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Working Together… for a Risk Resilient Nepal

Design, layout & production by PowerComm, 5552987

This DRR Tool Kit for Constituent Assembly members is produced jointly by the following organizations,

with funding support of European Commission Humanitarian Aid department

(through DIPECHO V partners ActionAid with AusAID co-finance, Care Nepal, Handicap International,

Mercy Corps, Practical Action and UNDP BCPR South and South West Asia), Oxfam GB,

United Nations Development Program Nepal and Association of International NGOs, Nepal.

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Page 2: Drr toolkit english

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European Commission Humanitarian Aid department

The European CommissionÊs Humanitarian Aid department is under the direct responsibility of Commissioner Louis Michel. Since 1992, the Commission has funded relief to millions of victims of natural and man-made disasters outside the European Union.

Aid is channelled impartially to the affected populations, regardless of their race, ethnic group, religion, gender, age, nationality or political affiliation. In the area of humanitarian aid, the Commission works with 200 operational partners, including specialised United Nation agencies, the Red Cross/Crescent movement and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The European Commission is one of the biggest sources of humanitarian aid in the world. In 2007, it provided over 768 million Euros for humanitarian projects. This does not include the aid given separately by the EUÊs 25 Member States. Support went to projects in (number) countries. The funds are spent on goods and services such as food, clothing, shelter, medical provisions, water supplies, sanitation, emergency repairs and mine-clearing.

The Commission also funds disaster preparedness and mitigation projects in regions prone to natural catastrophes. Under department of Disaster Preparedness (DIPECHO), the European CommissionÊs Humanitarian Aid department has been supporting a number of disaster preparedness initiatives in South Asia, including Nepal.

For more information, please visit official website of European Commission at

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Ü Of 198 countries in the world, Nepal is ranked 11th in terms of earthquake risk and 30th in terms of water-induced disaster risk (UN/BCPR, 2004)

Ü Nepal is highly vulnerable to a variety of disasters likeflood,landslide,earthquake,fire,epidemic,and climate change impact, etc.

Ü Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF), avalenches, industrial and transport accident, environmental pollution, pesticides related accidents etc. are contributing to disaster vulnerability in Nepal.

Ü A recent report of Department of Epidemelogy and Disease Control, Nepal shows that 346 people died and 62,016 people were directly by diarrheal epidemic that spread over 20 districts of far and mid-western Nepal since 2008.

Global Rank in Water Induced Disasters Risk

Global Rank in Earthquake Risk



Disaster Situation in Nepal

Living under constant

threat of disasters,

we Nepalese people

have to ensure a risk

resilient country to

ensure our right to

lead a secure life...“recent diarrhea affected death

recent diarrhea affected people



death due to disasters, every year

NPR, economic loss per year



Photo: ECO Nepal




Disaster Situation in Nepal

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Ü Likewise,globalepidemicslikeBirdFlu(AvianInfluenza)and Swine Flu (H1N1) are already affecting the local population.

Ü Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) report indicates that every year, more than 1,000 people die due to disasters. According to DisInventar Database, on an average over two persons die everyday because of disasters, 200 everyday are affected.

Ü From 1971 to 2007, over 1,33,000 people were affected every year by disasters... over 9,350 houses were destroyed every year (MoHA)

Ü MoHA report shows that economic loss due to disasters is NPR 1.2 billion a year.

Ü German Watch Index, 2006 states that Nepal is ranked 6th in terms of vulnerability due climate change induced hazards.

Ü Nepal’s average temperature is increasing rapidly compared to global average in global warming. If the current trend of rising temperature continues, three-fourth of Nepal’s 3,000+ glacial lakes will dwindle by 2030 due to premature meltdown.

Ü ICIMOD assessment illustrates that of the 2323 glacial lakes of Nepal, 20 are potentially dangerous and can result in Glacier Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF).

Ü EntireNepal’sonhighseismicactivezoneindicatingimpending high intensity earthquake anytime. According to various studies, among the major 200 cities of the world, Kathmandu valley is extremely vulnerable to earthquake and can result in mass scale destruction of lives and property.

Ü The joint study report of MoHA and JICA (Japan International Coorporation Agency), 2002 estimates that if an earthquake of intensity equivalent to 8.4 Richter scale strikes Kathmandu valley (compared to 1934 earthquake), 40,000 people may lose life; 95,000 people are likely to be injured and over 60 percent of the buildings will collapse.

Ü The frequency, intensity and impact of disasters is on the rise...

According to various

studies, among the

major 200 cities of

the world, Kathmandu

valley is extremely

vulnerable to

earthquake and can

result in mass scale

destruction of lives

and property.

