Download pdf - Divestment Program

  • Letter from Frontlines .... 1 Transportation, Internet, and Ground Rules 2 Contact Information 3 About the Convergence ..... 4 Our Organizing Principles .... 6 Map of Buildings and Spaces ...... 7 Convergence Schedule ...... 8 Training Descriptions/Location .. 10 Environmental Justice Day of Action ... 15 Storytellers Team ... 16 Mentorship Track ... 17 The Divestment Student Network .. 18 Thank Yous ......... 19



    February 2013

    Dear Students,

    We write to you from the front lines. Some of our communities have been fighting the fossil fuel empire

    for generations. Others have only recently joined this struggle. We send our support and gratitude for

    leading this fossil fuel divestment campaign. This is a mighty cause you are joining: challenging some of

    the biggest threats humans have ever seen and committing to what must become a global movement.

    We support your mission to hold your universities accountable. Institutions of learning must challenge

    systems that endanger the future of younger generations. We believe that colleges and universities

    divesting from fossil fuels and reinvesting in clean energy will deliver a powerful political message. And

    yet, weas frontline and indigenous leadersencourage you to dig deeper. We encourage you to understand your campaigns as part of a much longer struggle, one that has been going on for

    generations, for justice and health, and the environment.

    The corporations you are targeting have pushed our people up against the edge of survival. We live in

    the land coal companies have stolen and destroyed. We live in the land the oil, fracking, and uranium

    industries have poisoned. As the climate crisis worsens, it is frontline and indigenous communities who

    are hit hardest. When you demand that your colleges cut financial ties to ExxonMobil or Peabody Coals latest projects to pillage the earth it s our land and communities youre acting in solidarity with. Our work is deeply tied together.

    Please join us. From the indigenous peoples, to the coal fields, fracking wells, refineries, and

    communities facing all manners of extreme energy production. Fight the fossil fuel industry on campus,

    but not only on campus. Join us in our communities and our fights and bind your struggle to ours.

    We welcome you to this movement with open arms. Together we can defeat the dirty energy industry

    and build a healthy, sustainable, and just world.

    In solidarity,

    Robert J Thompson, REDOIL (Kaktovik, AK)

    Kirby Spangler, Castle Mountain Coalition (Palmer, AK)

    Veronica Coptis, Center for Coalfield Justice (Greene County, PA)

    Janene Yazzie, Sixth World Solutions

    Chief Gary Harrison, Chickaloon Tribe Alaska

    Dustin White, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (Southern West Virginia)

    Iris Marie Bloom, Protecting Our Waters (Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale Region)

    Blas Espinosa, Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services (Houston, TX)

    Victoria Corona, Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services (Houston, TX)

    Liana Lopez, Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services (Houston, TX)

    Theresa Dardar, Pointe-au-Chien Indian Tribe (Louisiana)

    Meagan Dochuk, 1st Nations Aamjiwnaang

    Ron Plain, 1st Nations Aamjiwnaang

    Elandria Williams, Highlander Center (Knoxville, TN)

    This letter first appeared in the program for last years PowerUp! Divest Fossil Fuels Convergence at Swarthmore College.

    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 1



    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 2

    In order to create a productive and safe space for learning and building together, please follow

    the community norms we will set together on the first night of the convergence. Your participation is

    dependent on your adherence to the following conditions. Note: Hate speech, sexual harassment or

    sexual assault will not be tolerated.

    Ground Rules for University Property:

    The University of San Francisco (SFSU) has been cooperative in letting us use their space for programming.

    Please treat the facilities, students, and staff with respect and follow the ground rules outlined below:

    Vandalism and theft will not be tolerated. Please refrain from the use of drugs on campus. Please do not drink alcohol on campus unless within the areas in which it is allowed (The Pub, The Depot,

    and the Gallery).

    SFSU is a smoke free campus, so please do not smoke on campus ($50 fine) except in the official Designated Smoking Areas (DSAs) or the unofficial DSA on Holloway Ave between the Library and the

    Creative Arts Building.

    Do not ride a bicycle, scooter (motorized or not), or skateboard of any kind on the grounds of the SFSU campus at any time, except on a designated bike path.

    Only bike racks provided by the campus and designed to secure bicycles/scooters should be used to secure bicycles/scooters.


    Open a new window or tab and you will be redirected to the SFSU internet log in page. Log in with:

    SF State ID: fossil@sfsuguest

    SF State Password: c0nvergence


    The MUNI bus system is a complex system that covers most of San Francisco and stretches across most districts.

    Buses run through the day and part of the evening at varying rates, and do include the OWL night service. The cost

    to ride the bus/lightrail is $2.00 and the transfers are given with a minimum of 90 minutes. Hold on to your transfer

    at all times and make sure it isnt expired when riding the bus, as fare checking is common ($100+ fine). If stopped by MUNI police for a fare check on the bus or lightrail, please be polite and respectful when showing them your

    proof of payment.

    Buses near SFSU: The 29-Sunset, The 28-19th Avenue, The 17-Park Merced Loop, and The 18-46th Avenue. Light rail near SFSU: The M-Ocean View (campus to downtown), K-Ingleside, N-Judah and L-Taraval.

    BART: The Bay Area Rapid Transit system (BART) connects different cities in the Bay Area via light rail. You can

    easily get from SF to East Bay or further south down the peninsula by taking BART.

    Use resources such as Google Maps or to check traffic info and MUNI system times.


