Page 1: e “KAR” Kansas Amateur Radio a · - Valentine’s Day a Special One for Raytown, MO ARC - Cliff's Notes - Midwest Division Special Events - Midwest Division ARRL Hamfests, Conventions

“KAR” Kansas Amateur Radio “KAR”

March 2012 [email protected]

Hi Gang, Can you believe this weather? I could stand this all winter. It is so nice I was able to work out side and move a wooden fence board by board.

I got a lot of good coments on the KØBXF Special. I have posted some in the letters to the editor.

Nothing much to report except for finding a crown in my mashed potatos and had it put back on Monday.

Ron is still looking for a SEC to replace Bob, KØBXF, until than send all your BXF reports to Ron.

u From my friend Roger. I thought this was cool.

This link came from the Santa Clarita (Cal) Local Group Astronomy Club and it is quite unique. Try it out... mess with it a little and you'll find it quite a beautiful program. Explored it a little already, enough to think this is worth passing along.

Now leaving Spaceship Earth for the Great Wide Open... via mouse control...

u Welcome to George WØFHF EC. My name is George Ketner, W0FHF, I will be doing net control in place of WA0SRR, (SK), for a while. How do you want me to file the roll call and in what form and how often? George [email protected]

u Subject: Nature in Slow Motion! Slow motion captures each of these wondrous creatures at their best.

u "Orlan, put me on your KAR mailing list!". Please. Frank Dayberry. "Wannabe Ham Dude in my neighborhood".

u Yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery.


e made at Charter Funerals, 816-9

Page 2: e “KAR” Kansas Amateur Radio a · - Valentine’s Day a Special One for Raytown, MO ARC - Cliff's Notes - Midwest Division Special Events - Midwest Division ARRL Hamfests, Conventions

Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!


Do you have your FD Chair person appointed? Now is a good time!

Links for Kansas hams! TNX to Kent KBØRWIARRL Midwest Directors newsletter.

All ham links, nothing but!

Kansas Section News and KARs

Kansas QSO Party

Newton Radio Club

Wichita Radio Club

Ensor Museum

S. A. T. E. R. N.

Kansas ARES printable map -

Kansas ARRL Section News


Page 3: e “KAR” Kansas Amateur Radio a · - Valentine’s Day a Special One for Raytown, MO ARC - Cliff's Notes - Midwest Division Special Events - Midwest Division ARRL Hamfests, Conventions

Midwest Division Home page


KC ham Info

NF9L KC page

“Orlan's Notes”

73, Orlan wØoyh UR KAR ed and ARRL Ks Ast. Section Mgr. [email protected]

ARRL Midwest Director Cliff Ahrens KØCA The ARRL Midwest Division February 2012 Newsletter is now available on the Division's Web page. Here's the direct link: If the February newsletter doesn't open, try refreshing the page, in case your browser is loading a cached copy of a previous newsletter).

Highlights this month: - ARRL Nebraska State Convention March 17, 2012 – Featured Speaker ARRL COO, Harold Kramer, WJ1B

-ARRL Club Updates- New ARRL Affiliated Clubs in Midwest Division- ARRL Elmer Award- Valentine’s Day a Special One for Raytown, MO ARC- Cliff's Notes

- Midwest Division Special Events- Midwest Division ARRL Hamfests, Conventions & Events- Midwest Division Leadership Team Volunteers

The newsletter is a PDF file which contains a number of pictures,graphics, and links to Web pages and email addresses. Just click onany of the links to go directly to the Web page or send an email. Ifyou have trouble opening the PDF file, you can download the latestversion of the free Adobe Reader software at:

If you have news and photos about events or activities from the MidwestDivision, email them to me at [email protected] or [email protected]. Iwill try to include as many as possible in upcoming editions of the

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Midwest Division News. Thanks!

73, Cliff K0CA

--------------------------------------------------------------------ARRL Midwest DivisionDirector: Cliff Ahrens,

ARRL Vice President – Bruce KØBJ I have a fun assignment in late April. Italy's version of ARRL calledARI, pays the costs of an ARRL DXCC card checker to come to twoconventions on consecutive weekends. Normally a staff person has gonebut this year none were available the second half of April. So Hq.asked me if I was interested and once the calendar was checked I saidYES.