“Photo: Co Action Nepal

Photo: ISET-N

Page 5: Drr toolkit english

” Nepal is highly vulnerable to disaster risks. The country lags in its capacity to cope with disasters and major disaster events can wreck havoc to the future of Nepal. There is a need to strengthen the policy and legislation on disaster

management, emphasizing on holistic risk reduction measures through clear emphasis on various stages of disaster risk management cycle.

Disaster Management Legislation:Need for Revision

Previous experiences have given ample evidence that preparedness measures can reduce disaster losses drastically. (In Bangladesh, the cycle of 1970 killed 500,000 people while only 4,000 life losses were reported due to 2009 cyclone. Reason is the comprehensive cyclone preparedness program in Bangladesh since early 90’s).

The Natural Calamity (Relief) Act of 1982, amended twice in 1989 and 1992 is more response oriented. The existing legislation has been found to be inadequate to address rights

Experiences have proved that disaster preparedness can reduce 90% of human losses. One rupee invested in preparedness can save seven rupees at times of mass casualties.

Photo: ECO Nepal

Natural Calamity (Relief) Act of 1982,

though amended twice is has not served its purpose

in ensuring rights of disaster affected and disaster vulnerable people. In its current

form, it is inadequate to address comprehensive risk reduction framework. A revision to the existing legal

provisions is imperative now…




Disaster Managem

ent Legislation: Need for Revision

Page 6: Drr toolkit english

of disaster affected or disaster vulnerable people. Three is a need for immediate revision of the existing legal provisions to ensure holistic risk management policies and systems giving adequate emphasis on all stages of disaster risk management cycle from preparedness to sustainable development.

The state must ensure that people with disabilities as well as other differentially vulnerable people are consulted and included in all aspects of society, ensuring equal opportunities in private and public life. Inclusion of differentially vulnerable people must be a component of any decision and action on disaster risk management at various levels.

Disaster Impact Assessment should be mandatory during development and infrastructure planning, along with environmental impact assessment.

The government should immediately address need for stronger legislation, which has been proposed to the government through a multi-stakeholder initiative in 2005.

The proposed comprehensive risk reduction framework should include, among other provisions:

Transition from a ‘relief centric’ to a ‘risk reduction centric’ approach

Elimination of ‘knowledge gap’ on disaster risk reduction in the society

Emphasis on gender and social inclusion including people with disabilities

Effi cient and effective coordination through participation at all stages of disaster risk reduction process

Integrating risk reduction approach into development policies and actions

Establishment of an effective organizational structure to facilitate quick and effi cient decision making

Integrating disaster risk reduction plans at various levels, from local to national levels

Establishment of disaster management fund with clear authority and guidelines

Strengthening political commitment for comprehensive disaster risk reduction

Under aegis of the Hyogo Framework of Action to reduce disaster risks (Nepal is a signatory to this global framework), a National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management was approved by the cabinet in 2009. This strategy needs to be followed up with appropriate policy and necessary legislation to convert intention and strategy into reality.

International legal instruments and humanitarian standards emphasizes on right to life with dignity during emergencies. It underlines the responsibility of the state to protect and safeguard human life and dignity.

Government of Nepal has adopted the United Nation’s Convention related the rights of people with

disabilities in 2009. Especially the clause 11 has mentioned

that every country should have developed all necessary

arrangement required to protect the rights of people with disabilities

during thedisaster including armed confl ict, human confl ict and

natural disasters.

Photo: ECO Nepal

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The proposed Disaster Management Act, 2009 is towards enhancing effective management of risk reduction throughout the disaster management cycle – preparedness, mitigation, rescue and relief, rehabilitation and recovery

The proposed Act emphasizes on protecting and securing lives and property with emphasis on critical facilities that impact general public and facilitates management of disasters effectively

The proposed Disaster Management Act, 2009 calls for replacement of the existing Natural Calamity (Relief) Act, 1982

The salient features of the proposed DM Act are:

• Disasters are defi ned distinctly as natural and human induced

• Provision for National Council for Disaster Management (NCDM) to be chaired by R. H. Prime Minister of Nepal with clear mandate and functions, duties, responsibilities and authority of the council.

• Proposal to set up National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) under the NCDM, to act as the focal point for disaster management functions in Nepal from formulation of appropriate strategies and plans to implementation and supervision of disaster management activities

• Clarifi es the role, responsibility and functions of security forces including Nepal Army, Nepal

Police and Armed Police Force; institutions, industrial sector and private organizations

“It is very urgent to

pass out the Disaster

Management Act

to support the

implementation of National

Strategy on Disaster

Risk Management,

which supplements the

development of the

country and ensures the

rights of each individual to

safe life.

Proposed Disaster Management Act, 2009 – Key Features

Photo: ECO Nepal




Proposed Disaster Managem

ent Act, 2009 – Key Features

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”Though the proposed Disaster Management Act, developed through a multi-stakeholder consulting and initiative, was submitted to the government, three years have elapsed in the meantime. An effective legislation and policy framework could have guided the country to reduce disaster impacts during this period and for future. Lack of an efficient and sound legal provision has resulted in the people leading a life ridden with multiple vulnerability, insecure from threats and unsure about securing rights to lead a life with dignity during disasters.

