Page 1: Drakenstein gazette 7 feb 2014


Year 4 • Friday 7 February 2014 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365

In the Paarl Post) Shoot-out inPaarl streets

) Police chiefdies

) Four detaineesescape from po-lice cells

) Jan Phillipsclosed indefinitely Rehab for addicts 3 Valentine’s Day ideas 5 Paarl trap Tiere 8

Quinton Ruiters (regs) ensy ma, Norina Scheffers(72) staan by hul Nutecopslaanhuis in SmartieTown wat onvoltooid is.


Geld weg en steeds dakloos

kom het vertrou,” vertel hy.Teen einde Desember het Rui-

ters egter bekommerd begin raak.“Ek het Diedericks elke keer ge-

bel, maar hy het nooit opgetel nie.Ons het toe na sy kantoor in Bell-ville gegaan, maar hy was toe glonie daar nie.”MetRuiters sebesoekbysykan-

toor, het hulle vermoed dat nog ’nvrouvanLangebaandieselfdepro-bleem ervaar. Sy het na beweringreeds R45 000 aan Diedericks be-taal. Norina het ook vertel dat nog

Volgens Ruiters het Diedericks85% van die geld (R18 400) gevravoordat hy die struktuur sou komopslaan.“Diedericks het gesê dat hy toe

die plek virmy in twee dae sal kanklaar maak,” meen Ruiters.Ruiters,watas ’nalgemenewer-

ker by ’n plaaslike winkel werk,het toe dieselfde dag vir ’n leningby ’n bank gekwalifiseer wat hynouvir drie jaar salmoet afbetaal.“Totmy spyt het ek die verkeer-

de man wat professioneel voorge-

Diedericks het na bewering virRuiters in ’n kontrak belowe dathy en sy gesin voor 25 Desember2013 sal kan intrek in hul splinter-nuwe tuiste. Maar teen Kersfeeswas die fondasie nie eens gegooien die Nutec-struktuur nie eensnaby aan klaar nie.“Ek en my gesin, wat tans in ’n

opslaanhuiswoonbymense,moesalvoorKersfeesdieerfverlaat.Myma, Norina in Smartie Town, hettoe aangebied om vir ons perma-nent ’n blyplek by haar te gee.”


“Ek sou nooit kon dink dat ditmet my sou gebeur nie.”

Só vertel ’n woedende QuintonRuiters, nadat BelNutec-maat-skappy hom glo ingeloop het.Ruiters het op 13 Desember 2013

R16 000 betaal vir ’n 3x9 m Nutec-wendyhuis wat hy bestel het.Die bedrag is in Rodney Diede-

ricks, eienaar van BelNutec inBellville, se bankrekening betaal.

’n vrou van Smartie Town ookreeds R15 000 vir haar Nutec-huisaan Diedericks betaal het, watnooit voltooi is nie.“Ek wil almal waarsku om nie

vir Diedericks se skelmstreke teval nie,” sê Ruiters.Drakenstein Gazette het Diede-

ricks herhaaldelik probeer belvoor saktyd,maar die foon het netgelui.* A man has lost R16 000 after

BelNutec companyhadpromised toinstall a brand new wendy house.

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Drakenstein Gazette News - Nuus Friday 7 February 20142

Taxi owner in courtSABELO MPANA

Emotionswherehigh in thePaarlMagistrate’s Court this week asSizwe Maphathwana (50) wasabout to appear in front of themagistrate on charges of murder.He is accused of stabbing and

killing Tumelo Rampheng (22), ataxi driver from Wellington, atPaarl taxi rank inDecember 2013.Maphathwana is a taxi owner

from Franschhoek.It was his second

court appearance.Confrontation

erupted outside ofcourt between Ram-pheng’s family and the

accused.Once in court, Maphathwana’s

lawyer told the magistrate thathisclienthadbeenintimidatedbythe family of the deceased.Magistrate René van Driel

asked the family to refrain fromsuch behaviour and to let justiceto take its course.She postponed the case until 26

March when Maphathwana willhave to appear in the RegionalCourt.

