Page 1: Draft Local Plan for Lancaster District consultation leaflet - Autumn / Winter 2012

Next Stages This public consultation focuses on ‘Draft Preferred Options’ documents. It is important to note that whilst the content of the document represents the council’s preferred approach, it is recognised that further investigation and assessment of the options is necessary. Your comments will help shape this process. After reading through any comments received the council will refine all Local Plan documents with revised proposals published in the Summer of 2013 before they are submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination.

Contact Us

Consultation EventsCouncil planning officers will be available at a series of exhibition events to speak to members of the public about the content of the Land Allocations, Development Management and Morecambe Area Action Plan DPDs, Development Management DPD and Morecambe Area Action Plan and their implications on the local area. Exhibitions will be held throughout the consultation period in the following locations:

Monday 29 October Heysham Library 2pm to 7pm

Tuesday 30 October Morecambe Library 2pm to 7pmWednesday 31 October Bolton-le-Sands Village Hall 2pm to 6.30pmFriday 2 November Morecambe Town Hall (Morecambe Area Action Plan Event) 10am to 3pmSaturday 3 November Lancaster Market Square 10am to 3pmTuesday 6 November St Pauls Parish Hall, Scotforth, Lancaster 2pm to 7pmWednesday 7 November Morecambe Town Hall (Morecambe Area Action Plan Event) 10am to 3pmThursday 8 November Silverdale Gaskell Memorial Hall 2pm to 7pmFriday 9 November Middleton Village Hall 2pm to 7pmMonday 12 November Carnforth Rail Station 2pm to 7pmTuesday 13 November Morecambe Town Hall (Morecambe Area Action Plan Event) 10am to 3pmWednesday 14 November Lancaster Market Square 10am to 3pmFriday 16 November Lancaster - University of Cumbria Campus (Alexandra Gallery) 2pm to 7pmWednesday 21 November Morecambe Platform (Morecambe Area Action Plan Event) 2pm to 7pmThursday 22 November Lancaster University (Bailrigg Conference Centre) 2pm to 7pmMonday 26 November Hornby Institute 2pm to 7pmTuesday 27 November Morecambe Library (Morecambe Area Action Plan Event) 2pm to 7pmWednesday 28 November Caton Victoria Institute 2pm to 6.30pmFriday 30 November Ellel - Galgate Village Hall 2pm to 7pmTuesday 4 December Lancaster - Marsh Community Centre, Luneside 2pm to 7pmThursday 6 December The Centre, Halton 3.15pm to 6.15pm

The council will also be holding a number of ‘Business Breakfast’ events in both Morecambe and Lancaster where local businesses can come and learn about the implications of the Local Plan on their business operations. If you wish to reserve a place at a Business Breakfast then please contact the Planning and Housing Policy Team on 01524 582383.

email: [email protected] or [email protected]

For further information and to comment on either the Land Allocations, Development Management or the Morecambe Area Action Plan DPDs, please contact us in the following ways...

Shaping a Better Future The Preparation of a Local Plan for Lancaster District

This autumn Lancaster City Council will be launching a major consultation event on a new Local Plan for the district. Help us in the process by getting involved and providing your views and comments on proposals which affect where you live, work and visit. See the back page of this leaflet to see how you can get involved and let us know what you think.

What is the Local Plan?The Local Plan (formerly the Local Development Framework) provides local guidance for planning within Lancaster District betweeen 2003 - 2023/4. Through a series of new planning policy documents the council is looking to revise and update the planning policies that will be used to determine planning applications, areas of the district that will be allocated for development and areas that should be protected.

The Core Strategy is the main document in the Local Plan and was adopted by the council in 2008. It established the overall vision and overriding strategy for the district.

Three further documents are now being prepared (Development Plan Documents (DPDs)):

• LandAllocations

• DevelopmentManagement

• MorecambeAreaActionPlan

The council will be commencing an 8 week consultation period, starting on the Monday 22 October 2012 and concluding on Friday 14 December 2012 and will be inviting comments and responses from interested parties. Details on how to get involved in this consultation process can be found on the back of this leaflet.

Your views are important

We want to hear from you

The next stages and how to get involved...

Whilst the council has prepared draft documents we need your views and opinions on how the policies and sites suggested can be improved and whether you agree or disagree with the proposals. Please help us in this process and get involved by sending us your views and comments. Consultation will commence on Monday 22 October 2012 and will conclude on Friday 14 December 2012.


or post: Planning and Housing Policy Team, Lancaster City Council, Regeneration and Planning Service, PO Box 4, Lancaster Town Hall, Lancaster,LA11QR

tel: 01524 582000


Page 2: Draft Local Plan for Lancaster District consultation leaflet - Autumn / Winter 2012












Conder Green


Hest Bank















Over Kellet













Yealand Redmayne














What is the Development Management DPD?The Development Management DPD will contain a series of policies which will be used to determine future planning applications. It will contain the detailed locational, design and sustainability criteria that will be used to assess applications and will apply to all types of development.