We urge the constituent assembly members, policy makers and government to endorse the proposed Disaster Management Act without further delay. A strong Nepal requires a strong disaster risk reduction framework and it is the primary responsibility of the state to offer such a framework to the people of Nepal.

• Emphasizes on development of micro and macro hazard and vulnerability maps for disaster prone areas to inform decision makers to address disaster risk reduction effectively

• Clarity in different approaches and functions during the three states - pre-disaster, during-disaster and post-disaster

• Clarity in actions and approaches during different stages in a disaster risk reduction cycle, from preparedness onwards to relief, recovery and development

• Proposal for various committees to look into and be responsible for Preparedness, Rescue and Relief as well as Rehabilitation and Reconstruction; under the leadership respective ministries including formation of similar committees at district and local levels

The proposed



Act, 2063 calls

for replacement

of the existing

Natural Calamity

(Relief) Act,


“Three years have gone by since the proposed Disaster Management Act was submitted to the government. We urge the constituent assembly members, policy makers and government to endorse the proposed Disaster Management Act, 2009 without further delay.


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The Government of Nepal approved the National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management (NSDRM) 2009, paving way to address disaster risk reduction in a comprehensive manner within overall development framework. Guided by the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), the NSDRM is a step towards meeting the goals and priorities set through HFA.

The NSDRM has an overall objective of providing direction to integrate disaster risk reduction into national development plans and processes.

NSDRM analyses risks and vulnerabilities of Nepal, taking note of historic events and seeking to learn from past events. It emphasizes on the relationship between disasters and poverty and suggests strong risk reduction approach to insure development investments by the government.

NSDRM is based on the spirit and principles of Total Disaster Risk Management (TDRM) approach

National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management, 2009

”Major guiding principles of disaster risk management strategy:

• Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into development plans

• Ensuring safety to life and social security

• Gender and social inclusion

• Decentralized implementation processes

• Holistic risk management approach

• Safety and security to staff and stakeholders

• One window policy and cluster based approach to disaster management

• Spirit of participatory, interactive and coordinated efforts to DRR

The need for institutional strengthening is very important for effective implementation of sector approach underlined in the National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management

Women are 14

times more likely

to die of natural


Photo: ECO Nepal

Photo: Co-Action Nepal




National Strategy for Disaster Risk M


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Sectoral Strategies for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR):

For disaster risk reduction and managing preparedness, mitigation or response work for emergency situations, different sectoral activities are also mentioned in this strategy as per the nature of nine sectors:

• Strategy related to agriculture and food security sector

• Strategy related to health and nutrition sector

• Strategy related to education sector

• Strategy related to shelter, infrastructure and physical planning sector

Photo: ECO Nepal

• Strategy related to livelihood sector

• Strategy related to water and sanitation sector

• Strategy related to forest and soil conservation sectors

• Strategy related to information, communication, coordination and management capacity sector

• Strategy related to tracing, rescue and damage assessment and need analysis sector

Photo: Handicap International

Major strategic priorities:

Considering the Hyogo Framework for Action – HFA (2005-2015) as a guiding document, identifying the major challenges in the Nepalese context and in the implementation process of getting solution to them, the major five priority actions are defined as:

• Prioritizing disaster risks mitigation at national and local level and ensuring the management of strong organizational structure for its implementation,

• Assessment of potential disaster risks, identify, monitor and enhance early-warning system

• Use of knowledge, innovation and education in order to develop safe culture and resilience,

• Reduce the factors of extended risks, and

• Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response.

In order to achieve those priority activities, 29 strategic activities, their indicative activities and outcomes and responsible agencies for operation are also defined.

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SUMMARY of the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015:Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters (Hyogo Framework)

I S D RInternational Strategy

for Disaster Reduction

International Strategy for Disaster Reduction

DRR= disaster risk reduction


Strategic Goals

The integration of disaster risk reduction intosustainable development policies and planning

Development and strengthening of institutions,mechanisms and capacities to build resilience tohazards

The systematic incorporation of risk reductionapproaches into the implementation of emergencypreparedness, response and recovery programmes

Priorities for Action

Cross Cutting Issues

Risk assessments and maps,multi-risk: elaboration anddisseminationIndicators on DRR and vulnerabilityData & statistical loss informationEarly warning: people centered;information systems; public policyScientific and technologicaldevelopment; data sharing, space-based earth observation, climatemodeling and forecasting; earlywarningRegional and emerging risks

Information sharing and cooperation;Networks across disciplines andregions; dialogueUse of standard DRR terminologyInclusion of DRR into schoolcurricula, formal and informaleducationTraining and learning on DRR:community level, local authorities,targeted sectors; equal accessResearch capacity: multi-risk; socio-economic; applicationPublic awareness and media