    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 3

    In the event of a

    medical emergency,

    contact any of

    the following:

    Name Phone Email Team / Affiliation

    Marli Diestel (530) 228-5042 [email protected] Co-Coordinator,


    Becca Rast (717) 519-9140 [email protected] Co-Coordinator,


    Jason Schwartz (415) 933-4664 [email protected] Logistics Coordinator/SFSU

    Emily Beaulac (714) 673-0357 [email protected] Logistics/SFSU

    Janelle Bowerman (650) 773-9643 [email protected] Registration/SFSU

    Emily Williams (408) 318-4356 [email protected] Travel Logistics/CSSC

    Katie Hoffman (310) 528-2621 [email protected] Travel Logistics/CSSC

    Sara Blazevic (646) 249-9545 [email protected] Programming/Swarthmore

    Zein Nakhoda (214) 686-9158 [email protected] Listening Team/Maypop

    For transportation emergencies (e.g. if you are about to miss a plane), please call :

    Katie Hoffman (310)-528-2621 or Shoshanna Howard (303)-968-8710.

    If you did not receive a travel scholarship but are in need of a retroactive scholarship,

    please contact Emily Williams at [email protected].


    Convergence core organizing team:

    SFSU Campus Safety (24-hour): (415) 338-7200

    San Francisco Women Against Rape Hotline (24-hour): (415) 647-7273


    This gathering, the second Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence, brings together young organizers from across the country to build a thriving student movement for climate justice.

    Over the last two years, students on hundreds of campuses have launched fossil fuel divestment campaigns. Were demanding that our endowments no longer be invested in environmental and human devastation. Were building our skills, contesting for power, and strengthening ties with other movements. We also know that divestment is one tactic

    in the broader movement for climate justice so while we fight the fossil fuel industry with one tactic, we will nurture relationships with those fighting the same forces in other ways in their own communities.

    Our Political Moment

    The divestment movement is in a pivotal stage. Some of us have been running our campaigns for a year or more, some of us just started our campaigns. Some of us have been told No by our administrations, others have achieved divestment, and others still are being stalled in endless administrative bureaucracy.

    Many of us at the Convergence are new to this work, bringing energy, excitement, and new ideas. Others of us are

    starting to feel the grind. Were learning that organizing takes time and requires commitment through disappointment and roadblocks. We have learned lessons about effective organizing and messaging, how to engage with

    administrators, and how to escalate. Meanwhile, the divestment movement is finding its role in the larger climate justice movement. As students fight for

    fossil fuel divestment on campus, there are people fighting on the frontlines who experience direct impacts of

    environmental destruction. These people are fighting for clean air, clean water, fair wages, jobs that dont make them sick, land sovereignty, and more. They are fighting in the face of oil spills, deportations, strip mines, mass

    incarceration, and refineries.

    As we organize, we are constantly negotiating these narratives, relationships, and strategies. We can

    organize powerfully if we Dig Deep, Link Up, and Take Action. These three threads weave through the fabric of the convergence and through the organizing we do to make our movement stronger.


    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 4

    Dig Deep

    Organizing is long, slow, often thankless work. We must dig deep within ourselves and our communities to

    develop skills and support one another through hardship. We must dig deep into the history of colonialism,

    white supremacy, and capitalism, as well as histories of past social movements. This helps us develop our

    visions of transformative change. We must dig deep with one another and truly invest in each others political development and leadership. We will not achieve climate justice tomorrow, so lets build the relationships that will last through this fight and grow our movement!

    Link Up

    As we dig deep into our campus work, we can magnify our power by linking up with other campuses. This

    allows to share knowledge and to seek support from other students doing this work. At the same time, we

    must link up with frontline communities and others fighting for justice. We have so much to learn from

    communities who have been fighting the fossil fuel industry for decades. We have the opportunity to

    create a national narrative together that communicates the power of students, and the power of those

    fighting for justice in their own communities.


    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 5

    These three threads are always moving and interacting with each other. As we plan that next mass action,

    we need to be bringing new people into the movement. As we negotiate with our administrations, we need

    to be learning lessons from communities who are most impacted. As we plan an action on our campus,

    lets reach out to other campuses who have escalated to learn what worked and what didnt. As these threads intertwine, our movement can become more dynamic and powerful.

    Take Action

    As we build relationships and deepen our skills, lets take collective action! Lets escalate our campaigns strategically to win on divestment. Lets take action with frontline organizers who call for ally support. Lets put our understandings of oppression, power, and strategy into practice in our organizing work.

    Convergence Goals

    Strategy and Escalation

    While we have seen some phenomenal successes in the divestment campaign over the past year, it is

    also clear that we need to start escalating and putting pressure on our administrations and boards.

    Escalating strategically is a carefully cultivated skill that can be honed through workshops, mentorship,

    and sharing stories. The convergence will be a space for students to do just that. Campuses that have

    taken escalated action will share their successes and their lessons learned, students will learn about

    creative direct actions that will put pressure on their boards and win on-campus support, and each campus will be connected long-term with other campuses who are looking to escalate.

    Reinvestment and the Just Transition

    In order for us to truly confront the climate crisis, we need to not only confront the fossil fuel industry, but

    also create community-owned alternatives to a fossil fuel-based economy. At this years convergence, we will be connecting students with community organizers who are not only fighting the fossil fuel industry in

    their backyards, but also working to transition to a local, sustainable, and just economy that empowers

    and employs members of their community. Students will have the opportunity to learn by volunteering with

    these groups, learning about social justice as it relates to the environment, and in some cases, by pushing

    for community reinvestment in local renewable projects. Not only does this sort of collaboration support

    essential transition work, but also connects students with work that has longevity and is grounded in long-term community-building.

