Page 1: Dreams & Money - December 2011 Issue 1

10 DECEMBER 2011


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Perrii Muthuraman MBA; M.Com

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Dream Homeis within your reach


Tips for Driving inSnow and Ice

News and Views Digest2 2 2




What’s new about sleep?

How high can gold rise?




GTA Real Estate Market watch 5


Market Review

Dec. 6 - The Bank of Canada today deepened.announced that it is maintaining its ŸRecent economic data suggest that target for the overnight rate at 1 per cent. growth in the United States has The Bank Rate is correspondingly 1 1/4 been slightly more robust than per cent and the deposit rate is 3/4 per anticipatedcent.

ŸGrowth in China and other The following are some of the emerging-market economies

Bank’s comments that accompanied the continues to be strongdecision to maintain overnight target

ŸOn balance, recent economic rate.indicators in Canada suggest that

ŸUncertainty around the global growth in the second half of this economic outlook has increased in year is slightly stronger than the the weeks since the Bank released Bank projected in October.its October Monetary Policy

ŸGoing forward, the weaker Report (MPR).external outlook is expected to

ŸConditions in global financial dampen GDP growth in Canada markets have deteriorated as the through financial, confidence and sovereign debt crisis in Europe has trade channels. The economy also

continues to face competitiveness challenges, including the persis-tent strength of the Canadian dollar.

Ÿ· Although total CPI inflation has been slightly higher than projected, the Bank continues to expect the inflation rate to decline

“The New Housing Price Index In Edmonton, price increases were (NHPI) rose 0.2% in October, following a primarily the result of higher material and similar increase in September”, reports labour costs as well as higher land values. Stats Can In Toronto and Oshawa, some builders

cited good market conditions as the main Evolution of the New Housing Price reason for their price increases.Index

In October, prices were unchanged in 9 of the 21 metropolitan regions surveyed. The most significant monthly price declines were recorded in Victoria (-0.6%) and Saskatoon (-0.3%).

Some builders in Victoria reported that the primary reason for their price decreases was having lowered their prices to stimulate sales.

In Saskatoon, a few builders reported reducing their prices because of slower The metropolitan regions of Toronto market conditions. These reductions were and Oshawa, and Edmonton were the top partially offset by increases in material contributors to the increase in October. costs.The positive impact of these metropolitan

Year over year, the NHPI was up 2.5% regions on the overall index was offset in in October. The main contributor to this part by decreases observed in Vancouver advance was the metropolitan region of and Victoria.Toronto and Oshawa.Between September and October,

The largest year-over-year price Edmonton (+0.6%) posted the largest increases were in Toronto and Oshawa, monthly price advance, followed by and in Winnipeg (both up 5.6%).Toronto and Oshawa (+0.4%).

Canadian and international law enforce-ment agencies, and with public and private sector partners, to fight this growing trend.

According to Citizenship and Immigration, to maintain permanent resident status a person must reside in Canada for at least two years within a five-year period. Permanent residents seeking citizenship must show proof that they've lived in Canada for at least three of the last four years before applying.

mmigration Minister Jason Kenney is expected to announce shortly I

that the government will move to revoke the allegedly fraudulent citizenships. Kenny has long taken a hard line on citizenship fraud.

citizenship or permanent resident status due to fraud.

This comes following a lengthy investigation by the RCMP and the Department of Citizenship and Immigration. Findings of the investiga-tion confirmed that several individuals were using addresses of convenience to show they resided in Canada while they

Up until this year, Canada had were actually living in the Middle East

revoked just 67 citizenships since the or elsewhere.

Citizenship Act came into force in 1947.Identity fraud is an increasing

It's all going to change for good. problem in Canada, draining millions of

Letters are currently being sent to the government tax dollars every year. The

6,500 people from 100 countries RCMP is working closely with other

indicating that Canada is revoking their

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“Canadian Citizenship Is Not For Sale"Jason Kenney Targets Fraudsters

Toronto House Prices Up Statscan New In October:

BANK OF CANADA MAINTAINS Overnight Rate Target At 1 Per Cent

Page 2: Dreams & Money - December 2011 Issue 1



Super Visa to Canada

More Snow in Ontario?

Europe EuropeIntegrated entry-exit program for border travellers

traveller. It is expected to be imple- investment in NEXUS - which provides mented within the next couple of years. users with an identification card with

pre-cleared background data in a Customs officers in each country microchip that allows for use of special today know only when travellers enter fast-track custom lanes at the border. the U.S. or Canada. They have no That will make things easy for frequent knowledge of how long visitors stay or daily border crossers. eurozonewithin their borders before returning

On December 1, 2011, the Canadian home. With the implementation of the Ÿ15 countries credit ratings are Government introduced a Super Visa new program, keeping track of how long likely to be downgraded -Germany

“Ottawa, Toronto, London, Ont., that enables parents and grandparents of every cross-border visitor stays in each and France includedSudbury, Ont., and NorthBay, Ont., will Canadian citizens and permanent country is going to be the new reality.