Disaster management capacities:policy, technical and institutionalcapacitiesDialogue, coordination & informationexchange between disaster managersand development sectorsRegional approaches to disasterresponse, with risk reduction focusReview & and exercise preparednessand contingency plansEmergency fundsVoluntarism & participation

Sustainable ecosystems and environmentalmanagementDRR strategies integrated with climate changeadaptationFood security for resilienceDRR integrated into health sector and safe hospitalsProtection of critical public facilitiesRecovery schemes and social safety- netsVulnerability reduction with diversified income optionsFinancial risk-sharing mechanismsPublic-private partnershipLand use planning and building codesRural development plans and DRR






3. Use knowledge, innovationand education to build a cultureof safety and resilience atall levels

5. Strengthen disaster preparednessfor effective response at all levels

4. Reduce the underlying risk factors

DRR institutional mechanisms(national platforms);designated responsibilitiesDRR part of developmentpolicies and planning, sectorwise and multisectorLegislation to support DRRDecentralisation ofresponsibilities and resourcesAssessment of humanresources and capacitiesFoster political commitmentCommunity participation

Expected OutcomeThe substantial reduction of disaster losses, in lives and in the social,

economic and environmental assets of communities and countries

1. Ensure that disaster riskreduction (DRR) is a nationaland a local priority with astrong institutional basis forimplementation

2. Identify, assess and monitordisaster risks and enhance earlywarning

Multi-hazard approach Gender perspective and cultural diversity Community and volunteers participation Capacity building & technology transfer













nal ly












Expected outcome, strategic goals and priorities for action 2005-2015


The Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA):

The common strategy approved by the member states of the United Nations Organizations for global disaster risk reduction is the “Hyogo Framework for Action”. In the Second UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction held in Kobe, Japan from 18 to 22 January, 2005, 168 states of the world unanimously approved the Hyogo Framework of Action with commitment for its adoption.

The Hyogo Framework for Action has expected an important result that within the period of a decade by 2015, through significant reduction of humanitarian, social, economic and environmental impacts caused by disaster, every state and community will develop resilience against it.

The Hyogo Framework of Action has defined five priority areas of action. In order to get them effectively implemented, guiding principles are developed and it has also recommended practical measures to develop resilience among the communities vulnerable to disaster on the background of sustainable development.

The Hyogo Framework of Action emphasizes on the concept of disaster risk reduction as a center of development plan and strategy. Disaster challenges the achievements of development and increases poverty. Thus it has made aware of the fact that the impact of disaster can be the main barrier to Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) if serious steps are not taken in time.

The common strategy approved by

the member states of the United Nations

Organizations for global disaster risk

reduction is the “Hyogo Framework

for Action”.

The Hyogo Framework for Action has expected an important result that

within the period of a decade by 2015, through

significant reduction of humanitarian,

social, economic and environmental impacts

caused by disaster, every state and

community will develop resilience against it.

Photo: ECO Nepal




The Hyogo Fram


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Priorities of Hyogo Framework for Action:

The Hyogo Framework for Action has identified five priorities for actions. This can be called as the core part of the Hyogo Framework for Action. It has explained the details of the potential actions under each priority.

Priority action 1: Ensure that disaster risk reduction is a national and a local priority with a strong institutional basis for implementation.

For strong institutional, national designs, institutional instruments and legal framework, sustainable resource management, community participation must be strong.

Priority action 2: Identify, assess, and monitor disaster risks and enhance early warning system.

Identify local, regional and national vulnerability, monitoring and evaluation, develop early warning system, and capacity building to cope with the potential vulnerability.

Priority action 3: Use knowledge, innovation, and education to build a culture of safety and resilience at all levels.

Information management and information sharing at local and national level, raise capacity through awareness including education, training, and research to face disaster and secured community.

Priority action 4: Reduce the underlying risk factors

Environmental and natural resource management, practice social and economical

development, reduce the causes of vulnerability by appropriate landuse planning and techniques.

Priority action 5: Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response at all levels.

Make strong policies, technical and institutional capacity through development of human and physical resources with trainings related to disaster management at local, regional land national level.

With an aim of making effective disaster risk reduction, there should be coordination, information sharing between all stakeholders of preparedness, vulnerability reduction, and disaster coping and development sector.

In a national situation of disaster overlapping the coping capacity, it is necessary to ensure the effective development and strengthening of coordination in regional level, implement the policy in regional level, planning and establish early warning system.

Develop planning and policy of preparedness visioning the most disaster affective region and group. Ensure the quick and effective response in case of disaster, support with food and necessary items and promote the practice of preparedness.

To establish an Emergency fund as per necessary for coping disaster, reduce loss and support preparedness activities.