    Mentorship and Training: Preparing Students for the Long Haul

    The convergence provides the infrastructure for peer-to-peer mentorship within the divestment campaign.

    Students can learn from each others stories and skills in building power on campus, working with university administrations, collaborating with local grassroots organizations, and escalating to win on

    divestment. Not only will this lead to a longer-lasting divestment campaign, but it will also train leaders who will continue to organize after graduating.


    Importance of Student Power:

    We are grateful for the institutional and organizational support from NGOs and prominent activists, but affirm that the Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence is a space created for students by students.

    We must build student power in ways that strengthen a national coalition of organizations capable of continuing struggles for social justice beyond divestment victory. We aim to do this by developing organizational power and

    leadership on campuses first and foremost.

    Collective Liberation Framework:

    As we build a mass movement to fight the oppression of the fossil fuel industry, we must also confront forms of oppression and hierarchy within our organizations. We must look at how we conduct meetings, organize events,

    and communicate with one another and ask the questions: Who is present? Who is absent? How are hierarchical

    and oppressive behaviors operating and how can we overcome them?

    We must recognize that oppression operates simultaneously on personal, interpersonal, institutional, cultural, and systemic levels in ways that interlock and reinforce one another. Developing skills to confront oppression at every

    level makes our organizations powerful, resilient, and more affirming of diversity.

    We must work together to create a space that is accessible to all interested students, including those who identity as differently-abled, working class, poor, gender non-conforming/variant, queer, and students of color.

    We aim to make room for voices that have felt silenced or oppressed in other venues. We aim to create structures of accountability for everyone attending FFDC. This means we must be accountable

    for our words and actions. While embracing and engaging with many emotions and reactions including anger and sorrow we must aim to hold respect for each other and our shared work.

    Environmental/Economic Justice Framework:

    Environmental Justice challenges the ways in which the unequal distribution of resources and the ramifications of

    climate change disproportionately harm communities on the frontlines of extraction, burning, and climate change,

    especially low-income and communities of color.

    We must recognize that divestment is only one tool in the toolbox and that it is a form of solidarity organizing a way to act in alliance with frontline organizations. We must to strive to be active allies by building relationships

    with frontline communities, amplifying their stories, and joining them in their struggles.

    We must recognize the ways different social movements intersect. Instead of seeing different issues in competition, we should look for opportunities for synergy and solidarity.

    We should recognize and work with the many other movements that are also wielding the power of our universities to act in solidarity with communities outside of our institutions.

    We understand reinvestment as a mechanism for driving positive change and as a principle of the divestment movement that promotes the advancement of a socially-just sustainable energy economy. We see it as a crucial

    follow-up to divestment that can provide schools, cities, and other institutions with a mechanism to combat

    localized problems. Through reinvestment, institutions can work to alleviate issues specific to their surrounding

    communities and to those most immediately affected by the fossil fuel industry.

    Personal Growth/Empowerment and National Movement-Building:

    This student convergence should be empowering on an individual level. Our collective strength is built upon the

    energy, skills, and wellbeing of our organizers. Each participant is encouraged to speak up, share from their

    experience, and take the full opportunity to grow as an organizer in ways that are creative, energizing, and fun.

    Additionally, we hope that student participants will take their time at the convergence to think critically about the

    growing national divestment movement and the ways in which we can support and encourage each other when we

    return home.

    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 6



    Church Locations:

    Lakeside Presbyterian Church 201 Eucalyptus Dr, San Francisco

    Contact person:

    Anna Vinogradova


    Temple Baptist Church 3355 19th Ave, San Francisco

    Contact person:

    Katie Hoogman



    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 7

    For any general questions regarding housing,

    contact Jason Schwartz: (415)-933-4664.

    All buildings have ramps and are handicapped-accessible. Please reach out to any of the Convergence

    organizers with questions about accessibility (contact information can be found on page 3).

    SFSU Campus:



    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 8


    3:00 PM Registration Opens Temple Baptist Chruch, 3355 19th Ave.

    5:30 PM 6:30 PM Opening Session Annex

    6:45 PM 7:30 PM Dinner On your own tonight /

    8:00 PM 9:30 PM Welcoming Plenary Featuring Melvin Willis, Tim DeChristopher, and SFSU students Annex

    10:00 PM 11:00 PM Open Time/Autonomous Space Annex


    7:00 AM 7:50 AM Breakfast Churches

    8:30 AM 10:00 AM Welcome Session Annex

    BLOCK 1: Environmental Justice and Solidarity Organizing Workshop descriptions and locations begin on page 10.

    10:30 AM 11:40 AM Session 1

    11:45 AM 12:55 PM Session 2

    1:00 PM 2:00 PM Lunch Annex

    BLOCK 2: Building Our Organizing Strength Workshop descriptions and locations begin on page 12.

    2:15 PM 3:25 PM Session 1

    3:30 PM 4:40 PM Session 2


    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 9

    BLOCK 3: Narrative Power Training

    4:55 PM 6:55 PM All-Convergence Training With the Center for Story-Based Strategy. Description on pg. 14. Annex

    7:00 PM 7:50 PM Dinner Annex

    8:00 PM 9:30 PM Reinvestment and Resiliency:

    Working Towards a Just Transition Wahleah Johns, Black Mesa Water Coalition

    Gopal Dayaneni, Movement Generation

    Nile Malloy, Communities for a Better Environment


    10:00 PM 11:00 PM Open Time/Autonomous Space Annex


    8:15 AM 9:00 AM Breakfast

    BLOCK 4: Next Steps for the Divestment Movement All sections of Block 4 will take place in the Annex

    7:00 AM 7:50 AM Opening Space

    8:45 AM 10:15 AM Affinity Group Break-Outs We will be dividing into 8 campaign affinity groups to network and

    strategize. Details and AG descriptions on page 14.