Sizwe Maphathwana leaving the Paarl Magistrat’esCourt after a brief appearance.PHOTO: SABELO MPANA

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Drakenstein GazetteNews - NuusFriday 7 February 2014 3

Safe house to help drug addictsTheDe Perel Safe House offers a newwayof life and a new beginning for male ad-dictswho strugglewith a progressive dis-ease called addiction.

Whether you struggle from addiction to al-cohol, non-prescribed or prescribed drugs,atDePerel SafeHouse they give you the toolsto contain your progressive disease and livea successful life without any mood alteringsubstance.“The aim of De Perel SafeHouse is to assist

those who have fallen prey to this fatal dis-ease and want to not only reclaim their livesbut also their place and status in society ashuman beings,” saidAreefMoerat, assistantdirector at De Perel Safe House.With the help of qualified counsellors, a

social worker, doctor, motivational speak-ers, pastors, a sheikh, teachers and commu-nity workers ,they offer help through prac-tising the 12 Steps, TC and the NarcoticsAnonymous (NA/AA) Programme.According to Moerat, the programme is

structured such that the focus is on behav-iour shaping and management, emotionaland psychological, intellectual and spiritu-al, vocational and survival skills.They also look at family milieu, peer pres-

sure and offer therapeutic and religious ses-sions.The programme period is three months

and thereafter integration back into societystarts.They also make sure that those still in

schoolwill receive their education, by eitherdoing the school work in-house or attendingschool and returning back to the safe house.The safe house also assists in skills develop-ment as well as job seeking.They also offer arts and craft classes, mu-

sic lessons and morning exercise.De Perel Safe House works hand in hand

with the community, the police, Radio KCand Koinonia, as well as other non-profit or-ganisations.

They also do drug awareness campaignsat schools and different institutions.According to Moerat, the youngmen come

from different backgrounds, areas, religiousbeliefs and race.“Some are diagnosed with bi-polar disor-

der due to drugs abuse. They are generallyfirst hospitalised, then referred to an institu-tion.We thenassist themto functionsuccess-fully onceback in society.Wealso assist pris-oners to get rehabilitation after their releaseby doing community service at the safehouse. So we work hand in hand with thecorrectional services.”If you would like to be a sponsor or need

more information, you can contact De PerelSafe House on 021 862 1116 or send an emailto [email protected].

De Perel Safe House helps many young men to getback on the right track. PHOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

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Drakenstein Gazette General - Algemeen Friday 7 February 20144

Do you produce MbekweniMuffins or Chicago Choco-lates? Or maybe Klein Drak-enstein Cookies or SmartieTown Sweets? DrakensteinGazette wants to find outmore about entrepreneursthat operate their uniquebusinesses from theirhomes. In today’s tougheconomy, starting your ownbusiness is the solution. Notonly do you create work foryourself, but for others too.Sendusadescriptionof yourbusiness, or come and tellus about it. Once a monththe Gazette Entrepreneur ofthe Month will be selected.The winner will receive a pro-motional article in the Dra-kenstein Gazette and an ad-vertisement to boost his orher business. To enter or formore information, call021 870 4614; [email protected] visit our office at 1a NewStreet, Paarl.

You the Entrepreneur:Lender or borrower?DAVID MALHERBE

In last week’s article I called onreaders tobe cautiouswhen takingonnewdebtbecauseof thepossibil-itythataraiseininterestratesmaybe at hand; and before the newspa-per hit the streets the interest ratewent up by a half a percent.

In the same breath we are warnedthat this may only be the beginningof more rate hikes over the next yearand a half. The hike in interest rateswill affect people in different ways.Some people with investments (oftenelderly and retired people) will wel-come the higher interest rates be-cause it will increase their income.

Should you be in the fortunate posi-tion of having no debt, it will have noeffect on you whatsoever. If you haveoutstanding debt however, you will

definitely feel the pinch when month-ly payments on current debt start toincrease.

