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Page 1: Drug TBName

Drug Name/Classification

Dose Action Indications Side Effects Nursing Considerations


Antituberculotic Antibiotic

600mg PO OD

Inhibits DNA dependent RNA polymerase activity in susceptible bacterial cells

Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis


Watch closely for sign of hepatic impairment

If adverse GI reaction occurs, monitor hydration



1200mg PO OD

Inhibits the synthesis of metabolites in growing mycobacterium cells, impairing cell metabolism and causing death

Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

NauseaVomitingAbdominal painHeadacheDecreased visual acuity & color discrimination (

Monitor dug effectiveness by regularly assessing for improvement in patient’s conditions and evaluating culture and sensitivity test results.

Be alert for adverse reactions and drug interactions.



300mg PO OD

Bactericidal – interferes with lipid and nucleic acid biosynthesis in activity

Treatment and prophylaxis of tuberculosis


Assess patient’s infection before starting therapy by physical examination and culture And sensitivity testing

Monitor patient for improvement, and evaluate culture and sensitivity test



1500mg PO OD

Bactericidal againstMycobacteriumtuberculosis; exactmechanism is unknown

Treatment of tuberculosis


Assess patient for allergy to pyrazinamide, acute hepatic disease, gout, and diabetes mellitus

Administer only with in conjunction with other antituberculotic

Vitamin B6 50mg PO Blocks effects of Antidote for Drowsiness Assess patient before

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Nutritional supplement

OD isoniazid poisoning isoniazid poisoning

ParesthesiaSomnolenceUnstable gait

and after drug therapy to monitor drug’s effectiveness

Bactrim DS


1 tablet PO OD

Inhibits susceptible bacteria

Treating infection caused by certain bacteria and to prevent certain infections.

Loss appetiteNauseaVomitingMild diarrhea

Assess patient’s infection before therapy and regularly thereafter.

Obtain specimen for culture and sensitivity test before giving first dose.


Anti HIV drugAntiretroviral

1 tablet PO OD

Inhibits processing of viral protein in HIV-infected cells, preventing the formation of mature viruses.

In combination with other antiretroviral for the treatment of HIV-1 infection


Assess patient for allergy for any component of the product, hepatic impairment, signs of lactic acidosis

Ritonavir 1 tablet PO OD

Inhibits HIV protease activity, leading to decrease in production of HIV particles

Treatment of HIV infection in combination with other antiretroviral

RashHeadacheDry skinDiarrhea

Assess for allergy to drug.

Assess BP, bowel sounds and skin color



1 tablet PO OD

Inhibits the activity of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase, stopping viral DNA growth

In combination with other antiretroviral for the treatment of HIV-1 infection

FeverHeadacheLoss appetiteNausea

Monitor glucose level during therapy

Watch for hypersensitivity reaction

Ferrous Sulfate

Iron preparation

1 tablet PO OD

Replaces iron, elevate serum iron concentration which then helps to form hemoglobin

Preventing and treatment of iron deficiencies anemias (help build up the blood)

VomitingConstipationDark stoolDiarrhea

Obtain baseline assessment of patient’s iron deficiency before starting therapy

Evaluate HGB, HCT levels and reticulocyte count during therapy

Vitamin C

Water soluble vitamin

1 tablet PO OD

It is a highly effective antioxidant. It is also required for the

It helps with preventing of infection eg. cold

HeartburnStomach crampsDiarrhea

Assess patient before and after drug administration and

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growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body.

Acid urine drug’s effectiveness

When giving for urine acidification, check urine pH to ensure effectiveness.

ColaceLaxativeStool softener

100mg PO BD

Promotes incorporation of water into stool, resulting in softer fecal mass.

Prevention of constipation

Throat irritationMild crampsDiarrheaRash

Obtain history of patient’s bowel patterns before and after therapy.

Be alert for adverse reactions and drug interactions.



40mg SC OD Inhibits thrombus and clots formation

Prevention and treatment of various thrombolytic disorders


Obtain history of patient’s coagulation parameters before starting therapy

Be alert for adverse reactions and drug interactions.