    10:30 AM 12:30 PM Next Steps: Spring, Summer, and Fall 2014 With the Divestment Student Network and others!

    12:30 PM 1:00 PM Closing

    1:00 PM 2:00 PM Lunch Annex

    2:00 PM 6:00 PM Toxic Tours, Door-Knocking, and Bonding! See page 15 for details. Meet in Annex



    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 10

    Climate and Economic Justice through the

    Lens of Coal

    Wahleah Johns (Black Mesa Water Coalition), Paul

    Corbit Brown (Keeper of the Mountains), and

    Freddy Lozano (Colombian National Union of Workers in the Coal Industry) In this panel, three speakers from extraction communities will be sharing their

    experiences and understandings of the intersections between

    climate and economic justice. With a specific focus on the

    coal industry, panelists will share both their on-the-ground

    experience and their hopes for future strength and resistance

    to the injustice in their communities.

    Session 1 | HUM 115

    Grassroots Organizing Against Dirty

    Energy in the Bay Area

    Melvin Willis (Richmond, CA), Lyana Monterrey

    (Pittsburg Defense Committee), and Tracy Zhu

    (Ditching Dirty Diesel Collaborative) Historically, the San Francisco Bay Area has had a complex relationship with

    dirty energy companies from refineries to export terminals, to serious diesel emissions from the trucking industry, much of

    the Bay Area has been defined by these corporations for

    decades. But this has been matched by powerful community

    organizing that has prevented some of the worst facilities from

    being built and created important standards for the rest of the

    country. Join us in this panel to hear from Bay Area community

    organizers against resisting dirty energy in the Bay Area.

    Session 1 | HUM 109

    Divestment as a Solidarity Tactic

    Nesbit Crutchfield, Saliem Shehadeh (UC Davis,

    Students for Justice in Palestine), Rachel

    Feldman (UC Davis, Jewish Voices for Peace),

    Jake Soiffer (Fossil Free UC), and Marcel Jones

    (UC Prison Divestment) Across various campaigns, divestment is used as a tactic to stand in solidarity with those

    on the front lines of injustice. It leverages resources that

    incorporate an institutional advantage into the struggle for

    justice--an advantage to which those on the front lines don't

    always have access. Hear how, through on- and off-campus

    campaigns, divestment organizers against fossil fuels, the

    prison-industrial complex, the occupation of Palestine, and

    South African apartheid have stood in solidarity with those who

    are directly affected by each issue, and how they've developed

    an intersectional analysis to stand in solidarity with each other

    to facilitate a move away from broader cultural and economic

    paradigms of exploitation and exclusion.

    Session 1 | HUM 108

    Building an Anti-Fracking Movement in


    Jennifer Krill (Earthworks), Linda Capato

    (, and Wes Adrianson (Students Against

    Fracking)This panel will focus on the intersection of environmental justice and ongoing grassroots organizing to

    resist the proliferation of hydraulic fracturing. Featuring local

    students, community organizers and national grassroots

    campaigners, the panel will explore the social and economic

    impacts of fracking in key regions, and how the struggles

    communities are currently facing relate to the growing youth

    movement for fossil fuel divestment. Panelists will reflect on

    the areas in which the fossil fuel divestment campaign can

    work in coalition with communities disproportionately impacted

    by the natural gas industry and on the growing Americans

    Against Fracking Coalition.

    Session 2 | HUM 108

    Economic Resiliency in the Coalfields and


    Deirdre Lally (Shalefield Organizing Committee),

    Paul Corbit Brown (Keeper of the Mountains),

    Christine Muehlman Gyovai (UVA Institute for Environmental Negotiation) A movement that only names what it's against isn't going to win, either on the divest-

    ment front or on the frontlines of extraction. Just as important

    as knowing what were against is knowing what were for. If were working to dismantle the fossil fuel economy, what can

    BLOCK 1: Environmental Justice and Solidarity Organizing This block will feature a selection of workshops and panels. Workshops will run twice, during session 1 and

    session 2. Panels will be offered either in session 1 or session 2.


    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 11

    we construct in its place? This panel will feature community organizers from the frontlines of fracking and mountaintop

    removal who are tackling these very questions. We will hear

    from them about their visions for a future that isn't dependent

    on the extraction economy, and how they're working to realize

    those visions in their communities.

    Session 2 | HUM 115

    International Fossil Fuel Divestment

    Theo LeQuesne (UK), Flick Monk (UK), Olivia

    Linander (Sweden), Charlie Woods (Australia),

    and Stephen Thomas (Canada) Fossil Free is now an international campaign that has reinvigorated the global

    climate justice movement. In this panel, we will hear from

    international divestment organizers from three continents

    about their successes, struggles, and experiences organizing

    in their home countries and on an international level.

    Session 2 | HUM 109

    Working Towards Transnational Climate


    Barnali Ghosh and Anirvan Chatterjee Bay area area activists Barnali Ghosh and Anirvan Chatterjee spent a

    year traveling around the world aviation-free to interview

    climate activists in a dozen countries so they could share their

    stories back home. Learn about their experiment in staying

    grounded, critical lessons from climate justice movements

    from Bangladesh to the UK, and the #1 message that many

    global activists have for their allies in the US.

