
If you still care about your ex, visit and win

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Does Your Ex Still Care About You and the Relationship? Find Out Right


So you broke up with your partner, and you are wondering if they still care about you. You are

wondering if they are considering coming back to you or if they are missing you. Here are

proven ways to check whether your ex wants you back.

Is your ex still keeping touch with you on a regular basis? Are they still calling and texting you

now and again, sometimes for no apparent reason? This is a sign that they are still thinking about

you and they have not stopped caring. Sometimes your ex may even suggest that you hang out,

and that is a sign that they are still missing you in their life. The fact that they have not made an

effort to stop communicating with you is a clear sign that you are still in their mind, which is a

good thing.

Is your ex making some sort of effort to get you jealous? If they are deliberately trying to get you

to notice them with someone else, that is a definite sign that your ex still has an interest in you.

They know that if they can get you jealous, you will be thinking about what you are missing and

you will definitely want them back.

Do you bump into your ex in places where they know you like hanging out? And are they

looking particularly attractive? If they are still interested in you, your ex is trying hard to make

sure that you see them, and a better version of them than you remember. They are hoping that

you will see them looking good and having fun, and you will definitely remember how it was

when you were still together.

You need to pay attention to what your ex says and especially what they do, then you will be

able to see how they are feeling about the breakup and if they want you back.