Ÿ3 eurozone bailouts: Greece, likely see a stormier, snowier winter, but residents to visit their family in Canada

Privacy advocates worry about Ireland, Portugalfor up to two years without needing to

future uses of such datasharing arrange-Ÿ2 countries have received informal renew their status. A key requirement

ments. bailouts: Italy and Spainfor obtaining a Super Visa is proof of Jacobson said no added infor-mation private medical insurance from a ŸUK and Denmark staying out of

will be made available under an inte-Canadian insurance company. deal as the deal is not in their grated entry-exit system other than the interest.The coverage must:current biographical data requested

ŸFrance and Germany call for ŸBe valid for a minimum of one year today.treaty changes to be signed by all

ŸCover health care, hospitalization "This is not at all intrusive on 17 eurozone (at least) by March. and repatriation individuals and allows people in both They want a balanced budget

countries to know what is expected of ŸProvide a minimum coverage of "golden rule" adopted by all; them," he said.$100,000 automatic sanctions if deficits it won't be that frigid” predicts

exceed 3% GDP.AccuWeather.ŸBe valid for each entry to Canada and available for review by a port ŸPortugal, Italy, Ireland Spain and It is time to get your winter tires on of entry officer Greece are desperate for deal. and brace for episodes of icy roads and

snowy driving conditions over the next (If you have any questions or need, Ÿ Ireland and Greece, have pushed few may contact Perrii at 416 473 6100) the common currency to the brink

of collapse, forcing international lenders to swoop in with bailouts.

The much awaited eurozone summit on 9 th December is over. What hap-pened in the meet? What deal has been

"We are talking about something The Beyond the Border agreement arrived ? what are the consequnces? quite frankly that is just common sense. signed by Prime Minster Stephen Here's a very brief summaryI'm sure most people will think we Harper and U.S. President Barack

Ÿ There are 27 member states in should have done this before."Obama paves way for sharing through integrated computer system entry The agreement also spells out a

Ÿ17 countries adopted the euro - the and exit records of every border renewed commitment and greater

N Vews & iews

D tiges

The best advice for driving in bad feel the brakes pulse — this is normal.winter weather is not to drive at all, if you can avoid it.

1. Take your foot off the gas and Don't go out until the snow plows shift to neutral, but don't try to steer

and sanding trucks have had a chance to their work, and allow yourself extra

2. As the wheels skid sideways, time to reach your destination.they will slow the vehicle and traction

If you must drive in snowy condi- will return. As it does, steer in the tions, make sure your car is prepared, direction you want to go. Then put the and that you know how to handle road transmission in "drive" or release the conditions. clutch, and accelerate gently.

It's helpful to practice winter driving techniques in a snowy, open parking lot,

1. Do not spin your wheels. This so you're familiar with how your car will only dig you in deeper.handles. Consult your owner's manual

for tips specific to your vehicle. 2. Turn your wheels from side to side a few times to push snow out of the way.7. Be especially careful on 1. Take your foot off the accelera-

1. Decrease your speed and leave bridges, overpasses and infrequently tor. 3. Use a light touch on the gas, to yourself plenty of room to stop. You travelled roads, which will freeze first. ease your car out.2. Steer in the direction you want should allow at least three times more Even at temperatures above freezing, if the front wheels to go. If your rear space than usual between you and the 4. Use a shovel to clear snow the conditions are wet, you might wheels are sliding left, steer left. If car in front of you. away from the wheels and the underside encounter ice in shady areas or on they're sliding right, steer right. of the car.2. Brake gently to avoid skidding. exposed roadways like bridges.

3. If your rear wheels start sliding If your wheels start to lock up, ease off 5. Pour sand, kitty litter, gravel or 8. Don't pass snow plows and the other way as you recover, ease the the brake. salt in the path of the wheels, to help get sanding trucks. The drivers have steering wheel toward that side. You traction.3. Turn on your lights to increase limited visibility, and you're likely to might have to steer left and right a few your visibility to other motorists. find the road in front of them worse than 6. Try rocking the vehicle. times to get your vehicle completely

the road behind. (Check your owner's manual first — it 4. Keep your lights and wind- under control.can damage the transmission on some shield clean. 9. Don't assume your vehicle can 4. If you have standard brakes, vehicles.) Shift from forward to handle all conditions. Even four-wheel 5. Use low gears to keep traction, pump them gently. reverse, and back again. Each time and front-wheel drive vehicles can especially on hills. you're in gear, give a light touch on the 5. If you have anti-lock brakes encounter trouble on winter roads.gas until the vehicle gets going.6. Don't use cruise control or (ABS), do not pump the brakes. Apply

overdrive on icy roads. steady pressure to the brakes. You will Source:

If your front wheels skid...

