emigration. Since these results predict that thebasement membrane of venules surrounding an inflamed siteare undergoing active perforation, it is tempting to speculatethat the leakage of lipoproteins, fibrinogen, and erythrocytesinto inflamed sites in vivo reflects the imperfect masking ofmatrix defects by the overlying endothelium (72, 73). Finally,it should be stressed that conclusions regarding the status ofthe subendothelial basement membrane are quite distinctfrom recent reports demonstrating the ability of migratingneutrophils to alter transcellular electrical resistance (74, 75).The electrical measurements only reflect the "tightness" ofintercellular occluding junctions to small ions, and changes inelectrical resistance occur independently of alterations inbasement membrane integrity (13). Only if the structure of thebasement membrane is directly compromised can large intra-vascular constituents gain free access to the interstitium (3,72, 73).

Given the fact that emigrating neutrophils disrupted base-ment membrane integrity, we attempted to identify the en-zymes that participated in vessel wall invasion. Neutrophilsare known to contain a large number of enzymatic activitiesthat arm the cell with the ability to degrade connective tissue-associated proteins, glycoproteins, and proteoglycans. Al-though these enzymes are usually implicated in pathologictissue destruction, increased interest has focused on the possi-bility that these same enzymes play a role in promoting thecell's ability to traverse connective tissue barriers (20-22,53-55). A role for neutrophil elastase has been particularlyattractive because the enzyme is released from chemotaxin-triggered cells, can mediate proteolysis in the presence ofplasma proteinase inhibitors, and is able to degrade a numberof the major structural and functional components of thebasement membrane, including type IV collagen and plas-minogen activator inhibitor (10, 21, 51, 52, 76). Nonetheless,we were surprised to find that neutrophils pretreated withDFP, a potent serine proteinase inhibitor that drastically de-pressed both the cell's elastase as well as cathepsin Gactivities,successfully permeabilized the basement membrane and mi-grated normally. Although DFPwould be expected to inhibitall active serine proteinases, more recent studies have demon-strated that neutrophils can also express latent plasminogenactivator activity and in turn, have the ability to generate plas-min (77, 78). Latent plasminogen activator is not affected byDFP(77), but a range of potent, small molecular weight plas-minogen activator and plasmin inhibitors all failed to impairdiapedesis. Similarly, Furie et al. concluded that neither plas-minogen activator nor plasmin played a role in neutrophil

Basement Membrane Disruption during Neutrophil Diapedesis 1133

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transmigration across a bovine endothelial cell monolayer cul-tured on a human amniotic membrane (27). Thus, no directrole for elastase, cathepsin G, plasminogen activator, or plas-min could be established for either neutrophil diapedesis,basement membrane disruption, or the cell's ability to traversethe underlying interstitial collagen matrix.

In addition to the serine proteinases, the neutrophil metal-loproteinases, collagenase, and gelatinase, as well as the en-doglycosidase, heparanase, have also been suggested to playroles in neutrophil invasion (22, 53-55). Gelatinase is thoughtto have the ability to degrade type IV collagen, and heparanaseactivity has been shown to correlate with the metastatic po-tential of tumor cells (22, 54). In addition, these enzymes(especially gelatinase and heparanase) have attracted particularattention both because they can be easily mobilized from neu-trophils and, once released, the ability of plasma inhibitors toregulate their activities is unclear (22, 53). However, neitherthe addition of recombinant TIMP nor exogenous heparinexerted any inhibitory effect in our model. Although the tar-geted enzymes might have acted in a sequestered environmentthat was inaccessible to fluid phase inhibitors, it should benoted that the concentrations of TIMP used in this study aretwo to four times higher than those reported to prevent meta-static tumor cells from invading a denuded amniotic mem-brane (60), and that heparin has been reported to block neu-trophil-mediated degradation of heparan sulfate localized tothe subendothelial extracellular matrix (22). Taken together,our inhibitor studies suggest that neutrophils either possessadditional, but uncharacterized, proteolytic activities thatallow them to disrupt and penetrate the basement membraneor use enzymes that are remarkably resistant to combinationsof plasma-borne and exogenous, synthetic inhibitors. Alongthese lines, we have recently found that neutrophils can de-grade a wide range of matrix-associated proteins in a plasma-rich milieu via an unusual proteolytic process that is resistantto a range of synthetic serine-, cysteine-, aspartate-, and me-tallo-proteinase inhibitors (Rice, W. G., and S. J. Weiss, man-uscript in preparation). Studies are underway to determinewhether emigrating neutrophils might similarly use novel pro-teolytic activities to disrupt the basement membrane.