The first convention is near Pompeii, on the coast south near Salerno. I'll be staying at the seaside summer home of its organizer. A hamthat I worked on 80M cw when I was at Grand Cayman ZF2BJ in 2010 hasinvited me to his home in a medieval walled town near Pisa andFlorence. I'll go there and then work my way up to the second

convention just north of Venice. Those OMs will take me to Venice thefollowing Monday. Then I'll meet up with a friend I met at the DaytonDX Dinner years ago, who'll take me on a quick trip of the Dolomiterange at the south end of the Alps. He and I are both due to fly toUSA on Wednesday May 2 from Venice.

Norm W3IZ, the most recent ARRL rep. at these conventions wrote Pizza,Macaroni, Contest about his 2008 trip in November 2008 QST.Apparently the conventions there consist not so much of new and oldgear tables, but hospitality areas with samples of local food and winefrom the various clubs. Sounds like tough duty, eh? Actually therewill be LOTS of QSLs to check, but I'm likely to be treated toplentiful dining and southern Latin hospitality.

The first stop is in an ag area and I will be seeing mozzarellaproduction among other things. Plans aren't final but I hope to bedoing a blog during the trip on ARRL's Facebook page.

73 and ciao, Bruce K0BJ

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ARRL Ks Sectiom Manager – Ron KBØDTI [email protected]

Go to >>>

Kansas RACES Officer – Joseph WDØDMV

Now that we have “leaped” to the next month, Mother Nature is still having her fun. Seventy degrees and severe weather one day and cold with snow flakes the next. The calendar says Spring begins in a few weeks, that means storm spotter classes and the potatoes need to be planted. With a little bit of Irish luck, maybe we will have a calm Spring this year. Oh, and don’t forget to change the clocks forward in a couple of weeks. Don’t want to miss the nets.

Please continue to check into the KRAP Nets. We had a few new Counties check into the net this last month, hope we have more in the coming months. It is good to hear what is happening around the State. Thanks to all those

who checked in.

If you have any comments or questions for me, please email me at [email protected]. I always appreciate the comments good or not. Due to my travel between homes, I may be slow to answer, I apologize now.


Kansas RACES Officer

The Kansas Radio Amateur Preparness (KRAP) Net meets on the first Thursday and third Tuesday of each month at 1900 local time on 3940 KHz.


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KRAP Net report for Tuesday Feb. 21, 2012

The following stations were heard:

ACØE Finney County

WØWVI Anderson County

AAØDF Lyon CountyNØKQX Finney CountyKD7QOR Leavenworth CountyNØZBV Republic CountyKDØFEQ Lyon CountyWØCCW Mitchell County Net Control

6 Counties 8 QNI


KRAP Net for Thursday Mar. 1, 2012.

The following stations were heard:

NYØT McPherson County

KØXYZ Butler County

NØZBV Republic County

WDØEUF McPherson County

KBØDTI Linn County

WØPBV Riley County

KDØFEG Lyon County

WDØDMV Brown County (Portable) Net Control

7 Counties 8 QNI


Kansas RACES Officer

The Kansas Radio Amateur Preparness (KRAP) Net meets on the first Thursday and third Tuesday of each month at 1900 local time on 3940 kHz.

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Orlan wØoyh friend's – Orlin & OrlenHI OC.


Orlin KØOJ Orlen WA9TVH

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Anyone know these 2 guys?


FREEZE YOUR KEYS WAS A GREAT SUCCESS!A quick look at the log sheets for our 8th annual "Freeze Your Keys" event shows this year to be ourbest year so far for contacts.We made a total of 237 contacts.We worked stations in 45 states.We worked stations in 3 countries outside the USA.A total of 24 hams visited the site sometime during the day.A total of 5 people were visitors.Surprisingly there were no contacts made on 20 meters CW. We did work 40 CW and

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<snip> From: QRZ newsletter , Pilot Knob Amateur Radio Club • KS0LV • Leavenworth, Kansas • EM29 • Volume 8 - No 3• March 2012

Western Kansas 160 meter netReminder: western kansas 160 meter net will be tonight at 8 mnt / 9 central, on 1.980 mgz. sorry about missing the last 2 weeks. tonights topic: what did you get your valentine!!!!! you didn’t forget did you????? 73, matt, kdoezs

u we had 16 check in’s from 8 states!!!