If you get stuck...

Driving safely on Icy Roads

If your rear wheels skid...


Page 3: Dreams & Money - December 2011 Issue 1



Gold keeps breaking new records, and traders speculate on the difficult future of the U.S. DOLLAR based on the technical indicators and the funda- The dollar will remain the global mental factors. Worries about the currency in at least the next decade, solidness of U.S. public finances, the even if it depreciates somewhat further lack of serious government plan to before regaining its value. It is very resolve issues related to social security hard to imagine Europe replacing the system, eroding credibility of the strong United States as the economic super-dollar, and also the general weakness in power of the world, that potential is only the fundamentals of the global economy possessed by China. And China is of ensure that the gold-dollar trend is likely course light years away from becoming to remain firmly pointed to higher peaks a finance center, with its extremely for the future. backward legal system, shallow but

highly volatile and unpredictable Traders would prefer to get rid of markets and financial system at the dollars in as large quantities as possible, stage of infancy. but the lack of any meaningful substi-

tute means that market participants always hold more of the U.S. dollar than what is deemed to be. Yet at the same Gold prices have risen and stayed time, neither Japan, the European Union, or China show any willingness to create a new alternative to the U.S. DOLLAR by encouraging the apprecia-tion of their national currencies, and given the enormous imbalances that sustain the dollar's stay as the global currency, it is hard to see how the USD can be dethroned by any of the alterna-tives.

Purchasing gold, on the other hand, offers a fine solution.

Gold has some powerful dynamics behind its rise, and imagine a target of 3000-4000 in the next five years, if, as anticipated, economic activity goes for a second dip once the impact of govern-ment stimulation and private specula-tion and bubble-building lose their dominant effects in the markets.

What are experts noticing ingold price?

A few market mavens have been providing their forecasts too.

Sean Boyd, chief executive officer (CEO) of $7 billion Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd (NYSE: AEM), recently told King World News" people are looking for hard assets and gold, being one of the

high, the price/earnings (P/E) ratios of primary hard assets, is a major benefi-gold miners have been cut in half. That ciary. So we don't see any reason to means the sector as a whole is at as believe this upward trend in gold won't compelling a value as it's been in three continue. I think it will continue and we years. And with gold price set to rise still will see $2,000 shortly."higher on the back of instant money

Rajan Venkatesh, Managing printing in the United States and Director, India Bullion, ScotiaMocatta, Europe, these miners are only going to said he expects gold prices to touch get more profits.$2,000 an ounce by March.

And this past June, Standard The research tells that we should Chartered PLC (PINK: SCBFF) made

expect gold to easily reach $2,200 in what some think is an "outrageous" 2012. prediction.

The bank's research team considered the production levels of 345 gold mines and concluded production will rise just 3.6% annually for the next five years, while demand expands much faster.

Their price prediction: $5,000 gold is likely in the near future.

This is my opinion and not a recom-mendation: “Technically the price can correct to $ 1650 per ounce. Buying gold whenever you see correction in prices is a good strategy for a great reward in the year 2012.” Few days back, the gold closed at $ 1710.

Remember buying gold or trading in gold also involves several risks, including fall in prices. Use your own judgement and act wisely.

How high is gold likely to go?

By Manivannan

How High Can Rise?Gold

Page 4: Dreams & Money - December 2011 Issue 1



An old Chinese proverb states, Only when one cannot sleep does one know how long the night is. Almost everyone can relate to those words at some point in Safety Administration estimates that life. In younger people, stress and worry sleep deprivation is responsible for commonly cause insomnia. Older 100,000 vehicle accidents a year,

Make sure there is no television set in people suffer from a natural decrease in resulting in 1,500 deaths and 71,000 your child's bedroom.melatonin a sleep inducing hormone. injuries.

