
Doug Curling

Managing Director New Kent Capital/New Kent

[email protected]

So let’s talk about……..

- Business Plans- Presenting & Selling Ideas- How Do I Get Started ?- Knowing What To Do…& When- Choosing Partners- Managing Frustrations- The Music Business Today & Tomorrow

Business Plans

- Covering the basics… the right order

- Having the “Pitch” down cold- Be Excited !!!!- Be Organized – You MIGHT have 20 - 30

good minutes before total ADD kicks in- No more than 10 – 15 pages- Loose/Tight meeting pace- Communicating with the right people

Business Plan – Do’s- The Big Idea or the Big Outcome

(‘Make Meaning’)- The ‘Problem’ and why it matters- The current solutions and why they

fall short- What you’re building and how/when- Why you’re different (and better!)- Your spend plan and expected results- The (obvious) questions & answers

Business Plan – Don’ts

- Produce an Org Chart showing you as CEO If you haven’t done anything yet !

- Attempt to build a solution for a problem you don’t understand

- Disgorge spreadsheets of meaningless financials

- Expect the ‘Bankers’ to start by paying you a big salary

- Talk to anyone in-depth without knowing who they are, what they know & what they’ve done

Presenting & Selling Ideas

- Start with the right introduction from the right person

- Get your $%^& together before the meeting- Know the best time & medium- I don’t need you to read me powerpoints- Answer ‘Why should this matter to me?’ early- Know what others have done before you - Have a definitive plan & timeline- Always have a specific ‘Ask’- You don’t know who really matters --- there

are no little people !

How Do I Get Started ?- ‘You can’t change what you don’t

understand’- Deal with the toughest issue first- Identify and accomplish your #1

objective each day- Know whether value is being created

‘in the essence or the edges’- Everybody needs a big fan club –

recruit advocates, supporters and friends

Choosing Partners

- Don’t confuse people that are good with people that are talented

- Don’t surround yourself with people that need your money

- Know what you suck at and fill the voids

- Keep away from people that belittle your ambitions

- Identify the problems and ‘staple’ the right people to each of them

Managing Frustrations

- Learn to cooperate with the inevitable- ‘Do or Do Not – There Is No Try’- If you set out to take Rome – take Rome- Do you want to feel better or do you

want to get what you want ?- ‘Not everything worth doing is worth

doing well’- No battle plan survives contact with the


The Music Business……

- You have to have GREAT songs- You have to have a GREAT live show- You have to have a GREAT fan base- You have to be willing to GRIND it out

‘They put us in a van and sent us on a summer tour to see if we could survive on the road for 3 months and come back alive’

The Music Business…..

- Recording/Production can be do it yourself

- Distribution is everywhere- Promotion can be self-managed- Merch is cheap and important- Live/Acoustic/Demo is rare and

desirable- Fans want to be part of something - Fans will pay for closeness and

special- Protect & build the brand

The Music Business……

- The old guard still owns ‘the matrix’- Cutting through the clutter requires

work- Buy-on’s are a rip-off- Gear/Wheels are important and

valuable- Stale happens very fast- $10 minus $1 minus ??????- Retail is a meaningless number- Everybody is in the data business

Final Thoughts- Hard work does not guarantee

success --- but less than your best does guarantee less success

- Luck matters --- and luck favors the prepared

- Timing matters --- ‘to be right too soon is to be wrong’

- Someone else wants what you want - The network effect is real --- and


Questions ?

Doug CurlingNew Kent Capital

[email protected] (office)678-672-4016 (fax)