73,Matt, kdoezs

u Net is tonight at 8pm mountain / 9pm central time. 3-6-12

1.980, topic for tonight is : What was your first car?? see ya on the air!73,matt, kdoezs

Orlin to OrlanThis sounds like a good idea, it just might work........... A Florida woman used her solar lights inside at night when her current was off during a hurricane. She stuck them in a jar or bottle and said they gave off plenty of 'free light'. She put one in each room and would put them back outside in the daytime and bring them in at night as long as the current was off. They are safe to use and cheaper than batteries. Bring in a solar light one night and test it.Due to a thunderstorm, we lost power for about 5 hours. We were scrambling around in the darkness, looking for matches, candles, flashlights, etc. We looked outside, and noticed our solar lights shining brightly all around our patio, stairs, dock, etc. They were beautiful. My wife walked outside, and brought several of the solar lights inside.We stuck the solar light pipes into plastic drink bottles containers and they made the nicest, brightest, safest, lighting you could ever imagine.

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We put one in the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room, etc. There was plenty of light. There are all types of solar lights available. We bought ours at Harbor Freight. We put them all around our yard. They look nice and they do not attract flying bugs like the outdoor lights around our doorway.The lights we have fit into the small (20 oz.) water bottles and they also fit into most of the larger liter bottles. If you need a weight in the plastic bottle to keep them from tipping over, you can put a few of the pretty colorful "flat marbles" that they put in aquariums, and vases. (you can also use sand, aquarium gravel, etc., whatever you have available).The lights we have were perfect inside our home. They burn all night long if you need them. The next day, you just take your solar lights back outside and they will instantly recharge and be ready for you to use again any time you need them.They are perfect for power outages. This is a great idea to pass around. OJ KØOJ Greeley, Col.

SILENT KEYS “SK”I did not receive any Sks report this month which I am very happy to report. Be sure to report any Sks to our SM so they will be in the QST. TU, Orlan

QKS – The Kansas CW Net - of the ARRL NTS

Net operated daily at 7 and 10 pm on 3547 kHz. 7 pm is the out going tfc into the NTS system and in coming at 10 pm. You are welcome to check in with or without tfc. Our manager is

James, NBØZ - net mgr.

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The Kansas State Convention - Salina KansasAugust ?? 2012

Home pg

Convention pg



Last night I was sitting on the sofa watching TV when I heard my wife's voice from the kitchen.

"What would you like for dinner, my love? Chicken, Beef or Lamb?" I said, "Thank you, I'll have chicken."

She replied, "You're having soup! I was talking to the cat."

u Doctor's Report

During my physical yesterday, my doctor asked me about my daily activity level, and so I described a typical day this way:

"Well, yesterday morning, I waded along the edge of a lake, escaped from wild dogs in the heavy brush, marched up and down several rocky hills, stood in a patch of poison ivy, crawled out of quicksand, and jumped away from an aggressive rattlesnake."

Inspired by my story, the doctor said, "You must be some outdoors man!"

"No," I replied, "I'm just a terrable golfer."

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u After putting her grandchildren to bed, a grandmother changed into old slacks and a droopy blouse and proceeded to wash her hair. As she heard the children getting more and more rambunctious, her patience grew thin. Finally, she threw a towel around her head and stormed into their room, putting them back to bed with stern warnings. As she left the room, she heard the three-year-old say with a trembling voice,

"Who was THAT?"

u A online GPS that will tell you where you are >>>

u SENIOR CITIZEN JOKEA little silver-haired lady calls her neighbor and says, "Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle, and I can't figure out how to get started."

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Her neighbor asks, "What is it supposed to be when it's finished?" The little silver- haired lady says, "According to the picture on the box, it's a rooster."

Her neighbor decides to come over and help with the puzzle. She lets him in and shows him where she has the puzzle spread all over the table.

He studies the pieces for a moment, then looks at the box, then turns to her and says, "First of all, no matter what we do, we're not going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a rooster."

He takes her hand and says, "Secondly, I want you to relax. Let's have anice cup of tea, and then,

" he said with a deep sigh ............

"Let's put all the Corn Flakes back in the box."


Four brothers left home for college, and they became successful doctors and lawyers.

One evening, they chatted after having dinner together. They discussed the 95th birthday gifts they were able to give their elderly mother who moved to Florida.

The first said, "You know I had a big house built for Mama."

The second said, "And I had a large theater built in the house."

The third said, "And I had my Mercedes dealer deliver an SL600 to her."