Howyouexperience theabove-men-tionedsituationwillbedeterminedbyyour choices and actions of the past.These decisions and actions broughtabout your current situation. Unfor-tunately you cannot change the past,but you can have an influence on yourfuture. Now that you know that inter-est rates tend upwards, how will yougo about the next year or so to mini-mise the negative effect of higher in-terest rates?

As I’m writing this article I sit onthe porch of a guesthouse in Jeffrey’sBay. As I look down the road towardsthe sea there are two street corners inmy view on which I count no less than16 advertising boards of estate agentsadvertising properties. This meanstherearemanypeoplewhopreviously

made commitments that most proba-bly now put them under pressure.

What will your situation be twoyears from now? If you are indebted,make it your aim to become debt free.If you are debt free, try to save somemoney so that the higher interest ratecan work to your advantage. Prov 22:7says “... the borrower is the serv-ant (or slave) to the lender”. What youdo now will determine your positiontwo years from now.

David Malherbe and DewaldScholtz will discuss this topic in moredetail Monday from 19:00 till 20:00 onRadio KC 107.7FM in the programYouthe Entrepreneur.

* David Malherbe is a business- andcareer consultant and lives inWelling-ton. He can be contacted via his webpage or call021 873 0262 or on Facebook at “Jy dieEntrepreneur.”

No more mouth ulcer miseryWimbledonchampAndyMurraysaysthat he is prone to an outbreak of pain-ful mouth ulcers before a major tennischampionship. He’s not alone - mouthulcers, also known as canker sores,regularly affect around 20% of thepopulation and most people will expe-rience at least one during their life-time.

Mouth ulcers can happen at anytime,buttheyaremorecommonwhenone is run down, busy or stressed, es-pecially with exams, deadlines andother pressures building as we headtowards the end of the year.

Don’t be alarmed though; mouth ul-cers are not contagious and usuallyclear up by themselves in a few days.There are many causes; if your par-ents have had recurring mouth ulcersthen there is a 90% chance you willtoo. Some medication causes mouthulcers,asdoallergies;peoplewithcoe-liac disease may develop ulcers whenthey eat foods containing gluten. Fluc-tuating hormone levels can be a trig-

ger - women are more likely than mento experience ulcers, usually whenthey are premenstrual, tired or preg-nant. Babies and young children maybe affected as a result of common vi-ruses (includinghand, footandmouthdisease). Once-off ulcers are usuallythe result of a minor injury (such asaccidentally biting the cheek).

Whatever the cause, mouth ulcerscan be extremely painful, becausethey expose sensitive nerve endings,making drinking, eating and eventalking uncomfortable. For some peo-ple the pain is so severe they cannotsleep. IVO health’s oral hygiene ex-pert Dirna Grobbelaar recommendssome simple ways to manage the painof mouth ulcers and assist the recov-ery.

She advises eating plainer food anddrinks,avoidingspiceandsaltoracid-ic drinks that might burn.

“Drinking with a straw to bypass ul-cers inthefrontof themouthwillhelp,but be careful that the drink is not hot

enough to burn the throat. After eat-ing and before going to bed, rinse withsalt water, homeopathic Ora-Salts oran anti-bacterial mouthwash, such asGUM Paroex – these will prevent theulcer becoming infected and promotequicker healing.”

Although preventing infection isimportant, pain relief may be a morepressing priority: “There are variousproducts available at pharmacies togive relief. I recommend Aloclair,which comes as a gel, mouth rinse orspray formulation, which makes itsuitable for all ages and for whereverthe ulcer is located. A rinse is greatif you have several ulcers or if theyare situated at the back of the mouth.The spray and gel are easy to applyin a young child’s mouth.

Most mouth ulcers will last up to 10days before clearing up naturally. Ifan ulcer does not heal within two tothree weeks, consult your doctor ordentist. For more information

PiekniekdansRusthof, tehuis vir bejaardes, bied ’npiekniekdans op 28 Februarie vanaf20:00 by die Hugenote-gemeenskapsaalaan.

Die orkesgroep Danny’s Combo treeop. Kaartjies kos R80 en kan bespreekword by 021 862 2230.