    Both sessions | HUM 113

    What the Climate Movement Can Learn

    from Queer and Trans* Organizing

    Lauren Wood (Peaceful Uprising) We recognize the climate crisis affects us all and is perpetuated by long-

    standing colonizing forces that inform many of the ways we

    move through the world. Because of this crisis, our society is

    having to ask itself some of the hardest questions in how we

    treat one another and move towards a more just future in the

    face of climate chaos. It is no surprise that the most lucid

    voices in this growing climate justice movement are those of

    the most impacted and marginalized communities that are

    pushing the hardest for substantive change. To truly win, we

    must take leadership from the communities who have already

    been fighting these same oppressive forces for generations.

    This workshop will take a critical look at how the very nature of

    queer bodies in this world gives the LGBTQ community a

    crucial perspective on how to create bold new ways of

    interacting in this world without a road-map to follow. Come

    join this conversation about systemic oppression, decolonizing

    our gendered minds and the invaluable work of subverting

    patriarchy in our fight for a livable future.

    Both sessions | HUM 126

    Building Local Labor Support for Your

    Divestment Campaign

    Brooke Anderson (Movement Generation, Do you want to approach local labor unions to support your divestment campaign, but either don't know where to start or

    have already hit obstacles? This multi-media, interactive workshop and discussion will address the challenges and best

    practices for building alliances with unions to advance fossil

    fuel divestment campaigns, including: understanding labor's

    self-interests, structure and local political landscape; identify-

    ing which unions to approach and through which elected

    officers and staff; building a strong relationship based on

    mutual solidarity; making the ask; and navigating political

    obstacles. We'll look at a few case studies of successful labor-

    climate alliances, dissect specific challenges you're facing in

    your campaign, and send you home with useful tools and


    Both sessions | HUM 111

    Climate Justice: Decolonizing Lands,

    Minds, and Institutions

    Henia Belalia (Peaceful Uprising) To tackle the root (read: radical) causes of the climate crisis, we must first

    acknowledge that environmental degradation exacerbates

    existing economic, racial and social injustices an intercon-nectedness that should define our analysis and actions. To

    truly win, land and justice defenders must recognize over-

    lapping systems of oppression within this capitalist structure

    and take strategic cues from the communities most impacted

    by colonization, militarism and poverty. That means building

    movements across issues and beyond divides based on race,

    class and gender, while elevating the voices that have been

    historically marginalized: indigenous peoples, communities of

    color, women, LGBTQ people, and the low-income population.

    To do so will take a profound decolonization of minds and

    professional institutions. This workshop will root its analysis

    and conversations on intersectionality, practices of solidarity,

    and centering voices within the climate justice movement that

    have been historically silenced and marginalized. Come

    participate, share and co-create this dialogue.

    Both sessions | HUM 121


    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 12

    Strengthening Administrator Engagement

    John Avalos (SF Board of Supervisors), Robert

    Nava (SFSU Foundation), John Gurnas (SFSU

    Foundation), and Phil King (SFSU Foundation) Who on your university has the power to actually commit to divesting? For SFSU, that is the University Foundation. This

    panel will feature three members of the Foundation who

    supported the vote for pursuing divestment. The panel will also

    feature San Francisco District Supervisor John Avalos, who

    sponsored the movement for divestment of San Francisco City

    and spoke at Fossil Free SFSUs Day of Action at SF City Hall in 2013. Learn how to rally the support of your own university

    and city administration to leverage your endowment!

    Offered session 1 ONLY | HUM 217

    Strengthening Faculty Engagement

    Cynthia Kaufman (De Anza Community College),

    Glenn Fieldman (SFSU), and Carlos Davidson

    (SFSU) Organizing the support of faculty was instrumental in Fossil Free SFSUs campaign. This panel will feature faculty from SFSU and from De Anza Community College, the first

    community college to commit to divest. Come learn how to

    rally the support of your university faculty!

    Offered session 2 ONLY | HUM 217

    Reinvestment and Community Organizing

    Lauren Ressler (Responsible Endowments

    Coalition) and Amelia Timbers (As You Sow) What kind of world do we envision for the future? In this work-

    shop we are going to build tools and knowledge for incorpor-

    ating a demand for reinvestment into a divestment campaign.

    Reinvestment means investing in our communities and in

    businesses committed to creating just and equitable solutions

    in areas like energy, manufacturing, and technology. We are

    going to be talking about both highly-scalable existing financial

    mechanisms and community-led investment.

    HUM 121

    Alumni Organizing

    Emily Williams (California Student Sustainability

    Coalition) Alumni of your university can be your greatest allies. They are the ones who donate to the endowment, so

    they are the ones who hold the financial keys. They also have

    experience with the university and sometimes may know your

    administrators. This workshop, featuring students and alumni

    from both the University of California and Swarthmore College,

    will focus on how to identify ally alumni organizers, how to

    work with them, and what strategies to employ to reach your

    goals of divestment on campus. Ready, set, grow!

    HUM 207

    Weaving the Fabric of the Next

    Economy Now

    Gopal Dayaneni (Movement Generation) To avoid the real risks of ecological erosion and to return to right

    relationship with each other and home, we must invest in the

    next economy now to ensure that it serves the interest of our

    communities. Thankfully, as the dominant economy under-

    mines the very basis of life and its own existence, social movements are creating a just transition away from this dead-

    end proposition and towards economies based on the

    restoration of land, labor and life. As we oppose and expose the forces that are driving climate change, we must also lead

    with vision and invest in what we know we need: an economy

    which is decentralized, democratized, and diversified, one in

    which resource consumption is reduced and wealth is redistri-

    buted. Join this workshop to learn about the framework for just transition developed by the Climate Justice Alliance and the

    Our Power Campaign, with a particular emphasis aligning key

    strategies, including divest/invest.