The fourth said, "You know how Mama loved reading the Bible and you know she can't read anymore because she can't see very well. I met this preacher who told me about a parrot who could recite the entire Bible. It took ten preachers almost 8 years to teach him. I had to pledge to contribute $50,000 a year for five years to the church, but it was worth it. Mama only has to name the chapter and verse, and the parrot will recite it."

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The other brothers were impressed. After the celebration Mama sent out her "Thank You" notes.

She wrote: "Milton, the house you built is so huge that I live in only one room, but I have to clean the whole house. Thanks anyway."

"Marvin, I am too old to travel. I stay home; I have my groceries delivered, so I never use the Mercedes. The thought was good. Thanks."

"Michael, you gave me an expensive theater with Dolby sound and it can hold 50 people, but all of my friends are dead, I've lost my hearing, and I'm nearly blind. I'll never use it. Thank you for the gesture just the same."

"Dearest Melvin, you were the only son to have the good sense to give a little thought to your gift. The chicken was delicious. Thank you so much."

-- John

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LETTERS TO THE EDITORthank you very much orlan for sending this out. it brings me nothing but tears of joy to see him and caroline again.

Doc, N0UKMAFRCC Certified Search Mission CoordinatorGround Team Leader and InstructorDEEMI Search and Rescue========================== the next time you get to see bob and caroline, please let them know that i miss them both not only from drawing their blood in the doctor's office (dr palmeri's), but i miss hearing bob on the radio. i still have my letter of recommendation he wrote to stan black, who at the time worked for kdem and bob had recommended me to become the kansas races officer. joe plankenton ended up getting the job.

you take care of yourself as well, young man. thank you once again for keeping us all informed on the status of kansas especially bob. he means a lot to me.

Doc, N0UKMAFRCC Certified Search Mission CoordinatorGround Team Leader and InstructorDEEMI Search and Rescue

u A good way to get bob back on the air would be to buy him a membership to the W7DXX remote base group. If he has a computer he can operate thru, he can get setup to use the remote base and not have to worry about a rig or antennas... just a thought

George PeaseKCØGP (formerly NJØZ)

u Hi Orlan! Congratulations on receiving the Elmer award! From reading the article on Larry's List, you deserve it!

73,Joseph M. AndrewsAmateur Radio Operator: KDØLOS [email protected]

u First let me congratulate Orlan, helping others is most certainly a 'big deal' 30 years is a long time to remain in Tim's thoughts! Well done Orlan!!!

Second a question - is the QKS-SS still running? If so what day/time/freq? Trying to get my brother more involved with amateur radio and steered him to W1AW practice sessions, so other nets might be interesting for him also. Not to mention my own rusty code ~;^)

Thanks in advance,

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Larry Trullinger KB0EMB [email protected]

u Most of the time when I read a book that I really liked, I suggest it or recommend it to others. This book is beyond MUST read this book!!! It's totally based on Isaiah 9:10 and is amazing book! "The Harbinger" by Jonathon Cahn.

Phyllis KA7FIT X / Kansan now living in Wyoming. Her OM is Cecil NØCY

u Hi Otrlan - Congratulations on receiving the Elmer Award from ARRL. It is well deserved! Also thanks for your KAR reports. They are much appreciated.

Les KCØPTOSecretary/TreasurerEmporia Amateur Radio Society



JIM [email protected]

u Orlan---how nice to hear from you and congratulations for someone that has been at great Elmer for a long time and is very deserving of the honor. Not sure if you knew we moved to Okla two years ago to a Go Ye Retirement village in Tahlequah. It's time for us to give our children a gift so they do not need to look in on us. One son, from Topeka, was very dissapointed and the other from Ok City did not care either way. Someone said they did not know the gay nineties would be like this --no we have not hit that yet, but it is creeping up. Tell Cookie both our friends from Wyo have passed on and we miss our yearly trips out there. Last summer we felt the 5.7 quake that was centered west of us about 100 miles. It shook us up in the middle of the night. So much for Ok land. At first I though someone was on the roof! van PS thanks also for the message from Bridgett Gabriell. sent it to all contacts. NO did not

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send it to O in Washington--perhaps should have.

u Congratulations Orlan, on the Elmer award, couldn’t have went to a more deserving FB operator. 73,

Mike KØTQ dit-dit

u Orlan,

What wonderful and deserved recognition! I think it really sums up your impact on people that you were remembered so many years later ... you always had time and an open heart for young people, including myself.