Page 5: Drakenstein gazette 7 feb 2014

Drakenstein GazetteGeneral - AlgemeenFriday 7 February 2014 5

Special Valentine’s day ideas thatdon’t cost a fortuneValentine’s day is on ourdoorstep.

Maybe you’ve noticed bynow the TV, radio, and fliersare filled with jewellery storeads aimed at men to “makeher feel special”… diamondsare a girl’s best friend and soon.But here are some ideas for

Valentine’s day for men andwomen alike, that won’tbreak your budget but theywill certainly make your Val-entine feel extra special.

) Dinner for two, an alltime favourite. Buy the ingre-dients for a really fancy din-ner and made it at home.Spend time together withyour loved one in the kitchen,together preparing the meal.And then sit down at a candlelit table whichhas been nicely decorated.

) Movie night. If cooking an elaborate din-ner isn’t your thing, order in your favouritetake-away or pick it up on your way homefrom work, along with a bottle of wine. Setthe mood with a few blankets and cushions

on the floor. Fire up the TV or computer andwatch your favourite movie.

) Massage. Break out the body oils and lo-tions, scentedcandlesandsoftmusicandgiveeach other a gentle, relaxing massage. Thereare few things that feel as good as a backmas-sage when you are tense from a day in front

of the computer or a footmassage if you’re on yourfeet all day.

) Write a love letter or po-em. Who doesn’t like receiv-ing a heart-felt letter allabout what makes them sogreat and special?

) A day of surprises. Ifyour Valentine likes sur-prises why not make a dayof it? Start with their favour-ite coffee or tea brought tothem in bed. Tuck shortnotes in places you knowthey’ll search throughouttheday.Showupatworkandtake them for lunch (bonuspoints for showing up withflowers). Finish the daywithall the above and you’ve gota day’s worth of surprises.

)Spa day. Light a few can-dles, draw awarm bubble bath, have soft mu-sic playing, a bit of bubbly and a good book… heavenly! When your special person isdone with the bath, top it off with a massageand maybe even some fresh fruit dipped inchocolate.Source: Post written by Sherri Kruger


The Deutscher ClubPaarl will have a ro-mantic three-coursedinner with bubblyon 14 February.Viljoen Retief will

also perform.Tickets at R150 per

person can be bookedwith Nicky on072 820 4030.

LiefdesdansPaulus Joubert Primêr se oudstudentebied hul jaarlikse Valentyn-piekniekdansaan op Vrydag 14 Februarie saam met DJGaiwin in die skoolforum om 19:30.Kaartjies kos R60 per persoon.Vir navrae, bel die skool by 021 862 3690.

Page 6: Drakenstein gazette 7 feb 2014

Drakenstein Gazette Geklassifiseerd Friday 7 February 20146








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Hoërskool Labori se gr. 8 leerders was onlangs op ’n spanbou kampom die skool se tradisies en geskiedenis te verstaan. Hulle het byhierdie geleentheid aan spanbouaktiwiteite, raak-rugby en netbal deel-geneem en hulself op die waterglybane geniet.

Paulus JoubertPrimêre Skoolhet onlangs huljaarlikse inter-huis atletiekby-eenkoms gehou.Marozaan Phi-lander (links) enStacey-LeeAbelse neemhier aandie dog-ters o.121200 m wed-loop deel. FOTO:ERNEST KILOWAN

Page 7: Drakenstein gazette 7 feb 2014

Drakenstein GazetteSchools - SkoleFriday 7 February 2014 7

Page 8: Drakenstein gazette 7 feb 2014


Year 4 • Vrydag 7 Februarie 2014 | Tel. 021 870 4600

Nuwe klubkompetisie virWP en Boland rugbyuniesDie Boland Rugbyunie en Westelike Pro-vinsie Rugbyvoetbalunie het ’n splinter-nuwe klubrugbykompetisie bekendgestel,naamlik die Gemeenskapsuitdaging Klub-rugbykompetisie.

