Page 1: Driving under the Influence by the Numbers





Page 2: Driving under the Influence by the Numbers


Intoxalock, an ignition interlock device designed to stop intoxicated individuals from driving by disabling vehicle ignitions, uses cutting-edge technology to combat the serious problem of driving under the influence (DUI) and help individuals who have been convicted of the crime regain their driving privileges. In part through the work of devices like Intoxalock, the number of DUI-related deaths has declined in recent years. But, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and a book on the subject by Christine Van Tuyl, some numbers connected to drinking and driving are still too high.

Page 3: Driving under the Influence by the Numbers

By the Numbers: 80

The average number of times a driver will

already have driven while under the influence

before his or her first arrest.

Page 4: Driving under the Influence by the Numbers

By the Numbers: 50 to 75

The percentage of people who, having had

their licenses revoked because of a DUI

charge, continue to drive their vehicle illegally

without a license.

Page 5: Driving under the Influence by the Numbers

By the Numbers: 131

The number of children under the age of 14

who died in DUI-related crashes while riding in

the impaired driver’s vehicle in 2010.

Page 6: Driving under the Influence by the Numbers

By the Numbers:112 million

The number of times adults in the United

States report driving under the influence of

alcohol in a year.

Page 7: Driving under the Influence by the Numbers

And one number that should


27: The percentage of drivers who are able to

correctly identify their state’s legal blood

alcohol content limit.