I would like to try again with you and John to catch up on things if you are still up for it.


Paul Sykes

u Hi, Orlan.

Thank you for gathering and submitting the Kansas ARES report.


Steve Ewald, WV1X

Supervisor, Field Organization Team

ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio™


[email protected]

u Orlan Please put me back on the KAR mailing lisr.

I have been thr hospital and rehab facility since May 13, 2011 and as a result my email was suspended due to inactivity.

Thanks, Dave, n0ljk

u Orlan, Congrats on receiving the Elmer Award. Goes to show that small things can be remembered and appreciated for a long time.

And tnx fer the thank you card. Glad you enjoyed the DVD. Jim KØNK

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u Congratulations Orlan, on the Elmer award, couldn’t have went to a more deserving FB operator. 73,

Mike KØTQ dit-dit

u I just learned of a new, at least new to me, call sign search engine. It's free, has maps, shows grid locations plus an number of other things I have not figured out yet. Here is the link, <>.

-- Don Warkentein, W0DEW<[email protected]>____________________LarrysList mailing list

u Perhaps you remember this message sent yesterday:

I just learned of a new, at least new to me, call sign search engine. It's free, has maps, shows grid locations plus an number of other things I have not figured out yet. Here is the link, <>.

-- Don Warkentein, W0DEW<[email protected]>


Don added this comment later yesterday:

I saw a comment that the "Licensed since" field is empty on the HamQTH call sign search. Yes that is true. There are many other fields that are empty as well. Email address, type antenna, birth date, web address, your log activity etc., these are all fields of your profile you can fill in if you register.I like that , if you are registered, you can click on the "Map" button, and the distance in miles and kilometers plus the beam headings between your QTH and the searched QTH are shown. A line also appears on the map between the two QTH's.

This callsign search will also show DX station call locations, not just the USA.

-- Don Warkentein, W0DEW<[email protected]>

_______________________________________________LarrysList mailing list

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u Hi Orlan,

I came across these and had to watch them, I don’t remember training films being like this! In the first one, it seems the switch on the J-38 is closed so I’m not sure how he’s sending code!



u Wow! I was surprized (And honered) to see the Callsign plaque I made for Bob quite a few years ago hanging next to his ARRL Life Memeber plaque! Bob looks good, I will have to stop by and visit him.

Thanks for the update.

-William Lefler

u I just stumbled across a call sign search engine I was not aware of. It's neat because when you put the call sign in it comes up with the name and address in large print and a map pinpointing the location. You don't have to sign in either like you do now on QRZ.


-- Don Warkentien, W0DEW<[email protected]>LarrysList mailing list

u Can someone say field day adopters? <>

Matthew Heiser, KD7BJG <[email protected]>

LarrysList mailing list

u > Why didn't I think of this one?> > I have a friend who used her solar lights inside at night when her current was off during the hurricane. She stuck them in a jar or bottle and said they gave off plenty of 'free light'. She put one in each room and would put them back outside in the daytime and bring them in at night as long as the current was off. They are safe to use and cheaper than batteries. Bring in a solar light one night and test it.> > Due to a thunderstorm, we lost power for about 5 hours. We were scrambling around in the darkness, looking for matches, candles, flashlights, etc. We looked outside, and noticed our solar lights shining brightly all around our patio, stairs, dock, etc. They were beautiful. My wife walked outside, and brought several of the solar lights inside.

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> > We stuck the solar light pipes into plastic drink bottles containers and they made the nicest, brightest, safest, lighting you could ever imagine.> > We put one in the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room, etc. There was plenty of light. There are all types of solar lights available. We bought ours at Harbor Freight. We put them all around our yard. They look nice and they do not attract flying bugs like the outdoor lights around our doorway.> > The lights we have fit into the small (20 oz) water bottles and they also fit into most of the larger liter bottles. If you need a weight in the plastic bottle to keep them from tipping over, you can put a few of the pretty colorful "flat marbles" that they put in aquariums, and vases. (you can also use sand, aquarium gravel, etc., whatever you have available).> > The lights we have were perfect inside our home. They burn all night long if you need them.> > The next day, you just take your solar lights back outside and they will instantly recharge and be ready for you to use again any time you need them.> > Perfect for power outages, hurricanes, etc.> > I never thought of it and now you don't have to.> > Thanks to: George Pease, KC0GP> <[email protected]>> LarrysList mailing list

Tom's Key Strokes - WØEAJDenver, Co. Displaced Kansas Neighbor

and very gud friend.!***

u One of the best issues... nicely done, boss.