Pressures from job and family, illness, Be sure your children go to bed early Sleeping problems are common in side effects of some medications, and and get enough sleep. Children between people with most mental disorders, aches and pains caused by uncomfort- 3 and 6 years of age should get 11-13 Alzheimers, stroke, cancer, and head able beds or pillows can also rob us of hours of sleep at night. Children from 1st injury. In hospitalized patients, sleep sleep. to 5th grade should sleep 10-11 hours.19 deprivation may be worsened by

Late bedtimes and short sleeping hours Television and computers may also treatment schedules and routines. have been strongly associated with contribute to sleep problems. Computer Insomnia contributes to the patients childhood obesity.use, especially in the workplace, has confusion, frustration, or depression.

been associated with all types of insom-nia in adults more so than stress, which affects only difficulty falling asleep and early morning arousal. Studies have found that unlimited TV, computer, and Internet use cause sleep deprivation in children they go to bed later, sleep fewer hours, and feel more tired. Extensive television viewing in adolescence may result in adult sleep problems. Playing computer games may affect adults, as well. A Japanese study found that performing exciting tasks on computers with bright monitors at night affects melatonin concentration and the human biological clock, interfering with sleep.

Overall, 40 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep disorders each year,

They become more sensitive to pain and Older people should take 30-minute and an additional 20 million havemay request increased pain medications. afternoon naps to reduce sleepiness and occasional sleeping problems.6 Deep

fatigue and improve mood and perfor-sleep helps children grow and improves Recent research shows that the old mance.their learning ability. Lack of sleep advice of sleeping in a comfortable bed

affects the immune and nervous systems, in a cool bedroom, eating an early Sleep on a comfortable, supportive memory, judgment, attention, patience, dinner, going to bed at the same time mattress and pillow. Talk to your doctor and thinking and reading abilities. It can each night, and avoiding caffeine and of chiropractic about choosing the bed be especially dangerous for those who alcohol before sleep may not work for and pillow that are right for The National Highway Traffic everyone. Sleep medications are not Researchers are looking into several

suitable for long-term use. So, what can possible alternative sleeping aids. we do when all the known remedies have Although they have not been widelybeen tried, but sleep is nowhere to be researched, sleep experts agree it can't found? hurt to try them:

Sleep experts recommend the Acupuncture has been proven following:

On weekends, go to bed at the same time as on weekdays. If you exercise in the evening, do so at least 3 hours before bedtime. Also, stay away from evening brain-stimulating or stressful activities, such as balancing checkbooks, reading thrillers, and playing computer games. Develop a sleep ritual that will help you to relax and unwind, such as a warm bath. Try listening to relaxing music before going to sleep. Soothing music may improve sleep quality in children, older adults, and critically ill patients.

Limit your child's exposure to TV or video games to less than 1 hour a day. Long hours spent in front of the TV may lead to not only sleep problems, but also headache, back pain, and eye symptoms.

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B.Sc.(Hon.), D.C., M.Sc., C.H.N., C.C.R.D., C.N.M., A.C.R.B. 1, C.R.A.By Dr. George I. Traitses

What's Sleep?New About Did you know that lack of sleep may be stopping you from reaching your weight loss goals?

Studies suggest that a lack of sleep may make weight loss and weight control more of a challenge by altering our metabolism, as well as our eating and activity patterns.

Ÿ Interfere with the body's ability to metabolise carbohydrates which causes high blood levels of glucose, which leads to higher insulin levels and greater body-fat storage.

Ÿ Lower leptin levels, which cause the body to crave carbohydrates.

Ÿ Reduce levels of growth hormones– proteins that help regulate the body's proportions of fat and muscle.

Ÿ Lead to insulin resistance and contribute to increased risk of diabetes

Ÿ Increase blood pressure

Ÿ Increase the risk of heart disease.

Getting enough sleep is crucial if you're trying to lose or maintain your weight, not only for the physical benefits but for mental health too.

Lack of sleep may:


effective for some sleep disorders and anxiety. Therapeutic touch and relaxing back massage are useful for promoting sleep in critically ill patients. Traditional chiropractic care may also help those with spasms, pain, and joint dysfunction of the neck and back.

For more information on health and safety visit the Ontario Chiropractic Association Web site at or call 1877-327-2273.

416-499-5656Dr. George Traitses,Ÿ They told me

at the blood bank tha t th i s migh t happen.

Ÿ This is just a 15 minute power nap like they raved about in that time management course you sent me to.

Ÿ I was working smarter - not harder.

Ÿ Whew! I must have left the top off the whiteout.

Ÿ I wasn't sleeping! I was meditating on the mission statement and envisioning a new paradigm!

Ÿ This is one of the seven habits of highly effective people!

Ÿ I was testing the keyboard for drool resistance.

Excuses For Sleeping

FINDINGS OPINIONS AND According to the findings of a major It says children should be taught the

report, insomniacs are four times more health risks of lack of sleep at school likely to suffer from relationship and also recommends GPs are trained problems, according to the Daily Mail . to better diagnose those with problems.

