Page 1: Drama Free Fat Burners - · lize stored fat for energy. Supplementing 3,000 mg of a quality Omega-3 source such as fish oil, flax seed or supplements which

PAGE 4 MARCH/APRIL 2007Chicago Wellness

By Jayson Kroner, CSN

Just four days into 2007, as scoresof waistline-conscious consumerswere in the meaty part of their NewYear’s resolutions, the Federal TradeCommission gave them 25 millionreasons to reconsider their strate-gies. But in light of the Titanic finesimposed on the makers of Trim Spa,Xenadrine EFX, One-A-Day WeightSmart and CortiSlim, there are boatloads of science that does supportthe metabolic influence inherent tomany less famous fat burning com-pounds. You see, said companieswere fined not solely based on theefficacy of their products, but ratherfor the outrageous claims they weremaking in order to convince desper-ate users to purchase them. And any-one who makes their life’s work inthe business of pills and promisesshould be well versed in knowingwhat can be said, and what cannot.

Here’s something to keep inmind: No pill or potion, on its own,will do 100% the work for you – peri-od. The process of reducing body fatis not one that can be expeditedovernight, and it certainly won’thappen if you aren’t willing to putforth the effort. It takes dedication,consistency, hard work and a fairamount of knowledge on what thebody requires in order to stimulatemetabolism. So as you go about yourquest to shape up, here’s the low-down on 5 simple, effective, science-based supplements that can help youmake the most out of each meal andworkout.

L-CarnitineAside from being one of my all-

time personal favorites, this aminoacid-like compound is also one of themost researched substances in thenutritional science community, andto date, has been the subject of over18,000 studies. Here’s how it works.Deep inside every cell are microscop-ic, energy-producing sub-cellularstructures known as mitochondria.L-Carnitine’s job is to transport thefatty acids from food (includingthose difficult to burn brown andsaturated fats) into the mitochon-dria. From there, they're convertedinto energy that the body can useimmediately. Doses vary, however1,000-3,000 mg prior to training hasbecome well accepted as the norm.

Essential Fatty Acids Unless you consider yourself

among the extremely supplementsavvy, there’s a good chance that youmay be living under the assumptionthat all fat is bad. Wrong. In fact,without the right amounts of “good”fat, the body will have an extremelydifficult time metabolizing storedfat. Furthermore, we didn’t becomethe fattest nation on earth by hawk-eyeing labels in some foolish attemptto avoid saturated fat. We did it bythrowing a wrench into our Omega-3:Omega-6 ratio. Typically, mostAmericans consume 30 times theamount of Omega-6 as they doOmega-3 essential fatty acids. Thisimbalance robs the body of many

biological components needed to uti-lize stored fat for energy.Supplementing 3,000 mg of a qualityOmega-3 source such as fish oil, flaxseed or supplements which containthe proper amount of EPA/DHA, isthe easiest way to get things back ontrack.

Digestive EnzymesThe integrity and health of a per-

son’s digestive tract is vital when itcomes to losing weight. Sadly, mostpeople don’t understand how impor-tant it is, and as a result, 50 millionAmericans live with chronic diges-tive disorders—not to mentionbulging guts and sagging asses. Atbirth, we’re wired genetically tomanufacture a specific number ofenzymes—an amazing process called“enzyme potential.” Years of scarf-ing down fast and processed foods,liquor and tons of sugar forces thebody to call upon these reserves ingreater numbers. By the time mostof us reach adulthood, we producefar fewer enzymes than we did askids. That, coupled with our collec-tive attitude to avoid fresh, enzyme-rich fruits and vegetables only com-plicates the process. When this hap-pens, it becomes very difficult toproperly break down solid foods, andeven more difficult for the smallintestines to absorb nutrients.Instead of passing through the intes-tines unfettered, undigested “waste”sits, rots, and eventually oozes intothe bloodstream to be stored as fat.This is disastrous. You can avoid thisgastrointestinal nightmare by takinga digestive enzyme with each majormeal.

ProteinProtein consumption is riddled

with overtones of high-poweredbodybuilding mutants and power-lifters, all of which have been blowncompletely out of proportion. Yes,athletes training for strength andsize do need a bit more than theaverage John or Jane Doe. And yes,it does facilitate the process ofrepairing and building muscle. Butthat doesn’t mask the fact that every-one needs it. The body burns 10 calo-ries digesting 100 calories or protein,and only 4 for every 100 calories ofcarbohydrates. This is known as the“themic” effect. Additionally, proteinhas a two-tiered affect on appetitecontrol. First, it stabilizes blood glu-cose, which in turn helps controlinsulin levels. Next, protein con-sumption encourages the productionof 2 enzymes that help induce feel-ings of fullness: cholecystokinin(CCK) and glucagon-like peptide-1(GLP-1). If you decide to go the pro-tein shake route, I would advise any-one to prepare one in the morning,and one immediately after workingout. Keep each serving limited to 25grams of protein.

Glucomannan We’re constantly being reminded

to eat more fiber, though it seems asif no one is actually heeding thisadvice. And honestly, how could youblame anyone. The current recom-

mended daily allowance for fiber issomewhere in the neighborhood of30 grams daily, and as you alreadyknow, that equates to a lot of rawvegetables. But here’s something youmight not know. Without an ade-quate supply of fiber in your diet,you put yourself in prime position togain excess, unnecessary body fat.Glucomannan is a very safe andeffective natural fiber that literally“bulks up” in the stomach to absorbexcess fat from meals. Onceabsorbed, they pass easily throughthe digestive tract without beingdigested, and unable to storethroughout the body. The aforemen-tioned bulking process, in itself,helps too. Because when space isoccupied in the stomach, feelings offullness come much quicker. 1,500-2,000 mg, taken 30 minutes beforeeating is ideal.

Losing weight doesn’t have tosuck, but it does require a staunchcommitment right from the start.Chew your food thoroughly, eat 5-6smaller meals throughout the day tokeep your metabolism fired up, anddon’t starve yourself. With the rightmindset and a well nourishedmachine, you’ll never have to worry

about holding in that gut come beachseason.

Jayson Kroner is an IFA CertifiedSports Nutritionist, co-author of thebook 7-Syndrome Healing:Supplement Essentials for Body andMind, a consultant to some of theNatural Product Industry’s most well-respected manufacturers and anaccomplished health and fitness jour-nalist. His work has appeared indozens of national health, fitness andtraining magazines, in addition tosuch notable dailies as, The ChicagoTribune, The Chicago Sun-Times,The Daily Herald, and The BostonGlobe. He can be contacted throughhis website at:

This issue marks the launch ofVitamin Jay, a column dedicated toproviding education and informationon vitamins, minerals and supple-ments. Jayson has been a frequentcontributor since 2005 and officiallyjoined the CWM editorial staff lastApril. His no nonsense voice andsharp wit is well known and highlyrespected in the writing community.We are both, honored and excited, tofurther showcase his talents by way ofVitamin Jay. -CWM

Drama Free Fat Burners