Hey, good chance I'll be in town for the Shrine hamfest - I'll ring you, and maybe we can grab lunch or coffee somewhere. Here's a funny pic for you, for all those guys we are CONVINCED are sending WITH their "left foot: Tom

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u Perhaps I'm wrong (in the scientific community), but the article states that the "Hertz" was made the standard of measurement around 1840, but I vividly recall the "Hooplah" that accompanied the NatBurStands call to go from Cycles-per-second to Hertz, and that took place in the late 60's / early 70's.... the 1970's that is. I mean, who had heard of Hendrich Cycle, anyway?

u Hey, Got a Yaesu 817 or other similar QRP rig and wanna use FULL POWER at home or other places? Check this HF Linear out. The reviews look pretty good, and for about a hundred and a half, you can have 300w PEP from your QRP rig.

RM Italy KL 300P HF linear Amplifier$124 +S&H for $159. 400W PeP

u This appeared on the HBR (Home Brew Receivers) reflector, but aside from the use of the 85kc ARC-5 IF cans, it's quite different. for one - it has a bandswitch! If any of you recognize it, or it's concept, please email Chris (email shown). NO, IT IS NOT in the HBR "family".


Underside (left) (right)

----- Original Message -----

From: "Chris Howard w0ep"<[email protected]>

u Sent to me by Mike - WBØZPW (Kansas City) Any one wanting a pdf chart of the ham bands.


Sent by Tom Dailey, W0EAJ


Receiving the latest swap list from a repeater group out here, I was perusing the listings to see what I couldn't POSSIBLY live without. Now, I didn't NEED it (when did THAT ever stop a good ham, huh?) but espied a listing for a Heath IT-17... first error - what an IT-17 is, is a tube tester, but this was an IP-17, which is a High Voltage power supply, circa about 1975 or so. They're used to troubleshoot and "work up" circuits for tube-gear, as they'll supply filament voltages, Plate voltages, and Grid voltages; everything you

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need to bring a radio up if the power supply has problems. Also, these are a wonderful way to work up tube circuits without having to build up a HV power supply, first. I have an IP-32, which is EXACTLY the same circuitry, but it doesn't have a 12.6 vac filament tap; just a 6.3 vac one. Basically, if you're a "hollow state" kinda guy, you NEED one of these versions. I contacted Jim, drove across town during the "Mad Hour" (not very smart), and after a good eyeball and some war stories (he's retired Army, and I'm Navy, so the first liar doesn't have a chance), gave him the money and made my way back home in one piece. But.... Nuthin is ever a perfect deal... well, not totally. Brought it up on line, with the switches, lamps, and meters working great. The B+ supply came right up to 400vdc and the meters had very good accuracy (measured against a Fluke with recent calibration). There WAS one little problem, however. The "C-" (grid bias) adjustment was flakey and didn't increase slowly but in JUMPS, so after "exercizing" the pot with no improvement, I figured it was a bad pot... boy, was it ever. I found another pot in my "collection", so figured I'd replace it - going TO the pot's center-tap was what looked EXACTLY like a 220 ohm resistor (red, red, brown)... when I measured it, it read 648 ohms, so figured I'd replace it, as it had "apparently" tripled in value.... I removed the old potentiomenter from the panel after disassembly, and measuring it out-of-circuit, it was OPEN in the middle of the range, and only measured "something" at one end. I disassembled the pot, and the "resistance element" was BURNED IN TWO... but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out how an INCREASED resistance (of the fixed resistor) would burn up the pot! I rechecked the schematic and saw that the fixed resistor was SUPPOSED TO BE a 22K resistor, and not a 220 OHM resistor - little difference there (only 100 times!). Now, it made sense - the guy BUILT IT with the wrong output resistor, and the excess current across it, fried the pot... it's been messed up since DAY ONE - that's why the equipment looks so NEW. I already found my 50K pot (it's linear instead of audio taper, but I'll live with it), and a 22K ½w resistor, so after I grind off one side of the pot shaft (for the push-on knob), we'll be in business. Always fun to fix something that's been a problem since FOREVER. TC


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