Motivate the attitude of volunteerism among community and stakeholder and active participation to reduce disaster vulnerability.

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Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into Development

It is necessary to draft

the legal and institutional

frameworks for mainstreaming

disaster into development to

work for disaster risk reduction

and develop risk resilient


Disasters destroy human lives, property, social and cultural assets and phycho-social well being of the society

Disasters destroy development investments and pull back years of development and growth

Investment in development, without risk consideration, will make structures and systems vulnerable to disasters

Achievement of Millennium Development Goals and sustainable development in Nepal cannot be achieved without addressing disaster risks

Mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction into development will enhance local, regional and national capacity to cope with disasters and become risk resilient

Economic development is necessary for poverty reduction. Infrastructure

development plays a vital role in ushering development. Infrastructure and critical facility development should keep risk reduction parameters in mind from conception state


Adequate efforts should be given to ensure

implementation of national building code to reduce disaster risks. This should be made mandatory at all levels.

Community participation in all levels of decision making is of paramount importance in risk reduction mainstreaming, including participation of differentially vulnerable groups

It is necessary to strengthen local knowledge, skills and techniques to cope with disasters, through a community led participatory exercise

Photo: ECO Nepal


ing Disaster Risk Reduction into Developm





Page 14: Drr toolkit english

Major Legal instruments for DRR

Natural Calamity Relief Act, 1982

National Action Plan 1996 (Amendment)

Three Years Interim Plan's Approach Paper 2005-2008

Disaster Victim Relief Distribution Norms , 2007

National Disaster Risk Reduction Platform, 2008

National Strategy on Disaster Risk Management, 2009

Disaster Management Act, 2009

People’s Declaration on Disaster Risk Reduction

It is necessary to develop and put in place disaster management action plan in all 75 districts of Nepal and its VDCs

Adequate studies and researches should be carried out along river basins to understand fl oods, fl ash fl oods and landslides, from hills to terai. Appropriate mechanisms should be developed to address associated risks to people, property and environment

Recent earthquakes have demonstrated that unsafe school structures can cause widespread loss. For example, in 2004 earthquake in Pakistan, 18,000 children were killed by unsafe school buildings. School buildings in Nepal are unsafe. Immediate measures should be taken towards school and hospital safety


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"We, the people of Nepal who are under constant threat of disasters, who are affected by disasters and vulnerable to the growing incidences of calamities, hereby declare that:

1) Disaster Risk Reduction is people’s rights. It entails ensuring security to people who are affected by and vulnerable to disasters. We urge the government of Nepal to immediately take further measures for a comprehensive disaster risk reduction policy that emphasizes addressing the special needs and concerns of differentially vulnerable people.

2) The rights of people can be protected only through appropriate legal and policy provisions. We seek immediate adoption of the Disaster Management Act 2063 (Revised and submitted to the government in February 2007) by the constituent assembly,

3) We believe that efficient governance and a prosperous nation cannot be achieved without including people in the decision making process. Community is the first impact receiver of any disaster and the first responder too. We urge the government to ensure that policy framework and government decisions should invariably include people’s participation at various and appropriate levels.

4) We recognize the important role played by international NGOs, civil society, local NGOs, donors and government in supporting disaster risk reduction initiatives.

People’s Declaration on Disaster Risk Reduction, Nepal

We believe that there is tremendous scope for us to build upon our achievements and scale up our initiatives at community level. We seek continued support of the key stakeholders who have been working with us to enhance our disaster resilience.

5) We believe that a culture of risk reduction has to be encouraged at all levels, from the grassroots people to the highest offices of the government. We urge the government to build capacities of its own systems to mainstream risk reduction at all levels and invest in building community capacity to better respond to and prepare themselves to disasters.

6) We believe that mainstreaming disaster risk reduction within the development process and addressing rights of disaster affected

The new constitution of Nepal should clearly address the issues of disasters in the country and should the fundamental rights of disaster affected and disaster vulnerable persons to a safe and secure life with dignity and protection of their rights from disaster risks

People’s Declaration on Disaster Risk Reduction




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people needs priority investments. We urge the government, donors and international community to listen to the voices of people and extend their fullest support to our desire to build a risk free nation.

7) We understand the importance of working together. We declare our underlying commitment to the process of comprehensive disaster risk reduction in Nepal and assure our support to initiatives from government, donors, international community and other national stakeholders to build a Risk Free Nepal

8) We believe that a dream of a New Nepal cannot be realized without addressing the inherent risks posed by disasters. We believe that disaster risk reduction is not an option for this country, but an essential pre-requisite that defi nes its development process.

9) We once again reiterate our commitment to work with the government towards realizing our goal of risk free Nepal."