    HUM 108

    Social Media for the Grassroots

    Alysse Heartwell ( Using online platforms to tell your campaign's story, get the word out, and grow your

    impact. We'll talk about how to think about social media, the

    basic mechanics of Facebook and Twitter, tactics and best

    practices for each platform, how to make a good meme, why

    not to over-think your hashtags, and more. There will be time

    for questions and discussion, so be ready to workshop your

    campaign's challenges & share your successes!

    HUM 126

    Strategy for Creative Campus Escalation

    Todd Zimmer (Rainforest Action Coalition) Is your campus campaign hitting a wall? It might be time to

    escalate! As campaigners, we must continually increase the

    pressure until our demands are met, but knowing when and

    BLOCK 2: Building Our Organizing Strength


    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 13

    how to escalate can be difficult and scary. Come for an inter-active discussion of when, how, and why to escalate campus

    campaigns. Well talk about the potential risks and benefits of turning up the heat on campus, examine case studies, and

    idea-storm tactics and strategies for escalation on campus.

    HUM 115

    Building a Strong Team

    Hannah Jones (REC, Maypop Collective) and

    Jonny Behrens (University of Chicago) For our campaigns to have longevity and our movement to grow, we

    have to build strong organizing teams. This means creating

    groups whose members are committed to deepening each

    others skills, supporting each other through hard times, training new leaders, and seeing campaigns through to a win.

    This interactive workshop will help you learn how to build an

    organizing team with lasting power, that can be resilient

    through the inevitable pitfalls and challenges of running a

    divestment campaign, and that can continue to support each

    other in the movement even after graduation,

    HUM 212

    Facilitation for Strategy Retreats

    Jenny Marineau ( and Alli Welton

    (Harvard University) Great organizing starts with great strategizing. In our commitment to rise to the scale of the

    climate crisis, occasionally we need to pause to make sure our

    work is moving us closer to our goals, and perhaps to

    determine whether our goals are true to what needs to be

    done. Strategy retreats are one way to take these questions

    head-on. This workshop will give you tools for participatory

    decision-making to break up and organize long meetings, and

    encouragement to deeply consider your vision before digging

    into strategy.

    HUM 109

    Making Our Voices Heard: Using the Media

    as a Megaphone

    Whit Jones (Energy Action Coalition) A critical part of any campaign is getting into the media so that more

    people can learn about your campaign and your target can feel

    the heat in the public eye. In this participatory workshop, we'll

    run through the fundamentals of getting media, share best

    practices from divestment campaigns across the country, and

    actually get to work prepping media materials for our

    campaigns and the convergence!

    HUM 127

    Creative Recruitment

    Erin Smith (University of Denver) and YJ Cho

    ( If we aren't recruiting, then we're shrinking. That means outreach should always be a priority, which is

    awesome because recruitment can be one of the most fun

    aspect of running your campaign. We'll discuss reasons

    students get involved and think through some creative ways

    we can share our story, build power, and be the most badass

    group on campus. Ready, set, grow!

    HUM 202

    Negotiating with Power

    Jess Grady-Benson (Pitzer College) and Jay

    Carmona ( Come learn how to make the most of meetings with decision-makers by collecting information,

    demonstrating power, and winning victories. Well brainstorm how to refute common arguments from decision-makers to

    stay afloat in negotiation. Well also practice prepping for meetings and strategizing within larger campaign goals. Join

    us to collectively share knowledge about sticky situations in

    negotiation, and what works and what doesn't.

    HUM 111

    Practices for Building Strong Coalitions

    Patty OKeefe (350 MN) and Maria Langholz (Macalester College) To address climate change at the appropriate, scale we need to develop relationships with

    others to present a stronger, more unified voice. For this

    reason, building coalitions is a central part of our work as

    campus organizers. But how do we build coalitions that are not

    transactional, but relational? How do we go about developing

    those relationships? These are the kinds of questions we'll

    explore in this session. We'll also think through pros and cons

    of coalition work, as well as discussing types and principles of

    coalition building. Please come ready to share experiences

    and best practices!.

    HUM 111

    Self-Care and Staying Grounded

    Joshua Gorman and Mary Shindler (Generation

    Waking Up) How does your group work to cultivate a group culture of self-care? We will discuss methods for staying

    grounded in the face of ecological crisis, preventing burnout,

    fostering a supportive group culture, and supporting organizers

    for the long haul.

    HUM 113


    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 14

    Winning the Battle of the Story for Climate Justice, with Christine Cordero The power of stories shapes our understanding of the world around us but when it comes to climate, all too often these stories come from politicians and industry and ignore negative impacts to communities,

    environmental destruction, and threat to future generations. Understanding how to win the "Battle of the

    Story" for public opinion is critical to all of our efforts as organizers, advocates and communicators to

    make positive change. The Center for Story-Based Strategy ( will cover the

    fundamentals of communications strategy: framing and narrative power analysis, with an eye to breaking

    down and challenging the dominant assumptions about the student divestment fight.

    BLOCK 3: Narrative Power Analysis Training In this block, we will come together for an all-convergence training from the Center for Story-Based Strategy.

    BLOCK 4: Next Steps for the Divestment Movement

    For part of this block, we will be dividing into affinity groups to network and strategize, with the goal of

    laying foundations for long-lasting networked relationships between campaigns and organizers. To make

    sure these breakouts are truly spaces for cross-campus strategizing, we encourage school groups to split

    up and attend different sessions and to start thinking early in the weekend about which affinity group conversation fits best for you and/or the your campaign.