They are also three times more Andrew McCulloch of the Mental likely to have difficulties concentrating Health Foundation said: "Sleep has for or be in a bad mood and twice as likely too long been neglected as a major to have energy slumps. influence on the physical and mental

health of the nation. It is crucial we treat A quarter of adults have other sleep-the issue of sleep problems as the major related problems such as teeth grinding public health concern it is."or sleep apnea - a disorder characterised

by abnormal pauses in breathing, which Experts say adults need at least five causes sufferers to wake up in the night. hours' uninterrupted sleep every day to

properly concentrate and function.Just 39 per cent of people sleep well, (source : Times of India)according to the survey of 5,300 by the

Mental Health Foundation in the UK.

Excuses To Use When Caught Sleeping At Work

Page 5: Dreams & Money - December 2011 Issue 1

Face Book Jokess Facebook is the adult way of having

imaginary friends.

I never make the same mistake twice. Three, four times maybe. But never twice.

When a newly married man looks happy, we know why. But when a ten year married man looks happy, we wonder why.

Women are like police, they can have all the evidence in the world but they still want a confession.

When someone adds me as a friend on Facebook, the first thing I do is go through all their pictures.

I wish I could google “things to eat in my “fridge” so I wouldnt have to go downstairs and be disappointed

If you try and don’t succeed, cheat. Repeat until caught. Then lie

Beauty isn’t measured by outer appearance and what clothes we wear, but what we are inside .. So, try going out naked tomorrow and see the admiration!

Do you know why a previous relationship is called EX? It`s not the term for the past. EX is short for EXpired..









Life is hard normally, but its harder if you are Stupid.

By Manivannan

Cautious Approach In

Holiday Season

Required FinancialMarkets During

DISCLAIMERDreams and Money takes care to present all

the information as accurately and efficiently as possible. Any advice or recommendation appearing in the paper is also part of information only. They should not be construed as an expert opinion. Please note that no representation or warranty with respect to the accuracy or the completeness of the information is given. Information always keeps changing. Hence all the information, including advice and recommendations are to be treated as of general nature only. For your speci f ic circumstances, you are always advised to consult an expert before acting on any information.

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Ph: 647 352 4945 | Fax: 647 352 6110Email: [email protected]

At Dreams & Money, we want to help people lead happy lives. We want to help people reach their dreams. A lot of dreams in the world require financial awareness and proper planning to bring to fruition. To get this financial knowledge can be challenging. We realize this, and want to make this process simpler.

We will bring you financial news happening around you that impacts you, along with timeless classics on topics like financial planning, life skills, health etc. to help you grow all around to reach your dreams.

If you are someone who shares this same passion, and think you can contribute to us in any way (writing articles, spread-ing the message etc.), please let us know. We’ll be happy to hear from you.


Toronto, December 6, 2011 — Greater Toronto REALTORS® reported 7,092residential transactions through the TorontoMLS® system in November – up 11 percent in comparison to November 2010. At the same time, the number of newlistings was up by 14 per cent in comparison to last year.

“We have seen strong annual sales growth through the 2011 fall market. The increase in transactions has been broad-based, with strong growth across low-rise and high-rise home types throughout the Greater Toronto Area,” said Toronto Real Estate Board (TREB) President Richard Silver. “The market has also become better supplied, with annual new listings growth outstripping that of sales. As this trend continues into 2012, we will see more balanced market conditions.”

The average price for November transactions was $480,421, representing an increase of almost 10 per cent in comparison to $437,494 in November 2010.

“Despite strong price growth this year, the housing market remains affordable in the GTA,” said Jason Mercer, TREB’s Senior Manager of Market Analysis. “The correct method of assessing affordability is to consider the share of the average household’s income that is dedicated to mortgage principal and interest, property taxes and utilities. Currently, this share remains in line with generally accepted lending guidelines. Given this positive affordability picture, average price growth is forecast to continue in 2012, albeit at a more moderate pace.”



Editor-in-Chief & PublisherPerrii Muthuraman

Direct : 416 473 6100

Editor & Technical AdvisorAishwar Muthuraman

Editorial & Development Committee

V.S. Thurairajah

Karthik .M

Das Narayanasamy


GTA Real Estate Market Watch OPINION

e approach the holiday season, you may ask yourself:W

what days should I take off from forex trading (or buying and selling stocks ) this Christmas and New Year?

You don't want to miss any good trading days, but, at the same time, you should be smart enough avoiding low-probability days. From an early age in sports and in school, we learn that the harder we work, the better our result.

Put another way, the more effort and the more hours that we work, the greater the probability of our success. However, successful trading is more about trading smart, than it is about the great number of hours devoted to it.

The following is meant as advice for people who would rather trade than do almost anything else.