We believe that a culture

of risk reduction has to be

encouraged at all levels,

from the grassroots people

to the highest offi ces of

the government. We urge

the government to build

capacities of its own systems

to mainstream risk reduction

at all levels and invest in

building community capacity

to better respond to and

prepare themselves to


Photo: Action Aid Nepal

Page 17: Drr toolkit english

Some Experiences of Heavy Floods in Nepal

Koshi Floods: Agony and Anguish l August 18, 2008: a breach in

the east embankment of the mighty Koshi river resulted in severe fl oods, displacing over 50,000 people of Sunsari and Saptarhi districts.

l Shantidevi Mandal, Haripur VDC lost her father… lost her property and was forced to live in the river bank for several days… without support, without protection

l We became totally hopeless when fl ood water rushed into our village, said Anita Sada, a 19 year old living in

emergency residence block A constructed for Koshi affected people. She was seven months pregnant when Koshi fl oods broke out. Her family had to stay without food for seven days…

l I was to be drown by fl ood… people were shouting… whole village went under water… with great diffi culty, we survived and fl ed from our village.

l Kaburahi Sahani said that in the aftermath of fl oods, she found herself and her family to develop health problems. She found the


Economic loss of 1993's fl ood and


“ “August 18, 2008: a

breach in the east

embankment of the

mighty Koshi river

resulted in severe

fl oods, displacing

over 50,000 people

of Sunsari and

Saptarhi districts.

Photo: Co-Action Nepal




Some Experiences of

Heavy Floods in Nepal

Page 18: Drr toolkit english

same in others too. She got involved as a health volunteer, but it came late. If such support systems were available immediately after floods, things would have been much better. Kaburahi lost her son due to post flood epidemic.

l Shanti Devi is another person who lost everything in life. She lost her home, her buffaloes and land. Her husband is a wage laborer with irregular employment. One of her sons is physically challenged. Other left home to work in India. During the floods, when she thought everything is lost, some fellow villagers helped rescued her to safe place near the river bank. Her future looks bleak now.

l Nuna Devi and her three children ran and ran with other villagers during that gruesome night. She was 9 months pregnant at that time. She went many days without food and with much physical and mental pain.

Floods and Landslides of 1993The flood and landslide of Nepal occurred during 1993 A.D was the most destructing disaster in 58 years time. The data of loss at that year is as follows:

Disaster loss area Loss

Death 1336Missing 163Affected family 85254Destroyed Houses 25425Agricultural land (hectare) 17113Economic Loss (NRs ) 49,00,000

l The floods and landslides of 1993 was one of the most destructive disasters to have hit Nepal.

l There is a widespread feeling in the community that losses by 1993 floods and landslides are grossly underestimated and improperly reported

l There was no early warning available to people. Warning

could have averted disaster and reduced losses

l There was no weather forecasts coming up. People were not aware that Koshi was swelling alarmingly.

l There was no plans for any shelter settlements. The identified shelters were vulnerable to further landslides

l At that time, even the governmental, non government and other institutional support were sporadic and not efficient. An efficient system could have reduced disaster after effects to a great extent

l Post disaster epidemics spread out, taking out more lives with it. Even today, people get nightmares of that vicious day

l Government could not provide adequate relief and rehabilitation support, though the royal family had visited the affected area in 1993. People were left to fend for themselves.

“ “The flood and

landslide of Nepal

occurred during 1993

A.D was the most

destructing disaster

in 58 years time.Photo: Co-Action Nepal

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Promoting Early Warning System:A Basis for Risk Reduction

Each year, the monsoon flood destroys life and property of thousands of people. It causes soil erosion, kills livestock destroys stored food items, and life and properties making it almost impossible to rehabilitate.

Hundreds of people are displacing from their home as well as losing their life due to landslides and soil erosion occurring every year.

Millions of people in Nepal are bound to live with a fear of potential earthquake that may largely destroy life and properties.

It is possible to get early warning information to be safe from the above mentioned disasters. It only demands commitments and action to change behaviour.

Till date, Community Based Early Warning System (CBEWS) for flood is established in five districts (Chitwan, Nawalparasi, Banke, Bardia and Kailali) of Nepal. With this successful experience we can now be optimistic for a safer future.

Photo: Practical Action

One night in 1993, there was a heavy flood in village. The flood swept away my home together with 24 livestock and 145800 sq. ft of crop land. Even I was displaced near forest in the north part of Bhandara.

-Nawaraj Silwal, 50, Bhandara, Chitwan

At midnight, when I got down from my bed to go to toilet, I came to know that the water level was already reached to my knee.

-Lahu Ram Chaudhary, Lalitpur, Kailali

These are only few voices, representing the whole affected people expressing their problems due to lack of Early Warning System.





Early Warning


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As soon as we heard the Siren, we came out from our house, took our livestock to upland ground (Thule Chour), and shifted our important goods and documents from ground fl oor to upstairs.