Altesaam agt klubs, vier klubs elk uit dieBoland en WP se Premier-ligas, sal deel vormvan die eerste Gemeenskapsuitdaging wat af-skop op 1 Maart met die kompetisiefinaal watsal plaasvind op 29 Maart.

Die doel van die kompetisie is om die ver-houding tussen Boland Rugby en WP Rugbyte versterk, met albei unies wat deel vorm vandie DHL Stormers Franchise, maar ook omklubrugby in die Boland en WP te bevorder.

Sowel die Boland Rugbyunie as die WP Rug-byvoetbalunie het uiters gesonde klubstruk-ture en sterk klubrugbytradisies.

Die Gemeenskapsuitdaging kan ’n verderebydrae lewer tot die ontwikkeling van klub-rugby en spelers in albei unies.

Die kompetisie bied ’n alternatiewe geleent-heid aan dié klubs en aan spelers wat nie ge-kwalifiseer het vir deelname aan SARU se CellC Gemeenskapsbeker nie, om hul talente tentoon te stel gedurende ’n kompetisie wat ooksal dien as ’n geleentheid vir talent-identifise-ring.

Uiteindelik moet die kompetisie bydra totdie ontwikkeling van belowende klubspelersvir moontlike insluiting in Boland en DHLWestelike Provinsie se onderskeie Vodacom-beker- en Absa Curriebekeroefengroepe.

In die toekoms kan hierdie spelers ook inaanmerking kom om die DHL Stormers se oe-fengroep te haal.

Die Gemeenskapsuitdaging-kompetisie be-hoort ook goeie voorbereiding te bied vir diebetrokke klubs in die aanloop tot hul onder-skeie klubliga-verpligtinge en om uiteindelik’n beter kans te staan om te kwalifiseer virdie Cell C Gemeenskapsbeker-toernooi in2015.

Cavaliers await StormersTheRegentBolandCavaliersandDHLStorm-ers will square off in Wellington on Saturday15 February in a pre-season friendly at 16:30.

Tickets cost R40 per adults and R10 perlearners (for sale at Boland Rugby’s officesduring office hours).

Fixtures:16:30 – Regent Boland Cavaliers vs DHL

Stormers (A-field), 14:00 – Boland XV vs WPVodacom Cup (A-field), 12:30 – SA visfab-

rieke vs Boland Presidents (B-field) and at09:30 to 11:30 a mini–rugby competition willbe held.

Mini-rugby teams include:St. Albans Primary, Wagenmakers Vallei,

Hugo Rust, Pauw Gedenk, Hillcrest Primary,Wellington Primary, Blouvlei Primary,Soetendal Primary, Hugenote Primary, New-ton Primary, Darling Primary and DaljosafatPrimary.

Young Peoples RFC van die Paarl het die afgelope naweek die Darling Sewestoernooi gewen.Die speler van die toernooi was Lubabalo Tabetie Quluba (regs voor) van Young Peoples. DieBoland Elite-span het tweede gekom.

Paarl Krieketklub hetSaterdag op Daljo-safat velde vir dieTiere van Young Peo-ples ’n behoorlik pakslae gegee met ’nreuse oorwinningvan 58 lopies. Rabi-an Engelbrecht wasdie beste bouler virPaarl en het syfersvan 5/18 aangete-ken. Hier kolf Paarlse Wesley Euley.FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

Nog ’n dag propvol laer-skole-atletiekaksie wasop Daljosafat-stadion tesien toe die Paarl Sone3-skole sake uitgespookhet. Die laerskole watDinsdag deelgeneemhet sluit in CharlestonHill, Noord-Eind, Dal-weide, Gimnasium,Klapmuts, Nederburg,New Orleans en Imbo-niselo. Hier spring dieseuns o.12 vir die1200 m finaal weg. At-letiek, wat ook binnekortop Daljosafat sal plaas-vind, is die Paarl Finalehierdie Saterdag, asookop Vrydag 14 Februariedie hoërskole Sone3-byeenkoms. FOTO:FRANS LE ROUX