Here is how to trade smarter, not harder, this Holiday season. The first 2½-3 weeks of December can be excellent for trading. . The markets are liquid and volatile for the first 2½-3 weeks of December and, then this exciting market comes to a screeching halt and remains quiet for the last two weeks of the year.

As for January, traders come back from the holidays on January 3rd ready to start what they hope will be their best year ever. Instead of the predicted great start to the New Year, they very often get “cooked” during the first few trading days of the New Year. This typical slow start for the new year is due to the fact that many “other time-frame traders” take several days to several weeks to restart their trading and re-establish the positions they closed out in December to secure their year-end bonuses.

My advice is to avoid the first full week of the year, altogether. This year, go someplace warm and extend your holiday to January 10th. By doing so, you will have avoided a potentially disappointing start to the year and you will arrive on January 10th prepared to confidently face 2012 fully rested and nicely tanned – ready to begin your best trading year, ever.

There you are; days that you can take off guilt-free knowing that you will be trading smarter because of it.

Good luck !

How To SaveWhile Paying Debts?Healthy Fall Market Continues in November

Source : TREB

2011 2010 % Chg.

Sales 7,092 6,384 11.1%

New Listings 9,786 8,586 14.0%

Active Listings 15,551 18,305 -15.0%

Average Price $480,421 $437,494 9.8%

Average DOM 29 34 -14.9%

Year-Over-Year Summary1,7

Page 6: Dreams & Money - December 2011 Issue 1



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Page 7: Dreams & Money - December 2011 Issue 1



Global Market review

Indian Market review based on Global factors

and a co-investment program. They also agreed to extend further aid payments to 15.11.2011 to 30.11.2011Greece and IrelandChina's central bank cut the reserve

requirement ratio for its banks by 50 basis points for the first time in nearly three years to ease credit strains and Market continued to decline during shore up activity in the world's second- the third straight week on weak global largest economy. Japan's unemploy- stocks. A weakening trend in global ment rate rose more than expected in markets on lingering concerns over the October, while the drop in household euro zone debt crisis dampened the spending was less than forecast, and trading sentiment here. Poor second retail sales expanded at a faster-than- quarter results by corporate also anticipated pace. Japanese factory weighed on sentiment. Sustained selling output raised more than expected in b y f o r e i g n October in a tentative sign that flooding investors also in Thailand had a smaller impact on p u s h e d t h e supply chains than initially feared. m a r k e t . Industrial output rose 2.4% in October. C o r p o r a t e South Korea's industrial production earnings have rose in October at the slowest pace since been weak. The August. combined net

profit of a total Euro zone officials agreed on two of 3,729 compa-ways to leverage the firepower of their nies declined bailout fund, the 440-billion-euro 35.9% on 20.6% European Financial Stability Facility growth in sales (EFSF), using both an insurance scheme

M M Oarket view & arket utlook

Tsx Trend Nov 24, 2011 To Dec 8, 2011

Tsx Trend Jan 1, 2011 To Dec 8, 2011

10 DECEMBER 2011

TSX : Rising Once Again?

during the second quarter ended September 2011 over the same period of cement stocks will be in focus as last year companies from these two sectors start

unveiling sales volume data for Market negative trend continued November 2011 from 1 December 2011. during the last week on resumed selling

by foreign funds. Global economic Over the past few weeks, the worries, weak corporate earnings and government has taken some steps to declining value of Indian rupee hit the encourage foreign investment. The sentiment adversely. Weak data from move to liberalize FDI norm in retails China and US also weighed on senti- signals that the Indian government, after ment FII outflow totaled to 1.5 billion years of prevaricating over allowing dollar from 15 to 29 November 2011. greater foreign investment in several Market rallied at the end of the month on sectors, is now serious about attracting

overseas funds. Foreign direct invest-ment in India dropped 28% to $29.4 billion in the year ended 31 March 2011 as the country's economic forecast clouded. Further opening the retail market--and the message that sends about the government's willingness to introduce reforms--might help kick-start the economy and shore up faltering investor sentiment.

