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1. Who was the first human to walk on the surface of the moon?

A) Chuck Yeager B) John Glenn C) Neil Armstrong D) Alan Sheppard

2. What was the name of the first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth? A) MIR B) Sputnik C) Explorer D) Fireball XL5

3. What is the largest planet in our Solar System? A) Mars B) Jupiter C) Earth D) Europa

4. What is the event called when the Moon passes directly between the Sun and the Earth and casts a shadow on the Earth's surface? A) Solar Eclipse B) Lunar Eclipse C) Cislunar Occlusion D) The End of the World Instruct contestants to inflate their balloons and maintain pressure.

5. Which country sent the first human into space? A) USA B) USSR C) Japan D) Roswell

Instruct contestants to release their balloons and take their new positions.

6. What does NASA stand for? A) National Association of Solar Area B) National Aeronautics and Space Administration C) North American Space Agency D) New Age Stuff Administration

7. From which state are the Space Shuttles launched? A) New Mexico B) Texas C) Florida D) Lunacy

8. Name the first Space Shuttle that traveled to Earth orbit? A) Atlantis B) Columbia C) Discovery D) Enterprise

9. Which manned space program came before the Apollo program? A) Gemini B) Voyager C) SST D) Titan

10. Which planet is known as the Red Planet? A) Jupiter B) Pluto C) Mars D) Betelgeuse Instruct contestants to launch their paper airplanes and take their new positions.

11. Cassiopeia is the name of a; A) Galaxy B) Nova C) Constellation D) Car

12. About how fast does the Space Shuttle travel on orbit? A) 625mph B) 17,600mph C) 65,000mph D) Escape Velocity

13. Who became the only person to hit a golf ball on the Moon? A) Alan Shepard B) John Glenn C) Neil Armstrong D) Tiger Wood

14. Name a country other than the United States that is building part of the International Space Station. A) Canada B) Russia C) Sweden D) France

15. What do you call a rock that enters Earth's atmosphere from outer space and reaches the ground? A) Meteor B) Meteorite C) Meteoroid D) A Very Hot Rock

16. What is the closest planet to the Sun? A) Mercury B) Earth C) Venus D) Pluto

17. What do you call the pulling force that keeps us on the surface of the Earth? A) The Atmosphere B) Gravity C) Weight D) Super Glue

18. What is the name of the Galaxy in which we live? A) Andromeda B) Milky Way C) Galactose D) Alpha Quadrant

19. What is the name of the rocket that launched the astronauts to the Moon? A) LEM B) Atlas C) Titan D) Saturn 5

20. Where did the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo spacecraft land when they returned to Earth? A) Florida B) Pacific/Atlantic C) Houston D) Roswell, NM