-Basant Chaudhary, Bagaicha Tole, Nawalparasi, sharing experiences of after fl ood of 6 September 2007

We are happy and proud that life of all the people in our community was saved. Due to the Early Warning System equipment and right use of knowledge and skills gained during the training and exposure visits people were safe in the project communities. Whereas, 24 people had lost their lives in our neighbouring communities.

-ChalluRam Chaudhary, Hasuliya, Kailai sharing his experiences after fl ood of 20 September 2008

This time there was no need of rescue and relief operation due to Early Warning System established in west Rapti River. The communities already received the fl ood information and reached to safer place before fl ood.

-Chief District Offi cer, Birendra Baniya, Banke speaking in5 January 2010 workshop after the fl ood of 6 October 2009

Photo: Practical Action

Defi nitely, all fl ood affected people residing near river banks in Nepal are not getting early warning facilities.

Besides fl ood, there is no early warning system established for other different types of disaster.

It is an urgent need to scale up such Early Warning System in other areas of the country. Hence, the support to government has already been started to draft National Early Warning Strategy for Key Disaster Risk Reduction in Nepal.

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Disaster Loss DatabaseDatabase of disaster loss from 1971 A.D to 2008 A.D

Achham 131 627 97 213,793 299 43Arghakanchi 95 145 316 31,574 697 768Baglung 195 422 181 59,360 964 276Baitadi 108 331 1,669 24,507 1,426 2,018Bajhang 79 281 30 13,053 6,516 8,622Bajura 130 460 54 23,631 421 74Banke 344 1,022 763 87,933 5,347 544Bara 276 223 673 109,941 1,704 415Bardiya 170 198 484 27,152 8,871 9,156Bhaktapur 218 76 200 13,343 657 1,674Bhojpur 130 219 749 81,354 1,791 4,785Chitawan 280 419 5,592 192,515 5,160 953Dadeldhura 86 55 192 7,331 95 132Dailekh 168 485 154 7,747 389 136Dang 372 483 551 55,211 1,683 361Darchula 113 193 134 2,861 4,307 2,885Dhading 315 450 535 25,171 1,636 685Dhankuta 140 219 1,247 7,485 3,831 5,446Dhanusa 388 660 976 424,180 9,179 9,148Dolakha 182 316 590 18,504 722 1,581Dolpa 72 328 68 820 39 0Doti 185 784 2,250 32,548 151 184Gorkha 170 421 696 37,585 729 45Gulmi 135 274 88 6,722 444 298Humla 150 391 89 10,980 132 77Ilam 165 233 1,496 4,038 1,003 3,056Jajarkot 124 490 250 14,247 604 342Jhapa 601 570 1,363 50,030 5,132 783Jumla 138 408 242 46,082 224 156Kailali 363 1,056 893 66,996 2,265 447Kalikot 119 604 153 4,703 85 247Kanchanpur 223 281 4,968 30,853 848 566Kapilbastu 163 274 308 36,623 5,540 242Kaski 355 369 241 7,329 449 249Kathmandu 673 404 828 8,235 518 795Kavre 329 303 1,099 30,105 2,826 1,150Khotang 111 254 549 13,437 3,171 6,175Lalitpur 269 198 167 3,366 848 370

District Data-cards Human Houses Deaths Injuries Affected Destroyed Damaged




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Lamjung 155 161 74 11,786 468 127Mahotari 355 433 1,305 548,075 9,073 6,144Makwanpur 473 946 571 101,716 3,638 2,844Manang 46 78 15 808 41 4Morang 651 835 2,061 87,053 3,555 4,038Mugu 72 336 78 3,249 264 67Mustang 48 40 25 2,278 121 4Myagdi 138 225 403 18,036 264 128Nawalparasi 322 301 893 76,443 4,593 1,706Nuwakot 232 271 567 8,653 366 117Okhaldhunga 125 211 253 7,979 2,224 1,382Palpa 194 304 951 56,484 895 434Panchthar 145 189 834 9,658 1,498 3,486Parbat 175 88 476 69,816 384 145Parsa 232 235 3,194 371,942 3,423 380Pyuthan 100 247 618 2,077 368 66Ramechhap 214 223 594 23,328 1,666 3,063Rasuwa 112 374 22 4,191 252 139Rautahat 343 655 574 393,066 5,915 13,969Rolpa 84 227 206 4,938 429 11Rukum 121 366 149 13,705 761 496Rupandehi 292 501 1,064 51,591 4,207 1,301Salyan 129 208 450 3,242 249 74Sankhuwasabha 210 245 473 17,251 1,088 1,582Saptari 539 831 545 432,075 25,542 2,803Sarlahi 338 997 769 456,498 14,451 15,492Sindhuli 290 467 714 164,612 4,059 2,957Sindhupalchoke 314 662 866 96,491 1,395 621Siraha 328 376 379 68,859 9,759 3,260Solukhumbu 123 164 515 13,984 545 95Sunsari 479 531 2,911 258,577 14,923 9,195Surkhet 81 112 23 4,385 105 210Syangja 309 388 258 32,989 1,666 939Tanahu 253 253 366 86,501 793 647Taplejung 230 276 362 23,503 618 575Terhathum 99 127 194 10,920 1,574 2,523Udayapur 263 329 744 75,845 4,367 3,854Total 16,879 28,138 55,431 5,443,949 206,242 149,762Source: Nepal Desinventar Database, 2009 NSET