PSU OMCs will be watched as petrol got cheaper by 78 paise per litre in Delhi from Wednesday midnight, belying market speculation of a major price

resumed buying by FII and on hopes that reduction due to a sharp fall of $7 a euro zone leaders will unveil concrete barrel in international petrol rates. measures to deal with the debt crisis A move by China on Wednesday to problem. After 15 days of trading, on 30 cut the percentage of cash banks must November 2011, FII have become net keep as reserves also boosted sentiment. buyers.. China's factory sector shrank in

The government has raised the limit November for the first time in nearly for foreign investments in government three years. Global markets would be and corporate bonds by $5 billion each. boosted buoyed by movement of major The move is aimed at boosting overseas central banks joined hands to ensure capital inflows, which have remained commercial banks would not be muted so far this year, and it is likely to undermined by market worries over the support the Indian currency that has Eurozone crisisshed nearly 13% against the dollar this Meanwhile, Investors will closely fiscal year that started April 1. The watch the unfolding of winter session of Reserve Bank of India has announced the parliament as many key bills will be its first government bond buyback tabled in the parliament for clearance under its open-market-operations Among key financial Bills pending program this year, in a move aimed at before Parliament in the current winter easing liquidity in the cash-strapped session is the Pension Fund Regulatory banking system. Currently, India allows and Development Authority (PFRDA) 51% FDI in single brand retail and Bill 2011, the Judicial Standards and 100% FDI in cash and carry format of Accountability Bill, National Food the business Security Bill and sports ministry-led

Government released GDP data, National Sports Development Bill and which showed substantially lower rate the Nuclear Regulatory Authority Bill in the second quarter of the current fiscal are among the 23 new Bills listed for year as a series of rate increases by the introduction. RBI and a global slowdown hurt local Foreign investors have plenty of demand. India's economy grew 6.9% in opportunities available to invest in Q2 September 2011, in line with Indian market due to recent liberaliza-expectations, after expanding by 7.7% tion or change of guidelines by Indian in the first quarter. The manufacturing government. In such a situation, QFI sector grew an annual 2.7% during the (Qualified Foreign Investor or NRI July-September quarter while farm (Non-Resident Indian) should choose output rose an annual 3.2% the data right type of investment according to showed. India's GDP growth in the first their financial profile, their future goal six months of FY12 stood at 7.3% and risk profile. To take correct foot versus 8.6%. steps in to Indian markets, we provide

real time training and professional advisory services. Understanding the

Global cues may dictate the trend of present situation, we have taken the Indian market. The world's six major initiative to impart right knowledge for central banks moved to tame a liquidity individual and support them to become crunch for European banks by providing a successful investor.cheaper dollar funding, may support the More details send email to

or call trend. The government will unveil or visit inflation data, Trade balance etc, which

would be focused. Automobile and

Indian Market Outlook forthe next fortnight


Source : Yahoo Finance

It appears that the main news that Investors appeared to cautiously moved the market during the current embrace the deal, sending global fortnight is news relating to European markets higher. TSX is not an exception Union. to this global trend.

The EU summit agreed on stricter Markets were also cheered by news budget rules for the 17 euro zone that China's central bank plans to create countries but failed to secure changes to a new vehicle to manage investment the EU treaty among all the member funds, worth a total of $300 billion, part countries, with Britain, which does not of which will be focused on investments use the euro, among those opting out. in Europe.

Page 8: Dreams & Money - December 2011 Issue 1



It was December 25, 1914, only 5 exchanged photographs of loved ones months into World War I. German, back home, shared rations, played British, and French soldiers, already football, even roasted some pigs. sick and tired of the senseless killing, Soldiers embraced men they had been disobeyed their superiors and frater- trying to kill a few short hours before. nized with "the enemy" along two- They agreed to warn each other if the top thirds of the Western Front (a crime brass forced them to fire their weapons, punishable by death in times of war). and to aim high.German troops held Christmas trees up A shudder ran through the high out of the trenches with signs, "Merry command on either side. Here was Christmas." disaster in the making: soldiers declar-

"You no shoot, we no shoot." ing their brotherhood with each other Thousands of troops streamed across a and refusing to fight. Generals on both no-man's land strewn with rotting sides declared this spontaneous peace-corpses. They sang Christmas carols, making to be treasonous and subject to

What if they called a war and peace broke out instead? That's exactly what happened during the Christmas season of 1914 when the soldiers themselves called a truce and, had it not been for intervention by the higher authorities on both sides, World War I might have ended” says Kurt Hyde, Journalist. Here's an inspirational Christmas Story about the Christmas Truce.



by From his book We Can Change the World

David G. Stratman

How to wish your friends, neighbors, colleagues and loved ones, 'Merry Christmas' in the widely spoken languages of Toronto, Canada? We present you the list below.

