  • 1. IEOS 2013 Dynamic geospatial content Transforming geospatial knowledge into actions Ciarn Kirk, General Manager @CiaranKirk

2. We deliver innovative spatial solutions for the desktop, web & mobile Built on our partners technologyDesigned to meet the challenges of Government, Mapping Agencies and Utility & Communications CustomersOur customers include OSI, OSNI (LPS), ESB, Eircom NIE, BT, Irish Naval Service and every Local Authority in Ireland 3. CHALLENGES 4. Scarce Natural Resources411/7/2013 5. Urbanisation511/7/2013 6. Natural Disasters611/7/2013 7. Aging Infrastructure711/7/2013 8. Sustainable Development811/7/2013 9. Security Risks & Threats911/7/2013 10. Challenges Advantages With Solutions that: Reduce time from capture to end-use Increase efficiencyReduce cost/labour Reduce barriers between data collection Link end use applications to dataSo, with the same resources, you can capture; A greater ground area / same area more quickly, orMore detail (higher resolution), or More frequently (maintain greater currency), or At lower costThis allows; New community of users Novel applications of spatial information 11. DYNAMIC GIS 12. Users & ConsumersField Mapping & UpdateAirborne SensorsGIS Satellite Sensor DataIntranet/InternetInformation ProductsDataRemote SensingDataWeb ServicesITServerSpatial Database Geo-PortalsPhotogrammetryDataDataCAD Engineering UtilitiesTerrestrial Sensors 13. Empower the world with Big Data Fusion of Geospatial GenresDynamic Geospatial EngineDynamic Interactiv e MapsSurveying PhotogrammetryMobile Apps5D Digital WorldsDataRemote Sensing GISWeb Services & Applications CAPTURE+ PROCESS + SHARE + DELIVERUse Together to Build Solutions High Complexity = Empowering a FewReports & PresentationsSimplicity = Empowering a Billion 14. IT BEGINS WITH SENSORS 15. Sensors & Data Collection UAVTerrestrialAirborneMobileMobile 16. THEN IT MOVES TO SOFTWARE 17. Supporting Geospatial Solutions: Dynamic GIS Government & TransportationUtilities & CommunicationsDefense & IntelligencePublic Safety & SecurityAccurate Authoritative Actionable InformationSensors DataDesktopPortalMobileServerIntergraph Geospatial Portfolio 18. SG&I Product OfferingsGeoMediaLPS ImageStation ERDAS Extensions fro ArcGISERDAS IMAGINEGeoMedia Smart Client GeoMedia WebMap ERDAS APOLLO Geospatial SDI Geospatial Portal 19. APPLICATIONS 20. SMART CITY PUBLIC SAFETYWATER MANAGEMENTSAFE CITY INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENTPUBLIC INFORMATION & SOCIAL ENGAGEMENTDYNAMIC GISECOCITY ENERGY PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 21. Smart Infrastructure = Smart Grid Smart Grid described as: Smart in home devices (including Generation) Two-way communications Advanced control systemsBenefits of Smart Grid Better utilization of existing infrastructure Reliable and resilient power supply Home energy savings Reduced carbon footprint (CO2).Smart Grid Operations CenterLocationInfrastructure ManagementCritical Infrastructure Protection 22. Safe City - Common Operating Picture Multi-data & multi-sensors fusionMapping Data Telephone, Radio, Voice Recorder ControlsPersonnel & Asset DataAccess Control Video SurveillanceIntelligent Video Radio System DataTelephone DataSensors Data 23. Critical Infrastructure Protection Manage the entire lifecycle of security threats 24. The H2O Solution Through a combination of advanced solutions, Hexagon is able to provide a complete picture of the health of critical water infrastructure like dams, levees and reservoirs.25 25. SELSAS HYM R&D Project for German Army Near Real-time - from data capture to dissemination Advanced services: dynamic image processing via WPS1 second per imageChange detection pan-sharpening HS-band combination NDVI filteringNear real time, fully automatic workflow UAV FlightData preprocessing ERDAS IMAGINE & GeoSystems Geo-referencing Mosaicing Data integrationImage management and services ERDAS APOLLO & GeoSystems Catalogue, Data analysis, Web servicesECWP and OGC/ISO open web services 26Search Browse Visualise Download 26. Big Data Sharing - ECWP Streaming27 27. Summary We need to make use of all the Big Data captured Particularly Geospatial data We can benefit from this data if we can provide to everyone quickly and efficiently through a dynamic GIS 28. Thank You