District Data-cards Human Houses Deaths Injuries Affected Destroyed Damaged

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Database of Disaster Loss

The disaster database of different types of disaster within 8 years, from 2001 A.D to 2008 A.D, shows clear picture of Nepal

Loss/Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Death 394 418 461 310 192 221 322 171

Missing 95 45 21 58 11 20 189 6

Injured 181 134 287 160 220 150 186 55

Affected Family 26303 16054 40486 11730 16997 4273 1,29,649 21,600

Livestock loss 947 667 2126 1125 905 727 22,140 7066

Destroyed houses 8540 4596 15632 6458 3681 3155 13,655 13864

Damaged Houses 700 1664 4204 361 1137 13 28,041 1228

Agricutural land (Hectare) 520 1025 4,029 21,016

Economic loss (NRs) 1286964014 539874525 4276166156 989909000 341095212 381969055 2230866966 1,63,32300Source: MOHA




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Earthquake Grief of Nepal will be More HorribleNepal faced destructing earthquakes in1934 A.D and 1985. Meanshilw, there were some small scale earthquakes which also made some damages. The earthquakes and the loss:

Loss/Year 1934 1966 1980 1988

Earthquake Magnitude (Richter scale) 8.4 6.6Earthquake Occurred Area Nepal and India Western Nepal Western Nepal Eastern NepalMost Affected Area Kathmandu Darchula, Darchula, Sunsari, Dharan Baitadi, Bajang Baitadi, BajangDeath 8,519 14 103 721Houses Loss 2,07,740 Not Available Not Available 65,000Source: NSET

Lesson learned from the earthquake incidence and the effects occurred after disaster are as follows: Earthquake is not a frequent disaster event. However, experts has mentioned that in every 100 years, Nepal will

face a devastating earthquake. Earthquake is not regular as flood, landslide, epedimics etc. Though earthquake occurs in a long time interval, damages and loss of life and property from earthquake will be

incredible. It is not possible to predict when earthquake occurs and earthquakes occurs in very short time. Though it is of

short duration, it effects the development and destroys all constructiom. Earthquake doesnot kill people, but people die during the breakdown of the constructed buildings.

The effect of earthquake is colossal and enormous money and time is necessary for reconstruction and rehabilitation.

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Western Nepal: Doti, Achham, Kalikot, Jajarkot, Kailali and Banke; similarly eastern Nepal: Rautahat, Dhanusha, Saptari and Morang-More than 400 people are died of Epidemics. The data shows that these districts are mostly affected by epidemics.

Large number of people died due to landslide in eight mountain districts of Nepal; Myagdi, Kaski, Syanjya, Dhading, Sindhupalchowk, Makawanpur, Khotang, Taplejung.

Flood has effected terai region of Nepal, most people lost their lives in central region, Makawanpur and Sarlahi.




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Disaster brings economic loss. It is found that disasters like flood, landslide, and fire contributes to the property loss in Nepal

Landlside has affected buildings of Syangya, Dhading, Kaski and Makawanpur of Manabharat range.

Fire is huge problem in terai region. Enourmous houses are lost due to fire in Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari, Siraha, Dhanusa, Mahotari, Parsa, kapilbastu and Banke districts of Nepal.

Flood has affected buildings in Jhapa, Morang, Siraha, Makawanpur, Sindhuli, Chitwan, Nawalparasi, Rupandehi including other terai districts. Reduction



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For more information on DRR please contact any of the partners

European Commission Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) Nepal977 1 4439120

Australian Government (AusAID)977 1 4371678

Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA)977 1 4211219/4211200

Association of International NGOs (AIN)977 1 4222271/4222247

UNDP Nepal/UNDP-BPCR977 1 5523200

ActionAid Nepal977 1 4436477/

CARE Nepal977 1 5522800/5522153

Handicap International977 1 4378482/4374609

Mercy Corps977 1 5555532

Practical Action977 1 4446015/4434482www.practical

Oxfam International977 1 5530574/5542881

DPNet Nepal977 1 4672165/6226613

National Society for Earthquake Technology (NSET)977 1 5591000

Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS)977 1 4270650/4273734

Co-Action Nepal977 56533168

ECO Nepal977 1 4435844

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Working Together… for a Risk Resilient Nepal