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Dyer’s Star Theory

Olivia Hawthorne

Madonna Through The Years

The Rebellious Girl Stage

Her first, self-titled album was released in 1983 when she was 24. The edgy image is established in the first album cover.

This look was continued onto her second album ‘Like A Virgin’ with the title being a little ironic.

Click the album to see her perform live!

In this live footage of Madonna we can see her quirkiness coming through, in the costume and dance moves.

The Classic Stage

At this stage her music took a slightly different direction, as she tried to target older audiences who were previously sceptical of her music. Her image became cleaner and more classic. Whilst the music spoken about major issues like teen pregnancy (‘Papa Don’t Preach’)

This was released in 1986 and her third album.

The look went slightly Marilyn Monroe-esque, with short blonde hair and red lips.

Click the album to see her perform live!

The ‘I’m going to be in movies’ Stage

In this album her classic look was continued, with this film soundtrack. It had a predominately broadway-themed vibe but did also contain some contemp-pop tunes like ‘Vogue’

The Evita soundtrack signposted her ‘musical theate’ career. Having her as the lead opposite Antonio Bandares broadened her audience to those interested in musicals.

The Cowgirl StageThe album ‘Music’ was released in 2006 which is said have an ‘an overall dance-pop and electronica vibe’ although it did contain lots of folky, country songs.

An example being ‘Don’t Tell Me’ (linked) where she is scene walking up and down a deserted road wearing attire suited to a cowgirl. At this stage is wasn’t all about over-sexualising her every move, and more about broadening her music genre.

Click the album to see the music vid!