This is the opportunity for you to have your say and shape the future of the district

What is the Morecambe AreaActionPlan(MAAP)?This is a plan that is important to the future of Morecambe as a whole but concentrates on the central part of town as the area that both defines Morecambe as a place in people’s perceptions and contains the town’s main retail, commercial and leisure offers. The MAAP will provide the planning and delivery framework for development, conservation and change in central Morecambe, including development opportunities, policies and actions to tackle the structural problems that constrain investment. Further information can be found at

This map identifies some of the key issues and opportunities within the district. To find out more about these and see all the proposed policies, land allocations and actions,

please visit or contact us using the details provided.

What is the Land Allocations DPD?The Land Allocations DPD will identify land which will meet the future development needs of the district, including future housing, economic or community needs. It also identifies land and areas of the district which should be protected because of their environmental, economic or social importance and value.

1 SOUTH LANCASTER The Land Allocations document suggests significant growth in the South Lancaster area in order to meet future development needs. Greenfield sites at both Whinney Carr and Bailrigg Lane are being suggested for residential development. Whilst the Land Allocations document will also identify previously developed land for future housing, the council no longer feels that such sites alone will meet either current or future demand for housing. Therefore the release of greenfield land is necessary. The Land Allocations DPD will also retain the allocation for Lancaster University Science Park on land next to the University Campus.

2 EAST LANCASTER A series of sites have been suggested for allocation to the east of Lancaster including a greenfield site at Grab Lane and the regeneration of brownfield sites at Lancaster Moor Hospital, Ridge Lea Hospital, Nightingale Hall Farm and some land at Lancaster Leisure Park and Abattoir. As with the proposal for the south of Lancaster, these allocations are primarily focused on meeting housing needs within the district.

3 CENTRAL MORECAMBE This was identified in the Core Strategy as the district’s regeneration priority area and it is for this reason that the Morecambe Area Action Plan (MAAP) is being prepared. Central Morecambe is an area massively underperforming in economic terms and this impacts on its wider social function and its attraction to potential investors and visitors. The town has a seafront that in many aspects is unrivalled and attracts large numbers of locals and visitors alike. Harnessing such advantages is key to a more prosperous town centre which will drive business and job growth and improve what the town offers for its residents and visitors. The MAAP therefore identifies policies, development opportunities and actions critical to getting the conditions for investment right.

4 LANCASTER CITY CENTRE Land at the Lancaster Canal Corridor site was identified for expansion to Lancaster City Centre in the current Lancaster District Local Plan. This allocation has been retained within the proposed Land Allocations DPD and is identified as an opportunity to strengthen the role of Lancaster as a city both locally and regionally, and deliver more services to local people in terms of retail, cultural and commercial activities.

The Local Plan will also explore the opportunities for alternative uses within Lancaster Castle, which is currently vacant. It is expected that future uses for the Castle will involve making the most of its historical value and enhancing its benefit to the district’s visitor economy.

5 LUNESIDE The area of Luneside to the west of Lancaster, along the River Lune is identified as an area in need of regeneration. This is recognised in the Local Plan which designates significant areas of land as a development opportunity allowing for a mix of residential and economic uses in this area. This includes land at Luneside East and Luneside West. The land at the Lune Industrial Estate has been suggested for retention for employment purposes in the early stages of the plan until alternative sites are available for the businesses in this area.

6 THE HEYSHAM PENINSULA The Heysham Peninsula contains a number of key economic assets, including the Port of Heysham and Heysham Nuclear Power Station. The policies and allocations of the Local Plan will seek to encourage and promote the sustainable growth of both facilities, increasing the level of jobs and investment in the district.

The draft Local Plan suggests the allocations of additional land for further growth at Heysham Port and recognises the potential for the development of a third nuclear reactor at the Power Station.

The draft Local Plan will also facilitate further employment opportunities across the peninsula and recognise the area’s potential for growth in energy generation through a variety of different sources. The land at the former Pontin’s holiday camp at Middleton has been suggested as a development opportunity site with potential for residential, commercial or employment uses.

7 CARNFORTH AND THE RURAL NORTH Carnforth is the third largest settlement within the district and contains a range of previously developed sites which would benefit from regeneration. The former TDG Distribution site off Warton Road has been suggested as a development opportunity site supporting proposals for residential, commercial or economic use. The other significant change proposed in this area includes the allocation of employment land at Keer Bridge for residential development.

8 THE LUNE VALLEY The Lune Valley has a number of large villages, such as Caton-with-Brookhouse and Hornby. There is a recognised need for new housing across the district but this is particularly acute in rural villages where housing needs can be at their greatest. Therefore small-scale sites at Moor Platt (Caton) and land at Melling Road and off Priory Lane (Hornby) have been suggested for development to meet housing needs.