In spite of the stress placed on the neutrophil as the soleactive participant in the penetration of the basement mem-brane, a possible role for the endothelial cells themselvesshould be considered. Endothelial cells not only can synthesizeserine and metallo-proteinases that are able to degrade base-ment components (79-82), but the cells are also able to rapidlyreorganize basement membrane structure in a manner thatalters biologic reactivity (83). In an attempt to more directlyaddress the role of endothelial cells in neutrophil emigration,we have recently examined the ability of denuded basementmembranes to support chemotaxis (unpublished observation).In this system, neutrophils exposed to a chemotactic gradientof zymosan-activated plasma were able to adhere and spreadon the basement membrane, but failed to penetrate the matrixand move into the type I collagen stroma. Whether these re-sults indicate that endothelial cells directly participate in emi-gration by "preparing" their basement membrane for invasionor by providing required signals to the extravasating neutro-phils is unknown (84). Nonetheless, endothelial cells appear toact as a critical component in neutrophil emigration and theirrole merits further consideration.

Regardless of the relative roles of the extravasating neutro-

phil and endothelial cell monolayer in the disruption of thebasement membrane, the defects were repairable. Because thebarrier function of the basement membrane was rapidly re-constituted after a continued incubation period, we consideredthe possibility that the neutrophil might have mechanicallyforced its way though a gel-like barrier that spontaneouslyreannealed. Indeed, in data not shown, neutrophil transmigra-tion was not associated with the release of basement mem-brane fragments from radiolabeled cultures or by markedchanges in the distribution of proteins extracted from the ma-trix after analysis by SDS-PAGE(unpublished observations).However, even in the absence of biochemical indices of matrixdisruption, the lateral organization of the type IV collagennetwork (85) and the known resistance of the basement mem-brane to mechanical damage (2-4, 47) would suggest that thisbarrier is not easily penetrated. More directly, the fact thatbarrier function could not be re-established if transmigrationproceeded in the presence of cycloheximide or actinomycin Dstrongly suggests that structural damage had occurred and thatactive protein and RNAsynthesis were necessary for the repairof the matrix defects. Although neutrophils themselves areable to synthesize at least one connective tissue protein (i.e.,fibronectin; reference 57), the fact that few, if any, leukocytesremain associated with the basement membrane during theperiod of repair render this possibility unlikely. Additionalstudies are underway in our laboratory to identify the struc-tural composition of the matrix defects and the identity of theproducts synthesized by the transmigrated endothelial cells.

In summary, we have constructed a model of the venularvessel wall and demonstrated that transmigrating neutrophilsparticipate in the transient disruption of the barrier function ofthe subendothelial basement membrane. As in all in vitro sys-tems, a final question arises with regard to whether neutrophilsmediate similar changes in basement membrane structure invivo. Interestingly, an almost forgotten study published 25years ago demonstrated that the normal in vivo impenetrabil-ity of the basement membrane to colloid efflux could be com-promised if neutrophils were triggered to extravasate acrossvenules whose endothelia were simultaneously retracted by alocal injection of histamine (86). These findings are entirelyconsistent with the conclusion that neutrophils actively disruptand alter the subendothelial basement membrane both in vitroand in vivo. The identification of the processes that regulatethe disruption and repair of the subendothelial basementmembrane during neutrophil emigration should provide newinsights into the regulation of the inflammatory response. Fur-thermore, the possibility that the mechanisms used by the neu-trophil to traverse the vessel wall might serve as a prototype forthe processes used by other normal and abnormal emigratingcell populations (e.g., lymphocytes, endothelial cells, andtumor cells) deserves careful consideration.


Wethank Dr. D. MacCallum and Dr. J. Lillie for helpful discussionswith regard to the morphologic studies, B. Donohoe, L. Baumgarten,and the staff of the Cell Biology Laboratories at The University ofMichigan for technical assistance with microscopy, and S. Regiani fortechnical support.

This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grantsHL-28024 and Al-23876. Dr. Huber was supported by a grant from theSwiss National Science Foundation.

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