    Affinity Groups and Facilitators:

    New Campaigns For campaigns that are just getting started to talk about

    jumping into this dynamic movement.

    YJ Cho (, University of Denver students

    National Escalation Strategy Team (NEST) NEST schools have received Nos but are responding with #rejectiondenied. If youre in this position, come plug into the NEST coalition!

    Jenny Marineau (, Whitman College students, and others!

    State Network Schools Strategy for state schools with comingled endowments.

    Fossil Free UC, Fossil Free CSU, and friends

    Community Colleges Strategy, tactics, and networking for community college

    campaigns, led by students from the first community

    college to commit to divestment.

    Katie Hoffman (CSSC) and De Anza College students

    Pushing Towards a Yes Think you might be close to a win, but your admins need

    another push? Stuck in committees and dont know how to move forward? Come talk strategy for escalation or

    moving your campaign to the next stage.

    Lauren Ressler (REC), Jess Grady-Benson (Pitzer College),

    and Jasmine Ruddy (UNC-Chapel Hill)

    Reinvestment Campaigns Students working on reinvestment-focused campaigns

    will talk visioning, strategies, and how pushing for

    reinvestment looks different than for divestment.

    Sally Bunner (Earlham REInvestment) Ophir Bruck (U.C.

    Berkeley, CSSC), and Kara Colovich (University of Montana)

    Recent and Soon-To-Be Alumni For alums and students who are about to graduate, to

    discuss the role of alums in supporting the movement

    and on ways to stay plugged into climate justice work in

    the post-college world.

    Maypop Collective for Climate and Economic Justice


    We know that the Divestment movement is more than about endowments: its about shifting resources away from exploitative industries towards a just and life-sustaining economy. Richmond,

    California is right in the backyard of this years Power Up Convergence, and is a community that has been on the front lines of the climate justice and environmental justice movement for decades. Home to toxic

    refineries, coal export terminals, crude-by-rail facilities, and other heavy industries, Richmond boasts some

    of the regions worst asthma and cancer rates.

    But Richmond also has a rich and powerful history of resistance. Led by organizations such as the

    Richmond Progressive Alliance and Communities for a Better Environment, Richmonds progressive movement has kept corporate power at bay despite overwhelming odds. Richmond is pioneering

    progressive measures to fight foreclosures, raise minimum wage, protect workers, and hold polluters

    accountable for their public health and safety violations.

    Today, Richmond is once again under assault by Chevron, a company that is polluting Richmonds air through toxic refinery emissions and polluting Richmonds democracy by pouring millions of dollars into political races and community propaganda. In August 2012, the Chevron Richmond refinery exploded,

    sending 15,000 people to the hospital. Now, less than two years later, Chevron is attempting to modernize its refinery to process heavier, dirtier, more corrosive and toxic crude from Canadas tar sands. The community is being bombarded by Chevron propaganda, and its time for the people to spread the truth.

    Thats where we come in.

    On Sunday, April 6th, join ForestEthics, Communities for a Better Environment, and the California Student

    Sustainability Coalition for a day of action for environmental justice in Richmond. Well visit the Richmond Progressive Alliance office in downtown Richmond to learn about whats happening in the community and get trained up as canvassers. Then, well hit the streets and spread the word to the Richmond community about upcoming opportunities to fight back against Chevrons expansion plans. Finally, well meet outside the Chevron Richmond Refinery for a brief wrap-up rally and celebration. A bus will leave SFSU at 1pm and return to SFSU at 6pm.

    What: Community Canvass and Toxics Tour in Richmond, CA

    When: Sunday, April 6th, 1:00 PM 6:00 PM Depart: Leave SFSU at 1:00 PM, meet in the Annex

    Return: Well be back at SFSU by 6:00 PM

    This day of action is for everyone!

    Students and community members not attending the Divestment Convergence are encouraged to attend,

    and can meet us directly at the Bobby Bowens Center in Richmond (1021 MacDonald Ave) at 1:45pm.

    Questions? Contact Ashlyn Ruga at (801) 232-8759 or [email protected].


    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 15


    The Storytellers Team is a team of social media storytellers who will help spotlight the people and conversations that are building and evolving the divestment movement. We will be tweeting, taking photos and

    video, instagramming, blogging, and meme-making to help tell the story of our movement during the

    Convergence. Well be getting together every day of the weekend to hang out and tell these amazing stories. Joining this team is a great way to meet fellow divestment activists. No skills needed, just passion! If you're

    interested, come drop by our room or contact Mary Schellentrager at (440) 478-0728 or

    [email protected].

    The Storyteller/Media room will be: Friday , 2:00 PM 10:00 PM HSS 259 Saturday, 8:00 AM 8:00 PM HUM 118


    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 16

    Best Practices for Media-Making at the Convergence

    Get consent. Before recording video/audio or taking photos of others, ask for their permission. Tell them why you are filming/photographing and what you hope to do with the content afterward. If you are documenting a

    group space or training, make an announcement - check in with a trainer or facilitator of the space about

    filming/photographing. Everyone has the right to ask not to be filmed or photographed and its our job as media-makers to respect that.

    Ask who is being represented. Our media will feature a host of characters spokespeople, storytellers, visionaries, ambassadors, and many others. Sometimes, our media doesnt fairly represent the diversity within our movement - gender, race, and class privileges (among many others) influence who is likely to appear in front of a

    camera or be interviewed for an article. We also bring diverse analyses and understandings of fossil fuel

    divestment to the convergence. It can be helpful to ask yourself: who is being portrayed in my video/photos? Are

    there voices or perspectives being left out? Have I only interviewed white men for my documentary (for example)?