There are two official Canadian languages – English and French. In addition to these, the top five languages spoken in Toronto are Chinese, Italian, Tamil, Portuguese and Spanish

Chinese: (Cantonese)_

Chinese: (Mandarin)_







Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun

Kung His HsinNienbing Chu Shen Tan

Merry Christmas

Joyeux Noel


Feliz Natal


Nathar Puthu Varuda Valthukkal orChristmas valthukkal

court martial. By March 1915 the afterward by callers who hadn't heard it fraternization movement had been before," said the radio host. "They eradicated and the killing machine put telephone me deeply moved, sometimes back in full operation. By the time of the in tears, asking, 'What the hell did I just armistice in 1918, fifteen million would hear?' " be slaughtered. I think I know why the callers were in

Not many people have heard the tears. The Christmas Truce story goes story of the Christmas Truce. On against most of what we have been Christmas Day, 1988, a story in the taught about people. It gives us a Boston Globe mentioned that a local glimpse of the world as we wish it could FM radio host played "Christmas in the be and says, "This really happened Trenches," a ballad about the Christmas once." It reminds us of those thoughts Truce, several times and was startled by we keep hidden away, out of range of the the effect. The song became the most TV and newspaper stories that tell us requested recording during the holidays how trivial and mean human life is. It is in Boston on several FM stations. "Even like hearing that our deepest wishes more startling than the number of really are true: the world really could be requests I get is the reaction to the ballad different.

the spirit of our lives manifest the presence of God.

George F. McDougallWhen Christ entered our world, he The only real blind person at

didn't come to brighten our Decembers, Christmas-time is he who has not but to transform our lives. Christmas in his heart.

Rich Miller- Helen KellerThe best of all gifts around any Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit

Christmas tree is the presence of a people once a year.happy family all wrapped up in each - Victor Borgeother.It is good to be children sometimes,

Burton Hillisand never better than at Christmas, Christmas, my child, is love in when its mighty founder was a child

action. Every time we love, every time himself. we give, it's Christmas.- Charles Dickens

Dale Evans RogersThe greatest gift you will ever From home to home, and heart to receive will never be found under a

heart, from one place to another. The Christmas tree. It is far too valuable to warmth and joy of Christmas brings us be stored in any other place but in the closer to each other.depths of your heart.

Emily MatthewsAnonymousThe joy of brightening other lives, Best of all, Christmas means a spirit

bearing each others' burdens, easing of love, a time when the love of God other's loads and supplanting empty and the love of our fellow men should hearts and lives with generous gifts prevail over all hatred and bitterness, a becomes for us the magic of Christmas.time when our thoughts and deeds and

WC Jones

Christmas Quotes

Ÿ The Christian church fixed 25 other by saying 'Merry Christmas', December in 440 AD as the day for some priests in Australia prefer the celebration of Christmas. believe that one should say 'Happy

Christmas', because the word 'Merry' Ÿ The word 'Christmas is an old has connotations of 'getting drunk'. English word and is a contracted

version of 'Christ's Mass'. Ÿ Christmas cards were invented in 1843, a period of the Victorian Era. Ÿ The word 'X-Mas' is derived from

Greek, because in Greek, 'X' Ÿ Alabama was the first state to declare symbolizes Christ. Christmas as an official holiday. It

was recognized as a national holiday Ÿ The tradition of ringing church bells in America on June 26, 1870. on Christmas morning dates back to

the medieval times. The ringing bells Ÿ Poinsettia, the popular Christmas symbolize the birth of Jesus Christ. plant, reached the United States from

Mexico in 1880s. The plant was Ÿ The tradition of gift-giving during named after Joel Poinsett. Christmas has originated from the

legendary characters of the Three Ÿ People began to make use of electric Wise Men, who brought presents to lights for their Christmas tree, in Jesus, when he was born. 1895.

Ÿ Many people believe that the Ÿ Rudolph, the legendary reindeer of legendary character Santa Claus is Santa Claus, was a creation of based on a real person named St. Montgomery Ward. He created it for Nicholas. It is also believed that St. the purpose of a holiday promotion, Nicholas brings in Christmas gifts, in the late 1930s. on the Eve of the festival. Ÿ The world's tallest Christmas tree

Ÿ According to the legends, St. was erected in America, in 1950. The Nicholas lived in 4th century AD. tree was as high as 76 m. The Christian leader was very shy. Ÿ Candy canes, one of the popular He wanted to help the poor and the sweet treats used for Christmas, needy, therefore the decided to give originally were straight white sticks money to them in secrecy. of sugar candy. They were used as an

Ÿ Franklin Pierce was the first US embellishment for Christmas tree. President to decorate the White The ends of the candy were bent by House with a beautifully adorned Cologne Cathedral, to symbolize Christmas Tree. shepherd's crook. The candy canes

were given red stripes only in 20th Ÿ The tradition of eating turkey on century. Christmas Day can be traced back to

the Tudor Times and the reign of Ÿ Although 'Jingle Bells' was first Henry VIII. He was the first man to written for Thanksgiving, it gained eat turkey on the auspicious occa- immense popularity as a song sion. associated with the celebration of

Christmas. Ÿ While people generally greet each

Interesting & Fun Christmas Facts About