    Amplify frontline stories. Frontline activists are those whose communities are most immediately impacted by the fossil fuel industry. As a divestment movement, we must become active allies to those already affected by

    fossil fuel extraction and burning. Only by organizing across our different positions within the fossil fuel economy

    can we build a powerful social movement for climate justice. Frontline activists have been telling their powerful

    stories for decades - as a media-maker, one way to show solidarity is to build relationships with frontline activists

    and amplify their stories of struggle.














    The official hashtag well be using for the Convergence is #FFDC2014. Below is a list of other hashtags that are frequently used and could be applicable. Also feel free to tweet @ the following handles:

    Social Media


    Coordinated by the Mentorship working group of the Divestment Student Network (DSN).

    These are two things we know: (1) Divestment is hard, and (2) It's easier when we work together. That's why a core

    function of the Divestment Student Network is connecting students to each other. The Mentorship Track is a training

    program for 25-35 divestment students who want to become peer mentors to their fellow activists. Participants will

    meet for 7 hours during the convergence to learn and practice essential peer mentorship skills. These sessions will

    overlap with some convergence programming, but we've made sure not to conflict with plenaries or strategy blocks.

    The Mentorship Track is open to all Convergence attendees willing to commit to the

    full 7 hours of training. If youd like to be a part of it, just come to the first session!

    After the convergence, participants in the mentorship track will become official peer mentors with the Divestment

    Student Network. DSN peer mentors will intentionally build relationships with other students in their region, and be a

    resource to help those students with tricky campaign questions.


    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 17

    Part 1: Introduction and Orientation

    What is mentorship? Why is it important for our movement?

    Time: Friday, 9:45 PM 10:45 PM

    Location: Meet on top of the Student Health Center

    Part 2: Nuts and Bolts of Mentorship

    How do we become good mentors? Facilitators Belinda Rodriguez, Kate Aronoff, and Caitlin Piserchia will

    lead an in-depth training, honing key skills of mentor and practicing those skills in 1-on-1s. Following the

    training, peer mentors will have an active listening assignment to fulfil during the day.

    Time: Saturday, 11:45 AM 3:25 PM

    Location: HUM 114

    Part 3: Mentoring in Practice: Lessons Learned

    After practicing some of the skills taught in Part 2, student mentors come back together to debrief, address

    questions, and solidify lessons learned.

    Time: Saturday, 9:45 PM 11:00PM

    Location: Meet on top of the Student Health Center

    Part 4: Next Steps and Celebration!

    After skill-building and practice, well be ready to spread across the country and form a strong network of student-led mentorship. But how do we maintain that network and stay accountable? This is a place to

    discuss next steps and to celebrate our commitment to strong student leadership!

    Time: Sunday, 2:00 PM 3:00 PM

    Location: HUM 109


    The Fossil Fuel Divestment Student Network brings together student divestment organizers from across the country to

    build a powerful movement for climate justice. The Network is both a place to build connections and share knowledge

    among campaigns, and a structure for collaboration on shared projects and strategies. When we work together, our

    movement becomes more than the sum of its parts. When we're in touch with each other, we build a more skilled and

    strategic movement over time. When we share vision and take action together, we embolden our power.

    At the Convergence, we're working to Dig Deep, Link Up, and Take Action in our campaigns and as a movement,

    uniting around the divestment tactic across campuses and across regions. But this work doesn't stop at the

    Convergence! The Network aims to facilitate ongoing work of growing our movement, building off the relationships,

    projects, and visions developed at the Convergence.

    The Network is organized into three main parts. The DSN Assembly is a biweekly conference call discussion and

    strategy session where campus representatives meet to share information and analysis and workshop ongoing

    projects and actions. Working Groups grow out of the Assembly and take on projects of the network like producing a national publication, planning direct actions, and developing toolkits. The Vision Council is a facilitating body that

    helps coordinate and bring together moving pieces of the network.

    Open Call for Participation!

    The Divestment Student Network is recent alumni- and student-led, with an understanding that student voice and

    leadership is central to building a powerful divestment movement. The Network becomes more powerful as more

    campaigns participate! If your campus isn't yet plugged in to the Network, find out how at


    Fossil Fuel Divestment Convergence 2014 18

    Building Beyond the Convergence: Upcoming Assembly Calls

    Join the next Assembly Calls to take action on ideas and projects generated at the convergence. Call in yourself, or

    find someone in your campaign to rep your campus. These are exciting spaces to continue the movement building

    work we're doing at the convergence. Call-in information will be posted to The times and

    dates for the next calls are:

    Tuesday, April 15, 6:00-7:30PM PST / 9:00-10:30PM EST

    Tuesday, April 29, 6:00-7:30PM PST / 9:00-10:30PM EST

    Questions? Contact at [email protected].


    our wonderful fiscal sponsor!

    Andronicos Community Market Arizmendi Bakery

    House of Bagels

    Niles Pies

    Noahs Bagels Rainbow Grocery


    Staff Of Life Natural Foods


    Starbucks Coffee

    Thoms Natural Foods

    Trader Joes Whole Foods

    Food Donors:

    and World Centric for the compostable eating ware.

    and to all the supporters of our Indiegogo campaign.

    A very special thank you to the donor who gave an anonymous gift

    in memory of a beloved brother.

    New Economy Coalition

    The SF State Environmental Studies Department